Chapter 26

Chapter 26

“We’ve got some stuff to discuss.” My dad told me, giving me a look. 

“Okay yea but I don’t get why that has to be in your office? Why can’t you just tell me now?” I rolled my eyes, not looking up from my laptop. 

“Because we’ve got somebody down in my office waiting for you.” My dad told me. 

“But I’m busy.” 

“Doing what?” 


My dad sighed, leaning against the doorframe. 

“It has to do with football.” He told me. 

I looked up, skeptically looking at him. “What about football?” 

“Come on down to my office before that team of yours breaks something.” My dad said, a knowing smirk on his face. 

“No!” I gasped, jumping up from my bed. “No way!” 

I ran as fast I could to my dad’s office in the West Wing. Nearly running over very official looking people, I stumbled through the door of his office extremely out of breath. 

A smile crossed my face as I saw who was in the office. Nate and Dylan were sitting on his couch, while Luke and Matt were looking at the pictures on the walls. Andrew just looked extremely out of place, standing there with his hands in his pockets. 

Everybody stood up, turning to look at me as I walked through the door. 

I didn’t know who to go to first. 

So I just ran forwards, pulling both Nate and Dylan into a hug at the same time. 

Both of them groaned as I accidentally pushed their heads against each other. 

“Alright alright, let’s everyone take a seat.” My dad laughed, shutting the door behind him. 

Matt and Luke easily sat down on the couch opposite Dylan and Nate, but Andrew was still standing awkward and alone. 

I gave him a look, grabbing his hand to pull him down on the couch as I squeezed in between Nate and Dylan. 

“Sam, do you know what this Friday is?” My dad asked me. 

“Of course. It’s our first game of the- their first game of the season.” I said, with a nod. “How could I not know what Friday is?” 

“Where will you be on Friday?” My dad asked. 

“Sitting in bed watching the live stream that Coach said he’d set up from the sideline for me.” I grinned. “And hold on why are all of you here? You’ve got 3 days before the game shouldn’t you be practicing?” 

“Ah there’s some stuff with getting a new player or whatever.” Nate shrugged. 

“Okay can I just say it the suspense is killing me!” Dylan blurted, leaning forwards. 

I looked at him expectantly as my dad nodded. 

“You’re coming back to the team!” Dylan exclaimed. 

I just looked at him, my mouth falling open. I looked back at my dad with wide eyes.

“You’re joking.” I whispered. “Daddy you’ve got to be joking right now.” 

My dad just grinned at me. “I’m not joking, Sammy. Now it’s going to be a little bit different from last time you stayed with the Peters, they’ve redone their garage, originally for Brian, but you’re staying there. No funny business in Dylan’s room.” My dad told me, causing Nate to laugh and reach behind me to playfully shove Dylan’s shoulder. 

“Are you serious?” I asked quietly. “You’re not joking? This isn’t some April Fools joke in the middle of August?” 

My dad shook his head. “I’m dead serious. If you want to, of course, you can leave whenever you’re ready. You’ll just have to pack your things and-” 

“Oh my God you’re the best!” I exclaimed, running towards him to give him a big hug. 


“If you need anything, you know where we’ll be.” Kate told me with a smile on her face. “Oh it’s just great to have you back here!” 

I smiled as I looked around the garage. 

“I don’t think I can thank you enough for letting me stay here... Gosh DC was awful.” I shook my head. 

“Trust me, Sam. The pleasure is all mine.” Kate nodded, leaning against the doorframe. 

“Does the door open?” I asked, gesturing to the big garage door. 

“No. We temporarily disabled the wires. And this door locks, so it’s just as safe as being in the house.” Kate reassured me. 

I nodded. 

“And you’ll just be a few feet away from us.” 

“Hey Sam need any help unpacking?” Dylan asked, walking into my room with a smile on his face. 

“I’d love some help unpacking.” I grinned. 

“Bye mom.” Dylan said, kissing her on the cheek as he kindly pushed her out of the room. 

I felt my heart rate speed up as Dylan locked the door and pulled the blinds. 

