Scarlet vs Electro and Sandgirl

( It has been two weeks since Scarlet's battle with Menace. Since then,  both her mother and her Auntie. Decided to go out on patrol with her as much as they could. Currently, said auntie and mother, were in a meeting with the web warriors, Team Prime, the Avengers, Shield,  Silver Sable, Black Cat, Silvia, and Felicity. They were all in a meeting room aboard the Tricerrier, watching a Satellite recording of Scarlet's battle with Menace)

" I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Scarlet actually beat Menace, if not by a hair and she was able to knock her out. ( Looks at Jessica Drew). How is she doing? Has she fully healed yet?" Asked Silk. " Yeah, she's currently hanging out with White Tiger and Moonstone. ( Looks at Hill). Can you bring them up on the screen? (  Watches as a live satellite video of  Scarlet,  Moonstone, and White Tiger sitting on a wrecked car while Yuri tells her officers to put Rhino, Shocker, and  Vulture into an armored car). Seems like she's doing pretty good." Said  Jessica Parker. " ( Notices Scarlet quickly looks to her left). Hu, what's up with Scarlet? Did something catch her attention?" Askek Spidergirl. " Yeah, I think something did. But whatever it is, it moved pretty fast. (Rewind the video and then zoom in on the direction that Scarlet was looking at. Only to spot a flash of blue electricity quickly leaving the area through a street light). Thats what caught her attention. Looks like Electros making her move. The question is, how long was she watching the fight." Said Miles.

"  That doesn't sound good. The last time those two fought. It was only because of her electric power that Scarelt was able to last as long as she did. Here's what confuses me, Miles has a similar lighting power. Yet, when he fought her. He got hurt more than Scarlet did. How is that possible?" Asked Ghost Spider. " I think it has something to do with the powers themselves.  Miles was bitten by a spider, which gave him his venom blast. Scarlet was born with it, thanks to her mother. " Said Natasha.  Doesn't that mean that she can fly as well?" Asked  Spidergirl. " She could if she wanted to. She problem just chooses to fly whenever she really needs to. Heck, Drew only flew when the situation required her to." Said She-hulk. " ( Looks at  Drew). On another note. Have there been any more visits from Julia? We haven't seen her since two days ago." Said  Miles. " Julia is no Longer a madam web. Her constant harassment concerning Scarlet being the totem. Had given Cassandra no choice but to take back the power that she had gifted Julia." Said Jesica Parker as all of the Web warriors except for Drew, gasped in shock.

" Which means that we need to be more careful with how things proceed from here on out. We can not afford to lose Scarlet. ( Looks at Drew). What's your plan for this, going forward? "Said  Hill. Simple really, we can't stop her from being a hero since that's something that she needs to do. In order for things to keep moving smoothly. She's now the center of the universe. She can not stop being a spider." Said Jessica Drew as she watched  Moonstone give  Scarlet and  White Tiger a ride on her back as she flew them away from the area. " Never thought I'd see Moonstone do something like that. She's doing good as a godmother since Scarelt first got her.  ( Walks toward the door to the meeting room). I'd best be heading out, Moonstone and I were gonna go out on patrol together soon." Said Captain Marvel as she left the meeting room. 

" ( Looks over at  Stark and then notices the look on his face). Don't even try it Tony, Scarlets off limits." Said Drew. " I'm just thinking about what the rest of us who are not webbed warriors have learned so far. ( Looks at Natasha and  She-hulk with a raised eyebrow). among others at least. You said that if she dies. Our whole world is destroyed. Apparently, it was the same for  Peter. Only not it's this new spider. ( Looks at  Drew and Parker, Natasha and She-Hulk). Someone you four and our cybertronian friends know all too well. Yet won't fill the rest of us in.  It wouldn't surprise me if Furry knew about it as well. " Said  Tony as he looked at  Furry and  Hill. " If you're asking if we have a file on her Stark. Then let me stop you right there. We don't have a file on her, just like we don't have a file on Silvia and Felicity. We're trying to go about this differently than what we did with Peter. The less people that know about her, the better. " Said  Furry. ( Looks at Felisha and  Silver Sable). So does that mean that the two of you and your daughters know who the new sider is? If so then that just leaves the rest of us in the dark." Said  Tony.

