The feels
While trying to even his breathing and dry his tears away, Jimin heard a knock on his door.
He didn't answer anything.
Then he heard the door knob twisting and someone's steps entering.
"Jin, I don't want to talk right now."
The bed shifted underneath him, so he rolled his eyes cause what about 'I don't want to talk right now' his brother didn't get?
"How about me?"
The blood in his veins boiled to the sound of Jungkook's voice cause what the hell is he doing here?
Jimin pushed the blanket off of his face, well only down to his nose, his eyes poking big and shocked like a deer caught on the street in the car light.
"What are you doing here?"
Jimin asked quietly, not believing his own eyes.
"Well you didn't answer my calls, nor my texts so I got worried and since I know where you live..." Jungkook shrugged and looked around the spacious room.
"Um... Sorry... I don't even know where my phone is..." Jimin said honestly, finally pulling the blanket off of his face completely.
"It's ok. I just wanted you to know that Jin and I... um... We kind of didn't hit it off... He's an amazing guy, really funny and smart, but I could never date him..." Jungkook explained the thing that Jimin already knew, and another sharp pain went through his chest.
So this is it? The end of what they had... The end of one thing that made him to feel... so many things...
Jimin took a deep breath.
"Could you try one more time? Maybe give him another chance... He obviously didn't have time to get to know you, and if you hang out more, he'll see how amazing you are."
Jungkook smiled fondly and came closer to Jimin in bed.
Jimin didn't move away, instead he felt vulnerable and exposed, but closer to the younger. It felt weird not to feel weird.
"Jiminah... would you really be ok with me dating your brother, being with him all the time, kissing him, being together as a couple..."
Jimin thought about his words for a second.
"If that means seeing you every day, then yes."
Jungkook smiled cutely again.
"But wouldn't it be better if we hang out together? Just the two of us without your brother."
Jimin frowned, not understanding what the younger meant.
"But why would you want that?"
All of this was really strange to Jimin. He needed some explanation. Needed some valid reason for someone to willingly want to hang out with him.
"Cause I like you. I like spending time with you." It seemed like Jungkook didn't need to think twice about it.
" guess we could be friends. I really enjoy your company." Jimin believed he got the point.
"I don't want to be just your friend Jiminah. I want to take you out on a date."
Jimin's heart started beating faster.
"No? Why not?" Jungkook looked confused.
"Cause I'm not dateable."
"Says who?"
"Me, my brother, Tae, my therapist..." the list could go on and on...
"I get it, but that doesn't mean we couldn't try."
Jimin found the strength in him and looked at Jungkook's face.
"Why do you wanna do this?"
"I told you already. Cause I really like you."
Jimin's cheeks were burning.
"But why?" he really looked shy and small.
"There's a lot about you that I like actually."
Jimin couldn't believe what he was hearing and more importantly the way he felt on the inside while hearing those words.
Jungkook smiled.
"So to cut to the chase, how about we go out tonight since you're always busy during the week..."
"Tonight? Already? Like a... Like... A date?"
If there was a time where Jimin felt the most awkward in his life. This would be it.
"Yes. I actually wanna take you somewhere, but I'm not gonna tell you where until tonight."
Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Cause I love surprises that much."
Jungkook nodded with a grin.
"Exactly. I can't believe you gave me a sarcastic answer. You're a fast learner hyung."
"It's cause you're a good teacher. You have comments like that all the time."
"Thank you." Jungkook got up and started walking towards the door slowly. He looked around Jimin's bedroom, and then glanced at the older.
"I really like your room. It's simple and clean."
Jimin looked around, loving the fact that his room was indeed always clean and neatly organized. His books stored nicely, Marvel's figures placed in a special shelf above his TV, his closet always looks organized and freshly done... Everything was in the right places.
"Thank you. I like it too."
"So how about I pick you up at 8 tonight?" Jungkook said while leaning his body on the door, looking good.
Jimin liked the sight.
"Sounds good." Jimin got up and walked Jungkook out while still processing what the hell just happened.
"See you tonight Jiminah. Don't be late." Jungkook said while entering the car, the older just looked at him while leaning on the door frame.
"I'm never late. See you."
And just like that Jimin had a date plan and he had no idea what to do with that information.
As soon as he came back inside the house, he looked for his phone and saw a few missed calls from Jungkook and Tae.
Then he read new messages and after reading the one Tae had sent him (Call me asap) he dialed the number instinctively.
"Hey you, where have you been? I've been calling you the whole day." Tae answered immediately so Jimin thought about what to say.
"I was stalking Jin and Jungkook's date to see if our plan would work."
He decided to go with the truth.
"Oh... So? How was it? Are they finally dating?"
"Um... Not really... Somehow they didn't hit it off..." Jimin stumbled over his words.
"Sorry to hear that. I'm sure Jin can find a new guy by himself. Don't beat yourself up about it. So... Do you wanna go and see a new movie tonight with your best friend?" Tae sounded cheerful so Jimin felt even harder to say no.
"Um... Tonight... I can't tonight..."
"No... But why?" Tae whined.
Jimin cleared his throat.
"I have some other plans for tonight..."
"Like what?" Tae could always sense bullshit.
"Um... I don't know yet... I'm gonna go out with Jungkook, but he didn't say where exactly..."
"No fucking way!"
"It's no big deal..." Jimin was delusional.
"But didn't you say how Jin and Jungkook aren't going to work?"
"I did. Yes. But he said how he would still like to hang out with me."
"Oh. Wow... So it's like that... Now I get it."
"He likes you so he said no to Jin and wants to get to know you better."
"No, no, no, no, no... We're just gonna see each other as friends..." Jimin had no idea why he lied.
"Ok. Well let me know how that went. I have to go now. Tannie needs a walk."
"Ok. Bye Tae."
After hanging up, Jimin did feel kind of weird... Why did he lie to Tae?
That's something that had never happened before.
Is he ok with going out on a date with Jungkook? What's Jungkook going to expect from all of this? Could he fulfill the younger's needs? Does he even want that?
So many questions invaded his mind and he had no answers whatsoever.
That's why he decided to go with his gut instinct and just do the thing that felt natural and good, and that was to see Jungkook again, and then he'll decide what to do next.
Time flew by and in a heartbeat Jimin left, since Jungkook was already waiting for him in front of the house.