“So seriously though let’s unpack.” Dylan smiled, walking over to the boxes in the corner. 

“No... You shouldn’t be doing any work. You have a game to play tonight.” I told him, placing my hands on his chest before pushing him back onto the bed. 

“So do you.” Dylan replied, resting his hands behind his head. 

“Nah, Andrew’s playing.” I shook my head. 

A frown crossed Dylan’s face. 

“That’s no fair...” Dylan sighed. 

“Yea it is actually. I got to start for the past three years, and he’s been at all of the practices this summer. It’s totally fair.” I replied, leaning forwards so that my body weight was on my hands on either side of Dylan’s head. 

“Yea well that’s not right that Andrew’s playing QB1 just because Coach is his dad.” Dylan frowned. 

“That has nothing to do with it, trust me.” I laughed. “Dylan, I really don’t care. Andrew deserves it.” 

“It’s not fair that Andrew comes in and automatically gets QB1 just because his dad’s the coach, when you and Matt have been on this team forever.” Dylan frowned. 

“Matt doesn’t like to be QB, you know that. He’s better off on defense. And Andrew’s been working out with the team all summer, I don’t deserve to take that field tomorrow.” 

“Samantha. You will always deserve to take that field.” Dylan said softly. 

I sighed, sitting back so that my weight was on his hips again as I stretched my hands behind my head. 

“Not as much as Andrew right now.” I frowned, coming to the defense of my twin. “Come on, he’s just like me anyways.” I raised my eyebrows. 

Dylan sighed. “At least when I’m not kicking I’ll be able to sit with you on the sidelines.”

I nodded. “See. There’s an upside.” I laughed, wiggling my hips a little bit. 

Dylan pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes darkened. 

“I know what’s on your mind.” I whispered. “But put a pin in that thought because we have a game.” 

Dylan groaned, grabbing my hips as I started to move to get off of him. 

“Dylan. Stop, seriously. I can’t just jump into bed with you every time I see you.” I frowned, rolling of him. “It’s not healthy.” 

“Well you did that when we were dating.” 

“Exactly. We aren’t dating.” I rolled my eyes, pulling my hair up into a ponytail. 

“Then let’s date.” Dylan smirked. “We broke up last time because you were moving to DC, but now we’re basically back where we started.” 

I turned to look at him. “We’ve been apart for 8 months, Dylan. I’m not going to jump into a relationship the second I get back. I have a starting position to work for and all you’ll do is distract me. I mean I love Andrew and everything, but I can’t go on letting him take my position forever.” 

“So you do care!” 

“Obviously! But what kind of person would I be if I came back and demanded my position back!” 

“You’d be normal! Dammit Sam it’s so obvious that Andrew’s only getting it because of who his dad is!” 

“That’s not true! If anything, the paternity of a QB would not matter on this team between Andrew and I.” I rolled my eyes. “And if all you’re going to do is insult Andrew and say that he doesn’t deserve his starting position, you can kindly leave.” 

“Are you even dressing tonight?” 

“Obviously.” I rolled my eyes, grabbing my phone off of the dresser. 

“If Coach doesn’t give you captain, then something is messed up.” Dylan told me. “Will you drive?” 

“You can drive yourself. I’m not your chauffeur.” I rolled my eyes, unlocking my car. 

“But we always go to games together.” 

“Drive yourself. I’ll see you there.” 


I let out a groan, clutching the front of my helmet in my hands as we lost the ball. 

“What the hell is he doing!” I exclaimed, mostly to Coach. 

“I don’t even know.” Coach shook his head, glancing up at the scoreboard. 

It was the middle of the second quarter and there was still no score. 

“Timeout!” Coach yelled, holding up his hands. 

The team, that had been standing along the lines, turned to face him as the offense ran off of the field towards us. 

“What the hell is going on out there?!” Coach yelled. “This isn’t a scrimmage this is an actual game!” Coach yelled. 

The assistant coaches all started barking orders, but Andrew was left out of it. 

