The Epilogue

While hiding under his gray blanket, Jimin finally heard footsteps coming closer to him in the bedroom.

"Baby, hey... Jiminah, I'm here..." Jungkook sat down on the bed and tried to uncover Jimin from under the blanket slowly.

The older only let him reveal the top of his head and eyes, hiding the rest of his face skilfully.

"Are you ok? What happened? Everything seemed fine this time... You really scared me there for a moment..." Jungkook caressed Jimin's hair softly, letting the older calm down before speaking further.

"I just... I hit my boss and then I got fired." Jimin spilled the truth so Jungkook made the most shocking facial expression, sitting just a tiny bit further away from the older, looking at him surprised.

"Jimin... Come on... You can't do that baby..." Jungkook crossed his arms on top of his chest, visibly becoming upset so Jimin put the blanket further down, revealing his whole face, his puffy eyes, red nose, lips hardly bitten... it was obvious he was crying.

Jungkook came back again, and put his hands on Jimin's face.

"Babe, we've talked about this so many times. If you don't like any of the work offers you've got, you can always ask to go back to the library. I'm sure they would take you back in a heartbeat. You're the most hard working and honest person and I'm sure everyone would be happy to have you with them...well, except the people that you hit, throw food at, spill water all over them... (all of those were Jimin's incidents at new jobs and once again, he got fired).

"Well it's not my fault that Mr. Jackson didn't want to order food in a circular shape for me. Is it so hard to respect your employee enough to order everything round and nicely stored for me? Is it?" Jimin asked while remembering the torture he had to go through in one of the best IT companies that had offered him a crazy amount of money the moment he finished college with the highest grades, but unfortunately, Jimin quit the job in only a week, complaining about his boss not being caring enough for his needs and his delicate soul.

Jungkook just took a deep breath.

"What about that IT position at Hyundai that was also an amazingly well paid job?" Jungkook asked while cocking one eyebrow at the older.

"What do you mean, what about it? Jungkookah, they asked me to project some new logos and they wanted a triangle shaped logo... Me? A triangle shaped logo? That's just absurd. And when I complained about it, they just mocked my insecurities and insulted me with their new plan." Jimin put his legs up, now resting his chin on top of his knees, looking even smaller than before.

"They asked you if you wanted to work with tires since they're in circular shape Jiminah, they weren't mocking you, they were trying to find a new assignment for you, but you took a whole glass filled with water and splashed it into the poor guy's face."

It was true. Jimin did that.

"But... They were mocking me... I know now. Before, I wouldn't get the double meaning or the sarcastic jokes, but you taught me well and I know that they were being rude to me. I just know it." Jimin kept finding excuses every time he would quit a new job and it was obvious Jungkook had enough of it.

"Babe, all I'm saying is...we need the money. Our apartment and life in general are expensive and I don't want to be in a situation where I can't provide everything you want and need. You don't have to work as an IT manager. Seriously baby, you can do something that's more to your likings, it's fine. We can have my salary and use it on apartment rent and food, and then we can save yours for our future plans. And not to mention how having a job and being busy is always a good thing in keeping you organized and your thoughts occupied so that you don't think about things that are not important and are only making you anxious." Jungkook took Jimin's hand in his and caressed it softly, always being the one to calm his boyfriend down the best way he could.

"I'll see these two other job offers and then I'll decide what to do... but one thing's for sure, I'm not coming back to that shitty company." Jimin said while frowning so Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"What did the boss do to you anyways? What's the awful thing you had to deal with?"

Jimin huffed before getting up, feeling ready to finally talk.

"See, I thought he was looking at me kind of...differently from the very beginning..." Jimin started.

"Different, how?" Jungkook asked with suspicion.

"Just... differently... And then he was really nice and maybe even too nice, so yesterday when we were ordering food, I asked him what's round and delicious to eat from the restaurant they've been ordering food usually, so the boss told me the prettiest round thing that's in the company building is my ass."

Jungkook's eyes doubled its size and his mouth was obviously dry since he couldn't swallow the lump that was visibly there.

"WHAT?!" He asked loudly.

"I know. That's not a nice thing to say. So I punched his face with my fist and it hurts even now..." Jimin kept talking, but Jungkook was already up, tugging Jimin through their shared bedroom and into the living room.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked curiously.

"Back to that company, I'm gonna kick his ass." Jungkook said angrily so Jimin tugged on his hand, trying to stop his furious boyfriend from doing such a stupid thing.

"What? No... Jungkookah, it's fine, babe... Come on, I took care of it. I can handle those things alone now." Jimin said proudly, so Jungkook stopped for a second and admired the evolution that Jimin had gone through.

"You're all mature and hot, baby..." Jungkook came a step closer to the smaller and hugged his waist tightly.

"Mhm, I am. I'm all feisty and strong... Want me to show it to you?" Jimin pushed his body flush onto the younger, flexing his muscly abs and chest while rubbing them over Jungkook's buff torso.

"Mmmmm I would love that, but Yoongi should be here in ten minutes so he would probably walk into something that he shouldn't." Jungkook leaned down and put a small peck on Jimin's lips who pouted sadly.

"I'll fuck you tonight then." The older concluded with a grin so Jungkook nodded.


The thing was, ever since Yoongi came back from his one year long band tour, Jimin and Jungkook struggled a bit cause they couldn't continue living with their friend, but it was hard for them to pay for the new apartment since Jimin's salary in the library was not that big, and Jungkook was trying so hard to earn more money by overworking himself at the gym which resulted in them spending less time together which was a no-no in Jimin's case.

The rent in the new apartment was pretty high considering that they had stayed in the same neighbourhood, and had a pretty spacious apartment which was again decorated by Jimin himself, filling the place with as many circular shaped things as he could. The space was really homey, clean and neat and Jimin loved it. Couldn't imagine living anywhere else, so the moment they stopped earning enough money to keep the apartment, Jimin quit his library job that wasn't paying so well and tried to find something appealing to him that pays more.

Every job he had found was a good offer, but there was always something missing... There was always something wrong with it... It's like every other job was cursed and Jimin couldn't see himself sitting in a chair for nine hours, working on some IT shit he had learned in Uni cause at the end of a day, he missed his old job. He missed the smell of the library, the smell of freshly stored, new books, the feeling of welcoming new arrivals to the library and the ecstasy he usually felt while knowing those books would be in his arms soon enough... He struggled to get used to not feeling that way anymore so he developed this interesting coping mechanism to help him get through every difficulty in life.

"Jungkookah, are you up?" Jimin kissed the younger's nape and rolled over to lay on his back.

After moaning sleepily, Jungkook squirmed around, only to be caged with the older's body on top of him.

"Babe, I wanna have sex." It was a well known fact that Jimin was always straight forward when it came to things that he wanted, so this wasn't any different.

"What?" The younger scratched his eyes, looking at his phone to check the time.

"Sex, me fucking you, you fucking me, either way... I like holes." Jimin said eagerly while kissing Jungkook's back slowly.

"I know that..." Jungkook said with a sleepy voice, still not being completely awake.

"They remind me of..." Jimin trailed...

"Circles." Jungkook finished his sentence.

"I know baby, it's just... it's four a.m and we have to be up in two hours... You have that new job interview and I have six new clients at the gym..." Jungkook tried to explain their Mondays schedule, but his voice became incoherent with every new kiss he had received.

Jimin stopped with the kisses and made the saddest puppy face he could pull off.

"That's so unfair." Jungkook said while looking at his boyfriends cute pout, and then he took his boxers off and went back to bed, laying on his stomach, his ass up, facing the older.

"There, do whatever you want. Play with me... I'm all yours..."

Jimin jumped on the bed eagerly, making grabby hands towards the younger's muscly ass, playing with the round cheeks roughly.

"Wanna make you come with my tongue." Jimin always felt like he should speak his thoughts in the bedroom, and had no idea how much his words were affecting the younger who couldn't ever stay immune to the pure sex talk.

"Fuck it Jimin, I'm up."

The younger jumped up and grabbed Jimin by his waist, hoisting him up to straddle his lap, kissing him eagerly and passionately knowing damn well he'll be more dead than awake while having new clients in the gym.

Jimin didn't go to the interview. He was unable to walk.


A week after

"Jungkookah, when are the boys coming over?" Jimin asked from the kitchen where he was slicing some fruits and putting them nicely in circular shape on the plate.

"I think... around eight? What did Tae say?" The younger yelled from the living room where he was putting some snacks on the table, preparing video games that they were about to play.

"Tae said he had the best fuck of his life last night." Jimin walked inside the living room and put the fruits down on the table, looking at his masterpiece fondly.

"I highly doubt that tho... I mean he had so much sex in his life..." Jimin tried to talk further, but Jungkook put a finger on his lip.

"I mean, did he say when he's gonna come tonight. Not about those details that I most definitely don't want to know." Jungkook talked while still not moving his finger from Jimin's lips who looked at him with a frown.

"Why would you touch my lips with your hands? God knows what you've been touching..." He made a disgusted grimace so Jungkook chuckled.

"Well I did scratched my dick a few minutes ago..." The younger obviously joked, but hearing that, Jimin's eyes only sparkled with arousal so after cocking his eyebrows suggestively, the older licked his lips, up and down, every spot where Jungkook's finger had touched him.

"Jimin..." The younger whined while looking at his obscenely, unintentionally sexy boyfriend doing such a naughty thing.

