Chapter 33

Chapter 33

“Okay, today is a very big day for us.” Parker said, standing in front of the team. 

We were all huddled around him on the field, ready for a day of practice. 

We’d made it all the way to Nationals and now we were anxiously awaiting the chance to beat the crap out of a team from Minnesota or Wisconsin next week, I forgot which one it was. 

“Sam, you ready for this?” Coach asked from behind Parker. 

I nodded. 

“One hundred percent.” I nodded eagerly, resting against Dylan’s side. 

“Absolutely sure?” 

“Yes sir.” I nodded firmly, bouncing up and down. 

“If anybody hits her hard, you’re benched for the rest of the season.” Coach said seriously, looking around the huddle. “I may not be head coach anymore but I know where all of you live, so you better be careful.” 

“I’m not a fragile baby. You’ve already got one of those at home to worry about soon.” I jokingly told coach. He just rolled his eyes at me. 

“Shut it, Carson.” Coach laughed. 

“Alright everybody, let’s see if Sam’s up to our standards.” Parker grinned, clapping his hands together. 

“Oh please, I’m the one who made these standards Coach P.” I said happily, proudly walking over to the line. 

“You’re going to fall on your face. You’re going to fail miserably. Even Nate is going to beat you.” Dylan said as we all took our positions on the line. 

“Oh shut up.” Nate shoved Dylan’s shoulder.

“I’m going to come first, as always.” I rolled my eyes. 

The whistle blew. 

I came 7th. 

Fucking 7th. 

This was my first day back able to practice completely with the team and I came in seventh place. 

“One more time.” I said harshly, standing on the line. “I want a redo.” 

“You’re going to get your ass whooped.” Dylan laughed as the rest of the team lined up. 

This time I came in fourth. 

And then the third time I got first by a hair in front of Luke. 

“See, that’s how it’s done.” I said, holding my hands above my head as I tried to breathe. 

“Scrimmage. Sam you’re QB.” Parker said as we all got water. 

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Nationals are next week, and I’m definitely not playing, so shouldn’t Andrew get the practice?” I frowned, rubbing the back of my neck. 

“Andrew’s ankle is swollen.” Coach informed me. 

“Still? Dude you’re supposed to be icing that! That’s why you’ve got all those frozen peas in the freezer.” I frowned, crossing my arms. 

“I am icing it!” Andrew protested. 

“Yea, likely story. Take a seat.” Coach shook his head. 

We were going to run an easy play, just a hand off to a running back. Easy. 

The ball was snapped, it hit my hands, and I easily handed it off. 

A smile crossed my face, as that was the first real football play I’d done in a while. 

“Now let’s just do some improv. Sam you tell ‘em what you want.” Parker called. 

I couldn’t stop smiling as we got into the huddle. 

“Nate run into the end zone.” I told him. 

Nate raised his eyebrows. 

“You can throw that far?” Nate asked. 

“We’ll find out won’t we.” I said, bouncing up and down. “Let’s do this.” 

Nate ran right into open space, just like I’d asked. I pulled back my arm to throw the ball, and I thought I aimed it perfectly to him, but it barely made it half the distance. 

“Sam what the hell was that?!” Coach yelled. 

“Sorry! Sorry sorry!” I said quickly, shaking my head. “I’ll try it again!” 

For the entirety of practice, I couldn’t accurately throw the ball 30 yards to get to a receiver. 

“Sam, ice that arm, Andrew, ice that ankle, everybody else, ice whatever you want, get some rest, weight training tomorrow morning before school.” Coach said. 

“Dylan! Dylan honey!” Somebody called as we walked out of the school. 

Everybody turned to watch as Kate came running towards us. 

“Dylan can you take my car to the car wash?” Kate asked, holding out her keys. “Your father and I are taking Noah, Jake, and Freddie to grandma’s and we’ll be back late but I need you to wash my car. And I need you to make dinner for the twins” Kate sighed, looking absolutely stressed. 

“Mom I’ve got my car I-” 

“Dylan.” Kate pleaded. 

“I have to shower, and I’ve still got homework, and a test, and I-” 

“Kate don’t worry. I’ll take your car to the car wash and I’ll take care of dinner, don’t worry.” I said softly, taking the keys from her hand. 

“Sam you’re a lifesaver thank you!” Kate exclaimed, giving my cheek a kiss before running over to Rob’s car. 

I glared at Dylan, slapping the back of his head as I walked away. 

“Oi Andrew!” I called, pulling my own keys out of my pocket. “Drive my car to Dylan’s!” 

Andrew nodded as I threw him the keys. 

“Thanks!” I called over my shoulder as I got into Kate’s car. 

The carwash seemed to take forever, like a never ending tunnel of soap and water. 

My ringtone played throughout the car, receiving a groan from me as I answered it. 

“Hello?” I sighed. 

“Okay so you need to stop at the market on the way home because we’re out of that cheese stuff that you put on the chicken.” Dylan said, sounding preoccupied. 