I grabbed the front of his helmet, pulling him away from the group. 

“What’s going on.” I said, looking him right in the eye. 

“Nothing I just-” 

“Nothing? You’re playing like shit, Andrew.” I said seriously. “Get your act together.” 

“I’m trying! Nobody’s receiving the ball!” 

“Because you have to work with them! You have to look before you throw!” I said, pressing the front of my helmet against his. 

“I know that.” Andrew hissed. “I don’t need you to tell me.” 

“Well obviously you do! You’re not doing anything! I know this is your first game with the team but you’re acting like you’ve never met them before!” 

“Just because they can practically read your mind doesn’t mean they can read mine!” Andrew exclaimed. 

“I’m not asking you to read their minds! I’m telling you to make eye contact before you aimlessly launch the ball out to them!” 

Andrew glared at me. 

“Andy! Sam!” Coach said, walking over to us. He looked between us for a moment, before letting out a sigh and shaking his head. 

“Sam warm up. Andy, take a seat.” Coach said. 

My eyes widened. 

“No I-” 

“What?!” Andrew exclaimed, holding out his hands. “Dad what the fuck!” 

“Andrew.” Coach said, giving his son a look. “Language.”
“No you don’t have to do this, Andrew will be just fine without-” 

“Nate! Warm Sam up!” Coach yelled, shoving me towards my team mate. 

I felt my pulse race as Nate and I threw the ball back and forth. 

“I can’t do this.” I shook my head. 


“I can’t do this.” I told him frantically. “Nate I haven’t played in months.” 

“Then I guess now’s a good time to start.” Nate laughed with a shrug. 

“No you don’t understand. I haven’t really played a game where everybody knows I’m a girl. I haven’t played a game where people actually know me! How I play in this game, it’s going to follow me.” 

“People found out at Regionals. You played in Nationals.” Nate frowned. 

“Yea I know that, but I wasn’t thinking then. I didn’t realize the shit that would follow me!” I exclaimed, feeling myself start to get nervous. “Andrew deserves this! He’s the one who’s played with you all summer while I’ve been in DC and he should be the one to play the full game and-” 

“Sam! You’re on!” Coach called. 

“Oh fuck.” I whispered, tightening the strap on my helmet. “Coach... I know you think this is the best idea, but I promise you, it’s not.” I said, shaking my head as I walked up to him. 

“Get out on the field.” Coach said harshly. “Don’t tell me you’re not ready.” 

“But I-” 

“Get on the field or you’re off the team. I don’t give a damn that you haven’t been here all summer, those boys need you and it’s you that they’re going to get now get your ass on the field before I make you.” Coach said, giving me a look. 

I just nodded, my head fuzzy as I ran onto the field. 

“Okay, uh, let’s do the, oh shit.” I whispered, breathing heavily as I held the ball in my hands. 

“Just take a deep breath you’ll do fine.” Nate told me. 

I shook my head frantically. “Nate call the play.” 

I was barely listening as he gave instructions, my head in another world. 

By the time the ball was snapped, I realized I had absolutely no idea what was going on. 

I saw Nate make a run for it on the outside, and I pulled back my hand to throw the ball. But before I could even begin to make a throw, I felt myself being slammed to the ground by a heavy guy from the other team. 

“That’s why girls don’t play football.” He hissed as he stood up to walk away. 

I heard the coaches on the sideline screaming at the ref, calling it a foul. 

I jumped up to feet, resisting the urge to charge at the ass hole who tackled me. 

“Whoa, Sam, what’s got you all riled up?” Nate laughed as I let out a growl. 

“Fucking bitches.” I cursed under my breath, glaring straight ahead. “We’re winning this shit game and I don’t care how.” 

But every time I tried to get the ball out, I was slammed to the ground before I could even think. 

Eventually, my head was spinning and my ears were ringing as I stumbled back to the huddle. 

“Coach is taking you out.” A familiar voice said behind me. 

I shook my head, ignoring Andrew. “Not happening.” I said, shoving him back. “I’m staying in.” 

