Scarlet Spider Vs Doc Oc ( Female version)
( The next day, Scarlet decided to swing around the city and see what was going on. While also keeping an eye out for members of the Avengers who didn't know who she was)
" ( Swings through the city, but then dodges a blue lighting blast that flies past her and then loos at where it comes from to see Elctro floating twenty feet from her. Before swong towards her and then using her power to fly that she got from her mother, to float over towards Electro). Surprised to see you here Electro. What's a fellow heir to a name doing way out here?" Said Scarlet as she crossed her arms. " Fancy seeing you here Scarlet, but I'm not here to fight. At least not today. You will be having a train to catch later. " Said Electro. " A train, what are you talking about? " Asked Scarlet. "Let's just say that our own octopus wants to challenge you this time. Myself, Sangirl, and Scorpina respect you, Scarlet. So from one heir to another, good luck out there. Now if you'll excuse me. I'm gonna go irritate the other spiders." Said Electro as she flew off. " What does she mean by testing me?" Asked Scarlet as she proceeded to Swing through the city once more.
( Thirteen minutes later)
" ( Sits on top of a rooftop and then spots Scarlet swinging through the city to her right). There's my target. It's time to have some fun." Said Ock as she jumped from the building and towards the train." ( Swings through the city only to then feel her spider-sense activate. Before immediately twirling her body in order to dodge a piece of a brick wall that was thrown at her). What the heck, where did that come from? ( Looks at where the piece of brick came from and then spots Doc Ock). So She's the one that threw it. Time to see what she wants. ( shoots out a web from her left wrist which attaches to the building. Before yanking herself toward the building, and then lands on the building in front of Doc oc). So, what brings you all the way out here?" Asked Scarlet.
" Oh you know, doing some crime, reaching havoc with no civilian casualties. Oh, and testing out the newest spider that's becoming just as much a thorn as the first spider. Now then, shall we dance." Saic Doc oc as she attacked Scarelt as the two fought on top of the building. " ( Dodges some of OC's arms and then kicks her in the face before kicking off of oc cheast which allows her to some breathing by landing seven feet away). That's fine by me. " Said Scarlet as she shot a web that flew past Ock and attached to the building. Before using the web to yank herself towards Ock.
( Doc Ock)
( Scarlet)
( As the two begin their fight, it seems like the two of them are even. Ock even tried to throw an arrowhead that she had broken off from the giant clock below her. At Scarlet, which forced her to dodge the arrowhead and then throw it back at Ock by webbing it and then slingshotting it at Ock. Seeing this Ock dodges the metal arrowhead. Only to then feel something attach itself to her suit. She then looked down to see to webs attached to her suit. Which then pulled her off the roof of the building. Not to be outdone. Ock Used to of her octo arms to grab Scarlet as the two began to fall through the sky. Before slamming into a moving train that was below them. As the two begin to roll across the train carts as the train goes forward making tents in the roof of the train carts as they go. They quickly stop themselves by grabbing onto the train cart that they are on top of)
" That was a sly move Scarlet, I'm impressed." Said Ock as they continued their fight. " You're the one that threw a piece of the clock at me. you deserved what you got. So don't even start." Said Scarlet as she punched Ock in the face.
( Over with Dark Spider, Silver Spider, Black Cat, Yuri, and Spider-woman)
( Spiderwoman)
" So what's up, you girls been staying safe?" Asked Yuri as Dark Spider crossed her arms. " We've been fine, just got down helping ultimate with Shocker and Rhino." Said Dark Spider. " How have things been here Yuri? Been real busy lately?" Asked Spiderwoman. "Thankfully no, with you guys keeping the damages to a minimum, it's been making my job slightly less hard." Said Yuri. "That's good, at least you won't be too overworked. ( Looks over to see Silver Spider look down at her watch). Is something wrong Silver? " Asked Black Cat. " No, it's just Silk and Ghost Spider telling us that they and Spider-Girl are currently dealing with Electro, Rhino, Scorpina and. ( Looks at the recorded video). Is that Juggernaut? Sounds their having one heck of a party." Said Silver Spider.
" Oh that I have no. ( Hears her walkie-talkie go off asking for any available cops in the area before quickly opening Strongarms door and grabbing the walkie). This Yuri, go ahead." Said Yuri. " Chif, we got reports of Scarlet and what we presume to be a female Doc OC. Currently fighting on a moving train. Doc OC has been reported to have thrown civilians off the train. Only for Scarelt to save all of them. Scarlet and are currently continuing their battle above the train and are currently on their way to a dead-end. " Said the officer. " ( Looks at Spiderwoman in shock. Before looking back at the walkie-talkie). Say again, you said that they're headed towards a dead end?" Said Yuri. " Yes mam, the rail they're headed to is unfinished." Said the officer. " I'm on my way, have all available officers evacuate any civilians in that area. I don't think she knows where they're headed. ( Hopps into Strongarm and then closed the driver-side door once she was in the driver's seat. Before looking at the spiders). So, what are you guys gonna go do?" Said Yuri.
" I'll go with you to help Scarlet. Dark Spider and Silver Spider will go help the others, I don't know what Black cats gonna do." Said Spiderwoman. " I'll help get the civilian to safety." Said Blackcat as she shot a grapple and then swung toward where the trainway was. " I guess that settles that. Let's get going. ( Watches as Silver Spider and Dark Spider swing away on a web before looking at Yuri). I'll follow you." Said Spider-woman as she floated into the air and then followed Yuri and Strongarm once they drove off.