“You mean the parmesan?” I rolled my eyes. 

“Yea yea yea that stuff. And we need more lettuce too because I’m pretty sure one of the twins threw it out.” Dylan added. 


“And some ice cream or chips or whatever the guys are hungry.” Dylan said.

“What the hell where are you right now?” 

“In the bathroom? I’m about to get in the shower. But all the guys are in your room and last time I checked you didn’t have any more food in the mini fridge.” Dylan said, still sounding preoccupied. 

“Babe seriously what are you doing?” I groaned. 

“Trying to find something... I threw out a piece of paper but I can’t find it.” 

“Are you looking through the trash right now?” I laughed, raising my eyebrows. 

“Yea I’m-” 

Dylan gasped. “Holy shit.” 

“What? What’s going on?” I asked excitedly. 

“Okay this is disgusting.” Dylan groaned. 

“What? Babe what did you find!?” I exclaimed. 

“A used condom.” 

“Oh my God gross.” I groaned. “What the hell...” 

“Holy shit...” Dylan whispered. “Sam one of my brothers is having sex.” 

“How do you know it’s not yours? Or your dads?” 

“Shut up my mom’s too old to get pregnant. And who else would I be having sex with besides you.” Dylan said quietly. 

“Yea stupid question sorry.” I shook my head. “What are you going to do about it?” 

“I’m going to take a shower and then do my homework. I’ll ask them about it at dinner.” Dylan replied. 

“Uh no you won’t. It’s just the four of us because I’m making dinner for all of us and you are not starting that conversation with me right there.” I laughed, putting the phone on speaker as I finished with the car wash. 

“Yea okay fine. But ugh this is disgusting.” Dylan groaned. 

“Are you still looking through the trash?” I laughed, raising my eyebrows. 

“Yes I need that paper!” 

“What even was it?” 

“A draft for a college essay. I got a great idea while on the toilet the other day and I wrote it out but thought it was shit so I threw it out but now I need it.” Dylan laughed. 

“Oh my God but like, what if you get in on that piece of essay, and when asked what gave you the inspiration, you’re all, yea I was on the toilet.” I giggled. 

“Babe, this is gold. Ah! Found it!” Dylan said happily. “Aw shit it’s wet.” 

“Wet with what?” I grimaced.

“I really don’t want to know.” Dylan mumbled. “Alright, so you’ll stop at the market on the way home?” 

“Yes. Get in the shower and I’ll see you later. I love you.” 

“I love you too.” Dylan said as he hung up the phone. 

What I thought was going to be a quick trip to the market ended up taking 45 minutes just to get everything in the cart, and another 20 to check out. 

It was past 6 by the time I got back to Dylan’s house. 

“Oi, everybody get out.” I said, poking my head into my room. “Out, this isn’t a team night. It’s Sunday, leave.” 

The team groaned, beginning to stand up as I walked into the room. 

“Hey babe great you’re back.” Dylan smiled, walking into my room behind me. 

I turned to him. “The groceries are in my car, put them away, and preheat the oven to 350 I’ll be out of the shower in like 5 minutes and I’ll make dinner.” I said, smiling at him. 

“The team?” Dylan raised his eyebrows. 

“They’re leaving.” I said, giving Nate a look. 

“Okay I’ll be inside. Love you.” Dylan said, walking out of my room. 

I just rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom. 

The water was cold, awful, and painful on my skin. It was most likely the worst shower I’d ever taken. 


“Sam this is delicious holy shit can you make dinner for us every night?” Colton grinned, chewing the chicken. 

“He’s right, this is delicious.” Ethan agreed with a nod. 

Dylan shot me a wink and I smiled. 

“Thanks guys.” I smiled, cutting a piece of my own chicken. 

“So what did you guys get up to today?” Dylan asked nonchalantly. 

“I just played some FIFA, slept a lot, ate a lot...” Colton shrugged. 

“Julie came over.” Ethan replied. 

I noticed how Colton rolled his eyes. 

Realization washed over me and my eyes widened. I kicked Dylan’s foot underneath the table, giving him a look. 

“Stop.” I mouthed, shaking my head. 

Dylan furrowed his eyes at me before taking another bite of his food. 

“So when are you guys leaving for Wisconsin?” Colton asked. 

So it was Wisconsin that we were playing, not Minnesota. 

“Well the game is Friday night, and I think we’re leaving on Wednesday.” Dylan said, his eyes meeting mine. 

“Yea, we’re leaving right after school.” I nodded. 

“Really? Isn’t it a longer drive than that?” Ethan frowned. 

“It’s like, 5 hours or so, and we’ll probably stop for food or whatever, so we’ll get there in the evening or whatever.” I shrugged, my cheeks turning pink as Dylan’s foot rubbed against mine underneath the table. 

“Alright well I’ve got places to be so-” 

“Uh no you don’t. You’re having dinner with us.” Dylan frowned. 