Jimin wore his usual white button up shirt and black slacks cause he really couldn't stand to think about one more useless thing when he had millions of others on his mind.
"Hi you. Long time no see." Jungkook greeted the older with a grin, his black, short hair combed perfectly to show off his handsome face.
"We saw each other literally a few hours ago."
Jimin and his inability to read between the lines.
"I know. I was just joking."
"Oh... You're being sarcastic again." Jimin figured it out.
"Maybe a bit. I've missed you."
Jimin's head burned suddenly.
"Are you being sarcastic again?"
Jungkook laughed out loud.
"I wasn't."
Jimin's stomach felt weird.
"Where are we going?"
"Why are you impatient. You'll see in a minute. We're pretty close. What have you been doing?" Jungkook began the small talk, so Jimin followed his lead.
"Not much since we saw each other. I talked to Tae, I ate some snacks, grabbed a shower, and got ready to meet with you."
"Yeah... I did the same... Except that I talked to Yoongi. I needed someone to talk to badly. I was a bit nervous to be completely honest."
Jimin turned to look at the younger.
"Nervous? Why?
"Well cause of this whole situation... "
Jimin felt confused.
"What about it? "
"I really want this to work, and I know that it takes a lot of effort to make this enjoyable for both of us so I just needed someone to talk to... Give me some advice..."
"Oh... I think I might be a bit nervous too." Jimin confessed while playing with his fingers unintentionally.
"Why's that so?"
Jimin glanced at Jungkook, then shrugged.
"Cause I've never done this before..."
"What are you talking about? We've been literally going out for two months now." Jungkook said so Jimin frowned.
"We... No... What do you mean?"
"Come on hyung, think about it. We've been practically dating for two months. Visiting all kinds of different places together, we ate together, played games at my place, you've met my friends, we went to see a movie... That's how dating goes... All we have to do now is kiss and then have sex to make it all official." Jungkook laughed out loud after saying that last part cause the moment he did, Jimin choked on air and looked at the younger's face perplexed.
"You're kidding right?"
Jimin checked once, just to be sure.
"Not even a little." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at the older, so Jimin sighed deeply.
What the hell is he supposed to do?
Luckily for him, in a few moments, they came in front of the big open space that had a 'Book fair' sign posted in front of the entrance.
"A book fair?" Jimin read out loud so Jungkook nodded.
"Yes. Yoongi hyung told me about it since he went the other day and he actually bought three books that he's reading all the time these days."
"But you don't even like books. You hate reading." Jimin remembered that small detail that got stuck in his head.
"That's true. But you like it and I want you to have a good time. I could help you out with picking up the best book for you to read."
"How are you going to do that since you don't read?"
"Well I'll just conclude things after looking at the cover."
"But you know what people say, don't judge a book by it's cover."
"I know, but that's all I could do for now." Jungkook pouted like a child.
Jimin shook his head.
"You're silly."
"Maybe a bit."
They entered the fair, and Jimin's eyes became a sparkling galaxy filled with millions of stars ready to shine brightly.
"Oh my God, so many books..." Jimin said in awe and started walking down the open space with book stands all over the place.
Jungkook followed, looking at Jimin fondly.
"Oh,oh,oh... The Marvel comics..." Jimin jumped from joy when he saw his favorite comic books and soon he was looking at the pages, trying to find something he hadn't read before.
"Look at this one, 'The magical Spiderman it's so good." he kept looking at the books, explaining to Jungkook which are the ones he already had and which ones he's going to buy now.
An hour had passed as quickly as ever and Jimin was already richer for three new books, and was standing at one of the last stands.
It was a bit crowded so he stayed close next to Jungkook who was standing tall and protectively next to the older.
"I'm just gonna buy one more and then we're free to go." Jimin announced before making a few steps closer to the stand.
He looked at the books, took a few to flip pages carefully, and then he saw two girls coming to the same place as where he was standing.
The girls came an inch away from him, laughing and goofing around and just as he thought how they're gonna come too close, touch him maybe or bump into him, he instinctively moved closer to Jungkook and pressed his side onto the younger's buff body.
He could feel Jungkook's muscles flexing under his touch, and just then he realized how muscly the younger was.
Jungkook's breath was tickling his face, but the younger didn't move his hands. His hands were positioned into fists, hanging next to his body, not moving an inch.
"It's ok. Everything's fine."
Then he heard the younger's soft voice being as close as ever so Jimin glanced at him shortly before averting his gaze to the floor.
The girls took some books and left the space so Jimin moved away, his legs shaking from everything that just happened.
"I think I would like to go home now, please." he said while looking at the floor, unable to make eye contact with the younger.
"Of course. Let's go."
Jungkook's voice wasn't as cheerful and happy as before.
They came outside to the parking lot and entered the car without another word. Jungkook was walking in front of Jimin, making sure no one was too close to the younger, which made him feel safe and he was really thankful for that.
Jungkook put on some nice music to kill the silence that suddenly took over the car and in no time they were in front of Jimin's house.
"I'm sorry if those people made you uncomfortable..." Jungkook started talking at the same time as Jimin.
"Do you wanna come in?"
Jungkook's eyes widened.
He was obviously shocked.
"Jin is out, he kind of hinted that he would spend the night somewhere else... Namjoon's probably, so... I thought, If you want to have a cup of coffee or beer..."
"Sure. I would love that."
Jimin really didn't want their date to end that quickly. He didn't know, but being exposed to a lot of people for so long, made him exhausted and vulnerable so he thought having drinks at his place was the smartest thing to do.
They entered the living room and both of them just stood there awkwardly without sitting, just standing in the middle while looking at each other.
Jimin began without knowing what to say next. He felt nervous, but still happy that Jungkook was with him.
"Wash hands and then drink some beer?" Jungkook suggested so Jimin nodded.
"Sounds good. Maybe some soju too." Jimin added while finishing with his hands, then he entered the kitchen that was right next to the living room.
Jungkook sat down, looking at the neatly decorated beige space.
Jimin came back with two beers and a small bottle of soju with two glasses.
"Soju?" Jungkook asked immediately.
"I like soju." The older poured them two glasses.
"But soju makes you dizzy and drunk easily and I don't want that." Jungkook argued.
"Not one or two glasses. If I drink the whole bottle then yes..."