"What? I love licking your cock. I like the taste, the feeling of your hot big shaft filling my mouth. What's wrong with that? Shouldn't we like each other's private parts?" Jimin asked all seriously so Jungkook nodded.

"Yes, we should... It's just that, when you talk like that babe, that's hot, and a bit overwhelming, so... it's easy to get aroused..." Jungkook talked while trying to hide the ongoing erection inside his pants so finally Jimin glanced down.

"Oh... you like it when I tell you what I like that much?" Jimin pointed at the younger's undeniable bulge.

Jungkook nodded.

"It's just the fact that you don't even know what this does to me..." Jungkook tried to keep talking, but Jimin came a step closer and started whispering into the younger's ear.

"I love how your dick head is round and perfect and always leaking so sweetly for me..."

Jungkook gulped.

"I like playing with your balls too cause you know about my obsession with circles and they remind me of perfectly shaped balls..."

"Jiminah..." Jungkook gripped the older's face and looked at him like he was possessed by a demon.

"Either you stop talking or get down on your knees."

Painfully slowly with a hint of teasing smile on his face, Jimin started sinking down, down, down, until his face was in the sight of Jungkook's crotch.

"Give it to me." Jimin said while stroking Jungkook's thighs, squeezing the muscle roughly, licking his lips in anticipation.

"Here?" The younger looked around cause they were usually doing their sexual activities in the bedroom or bathroom, but Jimin just shrugged.

"Want it now." Jimin kissed the front of Jungkook's jeans, making a wet spot on the place where his bulging cock was hiding.

"Sure babe. Take it..." The younger unzipped his jeans and let them fall just under his ass, revealing an almost fully hard leaking cock.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm my favorite..." Jimin moaned sexually while licking the head in circular motion, hearing the low gasp from Jungkook's lips.

"Oh babe... please..." It was funny how pliant and good Jungkook would become every time Jimin would do this to him. Since they established what both of them like sexually, they tried to enjoy in each other as much as their work, social events and other activities would let them, and somehow Jimin always wanted more...

Jungkook loved the way the older would get so eager to please him... Loved everything about Jimin's pretty face going down on him, shamelessly sucking him with vigor, giving him blowjobs that were more like works of art... His nibbling, sucking, licking, massaging, squeezing, all moving around the head, the shaft, the base, the balls... induced in Jungkook embarrassing gasps, groans, convulsions and spasms of uncontrollable intensity. He would usually try to hold off his orgasm, to prolong the wonderful ordeal as long as possible, but eventually, he would come hard, violently bucking and trashing, spurts of cum all over his boyfriend, feeling deliriously good...

This time around, nothing was different...

While having Jimin's red, plump lips wrapped around his cock, bobbing and sucking at the same time up and down the shaft, Jungkook couldn't stop looking at him.

What was worse, was the fact that Jimin had no shame in looking back at him, having his hooded, glassy eyes stuck on the younger who tried really hard not to come just by looking at such an obscene sight.

After a few minutes of bobbing and sucking, Jimin pulled the fully hard cock out, just like he knew the younger was ready to come, and started kissing it all over...

He gave wet, tongue filled kisses to the head of Jungkook's cock, then licked the whole shaft, coming down to his balls which he sucked one by one inside his warm mouth, then came back up to tease the slit with fast movement of his tongue all over it.

Jungkook almost felt jealous of his own dick cause Jimin was giving it so much attention.

Crazy... He knows it...

"Want to come baby?" Jimin asked while slowly dragging his tongue over the base of Jungkook's cock, swirling it at the top teasingly.

"Please... Please make me come..." It wasn't unusual for both of them to beg for what they wanted, and it was clear how much both of them liked that in the bedroom...

In no time Jimin had Jungkook's cock deep in his mouth, swallowing it fully, making a moaning mess of the younger. He literally needed to hold on to the table that was next to them cause he was fearing he might fall down.

Jimin immediately put it all the way to the back of his throat and started sucking on it firmly.

He knew exactly what Jungkook liked.

Then he pulled back till just the tip was between his thick lips, and let out a humming moan.

Jungkook almost passed out.

After the tip teasing, Jimin opened his mouth a little and buried the younger's cock until his lips were on Jungkook's pelvic bone. He sucked and swirled his tongue all around the shaft and could see the younger's crotch being flooded with saliva, dripping off his balls to his jeans.

At this point Jungkook was twitching all over with every stroke. This went for a few seconds and then finally Jungkook tightened up and came.

Jimin didn't skip a beat, just made a 'mmmmm' noise while his tongue continued the assault. Jungkook put his fist inside his mouth to muffle his screams while the cum flew all over Jimin's mouth.

"Tasty." The older got up after cleaning Jungkook's cock with his tongue, loving the fucked up expression the younger was having.

"You are... amazing... and now I need to take a quick shower." Jungkook said while pushing his dirty with saliva and precum jeans up, so Jimin frowned.

"Shower? But.. What about me?" Jimin said with the most confusing face cause it was obvious as day that the bulge inside his pants wasn't gonna go away that easily.

"You can play with yourself... You know... jerk off or something." Jungkook said while chuckling, obviously enjoying the torture he had put the older in.

After a few seconds of shock that Jimin was in, he finally frowned and started yelling after the younger who was already entering the bathroom.

"Oh hell no. You come back here! Jeon Jungkook! I'll impale you on my cock if you don't come here right now!!!" He started walking towards the bathroom too, trying to prove his point.

"And what if I don't want to come? Hm? How about you join me in the shower since we don't have a lot of time..." The younger yelled from the bathroom, the sound of water felt like a wake up call for Jimin.

I love shower sex.

Jimin jumped excitedly while taking off his clothes fast and putting them away in the dirty bin, getting inside that cabin at the speed of light.

"Babe, you know how much I love to do it here. We get dirty and clean at the same time. A dream come true."

Jungkook turned around and kissed him passionately, loving their close proximity and the feeling of Jimin's skin on his own.

"I know everything that you like, baby. I know you..." The younger whispered against Jimin's lips, knowing damn well he was in for another round that's gonna leave him sore and spent for days.


"So we have Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung playing against each other and the winner plays with Hobi hyung, right?" Jungkook, the only one not too drunk, said while looking at a small board that they had bought for their tournaments, so everybody nodded.

"That's right. And the rest of us can suck dick cause we're a fucking failure." Tae said dramatically, remembering the fact that he was the one to lose the game first.

"I already did that. Is there something else I could do?" Jimin said proudly so Jungkook spit out the beer he was trying to swallow, all the rest of the boys looked at him proudly, smug written on their faces, except for Jin who had covered his ears and groaned in awkwardness.

"I didn't mean it literally babe, but it's nice to know that you had your mouth filled with juicy, love muscle." Tae teased his best friend who still didn't know what the big fuss was.

"You need to tell me what I can and can't say in public. I'm still kind of new to all of this." Jimin batted his lashes at Tae cutely so the older nodded happily.

"I know Mimi. We'll work on it."

Jin was never more grateful.

Two hours, one tournament and one movie later, the boys were ready to order their dinner.

It was pizza night and Jimin was the one who suggested it, saying how he needs something circular cause he was still frustrated that he didn't win at the tournament. Not like he ever does, but still... Jungkook loved to see him all mad and cute way too much.

While putting everyone's pizza on the table, Jimin noticed that Jungkook and Tae were not in the living room, and since he was a caring boyfriend and a best friend, he walked towards the kitchen, trying to find both of them to let them know that pizzas had arrived.

Only that he didn't do that.

Instead, the moment Jimin heard voices from the kitchen, he stayed outside and started listening to their conversation.

It's not that he was noisy or something... It's just that... He was interested in what Tae had to say to Jungkook and vice versa. So definitely not noisy, just... interested.

"Are you ok? You seem a bit tired and sleepy? Is my Mimi being insatiable again?" Jimin heard the teasing voice of his best friend and almost started chuckling.

How does he always know...

"He's not... I mean... He's being his usual self..." Jungkook said with warmth in his voice and then he took a deep breath. "It's just that these extra working hours are getting to me. I just can't function normally. I used to be my own boss, never overwork myself, but now, since Jimin doesn't have a job, I need to provide everything for us and it's hard. You know how much the smallest round cookies that Jimin likes costs? Not to mention the rest of the food, and where's our clothes, rent, cleaning supplies, disinfection, dance classes, art classes, yoga classes, therapy..." Jungkook talked and with every new word Jimin felt his hands becoming sweatier, legs shaky.

"Do I know... Of course I know, that's why you have to tell him. He's not ignorant you know, and he changed, like a lot... So if there's something you need to tell him, just do it, he'll understand." Tae tried to be supportive,but Jungkook took another even deeper sigh.

"I don't want him to do some job he doesn't like. I don't want him to feel the pressure of having a boss controlling you and telling you what to do all the time. He's not used to that still... I'll just try to sleep more and maybe find some new, less active clients... old people or something."

Jimin put both of his hands on his heart, listening to it beat faster and faster.

"Sure... If you say so. Are you going to a concert?" Tae asked, so Jimin's eyes opened widely again.

What concert? What's he talking about?

"No. I can't Tae." Again, the same spent, sad voice answered and Jimin almost wanted to cry.

"Well that's just fucked up. It's Yoongi we're talking about. He worked with that group so hard and we need to be supportive. Not to mention how hot he looks when he plays instruments... and all of us are going. I'm sure Mimi wouldn't mind if you come with us..." The voice of wisdom talked so Jimin nodded unintentionally, feeling like he's there, with them, included in conversation when he was just around the corner, eavesdropping every single word.

