I am...

Third Person POV:

After changing into his spider suit, Y/N swings towards the source of the danger

Y/N: Wow...I kick one Goblin's ass and another one comes back for more. Long time, Hobby.

The Hobgoblin, perched on his glider, turns to face Spider-Man with a malicious grin

Hobgoblin: Spider-Man, my old foe! You thought you could have a peaceful day at the festival, didn't you? But where's the fun in that?

The Hobgoblin hurls a pumpkin bomb in Spider-Man's direction, the explosive device leaving a trail of smoke as it hurtles through the air. Spider-Man reacts with agility, dodging the explosive

Y/N: can't you find a new hobby?

Hobgoblin: Oh, I have plenty of hobbies, Spider! Creating chaos and watching you squirm is right at the top

The Hobgoblin laughs maniacally, reveling in the mayhem he's causing. Y/N, determined and focused, pushes forward, doing everything in his power to protect the innocent lives at the festival

Gwen then contacts him using her watch

Gwen: Y/N, we need a plan. This guy is causing too much damage!

Y/N: I know, Gwen. Just keep Mayday safe. I'll handle this.

After that, Hobgoblin charges at Y/N, punching him before he could react

The impact catches Y/N off guard, but he quickly recovers and swings back into action

Y/N: Nice punch, Hobby...let's see if you like this...

He retaliates with punches and kicks, showcasing his incredible agility and combat prowess. Each move is executed with precision, aiming to wear down the Hobgoblin and bring an end to the chaos he's causing

Hobgoblin grunts as Y/N's blows connect, but he counters with a burst of pumpkin bombs, creating explosions in an attempt to distract the web-slinger

The festival attendees scream and scatter as the battle intensifies

Y/N contacts Gwen so she can help the people that were still in Times Square

Y/N: Gwen, I need you to get those people out of here! Hobgoblin is causing mayhem, and I can't focus on both him and the crowd.

Gwen: Got it, Y/N. I'll make sure everyone clears out. Be careful!

Y/N and Hobgoblin keep fighting and Y/N notices that the Number Two Goblin in New York City is stronger...way stronger than the last time they faced each other

Y/N: You're looking a little stronger than usual, Hobby. Have you been juicing?

Hobgoblin laughs menacingly, his voice echoing through the air as they clash mid-flight.

Hobgoblin: Juicing? No, Spider. I've just found a new power source. And trust me, it makes all the difference.

Y/N: Oooh what is it? Trenbolone? Creatine? Can I have some? I've been feeling kinda skinny the past few days.

Hobgoblin: You won't be joking for long, Spider. This city is going to burn, and you won't be able to save it.

Hobgoblin's attacks are relentless, putting Y/N on the defensive. The glider zooms around, and the green-glowing bombs explode, creating chaos in Times Squar

Hobgoblin, with his enhanced strength, manages to overpower Y/N and pins him down, choking him

Hobgoblin: You will die knowing you have failed to protect this city, Spider-Man.

But just as he could deliver the final blow, Gwen comes to the rescue, kicking Hobgoblin and helping Y/N gets up. She was wearing her Spider-Woman suit and Mayday was with her in the baby carrier with a Spider-Man beanie to conceal her identity

Hobgoblin: What is this? Spider-Woman and Spider-Baby? Did you get busy while I wasn't around, Spider?

He charges at them, making Y/N go worried about Gwen and Mayday

Y/N: Stay back, Gwen. I'll handle this.

Gwen: I'm a big girl, I can handle myself.

Y/N: Get Mayday out of here! OOF!

Y/N and Gwen get knocked down by the Hobgoblin after throwing some of his pumpkin bombs at them, getting stuck under a pile of rubble. Mayday starts crying in her carrier as the villain takes her from Gwen

Y/N: N-no...

Hobgoblin: What a beautiful baby girl...

Mayday starts crying as Hobgoblin takes her to the ledge of the balcony they were on

Y/N: Hobgoblin, don't you dare!

Gwen: Give her back, now!

