Chapter 29

Chapter 29

“This is so different to Caleb’s parties.” Annabelle whispered to me as we walked into Nate’s house. 

“Yea no shit. People here aren’t loaded like the Lockwoods.” I laughed, shaking my head. I looked around. 

“Wait isn’t that the guy who you got into a fight with tonight or something?” Jessica asked softly, pointing in the corner to where Nate and Hannah looked like they were in a very heated argument. I saw a beer in Nate’s hands, but Hannah looked absolutely pissed. 

“Uh yea.” 

“He seems to really enjoy picking fights with girls tonight.” Annabelle teased. 

“That’s Hannah, she’s awesome. It’s his girlfriend. I’ve never seen them fight though.” I frowned, watching as Hannah grabbed the beer out of his hands. She yelled something at her, but he just shook his head and looked away from her. 

“Matt!” I called, grabbing him by the arm as he walked by. “What’s going on over there?” 

“Hannah’s pissed that he’s drunk again.” Matt explained. 

“Again?” I raised my eyebrows. 

Matt awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. 

“He’s been going down the alcohol route a lot lately.” Matt sighed, shaking his head. “And Hannah’s getting mad.” 

“Like how much drinking?” I frowned. 

“Look, I’ve got a girl waiting for me, and I’m sorry but I really need this.” Matt said, giving me a look. 

I rolled my eyes. “Go have meaningless sex, whatever.” I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving his shoulder. 

Matt winked at me before walking off to a blonde girl waiting by the staircase. 

“He’s hot.” Jessica giggled. 

“He’s Matt.” I grimaced, shaking my head. “Oh God honey please don’t go down that road.” 

“Down what road?” Dylan asked from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

I giggled. “Jess was saying how Matt is just oh so hot.” 

“But he’s Matt though...” Dylan laughed. 

“Exactly what I said.” I nodded. 

“What’s bad about him? He’s hot!” Jessica raised her eyebrows. 

“He’s with another girl every weekend. Not the kind of person you really want to focus your energy on.” Dylan said, his lips brushing against my cheek. 

“Seriously what is up with you tonight?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. “You’re seriously being weird.” 

“Where are the girls staying tonight?” Dylan asked, looking at front of me to my friends. 

“We’ve got ourselves a room at The Townsend.” Annabelle said, linking her arm with Jessica. “And I think we should be getting home.” 

Jessica’s gaze was focused on something behind me. 

“I think we should stay for a bit actually.” Jessica said softly, pushing past me. “Hey! Your name is Matt, right?” She asked, walking up to him. 

I shook my head. “I thought he was going with some blonde?” I asked with a frown. 

“Oh you mean Kay? Nah she’s over there with Luke.” Dylan pointed across the room. 

“Oh shit. That’s not going to be good at practice this week.” I frowned. 

“You insane? Kay’s been going back and forth between those two for a month and I’m sure they’re ready to kill each other.” Dylan sighed. 

“You’re kidding me.” I gasped. “But they’re best friends!” 

“But they’ve been at each other’s throats for three weeks.” Dylan replied, squeezing my hips gently. 

“What’s going on with Nate?” 

“His dad’s gone again and his mom isn’t doing too great right now, and he’s been drinking a lot more lately.” Dylan said softly. 

“The team is falling apart.” I frowned. 

Dylan just nodded. “Yea, it is actually.” 

“Okay, uh, I’m going to leave you two alone, and um, I’ll just-” 

“Don’t be silly. Dylan, I’ll see you later, okay?” I said, turning around to kiss his cheek. “Jess always does this at parties, I should chill with Annabelle.” 

“Okay. Love you.” 

“Don’t hook up with too many girls.” I teased. 

“Mm don’t worry babe, you’re still my one and only.” Dylan winked before walking off to join a couple of other guys from the team. 

I just laughed, turning to Annabelle. 

“Seriously though, is Jess going to get hurt by Matt?” Annabelle asked softly. 

“Nah. Not unless she wants more than he’s willing to give.” I shook my head. “But Jess is cool like that, she won’t do anything stupid. Don’t worry.”