"I'm tired Tae... and the tickets are... almost two months of payment for Jimin's dance classes so I have my priorities and..."

And Jimin couldn't stand to hear another word before his legs moved inside the kitchen and went straight up, straddling Jungkook's lap who was sitting on a dining chair, looking perplexed and shocked to even see Jimin there, all of a sudden.

"Babe... Hey... Jimin..." The younger tried to move Jimin slightly away, just to look at his face, but Jimin got stuck there, in Jungkook's lap, his legs tightly holding onto the younger's middle, arms firmly pressed against his neck.

"What's wrong babe... Please..." Again, Jungkook tried to talk, while caressing the older's back who suddenly started crying.

"I don't want you to leave me." The words flew out of Jimin's mouth, leaving Jungkook speechless, the movement of his hands stilled for a second.

"And I'm out of here..." Tae excused himself and left the two to have some privacy, knowing damn well they needed it.

"Jiminah, what are you talking about?" Jungkook asked with the sweetest, warmest voice so finally Jimin moved slightly away, looking at his boyfriends eyes with teary eyes.

"I heard you and Tae talking..." He sniffed after every word, nose getting all red, eyes puffy.

"Oh baby... You weren't supposed to hear that. You know it's not nice to listen to other people's private conversation." Jungkook pinched Jimin's waist, so the older squirmed in place.

"I...wasn't... I was just... I wanted to tell you that pizzas are here and then I heard you. That's all." Sure Jimin. You weren't eavesdropping. Sure.

"Jungkookah... Are you always tired and not home a lot cause you have to work too much so you can pay everything that I need?" Jimin asked directly so the younger inhaled a deep breath.

Jimin didn't need an answer after that.

"Maybe I don't need my dance lessons and I definitely don't need all the round cookies you buy for me and..."

Jungkook put a hand over Jimin's lips, his face consumed in frown.

"Stop it. I said I'll take good care of you the day we decided to live together and I knew what that implied. I want you to have it all. I want you to be totally happy and satisfied with your life. I want to spoil you and give you the world. I want you to dance and to go to those art classes that you love so much. Want you to enjoy the movies and theater and all the circular things in the world. I want you to have everything that makes you happy."

Jimin started crying again.

"And what about you? Do you have everything that makes you happy?" He asked through sniffs cause Jungkook's happiness had become his priority too. Well, right after his own. Baby steps...

"I do." The younger smiled softly while caressing Jimin's face, tucking the lost strands of hair behind his ear. "I have you."

And Jimin started sobbing again.

"Please stop crying, you're gonna get a headache. You know you're sensitive when you cry too much." Jungkook wiped Jimin's tears with his fingers, trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah, but then I'll get to play with those pills for headache you give me, and I like those cause they're..."

"...round. I know." Jungkook finished Jimin's sentence cause he really did know Jimin by heart. He was his other half, the lost part of his soul and it was so obvious how much he cared for the older.

Jimin smiled softly, looking at his boyfriend in this new light that he hadn't seen before.

Sure Jungkook was always handsome, had pretty features, but Jimin could finally see the dark circles under his eyes, the tired eyes and smaller weight underneath him... He could see all the effort the younger was putting into all of this, so he decided that he'll step up his game too.

"I'll go to those two interviews we talked about, and I'll really try to be good. I promise." Jimin hugged the younger and then he felt Jungkook's arms holding him tighter, pressing their bodies impossibly close. He was happy.

"...and I want you to go to that concert." Jimin said while having his face squished in the crook of Jungkook's neck, and then he felt the pressure of his boyfriend's hug disappearing slowly.


Jimin moved away abruptly.

"Jungkook, I want you to go." Jimin wanted to make things clear.

"I don't want to go." Jungkook said honestly,firmly, looking straight into Jimin's eyes.

"You love crowded spaces and loud, ear popping music, and that base sound and shit..." Jimin tried to list all the things you can love at a concert, but he was running out of ideas.

Jungkook only shrugged.

"Sometimes you get tired of things in your life and suddenly they're not your priority and you don't want them anymore."

Jimin gulped hard.

"Are you talking about me?"

Jungkook smacked his shoulder without using any force.

"No, silly. I'm talking about concerts and things like clubbing, crowded spaces... those things."

Jimin nodded slowly, heavy thoughts started consuming his mind...

"What?" Of course Jungkook would notice.

"Nothing... It's just... For you... You'll never have it all... with me... you always have to choose... cause I can't do so many things..." Jimin tried to speak his thoughts and fears out loud, but it was hard.

"I chose you. I'll always choose you." Jungkook said confidently, so Jimin looked down on the floor.

"I don't want you to have to choose..." He whispered while hiding a new wave of tears threatening to spill.

"Well too bad, cause I've already chosen you for the rest of my life and I wouldn't want it any other way. My happiness is to make you happy Jimin. Ok?" Jungkook cupped the older's cheeks in his warm palms so finally, Jimin smiled happily, knowing the fact that he was loved by such a kind and loving man that he gets to call his.

"I love you." Jimin had no other words to say except for that simple truth, and before Jungkook could answer something, or give him a kiss, Tae stormed inside, having his eyes all glossy from tears and face covered with wetness.

"Your pizzas are getting cold and I can't listen to you anymore although I cried so much... This seemed like the right time to interrupt you guys." Tae walked towards the couple that were still cuddled up on the chair, looking at him perplexed.

"It's not nice to eavesdrop on other people Tae Tae." Jimin said while crossing his arms so Tae gave him the sassiest look.

"Please, as if you haven't done the exact same thing minutes ago." Tae came closer and tugged the older from Jungkook's lap, getting them both up on their feet.

"Come on, let's eat." He said cheerfully while hugging both of them together, giving them a bone breaking hug.

"And just so you know..." he turned to Jungkook and looked at him fondly. "... I love you too. Just cause you love my Mimi so much and cause you've helped him evolve into such an amazing creature that he always was, but was hiding on the inside."

Jungkook smiled back just as fondly, loving the fact that at the very beginning of their friendship nothing was easy as now.

"Thank you." He said while kissing Tae's cheek, earning a big uwu from Jimin.

"And to you my dear..." Tae turned to Jimin this time "... I'll always love you the most."

And both Jungkook and Jimin burst out in hysterical laughter.

"What? I do love you the most. I loved you longer than he did. You're my best friend..." Tae kept talking, but all of them moved to the living room, the whole conversation long forgotten due to the delicious smell of pizzas in the air.


"When do you have to wake up?" Jimin asked while making himself comfortable in Jungkook's arms, loving the warmth of his naked body pressed against his own.

"At seven. I have my first client at eight, but I have to eat first or else I would be lazy and unable to train with them. What about you?" Jungkook put the blanket a bit higher up on their bodies, covering Jimin's chest, and some of his own.

"I have that interview at nine and then I have dance classes at one, and after that I have therapy at four, so I'll have a two hour break in between. Maybe we could grab lunch together?" Jimin looked up at Jungkook who's eyes were already shut, calmness came over his pretty features.

"I wish I could babe, but my day is full. I don't have any break till five... and even then it's just a half an hour break to grab something to eat quickly..." Jungkook could barely talk, yawning while doing so, sleep taking a tall of him.

"Ok babe. Sleep well now. We'll see each other at dinner then." Jimin kissed the younger's cheek and nuzzled his face deeper into the crook of Jungkook's neck that had become his new safe place cause Jungkook always smelled so familiar and like home.

While lying there, feeling the warmth of Jungkook's body, smelling the softest smell he called heaven, Jimin decided to make some changes in his life.

He made a mental list, cause otherwise he would forget.

* Get a job

* Earn more money

* Buy tickets for concert

* Get Jungkook to go to a concert

* Do something nice for him

* Buy more Oreo's

He fell asleep with a smile on his face cause this was the first time he knew exactly what he wanted and what he needed to do to get things done.


While getting dressed in his usual white button up shirt and black slacks, Jimin kept repeating to himself: You got this, you're smart, capable and Jungkook needs this.

He kept telling himself while entering the SMEs enterprises where he had an interview for a system developer position, and from the get go, the situation wasn't as pleasant for him.

"Good morning Mr. Park, we have a bit of a busy schedule here so you might have to wait for a while." One of the employees said in the entry so Jimin frowned.

If my interview was planned for nine, why do I have to wait? It's fucking nine!

Just breathe...

Think of something calming...


Storm... Not a storm...


An hour later Jimin finally got a call from the same employee as before, telling him how it's his time to go inside the office where their boss was waiting for the candidates.

Jimin thanked them politely and entered the black wooden door thinking only positive thoughts, projecting calmness and peace around himself, trying his best to do everything right for himself and for Jungkook too.

The moment he entered the spacious open office with at least 50 little cabins for employees a harsh fact hit his face.


He watched in horror as the little triangle tables were on each side of the office, fulfilled with the most hideous triangle chairs that made no sense to him.


"Mr. Park?"

He heard his name being called, but he couldn't answer cause he was still too immersed in the awful design inside the office.

"Hello? Mr. Park Jimin?"

Finally he looked up and saw a chubby, little man standing at the end of the office, sitting in one of those little booths with a triangle table, waving his way.

Just breathe...






"Good morning Mr. Minjishi, I'm Park Jimin, here for the system developer position." Jimin sat down after bowing to the man so the older man nodded and smiled while taking out some of his notes.

The man started talking something about the company and its development, but the only thing Jimin could focus on was the triangle table and its edgy, pointy end almost poking him in the belly.