Hobgoblin, reveling in the chaos he's created, laughs maniacally and continues to threaten Mayday's safety.

Hobgoblin: Ah, the sweet sound of distress. One wrong move, and this little one takes a tumble.

Mayday's cries intensify, echoing through the tense air. Y/N clenches his fists, desperately searching for a solution to the situation

Hobgoblin drops Mayday. However, in a burst of adrenaline-fueled determination, Y/N dives off the balcony, hurtling towards Mayday

He zips himself up with Mayday afterwards, flipping Hobgoblin off as Mayday sticks out her tongue

He comes back up and faces Hobgoblin, who was now mad at Y/N for interfering

He grabs a patch of pumpkin bombs, ready to throw them everywhere

Hobgoblin: You ruined everything!

As he gets ready to throw the bombs, a green portal forms right above his head and a mysterious figure falls from it and lands on top of the Goblin

Y/N, still in a fighting stance, exchanges a glance with Gwen. The atmosphere is thick with intrigue and uncertainty

Hobgoblin: I can't feel my legs! Get off me!

The figure stands up and brushes some dirt off their suit

????: Oh my God, I'm so sorry...are you alright? Goddamnit! This isn't my world.

The figure glances at Y/N and Gwen, realizing they're not villains, and quickly introduces himself

????: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't even introduce myself. I am...

Y/N: Uh...what was that?

Invincible: What was what?

Gwen: You were gonna tell us your name, but this giant title screen just appeared.

Invincible: Oh... that's kinda my thing. Sorry. Uh...where am I?

Y/N: New York.

Mayday makes cute cooing sounds

Invincible: Right... New York. Got it. And who are you guys?

Y/N: I'm Spider-Man, this is Spider-Woman, and the little one is Spider-Baby.

Gwen: We're from different universes, and I'm just...passing by this dimension.

Invincible: Multiverse, huh? That explains a lot. So, what's the plan now?

Gwen: Clean up the mess, make sure this guy doesn't cause more trouble, and figure out what brought you here.

Incincible: I actually know what got me here.

Y/N: What was it?

Invincible: A guy by the name Angstrom Levy...he can travel through universes. It's his superpower.  I've been trying to stop him, but he's slippery. Always a step ahead. We were fighting, but he summoned this portal and next thing I know, I fall down on a guy that thinks it's Halloween and I see a little Spider...family?

Y/N and Gwen's cheeks start burning red after Invincible's wrong assumption about them being a family

Y/N: Oh no...you see, we're just friends in a babysitting job. We're not...

Invincible: Pretty extreme for babysitting.

Hobgoblin: Can somebody help me?! I think this maniac broke my leg! That hurts!

Gwen: We'll get you help when we want to! You deserve to rot after what you almost did!

Gwen goes over to the incapacitated Hobgoblin and kicks him in the head

Gwen: That's for scaring Mayday!

Invincible: Wow...she's very protective.

After that, they wrap Hobgoblin in a web cocoon and leave him for the cops

The four of them hang out on a roof, watching over the aftermath of Hobgoblin's destruction

Invincible: So...any idea of how I can get back to my world?

Y/N: Yeah, actually...

Y/N types 928 on his watch and a portal opens to Miguel's Earth

After that, the four of them get in the portal and go to Miguel's dimension

Earth 928

Arriving there, Invincible and Gwen stick the landing, but Y/N falls face first on the floor

He groans in frustration as Gwen helps him up and Mayday chuckles

Gwen: Smooth...

Y/N: I gotta get used to it. Ugh

They walk towards sector 4 to meet with Miguel and all eyes are on Invincible, who wasn't a Spider Person

Y/N: Don't worry about the stares. They're like this because you're not like us...

They pass by the bakery and see Spider-Ma'am there

Spider-Ma'am: Y/N, sweetie...who is your friend?

Y/N: This is...uhh...what's your real name again?

Invincible: Uhh...Mark...the name's Mark.

Spider-Ma'am: Well, would you like some cookies, Mark?

