The date

How did Jimin's week go?


He did all the same things as he would usually do, but his mind was always somewhere else.

He went to Uni as always and instead of paying attention to his professor's lecture, he thought about what he should wear on Friday for his mystery date with Jungkook... Weird.

While having his lunch with Tae, (Jin still couldn't find the strength in him to make him some sandwiches like he usually would) he would eat what Tae had brought him, but every now and then he would go and buy Oreo's and try to eat it by dividing them into perfect circles without that white cream on it. It was impossible. At this point, he started to think that Jungkook was a wizard for pulling that off at the cinema, or he had just licked the cookie clean before handing it to Jimin. But the cookie wasn't even wet...

And on his working days at the library, he never felt better cause the shelves were so perfectly organized, cleaned and the books were stored neatly, and there wasn't that one book sticking out, hurting his eyes just by looking at it standing so sadly, there in the corner, slightly discolored and a lot annoying... He knew that the book was at Jungkook's place, somewhere in his bedroom probably... The bedroom he didn't see when he was at the younger's place. I wonder if everything inside is as clean and organized as in the living room and kitchen...




The younger was somehow always on his mind unintentionally, and Jimin had no problems with that. On contrary, he liked that he had something else to think about rather than his germaphobia or panic attacks or useless anxiety disorder or something stupid as why did that cat cross my path? Or I haven't touched every block on the ground while entering the store type of shit..

His mind was more like, I wander if I would look good as a redhead like Hobishi... Or when he was having his dance practice, he would do a new routine and immediately think if the choreography would be hard for the younger students that Hoseok had mentioned from his dance studio...

Every day it was something else and his best friend had noticed some change.

"Do you think my clothes are boring?"
The question Kim Taehyung never thought he would hear from his usually unbothered best friend, so it was only natural for him to stop the fork that was about to go into his mouth in the middle of the air so that he could look surprised and shocked at Jimin.


Jimin thought Tae looked funny.

"You did not just ask me if I think your clothes are boring."

"I did."

Tae put the fork down, the bite of his salad long forgotten.

"Why are you asking?"

"Why aren't you answering me?"

"Cause you know exactly how painful it is for me to look at that gorgeous face and amazing body being wrapped only in white and black shirts that look fucking the same!" Tae raised his voice at the end of the sentence so Jimin glanced around. They were eating their lunch in their Uni's cafeteria and luckily it wasn't too crowded.

"Can you not yell without any reason?" Jimin whispered.

"Without any reason? What's going on. Talk."

Tae was smart.

"It's just that Jin had said how I look boring, my clothes to be exact, and I'm gonna meet with Jungkook tonight and he hadn't told me where we are going so I don't know what I should wear."

"Get up. Let's go." Tae got up abruptly so Jimin just looked at him perplexed.


"We're going shopping. I need this. You owe me that much. I've always been there for you for everything in your life and now, you're gonna let me have this."

Tae was fucking serious.

"But... We have three more classes..."

"We'll say how you had another panic attack, now move your ass."

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"You should really stop using my condition as an excuse for skipping classes." Jimin scolded his best friend.

"I'll stop when you stop." Luckily, Tae was witty.

So they went to some stores that Tae had picked for them to look at some clothes that Jimin would never try on (God knows who else had tried it on before), but luckily he had Tae who always did everything for him. Also this time around, Tae was the mannequin who had tried almost twenty new shirts and every time he would go out of the dressing room, Jimin would shake his head to every single shirt the younger had tried on.

"What's wrong with this one?"

Tae said dead-panned.

"It's red."

Tae rolled his eyes.

"But you said you want something new and fun."

"Red is not that."

"I'm done here. I tried everything that you picked out and more, but you'll just always stick to your black and white boring shirts and I don't even know why I'm getting so angry right now." Tae whined while entering the dressing room, and Jimin almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

Then his phone vibrated in his pocket so he glanced at the message, curious to see what Jungkook had written this time. They've been casually sending texts on a daily basis, just random pics or funny things they saw, or in Jimin's case a pile of Oreo cookies he wasn't able to eat cause he couldn't divide them like Jungkook did, and this time, he saw a picture of a beautiful blue sky, taken somewhere from a rooftop and the gorgeous view took Jimin's breath away.


Ready for tonight? This is where we're going.

Jimin looked at the picture again, and then his eyes caught a glimpse of a dress shirt that was standing on a shelf right next to the dressing room, the color was almost identical to the blue sky that Jungkook had sent him.

He reached for the shirt and looked at it closely.

The fit was nice, the material looked comfortable, and the baby blue was kind of appealing all of a sudden.

"What now?" Tae went outside and looked at Jimin who was still looking at the shirt.

"I want this one."

"But I just put my clothes back..." Tae whined.

"To buy. You don't have to try it on."

Tae's eyes widened.

He came closer and looked at the shirt. While tossing and turning it in his hands, pushing it to Jimin's chest, but not touching it of course, he nodded.

"This shade would look really pretty on you, just take a smaller size. I want your body to show its beauty."



Tae knew that some battles were useless when it came to his stubborn best friend.

While Tae was paying for the shirt, Jimin went outside to wait for him, so while waiting he answered Jungkook's text.


It looks really pretty. Where is this place? I'ma need an address if you want me to actually show up.


Oh my God.
He's actually being funny.
What happened to you?
Can I pick you up?
I don't want to spoil the surprise.


If I'm being funny, I assure you it's totally unintentional.

Ok. When will you pick me up?


8 p.m.

As I said, that's your charm.

Jimin felt sick to his stomach. (the weird feeling that kept bugging him whenever Jungkook would say something nice)


If you say so.
See you tonight.

"So, which pants are you gonna wear with this gorgeous shirt?" Tae wanted to know all the details.

"I don't know. Black ones..."

"You should wear the ones I bought you for your birthday. They're black."

Jimin knew exactly which pants Tae was talking about.

"You mean the ones that are at least one size smaller than what I normally wear?"

Tae rolled his eyes.

"No. The ones that are actually your size and are showing your ass and thighs perfectly."

Jimin scoffed.

"I don't need to show off my ass and thighs... What are you talking about?"