He started squirming around, trying to find some angle where the position of the table would look less like it's about to kill him, so while moving to the side, then up, then bouncing a bit to the left, the director noticed Jimin's struggle.

"Excuse me, what are you doing?" He asked so Jimin cleared his throat.

"Um... trying to make myself comfortable... um... I'm afraid if I lean forward my spleen would be cut into half cause these sharp edges only belong to knives or scissors..." Jimin smiled at the end, trying to hide the fact that he just insulted the way this whole working space was looking.

"Oh, but triangles are edgy and sharp and that's exactly what we need. We need the fastest and the best system developers that would portray our company's interests." The boss tried to make a joke, but Jimin didn't find it funny.

"The only thing you'll get is internal bleeding, broken bones and split heads cause god forbid if someone trips and falls in here, there's no way they could make it without at least having a head split in half." Jimin said with a smile, trying to sound as polite as he could.


"Um... Okaaay... So after hearing about our company why do you think you would be the best candidate for the job?" The director got to the point, the point that Jimin had no idea of. He hadn't heard a single word the boss was saying.

"Um... I guess cause I graduated as a top student in my class with the highest grades for four years straight. I know everything about system development and manufacturing and I would probably get the job done faster than anyone else." Jimin decided to go for the classic truth.

He was the best and the fastest student whenever they needed to solve any kind of problem and there was no point in being modest.

Truth is always the best option.

"Very nice Mr. Park. Are there some things you would like to change in the company or the job description?" The man asked so Jimin took a double look around.

"I'd gladly change all of those tables and this uncomfortable chair. There's no way I could work while sitting in this chair. No way." Jimin said while looking at the silly triangle shaped chair, feeling on the edge of taking one and throwing it outside the window just to watch it smash against the floor.

"Hm... Well since that's a design from one of our oldest employees, I hardly doubt we'll change that soon. Is there something else?" The man asked so Jimin shrugged, feeling defeated already.

"No. That's the only thing that's bothering me." Jimin didn't wanna add anything else, cause he felt like his chances of getting this job would get smaller and smaller...

"Amazing, if you excuse me, I haven't had my breakfast yet, so while you tell me about your working experience and expectations, do you mind if I eat my toast sandwich?" The director asked while putting a small food container on his desk so Jimin shook his head, glancing down at the rectangle shaped box, hoping that inside would be something eye appealing.

"I don't mind, go ahead... um, about my working experience... I tried to work in some firms these days, but somehow none of them were right for me. I used to work in the City library and I loved it there..." while talking Jimin kept an eye on the food container that the director finally opened after disinfecting his hands (to what Jimin was really grateful) and the moment he glanced inside the container, there was a toast, perfectly shaped rectangle toast that looked fine, but then Jimin's eyes caught something else...

There was a little knife on the side inside the container so Jimin feared he might throw up.


"Why did you like working in the library more than in an IT company? I don't get it." The director said while picking that knife, holding it in his hand without cutting the toast still.

" I love reading books, I like storing them in the shelves by color, year... I liked cleaning the dust from them and putting some nicely smelling spray so that the readers can enjoy while reading... I liked my colleagues and my boss... and they were really nice to me. I guess I loved it all..." Jimin talked while his eyes kept tracking the movement of the director's hand that was now on the toast, and in one swift move, the said man cut the toast diagonally, making it into two sharp triangle shaped sandwiches.

Jimin screamed involuntarily so the man jumped up in his chair.

"What's wrong?" He asked, so Jimin blushed, hating that his body made such an embarrassing reaction to what? A toast cut the wrong way. (In his opinion)

"N-Nothing... I just... I hit myself under the table... Sorry... Um... That's all..." Jimin stuttered, feeling his legs become shaky and hands sweaty, and just as he thought he got it under control, the director took out both of the triangle shaped pieces and extended one for Jimin to take.

He literally put his hand over his mouth not to scream again.

"Take one. Eat with me." The man said while biting into one of the sharp edges on the toast, chewing on it mercilessly.

"Oh, I can't." Jimin almost threw up inside his mouth and after realizing he had enough of this torture, he got up, ready to leave this ridiculous place.

"I'm really sorry, but I have to go now. I have one more interview and I don't want to be late just because you were late. Have a great day and life. I hope your company has a lot of success despite the hideous table and chair design that you have here." Jimin said with a smile and then his eyes widened.


The man just looked at him without blinking, the half of the sandwich standing near his mouth in the air, and Jimin figured that's his cue to leave asap.

"Goodbye." He said quickly while closing the door after himself and started speed walking towards his next destination.

TSC Consulting

While thinking about his previous interview disaster, Jimin couldn't help but to feel down.

He felt like he hadn't given his all, how he could be less weird, more communicative, talkative, less judgy... So what if someone likes triangle shaped tables?

Who fucking likes that????

In the middle of his heavy thoughts, his phone started vibrating.



"Hey Kookie..." He answered with fake enthusiasm and soft voice.

"Baby, how are you? You haven't answered my messages so I got worried. Is everything ok? Did your interview go well?"

For the love of god...

"They were a bit late so the interview lasted longer than it should have. I'm on my way to the second interview. Everything's fine."

There was a little pause on Jungkook's side, and then the softest voice spoke again.

"Jiminah, it's totally fine if you're mad that they were late. That means they didn't respect your time and our time is very valuable. It's ok to feel angry or sad and you shouldn't keep your emotions inside. Ok babe?"

Jimin wanted to cry.

Of course Jungkook would be supportive and kind.

...and he doesn't even know the worst part...

"I'm ok. It's over anyways and I'm already at the new company. Wish me luck." Jimin decided to keep some things to himself, worrying Jungkook isn't something he liked to do.

"Okay Mimi. Good luck then, give me a call when you finish. One of my clients cancelled their appointment cause they're too sore from the last workout so if you want we can grab a quick coffee somewhere..."

"I would love that!" Jimin almost squealed at the thought of seeing his Jungkookie sooner than late at dinner.

"Got to go now, bye, I love you and I miss you." He said his usual ending thoughts and entered the white door that led him to the receptionist.

"Good morning Mr. Park. I assume it's you since this is the 12 o'clock interview." A cute looking, short lady said behind the white desk so Jimin smiled while nodding confirmingly.

"Yes. I'm Park Jimin, I'm here for the system developer position." He said politely so the lady got up and started walking towards the big double white door at the end of the hallway.

"Our director is waiting inside. Good luck Mr. Park." The woman smiled politely so Jimin took a deep breath before knocking four times.

"Come inside." A melodic voice answered so Jimin pushed the door open and entered the prettiest, white, clean, open space that only had minimalistic decorations and a few white couches on sides paired with tables in front, and then he looked at the directors white chair and the desk that was in front, and Jimin's heart started beating faster, his eyes felt watery, his chin wobbly and before he even noticed it, he started crying.

"Oh my god are you okay? What's wrong???" The woman behind the desk jumped up and started walking towards Jimin in a hurry, bringing some paper box with tissues inside, offering him to take out some.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened to me. I usually never cry... I mean not ever... just not without valid reason and this isn't nearly a reason enough so..." Jimin started mumbling while wiping his face clean so the lady looked at him with sympathy.

"We're not robots, we're allowed to feel feelings which is great, exhausting but great, and whatever that makes you cry must be important for you..." She said so Jimin nodded, glancing at her desk and chair again.

"I cried cause your table is round..." He said in all honesty so the lady looked at him like he had two heads instead of one.

"Huh?" Guess she needed some explanation.

"I just like circles and balls and round things and I just had an interview in an office that had a triangle table so I got emotional after seeing this beauty." Jimin glanced around while walking towards the desk and finally sat down to admire it from up close.

"Triangle desk? Why would anyone have that? That's so impractical." The lady said while looking confused so Jimin's eyes widened.

She gets it.

"Yes. It is. It's so awful I couldn't even stay inside... My eyes would bleed if I had stayed longer cause I seriously hate triangles so much." Jimin confessed it all and let out a deep sigh he had no idea he was holding.

"I know. I read your CV and I wanna thank you for your honesty. I appreciate when my employees are straightforward and honest with me, and your life habits and way of living wouldn't in any way harm your work here, just to make things clear."

Jimin's heart skipped a beat.

After almost an hour of talking about the company, the job description, working hours, paycheck, Jimin felt like he's on cloud nine.

"So you're telling me I could work from home whenever I want to and the target that I get on Monday if I can finish in a few days I could get more days off?" Jimin wanted to remember everything right cause he wanted to tell all about the job to Jungkook the moment he sees him.

"Exactly, and if, by any chance, you want to do something more, other than your target, then you'll get extra paid for it."

Jimin leaned his back on the comfy white chair and looked at the spotless white ceiling.

"I really like this company." He said honestly so the lady smiled happily.

"But you have to bring your A game. There's no late responses to the clients, and if you have a due date, you can never miss that and if you do something that's wrong you have to tell immediately so that we could work on it, fix things as soon as possible, ok?"

Jimin nodded obediently.

"Of course. I'm really dedicated and serious when it comes to work."

The lady nodded.

"Then I guess we have a deal. You're on probation from tomorrow."

Jimin jumped up excitedly.

"Am I gonna come here or do I work from home... I mean how do these things work..."

"Well for starters, you should come here, at least the first week, to get your computer, to meet some clients, to make your schedule, shifts... basically everything needed, and then you can transfer to work from home." The lady explained so Jimin agreed with the terms.

