Found : Two Chaos Emeralds!
Starlight and Shadow : *walking down the park*
Shadow : It's been a while since Eggman attacked. I wonder what he's planning.
Starlight : Probably some Godzilla like robot!
Shadow : *shakes his head* Oh boy. But then again, knowing him, he's probably doing that.
Starlight : Yup.
*Shadow's phone rings*
Starlight : Hm?
Shadow : *picks it up from his pocket and checks* Its Sonic. *answers it* What do you want, Faker?
DUDE! We just got info that Eggman is trying to collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds to make some kind of weapon that can cause you to fall asleep and never wake up!
Shadow : You mean a weapon that can kill you? =_=
No! Its like some kind of Sleeping Beauty thing. You get shot by this ray, and you fall asleep. That's all we can gather, at least. We don't know what happens after that.
Shadow : And what do you want me to do?
I want you and Star to head to Tails' lab so we can plan a way to get in and destroy the machine. I'm already here with Tails, Amy, and Knuckles. All we need is you two.
Shadow : Fine, sounds promising. We'll be there.
Alright! Thanks.
Shadow : Whatever. *hangs up*
Starlight : What happened?
Shadow : We just need to go to Tails' lab. I'll tell you the rest there.
Starlight : Okay! ^^
Shadow : Let's go! *runs*
Starlight : Eh?! Wait for me! *runs*
Shadow : *already far away from her*
Starlight : DA - *trips and falls down* Ooww... *sits down and rubs her knee* What the hell did I trip on? *looks and gasps*
*A blue chaos emerald and a yellow give off a small shine while they're buried in the tall grass*
Starlight : *stands up and picks them up* Chaos Emeralds! ... I need to hide these and bring them to the gang... But, where do I put them!? *looks around* ... *grabs an empty plastic bag and puts them inside, tying the bag up and runs to Tails' lab*
~ later ~
Shadow : *growling* Where is she!? She's supposed to be here!
Sonic : Tsk tsk. This is why you should be with her at all times, Shadow. She is your sis -
Shadow : I don't need a sibling lecture about someone who abandoned his own siblings =∆=
Sonic : Hey! I found them! I apologized!
Shadow : Humph.
Amy : Geez you two, just stop fighting!
Knuckles : *shaking his head*
Tails : *looks out the window* She's here!
Sonic : Alright! *runs and opens the door*
Starlight : *runs inside* Sorry I'm late! I uh, picked up something along the way!
Knuckles : What did you get?
Shadow : Jewelry, I bet.
Amy : Ooh! I wanna see!
Starlight : Well, they are technically but only because jewelry is made up of gems.
Shadow : Just spill it, you're wasting time.
Starlight : *rolls her eyes and opens the bag, taking out the two chaos emeralds*
Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles : *gasp* Chaos Emeralds!
Shadow : *eyes widen* Where did you find them!?
Starlight : At the park! I tripped on them and picked them up!
Sonic : This is great! Now we just have to keep these away from Egghead and he won't be able to finish his machine!
Shadow : But...
Amy : But what?
Shadow : Chaos Emeralds are very powerful ... And when in the hands of either me or Starlight, they could be more dangerous than they already are.
Sonic : Ahem.
Shadow : Shut it Faker, I'm being serious.
Sonic : Sorry ^^"
Shadow : If Eggman is looking for the emeralds, then he probably made a Chaos Emerald tracker. And if so, he would probably be able to grab the ones Starlight has first, since they're two emeralds plus one chaos energized hedgehog.
Tails : I see...
Sonic : I don't. It doesn't make any sense! When I grab them, they're in safe hands, and they aren't completely energized. But when the Twins grab them, its energized.
Tails : Sonic, that's because you can use your chaos abilities but you use them as in creating new forms. Those forms unleash chaos energy. For the Twins, they already have chaos energy released. That's how they're able to use abilities like Chaos Spear, Chaos Punch, Chaos Control, Chaos Blast, all those! But for Starlight, there's one ability she has that unleashes more chaos energy than any other.
Shadow : ... Chaos Schizophrenia...
Starlight : . . . . so, I can't hold onto these even if I wanted to... ?
Tails : You can, you can, you just can't grab them or anything, I guess.
Knuckles : And to think, Shadow was just trying to be smart.
Shadow : *glares at him*
Amy : *grabs the Chaos Emeralds from Starlight* So, what do we do with these?
Tails : Simple, we put them here so they're safe!
Shadow : Wrong.
Tails : Huh?
Shadow : Every time we grab an emerald, we're always placing them in your lab, Tails. Don't you think he'll find it quicker that way?
Tails : Oh. I haven't thought about that
Shadow : And we can't leave them with Sonic since he'll just lose them.
Sonic : HEY!
Shadow : And we can't leave them with Knuckles due to the Master Emerald.
Knuckles : True.
Shadow : And Amy ... Well Amy is Amy and she can't do much with Chaos Emeralds, only put them as decoration.
Amy : HE - well that's true.