Annabelle just nodded. I just looked around the room as she looked down at her phone. 

“Look, uh, are you cool to stay here? I know Jess won’t drink, but Caleb’s calling me, and I kind of want to get back to the hotel right now...” Annabelle said softly. 

“Caleb? As in Caleb Lockwood?” I raised my eyebrows. 

Annabelle’s cheeks turned pink as she looked down at her feet. 

“Maybe.” She laughed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. 

“Damn.” I grinned. “Are you guys like a thing?” 

“I think, I’m not really sure... But I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Annabelle smiled, giving me a hug. 

“Bye Anne.” I said, waving as she walked off. 

I sighed, looking around the room. 

“Oi! Sammy come here.” Andrew called, beckoning me over to him and a few juniors on the team. 

I put a smile on my face as I walked over to him. 

“How’s your arm?” Andrew asked, putting his arm around my shoulders. 

“Fuck off.” I rolled my eyes, resting my head on his shoulder. “I’m tired.” 

“Then go home.” Andrew laughed. 

“I didn’t drive here.” I shook my head. 

“Aw shit, I would drive you home, but I’ve already had two beers.” Andrew sighed. “Sorry Sam.” 

“Nah it’s cool. I’ll just wait for Jess. She never drinks at parties anyways. She’s somewhere with Matt.” I replied, looking up at him. 

“You gonna come over for dinner soon? Mom’s been acting all weird recently and I have a feeling she needs a girl I dunno.” Andrew laughed. 

A smile crossed my face. “She needs a girl?” I raised my eyebrows. 

“I don’t know! Okay I’m a guy, I don’t get women like her! She’s all emotional and crying and shit and you’re a girl you understand that.” 

I laughed, shaking my head. “Andrew you’re so lame. But yea, yea I’ll come over soon and deal with her girl shit.” 

Andrew grinned. “Excellent. I’ll let her know.” Andrew nodded. “Want some?” He asked, holding his beer towards me. 

I shook my head. “Nah the secret service are here.” I sighed. “But trust me, I really want to get drunk.” 

“Why don’t you just not have them come with you then?” Andrew furrowed his eyebrows. 

I raised my eyebrows. “Why don’t you try getting shot three times and then asking your dad for less security.” I snorted, shaking my head. 

Andrew laughed, taking a sip of his beer. 

“Yea sorry I guess that was a pretty stupid suggestion.” Andrew shrugged. 

“You think?” I raised my eyebrows. 

“I’m heading home, you need a ride?” Dylan asked, appearing behind me for the second time tonight. 

“Why so early?” I raised my eyebrows. 

“This party blows.” Dylan shrugged.

“Have you been drinking?” I asked. 

“Not a sip.” Dylan promised. “Come on, let’s just go home.” 

“Alright. Andrew, call me tomorrow okay?” I told him, sliding my hand into Dylan’s. 

Andrew nodded. 

Dylan and I laughed like little kids all the way home, singing loudly along to the radio. 

“You know... I’m home alone tonight, would you like to come in?” I asked, trying not to laugh as Dylan and I got out of his truck. 

“Are you inviting me to your room? Ah I dunno Sam, this is like, not even our first date isn’t that a bit forward?” Dylan raised his eyebrows, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we headed towards the garage. 

“What can I say? I’m an easy date.” I winked, softy kissing his cheek. 

Dylan’s eyes met mine. “You sure about this?” He asked as I pulled out my key for the door. 

“Would I be asking if I wasn’t sure?” I laughed, pushing open the door. 

“Well I mean like, what about your, uh, wounds I guess.” Dylan asked. 

“Are you turning down the opportunity to have sex with me?” I raised my eyebrows, shutting the door behind us. 

“Well no, but I don’t want to hurt you.” Dylan said as he pulled his shirt off. 

“You’re not going to hurt me.” I laughed, kicking my shoes off. “But you’re going to have to help me out of this sling to get my shirt off.” I added with a giggle. 