" Not only that but now that I go back to what Silvia told us last time. About Scarlet and  Spiderman having a stronger connection than we had originally thought. The only thing that I can think of. Would have to be, Scarlet being a close friend that  you were all introduced to." Sair  Caotuan America."   Maybe, maybe not. Either way, we should get back to patrolling the city. With  Lecltro on the move. We'll need to keep an eye out. ( Tightens her left hand into a fist). There is no way I'm letting her face Electro alone like she did last time. As a junior member of the spider family, I'm supposed to be there for the new members. I messed up and I won't let it happen again.  " Said  Silvia. " ( Looks down at the ground). you're not the only one. I messed up as well. I'm the one who said that she didn't need to come with you to help the rest of us. I should have seen it coming. Or at least told you to have Dark Spider stay with her. The faults mine." Said Miles as Silvia, Felicity, Jessica Drew, Jessica Parker, Felisha, and Silver Sable left the meeting room. 

"    We would best be leaving as well. Till our next meeting Director Furry" Said  Optimus as he and the rest of Team Prime walked through a ground bridge back to their base. " Till our next meeting Optimus." Said Furry as he watched the groundbridge close.

(  Later on that night)

( Play this song while reading this part of the chapter)

" (  Swings through the city while following a large wad of sand and a large amount of bright blue electricity). Ok Electro, where are you and Sandgirl? Why do I feel like I'm not gonna like what I see? ( Swings through the city until she loses sight of the electricity and sand that she was following. Then lands on top of a rooftop). Something's not right here. ( Feels her spider-sense tingles and then looks behind her only to see nothing). Hu, that's weird." Said Scarlet as she gets contacted by Yuri. " Scarlet, have you found Electro and Sandgirl yet?" Asked Yuri. " No,  I'm still looking. But something feels off. It's like I know they're somewhere out there. I just don't know where. " Said Scarlet. " Well, just keep an eye out. With the power planet drained. It'll take a while to restore power to half the city." Said Yuri. " Sure thing, I think I've narrowed it down though. I just gotta figure out where to look next. " Said Scarlet. " Well keep me posted ok, I know you're still healing a bit but. You're the only one I could ask since the other two are doing you know what." Said Yuri.

" I got it, chief. I'll let you know what I find. ( Notices something flashing and sparking below her and then looks down to see a power box that seems fried). What the heck, that wasn't like that when I landed here." Said Scarlet. " Something wrong Scarlet?" Asked  Yuri. " Hard to say, a power box that wasn't fried. Is now suddenly fried,  you got to be kidding me. Chief, I think I found them or at least I think they found me." Said Scarlet. " What makes you say that?" Asked Yuri. " ( Feels her spider-sense go haywire and then slowly turns around as two giant forms. One is comprised of only sand, while the other is comprised of only electricity). Um, call it a hunch.  ( watches as the two forms solidify to form a giant Electro and a giant Sandgirl). Well, this can't be good. Um, chief. I know what Elctro did to the power she took. But you not gonna like it." Said  Scarelt as  Sandgirl and  Elextro looked down at her. "

 Why, what am I not going to like? " Asked  Yuri until she overheard Electro talking. " Hey there Scarlet,  are you ready for round two? I hope you don't mind. I brought our Hier to the name, friend Sangirl with me. She wanted to join in on the fun as well. " Now then let's see if you can take us both on when we're like this." Said  Sandgirl as she slammed her giant fist down toward Scarlet. Only for Scarelt to quickly jump out of the way in order to dodge the giant fist. Scarlet then web swings away from the building that she was just on in order to get some distance from Electro and Sandgirl who are now giants. "  Chief,  Electro used the electricity she stole for the power plant to make herself huge. Just like Sandgirl does with sand. Have all your available officers evacuate all civilians from the area. You'll know the area when you see it. Sandgirl and  Electro have gone titan size" Said Scarlet as she dodged a giant lighting blast from Electro. "( Chases after Scarlet as she swings away. With  Sandgril right alongside her). How do you like the new us? We're bigger and badder than ever?" Said  Elctro as she tried to smash Scarelt only for her to miss due to Scarlet quickly yanking herself toward a nearby building.