Jungkook slid a bit closer to Jimin on the couch. The older tensed. He moved away slightly, instinctively, so Jungkook took a deep breath.
"Hyung, how's this gonna work?"
Jimin tensed again, not knowing what Jungkook was talking about, but still he had his doubts.
Jungkook came a bit closer again, but Jimin just moved away towards the end of the couch looking unease.
"Me liking you, and you not letting me near you?"
Jimin scratched his neck.
"Can you like me from a far?"
Jungkook chuckled and moved a bit away, taking a sip of soju from his glass.
"You're too cute."
"Stop saying that." Jimin felt that burn in his stomach again.
"You are."
"M not."
"Yes you are."
"I don't like the way I feel when you say that." Jimin said honestly while sipping on his drink too.
"Wait, you're telling me you feel something? Like actual feelings?" Jungkook looked surprised.
"Of course I do."
"Wow, thank God. Then you're not a lost cause. We can do this." Jungkook seemed visibly relieved.
"I feel like I want to throw up."
Jungkook almost choked on his drink.
"Well, maybe I got head over heels with this..."
"You always do." Jimin teased. Why was all of this so fun for him?
"I'll just forget that last part you said and live happily ever after." Jungkook always had a plan.
"You're weird." Jimin concluded so Jungkook laughed at his remark.
"Says who?" Jungkook teased so Jimin nodded.
"Good one. I like your jokes."
"Yet you never smile." Jungkook's expression became a bit sad.
"That's cause I never learned how." Jimin said awkwardly and shrugged shyly.
"Want me to show you? Look."
The younger turned towards Jimin and gave him the biggest grin he had so Jimin shook his head.
"I know what smiling is. I just don't have the need to do it."
"But... Then what do you do when you're happy?" Jungkook looked genuinely concerned and interested.
"I'm never happy."
"Oh... That sucks..." Jungkook's gaze became softer. "Not even when you hang out with me?" Jungkook said cutely while cocking his eyebrows at Jimin.
"Is that another joke?" The older felt amused again.
"Apparently." Jungkook smiled while drinking his glass with soju bottoms up.
"Ha ha. See, I told you you're funny." Jimin faked laughing and followed Jungkook's steps in drinking that soju bottoms up. He really needed that.
"If you're feeling uncomfortable with me, you would tell me, right?" Jungkook looked all serious again.
"I would."
"Cause... The last thing I want is to make you uneasy and feel bad. We really don't have to do this. I'm ok with having you as a friend in my life...but it's just that I like you a lot."
Jimin felt his cheeks burning up again.
"I actually feel totally opposite with you." he said shyly.
"What do you mean?"
"Well... You said you don't want me to feel uneasy and bad, and the thing is... You make me feel safe and good. I really like that."
Jungkook's face lightened up again.
"Can I come closer, but don't hit me and don't move back cause you're fall. There's literally no space for you to hide anymore."
Jimin looked around and then nodded.
His heart was beating way too fast.
Jungkook moved slowly, now coming flush next to the older, but still not touching him anyhow.
Jimin bit down on his lower lip, looking at their close proximity.
"Hi. " Jungkook says playfully, obviously enjoying the closeness.
"Hi." Jimin answered shyly, looking like he's about to have a heart attack.
"Relax hyung. It's just me. Ok." Jungkook's voice was so smooth and calming... One of the things that Jimin liked the most about the younger.
Jimin nodded.
"I wanna try something, but please don't hit me. Ok?" Jungkook came even closer, now his thigh was slightly touching the older's.
Jimin gulped, but nodded again.
Then, Jungkook slowly moved his hand and positioned it softly on Jimin's thigh. Jimin's reaction was instant, he waved his right hand towards Jungkook's hand, trying to hit him, but the younger caught his hand with his and moved it away.
"Hyung, it's me. It's ok. Relax."
Jimin blushed hot pink.
"I'm sorry. It's just... A habit I think. I don't feel uncomfortable it's just that my stupid brain works that way. The moment someone's near me, it tells me to remove someone's presence away... It's like I don't have any control over this... All of this is really hard for me..." Jimin opened up without noticing one important fact.
He glanced at Jungkook's face, and saw a smug smile and a really content expression.
" What? "
" Look..." the younger's gaze fell down on their hands, and Jimin's hand was still in Jungkook's, positioned there nicely, while the younger was caressing his upper hand slowly with his fingers.
Jimin sighed and removed his hand like it was burned with fire. Shaky breath leaving his mouth.
"It's ok hyung. You're doing great. I can't believe I touched you. Your hands are so small and cute..."
Jimin visibly tensed.
"Is this ok hyung? Do you feel ok?" Jungkook asked while coming even closer, his legs touching Jimin's thigh now, but not touching him with his hands anymore.
Jimin nodded, glancing at Jungkook's hands which the younger moved away and positioned on his own thighs, then his face, up and down, up and down...
His breathing had calmed down too. He felt the inner peace overcoming his senses and it felt nice. It felt really nice to let go of his chains and walls and then Jungkook broke his inner peace with four words.
"I wanna kiss you."
Jimin snapped his gaze at him, and tried to move away, almost falling down from the couch.
"What? Why? No."
His face was priceless.
Shock and confusion written all in one.
"Cause I like you and you have the prettiest lips that I've ever seen in my life."
Jimin felt sick again. (the butterflies were flying inside his stomach)
"I... No... There's too many germs in our mouth... That's n-not good....Why do people like that..." Jimin stuttered.
"Well that's why it's a good thing you brought soju to drink."
Jimin looked at him like 'what the fuck are you talking about?'.
"Oh come on. You're a smart guy Jiminshi, you know how much alcohol is in soju. At least 45% and you know how this high percentage is good for disinfecting things, like our mouth in this case. So basically we just disinfected our mouths and there are no germs left. Just clean and nice lips that can finally share kisses..."
Jungkook pursed his lips and made a kissy face and Jimin wanted to punch him straight in the face cause why was the younger cute all of a sudden, and why is everything he's saying making perfect sense?
Jimin will seriously die tonight.
"You're right, but still... I don't like people touching me and, and... I've never done this before..." Jimin felt a bit shy and worried, but Jungkook had that encouraging facial expression that made the older one think that everything will be just fine.