“Forget about the shirt.” Dylan said, softly grabbing me hips as he sat down on the edge of my bed. 

I laughed loudly, falling down on top of his lap. “Babe I can’t get my jeans off if I’m sitting on your lap.” I giggled as he popped the button. 

Dylan winked, gently rolling me over so that I was on my back. 

“Well then we’ll just have to do something about that won’t we?” Dylan whispered, softly tugging down my jeans. “Seriously Sam what is up with you and Hello Kitty underwear?” Dylan raised his eyebrows, softly kissing my thigh. 

I shivered. “Don’t pretend like you don’t like them.” I whispered, closing my eyes as he moved so that he was hovered over me. 

“I hate to admit but it’s pretty hot.” Dylan smirked. 

“Am I going to be the only one with no pants on?” I asked quietly, softly wrapping my left hand in his hair. 

“Oh- Oh right.” Dylan laughed, standing up from the bed. 

I just rolled my eyes at his awkwardness. 

“You’re honestly cracking me up tonight.” I admitted. “First you’re horny as fuck, then you’re acting like you’ve never had sex before.” 

“Don’t you know? I’m still a virgin.” Dylan teased with a wink as he pulled his shirt over his head. 

“Oh yea okay and if you’re a virgin then so am I.” I rolled my eyes, laughed as he appeared back over me. 

“But in all seriousness, are you still on the pill? Because I don’t have a condom with me and I’d rather not go all the way back to my house where my parents are surely watching television and have them ask what I’m doing.” Dylan laughed. 

“I’m safe.” I nodded, pulling his head down to mine. 

“So we’re doing this?” Dylan asked. 

I just laughed, pressing my lips to his. 


“Do you have to leave?” I groaned, turning my head to look at Dylan. 

“My parents...” Dylan sighed, pulling his shirt over his head. 

“See it was better when we lived together.” I laughed. 

“It was better when we were dating.” Dylan gave me a look. 

I sighed. “Babe...” I whispered, reaching my left hand over towards him. 

“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Dylan said, kissing my forehead. 

“One night stand? I see how it is.” I giggled, looking up at him. 

“Listen to me, you are way more important than a one night stand.” Dylan said seriously. “But you should-” 

“Is that your phone?” I asked him as a ringtone that wasn’t mine blared through the room. 

“Yea, one sec.” Dylan nodded, pulling it out of his pocket. “Hello?” 

I watched Dylan as he listened for a minute. “Yea, mom, okay, I’m on my way.” Dylan sighed, closing his eyes. 

Dylan sighed. “I was helping Sam home.” Dylan said, his eyes meeting mine. “Yea, yea she’s fine don’t worry.” 

Dylan groaned. “Oh my God mom yes she was at the game, we went to a party, her arm is fine, I’ll be over in a minute. Yes. Okay. Bye.” 

“I have to go.” He told me after he hung up. 

“Yea yea yea, tell your mom I said hi.” I laughed, pushing my hair back from my face. 

“Call if you need anything?” Dylan asked. 

“As always.” I nodded, pulling my covers around me. 

“I love you.” He called over his shoulder. 

“Love you too!” I replied, looking up at my ceiling. 

The door shut behind him as I let out a sigh, closing my eyes. 

“I wish you could stay...” I whispered to no one. 


“I’m wearing Hello Kitty underwear again.” I smirked, walking into Dylan’s room. 

But Dylan wasn’t there. “Oh shit sorry Ethan.” I mumbled, my cheeks turning pink. 

I frowned as Ethan wiped his cheeks, looking away from me. 

“Whoa are you alright?” I asked softly, carefully walking towards him. He was sitting on his bed, tears in his eyes, looking down at his phone. 

“Yea, yea I’m cool.” Ethan sighed, attempting a smile. “I’m fine.” 

“No you’re not. What’s wrong?” I frowned, sitting down on his bed next to him. 

“Nothing.” Ethan muttered. 

“Ethan.” I coaxed, poking his arm. “Come on you can talk to me!” 