"Oh come on. Everyone who has an ass like that would only wear tight jeans. Stop hiding your hot muscles, you really don't deserve a body like that."

Tae looked angry, and Jimin confused.

The moment they came inside Jimin's house, Jin and Tae started playing some games while drinking beers, and Jimin decided to grab that well needed shower first.

Before anything else, he had put his new shirt into the washing machine, to make it all clean and neat for tonight.

While washing his hair, Jimin noticed how every time he tried to go with his hands through it, the strands kind of got all stiff and messy. He really hated to get his hair cut, but once in a blue moon he would let Jin or Tae do it.

After putting a robe on, he came out of the the bathroom, and loved to hear the familiar sound of his brother and Tae laughing.

Jin was usually never smiling these days...

"You finished? Come join us." Jin said while petting the spot on the couch next to him so Jimin came closer.

"Do you think that my hair has grown too long?"

Jimin asked so Tae and Jin looked at him perplexed.


Jimin never understood why people would stare at him like he has two heads.

"Are you asking us to cut your hair?" Tae asked, his eyes still glued to Jimin's figure.

"Only an inch. Just so that I can comb it normally."

"But you don't comb your hair." his brother had a point. Jimin hated combing his hair, but still he did it every day early in the morning and that's it.

"I'll do it." Tae jumped up, looking excited and happy.

"Ok. I should have a few drinks first..."

Jimin knew how these things go...

"Even better. I have two joints left from when Namjoon and I were at the...."

"Save the rest of the story for later. I don't have time. Bring those joints."

Jimin really, really, really couldn't listen to another Namjoon story. Worst brother ever.

After smoking some weed and relaxing slowly, Jimin was ready for the final sacrifice for tonight.

He sat down in the living room, Tae covered his body with some towels, and then used the scissors to cut Jimin's hair, but not too much. He still wanted his bangs to be fully over his forehead so that when he's feeling extra lazy, he could just wash his hair then blow dry it and leave it fluffy and soft as it is.

That wasn't tonight's hair style.

Tae was always good when it came to finishing touches so this time was no different.

After shortening Jimin's hair, the younger blow dried it nicely, letting all the black silky strands fall over Jimin's forehead perfectly.

He looked good.

"I'm done." Tae said while noticing how Jimin was still super tense cause someone was touching him, even if it was his Tae.

"Take a look."

Tae handed him a mirror so after glancing at his own reflection Jimin' s eyebrows raised, eyes widened at the sight.

"Was it worth it to hold your breath for half an hour?" Tae loved his surprised expression.

"You can't hold your breath for half an hour, and the weed was so good I barely felt your hands."

"Go get dressed, I wanna see the full package." Tae said while crossing his arms on top of his chest, his nosy nature always took a toll on him.


Jimin wore the freshly ironed baby blue button up shirt and the black slacks that Tae was talking about before. They were too tight, but Jimin knew that Tae wouldn't give up on the idea.

While coming outside of his room, walking like he usually does, with little to no expression, he heard a sigh escaping his brother's and Tae's mouth.

"Jiminah you look so handsome." Jin said immediately while coming closer to his little brother.

"Thank you." Jimin felt weird.

"We're gonna go shopping again cause you need more colors in your life." Tae concluded while looking at Jimin fondly, so the older pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows, thinking how that wouldn't be such a bad idea.

While looking at the mirror and his own reflection, Jimin couldn't say he didn't like what he saw.

He looked clean and good, and he had no idea why he even put so much effort in all of this.

Right before going outside, cause it was time to meet Jungkook, he noticed Tae and Jin were standing right behind him.

"What are you doing?" he asked them, confused.

"Well seeing you out..." Jin said and Tae nodded.

"You never do that. Go away." Jimin scolded them, so they whined and pouted.

"I'm serious. Aren't I weird enough, and now you two want to see me out? Go away." Jimin was serious.


The boys backed down.

"When are you coming home?" Jin was always thoughtful.

"What am I five?"

"Oh shut up. I don't need more stress in my life Jimin. It's enough that Namjoon..."

"Oh God! Fine... I'll be home by eleven. Ok?"


With huff and hurried steps Jimin came outside and went straight to the car he recognized right away from a far.

"Hi." he said while sitting down and making himself comfortable, seat belt already on him cause well, safety first.

Then he glanced up, and met Jungkook's kind of shocked expression.

"Sorry for not coming outside and opening the door for you, but when you walked out of the house my legs became numb." Jungkook said in all honesty so Jimin raised his eyebrows.

"Are you ok? Do you need to see the doctor?"

Jungkook chuckled.

"No. It's cause you're looking really good."

And oh shit, Jimin's getting sick again.

"That's not a valid reason to feel your legs go numb..."

"My legs would highly disagree. They're still like jello."

"You're weird." Jimin felt his cheeks burning.

Jungkook kept staring at him.

"Are we going?"

The younger chuckled again.


Jimin squirmed in his seat, trying to find the right angle and hide himself as much as it was possible.

"So how about me?" Jungkook then asked so Jimin looked at him confused.


"How do I look?" Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at the older, so Jimin froze.

"You're wearing all black again." the only thing Jimin could think of...

"I do, but look, I'm wearing a fitted button up shirt. I got all styled up, not like I usually do."Jungkook showed off his nicely fitted black button up shirt where a few buttons at the very beginning were left open, and Jimin's eyes got glued to the skin he saw.

"What?" the younger asked cause Jimin forgot not to stare.

"Nothing... It's just... You forgot to button up those few buttons up there..."

Jimin gulped. Why was he so awkward? Except for his germaphobia, slight OCD disorder, Asperger's...

"I didn't forget. I left it like that cause I like the way my chest looks."

Jimin frowned.

"Your chest?"

"Yes. I work out a lot, and I especially like these muscles here."

The younger moved the shirt to the sides a bit, revealing his toned and buff chest, and Jimin stared again.

He looked really good, and his chest...manly and big.

"Oh... Well that's good. Must feel nice." Jimin was blabbering cause why are they talking about Jungkook's tidies?

"Yes. You can feel them up if you want to. It really does feel good."