"I'm gonna just sit like this, see..." Jungkook moved to the center of the couch and then he put his hands behind his back. "I'm not going to touch you in any way. You're the one in charge and you can do whatever you want."
Jimin felt even better.
It's not a big deal... Our mouths are disinfected so everything is ok...
Jimin tried to encourage himself mentally, and it kind of worked.
"Ok. "
Jungkook's eyes were wide as never before.
"No way... Really?"
He was obviously surprised.
"But let's drink one more shot of soju first just to make sure that we're clean enough."
Jungkook nodded eagerly.
Jimin filled the glasses for both of them, and before they started drinking he had another demand.
"Wait, let's do this first." he put his tongue out and licked some soju from the glass, then he smeared the alcohol all over his plump lips, making them look wet and slick.
"That's so fucking hot." Seemed like Jungkook liked the view.
"Shut up and do it." Jimin was blushing again.
Jungkook did it in a heartbeat and sat back down again, just like before, hands behind his back.
"Ok... I'm gonna do it. Close your eyes." Jimin moved forward and sat pretty close to the younger.
"Why should I close my eyes..." Jungkook whined.
"Cause this is embarrassing and I saw that people do that every time they kiss in K dramas and movies.
" Oh.... Ok then... "
Jungkook closed his eyes, a small pouty kiss formed on his face and Jimin took a second to admire Jungkook's features.
His lips were pretty, the small ring on the side looked hot and unique, his cute moles were more visible up close, and his jaw was sharp and sexy, and Jimin was sweating.
"Ok. I'm gonna do this." Jimin announced while shaking his hands, trying to loosen up a little.
"Ok. I'm ready." Jungkook answered, pouting even more than before.
"Should I count to three or ten or..."
"Don't count at all hyung. Just do it."
"But...wouldn't that be scary? Not knowing when it's going to happen.."
Jimin was definitely staling. Nerves got the best of him.
"Nothing scary about kissing hyung. Seriously, just stop thinking about it and do it."
Easier said than done...
Jimin came closer again, but then he felt his lips being dry and he needed to drink another shot of soju. He just needed it asap.
"I'll just have one more drink..."
Jungkook was still sitting there prettily, his eyes closed, mouth relaxed, looking tempting and red.
"Sure hyung. Take your time..."
Jimin drank the glass bottoms up and came closer again. Jungkook pouted his lips slightly.
"I'm gonna do it now." Jimin announced again.
"Any day now hyungie..."
Jimin rolled his eyes, thinking how all of this is just stupid and how he should just get it over with, cause it's basically just some skin on skin.... Right? So with that thought on his mind, he put his hands on Jungkook's thighs, moved an inch away from the younger's face and pressed his lips onto Jungkook's as soft as feather touch. Jungkook stayed still, just as they had agreed.
He felt warm and silky smooth skin on his own, and loved the softness of other lips against his full ones.
The moment he moved away, his lips felt cold and weird again, so he looked at Jungkook who was still sitting the same, eyes closed, lips slightly parted.
"Kiss me again."
The younger obviously liked it, so after a deep breath Jimin came closer again.
"Ok, one more."
"Kiss me."
Jimin tilted his head to the side, and moved closer, an inch away from Jungkook's face. They were literally breathing in each other's breaths.
After licking his lips instinctively Jimin closed the little distance between them and pressed his lips softly against Jungkook's again. Just as he was about to move away, he felt Jungkook's lips pushing firmer onto his, making his lower lip to open up a bit, being captured between the younger's lips. The combination of wetness and the cold metal of Jungkook's piercing gave him a new sensation and he couldn't help but gasp into the kiss.
Jimin moved away abruptly, hating the fact that he liked the way he was feeling seconds ago more than now.
"You moved."
"I didn't move an inch. I just kissed you back. It's rude to receive a kiss without kissing back." Jungkook was still sitting the same, his eyes closed, lips red and pretty.
"Oh... Ok... Well that's it. You can open your eyes now."
"No. I want another one."
Jimin rolled his eyes even though he knew the younger couldn't see him.
"But why? Wasn't this enough?"
"No. I liked it so I want more. Please."
The thing is, Jimin liked it too. He was just too shy to admit it or it didn't sink in yet...
"Fine. One more."
After another glass of soju, Jimin came closer and just like before, he leaned in, his hands resting on Jungkook's thighs and he kissed the younger with slightly more pressure than before. (he felt a bit bolder, but more annoyed) Jungkook's reaction was instant. He pressed his lips firmer and started separating Jimin's lips, exploring the wetness and softness in between. Jimin didn't know what to do, he just followed what Jungkook was doing, opening his lips to welcome the younger's lips closer, until he felt it.
The tongue.
Jungkook most definitely did just lick between Jimin's lips, cause that wet, slick thing that moved over his lips could only be tongue and nothing else. After opening his eyes wide, Jimin moved away, gluing himself to the end of the couch, hands coming up to cover his lips.
"What are you doing?"
Jungkook finally opened his eyes, a satisfied smirk appearing on his face.
"Kissing you. Tasting you."
"That's not what we agreed... That's... Not..." Jimin felt hard to explain himself and the way he was feeling cause he felt all the feels at the same time and it was all just overwhelming.
"We agreed on kissing and me not touching you. That's exactly what we did. How about we try this again, only this time you should use your tongue too."
Jungkook on the other hand had an idea.
"You want me to lick you?" Jimin blushed at the thought.
"It's part of kissing. It feels really good when you do it right and slow and teasingly..."
Jimin took another breath.
"Well we did disinfect our tongues too..."
Jimin concluded before coming closer, his hands still a bit shaky and heart beating faster.
Jungkook positioned himself just like before, eyes closed, hands behind his back, waiting patiently.
Jimin came closer and after looking at Jungkook's face he decided to put his hands on Jungkook's shoulder this time, so that he could be as stable as he can. (he was afraid he could faint)
After a second of contemplating his life decisions, Jimin just moved forward and kissed Jungkook's lips firmly.
The younger seemed a bit surprised by Jimin's boldness so he kissed him back just as passionately.
Their lips moved, up and down, opening slightly, then closing around each other. Jimin tilted his head, trying to deepen the kiss, and then he felt the younger's tongue licking a stripe slowly down Jimin's plums lips. He gasped again, the wet sensation did something to his body and mind, and shyly, like a tease, he pushed out his tongue just slightly before bringing it back in. Jungkook tried to catch it, but Jimin moved it away too fast.
