Chapter 31
Chapter 31
“So! A baby.” Andrew said, rubbing his hands over his knees.
Marissa and coach exchanged glances.
“Yes! Yea, we uh, we were going to tell you, but um, uh, well.” Marissa said softly, squeezing Coach’s hands.
An awkward silence spread around the living room. Andrew met my gaze and I gave him a soft smile.
“Well congratulations!” I said, forcing a smile on my face. “Seriously this is great news! Babies are... I love babies.”
“Pushing it.” Andrew whispered to me.
I stomped on his foot.
“Congrats.” I said softly.
“Where will it live?” Andrew asked.
“Uh, well, it’s a she. And she will live here, with us.” Coach said.
“We have two bedrooms.” Andrew raised his eyebrows. “And I’m in that one.”
“Yes, yes well you’re going to college next year, and we can manage for a few months with Lorraine in our room.” Marissa explained.
“Lorraine? You named it already?” I asked.
“She is not an it!” Marissa exclaimed. She took a deep breath, composing herself. “Yes, we’ve already chosen a name for her.” Marissa nodded.
“Well, uh, that’s cool.” I said softly.
“And we’re not going to surprise you with babysitting requirements or anything, but just know that you’re welcome to spend time with her whenever you want. We want Lorraine to have a wonderful, loving family, but that means that some things are going to have to change. Obviously of course your father is stepping down from Head Coach, and I’m going to be taking some time off of work, and Andrew this applies to you mostly because you live here, but you’re going to have to help pitch in with the chores.” Marissa said softly.
I rubbed my palms over my knees, looking down at the ground.
“And both of you respect your mother in the next few months to come, having a little kid is not easy, but we’re going to do it 100% right this time.” Coach added.
I stood up from the couch. “Yea, wonderful, you’re going to have your little baby girl and be a happy little family.” I said, picking up my football bag from the ground. “Just wonderful.”
“Hey Sam get back here!” Coach said, standing up.
I ignored him as I walked towards the front door.
“Carson!” I heard him yell as I slammed the door shut behind me.
“Hey! Hey Carson get back in here!” Coach yelled, walking out of the front door after me.
“Why?!” I yelled. “Why?!”
“Because this is your family!”
“No it’s not! No this isn’t my family! A family is people who stick together no matter what but it seems like every time it suits you, you just leave! You left me when I was four, both of you did! You chose Andrew over me! And now he’s living with you and I’m stuck in a damn garage and now you’re ditching out on the entire team for a stupid baby!” I yelled, walking away from him.
“Where are you going? You didn’t drive here!” Coach exclaimed.
“I’ll walk!” I yelled over my shoulder, heading off down the road.
It was extremely hot outside for the middle of September, and Dylan lived at least 3 miles away from Coach’s house.
I kicked a stone for part of the way, but then it went into the street and I was too lazy to go get it.
The ointment on my shoulder was starting to itch by the time I was about a mile into the walk, but I was finding it very difficult to scratch it with out hurting my scars. They were healed for the most part, but my shoulder was extremely sore from lack of use, and even the slightest movement the wrong way was not so pleasant for my atrophied muscles.
I passed Nate house, a soft smile crossing my face as I saw the handprints in the concrete outside of his house that we’d put there when we were 8.
The fact that Coach thinks he can pick and chose who he wants his family to be just pisses me off. We’re basically halfway through the season and he just decides to drop us and leave us with an insane coach who thinks he can set a bunch of absolutely ridiculous rules but not enforce them.
Who is he to drop me not once, when I was a helpless kid, but twice, when we worked so hard to get me back on this team and it’s my last season ever playing football for an actual team.
Tears were falling down my cheeks by the time I was walking into my room in the garage.
I stopped short when all the guys were sitting there.
I’d forgotten what it was like when they’d all just hang out in my room without asking.
They all grew quiet when they saw me standing in the doorway, nearly unable to control my sobs.
“Whoa Samantha what’s wrong?” Dylan frowned, standing up from my bed.
I shook my head, dropping my bag to the floor. “Can you help me change out of this shirt?” I asked softly, walking towards my dresser.
“What’s the matter?” Dylan asked, standing behind me as I pulled a different t-shirt out of the drawer.
I didn’t reply, just shaking my head. Dylan sighed, pulling the shirt up for me.
“Is your arm alright?” Dylan asked.
“Yes my arm is fine I just can’t get the fucking shirt off on my own.” I hissed, pushing my hair back from my face as Dylan pulled off the shirt.
Dylan sighed as he helped me put the new shirt on.
“Well then what’s the matter?” Dylan asked.
“What the fuck isn’t the matter?!” I exclaimed, walking towards my bed. “I can’t play football because my dad is the fucking president. I can’t even dress myself because of my arm. I can’t fucking live in my own house because I can’t stand those damn people. My own father left me for a better family when I was 4 years old. And then doesn’t even tell me he’s my dad for 3 fucking years and now he’s leaving all of us again for a new God damn baby!” I yelled, kicking off my shoes.
“What- Sam what are you talking about?” Nate frowned.