"No need. I believe you." Jimin said and luckily for him, Jungkook let go of the subject and instead they played some music and talked about concerts that Jimin never went to, tears Jin had spilled cause Jimin didn't want to go to any concerts with him, Jungkook's best and worst hangovers after the concerts, pretty much everything and anything, and soon they came to the small place on the mountain, where everything was green and the sky was blue just like Jimin's shirt, but there was a clear sign of sunset approaching soon, and they loved the fact that they're gonna witness it tonight.

The closer they came to the open space that was filled with art easels Jimin finally realized what they would be doing tonight.

"This is so pretty." he said in awe, looking up at the sky that was still baby blue, not even one cloud to mess with the blue perfection.

Jungkook was walking next to him, also enjoying the bright, open space.

" It really is. I thought since you said how much you love to draw, and so do I, that we could attend this unique Art class here and have some fun.

"Everything's so beautiful." Jimin kept staring at everything around him.

The class wasn't crowded either which gave Jimin a piece of calmness and easiness that he loved to feel. Maybe weed helped with that too.

"Hello everyone. I saw some familiar faces, but also new ones, so for starters let's just say a bit about our group and what we like to do..." the middle aged man started the class and Jimin gave him his full attention.

After talking a bit about the Art studio that the man was working at, the grey haired guy introduced them to today's theme.

"... As you can see, today, we're gonna draw the raw nature and the beautiful sunset. That's why we're high up here at the mountain, cause the view is just spectacular."

After giving some basic tips about the material they would use, it was time to choose their art easels.

Jimin liked the one that was all the way back, almost hidden from all the people.

Jungkook followed him and took the easel next to the older.

"First, let's just watch the sky cause as you can see the sun is about to go down behind the city and that's a spectacular thing to witness from up here." The teacher said so everyone stayed quiet while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Jimin felt like he was on cloud nine.

Like he was floating on air.

Everything around him was perfect and he felt at peace and secure.

After the sun was no longer visible on the sky, the teacher made a campfire that perfectly lightened the space and gave just enough lighting for the participants to draw.

Jimin felt attached to the view, to the sun that went away, but brought a new darkness that was lightened with the fire... To the safety he felt knowing Jungkook was there next to him, knowing everything will be alright and that he can relax and enjoy the moment.


He heard his name and got snapped out of the little bubble he had wrapped himself into, and looked at Jungkook's direction.

The younger was looking at him fondly.

"Do you think that it's possible to fall in love with a moment?"

Jimin asked without knowing why he asked the question. He just felt good.

"Of course it is. You can fall in love with a moment, the feeling that something evokes in you, the view..." Jungkook made a small pause, never breaking their eye contact... "... People too..."

Jimin nodded.

"I think I never felt this way."

Jungkook came closer, giving Jimin some pastel colors to put on the drawing holder.

"How do you feel?" Jungkook asked while watching Jimin making the first lines on the white paper.


He kept drawing without glancing at Jungkook who was standing beside him, looking at him fondly.


He used the variety of blue and purple to paint the perfect sunset he just witnessed and the way he felt moved and creatively challenged made him eager to paint more and more.


Jungkook moved to his easel and started drawing too. He spent too much time looking at Jimin anyways.

After half an hour, Jimin was done.

He moved away from the drawing he had made and loved the outcome.

The drawing was clean, the movement of his hand was obviously calm, and you could see the variety of colors blending together perfectly, smoothly.

Then he glanced to the side, where Jungkook was painting, and he was surprised by the painting that didn't look anything like his.

Jungkook's moves were fast and sharp, and the colors didn't blend at all, instead, every color looked like it had a mind of its own and was there to fight for dominance.

Jimin got intrigued by his drawing style.

Another thing that kept stealing Jimin's attention was Jungkook's tongue.

His tongue was poking on the side of the younger's mouth, and it seemed like whenever he would switch the side on the paper that he was painting, his tongue would glide over his lower lip in the same direction.

It was distracting.

He came closer to compliment Jungkook's interesting way of portraying the sunset, but his brain got another thing more important to ask.

"Why is your tongue out?"

Jungkook barely glanced at him.

"Is it?"

"Yes. All the time." Jimin came even closer, observing the way Jungkook was putting some finishing touches into his work, the tongue still out.

"Why are you looking at my tongue?"

Jungkook asked while straightening his posture, leaving the brushes on the easel.

"I... Wasn't..." Jimin felt his cheeks burning.

"Is it pretty?" Jungkook asked nonchalantly so Jimin blinked stupidly.


Maybe he's talking about his picture...

"Well my tongue. Is it looking good?"

Guess not.

"How can a tongue look good?" Jimin frowned, his eyes following the veins on Jungkook's hands while he was closing the used pastel colors.

"Well, you know, when it's pink, slick, long..."

Jimin scoffed.

"What?" Jungkook smirked.

"Are you perhaps horny?"

Jimin said out of the blue, surprising himself too and Jungkoook obviously cause the younger had this weird open mouthed expression that Jimin didn't had the chance to see before.

"What did you just say?"

Yep, Jungkook was definitely confused.

"That's how Tae and Jin talk when they are all worked up and horny." Jimin explained his 'all of a sudden' knowledge about sex.

"Well... look at you knowing what horny means..." Jungkook decided to tease.

"I know what sex is too."

Jungkook choked on air.

"I mean I have a dick too and I know what dicks are supposed to do. I'm not ignorant." Jimin kept explaining and Jungkook loved where this conversation was going. It was visible on his face, a mix of amusement with a teasing smile. He loved it.

"Sorry for wanting to know more, but, what are dicks supposed to do? Indulge me please, answer my question, I'm begging you."

Jimin just shrugged. Feeling pretty unbothered about all of this.

"Well, dick is supposed to fill a certain hole."

Jungkook suppressed a smile.

"There are more holes a dick can fill..." he added in a quiet voice.

"What?" Jimin didn't get it.

"A variety of holes actually..."

"A what?" Again, Jimin didn't hear or he didn't understand the statement.

"Nothing... Never mind... "

Both of them noticed the teacher coming their way so they decided to keep quiet, obviously the topic was not for this kind of event, place, crowded space...

"Jungkookah, it's nice to see you again." the teacher came and bowed in front of Jungkook, so the younger did the same, and then he turned to face Jimin, and while pointing at him he introduced the two of them.