"More..." Jungkook whispered into Jimin's mouth, encouraging the older to try it again.
Jimin nodded into the kiss, not saying another word, and then he kissed Jungkook again, their lips moving together slowly, separating, wetting each other, playing one against the other, and then he did it again. Jimin licked Jungkook's bottom lip, but this time he took his time, and he got surprised by the shaky moan that escaped Jungkook's mouth.
His heart was beating so hard and way too fast.
Jungkook kissed him again, and even though he thought this is it, they had tried this whole kissing thing, Jimin didn't want to stop. Something was luring him into kissing Jungkook more, tasting his lips and giving in unconsciously.
Jungkook tilted his head to deepen the kiss, and Jimin did the same, following the younger's movement. Jungkook kissed him passionately, with bolder movement and firm push of the lips, and soon he added a tongue into the kiss. Jimin opened up his lips slightly, letting Jungkook to lick teasingly over his bottom, then upper lip, and finally coming inside.
Jimin pushed his tongue out and slowly he felt the wet sensation of two tongues colliding and playing around each other.
Jungkook swirled his tongue around Jimin's, and then he sucked on it slightly. Jimin moaned involuntarily and moved away, shock written all over his face.
Jungkook chased his lips, obviously wanting to feel more, but Jimin was already far away, biting down on his lip, feeling embarrassed cause of the moan he couldn't control.
"Hyung... Don't stop, please... You were enjoying it too. I know you were." Jungkook whined desperately, still unable to open his eyes, his lips looking swollen and wet, and Jimin really liked the way he looked.
"I... I don't like when I can't control myself... And, and...when we do this... I feel like I'm losing control..."
Jungkook opened his eyes slowly, his gaze sexy and eyes half lidded, making Jimin squirm in his place.
"But that is the point hyung. We don't have to be in control all the time. Sometimes we should let our instinct do things for us. We can't always have it all under control. It's ok to loosen up and lose ourselves."
Why did everything Jungkook was saying sounded right? Maybe cause Jimin wanted it to be right.
Jungkook patted the spot on the couch next to him so Jimin came closer.
"I feel embarrassed because I... You know..."
"Cause you moaned?"
Jimin nodded.
"That's not something you should be embarrassed about hyung. That's a good thing. Means you're enjoying yourself."
"You moaned too." Jimin said shyly, remembering Jungkook's little moan that escaped his lips minutes ago.
"Of course I did. I love the way you kiss me."
Jimin's going to die tonight.
His cheeks were red, his hands shaky, his legs wobbly. What is all of this?
Jimin looked up, and saw Jungkook an inch away from him, but still not touching him so he felt his breathing fasten again.
Jungkook is so pretty from up close...
A thought flew through his mind before he couldn't see the younger anymore, but could feel his lips against his fuller ones moving again.
He didn't think about it too much, he let his body react the way it wanted. He kissed back.
He kissed back slowly and softly at the beginning, but soon he needed more. He wanted to feel that rush of exploring Jungkook's lips more so he licked the younger's lips, and then played with the piercing on the side of Jungkook's lower lip. The cold material felt so good against his hot skin, and while kissing and licking all around the little hoop, Jimin noticed the younger wasn't moving at all, small pants coming out of his mouth.
Maybe he likes this...
Jimin continued playing with Jungkook's ring and then instinctively he sucked in the lower lip and licked over the piercing slowly.
Jungkook moaned desperately while letting his head loll backwards, making Jimin chase after his lips and he did. He moved up, almost sitting in the younger's lap, and Jimin kissed him again, wanting to hear those moans more.
Jungkook kissed him back hard, making all the air from Jimin's lungs disappear. He kissed him sexily, teasingly, licking inside, pushing further and Jimin got lost... He got lost in all the feelings he was feeling, and then Jungkook bit him. The younger bit down on his lower lip and sucked on it right after and Jimin couldn't hold another moan even louder than before that escaped his mouth.
Jungkook got surprised by his moan, so he stopped kissing the older, afraid he might bite him too harshly, but Jimin's face wasn't showing any pain.
When Jungkook moved only an inch away, looking at Jimin's fucked out and flustered face he got clear notice of how much Jimin had enjoyed this.
That gave him some renewed fervor so the younger kissed him again, without restraining himself, using his lips to separate Jimin's, exploring his warmth with his wet tongue. Then Jimin did the same as Jungkook did minutes ago. He bit on Jungkook's lower lip and sucked on it a bit rougher.
Jungkook growled so Jimin let go of his lip, fearing he had hurt the younger.
"So you're into biting hyung?" Jungkook asked while leaving small pecks all over Jimin's lips. The older kept his eyes closed, enjoying the soft pecks.
"It felt good when you did it." Jimin couldn't control himself anymore. He just told the truth and kept enjoying Jungkook's soft kisses.
Why was this feeling so good?
Nothing made sense anymore...
He felt lost and found at the same time...
"Wanna kiss more?" Jungkook asked in between the small pecks he had left all over Jimin's lips and the older just nodded.
He wanted it, was actually craving for more, and Jungkook gave him what he needed.
They kissed again, Jimin's hands gripping onto Jungkook's arms and shoulders, the younger kept his promise and hid his hands behind his back.
The kissing session lasted for what it seemed like eternity until they heard the lock on the door moving.
Jimin jumped away, startled by the sound cause Jin was supposed to sleep at Namjoon's...
Jungkook moved to the opposite side too and after wiping his mouth with his sleeve he looked at the door.
Jin came inside while humming some cheerful song, and screamed the moment he saw Jimin and Jungkook in the living room.
"Oh my God! You scared the shit out of me." he put both of his hands on top of his chest, breathing deeply.
"Weren't you supposed to sleep at Namjoon hyungs?" Jimin neglected his brother's inner panic.
"I was but we kind of decided to go slow this time. We really want to make this work and to put a lot of effort into it."
"That's nice." Jimin said and glanced at Jungkook who was sitting there normally like they weren't making out minutes ago.
"I'm happy to see you again Jungkookah, and sorry for my today's outburst."
"It's ok. I'm happy you and Namjoonshi are trying to work things out."