" And what, you guys did this for little owe me. I'm flattered really. ( Watches as  Sandgirl swings her giant fist towards her). Uh oh, Thats not good." Said  Scarlet as she ran across the building with Sandgirl fist-chasing her. Before quickly jumping out of the way and then onto the wall of another building. " Flattery will get you everywhere Scarlet. We respect you enough to test these forms on you. Just to see how you'll handle it." Said  Electro as she launched a large blast of electricity at  Scarlet. Only for  Scarelt to quickly dodge it and then land on the roof of a building. " Seriously, just for me.  Aren't you guys sweet, wu oh." Said  Scarlet as she jumped into her to dodge a fist from Electro and then lads on another building. She quickly begins to run up the tall building. with Sandgirl chasing her as she tries to smash Scarlet. " Hang in there  Scarlet, just keep them busy while we get the people to safety. (Quickly rounded up any able-bodied police officers. Before quickly getting into Strongarm). We need to hurry,  Scarelt is in a battle with  Elctro and Sandgirl. The problem is, that the two are giants.  We need to as many people to safety as we can." Said  Yuri. " You got it, I'll send the info back to base. Hopefully, she can keep those two occupied." Said  Strongarm as she drove off. 

(  Over in the A-Team HQ)

"  ( Hears an alert go off and then quickly runs over to the control console).  That alarm only goes off if  Scarelts is in trouble. But it should be an easy day today. " Said She-Hulk as she brought up what was going on in the city, on the monitor. With Moonstone and Captain Marvel walking right behind her. Only to then gasp in shock at watching the battle between the giant Electron and  Sangirl.  Fighting  Scarelt who is focusing more on defending herself. Rather than retaliating. " You gotta be kidding me. Those two choose now to attack, of all times. " It has been two weeks  Jen, they must think that now's a good time since  Scarelt's problem rested enough. At least in their case." Said Captain Marvel. " At least she's focusing more on defending herself,  rather than trying to retaliate." Said Moonstone,  only for all three of them to scream in worry after seeing  Sandgirl Smash Scarelt through a building and then watching as Electro chased after her. Only to smile in relief. After seeing Scarlet dodge a blast from Electro and then counters another blast. By launching one of her venom blasts in order to counteract the second one that Electro Threw at her.

" She needs help, we can't just sit here and do nothing." Said Moonstone. " We couldn't interfere in that fight even if we wanted to. ( Thinks for a second and then notices how some of Ectro's electricity entered Scarelt's body). Plus, I think I know how we can help her. But we can't move unless I give the signal. We need to find and grab any nearby water tankers. That'll help Scarelt beat them. " Said Captain Marvel. " I'll help any way I can." Said Jessica Jones. " Me as well, She's one of my best friends." Said America Chaves. " But how are we going to help them if they're like that?" Asked Moonstone. " You won't like it. But We'll need to wait until  Scarelts wears them down. My main concern is Electro. But if I know Drew, she and the other spiders will occupy Sandgril. Now let's go get those water tankers." Said Captain Marvel. As she and the rest of the A-Force ran to get ready and help Scarelt.

( over in an apartment building)

" ( Watches the fight between Scarlet against Sandgirl and  Electron in worry). Why won't she run away? She's no match for them when they're like that. She needs to run, or at least draw them away somewhere people won't get hurt." Said Felicity. " ( Watches as Scarelt uses her power to create an electric shield that protects the civilians that were being escorted by  Yuri and her fellow police officers).  What in the world are doing Scarlet? You can't beat them,  run and live to fight another day." Said Felisha as she tightened her left hand into a fist.

( Over in Symkaria)

"  She's very brave to fight them as they are now. However, it may all be for not. She can not hope to fight them alone." Said  Sable. " How can you say that mom, Scarelt's doing with we both know dad would have done.  She's fighting for so that the people can escape." Said Silvia. " What she needs to do is let more experienced spiders deal with them. She's not ready for something like that.  Not even you would be able to handle something like that. At least not yet." Said  Sabel as she looked at the TV. But doesn't notice the glare that  Silvia is giving her.

