Chapter 3
Chapter 3
I was already out on the field when the rest of the guys came out, so the new kid had yet to see that I was a girl. I’m not even sure what his name was.
“Sam, this is Dylan.” Luke said, patting a guy’s back.
“Hi.” I said absentmindedly, shaking his hand. I felt an electric current run up my arm, and my stomach flipped. I yanked my hand back quickly.
“What’s your last name?” I asked quickly, my heart beating quickly.
“Peters.” He said.
“You’re Sam right? I’ve seen lots about you.” Dylan said. I nodded. “How come you’re never in front of other people though? Don’t you always skip the banquets and stuff?”
I shrugged. “I have my reasons.” I mumbled. “Team, on the line.” I said.
Everyone groaned. “Dylan, you don’t have to do this. They were being rude yesterday so this is there punishment.” I said, grabbing the stop watch. “When I blow the whistle once, you run forwards, when I blow it twice, you run backwards, when I blow it three times, you stop. No slackers or we’re running extra.”
“Oh look at Sam being all mighty.” Nate teased.
I ignored that comment and blew the whistle. Dylan and I had a nice conversation while the guys were running. Of course our conversation was cut off by whistles from me, but I still learned a lot about him. He moved to Michigan from Colorado because his dad got transferred. He’s been playing football since he could walk. And we had lots of things in common. But I didn’t let on how excited I was. Our favorite color was green, favorite food was pizza with bacon, ham, red peppers, and mushrooms. We both liked the Harry Potter movies, and we both supported U of M, which was a major turn on.
I looked out at the field, to find everyone stopped.
“Oi! Why aren’t you running?!” I yelled.
“We got to the end!” Luke called.
“Just get some water.” I said, picking up my own water bottle.
Practice was really fun, and Dylan fit in really well.
In the locker room, I always get the back section to myself, but it doesn’t stop everyone, including me, from walking around in half clothing.
I was the only one left in a helmet when we got into the locker room.
“My mom’s going to fucking kill me.” I laughed, following the boys into the locker room.
“Oh yea you’ve got to go get all pretty.” Luke joked.
I shot him a glare. “Fuck off.” I laughed.
Dylan gave us weird looks.
“Is Susan gonna be there?” Matt asked.
“Of course she is she’s my sister.” I said, crossing my arms. “Why do you ask?”
“Nothing you guys just had quite the yelling match the other day and I feel bad for whoever has to be stuck in a limo with you two.” Matt laughed. I rolled my eyes and turned to go change.
“Sorry.” I mumbled, stepping around Dylan.
“No problem.” He smiled.
“Holy shit my feet are going to kill after tonight.” I sighed, going to pull me helmet off of my head. I suddenly felt someones arms around my head, holding my helmet in place.
“Nate...” I groaned.
“Wait. Dylan, you just met Sam today, right?” Nate asked.
“Yea.” Dylan nodded, giving Nate a weird look.
“Nate get off I’ll kick you in the balls!” I exclaimed, trying to push him off of me, as I quite squished against him.
“For God sakes Sam stay still.” Nate said, holding me tighter. I just sighed and gave up.
“Uh why are you holding him like that?” Dylan asked Nate.
“Ohhhh....” I said, realizing what Nate was doing.
I pushed him off of me and turned to Dylan. I smiled. I loved doing this.
“About that...” I said, pulling off my helmet. Now, it’s not like that shit in movies where I sexually pull off my helmet and my gorgeous blonde hair tumbles around my perfect face. It was more like I lift my helmet off and my brown curly hair is in a sweaty pony tail and my make-up free face is sweaty and red.
Dylan’s eyes widened.
“But you’re a girl!” Dylan yelped.
“Oh we know!” A bunch of guys yelled.
“It’s the bloody truth!” Ryan called.
“Ryan!” I screamed, throwing my helmet at him. He just laughed and tossed it back.
Dylan was just looking at me.
I looked down at my watch and swore.
“It’s 3:30!” I screamed, running over to my bag.
“Wait can we still come over?” Luke asked.
“Yea of course!” I called, rushing out of the locker room. I practically sped home, and dashed downstairs.
“You have 1 hour!” My mom yelled.