"Ok. I'll be here first thing in the morning."

Before he could leave, the lady took a box from under the table and extended it for Jimin to take something out of it.

He peeked inside slowly, not sure what's hiding in there, and the moment he saw a round chocolate chip cookie wrapped up in a see-through foil with 'home made' written on them his heart danced on the inside.

"Oh my god! This is so cute. Can I take two? I really wanna show this to Jungkookie." Jimin said excitedly while grabbing two of those cookies so the lady smiled fondly.

"Take as many as you want. These are victory cookies that we use when we get us an employee that we wanted and you were high on our list."

Jimin felt proud.

"Thank you. You made my day so much better."

After bowing politely, Jimin went outside and immediately called Jungkook.

"Babeee I have great news!" He just couldn't wait to share the news.

"Hey, where are you? I'm at the coffee shop next to your library, are you close?" Jungkook asked so Jimin looked around. He wasn't exactly the closest, but his eye caught a sight of an empty cab so he waved and got in, ready to tell his boyfriend everything that just happened.

"I'm on my way, wait for me."

While coming to the coffee shop, Jimin ate one of those cookies that he got at the company, and eyed the other cause damn, those cookies were so delicious.

The moment he entered a well known place, his usual safe haven, Jimin felt warmth consuming him whole.

He hasn't been here for ages.

"Jiminah..." Jungkook waved from the seat on the far right where they would usually order their drinks so Jimin walked to him while eyeing the place.

"I missed this coffee shop..." The older sat down and looked at the table nostalgically, missing all the hours he had spent there while reading books from the library, talking to Jungkook, kissing him...

"It's where we had our first date." Jungkook came closer and kissed Jimin's cheek softly.

"No it wasn't. Our first date was at that book fair where you had taken me after our 'Jin date' disaster." Jimin frowned while thinking about that unfortunate event.

"No. That was like our tenth date or something. I'm counting every meeting and hang-out as our dates from the day we met at that speed dating thing, cause we planned those meetings and I liked you from the start." Jungkook said proudly so Jimin smiled fondly.

"I like it when you say that you liked me from the start cause... back then... you know... I was still... difficult..." Jimin said shyly so Jungkook kissed his nose cutely.

"And what makes you think you're not difficult now?" The younger cocked his eyebrows teasingly so Jimin acted offended.

"You're mean." Jimin pouted so Jungkook looked at him with the most 'uwu' face and fond smile, grabbing his waist and pushing him incredibly close to his body.

"You're so cute. Look at you and your little beak... Oh my god Mimi, stop it my heart can take all that cuteness." He cooed at his boyfriend while the older pouted ridiculously, loving all the attention he's getting.

"Ok, I'll stop, now let me tell you about my new job." Jimin moved slightly away, so Jungkook gave him his full attention, listening to every single word without blinking, and when Jimin was wrapping up the story, he finally took out a little cookie from his pocket and showed it to the younger.

"I even got these, look." Jimin showed the cookie without taking it out of that foil, fearing Jungkook might eat it all up in one bite and he really wanted that cookie.

"Wow, a round cookie. That's so sweet. They obviously did a good job in reading your CV. They wanted you badly. You were their main target today." Jungkook teased so Jimin blushed.


"Yeah baby..."

Jimin looked at the cookie and then at his boyfriend.

"I took two cookies cause I wanted to give you one, but then I ate mine and I liked it so much and now I want more, but this one's for you and I don't know what to do."

Jungkook burst out in laughter.

"Oh my god. Jimin. Please stop being so cute. Baby, honestly, you can take the cookie, you can take my coffee, you can take everything, there's nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for you."

And right there, Jimin saw the opportunity he was waiting for.

"I want you to go to Yoongi hyung's concert."

The younger's eyes opened widely, and then after a heavy gulp, he shook his head.

"I don't want to go."

Jimin almost destroyed the cookie inside his hand.


"But why? Please. I know how much you love these concerts, and I know how much Yoongi hyung means to you. I really want you to be there for him. Don't think about yourself only. Think about the other boys too. They would love to celebrate Yoongi's success together with you." While Jimin was talking, Jungkook's eyes became glassy and so so soft.

"Oh babe... You've come so far. Listen to yourself. You're giving me advice about how I should think about other people instead of just myself... and not to mention how you considered giving me that cookie. Jiminah, you're truly amazing baby." Jungkook hugged the older and kissed his forehead softly, holding onto him tightly.

Jimin did get what he was saying, but still... seeing Jungkook being selfless every day of his life changed his perspective of living too.

"So... you'll go?" Jimin asked while batting those lashes cutely.

"I'll think about it." Jungkook kissed his lips once again softly before getting up.

"I have to go now babe. My break is over soon and I have to prepare some equipment for this new pair." While Jungkook was talking he put a small box on the table in front of Jimin that was hiding in his bag the whole time.

"What's this?" The older asked while looking at the pale pink box, decorated with a delicate white lace.

"Oh It's just a doughnut from this new bakery next to my gym. I thought you'd be hungry so I bought the prettiest for you." Jimin opened the box slowly, while listening to his boyfriend talk.

"It's with strawberry frosting and it has those little round pearls on top."

Jimin had no idea how to feel at this point. Happy, sad... too happy... A roller coaster of emotions.

"I was hiding a damn cookie from you and you bought me the prettiest doughnut just cause you thought I would be hungry... Jungkookah... Oh god and it has a hole inside... So pretty." Jimin eyed the doughnut with heart eyes so the younger leaned his head and whispered.

"What can I say? I know how much you love holes."

Jimin's face blushed immediately, his thighs twitching at the mere thought of what Jungkook's low voice is indicating.

After clearing his throat Jimin whispered insecurely to Jungkook "Is this a sex talk?"

The younger burst out in laughter, but nodded right after.

"Oh... Cause holes and your voice... I thought..." Jimin tried to explain so Jungkook caressed his hair affectionately.

"Since I can see you're interested in that... maybe you could wait for me and prepare a bathtub for us, and you could even prepare yourself... hm? What do you say?"

Jimin's eyes lit up.

"Or, we can play that game where we both tease each other while playing with ourselves and the one who gives up first and fucks the other loses." Jimin suggested a game Jungkook had come up with a long time ago.

"Um... yeah... I invented that game only so you can prepare yourself faster cause I always do it too slowly and way too carefully and this way I can be inside you in no time."

Jimin blinked... cause... what?

"But... How... I mean... When I think about it, you always end up fucking me... I just thought I'm better at that game."

"Sorry babe, sometimes I can't wait to have you and you always take your time when I'm prepping you." Jungkook pouted, trying to act all cute.

"That's cause you have pretty and long fingers." Jimin complimented the younger, no anger written on his face.

"Uwu Mimi, thank you." Jungkook cupped his cheeks and kissed him loudly.

"So are we gonna play that game tonight? I can prepare everything for us before you come home?" Jimin asked, so the younger looked at him confused.

"But I just told you..."

Jimin shrugged.

"I don't care. Let's play still... Sometimes losing isn't such a bad thing, especially when it means receiving something good like your cock in this case."

And Jungkook's dick twitched.


The older smiled devilishly.

"You need to stop this now. I have to lift weights now and jump around and I'm getting hard."

Jimin licked his lips.

"JIMIN!" Jungkook noticed.

"Go now and I'll wait for you tonight."

The younger ran to the gym as fast as his legs could carry him.


"This was a good class." Hoseok said while leaning his body on the wall, letting it fall down and hitting the ground.

Jimin did the same thing.

"So good." He confirmed breathlessly, feeling his muscles twitch from how sore he was feeling.

"Maybe we could teach this to our junior group but with some modifications cause there's no way they could learn a choreography this hard." Hoseok had an idea so Jimin nodded.

"Maybe your group could do it, my contemporary group would get lost in a heartbeat." Jimin feared his group of kids weren't as gifted when it came to dancing hip-hop routines as contemporary modern dance.

"I mean how can we know if they don't try it. You didn't wanna try hip-hop at first and now look at you. Years of ballet long forgotten." Hoseok pushed Jimin's shoulder so the younger almost fell to the ground.

"That's not true. I suck at hip-hop and you're just being nice cause you don't want to hurt my feelings."

Hoseok inhaled deeply, acting to be offended.

"I would never do that. You're amazing at everything you do. Maybe contemporary and ballet are your cup of tea, but in no way you suck at anything else you've tried to do."

Jimin's heart warmed up a little, a shy smile appearing on his face.

"Thank you hyung. It's all cause of you."

"So why aren't you buying me that beer you promised after the class? Let's go." Hoseok jumped up, tiredness long forgotten, excitement written all over his face.

"I could use one too. I'm really thirsty." Jimin got up too so they finally walked towards the dressing room.

"Just don't tell Jungkookah we were drinking beers, you know how crazy he becomes cause he doesn't like you drinking alcohol with no one else but him." Hoseok knew his friend by heart so Jimin chuckled.

"I know. He thinks I'm gonna get drunk and suddenly forget I have Aspereger's and do stupid things that I usually never would."

"Does he even know you?" Hoseok joked so Jimin shrugged.

"He does, it's just that cause of him I've changed so much that I sometimes don't recognize myself. And I mean it in a good way." Once again Jimin remembered what his life was before meeting Jungkook and how happy he was feeling now.

"You two are just perfect for each other." Hoseok concluded with heart eyes so Jimin nodded.

"I think so too."

Two hours and five beers later Jimin had his notebook on the table in the Pub where he and Hoseok were relaxing after their dance class, and Jimin was finally getting somewhere.