Ethan sighed, looking up at the bottom of the bunk above him. 

“What’s going on?” I asked softly. 

“There’s just this girl...” Ethan sighed. 

“Ooh a girl?” I teased. 

Ethan shot me a glare, causing me to quickly hold up my hand to defend myself with a laugh. 

“Okay fine, you can talk to me, no teasing, I promise.” I said seriously. 

“I’ve had a crush on her since the middle of my sophomore year, and I mean she’s perfect you know? We hung out a lot during the summer, did a lot of things together, but now that stupid quarterback on the football team and her started dating and she doesn’t even look at me anymore.” Ethan said softly, looking down at his hands. 

I raised my eyebrows. “Andrew?” I asked. I didn’t know that my brother had a girlfriend. 

“No not the varsity QB. His name is Austin, he’s on JV.” 

“Oh I know that dick. He’s not even that good.” I told Ethan. “And have you seen his nose?” 

Ethan cracked a smile. “Exactly.” 

“Well I mean did you and her have a concrete thing or was it just hanging out every once in a while, maybe catching a movie?” I asked, trying to get a feel of what the situation was. 

Ethan sighed. “We were each other’s first.” 

My eyes widened, but I quickly hid my shock. “Oh... Oh! Well uh, um, uh...” I stammered, playing with one of the straps on my sling for my arm. “Then she’s a bitch for playing you like that.” I said firmly. 

“Tell me about it.” Ethan nodded. 

“What are you doing right now?” I asked, poking his arm. 

“Just on Instagram.” He shrugged. 

“Let’s go get ice cream.” I said, standing up from the bed. “Come on, my treat, let’s go.” 

Ethan sighed, getting up from his bed as well. 

“What did you say when you walked in here?” Ethan asked, running a hand through his hair. 

“None of your business.” I shook my head with a laugh, playfully punching his arm as we walked out of his room. 

“Ma I’m going to ice cream with Sam!” Ethan called down the hall. 

“Have fun!” Kate called back. 

I laughed as Ethan and I got into my car. 

“You sure you’re okay to drive?” Ethan asked, gesturing to my arm. 

“I can drive perfectly fine.” I nodded, turning the key in the admission. 

“But your right arm is the one that does the transmission thing.” Ethan pointed out. 

“I know.” I rolled my eyes, pulling out of the driveway. 

We parked fairly close to the ice cream place and only had to walk a little bit to get inside. 

I got a double scoop of rocky road in a waffle cone while Ethan got three scoops of coffee ice cream in a bowl. 

“So like, does that thing hurt?” Ethan asked as we sat down in a table by the window. 

“What? My arm? Yea like hell.” I said, taking a bite of my ice cream. 

“Don’t you have pain meds for it or something?” Ethan frowned. 

“They make me dizzy as shit and tired.” I shook my head. “So I don’t take them much.” 


“Because I’ve only been back from the hospital for a few days and I’d rather not take the pain meds when I can handle the pain without them.” I replied. “But anyways, tell me more about this girl.” 

“Her name is Julie.” Ethan started, taking a spoonful of his ice cream. “We sat next to each other in math third trimester last year, and she was just awesome. We talked a lot... She’s hilarious and just like me. I mean we hung out all the time over the summer.” Ethan explained. 

“Is she pretty?” I asked. 

“She’s hot as shit.” Ethan laughed. 

I raised my eyebrows at him. 

“Sorry, sometimes I forget that you’re a girl.” Ethan laughed, nudging my foot under the table. 

“Yea yea yea, you and the rest of the team.” I rolled my eyes. “So when was the last time you two talked?” 

Ethan shrugged. “I dunno, I mean after the football games we would always hang out but last week she started hanging out with her stupid little cheer leader group and Austin was all ‘hey I’m QB and hot’ and she just kind of dropped me. And last night I found out that they were officially together” Ethan sighed, shaking his head. “And I mean I don’t want to be pushy or anything but I just miss her...” 

“You need to make her jealous.” I told him. 

“Colton’s the ladies man, you know that.” Ethan rolled his eyes. 