“Yea but I was going to go out with-” 

“A date?” Dylan asked quickly. 

“Yes a date what else would I be doing.” Colton rolled his eyes, standing up. 

“Are you having sex?” Dylan asked. 

I choked on my food. 

“What the fuck are you, my dad?” Colton laughed. “I’ll be back later.” 

Colton left, and I glared at Dylan. 

“What the hell?” I laughed. “You don’t just ask someone that! He’s 17 of course he’s probably... You know...” 

“Yea but-” 

“Oh calm down.” I rolled my eyes. 

“Uh, Colton’s not um, doing that stuff...” Ethan shook his head. “I mean he acts like he’s all tough with the girls and shit but he’s never...” 

“You’re joking.” I raised my eyebrows. 

Ethan just shook his head. “Yea he’s not into that stuff.” Ethan shrugged. 

“Alright, Dylan, help me clear these dishes, I guess we’re done with dinner now.” 

“Oi, can one of you help me with my calculus? I’m confused as hell with this.” Ethan said, standing up from the table. 

“Of course, I’ll help. Dylan, clear the table.” I nodded.


“I think we’re turning into parents.” Dylan whispered, laying back on my bed next to me. 

I just nodded, resting my head next to his. 

“What if one day we have kids and they have sex when they’re too young.” Dylan whispered. 

“17 isn’t too young.” I laughed. “We lost our virginity when we were 16.” 

“If my daughter has sex before she’s 30 years old and married, I’ll kick that guys ass so hard he’ll fly through both goal posts in one go.” Dylan muttered. 

“Aw are you going to be one of those protective dads.” I giggled, looking up at him. 

“Damn right I will be. And I promise you, if I have a boy, I’ll make sure he keeps that thing in his pants until he’s older than me.” Dylan added. 

“You’re cute.” I smiled, wrapping my arms around him. “And I love you.” 

“But seriously we were so young when we... You know...” Dylan said. 

“Had sex?” I raised my eyebrows. “You know you can say it.” 

“I can’t believe I paid the twins 50 dollars each to stay out of the room.” Dylan laughed. “What a waste of 100.” 

“Excuse me? I was a waste?” I raised my eyebrows. 

Dylan laughed, pressing his lips to my forehead. “You, my darling, are worth all the money in the world...” 

“So now I’m a prostitute?” I giggled, biting my lip. 

“I’m just digging myself in a whole now aren’t I?” Dylan sighed. 

“I know a way you can make it up to me...” I whispered, rolling over so I was sitting on his hips. 

“I can make you some food?” Dylan laughed. 

“Later.” I whispered, pressing my lips softly to his. 

“No... No babe not right now...” Dylan sighed. “It’s been a long day...”

I frowned. “Dylan... We haven’t done anything in ages.” I said softly, sitting back on his hips. 

“Yea we did... Just this morning...” Dylan laughed. 

“You know what I mean... Yea we’ve done the physical stuff, but you and I, we haven’t made love in a while.” I whispered, resting my hands on both sides of his face. “And I love you...” 

My heart rate sped up as Dylan’s eyes softened. He sat up wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me against him. 

“I love you. I love you more than anything in the entire world.” Dylan said quietly, rubbing my hips with his hands. 

“Then make love to me.” I whispered, pressing my forehead against his. 

Dylan let out a deep breath, pressing his lips hungrily to mine. 


“Babe... Babe what is that noise?” I groaned, sitting up with the blankets draped over my lap. 

“H-hello?” Dylan mumbled, holding his phone up to his ear. 

I sighed, laying back down next to him. 

“What?! You what!?” Dylan exclaimed, stumbling out of the bed. “You stay right there, don’t move a foot, stupid ass.” Dylan groaned, grabbing his jeans from the floor. 

“What’s going on?” I whispered, rolling over to the warm side of the bed that he’d just vacated. 

Dylan sighed as he hung up the phone. 

“Colton’s at a party, he’s been drinking, and he doesn’t have a ride home.” Dylan sighed, walking over to the bed. “I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?” 

I closed my eyes as he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. 

“I love you.” I whispered. 

“Love you too.” 

“Mm...” I mumbled. 

I heard the door shut behind him. I groaned, pressing my face into the pillow. 

As much as I tried to fall asleep, all I could think of was that this Friday was the first National Championship game that I wouldn’t be playing in since I started football. 

I sighed, pulling the blankets around me tighter. 

Andrew better pull through on Friday...


Sam and Dylan have been doing a lot of family stuff recently right? Doesn't it make you excited for when they have a family of their own? If they ever do? ;)

So there are two more actual chapters left in this book, the two days before nationals, and then actually nationals. Then I have an epilogue which takes place a few months later, and then a bonus chapter that takes place a few years later. So basically two epilogues, but I couldn't have two epilogues, and one of them just didn't fit the story line so I made it a bonus chapter. 


Update: Tomorrow (Sunday)



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