My to do list

* Get Jungkook to a concert

That was all that was written inside.

"Hoseokshi, you're no help... How would I convince Jungkookah to go? I really want to do something nice for him and the concert is in three days and he still doesn't want to go. I got the money for the tickets, I know he's not working late on Saturday, he just doesn't want to go... It's frustrating." Jimin put his head on the table, feeling relaxed knowing he had disinfected the whole thing before even sitting there.

"Ah Jiminah... I think he doesn't want to go cause he doesn't want to leave you alone."

Jimin pushed his head up.

"But I can't go. I hate crowded spaces and loud music..."

Hoseok smirked.

"What?" Finally Jimin was able to read the non verbal communication.

"There's this thing called the VIP room and noise cancelling headphones that usually kids use at concerts."

And suddenly there was hope...

"You mean..." Jimin's brain started circulating, not sure if he was getting this right.

"I mean you could come an hour earlier to skip the crowd and you could wear those headphones and just chill in the VIP room since we're friends with the artist and then Jungkook could enjoy the concert while having you there with him. You don't even have to go down into the crowd, you could just watch from the big TV in the VIP room and Jungkook could join you from time to time and then go on the floor with us too."

Jimin's head was pounding.

"Am I drunk or is this sounding like an amazing plan?" Jimin still couldn't believe that he's considering doing this, but something was nagging him to do this, to be brave and to go for it... It was the alcohol... That was the thing pushing him forward.

"The plan is fantastic. Imagine how happy Jungkook would be to see you there, doing this for him. I don't think there's anything more romantic you could do for him."

Jimin nodded, loving the idea of being romantic and good for his boyfriend so he decided right then and there.

"I'm gonna do it."

Hoseok started jumping around, doing one of his cute little happy dances that Jimin loved so much, and then another thought popped up in Jimin's mind.

"But how the fuck do we get Jungkookah to go to a concert that he doesn't want to go?" Jimin asked all worriedly, so Hoseok smirked again.

"You leave that to me. Jungkookah has this soft spot for Yoongiah, and if Yoongi calls him and tells him he needs him there, I bet you our baby would be there in no time." Hoseok cocked his eyebrows so Jimin clapped his hands happily.

"Ok, ok, ok... We're doing this. Ok... " Jimin was so excited that if he wasn't tipsy he would probably think that he was anxious at one point.

"You should probably come to my place earlier and then we could get ready together, have some drinks and I have to fix my roots cause this grayish color is getting on my nerves, it washes out so easily..." Hoseok went through his hair with both of his hands and Jimin loved the way his hair looked so silky and smooth.

"I wanna change my hair color too." Jimin blurted out, making Hoseok stop doing whatever he was doing and stare at Jimin without blinking.

"You... what?"

"I always wanted to try different hair colors. It was just never an option for me cause... you know..." Jimin explained briefly so Hoseok came a bit closer to him.

"Do you think you would be fine with me trying that now since you've gotten a lot better at interacting with us all."

Jimin nodded shyly.

"Ok. So we have a deal. You'll come earlier at my place on Saturday, we'll get Yoongi to bring Jungkookah to the concert and we're getting our hair done together. I'm so excited!!!"

Jimin was also excited, but a bit nervous too.


While standing in the big VIP room Jimin couldn't stop breaking his knuckles nervously while munching on his bottom lip.

He knew the whole idea was bold, he knew there were a lot of things that could go wrong, but still, he had a plan and he did everything in his power to stick to it.

That's why when he heard voices just outside the spacious room, he got even more nervous than before.

"... what's the emergency, is hyung ok? Is he having a panic attack? I can't stay for too long, I promised Jiminie that I'd come home straight from work..." Jimin heard the familiar voice of his beloved boyfriend and in an instant he calmed down.

He's here...

"Everything's fine, just come inside..." He heard Hoseok's cheery voice and next thing he knows the door flew open and a very shocked and speechless Jungkook came inside and the moment he saw Jimin, the younger's legs stopped working so he just stood there while his hands slowly covered his mouth that were open just as widely as his eyes.

"Ta-daaaa" Hoseok said while jumping up and down, coming to Jimin who was standing in the middle of the room, yellow headphones on his ears, making him look cute and adorable which was a pure contrast to his outfit.

Then the younger squinted his eyes to look at something he himself couldn't quite believe was seeing.

"Jimin..." He gasped while coming closer to the older with fast steps and after cupping his cheeks he eyed his boyfriend from head to toe, making the older squirm in place, blush covering his cheeks.

"Babe... what... oh my god!" Jungkook moved the headphones which revealed his new, blond hair and the moment Jimin's longish, blond locks flew over his face, Jungkook took a deep breath.

"But how? Oh my god babe you look so good." Jungkook couldn't stop caressing Jimin's hair, making the older smile shyly at the warm touch...

"You like it?" Jimin needed confirmation since he had his doubts about all of this.

"Are you kidding me? It suits you so well. Babe you're so pretty I can't even describe how good this looks on you." The younger hugged Jimin tightly, hoisting him up in the air and spinning him like he weighs nothing.

"I did it. It's my work of art." Hoseok smiled proudly so both of them looked in his direction, realizing they're not the only ones in the room.

"How did he let you do this? Was everything fine?" Jungkook had his concerns, knowing damn well how much effort they had to put in whenever it was time to cut Jimin's hair.

While smiling shyly Jimin looked at Hoseok and then at Jungkook. "It went fine... um... I wanted this so... Hoseokshi helped me out..." His voice was shy and small so Jungkook glanced at Hoseok who put his index finger up, showing the freshly put bend-aid to both of them.

"Jimin... you didn't." Jungkook said while looking at a very shy and pouty Jimin who crossed his arms on top of his chest protectively.

"He bit me." Hoseok explained the bend-aid on his finger so Jimin put his head down, not being able to look at his friend.

"Babeee..." Jungkook scolded him while caressing his hair gently so Jimin pushed his head up, feeling ridiculous in this situation.

"Well I didn't bite it off!" He defended himself so both Jungkook and Hoseok burst out in laughter.

"He's the cutest Kookah... and look how hot his outfit is." Hoseok moved Jungkook a step away from Jimin so that they can both observe his style.

The blonde was wearing skintight, black, latex pants with black shirt tucked in and a pale, baby pink jacket on top of it.

"I'm not sure this color suits me that well..." Jimin said while touching the jacket, but Jungkook's eyes only got glued to one thing.

"Jacket? What jacket? I seriously haven't seen anything except those tight pants..." And Jungkook moved forward, touching Jimin's thighs, feeling the material under his palm while squeezing the flesh firmly.

"And this is my cue to leave. Have fun you two and Jungkookah we'll be waiting for you next to the stage, please come and enjoy the concert with us just a little bit. Seriously, Jiminah won't mind." Hoseok waved them both goodbye, and as soon as he closed the door, Jungkook was all over the older.

"Jung... Kookah... Googie... babe...." Jimin tried to speak in between kisses, but his boyfriend couldn't contain himself.

"Turn around for me. Let me see you fully." Jungkook made a step back so after an eye roll Jimin spun around, showing off his thick thighs and tiny waist.

"God Jimin..." By now Jungkook was freely displaying his bulge as he stood face to face with his boyfriend who couldn't stay immune to such a sight.

"They're like... plastic or something..." Jungkook dragged the fingers of his right hand along the seam of Jimin's left thigh, making the older shudder under the touch.

"The term you're looking for is latex. At least that's what Hobi hyung said." Jimin played with his hair nervously, feeling overwhelmed by everything that was happening to him.

He was at a concert, having a boyfriend who wanted to devour him (judging by the younger's hungry gaze) , having new friends who loved to spend time with him, and who he trusted enough to dye his hair...

Not in a million years he could imagine this would be his reality yet... here he is...

"So are they uncomfortable to wear, you know, or are they..." Jungkook went with his hands behind Jimin's back and slowly positioned them on the older's ass cheeks, feeling the material burning under his touch.

"Uh... no... They're really... comfortable... actually..." Jimin couldn't speak cause Jungkook's hands were kneading the firm, round muscle of Jimin's ass, making the blond to whimper in pleasure.

"I don't think you've ever looked this good babe... Wanna do things with you." Jungkook leaned in and gave the older an initial, hesitant kiss.

"But... Jungkookah... the concert... you have to go... Everyone's waiting for you..." Jimin said one thing, but his voice and actions said something different...

His hands were fisting Jungkook's shirt, voice honey-like, dripping with sweetness and need.

Jungkook kissed him firmer. Answering with a kiss about how much he didn't care about anything else other than breaking his boyfriend into pieces.

Next thing Jimin felt was a button on his pants being popped open and a zipper being slowly pulled down.

His dick started throbbing uncontrollably.

"Kookah... What a-are you doin-" and the word got stuck in his throat cause then he felt Jungkook's hands sliding into his latex pants, discovering that Jimin's underwear were his favorite black tight boxer briefs.

"The inner lining... is soft... cotton... as you can see..." Now Jimin was really having a hard time speaking as Jungkook proceeded to trace the outline edges of the older's cock with his highly experienced fingers.

"Mmmmmm feels nice." The younger replied, further exploring the inside of the unzipped pants with his right hand and massaging Jimin's nipples through his thin, black shirt with his left hand.

It was safe to say that by now, Jimin was a complete mess.