“Sam.” Andrew said quietly. “They’re not playing fair. You can’t get hurt.” 

“Fuck off.” I hissed. 

“Get off of the field you can’t even stand straight.” Andrew sighed. “Get off.” 

I glared at him, but started to walk towards the sideline. 

I felt myself stumble, but caught myself on my hands before I hit the turf. 

“I’ve got you.” Coach said softly, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he helped me stand. 

“I’m fine.” I said, trying to push him off. 

“You’re not fine, Sam.” Coach said. “What hurts?” 


“More specific please.” 

“Nothing.” I muttered as he forced me down on the bench. 

Coach sighed, kneeling down in front of me. 

“Do you understand why I took you out?” 

“Because I’m a girl.” 

“Because they’re playing unfairly, and you’re the most important player on this team. They were out for your blood, and I’d rather let Andrew get a few rough hits rather than you get injured. You haven’t been practicing, your body isn’t as strong as it should be, and I can’t risk losing you for the season.” Coach said seriously. 

“Because I’m a girl.” I repeated. 

“Yes. Because the other team’s coach has brainwashed them into thinking that just because you’re a girl, you can’t play. Sam the hits you took were strong, and very illegal. I’m surprised you’re not doubled over in pain.” Coach said seriously. “I’m not about to put you out there and risk an injury, understand?” 

I nodded, pulling off my helmet. I was soaked with sweat, and my head was throbbing with a headache. 

Dylan handed me a water bottle and I poured some into my mouth, still breathing heavily. 

“I’m sorry about earlier.” Dylan said softly, sitting down next to me as Coach walked away. 

“Do not start a conversation about our personal lives during a football game.” I hissed, trying to catch my breath while still pour water down my throat. 

“But I was just going to-” 

“We’ll talk about this later. Focus on the game.” I said seriously. 

Halftime arrived, causing everyone to head back to the locker rooms while the marching band took the field. 

Andrew came to my rescue as I was limping along the edge of the wall that raised the stands, using the concrete as support to move. 

“You okay?” Andrew asked softly as I put an arm around his shoulders. 

“No.” I muttered, all of my muscles screaming in protest as I took slow steps. “I’m so out of shape.” 

“You also just played a tough game.” 

“I was barely in for a few minutes.” 

“A very tough few minutes.” Andrew replied. I looked up at him. 

“How are you holding up? You played well when you went back in.” 

“Because those ass holes played unfairly against my sister. It’s personal.” Andrew teased. 

I laughed, wiping sweat off of my forehead. 

“I don’t think I’m going to be able to move tomorrow.” I sighed. “Do we have practice?” 

Andrew shook his head. “No, dad said we’ll take a break this weekend. But we’re all going to his place after this.” 

“Oh lord.” I whispered. “Can I just sleep?” 

“You good on the stairs?” Andrew asked as we approached the back doors to the locker room. 

I felt a groan escape my lips as I looked at the looming mountain ahead of me. 

“I’ve got you.” Andrew said, easily picking me up off of the floor. 

“How are your muscles not dying right now?” I groaned as he set me back on my feet. “I can barely move.” 

“I’m not a slacker.” He teased, opening the door of the locker room for me. 

I just groaned, leaning against him as we made our way inside. 

“Sam sit down, Andrew get some water.” The closest assistant coach said to us. “Sam are you injured?” 

I shook my head, wincing as I put pressure on my right foot. I looked up at the trainer and slowly nodded my head. 

“I think so.” I said quietly, limping over to the closest bench. 

The trainer knelt down in front of me and untied my cleat. I winced as he pulled it off along with my socks. 

My ankle was swollen and bruised. 

“Oi, Josh, can I get some tape over here?” Bill called, resting my foot on his knee. 

One of the other trainers brought over a first aid kit. I leaned back against the lockers while my ankle was taped up. 

“I hate football.” I groaned quietly, closing my eyes. 

“Hey Bill, check her for a concussion before she comes back out I don’t want any surprises later.” Coach said as the team started to head out to the field. 