Shadow : But we can't have it in my place either due to Starlight and us having chaos energy in our aura.
Sonic : So then, who do we leave the emeralds to?
Shadow : ... I don't know, really...
Knuckles : Hmm...
Tails : With Silver?
Sonic : He's time traveling right now.
Tails : Cream?
Amy : We don't want to put a little girl in trouble...
Tails : What about Rouge?
Shadow : Female hoarder. No good.
Tails : What about ... Um ... Er...
Starlight : Oh! Oh! Oh!
Tails, Amy, Shadow, Sonic, and Knuckles : *look at her*
Starlight : I have an idea!
~ 12 minutes later ~
Starlight : *knocks at the door*
Shadow : *holding the emeralds* You've got to be kidding me! Why Team Chaotix out of all people!?
Starlight : I trust them! They're good friends of mine.
Shadow : Only because you hire Vector as your DJ for parties and babysit Charmy for free =~=
Starlight : Hey, if they're running out money, I wouldn't ask them to pay me for babysitting Charmy!
Shadow : Whatever.
Charmy : *opens the door* Yeeeesssssss? :D
Starlight : Hey Charmy! ^^
Charmy : OOH! STAR'S HERE STAR'S HERE! *flies inside* COME IN COME IN!
Starlight : *walks inside*
Shadow : *follows* =~=
Charmy : THIS WAY THIS WAY! *flies to Vector's office*
Shadow : How do you put up with this kid when you babysit him!?
Starlight : *shrugs* I find this cute and hilarious :3
Shadow : I find it annoying and stupid =∆=
Charmy : *opens the door* VECTOR! WAKE UP!
Vector : *sleeping, his head on his desk* zzzzzzzz - huh, what?
Charmy : STAR'S HERE! I'LL GET ESPIO! *flies off*
Vector : Ah, if it isn't Starlight and her grumpy brother! Have a seat.
Starlight and Shadow : *sit down*
Vector : So, how may we help you?
Starlight : Well, you see, Eggman is trying to collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds for a new machine he's planning.
Vector : Uh huh. Go one.
Starlight : So, I found two of them, what we need though, is a safe place to hide them.
Vector : And so you came over here because we're the last people Fatman would expect to have the emeralds!
Starlight : *snaps her fingers* Exactly!
Vector : Alright, I'm willing to do it.
Starlight : Great! Thank you so much Vector! How much do we pay?
Shadow : Wait we're actually paying this guy!?
Starlight : Yup. How much?
Vector : No no no, you're considered family, its free.
Starlight : Aw come on, 100 rings?
Vector : Nope.
Starlight : 200.
Vector : Nu uh
Starlight : Hm... 500 rings per emerald.
Vector : o-o
Starlight : Deal?
Vector : ... If you're desperate
Starlight : *smiles* Hand him the emeralds.
Shadow : *rolls his eyes and hands him the emeralds*
Vector : *takes them and puts them in a drawer*
Shadow : *whispers to Star* Where the hell are you going to get 1,000 rings for the current emeralds?!
Starlight : *whispers* I'll ask Rouge since she has a lot.
Shadow : How are you going to convince her!?
Starlight : Easy. A date with Knuckles sounds legit.
Shadow : *face palm*
Vector : Will that be all?
Starlight : Yes. I'll see if I can pay you tomorrow for the current emeralds.
Vector : *nods*
Starlight : *stands up* Let's go Shadow.
Shadow : *stands up*
Vector : Its been a pleasure making business with you!
Starlight : *smiles and bows* I'll see you later *walks out of the office*
Shadow : *follows* I'm gonna hate this.
Espio : *meditating* Charmy, I am meditating, please, go bother Vector.
Charmy : BUT - BUT - BUT D:
Starlight : *waves at Charmy*
Charmy : *waves back* :D
Starlight : Sshh.. *tiptoes to Espio*
Espio : Mmmm....
Starlight : *sits in front of him, crossing her legs like Espio*
Espio : Mmm... *can sense Starlight's presence due to her chaos energy. Well that and instinct* ... Charmy, if that's you, get out of my face.
Charmy : What are you talking about? I'm sitting on the couch!
Espio : *quickly opens his eyes* !?!?
Starlight : HIYA ESPIO! >w<
Espio : GAH! *jumps back against the wall, eyes widen and blushing* WHAT THE HECK!?
Starlight : c:
Espio : *rubs his face* Oh my god... You scared me!
Starlight : Sorry, I couldn't help myself ^^
Espio : *groan and rubs the back of his head* Why are you here?
Starlight : Just had a job for you guys. Vector will explain everything
Espio : *sighs* Alright.
Starlight : *stands up* Oh, and before I forget!
Espio : *looks up at her* Hm?
Starlight : *flicks his horn* Knights rule! *runs out the door*
Espio : !!! *stands up and chases after her* NINJAS ARE BETTER!!
Starlight : *laughing* IN YOUR DREAMS! XD
Shadow : *still inside Chaotix HQ* ... You've got to be kidding me.
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