( Back in New York)

" ( Flies through the sky as quickly as she can while carrying her fellow Spiderwoman. As  Ultimate Spiderman, Ghost Spider, Silk, and Spider-Girl swing alongside them). Hang in there Scarlet, we're on our way. We need to move faster, every second we waste means we lose Scarlet." Said Jessica Drew. (Thinks back to how   Scarelt was left to fist  Electro after he called  Silver Spider and  Dark Spider to help him).  Not this time, I won't let her face something like this alone. I can't let someone who is fighting just as hard as Peter. Fall, because I couldn't save them." Said Miles. We both all mest up Miles, You, me Anya, and Sindy. We're supposed to help train the next generation and yet we can't even do that. For someone who reminds us so much of  Peter." Said  Gwen. " ( Contacts Natasha who's aboard the Tricerrier). Natasha, how's she doing?" Asked Jessica Parker. " You need to hurry, Scarlet's suit is damaged. There are tears in the suits in the low waist, both arms, and the hood is torn. But there's something else." Said  Natasha.

" What, what's wrong?" Asked Drew. " It's Scarelts powers. Somehow Electro's electricity is mixing with hers. The suit's readings are rising more and more. If this keeps up, it may severely damage her. We still don't know what she can do. I'm on my way but you need to split up. One group keeps Sandgirl occupied while the other helps  Scarelt " Said Natasha as she quickly ran to her hovercar. " Me, Spidergirl, Ghost-Spider, and Silk will handle Sandgirl. You two need to go help Scarlet." Said Miles as everyone looked to see Scarlet dodge a giant punch from Sandgirl.

( Over with Scarlet)

( Play this song while reading this chapter)

" (  Swings through the city while trying to dodge attacks from Electro and  Sandgirl). Have you guys lost it? You causing too much damage for just a simple fight with me. This is getting out of hand. why do I feel like you guys are doing this for another reason." Said Scarlet as she backflipped over an electricity blast from  Electro. " What other reason is there than to defeat the one that we consider to be our greatest foe? Just like how the Sinister Six was to the first spider.  We members of the fateful five have chosen you as our greatest foe and you so far. Have continued to impress us." Said  Sandgirl as she hits Scarlet with a giant left huck that slams Scarlet into the building behind her. " ( Grabs Scarlet and then proceeds to hock her). It's only fair that we have a battle as grand as theirs was. With us being the heirs to the  Sandman and Electro name. Now, let's see how much you can take of this. Especially since you were able to handle this pretty well last time." Said Electro.

" ( Grits her teeth as hard as she can while trying not to scream out). You have to-stop this. People are getting hurt.  All because you want to prove something. Prove that you're just as good as your fathers. Thats what this is about." Said  Scarlet as she gritted her teeth in pain. "  and why not,  we're their daughters,  it's only right that we try to be just like them." Said  Sandgirl. "  ( Watches as Electro raised her power as she continues to shock  Scarlet). If we're gonna make our move then we better do it now. I don't know how much more Scarlet can take." Said Ultimate Spiderwoman.

Right, let's get started. Miles, you ready? Asked Jessica drew. " You know, let's do it." Said Miles as he and Drew. Launched a combined Venom blast at Sandgir l which knocked her into the building next to her. " ( Gets up from the building and then looks at where the blast came from to see the rest of the spiders). Electro heads up. We got company. Ther other spiders are here." Said Sandgirl. " Deal with them, I want to finish my fight with Scarlet here." Said  Electro as Sandgirl went over to attack the rest of the spider family. " Ok guys, you know the plan. Spilt up and take them down." Said Drew as she flew herself and Jessica Parker toward Electro and Scarlet. While  Ultimate Spiderman, Ghost Spider, Silk, and Spidergirl fought Sandgirl. " Once I deal with you,  those other spiders are next. Then,  though we might let them live. Just so we can find and destroy Dark Spider and Silver Spider." Said Electro. " ( Hears what Electro said, while feeling something strange from within her). N-no, I-I won't let that happen, I can't. ( Feels her power begin to rise within her). I WON'T LET YOU HURT THEM!"  Said  Scarlet as she unleashed an explosion of her power. Which  Breaks her free of Electro's grip. While also knocking  Electro in the building behind her. As her giant form begins to shrink. 