"I'm so happy I think I won't be able to sleep tonight. You guys want something else to drink?" Jin asked while entering the kitchen so Jimin looked at their empty glasses on the table.
"No. I'm good. I should go actually. It's already almost 1a.m and I have Uni in the morning."
Jimin's eyes doubled it's size cause how in the world could it be this late.
"I need to sleep too. I have early classes and work after that."
"You two are no fun." Jin came in with a bottle of wine and made himself comfortable on the couch in between Jimin and Jungkook. They glanced at each other and then at Jin who opened the bottle and started drinking straight out of it.
Jungkook smiled and then got up, picking up his phone from the table, ready to leave.
Jimin got up too, wanting to see the younger properly out.
They came to the exit door after saying bye to Jin, and right before going outside Jungkook turned to face Jimin who was standing there, on the door frame looking a bit confused and awkward. Too much happened in one day. He's positive he'a gonna have some night terrors, wet dreams or something.
"Thank you for tonight hyung." Jungkook said while moving closer to Jimin, the older just froze in place, looking at Jungkook's sudden proximity.
"You're welcome... Thank you..." Jimin talked until Jungkook was too close, an inch away, and then he felt it again. Jungkook's lips pressed onto his, softly, shortly, he barely had time to kiss back.
It's safe to say he was freaking out on the inside.
"When will I see you again?" Jungkook asked the moment he moved away, Jimin blinked his eyes a few times trying to focus on the question more than the kiss they just shared.
"Um... Friday... I'm only free on Friday..."
Jungkook pouted.
"That's too long to wait. I'll figure something out."
The younger said and moved towards Jimin once again, the older stiffening his movement.
"Talk to you soon, hyung. Good night." he leaned in and kissed Jimin's lips again, only that this time Jimin gave him a small peck back.
Jungkook went to his car and Jimin waited for him to leave and then he went back inside the house, his head pounding, big and heavy, too many thoughts running inside...
"So you and Jungkookie?"
Jin startled him from overthinking about everything and anything so Jimin came inside the living room again...
Jimin had no idea what to say about this whole situation.
"You're still hanging out even though the two of us decided not to date."
Then Jimin remembered the first plan... Jin and Jungkook... Right...
"Oh... Um... Yeah... I mean it's stupid not to. We're still.... um... friends..."
"Of course. Jungkookah is really a great guy. I'm happy you have another friend besides Tae. This is really a big thing for you. You're making amazing progress in socializing and I think your therapist will be thrilled with this news."
You have no idea...
"I guess so. Um... I'm gonna go... You know... Sleep and so... Sleep is important." Jimin was so awkward, what the fuck is wrong with me???
Luckily Jin was already drunk enough not to notice anything weird in his brother's behavior.
The moment Jimin finished with a quick shower and 12 minutes of teeth washing (that's when he felt his mouth were clean enough) he laid down in his bed, his eyes wide open, unable to sleep.
I kissed...
I kissed Jungkook.
I liked it.
What does this mean?
His head wouldn't let him rest so he took his phone, trying to see how much time he had left to sleep, but then he noticed one unread message.
His heart started beating faster.
Loved kissing you. Have a sweet dream hyungie.
What should I answer?
What the fuck...
Tae would know...
I can't call him this late...
I liked it too. Thank you.
Sleep well.
This sounds like a normal answer...
Jungkook answered immediately.
I know u did. Can't wait to do other things with u.
Jimin took a deep breath.
Sorry, can you explain?
U want to sext right now?
No. What? Why?
Well u said u want me to tell u things I wanna do with u... And the things that I would tell u would probably be considered sexting.
P.S I'm totally ok with it if u are.
He's a lunatic. Crazy person. Oh God I kissed a crazy person.
Well since I can't handle any touching I would probably have to tie you up or something, I don't think that would work.
Kinky. I like it. I would let u tie me up anytime u want to.
Nxnxkklslaljdjjfspfofšdššaćaćčdoeirjfjoidyiaoishidhvoycjpsojcpoydjvbjcn jnjxnvynoy
I didn't mean it that way.
I'd let u tie me up any way you want.
Oh God what did I let myself into...
I have to sleep. There's only so much my brain can process. Good night Jungkook.
Jimin decided to wrap this up or he might feel too flustered before sleeping.
You're the cutest. Good night Jiminah.
And he got too flustered.
Eventually his brain couldn't take it any more so he fell asleep with heavy thoughts in his mind.
What the hell should he do with this whole Jungkook thing?
The morning after Jimin tried to focus on his studies, but he was sleeping more during classes than actually listening. This whole 'new thing' with Jungkook got him preoccupied so he was kind of lacking at his dance lessons too. The only place that felt like his second home was his library, so while working and reading some new arrivals, on Wednesday Jimin heard a familiar voice.
"Where's the prettiest librarian in the world?"
Jungkook came closer to the desk where Jimin was sitting and peacefully reading his book.
"I'm afraid I don't know that information." Jimin closed the book and got up, now looking at the younger closely. All black like usual, looking good.
"Ah, come on... You know I'm talking about you. You're killing my game on purpose."
"What game?"
Did Jimin just teased sarcastically? He surprised himself too.
"You're really the worst hyung. I guess I'm just gonna keep the snacks that I prepared for you and eat them myself."
Jimin's stomach almost growled.
"No, no... I'm kidding. Your game is spectacular. The best. And I'm doing great, just... Give me the food." if he needs to beg, he would probably do it. Jimin was really hungry.
Jungkook came closer, a small bag in his right hand, and just when he was about to give the bag to the older, he put the bag behind his back and came impossibly close to Jimin's face.
What the actual fuck...
Jimin almost screamed while moving backwards, hitting his desk with his back.
"What are you doing?" he asked perplexed, his eyes wide, shock written all over his face.
"Well I brought you some food so I need my reward first."
"Your reward?"
Jungkook rolled his eyes, a small smile was still on his face.
"I want a kiss hyung. Is that too much to ask?"
Yep... Jimin understood that very well.
"It's... But... I'm working... And, and...the germs... And why?" Jimin got super confused in no time.
"Ok so first of all, I brushed my teeth and I even used that antibacterial mouthwash so I would probably taste like mint, and I don't care when you brushed your teeth the last time, and what's the big problem of me giving you a small peck on the lips at your work place. No one is around to see us."