“So ask him for some advice!” I laughed. “That’s the obvious thing to do!” 

“I don’t want to play dirty though!” Ethan protested. “Dammit why can’t the good guy just get the girl for once!” 

“It’s possible!” I shrugged. 

“Okay yea whatever you and Dylan are fucking soul mates or whatever and everybody knows you’re going to get married and have cute football babies so you don’t get to give an input on the whole idea of good guy getting the girl.” Ethan laughed. 

“Married? Yea I don’t think so.” I shook my head. “But yea honestly, I can tell you my opinion. I’m older than you.” 

“By a year.” Ethan rolled his eyes. “But anyways, if you and Dylan broke up because you thought some stupid quarterback was better than him, how could Dylan get you back?” 

“First of all, I’m the quarterback, and the other quarterback happens to be completely unappealing to me, so that wouldn’t happen. Besides, Dylan and I aren’t even dating.” I replied, taking another bite of my ice cream. 

“Pretend, Sam, pretend.” Ethan groaned. 

“Okay, in all honesty? If it’s meant to be between you and this Julie girl, she’ll realize that the quarterback is a tool who can’t time his passes with his receivers, and that you’re obviously the better catch.” I told him honestly. “I mean seriously, your family’s genes are amazing I don’t get how you’re all so perfect.” 

“You think I’m perfect?” Ethan teased. 

“No I think your brother is perfect, and he just happens to have a striking resemblance to everybody else in your family” I laughed. 

“Oh shit. Shit.” Ethan whispered, looking down. 

“What’s wrong?” I frowned. 

“Let’s go! Yea let’s go home I have to uh, wash my, uh my mom’s car.” Ethan muttered, rubbing the back of his head. 

“Why? What’s the matter?” I asked softly. 

“Julie’s here.” Ethan said, glancing towards the door as the JV quarterback and a cheerleader walked in. 

“Oh.” I said softly. “No, no Ethan you’re going to stay here and be the better person alright?” 

“Sam...” Ethan groaned. 

“Do it.” I hissed. “And hey, why not make them a little jealous?” 

“With you? I mean everybody knows about you and Dylan.” Ethan said awkwardly. 

“Not in that way you idiot.” I laughed, shoving his shoulder. “You just have to make her see that you’re happy.” 

“But if she sees that I’m happy why would she consider coming back to me?” Ethan frowned. 

“She’ll see that you’re better than that fuck up of a QB.” I replied with a laugh. 

Ethan just rolled his eyes. “I’m not even on the football team...” 

“You play baseball don’t you? And run track? That’s pretty impressive! I’ve seen the track team practice. That’s some tough shit to just run in circles with no purpose. And they’re hot too.” I reasoned, raising my eyebrows at him. 

“Oh my God you’re such a girl.” Ethan rolled his eyes. 

“Yea I’ve noticed thank you very much.” I laughed. 

“So has Dylan, apparently, with your hello kitty underwear.” Ethan teased. 

“Oi, you fucking say a word of that to anybody and I’ll beat your ass.” I hissed, trying to hide my smirk. 

“Okay okay.” Ethan rolled his eyes. 

“Whoa hey it’s Sam Carson!” I heard Austin say. 

“Act happy.” I hissed to Ethan, turning to face Austin and Julie as they walked up. 

“Hi.” I smiled. 

Ethan was just looking down at his ice cream, his cheeks pink. 

“So were you guys at the game last night?” I asked. 

“Yea when your team kicked ass without you?” Austin raised his eyebrows. 

“Well I mean they played alright, considering the circumstances.” I said with a shrug. 

“Yea it’s because you weren’t there. Everybody knows girls don’t play football, I just don’t see why Coach T hasn’t realized that before.” Austin said, sliding his arm around Julie’s waist with a smirk in Ethan’s direction. 

“It’s Coach Lowellson to you. And in case you haven’t noticed, he’s taken us all the way to Nationals three years in a row, so don’t go doubting his abilities to put together a good team.” I said, raising my eyebrows at this rude boy. 