" ( Looks down at herself and then glares at  Scarlet who is floating in midair, while white electricity runs across her body). How is this possible? You stole some of my power from me. THATS NOT POSSIBLE!" Said  Electro as she flew at Scarlet. " WILL YOU ZIP IT ALREADY!" Said  Scarlet as she flew at Electro. This caused an explosion of dark blue and pure white lighting to occur around them as the two clashed.   " ( Watches as   Scarelt battles Electro and then contacted  Captian  Marvel). Carel, I know you have a plan. I Saw you pick up a water canister. Whatever you're gonna do, do it now." Said Spiderwoman. " You got it Jess. ( Looks at the rest of her group. Ok everyone, pore it on." Said Captain Marvel as she and her group all began to pore the water storage tanks that they had collected around the city. They watched as the water began to fall down toward Scarlet and Electro. 

"  ( Looks up to see the gallons of water falling down towards them. Before quickly turning and then grabs Electro). You need to calm down,  how bout some water to chill you out said Scarlet. " ( Lands across from Scarelt and Electro). This should make sure that you don't move. " Said   Spiderwoman as she and Ultimate Spiderwoman shot insulated webs at Electron which wrapped around her. " Have a nice shower. ( Watches as the large quantity of water falls onto  Electro and  Scarlet. Then notices how Electro is no longer covered in electricity, before looking at Scarlet who is steadily walking backward ). Scarlet, are you ok?" Said Ultimate Spiderwoman. " Not-really, that water helped cool me off. But this energy is a lot to try and hold in. ( Wraps her arms around her waist while struggling to hold in the power that she took from Electro). I still don't know how I did that. Could use some help though. " Said Scarlet as she fell onto one knee. " ( Quickly flies toward  Scarlet). Hang on I'm on my way, fly upward as fast as you can." Said  Captain Marvel. " Yeah sure, you got it. " Said Scarlet as she quickly flew into the sky, with Captain Marvel quickly flying after her.

" ( Contacts Scarlet). Just hang in ther Scarlet, I know you can do this." Said  Drew as she looked over toward Miles Group to see them standing with an unconscious Sandgorl next to them. " ( Feels herself losing more control over the excess energy). Can't- hold it-any-longer." Said Scarlet as she felt herself get grabbed by Captain Marvel. " ( Wraps her arms around  Scarlet and then quickly flies them into the upper atmosphere). It's ok Scarlet, I got you. I'm here for you,  you can let it go." Said Carol. " ( Looks at Carol). Are you-sure?" Asked Scarlet. " Trust me ok. I can handle it." Said Captain Marvel, as Scarlet nodded her head and then released the excess energy from within her. Which causes an explosion to happen in the upper atmosphere.

" ( Watches the explosion from the ground and then quickly tries to contact Captain Marvel and  Scarlet). Captain, do you copy? Captian, Scarelt can you hear me? Does anyone copy? ( Waits for a  couple of minutes and then tries again). Captain, Scarlet are there?" Asked  Spiderwoman as she smiles, after finally hearing a reply. " Can you please not go yelling in my ear?  I'm really exhausted." Said Scarlet as Captain Marvel smiled at her while flying them both down to the ground. With both civilians, police officers, and the rest of the spiders, and Captain Marvel's team cheered for them.

( End Song Here)

 " ( Walks over to Captain Marvel and Scarlet. Before quickly giving Scarlet a tight hug). I'm just glad that you're ok. ( Looks at Captain Marvel and nods her head at her). Thank you." Said  Spiderwoman. " It's my job, I may not be her godmother. But I darn will act like one for her. I'd do anything for her." Said Captain Marvel.  "( Foats down toward  Scarlet, Captain Marvel, and Spiderwoman). I'm sure you've earned the godmother title now Captain. ( Watches as  Spiderwoman lets Scarlet go. Before watching Scarlet wave to all the citizens and police officers). Now come on, let's get our girl home." Said Moonstone as she, Captain Marvel who was carrying Ultimate Spiderwoman,  and Spiderwoman who was carrying Scarlet. Flew off and headed to the Tricarrier.

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