Jungkook and his ways of always solving every problem that had occurred in Jimin's head.
"But still... Why should we do it again? We kissed a lot the other night."
Jungkook crossed his arms on top of his chest.
"Are you saying how you didn't enjoy our kisses and wouldn't do it again?"
Jimin's cheeks were burning again.
"I never said that." he said shyly.
Jungkook let out a deep breath.
"Thank God. Come over here." Jungkook smiled again and showed Jimin to follow him between the shelves with books.
The older did as Jungkook asked him, and soon they were standing in front of the 'new arrivals' shelf, all alone, not a single soul around them.
"Kiss me here."
Jungkook asked for a kiss again, so Jimin bit on his lip nervously.
"There's literally no one here. Come give me a kiss." Jungkook put his hands behind his back and leaned forward with a kissy face.
After taking a deep, shaky breath Jimin leaned and gave Jungkook a fast peck.
Jungkook stayed still, his eyes closed, a smile appearing on his lips.
"One more."
Jimin rolled his eyes but still leaned forward and gave Jungkook another peck, only that this time the younger kissed Jimin with a bit of pressure and a bit longer.
Jimin's lips lingered a second too long on Jungkook's and suddenly, he remembered the way he felt when Jungkook had kissed him and the way the younger moaned into his mouth, and the way his tongue felt, so soft and wet, and he wanted to taste it again.
After the small, unmoving lock, Jimin moved slightly away, glancing at Jungkook's face who still had his eyes closed and hands behind his back. Jimin came closer again and sucked at Jungkook's lip ring, making the younger hum in satisfaction. Jimin felt his hot breath on his lips and loved the way Jungkook responded to his action by kissing Jimin firmer, like he had read his mind.
Jimin kissed back, just as hard, and after moving his lips against Jungkook's he really really wanted to feel the younger's tongue so he licked a small stripe with the tip of his tongue over Jungkook's lower, then upper lip.
The younger moaned quietly but deepened the kiss while adding a bit more tongue himself.
Jimin caught his tongue and sucked on it deliciously, like he was tasting the sweetest lollipop.
Seemed like the kiss got too heated for Jungkook's sanity cause moments after, the younger moved away, leaning his back to the shelf behind him.
"Hyung..." he whined while breathing faster, eyes half lidded, hands still behind his back.
"You said you wanted a kiss..." Jimin said shyly, not knowing what to do with himself.
"A kiss. A small peck. A simple closed mouthed greeting kiss. This, this was more than I could have dreamed of getting."
Jimin felt his cheeks burning.
He loved the way Jungkook kissed him. Loved everything about kissing him and would probably do it a lot more every time he has a chance.
"You were right."
Jungkook frowned, not knowing what Jimin was implying.
"About what?"
"The way you taste... It's refreshing and minty and I like it." Jimin felt shy to compliment the way Jungkook was tasting, but still he wanted him to know.
"You liked it enough to kiss me once more?"
"Probably..." Jimin munched on his lower lip nervously.
"Come here." Jungkook stayed leaning on the shelf so Jimin came closer and kissed the younger again.
Just as he had imagined, the kiss was everything but a small peck and soon they were sucking the life off of each other's faces and Jimin couldn't care less about anything at the moment.
"Khm, khm..."
Fake cough made them separate and looked at the direction from where the sound had come, so the moment Jimin recognized his friend, well more like work colleague he felt embarrassed and unprofessional.
"Sorry to bother you, but I just finished with my break so if you want to use yours now..." Mina said with a fond smile on her face so Jimin nodded.
"I will. Thank you."
He walked through the shelves, Jungkook followed him around after bowing politely to Mina.
"Um... I'm gonna use an hour break... So if you don't have anything planned out..."
Jungkook didn't even let him finish his thought. A wide grin appeared on his handsome face and he nodded frantically.
"Let's go. I'll keep you company while you're on break."
They came outside and sat in the small coffee shop that they had met the first time when Jimin had arranged their meeting, and just like then, they sat in the corner of the shop, far away from other people, and instead of enjoying some coffee, they kissed some more.
"Jungkook... Jungk... Ju... wait..." Jimin tried to talk in between the kisses, but the younger couldn't get enough of Jimin's lips.
"Sorry. I just know we don't have a lot of time and I'm making the most of it."
Finally Jungkook moved away, looking at Jimin with those big doe eyes that the older grew fond of way too fast.
"I know but I want to eat your snacks." Jimin said with pout so Jungkook chuckled.
"Which snack do you want to eat first?" Jungkook flirted and Jimin had no idea about it.
"Does it matter? Give me all. I'm gonna eat all of them."
"Greedy hyung. Are you gonna share some with me?"
Jimin took the bag that Jungkook had put on the table, and after looking inside, he shook his head.
"No. These are all mine. Get yourself your own next time."
Jungkook acted as if he got hurt by the older's behavior and started fake crying.
"You're such a baby. There. I'll give you one."
Jimin felt pity for the poor Jungkook and had decided to give him one chocolate button.
"Do you know how hard it was for me to find all those sweets in circular shape. You should really respect my effort more." Jungkook jokes, but Jimin stopped eating and looked at it with a bit of a worried expression.
"You're right. I'm usually really selfish. My parents had told me that so many times... I kind of always blamed it on Asperger's but I could definitely work on that and..."
Jungkook pushed his face towards Jimin's, making the older stop talking and to look at him better.
"No. I was just joking. What are you talking about? I literally bought those sweets for you. It's yours. All of it. And it wasn't hard at all to find circular shaped candies. I just went through shelves and picked everything that's packed in tubes and in circles. Ok? So you're not selfish, nor should you fix anything about yourself cause you're amazing hyung."
Jimin felt that weird feeling in his stomach again.
"Um... Thank you... I guess I still need to work on my 'understanding jokes and sarcasm' skills.
"No, I actually like the fact that you're so pure and so straight forward and just unique."
Jungkook talked and moved forward, kissing Jimin's cheek softly. The older blushed hot pink again.
"So... You have another ten minutes. Wanna eat those candies?" Jungkook asked while cocking his eyebrows at the bag with sweets.
Jimin looked at the candies, then Jungkook, candies again, Jungkook... Like he was thinking about his choices.
Jungkook came closer again and brushed Jimin's nose with his.
"So no candies?"