"Hi professor Wang, This is my friend, Jiminshi. We came together to today's class." he explained so the older man bowed to Jimin too, and Jimin did the same, unconsciously moving slightly closer to Jungkook's side.

"Hi Jimin. It's nice to meet you. This is the first time you brought a friend to our classes. You two must be really close." the professor concluded so Jimin shook his head, and Jungkook nodded.

The poor old man looked confused.

"We are getting to know each other." Jungkook explained while smiling cutely so the man smiled too.

"Well good luck with getting to know each other. I guess you're gonna have a fun time together cause just by looking at the way you both did your paintings, you can clearly see how different the two of you are. Jiminshi here has a calm hand, loves inner peace, zen surrounding, clean moves, soft approach... where you, my dear Jungkookah, are totally opposite from him. You're wild and can't be tamed and sooner or later you'll break those chains that are holding you to let go completely and enjoy the art with a fully open mind and soul."

Both of them listened carefully to every word the wise professor had said, so after nodding dumbly, and glancing at each other briefly, it was time to leave this magical place, and Jimin kind of felt sad.

"I wish the class would last longer." he said while picking up the Art easel and returning it to the professor alongside Jungkook.

"Really? Do you wanna come to another class with me? I'm usually doing this once every two weeks cause that's the only free time I have for some activities other than Uni stuff."

Jimin nodded without thinking about it too much.

"I would love to."

"Great. It's a date." Jungkook said all happily.

"Not a date." Jimin disagreed.

"Not a date. Silly me. I always forget." Jungkook winked at the older and Jimin just shook his head at the younger's childish behavior.

Soon they came to the parking lot, and after getting inside the car, Jimin realized they haven't talked about the whole 'Jin plan' again.

"Jungkook, I think we should really set a date for this whole 'Jin plan' cause he's been driving me nuts for the past well almost two months.

"Ok. Do you have something in mind. I mean we do have a plan, we just miss some details and the actual date. Right?"

"Well yeah... We agreed on pick-nick at the park, but we don't know about the food and the drinks, and we said um... how you should kiss at the end of the date..." and Jimin made that 'I wanna throw up' grimace again so Jungkook scoffed.

"Come on. Stop acting as if kissing is something disgusting. Don't you want to try that some day?" Jungkook was nosy.

"Of course I don't want to kiss someone. That's gross." and his face said it all.

"But why?" Jungkook couldn't help but to ask more.

"We already discussed this. There's nothing fun about sharing germs."

Jungkook took a deep sigh with an exaggerated eye roll.

"You seem to disagree." Jimin noticed.

"Well, let me see, why wouldn't I want to feel how soft someone's lips are, or how they taste, or if they're wet and sweet and warm as they look... Or why wouldn't I want to know if the person that I kiss would get aroused by the kiss, moan into my mouth, bite down on my lower lip or nibble on my tongue or maybe even suck at it roughly..."

"OK, ok, ok, I get your point! You don't have to talk like that..." Jimin's cheeks were burning red. Literally on flames.

"Like what? Openly? Are you getting shy? Have you ever talked about this with someone?" Jungkook was obviously comfortable about all of this, and Jimin, well, he had no idea how he felt.

"I'm not shy...I just don't like that... I watched porn before you know." Jimin's eyes widen at the stupid thing he just said, and Jungkook's feet pushed on the break just a tinny bit harder.

"What?" the younger just couldn't believe his ears.

"Nothing. It's stupid. Tae made me watch it so that I would know about those things. That's all. I only watched it once. That time with him and there was nothing interesting there. Literally not a thing."

"Well he must have shown you some bad porn. You didn't even have to look at that. Those videos are mostly unrealistic, not fun, and overrated. The real thing is so much better."

Jimin shrugged awkwardly.

How would I know...

"Don't know, and don't care."

Jungkook smiled at how stubborn Jimin was and in no time, they were in front of Jimin's house. It was 11:30p.m, and even though Jimin knew he had already passed the time he said he'd be home, he still didn't want this date to end.

"So... Should we go through the plan once more and discuss the actual date now or should we meet again?" Jungkook asked while looking at Jimin who was munching on his lower lip nervously.

"Maybe now. I don't know..."

"Do you wanna go for a walk. The night is really nice and warm. We could walk down to the river and we could find a 24 hour shop and buy something to eat." Jungkook was fast to make a plan.

"There's a store really close, maybe five minutes walk down the street." Jimin agreed without even saying yes.

They went outside and started walking, side by side, down the street, just how Jimin explained.

"Do you wanna sit at the bench and eat Oreos? I bet we could separate some perfectly for you to eat." Jungkook remembered Jimin's struggle.

"About Oreo's, I tried to do that, you know. To separate those damn cookies, but I just couldn't. There would always be some of the white filling left on both cookies and I couldn't eat it. So I was wondering if you had licked those cookies clean when I wasn't watching you, since we were at the movies..."

Jungkook sucked in a loud breath of disbelief.

"How dare you?! I put all the will and power into doing that perfectly for you and now you're accusing me of such a felony! " Jungkook was being dramatic.

"I literally just asked if you licked my cookie clean..." Jimin looked at him dead panned.

"I'm gonna show you now how I did it, and after I'm finished with feeding you with so many cookies that you're gonna be sick, you're gonna say 'sorry Jungkookie for ever doubting you, you're the best' and you're gonna give me a kiss on a cheek."

"Not a chance."

"Fine. Maybe I went a bit overboard with the kiss thing, but you will admit that I'm awesome." Jungkook said while holding the door of the shop open for Jimin to enter first, like he always does.

"I would admit that you are awesome even without the cookies." Jimin said while entering, leaving flustered Jungkook behind, obviously unaware of the strength his words are holding.

They took four boxes of Oreo's and walked a bit further until they saw a free bench on the right side of the river, so they sat down and immediately started separating those annoying cookies.

In the beginning their activity sounded like this:

"I got it... I got it... Damn... It broke..."

"I'll try another one..."

"Maybe the next one won't break..."

"One more try..."

"Maybe we should try a different approach..."

After second box of smashed cookies and not a single good one for Jimin to eat, they sounded more like:

"What the actual fuck!"