Y/N: You're a mad man if you don't accept Spider-Ma'am's cookies

Y/N takes off his mask and starts eating Aunt May's cookies

Y/N: God, these are heavenly, Aunt May.

Gwen also takes off her mask and eats the cookies

Gwen: These are amazing. What's the secret ingredient?

Spider-Ma'am: Web fluid...

Y/N looks at Gwen with a disgusted look

Spider-Ma'am: I'm joking...it's love.

Mark also grabs some cookies

Invincible: Wow, these are delicious...

After eating the best cookies of the multiverse, Y/N, Gwen, Mark and Mayday go to see Miguel, who was in another part of the compound, waiting to see them

There, Y/N meets with a new Spider Person. Margo, aka Spider-Byte, a cyber Spider Person who uses her power via a digital avatar

Miguel: Y/N, this is Margo. Spider-Byte, this is Y/N Parker.

Margo: Nice to meet you, Y/N.

Y/N: Likewise...what is this place?

Margo: This is the Go Home Machine. It detects whatever dimension your DNA is from and sends you there. Miguel notified me of your friend from another-another dimension and I went to work. Mark Grayson, 19 years old. Species...Half-human and Half-Viltrumite

Gwen: What's a Viltrumite?

Invincible: An alien race of powerful humanoids. They look like us, talk like us...but in reality, they're a bunch of scumbags with genocidal tendencies...like my dad used to be.

Margo: You don't seem to identify as one of them...

Invincible: I'm a human...I'm not one of them. Never will be.

Margo: Okay...Mark. Can you step into the machine?

Invincible: Sure.

Y/N: Hey Mark?

Y/N throws a spare watch to Mark

Y/N: Just in case you get stuck in a random dimension when fighting Angstrom. 

Invincible: I appreciate it, Y/N.

Mark steps into the go-home machine, and it activates, enveloping him in a bright light. The machine scans his DNA, determining his home dimension. After a moment, the light fades, and Mark is gone

Miguel: You realize you gave him a tool of interdimensional travel, right?

Y/N: He needs it. The guy he's fighting has that ability. So we might as well just even the odds.

Miguel: Anything I should be worried about?

Y/N: Not unless it pops on your radar.

Miguel: Good.

Y/N: Okay...so this is my cue. Gotta deliver Mayday back to Pete, go home, watch the Mets and get a good night's sleep. You coming, Gwen?

Miguel: Actually, Jess needs to have a word with you, Gwen.

Gwen: Oh...alright then. I'll catch you later, Y/N

Y/N jumps in the portal after typing Peter's Earth number on his watch


After that, Gwen heads to meet Jess, wondering what the conversation might be about

Gwen: Jess...hi.

Jess: We need to have a talk.

Gwen: Uh...sure. What is it?

Jess: You and Y/N are getting too close to each other.

Gwen raises an eyebrow, surprised by Jess's statement.

Gwen: What do you mean "too close"? We're just friends.

Jess: I've seen the way he looks at you. It's more than just friendship. And considering the complicated nature of relationships, it's a risk we can't afford.

Gwen scoffs

Gwen: Weren't you the one saying about your husband's corniness and hotness at the same time? When I joined this thing, you were happier...what happened to you, Jess? Don't tell me you've never gotten close to anybody, because I know it's bullshit.

Jess: I moved on. Something Y/N hasn't. 

Gwen: You think pushing people away will make you invincible? Trust me, I've tried that, and it only makes things worse.

Gwen turns around and walks away with tears streaming down her face, reflecting the internal struggle she's facing. The conversation with Jess has stirred up a mix of feelings—frustration, hurt, and perhaps a tinge of anger

She then types Y/N's Earth number on her watch and jumps in the portal

A couple of minutes later...

Earth 685

While still grappling with the emotional aftermath of her conversation with Jess, Gwen arrives at Y/N's house and knocks on his door

Y/N opens the door, and his eyes meet Gwen's sad gaze. Her appearance speaks volumes about the emotional weight she's carrying

Y/N: Gwen...come on i-

In a surprise action, she kisses him on the lips

Y/N: Gwen...I

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