Jimin shook his head.
Fuck it. He can eat candies back at the library.
And then Jungkook kissed him again.
It felt even better than the first, second, nth time cause Jimin felt even closer to him now.
They shared sweet pecks, lips on lips, and then Jimin's hand went up involuntarily and next thing he knows, he's slowly caressing the younger's cheek, enjoying the softness under his palm.
Jungkook whined and moved slightly away, his forehead leaned on Jimin's, taking a deep breath.
"Your hands feel so warm and soft..."
"Thank you."
Jimin kissed his lips again. It was a sweet and chaste peck.
"I wanna touch you too..."
Jimin tensed.
He moved away slowly, blush creeping up on his face.
"I can't. I don't even know why I hate people touching me with their hands so much. Jin says it has something to do with my parents beating me up when I was just a kid... But I can't even remember that. All I remember is being always alone in my room, unable to socialize cause they would keep me away from everyone and they even signed me into a special care school, but the teachers and professors said how I wasn't for those schools since my intellect is not damaged... So luckily as soon as Jin was able to help me out, he did... "
Jungkook took a deep breath.
"I like your brother even more now."
Jimin looked at him perplexed.
"What do you mean? Like him?"
Jungkook laughed out loud.
"Like him as a friend, as your brother, someone who's nice to you. Not romantically... I only have eyes for you in that department." Jungkook cocked his eyes playfully so Jimin scratched his neck shyly.
"Oh... I thought since he's really handsome and awesome... You know... And the whole plan was for you two to date..."
Why was Jimin so insecure?
Probably cause he was going through this for the first time.
"That was your plan. I have had another plan since the moment I met you." Jungkook smiled cockily.
"Oh come on. I liked you literally from the moment I saw you and complimented you to what you had asked me if I was gay or bi. I was blown away by your beauty and your interesting personality."
Jimin frowned.
"Then why did you agree to go on a date with Jin?"
"Cause I had to. I couldn't tell you how I actually like you and want to spend more time with you cause you would say no to that in the beginning, and now we've met properly and you like me too and everything's great.'' The younger smiled victoriously so finally Jimin understood Jungkook's intentions.
"That's actually pretty smart."
"Of course it is. You're not the only smart one here hyung."
"I never said I was."
"I know. I'm just teasing you." Jungkook kissed Jimin's lips once more before glancing at his phone.
"As much as I would love to stay longer with you, you have four more minutes before your break is over."
Jimin got up and took the bag with candies with him.
Jungkook followed the older to the library, and looked at him fondly.
"Thank you for coming to see me and for the candies." Jimin said a bit shyly while playing with the bag in his hand.
"You're welcome hyung. If you're ok with me being with you I could come like this more often since I have my sports activities in the morning, and then a break till my afternoon theory classes."
"Oh... Ok... Um.. Would you bring me candies every time?"
Jungkook shook his head while scoffing.
"Really? That's all you care for? What about me?"
"You're a bonus to the candies."
Jungkook smiled.
"I thought you're gonna say how I'm your favorite candy."
Jimin frowned.
"You're not edible...."
"Oh, that's far from the truth." Jungkook and his mind.
"What?" Jimin and his poor soul.
"Nothing... We'll get there. Thank you for spending time with me hyung. I'll talk to you later and we'll see each other on Friday then."
Jimin nodded.
"Ok. I'll wait for you."
Jimin walked backwards, trying to go back to do his job, but Jungkook leaned forward with that silly kissy face.
Jimin looked around, noticing how there were people walking, but pretty much everyone was minding their own business, so he leaned towards Jungkook and gave him a fast peck before storming inside the library.
"You're the cutest hyung...."
Jungkook yelled after him and Jimin wanted to throw up cause he had that weird feeling in his stomach again.
All Jimin wanted to do for the rest of his work hours was to read some books, help people who needed his help, but there was one thing that he forgot.
Mina was there earlier, and she saw him and Jungkook kissing.
The moment he came inside the library Mina was there, standing behind the desk, eyes sparkling, wide, mouth suppressing smile.
Jimin tried to enter without too much talking, but Mina had other plans.
"Don't you hi me. I literally saw you kissing some hot guy an hour ago and you didn't tell me anything! What the hell Jiminah! Talk!"
Jimin took a deep breath.
Not like he didn't like Mina. She was his coworker, a really nice and always polite friend, but still, this whole Jungkook thing isn't something he was comfortable to talk about just yet.
"There's not much to say... We met... Um... There was some kind of plan that didn't work out, so now we're hanging out... something like that.." Jimin was really poor at explaining things.
"How long have you guys been dating?" Mina was nosy.
"Dating? No. We're not dating... I mean we do go out on dates... But not like... you know... We're hanging out... Getting to know each other..." Jimin mumbled.
"Oh come on! You were kissing like true boyfriends at the beginning of a relationship. You know, like you were starving to death." Mina giggled, but Jimin thought about her words...
"No... We're not that... We're just getting to know each other..." He felt super confused all of a sudden.
Were they boyfriends? They haven't mentioned that.
"Oh my Jiminie... Every beginning is hard, but I think you two look so cute together, and I've actually noticed some change in your behavior lately, I just didn't know what it was. You just seem happier kind of..."
"Oh... I don't know... He makes me feel... good and... safe..." Jimin was blushing without the younger even being there.
"And, he's hot. Like really, really, really hot." Mina said shamelessly so Jimin looked at her like 'wtf?'.
"Oh come on, I can say your boyfriend is hot. He is. I mean that piercings, those tattoos, and his style... he's buff... I bet he's good looking underneath those clothes... Am I right?" she cocked her eyebrows suggestively at Jimin who almost choked on air.
"I... I... I seriously don't know that... I... I'm gonna go and .... there's some books that I need to store... so bye..."
Jimin just left cause he felt so weird and in the pit of his stomach there was some awkward frog jumping up and down, and he had no idea why he was so flustered just by thinking how Jungkook might look underneath his clothes...
I know he's pretty muscular since I touched his chest and arms... Oh for the love of God what are you thinking about Jimin!
His thoughts were on the same page as his stomach was, but his brain kept blocking those filthy thoughts.
Books Jimin, books, think about books... any book... Male Anatomy... nope... not that one... 50 shades of grey... oh hell no... why is everything playing against me!
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