"Fucking shit not again!"

"Almost there, almost there... I did it!!!"

"It has some white on it."

"Oh shut the fuck up! It's literally a shadow of a cream, it's not even cream!"

Fun times.

The worst thing was, they were actually having fun.

"So are you gonna eat this one?" Jungkook asked after showing that perfectly clean cookie to Jimin.

Jimin looked at it carefully and nodded.

"Thank God. I was seconds away from pushing you and these cookies into the river."

Jimin's eyes widened.

"I'm joking." Jungkook made things clear.

Then they both ate some cookies. Jungkook ate all the destroyed ones that he and Jimin were trying to separate and every time the younger would lick the white filling he would hum in satisfaction, enjoying the taste.

Jimin got curious.

While fumbling with another cookie, trying to divide it perfectly, Jungkook pushed his tongue out and focused deeply.

"Yes! Another one!"

Jimin clapped his hands and looked at the two halves of cookies in Jungkook's hands.

The younger extend his hand and gave Jimin his half which he gladly accepted, but the older had another thing on his mind.

Right before Jungkook had eaten his part of the cookie, Jimin stopped him.


"What?" Jungkook stopped his hand in the middle of the air right in front of his mouth, not making another move.

"It's just... You make these noises while you eat the white cream and you look like you're really enjoying the taste...."

Jungkook raised his eyebrows.

"Are you saying how you would like to try? Really?"

Jimin pursed his lips, still contemplating his decision.

He looked at the cookie in Jungkook's hand, the dark circle was there, and the white one on top was also in perfect circular shape which made it that much appealing to him.

He nodded.

"Oh fuck yes!"Jungkook got excited. Jimin had no idea why.

"So how do you wanna do this?" Jungkook took this really seriously.

Jimin took a deep breath.

"How about a small lick for starters."

Jungkook choked on air. Or cookies. Or the double meaning of the words Jimin just said. Unintentionally of course.

"That would be perfect actually." nonetheless, he agreed.

"Ok. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna try something new that I'm not that comfortable about... I'm doing this." seemed like Jimin was cheering himself out loud.

Jungkook gave him the cookie, which Jimin took with a shaky hand and he just looked at it.

"I promise it's delicious. I wouldn't lie to you." Jungkook was supportive and curious whether the older would like it.

"Just one lick." Jimin repeated again.

"One lick." Jungkook really wanted for him to try.

Then with all the courage that he had in himself, Jimin pushed his tongue out, and moved closer to the cookie, his eyes focused on the white cream in front of him. Just a little bit more, just a little bit closer... he moved slowly, his tongue out, poking, willing to try, and then in the last second, he just threw the cookie away, as far as he could, into the river and looked at the water splashing around the fallen cookie.

"WHY?! NO!" Jungkook was yelling dramatically.

"I can't." Jimin got up and started jumping up and down, breaking the knuckles on his hands nervously.

"But why did you throw it away?! I could've eaten it Jimin! It was fucking perfect!"

Yep Jungkook was mad.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking. I did it instinctively. It's like I felt fear and like I was in danger so my body reacted that way." Jimin felt really sorry.

"But it's not poisoned, and there's no danger in trying out something that's out of your comfort zone. You can always spit it out."

"But if I don't like it I would still feel the aftertaste in my mouth."

Jungkook took a deep breath.

"Sometimes the aftertaste tastes better than the actual taste." What was Jungkook actually talking about?

"What?" Jimin had no idea.

"N-Nothing... Um... Wanna try again?"

Jimin sighed, but nodded afterwards.

"But I'm warning you, don't you dare throw it away this time cause you're going right inside the water after the cookie to try and catch it."

"When I think about it... I'll pass, thank you."

Jungkook laughed out loud.

"Oh, you're joking." it seemed like Jimin finally started understanding Jungkook's jokes.

"Of course I am. Now let me concentrate."

Jungkook took another cookie, and with those steady and calm hands, he managed to separate another cookie without problem.

"There. Try." He handed the cookie to Jimin, and looked at him encouragingly.

Jimin took the cookie firmly and after glancing at its perfect shape, he just leaned in and licked one small strip over the cream filling over the cookie.

When he pulled back, he smacked his lips a few times, and smeared the cream inside his mouth, trying to taste the flavor, and then he looked at Jungkook.

The expression on the younger's face was priceless.

He was anticipating Jimin's reaction and it showed. His eyes were big, mouth slightly open, like he was shocked that Jimin even tried the cream filling and he needed to know his honest opinion.

"And..." Jimin's silence was killing him.

"I don't like it. It's too sweet. I like food that's more bitter and sour." Jimin said while shrugging and looking at the poor, licked cookie in his hand.

"Bitter and sour... that's an interesting combination... Good to know, and since you won't eat it..." the younger just took the cookie out of Jimin's hand and in one bite, ate it all up.

Jimin stared at him in shock.

"B-But, I licked it."

"And?" Jungkook acted as if he didn't know where the problem was.

"There was my saliva on top of it. You ate my saliva. Ewww." Jimin made a childish grimace so Jungkook laughed at his cuteness.

"I don't mind. I bet there were more good germs than the bad ones."

"Well I am pretty healthy and I always wash my teeth regularly throughout the day."

" I wasn't even doubting that."

Soon they finished with all the cookies and then decided to walk back to Jimin's house. All the time while they were walking, they kept talking about the things they did together by now. The pancake shop, the piano night, the movies, their meeting at the library... and suddenly Jimin got aware of the thing they were supposed to do.

"We haven't made any progress with our plan..." he said while walking slowly, enjoying the nice weather and Jungkook's company.

"You're right, but I think I know a lot by now." Jungkook said confidently, so Jimin looked at his cocky face.

"What exactly do you know?" he wanted to know.

"Well, the way you described Jin. He is a drama queen that likes to have steady relationships cause he's pretty horny, but he cares about you more than about his partner and that should be fine, and he is a bit whorish."

Jimin bite down on his lower lip. He felt weirdly amused by the things Jungkook was saying.

"I hate to say this, but you got it all right. Maybe you don't even need me anymore." Jimin concluded, but Jungkook shook his head.