“Natalie, Lauren, I love you, but get out. I want some privacy.” I said seriously, tossing my bag on my bed. They groaned and headed upstairs.
The guys appeared in my room, and I couldn’t help but be happy when Dylan appeared.
“This house is epic.” He said, looking around my room.
“Thanks!” I called, running into the bathroom and shutting the door. I took a speedy shower, then blow dried my hair, and straightened it. That took 45 minutes. I carefully applied some foundation to my face, then put on the mascara and eye liner. I put on some lip gloss and blush, and brushed through my hair, that was all shiny. I wanted to gag when I saw myself. I pulled on my bathrobe and ran out of my bathroom.
“10 minutes.” Nate said from the couch.
“Shit!” I cursed, flipping through some dresses. I let out a groaned, unable to find one. I just grabbed a black and white one and found some underwear to match it. I pulled on some black underwear and a strapless bra. I pulled on the dress then ran out.
“Nate zip me up!” I said, running over to him. He nodded and zipped it up.
“Jesus your shoulder’s bruised.” He said.
“Fuck!” I exclaimed. I ran back into the bathroom and put some makeup on it so that the bruises couldn’t be seen. That would bring around too many questions. I went back to my closet and pulled on some tall black heels, and sprayed my perfume. I exited my closet, coughing.
“Jesus christ.” I swore, looking for a purse. I grabbed a black one with little jewels all around it, and stuffed my phone in there.
“Have fun.” Nate said.
“Can you get Selena Gomez’ autograph for me?” Ryan grinned.
“No.” I said. “I don’t want to talk to anyone.” I grumbled, taking a big gulp of Nate’s coke.
“Jewelry?” Luke suggested.
“2 minutes!” My mum screamed down the stairs.
I swore and ran over to my dresser thing. I put on a diamond necklace with matching earrings and bracelet, then put on my lucky ring.
“Wait we’re watching the VMAs? Gross.” Dylan said as Nate turned on the TV.
“I’m sitting right in front of the Smiths, I think I’m by Lady Gaga or something.” I said, walking past Luke, who was looking through my fridge.
“You’re going?!” Dylan asked loudly. They were being held in Detroit this year.
“Obviously.” Justin laughed.
“You’re late.” My dad said, walking down the stairs. “Get upstairs.”
“Hey! I’m coming!”
“Don’t speak to me like that, Samantha.” He hissed. The other guys had gotten quiet, not wanting to face my dad right now.
“I’ll do whatever I want.” I said, checking my hair in the mirror. “I’m all fucking dressed up for you so don’t be rude.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Samantha Carson don’t you dare speak to me like that. I could easily pull you right out the team and make your life miserable.” My dad barked.
I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs. I hated my family.
I sat with my arms crossed and face set for the entire ride to the venue of the VMAs. I mentally prepared myself for all of the paparazzi. My family was instantly swarmed. Everyone was asked questions, except for me. My whole family was putting on that stupid happy family act, flipping their blonde hair, batting their blue eyes. And then there was me. I was completely different than them.
I just stood by my youngest sister, Sofia, as she talked about the award she’d won last night.
I was excited for the actual show, and once we got to our seats, I was happier.
I saw someone trying to catch my eye, and I looked over.
“Harry!” I exclaimed, getting out of my seat.
“Samantha.” My dad hissed.
I ignored him and walked over to the One Direction boys.
“Hey!” I said, giving Harry a hug, considering he was sitting on the end.
“What are you doing here?” Niall asked happily.
“I live here, genius.” I laughed. These were the only clients of my mum that I actually liked. They were genuine boys, and that’s what I liked.
“Dumbo.” Liam said, whacking the back of Niall’s head.
“Hey!” Natalie said happily appearing behind me.
“Hey babe.” Lauren said, winking at Niall. Niall looked extremely uncomfortable.
“Alright then... I’ll see you guys later.” I laughed, turning around and pulling the girls away.
“Hey Samantha!” Someone said. I turned and smiled at Selena and Taylor.
“Selena, hey, so like, I hate to bother you, but my friend is like dying for your autograph... Do you think you could possibly help me out?” I asked.
“Of course.” Selena smiled.
“Hi.” I said to Taylor. She smiled at me.