I turned to glare at him. “Don’t you go asking what I’m talking about when you’ve been permanently drunk for the past month or whatever and if you won’t come talk to me about your problems there’s no way in hell that I’m talking to you about mine.” I hissed, standing up on my bed to reach a shelf high up on the wall.
Nate sighed, shaking his head.
“Not everything’s as perfect as your little presidential life.” Nate grumbled.
I took a deep breath, willing myself not to punch him. I just shook my head as I pulled the bar of chocolate down from the top shelf, behind a picture.
“Why do you have chocolate up there?” Matt laughed, raising his eyebrows.
“For times like this when I just want to eat, have sex, and cry.” I mumbled, sitting down on my bed.
“Babe come on your emergency chocolate? Is this really an occasion for that?” Dylan asked softly, sitting down next to me.
“I’ll just buy a new one after.” I shrugged, unwrapping the plastic.
Dylan just shook his head, laying back against my pillows.
“Oh hey! So did Ethan tell you? Julie dumped the QB and they’re back together.” Dylan smiled.
“Good for him.” I muttered.
“Babe... Come on... Is everything okay?” Dylan whispered, rubbing his hand over my leg.
“Stop, Dylan, stop.” I said quietly, taking a piece of chocolate and handing it to him. I giggled as he took it with his mouth.
“Let’s go out on a date tonight.” Dylan suggested.
I shook my head. “That would require showering and I don’t have the energy for that.”
“Please...” Dylan whispered. “I really want to take you out on a proper date because we haven’t been on one in ages.”
I sighed, looking down at him. I ran my fingers through his hair.
“Aw you’re adorable when you’re being girly.” I winked, standing up from the bed. “I’ll be in the shower, same rules as my old room.” I said to the guys as I walked into the bathroom.
“Where are we going?” I groaned as I got into his truck.
“Out.” Dylan laughed, turning on the engine.
“Please tell me?” I asked quietly, leaning back in the seat.
“We’re going to dinner at Champps.” Dylan smiled, looking behind him as he reversed out of the parking lot.
“Seriously?” I asked happily. “Aw babe you’re the best.”
“And then we’re going to the field, and you’re going to catch the football.” Dylan told me.
“No I’m not.” I shook my head.
“Yes you are.”
“No, no I’m not.” I laughed.
“Yes, yes you are.”
“Dylan you know I can’t play yet.” I sighed.
“You can catch, you can run, you can lightly toss and you know that. You just can’t go airing out any balls to the end zone.” Dylan told me. “We’ll get you back to top shape by states, you can guarantee that.”
I just laughed, shaking my head. “In our dreams, honey.”
A smile spread on Dylan’s face. “Honey. I like that word.” Dylan said softly.
“And I like you.” I replied.
“So how far have you gotten with physical therapy?” Dylan asked.
“What do you mean?” I frowned.
“Like, I dunno, are you making progress?” Dylan laughed. “I’m not quite educated on the technical terms or shoulder rehabilitation or whatever.”
“Yea I guess, I mean she says I’m making progress.” I shrugged. “I mean I can lift 5 whole pounds with just my right arm, which is pretty sweet if you ask my.” I giggled, shaking my head.
“5 pounds?! Oh my God call up the queen this is national news!” Dylan teased.
“The Queen?” I raised my eyebrows.
“Well I dunno your dad is the president so it would’ve been lame for me to call him.” Dylan shrugged.
I laughed, shaking my head. “You’re too perfect.” I grinned, giving him a soft look.
“So after we have a nice filling dinner, we’ll go play a bit?” Dylan asked, glancing over at me.
“I guess.” I shrugged with a smirk. “Yes, yes Dylan I would love to play football with you even though I will probably fail.”
Dylan laughed. “Oh shut up you’ll be fine!”
“This is so fucking delicious oh my God.” I groaned, chewing my chicken quesadillas. “Like seriously let’s come here every single night it’s like an orgasm in my mouth.”
Dylan laughed, raising his eyebrows. “Well I’m glad you like it.”
“Like it? Babe I fucking love it.” I smiled, nudging his foot with mine under the table.
“So listen, I was just wondering if we could talk about something.” Dylan sighed, leaning on his elbows.
“So you bribe me with delicious food, just to get me to talk about something serious?” I giggled.
“Well, I mean, that’s not why I got you the food but I-”
“Calm down, I’m kidding. Go ahead, what do you want to talk about?” I smiled, my eyes meeting his.
“Last November, we broke up because you were moving to DC, and neither of us thought we could work out the whole long distance thing.” Dylan said softly. “But Sam, you’re back now. You’re living basically in my house again, we’re at the same school, we’re on the same football team, and I am still deeply in love with you.”
I just looked at him, putting down the quesadilla that I’d just taken a bite of. I glanced down at my hands, taking a deep breath.
“Sam?” Dylan asked. “Did you hear me?”
His voice was shaking, but a smile spread on my face.
I looked back up at him, biting my lip.
“Are you asking me if I’ll be your girlfriend again?” I asked softly.
Dylan nodded. “If, if you want.” He shrugged.