"No, no, no. Of course I need you. I mean who's gonna tell me what food to bring, or what drinks we're supposed to drink? Or if I should be a gentleman and open the door for him, or just stay in my car and wait for him to enter?" and then Jungkook started acting around the things he was saying, and Jimin felt like he was watching some kind of play in the theater.

"Or if I should invite him to dance..." Jungkook extended his right hand in front of him, acting like he's asking someone to dance the 'old fashioned' way.

Jimin just rolled his eyes at him. Hiding how much he was enjoying the younger's goofy nature.

"Or, or how about nicknames, is he into that? What if I call him little Jinie and he smacks my head hard..."

While explaining how Jin would smack his head, Jungkook got carried away so while swaying his hands in the air he lost his balance and almost fell on the ground, but Jimin noticed it right away and with one fast move he came a step closer in front the younger and pushed him back up while putting both of his hands on top of Jungkook's chest.

"Stop goofing around, you're gonna hurt yourself." he said while looking at Jungkook's face being as close as ever before. He could literally see all the small, hidden moles the younger had. He could see his long, dark lashes and soon he realized the shocked expression the younger was having.

"Your hands..."

Only then he looked down, at his own hands that were firmly positioned on top of Jungkook's chest and like he was burned with hot fire, he moved his hands away abruptly.

"Sorry. I thought you're gonna fall and hurt yourself."

He moved a step away, the younger still looked kind of fucked out.

"But you've touched me... How?"

"I'm ok with touching other people. That's not an issue for me..."

Jungkook frowned.

"So you're ok with touching other's but no one can touch you?"


"Why is that?" Jungkook couldn't believe it.

"I don't know. Why is the Earth round? Why do I have Asperger's?"

"What? I don't know that..." Jungkook got confused.

"Exactly. No one knows anything..."

Jungkook still couldn't believe it.

"Touch me again." he said all of a sudden.

"No." Jimin answered immediately.

"Touch me just to see if you're telling the truth." Jungkook just couldn't believe this.

"No." Jimin was persistent.

"Touch meeeee or I'll whine the whole timeeee..." Jungkook got even worse so Jimin figured there's only one thing that would shut him up.

After a deep sigh Jimin just moved his hand and put it on top of Jungkook's cheek.

The younger froze again.

He gulped heavily and looked at Jimin perplexed.

Seemed like he wasn't breathing at all...

Jimin looked at Jungkook's eyes and saw the slight panic inside, but among that, he couldn't stop admiring the way the younger's eyes sparkled at night, and had some unexplainable softness in them.

Jungkook nuzzled his head towards Jimin's hand slightly, and then his own hand went up and just as he was about to put it on top of Jimin's he heard the older's firm voice.


Jungkook put his hand down immediately.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"I know." Jimin assured him that everything is fine, and even if he was afraid to, he caressed Jungkook's cheek and moved his hand away from him.

The palm on his right hand was burning up, and he had no idea why this was happening.

"The date should be on Sunday."

Jimin suddenly said, trying to remind himself why he was here in the first place.

"Sunday? This Sunday, as in two days?" Jungkook looked more confused than ever.

"Yes. I don't see why not. We're just staling and moving the date further away and what's the point? Jin isn't getting any younger and God knows not any smarter either, so I think the sooner the better."

"Um...Ok. I promised you that I would do it so I will keep my promise, just... I don't know how the two of us are gonna get along together. I don't want you to be disappointed if we don't work out..."

"No, no, no... Don't even say that... I know he will like you, and Jin is amazing so you will like him too, and then we could hang out together. There's literally nothing that could go wrong about this plan. We got this."

Jimin was obviously confident.

"We'll see... "

And their planning got cut off by Jimin's phone ringing.

"It's Jin..."


"Do you know what time it is?"

Jimin had no idea.

"What time is it?" he asked Jungkook.

"Almost 1p.m..."


Jimin panicked.

"I'll be home in a minute."

Jimin hung up the phone, leaving screaming Jin without any other answer and started walking faster towards his house. Luckily they were close. Jungkook followed closely behind.

"Why is he angry?"

"I promised I'll come by 11, but I always seem to be late when I'm with you..."

"Well that's cause we always have fun together. You know how they say, happy people don't look at the time..."

Jungkook said proudly and Jimin couldn't agree more,but decided to just walk even faster.

After a minute they were close to Jimin's house so the older turned around to face Jungkook.

"You shouldn't come all the way to my house since Jin might see you and then he might recognize you on Sunday."

Jungkook nodded.

"Ok. I'll just wait here until you enter..."

"You don't have to, my house is right there. Go home and get ready for your date. You have to bring your A game. I'm gonna text you some details tomorrow. Ok?"

Jimin said and looked at Jungkook's face that was a bit unreadable to him. The younger nodded, biting on his lower lip, but there was no smile, nor the spark in his eyes. Something was wrong.

Maybe he's afraid that the date won't go well...

His thoughts got invaded by Jungkook's sudden change in attitude and facial expression and he didn't like the change, so while coming a step closer, Jimin took a deep breath and slowly positioned his right hand on top of Jungkook's chest, the tip of his fingers slightly touching the younger's exposed silky skin.

Jungkook tensed even more, but at least the spark in his eyes was there again.

"Everything will be just fine. Ok?" Jimin assured him so Jungkook nodded, his eyes falling down onto the sight of Jimin's hand slowly caressing his chest.

Jimin pulled away, happy with the softer expression that washed over the younger's face, his hand feeling colder now at the loss of Jungkook's skin underneath it.

He walked away a few steps, then looked back at Jungkook who was still standing in the same place.

"You were right." he said a bit louder, making sure Jungkook would hear him.

"About what?"

"Your chest. It feels really good to touch it." Jimin said without thinking too much about his words, cause what's the big deal?

It's totally normal to compliment someone's tiddies. Totally fine.

Jungkook's face blushed hot pink.

He said a weak little thank you, scratching his neck shyly while looking at Jimin leave.

The older waved him goodbye before speeding up and finally entering inside his house.

"I'm so sorry."

He knew exactly when and how to apologize cause the look on Jin's face was dark and angry.