“How’ve you been?” Taylor asked.
“Good, you?” I asked.
“Wonderful.” She laughed.
“What’s her name?” Selena asked.
“Uh it’s a he, his name is Luke.” I laughed.
“Oooh a boyfriend?” Taylor teased.
“Nooo.” I said, shaking my head. The thought of dating one of the guys on the team was just... gross.
“Here.” Selena smiled, handing me the piece of paper.
“Thanks!” I said happily, putting it in my purse. “Well I’ll see you later! Bye.” I said, quickly walking away to my seat as the show was about to start.
Lady Gaga opened. It was amazing.
“Here.” I said, thrusting the paper in Luke’s face. Just a few boys were left at my house. Nate, Luke, and Ryan, of course, were always here. But today, Dylan was too, and that made me happy.
“Ah thank you!”
“We saw you.” Nate said, looking over at me as I kicked off my heels, instantly losing 5 inches.
“Really?” I asked.
“You looked so bored.” Ryan laughed.
“Of course I was bored. Nate can you unzip me?” I asked. Nate nodded and unzipped my dress.
“Are you coming to practice tomorrow?” He asked as I walked into the closet.
“Why wouldn’t I?” I called, changing into some sweat pants and a t-shirt.
“Just wondering.” He replied. I nodded, then walked in the bathroom to take off my makeup. I pulled my hair up into a bun and walked over to the fridge.
“I live for the applause applause applause, I live for the applause-plause, live for the applause-plause, live for the way that you cheer and-”
“Stop!” Ryan groaned, throwing something in my direction. I frowned, pulling out a cold piece of pizza.
“You’re just jealous of my awesome voice.” I laughed.
“I need to borrow something.” Susan said, walking downstairs.
I ignored her as she walked into the closet. I just sat on the floor next to Dylan. Susan came out a minute later with one of my very small, scandalous black dresses.
“Put that back.” I said, standing up.
“No.” She said.
“You’re too young to wear that.”
“You wore it when you were 14.” Susan said, glaring at me.
“Because I didn’t have a boyfriend like you.” I said, crossing my arms.
“Oh yea, because boys don’t like you.” Susan laughed.
I sighed.
“Fine. I don’t really care what you do.” I said, rolling my eyes. She stuck her tongue out at me and went to go upstairs.
“I really hate her.” I said, walking back over to my spot.
“Well I should probably get going...” Dylan said, standing up.
“I’ll show you out.” I said, jumping up. My cheeks turned bright red. “I mean, uh, it’s big house and uh...”
“Thanks.” Dylan smiled. I followed him over to the stairs, my heart rate speeding up as his arm brushed mine.
I showed him to the door, and smiled at him.
“Hey uh, what are you doing tomorrow?” He asked, sounding nervous.
“Practice.” I replied.
“No I mean like, before that. Practice isn’t until 3.” Dylan said.
“I uh... Um...” I stammered. “Nothing.” I smiled.
God he was so attractive. He was tall and thin, but in a good way, and he had dark brown hair that was spiked up, he had smooth, tan skin, and his eyes were a vibrant blue.
“Do you uh, wanna go to see a movie with me? Maybe?” He asked.
I bit my lip and nodded.
“Yea.” I smiled, wanting to scream with excitement.
“And lunch?”
“Great.” Dylan smiled. “I’ll pick you up at 11:45. Bring your football stuff, we’ll go right there.”
I nodded.
“I can’t wait.” I said. Dylan grinned.
“Yea.” He said, backing away. “Bye Sam.”
“Bye Dylan.” I smiled, shutting the door behind him. I actually to lean against the door to calm myself down. I composed myself, then ran back downstairs.
I was too excited, and tumbled down the last few stairs. I groaned, just laying on the floor.
“Loser.” Ryan said, stepping over me.
“We’re taking off now. Bye.” Luke said. I just nodded, pulling myself up.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Nate said, giving me a hug. I smiled at them, then turned off the lights.
I climbed into bed, a huge smile on my face.
I'm actually really excited for this book because I really like where it's going at the part that I'm writing (I'm on chapter 23 or 24 right now idk really)
So bear with me, it gets better, I promsie!
Update: Friday (tomorrow eeep)
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