While thinking how all of this was a special surprise for Jungkook, to let him know how Jimin was willing to try other things if they include his boyfriend next to him. How he wanted this to work no matter what. How he was willing to take baby steps in overcoming every obstacle that was in front of him for such a long period of his life... but here was Jungkook, literally sucking a life out of Jimin's face, kissing him like a starving man, making the older believe how nothing really matters as long as they're together.

Jungkook kissed Jmin while his hands traveled back over the older's latex ass, then along the skin between his ass and t-shirt that rode up a bit, while Jimin was happily receiving all the attention, loving every second of his boyfriend being so 'Jimin-oriented'.

After a while of passionate make out sessions, the blonde couldn't keep it together anymore. He was burning on the inside... Desire taking over him.

"What do you want Jungkookah?" he whispered in a brief gap between wet, open mouthed kisses.

"I want to get in your pants."

A simple answer that made Jimin's life that much harder.

His dick too.

"But... how... anyone could walk in on us... There's a concert outside and... your friends are waiting for you... they might come here to look for you..." Jimin mumbled while Jungkook looked around, obviously trying to find a solution to this whole horny mess.

"Come here." The younger grabbed Jimin's hand in his and walked them over to the door on the right where the musician's changing cabins were placed.

"But... someone can come inside here too... " Jimin whined while looking at the small space filled with all kinds of clothes, bags, hair products, mirrors and hangers. One thing that was missing was a nice comfy bed that they had gotten used to in these situations.

"... I'm gonna lock us inside. See." Jungkook took the key that was inside the lock and locked them while turning the key two times, making sure no one would come inside.

"...but... what if they come to find you and..." Again, Jimin had his concerns.

"Then they won't find me. Now come here." Jungkook grabbed the older's hand and tugged him towards the wall, pushing his body loudly on it, and devouring Jimin's lips with passion.

The blond gave up on nagging Jungkook to stop, to go and see the concert, to hang out with his friends... he wanted his boyfriend for himself and he wanted him whole.

"Fuck me." While fumbling with the button on Jungkook's jeans, Jimin moaned softly into the younger's ear whose cock twitched at the blonde's bold words.

While figuring out how Jimin was having trouble with the button on Jungkook's pants, the younger unzipped his own jeans faster than the light, revealing his immense cock, which was ready for some action.

After glancing down at Jimin's tight latex pants, Jungkook kept licking his lips, unable to move them off completely, too dazed just by the look of that hot material being all over Jimin's thighs and ass, so he just pulled his tight pants down about an inch or so, pushed his boxer brief down too, pressed the older against the wall and after licking his fingers he started playing with Jimin's ass and hole teasingly.

"Kookah... lube... please..." Jimin, the horny mess that he usually is, needed to feel more, wanted that cock inside him as fast as he could.

"There has to be everything here cause these boys fuck around and that's for sure..." Jungkook reached for the drawers on the table next to them and of course he found a few bottles of lube and an unhealthy amount of condoms right next to them.

"Please...your fingers... need them now..." Jimin mewled with the sweetest voice that made Jungkook crazy. That same sexy voice that was always so needy and pleasant for his ears....

"Turn around baby." Jungkook instructed Jimin to turn his back to the younger, and tried to push his pants down, but Jungkook stopped him.

"No... babe...please keep those on. Wanna fuck you like this... You have no idea how hot you look right now." Jungkook kept kneading the meat of Jimin's ass cheeks, massaging the round, firm muscle, but as soon as Jimin needed more, he started moving his hips around, from side to side, impatiently signaling the younger what to do.

Of course Jungkook gave him exactly what he needed.

And he gave him fast and hard...

Not like he would usually do it. Slowly... one finger, than a lot of eating out, second finger, than again the tongue mixed with fingers, third finger that would fuck into him for ages, making sure the older was always stretched enough.

Not this time.

Jungkook lubed his fingers generously and pushed two at the same time immediately, making Jimin's breath hitch in his throat, unable to speak, knocking his head onto the wall in front of him, his ass sticking out, giving Jungkook easy access.

"Aaaaa babe... yes... mmmmmmmm" Jimin's moans and encouraging words riled Jungkook up to the point where he had two fingers fucking in and out of Jimin's still not totally stretched hole, obviously craving to be inside, to feel the warmth he knew was hiding in the deepest parts of Jimin's body.

Seemed like it wasn't even important if the time was right, if Jimin's hole was stretched enough, if the music outside was loud for their moans to be muffled by it, all that mattered was for Jungkook's cock to prod into Jimin mercilessly, seeking friction and relief badly.

So with one swift move, Jungkook turned the older who was literally drooling all over the wall, and with little to no effort, he pushed him up and positioned him onto the wall, bringing his cock closer to Jimin's entrance.

Without a warning he impaled the older straight onto his leaking cock, not caring about Jimin's hole being too tight, his legs trembling, nor the cock that he forgot to cover with a condom.

Jimin gasped at the sensation of Jungkook's warm, gigantic dick entering his tight little hole, pushing further and further inside.

The blonde slid frantically against the wall as Jungkook started fucking into him, gripping the back of the younger's shirt for support.

"Ah ah... ah... yes... fuck... ah... shit..." Jimin chanted in that low, sensual tone he had slipped into while feeling the hardness of Jungkook's cock drilling into him, the music from the background did nothing to keep his voice down...

Jungkook lifted the older slightly up, his big, muscular hands pressing firmly against the latex back pockets.

"I wanted to fuck you the moment I saw you tonight..." Jungkook whispered in between sucking hickeys all over Jimin's sensitive neck while his hand found a way to wrap around Jimin's leaking, neglected cock.

"Aaaaaaa Kookah... please don't stop..." Jimin was never the one to last too long when his cock and hole were abused at the same time by the younger's skilled love muscles.

Jungkook never skipped a beat, only kept fucking into the older harder, impaling him on the thick cock of his with force.


Both the physical and psychological sensation of being desired so intensely by the man that could be gentle as he usually was, and savage, intense, wild like in this moment, began to take Jimin over.

The blonde felt a rush of warmth and energy travel up out of his legs and suddenly explode throughout his muscles.

Jimin's entire body shook and quivered in a way it never quite had before. Everyone of his nerve endings seemed to sing out in pure joy.

"Aaaaah yes, just like that..." He swiftly tossed his head back, banging it a bit against the wall, opened his lips, and made no attempt at restraining himself vocally.

"Ah, ah, ah... fuck... yes...yes..."

If Jungkook hadn't been holding him up, the older might have collapsed from the unpredictable results of his orgasm, but Jungkook just kept pounding him and pounding as he squirmed, his twitching, squeaking legs still almost completely enclosed in the latex.

The clenching from Jimin's hard orgasm was egging Jungkook on, but he was a man who knew how to last. He enjoyed this moment so much and wanted for it to last a bit longer.

Unfortunately, the sounds that came from outside the dressing room made both of them open their eyes widely, shock written all over them.

"Shit Kookah someone's inside the room..." Jimin whispered, but the younger was still not finished with him.

While looking at Jimin's pretty, fucked-out features, Jungkook pressed one finger onto the older's lips and kept fucking into him slowly but deeply, making Jimin close his eyes, frowning at the overstimulation he was feeling and new sensation of Jungkook's cock hitting his prostate again.

"Keep it quiet. I'll be fast." Jungkook whispered in low voice and once again Jimin felt his dick coming to life cause how can his caring and cute boyfriend be so rough and wild, not minding that people are around, so close next to them, but all he wanted to do was fuck Jimin till he gets what he wants.

It was a turn on for Jimin. For sure.

Gritting his teeth together, Jungkook finally fulfilled his desire to climax inside his boyfriend who was still in those hot latex pants, letting the blonde take in all the cum that was leaking heavily.

With each spasm, Jungkook's hands gripped the older's smooth, sticky behind so firmly that his fingers were practically melding with the latex.

Jimin's head snapped forward and drooped over Jungkook's right shoulder, and simultaneously his teeth dragged over the exposed neck, trying to keep himself quiet although all he wanted to do was scream. After the orgasmic tension flew out of the blonde's body, he could hear voices inside the VIP room, but all he could do at the moment was gasp and wiggle while holding onto Jungkook's back for dear life.

Finally, Jungkook exhausted his load and they both collapsed against the wall, the skin of Jungkook's fingers making a loud 'sucking' sound as he let go of Jimin's butt.

The older wiped his forehead and pushed his hair back, feeling the sticky sweat clinging onto his newly dyed hair. Jungkook moved closer and gave his boyfriend a soft, sweet peck on the lips.

Jimin smiled at the fondness that his boyfriend who was a wild animal just a minute ago, could provide the moment the passion was replaced with care and ultimate love.

"Was I too rough?" The younger asked while leaning his head onto Jimin's shoulder.


Jungkook snapped his head to look at Jimin worriedly.

"I loved it." The older cocked his eyebrows at the younger who put his hand over his heart, fearing it might burst from all the tension he was feeling.

"You scared me. I thought I'd hurt you or something..."

Jimin chuckled.

"You hurt my ass, but in a good way. I'll limp for three days at least."

Jungkook burst out in laughter, and suddenly they heard voices talking outside, discussing the concert, some songs, notes, mentioning a break... and other things they couldn't comprehend.

"We should probably go outside." Jimin said while glancing at the door, so Jungkook nodded.

"I have a problem though..." The older glanced at his crotch that was still out and open, covered with cum, looking like a canvas for the first class sperm painting.