"What's wrong with you? This isn't the first time this is happening, Jimin. I worry about you, you know. You're my little brother that I used to treat like a baby all the time and now all of a sudden you're going out, staying out too late, not answering my calls, being all mysterious and weird... "

"I was always weird. " Jimin tried to make the situation less awkward.

"I'm serious. This is not ok. I've been here for you your whole life, you need to treat me with respect. I'm older and I worry. I worry a lot. I was literally minutes away from calling the police. You know that I panic when I don't know where you are..."

Jimin really felt sorry. And the worst thing was, Jin's eyes started tearing.

He hated to see his brother cry.

"I'm really sorry Jinah. It really won't happen again. I just... I guess I got carried away and I haven't looked at the time at all... Not even once."

Jin sniffled and then patted the space next to him on the bed.

Jimin came closer and sat down.

"You had a good time then? Hm? This boy is treating you well?" Jin asked while wiping his tears. Jimin didn't know what to say. The truth wasn't an option.

"I had a great time and he's really nice."

He figured how this answer could work.

"You know who else is really nice?" Jin asked and Jimin fall for it.


"Namjoonie..." and there were tears pouring down Jin's face again.


Jimin came closer, and put one hand on top of Jin's thigh, patting him slowly, trying to calm him the best way he could. The older just cried louder.

"I miss him. I know I said it before, but I miss him so much. I even sent him a message, but he didn't reply. You think he's over me already?"

Jimin panicked. This is not good. What if Jin gets back together with Namjoon and the whole deal with Jungkook goes to waste? No. He can't have that. He can't lose Jungkook.

"I actually have an amazing idea for you."

He decided that now it's the time to share the plan with his brother. Well some of it.


"This friend that I've been seeing has a good friend, his name is Jungkook, and he said how he would love to go out on a date with you."

White lies never hurt no one...

"Oh... Do I know him? How does he know me?"

"Um... He saw us together once and he got blown away by your good looks." the first thing that came to Jimin's mind.


Jin was never modest.

"So I told him how you're free this Sunday so that the two of you could get to know each other..."

"Woah, woah, woah... Wait a minute."

Jimin gulped.

"Is he even fitting my standards? You know how I like my man."

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"He's a normal looking guy." Jimin had no idea why his cheeks were burning up.

"He's ugly." Jin said dramatically.

"No he's not." Jimin argued.

"Who says 'normal looking guy' to someone who's hot? No one. He's ugly, but his personality is nice so you want me to try anyway."

"He's not ugly. He has a pretty face. Big, round eyes and red lips and a lip ring which is kind of unique. And he has eyebrow piercing which makes him look... I don't know... Kind of cool. And his body is like someone had drawn him. Really manly and defined."

Jin squinted his eyes, looking at Jimin with a hint of a doubt.

" Where's the catch Jimin?"

"The guy's a catch Jin."

Jin nodded.

"Fine then. Set the date. I'll happily meet with that kind of hottie."

"Ok. Consider it done."

Jimin got up, ready to finally lay in his bed, but Jin had one more question.

"What about his dick?"

Jimin almost coughed his lungs out.

"What about it? He has one. I'm sure."

"You know what I mean. Will it fit my dick standard?"

Jimin fake puked, acting all grossed out, but hating the fact that he actually knew that Jungkook's dick is big enough.

"I guess you'll have to find out for yourself."

Jimin was so done with this.

After washing up and getting in bed, Jimin checked on his alarm clock and was not so surprised to see an unread message.


Hope Jinshi wasn't too mad.
I had a really great time with you tonight.

He read the message a few times, and again, felt that weird twist inside his stomach.


He was, but I handled it.
I enjoyed the Art class so much. Thank you for bringing me with you.


I enjoyed eating cookies with you. I'll split them better next time. I'll practice these days.

Jimin felt warmth spreading around his chest.



You should. I came home hungry. You didn't feed me well.




Are you yelling at me through texts?


I'm sorry.

You're mean.


I was actually joking.
I think I'm getting better at jokes.


Wow. You're a completely new person. What happened to you?


I met this funny guy...


Is he good looking?

What's happening?

He is.

There's no point in lying.


🥺 Coming from the prettiest man alive, that means a lot to me.

Jimin had no idea what to answer. What kind of conversation was this?

Good night Jungkook.

Ok, so he freaked out on the inside and called it the night.


Where's my thank you? We really have to work on you receiving compliments.


We definitely should. Maybe once you start dating Jin and we start to hang out more...


I thought we hang out a lot even without me dating your brother


That's true. We hang out more than I hang out with Tae these days. That's weird.


We're besties now


Tae would kill you.


I'm looking forward to meet him


He hates you already fyi


Me??? No. Why?


Well cause we spend too much time together and cause I go to places with you that I don't go with him.


Oh... So he's jealous


No. He's not jealous, just... I don't know... Overprotective and maybe a bit possessive..




There's nothing to be jealous about.


Of course not. We just hang out regularly, go to see movies, hang out in parks, listen to live music, and enjoy eating together...


Fuck he's totally right. I've been the worst best friend ever.


Did you just curse????


I didn't.


You so did. I checked again. You're so cute.


I'm not. Bye. I'm gonna call Tae and listen to him talk for hours now.


Sounds fun! Bye hyungie. Have a good night.😗

Wait, what's that emoji for???


Bye Jungkook. Talk to you soon.

Jimin fell asleep with a thousand thoughts in his mind. Somehow, they were all related to Jungkook and he couldn't help but feel nervous about Sunday's plan and this whole thing... Why did he want this plan to work out this badly? He knew something was bothering him, but couldn't quite figure out what...


Sunday came and with it so did Jimin's undeniable anxiety.

Why was he nervous about this in the first place?

Him and Jungkook had this whole first date thing planned out perfectly, and all Jimin needed to do was enjoy the work he had done.

Sharp at 2 p.m Jin and Jungkook had a date at the Seoul's park and being as interested as he was about this whole thing, Jimin went to the park to spy on them, well more to make sure everything was going well with the plan.

He had sent Jungkook the message about what he should buy after shortly discussing Jin's favorite food and drinks so the younger prepared everything for the special event.