( Back over with Scarelt)
( Play this song while reading this story
" ( Dogdes three claw swipes from two of Ock's octo arms and then uses another to springboard herself into the air. before shooting a web toward OC and then yanking herself toward her, and then punching Ock in the face). Seriously, you threw those people out of the train. What is your deal." Said Scarlet as she threw a punch at Oc only for one of the arms to grab her wrist). Oh, come now Scarlet). Slams Scarelt onto the top of the train five times and then punches her in the face three times ). I'm only just having some fun. I knew you would catch them." Said OC as she threw Scarlet toward a civilian walkway bridge. " ( See the bridge and then straightens her body so that she can fly through the open gap and then flies toward Ock. Before tackling Ock which causes the two to continue their fight on the left side of the train. As the two begin to punch each other.
( Below the train)
" ( Drives Strongarm through the city while looking up at the fight going on the left side of the train). This is insane, They're gonna get the people inside the train caught in their fight." Said Yuri. " I think that's the least of our worries, Yuri. The train is still headed for the dead end. ( Watches as Ock climbs back onto the top of the train while Scarlet leans her body all the way back in order to dodge a train that is coming right at her). Nice move Scarlet." Said Strongarm as they continued to drive through the streets and then made her siren sound louder in order to keep people out of their way. " Spiderwoman, how are things topside?" asked Yuri. " Well, the people that Scarelt saved are safely on the ground. I'm on my way to you now." Said Spiderwoman as she Slong on a web toward the train.
( Back with Scarlet, her fight with Ock has gotten harder. For during the fight. Oto decided to use two of her octo arms to smack Scarlet off the train)
" Oh, you did not just do that. ( Skids across the street before spotting a familiar police car and then shoots a web that attaches to the police car). Fancy seeing you two here. Mind if I which a ride?" Said Scarlet. " Sure thing, your mom's here as well. We'll get you close and then she can get you back up there. Try to finish this fight without getting more people caught in it." Said Yuri as Strongarm increased her speed. " You got it, I do what I can." Said Scarlet as she spotted Spider-woman above them. " ( looks down at Scarlet and then shoots a web at her). Grab on quick, you're running out of tracks. ( Watches as Scarlet grabs the web before then flying her back toward the train). Let's see if we can finish this together." Said Spider-Woman as she flew herself and Scarlet toward Ock. " ( Watches Spider-Woman fly herself and Scarlet back towards the train). Che, looks like our fun is over for now. ( Uses her octo arms to get to the front of the train). Let's leave a little parting gift." Said Ock as she used one of her octo arms to push the lever forward which made the train go faster. Before then destroying said control panel of the train. As Spiderwoman and Scarlet land on the train right behind her. She then turns to face the two with a grin). you two have a train to catch." Said Ock as she jumped off the train and onto a nearby building after tossing Spiderwoman the brake controls.
" Did she really just do what I think she did?" Asked Scarlet. " Yes, I do believe she did. Now we just have to stop the train...Any idea as to how to do that?" Said Spiderwoman. " We could web the buildings on both sides. One of us stands in front of the train while the other stays on top." Said Scarlet as she got in front of the train and then shot multiple webs at the buildings on both her left and her right. " ( Contacted Arcee and Causeway). We need your help. We've got a train that lost its breaks. People are in trouble, and we need you guys to help us stop the train." Said Spiderwoman as she copied Scarlet, by shooting multiple webs at the building to her left and right. " ( Drive through the city as fast as she can). Don't worry, I was already on my way over to you guys. I listened in on any police alerts and heard about the train. I'm almost there." Said Causeway. " ( Zooms through the street and then spots the train). Speak for yourself Causeway, I'm already here. ( Transforms into her robot mode. Before quickly jumping up onto the train rails and then grabbing the left side of the train with her right shoulder up against it. Using her feet to help slow the train down. Even if her feet have to skid across the train rails. " Right behind you Arcee. ( Transformer i to her robot mode. Before quickly jumping in front of the train rails and in front of the train. She grabs the right side of the train with her left shoulder up against it. Using her feet to help stop the train as they skidded across the train rails). We need to hurry, we're nearing the end of the rail." Said Causeway.
" ( Quickly files behind the train and then grabs onto it as her feet slide across the train rail as she tries to pull it in the other direction). Looks like your guys can use a hand. Mind if we lend it." Said Captain Marvel as she tried to pull the train in the other direction. While Moonstone flew in front of the train and pushed it away from the unfinished train rail. "Let's get these people to safety." Said Moonstone as she pushed against the train.
( As the group of heroes and two autobots worked together to stop the train. They were rewarded by the train coming to a complete stop. due to exerting a lot of strength in trying to stop the train. Scarlet has begun to lose consciousness, which caused her body to fall forward. Only for her to quickly be caught by Arcee, Cause, and Spiderwoman. While Yuri handled things below. Arcee and Causeway left the area through a groundbridge. While Spiderwoman carried Scarlet and flew off into the air. With Moonstone and Captain Marvel flying alongside her as they checked on Scarlet. As Spiderwoman carried her back to A-team HQ.
( Back over with Doc Ock)
" (Slams Ock into a wall in anger). What the heck were you thinking Ock? I thought we all agreed. No innocent lives being, lost when we cause havoc. That was the deal." Said Sandgirl. " Seriously, Ock, did you let yourself get carried away? Or did you just not care? " Said Electro. " Relax girls, it was all in good fun. Besides, it all worked out in the end." Said Ock. " Yeah a little too well, But you should know that your little stunt with the civilians on the train got the attention of Menace. She'll be gunning for Scarlet now because of you. The plan was for us to each test Scarlet in our own way, just like we did Dark Spider and Silver Spider. The only difference is, that Scarlet is just as fun to fight as our fathers and husband had fighting the first Spiderman. They respected him, just like we respect Scarlet. You have just made this harder for us. To at least be somewhat friendly with Scarelt. She is considered a frenemy to us after all." Said Scorpina. " Fine, then let's do what we can to help her when Menace strikes." Said Ock as the rest of the group nodded their heads.
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