“Well obviously it’s not working out too well this year for him huh?” 

“We haven’t lost a game yet.” 

“Because you’re not playing.” 

I couldn’t believe what was happening with this person. How did he have the nerve?

“Oh okay, go ahead and tell yourself that while you’re slumming it with the JV. You’re a junior right? You know most juniors make it on Varsity.” I said, raising my eyebrows. 

“Well you know most girls go cheer instead of playing football.” Austin replied. 

“Okay Austin, okay.” I rolled my eyes. 

“But tell me, Samantha, what’s it like to have your spot on the team be obviously because of who your dad is?” Austin asked. 

My breath caught in my throat. 

“Wh-what?” I stammered. 

How did people know about coach?

“Your dad is the president? Well, I guess I should say adopted dad, right? You don’t even know your real dad. But hey! Your dad’s got money. Who would say no to the president of the united states?” Austin asked. 

I felt anger boiling up in me. 

“And what are you doing with this nerd anyways?” Austin asked, pointing to Ethan. 

I stood up, placing the best punch I could with my left arm to the side of Austin’s face. 

“Ethan may be a nerd, but he obviously was good enough for you to pick up his seconds.” I hissed as he pushed himself off of the ground. “And next time you consider insulting me, get your fucking facts straight.” 

I grabbed Ethan’s arm, pulling him up from his seat. 

“Let’s go. We’re leaving.” I told him, pulling him out of the door with me. 

“That was awesome!” Ethan laughed, shrugging my arm off. 

I glared at him. 

“That son of a bitch better not say anything else or I swear to God worse will happen to him that a shitty punch with my weak arm.” I hissed, throwing open the door to the car. “Get in we’re going home.” 

“You alright?” Ethan laughed. 

“Yes I’m fucking fine. That dick is an ass hole and I promise you that you and I are getting you that girl.” I said harshly, turning on the ignition to the car. 

Ethan laughed. “Dylan was right, you are funny when you’re pissed.” 

I drove back to their house with a frown on my face. 

“Looks like the guys are here, want to come in?” Ethan asked. 

“Yes of course I want to come in.” I snapped, getting out of the truck. 

“Are you alright?” 

“Yea. Yea I’m fine I just hope Andrew gets held back or some shit because there is no way Coach will survive with that ass hole on varsity next year.” I told him as we walked into his house. 

Ethan laughed. “See how awful he is?” 

“Oh yes. I don’t know what that girl sees in him.” I sighed, walking up the stairs. “How the hell could you let her go to him?!” 

Ethan shot me a look. 

“Look who showed up!” Matt laughed as I walked in to Dylan’s room. 

“Oh shut up.” I rolled my eyes, sitting down on Dylan’s bed. “I hate people.” I groaned, resting my head in his lap. 

“What happened?” 

“Sam just punched the dick who stole Julie.” Ethan laughed, walking over to his bed. 

I closed my eyes, my heart fluttering as Dylan rested his hand on my back. 

“You what?” Dylan laughed, tracing his finger up and down my spine. 

“Ethan and I went out to ice cream and that stupid guy with your brother’s ex girlfriend was there and he was talking shit about the team. He asked for it so I just punched him.” I explained, playing with the hem of his shirt. 

“You punched someone? Is your arm okay?” Dylan asked softly. 

“Yes my arm is fine.” I whispered, feeling myself grow tired. 

“Are you tired?” Dylan asked. 

“Well obviously I was up until three this morning.” I mumbled. 

“Then go to sleep...” Dylan whispered, brushing my hair back from my face. 

“Thank you.” I barely whispered as sleep took over me. 


Yay quality time with Ethan :) Dylan's brothers just haven't been present enough in the story

SO I was going to update later today, because I was planning on going for a run when I woke up, but my knee is so swollen I can't even bend it to a 90 degree angle so I figured running isn't the best idea :/

Happy 4th of July!!!

What are your plans today? I'm going to a parade with my family and then eating a ton of food ;)

Update: Most likely this afternoon


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