“Well I definitely do want, and it’s taken you almost two months to ask me again.” I laughed, reaching to grab his hand.
“So we’re dating?”
“I guess.” I winked, taking another bite of my quesadilla. “Now shut up because I really want to finish this food before it gets cold.”
“So now I’m second best to food? Hurtful.” Dylan teased.
“We’ll have sex later and I’ll make it up to you.” I said through a mouthful of food.
“Wow, Sam, you know, I mean we’ve only been dating for like, less than a minute. I think you’re being very forward and making assumptions there...” Dylan said awkwardly. “I’m not sure if I’m ready to take that next step...”
“Alright fine with me, I’m tired anyways.” I winked.
Dylan just shook his head. “I really love you, you know that?” Dylan whispered.
“Dylan Peters. I love you too.” I smiled, taking a momentary break from eating.
Dylan laughed. “Okay okay just finish eating.” Dylan smiled, continuing to eat his nachos.
“Aw thanks boo.” I grinned. I closed my eyes. “It’s just getting better with every bite.”
“Okay so we ready?” Dylan asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we walked away from his car.
“Yes.” I lied, shaking my head.
“Oh come on you’ll be fine. It’s football babe.” Dylan said kissing my cheek.
“Yea, just football.” I mumbled, resting my head on his shoulder as we walked towards the field.
“Alright, let’s start with you going long.” Dylan said, holding the football in his hand.
“You can’t throw that far.” I teased, slowly jogging away from him.
“Oh shush.” Dylan laughed.
“Alright go easy on me I don’t want to kill my arm anymore.” I called over my shoulder before starting to jog backwards.
Dylan threw out an easy ball to me, but I failed at catching it.
“Babe use both hands!” Dylan called.
“It’s going to hurt!” I yelled, picking the ball up from the ground.
“Throw it back!”
“I can’t throw with my left arm.”
“Use your right!”
“Dylan, seriously, this is not a good idea.” I sighed, shaking my head.
“Go underhand or something just get the ball out of your hand.” Dylan said, jogging towards me.
I took a deep breath and gave a wimpy toss underhand to him.
“See! There’s a start!” Dylan said happily.
I gave him a look.
We went back and forth, tossing the ball to each other, for about an hour or so.
I only tossed it underhand with my right arm, not doing anything too risky.
“I’m sweaty.” I giggled, resting my head on his shoulder as I walked towards him. “It’s definitely not a good idea to wear jeans and a sweater to play football.”
“How about we go back to your garage...” Dylan whispered in my ear. “Turn on the shower... Have some fun...” He suggested.
I giggled again, sliding my arms around his waist as we walked towards his truck.
“Did I do too bad?” I asked, referring to my football skills.
“For being injured? Not too shabby.” Dylan said softly. “I’m proud of you, Sam.”
“Proud of what? Playing worse than a little kid who doesn’t know how to throw the ball?” I scoffed, pressing my lips to his neck.
“You did great for your condition, okay? I’m really proud of you, honestly.” Dylan smiled, scooping me up into his arms bridal style.
I let out a laugh as I put my arms around his neck.
“Damn girl, you’ve grown.” Dylan teased.
I playfully gasped. “You bitch.” I giggled, lightly tugging on his hair.
“Losing some of your muscle are we?” Dylan asked.
“Well obviously I’ve been sitting around for the past month.” I shook my head, resting my forehead against his.
“I was kidding.” Dylan whispered, kissing my nose. “Absolutely kidding.”
“I have been putting on weight though.”
“It’s probably because you’ve been eating so much junk food.” Dylan teased.
I rolled my eyes, sighing. “Let’s go home.”
Dylan nodded, setting me in the passenger seat in his car.
“Will you just carry me everywhere?” I giggled.
“Maybe.” Dylan winked.
I laughed as he got into the driver’s seat.
“You’re perfect.” I whispered, turning to look at him.
Early update because I'm about to go to sleep and have nothing else to do
WHO SAW THE WORLD CUP GAMES TODAY?! NEYMAR POOR BABY! Ugh it pissed me off after he was carried off the pitch because people were saying that he deserved an Oscar and I was like 'excuse me spinal injuries are NOT a joke' and then when I got home tonight I saw the news and it said that he'd fractured a vertabrae and was out for the rest of the cup :( and the ass hole who accidentally kneed him in the back didn't even apologize, he simply said he was 'defending his shirt' and that it was 'the normal thing to do'... People are saying that he meant he was retaliating for the apparent unfairness against Colombia. But I mean really? A few accidentally on purpose tackles against your team and you're going to sink so low that you blatantly knee someone in the back? I mean he may not have meant to break a bone but it was obvious that he had some revenge in store for poor Neymar. I've been having a very detailed conversation about the world cup with this guy in my grade it's hilarious.
But let's all take a moment to appreciate shirtless David Luiz hugging a shirtless James Rodriguez after they swapped jerseys, ugh my heart <3 But David Luiz isn't playing for Chelsea anymore which pisses me off bc we need that lovely head of hair.
Update: Tomorrow
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