Bill nodded, holding my shoulder down as I tried to get up from the bench. 

I narrowed my eyes at him. 

“I’m fine.” 

“Then this should be a piece of cake.” Bill said, giving me a look. “How many fingers?” 

“I’m not blind. 3.” I rolled my eyes. 

“What’s your name.” 

“Alexandra Samantha Carson. My birthday is October 22nd. I’m 17 years old.” I said, knowing the drill. 

“Do you have a headache?” 

“Yes.” I answered truthfully. 

“Are you nauseous?” 

“Not one bit.” I shook my head. 

“What does your headache feel like?” 

“Like I drove on the highway for 8 hours today and then played a football game.” I sighed. 

“You’re clear.” Bill nodded, stepping back. 

“So can I go support my team?” 

“Don’t sass me.” 

I just gave him a sarcastic smile as I pushed myself to my feet. 

“You good?” Bill asked, holding out his hands just in case I lost my balance. 

“I’m fine.” I grumbled, slowly making my way to the door. I was carrying my shoe and sock in one hand and my helmet in the other. 

I’d forgotten to put my sock and shoe back on, but there was no way I could bend down to it here. And if I sat down, I wouldn’t be getting up for a while. 

I slowly limped my way to the football field, cursing under my breath every time I stepped on my right foot. 

“Sam.” Dylan said softly, jogging over to help me as I got close enough to the bench. 

“Hi.” I muttered, grabbing on to his arm as he helped me to the bench. 

“Just sit and watch the game.” Coach told me, giving me a look that was a mix between annoyed and concerned. 


“Would any body like something to drink?” Marissa asked, poking her head in the living room where the team was sitting around. 

“Non alcoholic.” Coach added with a warning look. 

“Do you have any of those vitamin water lemonades?” I asked from my spot on the couch. 

As soon as we’d gotten to coach’s house, I was forced down on the couch with an ice pack wrapped around my ankle. 

“Of course.” Marissa nodded. She disappeared into the kitchen, returning a moment later. 

She tossed it across the room to me and I caught it easily. 

“You can actually throw now!” I teased, twisting open the bottle. 

“I’ve been practicing just for the purpose of throwing drinks at you.” Marissa joked before going back into the kitchen. 

“Your fathers on the phone.” Coach told me, handing me his cell phone. 

“My dad?” I furrowed my eyebrows. 

Coach nodded as I took the phone out of his hands. 

“Hello?” I frowned. 

“Are you alright? I heard you got injured.” My dad asked worriedly. 

“Uh, yea? I’m fine?” I laughed, taking a sip of the lemonade. “I’m just out of shape and sore.” 

“Tyler said you hurt your ankle.” My dad said. 

I glared at Coach. “No more than a usual bump from a game, don’t worry about me.” I said, trying to sound happy. “But uh, I’m kind of with the team right now, I’ll call you tomorrow?” 

“Okay, goodbye.” 

I hung up before he could say anything else. 

“So! Sam! How have you been since the last time you were here?” Matt asked, sitting down on the couch at my feet. 

“I’ve been quite bored and quite wonderful.” 

“Obviously you haven’t been working out.” Coach gave me a look. 

“Actually, Coach, I have been working out. But there’s a big difference between getting slammed by a guy who probably weight like 300 pounds, and running a few miles every morning and lifting some weights.” I replied, raising my eyebrows. 

“Weight room. Tomorrow morning. 7 am.” Coach told me. 

My jaw dropped. 

“Not happening.”
“Andrew. You too.” Coach added to his son. 

“Ha!” I said to Andrew. 

“Shut it, Sam.” Andrew grumbled, causing me to laugh. 


So yea this is the second update today and I'd originally said that I wouldn't post until someone commented or voted and obviously neither of those things happened but I felt like posting because Charlotte (you know who you are) told me she was gonna try and finish reading this by tomorrow and I told her all the chapters weren't posted and then I felt bad so hi

Update: Friday (USUAL RULES - give me a comment or a vote and I'll update sooner)


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