While hiding between some bushes, Jimin couldn't believe that this was actually happening. That his plan, well his and Jungkook's plan, is finally going to happen and that his brother is finally going to date his new so call it 'friend' and everyone will be fine and everything will go back to normal.

Only that something felt wrong.

Something felt really wrong, and Jimin had no idea what...

His heart was beating faster, his palms were sweating, and he couldn't control it.

It felt like his panic attacks came back out of nowhere and he had no control over it.

Calm down... Everything will be alright...

He took a deep breath just in time when he saw Jungkook approaching the 'meeting place' which was the bench at the very end of the park, and he looked kind of worried and could it be uncomfortable?

Jimin's heart skipped a beat once he laid eyes on the backpack that the younger had carefully placed on the bench and then he started taking out things from it.

A blanket that he laid down on the grass next to the bench, a bottle of white wine and two plastic glasses, some snacks stored nicely in plastic containers...

He did everything right.

Then Jimin waited for Jin to arrive, but he was late.

Jimin hated when his brother was late, and he was late all the time.

Fucking dickhead!

Just when he was about to call Jin and yell his lungs out, his brother came around the corner and Jimin watched his master plan playing in front of his eyes.

Why did his stomach hurt so much?

Jungkook greeted Jin with a wide smile, and Jin hugged the younger shortly, which made Jimin look away, unable to look at their close proximity.

Then they sat down and started talking, and Jimin could see how nervous Jungkook was. He was scratching his neck all the time, blushing hot pink, touching his ears... Everything that Jimin knew the younger was doing when he was feeling anxious.

Then the real horror began in the form of Jimin's brother having a bit too much to drink and acting weird and awkward like he usually does.

Even if they were far away from where Jimin was hiding, he could still hear Jin's loud laugh that sounded like a broken violin playing for way too long.

Oh God I told him not to lough this hard, it's like someone's washing a fucking windows!

Then Jin started chugging the drink straight out of the bottle, leaving his glass behind, and not sharing his bottle with Jungkook at all.

Jimin cursed on the inside. Maybe he even cursed out loud, but not too loud.

Then Jin started crying.

What the actual fuck!

Jungkook seemed a bit shocked, but he still patted the head of the lost and crying Jin who was now sobbing out loud.

Jimin leaned even closer, trying to hear what his brother was rambling about, but all he could hear was parts of his speech, Namjoonie... Love... Hurt... He could swear he heard his brother mentioning dicks too, and at the end, he heard something about dad jokes which Jimin never found to be funny.

Oh no. Not dad jokes... Please God put some sense in my brother...

After an hour of watching his brother getting drunk and humiliating himself in front of Jungkook, it was obviously time to end the date.

Jimin was biting on his lip harshly, breaking the knuckles on his fingers nervously, anticipating the ending of their date.

Jungkook took all the things that he had brought and folded them nicely, then took all the trash and put it away in the trash bin while Jin was drinking the rest of the wine.

Now the two of them were standing face to face, talking about something that Jimin couldn't hear, Jungkook was talking more, and Jin was nodding.

What are they talking about? Come on Jungkook seal the deal... Kiss him...

Jimin was waiting, praying for the miracle to happen, his heart pounding in his chest loudly, and then it happened.

Jin leaned closer, but Jungkook moved away and gave him a firm hug, patting the older's back comfortingly and Jimin felt his cheek becoming wet.

No. No. No. No. No... This is not supposed to happen. No. No...

They moved apart and Jungkook went to one side, while Jin walked away to the totally opposite side of the park.

Jimin waited for a moment for Jungkook to be out of his sight and then started running as fast as he could towards his brother.

When he finally ran up to him, he couldn't keep his anger inside. He needed to talk. He needed to yell. He needed to let it all out.

"What happened?"

"Hey..." Jin was obviously surprised to see Jimin here.

"What happened with Jungkook?" Jimin needed to know.

"Well... He's a nice guy..."

"He's not nice! He's perfect!" Jimin yelled so Jin frowned.

"Not for me. Namjoon is perfect for me."

"What?! Are you a fucking moron?" Jimin was pissed.

"Hold on..." Jin looked as perplexed as never.

"No. How could you do this to me?!" Jimin's sight was blurry, nose started running too, the pain he felt inside his chest unbearable.

"What are you talking about..." Jin really had no idea.

"I found you a perfect guy. Someone who could fit into our lives perfectly. Someone I like and who's nice to me and you threw that away this easily..."

Jin came closer and put his hands on Jimin's shoulders. He didn't even flinch. The physical pain that he was feeling was overpowering his disabilities.

" Jimin... The two of us... We would never work... "

" Yes, cause you're an idiot! "

"Watch your mouth!" Jin shook his shoulders a bit, trying to make the younger to think and talk more reasonably.

It didn't help.

Jimin pushed his hands away and started yelling even louder. His words chopped up cause of the sobs escaping his lips.

"I don't want to! I'm so sick of you! Always whining and crying, but when you have the chance to be happy, to be with someone as nice as Jungkook is, you throw that away. I hate you!"
He put his hands into fists, like he was ready to fight Jin, to kick him or anything around him, but he forced himself to count backwards from 13, just to try to relax a bit.

"How dare you talk to me like that? Did you forget who I am to you? Did you forget how many times I had to sacrifice my personal life to babysit you? Did you? And this is how you're acting cause I didn't end up with some guy you had set me up with?"

Now Jin was yelling too, and he usually never yells at Jimin.

"He's not just some guy. How can't you see that? He's someone good and now I'm gonna lose him and I don't want to lose him..."

And now Jimin was fully on sobbing. Body shaking, tears pouring down like rain.

"What's going on Jiminah?" Jin's voice became a lot softer.

"I like him. I like being around him... He... He makes me feel safe and happy..." the moment he said the last word 'happy', something he never used to describe how he was feeling, he froze.

His eyes became wide, mouth dry, head spinning...


Jin wanted to say something, but Jimin didn't want to hear it.

He couldn't hear anything now except his own words...


He makes me happy

Jungkook makes me happy...

And now I've lost him...

He ran back home and went straight inside his room, under his grey blanket, his comfort place, his safe shelter, away from everyone and everything. He couldn't stop thinking about his own words, about how he was feeling, about what to do next... Was there anything he could do at this point? 

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