"Oh... fuck... I forgot we're here and I made a mess. I'm sorry babe, I would put a condom on if I wasn't too turned on and I totally forgot..." Jungkook, who looked as clean as before, got up and took a wet wipe from the desk and then came back down, ready to clean Jimin nicely.

"It's ok... I forgot too. We usually do it raw in the bathroom cause it's easy to clean ourselves, but now I think my ass is filled with cum and my dick's a mess too..." Jimin got up on his knees, trying to look at his lower body from all sides.

"Let me take care of that." Jungkook turned the older around and instructed him to bend forward, on hands and knees, his ass exposed, latex pants still on him slightly under his cheeks, making the muscle even bubblier and squishier.

"Dear god..." Jungkook whined from the back, looking at cum that was leaking out of Jimin's hole.

"What?" The older turned his head slightly, trying to see what Jungkook was staring at, and then he felt teeth over his ass cheek, hands gripping his thighs firmly, so an involuntary gasp came out of Jimin's mouth.


Seemed like Jungkook was dazed by the sight cause next thing Jimin felt was a tongue licking nicely all around his hole, bringing the tip of his tongue inside.

"Ah... fuck... stop... Kookah... babe... what a-are you doing...."

"Cleaning you." Jungkook whispered in between licks and nibbles, his hands coming to the front, 'cleaning' Jimin's cock, but more like stroking him with that wet wipe he had taken.

"Jungkookah... ah... please..."

The older started squirming around, feeling his cock throbbing rapidly while his ass was eaten out the best way possible.

"Want you to come once more... You deserve it... You've been so good to me... The best boyfriend ever. Want to reward you babe... Will you? Hm?" Jungkook pumped his hand fast and firmly, knowing damn well Jimin was close cause his legs were trembling, head fallen down, unable to do anything but moan and gasp silently.

"Yes... don't stop, gonna come... gonna come Kookah..." Jimin chanted. So in fast moves the younger laid down on the floor and positioned himself so that his face was in front of Jimin's throbbing cock.

"Not gonna make a mess this time. Come here." Jungkook opened his mouth while pushing his tongue out, and that was all Jimin needed to let go and shoot a few stripes of cum inside his boyfriend's willing mouth.

The younger ate it all up like the best boyfriend that he was, and the moment Jimin was done, Jungkook carried him up, pushing his boxers and pants on, holding the older tightly and steadily, not wanting for him to fall, instead he gave him a hundreds of small kisses all over his head, face, shoulders, hands, whispering sweet words of encouragement that both of them shared all the time after feeling vulnerable and exposed...

I love you so much...

There's no one like you...

You mean the world to me...

You were so good...

I can't imagine my life without you...

Can't wait to cuddle you to sleep tonight...

You're my special person...

After the after care and cuddling session, Jimin was finally able to stand on his own and to enjoy the night with his boyfriend.

"So... are we looking normal?" Jungkook asked while looking at himself and then at Jimin's presence.

"I think we're ok." Jimin said while straightening his shirt a bit, and so they slowly went outside, only to be met with tons of curious eyes, their friends included and the moment they saw the knowing looks, they concluded that everybody knew exactly what they've been doing.

Jimin moved slowly behind Jungkook's back, trying to hide the blush that only gave them away that much more, but luckily for them, everyone was pretty cool and chill about it.

"Had fun you two?" Hosek asked, so Jungkook nodded shyly, trying to bring Jimin out from behind his back, but the older just kept hiding behind the younger's neck. His safe spot.

"I guess you had more fun than I did on stage." Yoongi added so all of them laughed while enjoying the cuteness and blush on both Jungkook and Jimin's faces.

Ten minutes later it was time for the final songs to be performed so Hoseok begged Jungkook to join them outside, assuring him how Jimin would be totally fine in the VIP room while enjoying some take out dinner they had ordered.

"Are you sure? Like 100% sure you're ok with being here alone while I go and check these few songs before the ending?" Jungkook kept asking the same question to which Jimin always answered him the same.

"I came to support Yoongi hyung and to see you having fun. Please go and enjoy the loud music and everything while I eat in peace and watch you on this big screen. I had my fun thanks to you, and now you go and have fun too."

After a way too long nagging Jungkook went outside and jumped on stage with Hoseok and some other friends, trying to enjoy those last few songs, while dancing around, hyping the crowd, singing along, he even got up on drums and played a part of the song he knew by heart and all of that, Jimin watched on the huge screen in VIP room while eating hamburger that was ordered specially for him (all vegetables were cut in circles as Jungkook had instructed).

While enjoying the tasty food, Jimin couldn't keep his eyes off the screen, his gaze only glued to Jungkook and the way the younger was moving, smiling, dancing, playing drums, his fluffy, but sweaty hair danced around in the rhythm, his muscles showing every time he would jump up, trying to cheer for the band, and one thing kept repeating it self in Jimin's head.

My boyfriend's so hot!

Of course Jimin knew Jungkook was good looking and hard working, kind and wonderful, but seeing him like this, in a normal, natural environment made him even more aware of how amazing Jungkook is.

Of how desirable he is.

Just as Jimin had finished his burger, the concert was finished and happy Yoongi, Jungkook, Hoseok and the band came inside the VIP room while singing excitedly.

"Congratulations, you guys were truly amazing." Jimin praised them all to which they said their thank you's before devouring food that was waiting for them.

An hour after, when all the crowd was gone, Jimin and Jungkook were finally able to go home and enjoy the promised cuddles and a long bath.

While filling the tub, Jimin sniffed at the bath oil options that he would love their bubbles to smell of and decided to put some lavender and vanilla, wanting the atmosphere to be calm and pleasant before bed time.

As usual, they would both enjoy the warm water until the temperature gets cold, and they would always talk, tell each other about their days, joke around, spill water over their heads, but this time, Jimin kept staring at Jungkook without saying a word.

"Is everything alright babe?" Of course the younger would notice that something was going through his boyfriend's mind.

"Um... yeah... everything's fine..." Jimin said but there was just a tiny bit of hesitation in his voice which Jungkook noticed immediately.

"Jimin, what's wrong baby?" The younger moved from his side of the tub and came closer to Jimin who suddenly felt silly and stupid.

"Agh... It's just... When I saw you tonight... I don't know what I did to deserve you... You're so amazing Kookah, I don't think you see that. You're good looking and kind and caring and you work hard, you have a cute face and the best personality... I just... I don't think I'm worthy of you." Jimin said in all honesty so Jungkook came even closer and hugged him tightly.

"First of all, thank you. You're the sweetest and caring person that I know and all of these compliments, coming from you, mean the world to me." Jungkook kissed the tip of Jimin's nose. " I actually think it's the opposite. That I'm not worthy of you. You don't even see how special and amazing you are and that's your biggest charm."

"... don't forget my ass." Jimin added so both of them laughed.

"And he's joking ladies and gentlemen." Jungkook pinched his side, making Jimin squirm in place, moving bubbles around.

"Seriously Kookah. I love you for everything that you are and tonight, I saw so many people looking at you, checking you out, and I felt... something... I didn't want them to look at you in that way cause you're mine." It was weird to feel jealousy and all the other emotions that Jimin had gone through while being with Jungkook, but he was still happy and grateful to be able to feel all of that.

"Ah babe... Why are you so insecure? Do you need a ring on your finger to trust me that you're the only one for me or something?" Jungkook caressed Jimin's face who only frowned at those words, not understanding the meaning behind them.

"Um... Why would I need a ring on my finger? That doesn't make any sense? How would a ring help me out? I mean I love pretty jewelry but still..."

Jungkook only chuckled at his boyfriend's pure thoughts.

"Jimin baby, I meant the engagement ring... You know the one you put on someone you want to marry, make yours for the rest of your life."

Jimin took a second to think about it.

"Hm... nah..." The older shook his head, not satisfied with the idea. "People get married and still cheat, treat themselves as shit and get divorced, so no... That's not an option for me, but you did give me an idea." Jimin smiled while looking at his boyfriend's big doe eyes.

"Wait a second... so you wouldn't want to get married... ever?" Jungkook needed to double check.

"No. Never."

The younger took a deep breath, looking a bit sad at the revelation.

"What I do know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up next to you every morning and to cuddle you to sleep every night. I want us to do everything together, even the things that I'm not comfortable with, I want to try them with you, I want to do them for you, cause I believe that you deserve the best partner and I want to be the best for you. I want to please you in every way, support your life goals, wishes, I want to kiss you all the time and to hold your hand cause that's when I'm sure nothing bad can happen to me. You're so special to me, you have no idea how much I love you and care for you."

And Jungkook's eyes filled with happy tears that he couldn't stop from falling.

"Hey, did I say something wrong?" Jimin cupped Jungkook's cheeks and kissed his nose cutely.

"No... You're perfect. I love you too baby, so so so much. These are the happy tears cause I'm exactly where I wanted to be in life with the most wonderful and special person in the whole wide world that's mine and all mine." Jungkook kissed Jimin's lips firmly with a loud pop which made the blond chuckle.

"Hey, I had an idea... when you said that silly ring thing... how about this, if I put a leash on you, and then walk with you like that..."

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Jimin no. That's reserved for the bedroom only."

Jimin blinked until a new idea popped up in his head.

"Oh, ok.. let's go to the bedroom then and put a leash on you so we can play." There were sparks in his eyes and no matter how tired, sleepy, exhausted Jungkook was, those sparks woke up a flame inside him that was always there, ready to burn whenever Jimin needed some heat.

"You always love my ideas, right?..."

"I always love you."

And Jimin's heart felt whole again...

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