Soulmate and boyfriend

While entering the usual practice room where he had two classes already, Jimin got confused cause no one was inside.

What the....

"Where is everyone?" he asked Jungkook who was sitting there, waiting for the older to arrive.

"They're in the main practice room waiting for you. When Hoseok saw how many people had arrived to your last class he had to put you and the students in a bigger practice room. Come with me. I'll show you."

Jimin followed the younger and in a few minutes he was standing in the full, main practice room where usually Hoseok had his classes. Filled with at least thirty new people, Jimin looked at Jungkook after taking a deep breath.

"You can do this. You're amazing. People talked about you, they even posted some videos of your choreography, some posted some hidden pictures of you so everyone wanted to see the new hot teacher and I'm gonna act as if that doesn't bother me at all.. "

Jimin smiled.

"You're so funny." He made one step forward, then came back again.

"I can do this. Right? "

Jungkook nodded.

"Of course you can."

"There's so many people and this place is so huge, no one's gonna hear me and I can't yell..."

Jimin obviously had his concerns.

"There's an in-ear mic for that. With the headset you're gonna wear everyone will hear you clearly."

Jimin's face lit up.

"Oh... That's cool. Ok... I got this. Thank you."

Jungkook waved him off and went to sit next to Hoseok who also came to see the final class.

The moment Jimin saw the headset, he realized that he couldn't put all those wires behind his back alone...


Well there was only one person he could trust with this.


The younger came immediately, looking at Jimin concerned.


"Could you help me with this... I can't put the wires behind my back, and I don't want anyone else..."

"Of course." Jungkook took the microphone and the wires with shaky hands and after taking a deep breath he looked at Jimin.

"I'll try not to touch you, I'll really try, but please don't bite my finger off if I accidentally caress your skin cause I need my fingers and they're really nice and long...."

Jimin burst out laughing.

"God, Jungkook... You're so weird. Just do it. I would never hurt you. I trust you."

So the older carefully positioned the headset with Jimin's help easily. First the older put the microphone in his ear, and then Jungkook moved his shirt away from his skin and pushed the wires down, not touching the younger at all, and at the end, he put the little battery box on Jimin's waistband, admiring the sight of the older's ass in front of him.

"There. All done. You're ready, hyung."

Jimin thanked him with the warmest smile and finally did what he was supposed to.

He nailed yet another class and he was so happy and proud to see the same, familiar faces that came to his first classes and a lot of new ones.

He changed the routine a bit in the last moment cause he figured how not everyone could do all the difficult turns and aerials, and he really wanted his students to feel like they had succeeded in mastering the whole choreography.

While looking at divided groups dancing, Jimin noticed some irregularities on some of the dance moves.

"Sorry to interrupt, but..." he came downstairs from his little stage.

"What's your name?"

"Hi... I'm Yuna." The tall girl in front introduced herself shyly.

"You're doing an amazing job, but in this part, after you do the double turn, your leg is kind of crooked and your toes are pointy and they should be like this." he showed the right movement to the girl and after she thanked him for helping her, another student called after him.

" Sorry, teacher Park, how about my moves. Are they sharp enough? I feel like I could land better after that double turn too... "

Jimin looked at the black haired man that had a real dancer's physique and was standing tall and proud, no insecurities were visible on his face.

" I don't think so. I saw you and you did good. Just keep going like that. "

Jimin complimented the man, and when he tried to walk away, the man spoke again.

"I really enjoyed your choreography. I think I could learn more if you had more classes with us. So... Is there any other dance studio that you work cause I would love to come."

Jimin smiled while shaking his head.

"No. Unfortunately, I only did this cause of my friend. I don't teach anywhere else."

The man's face fell down.

"Oh... Maybe some private lessons then..."

Jimin frowned.

"I don't do that either. Sorry."

"Maybe I could give you my number and if you ever decide to have your own contemporary group, you could give me a call or something..."

Jimin shrugged.

"I don't think that will ever happen to be honest. If I ever do anything like this again, it'll be here in Hoseok's hyung studio so you'll be informed. Thank you for showing interest in my classes."

And so Jimin walked away, finishing the class while dancing one last time with all the students together, loving the way all of them knew the choreography well and had the biggest smiles on their faces.

" So... My boyfriend got hit on today, in front of my own eyes." Jungkook said while helping Jimin to take off his in earpiece.

"I got what?" Jimin looked at him confused.

"Oh come on. The tall guy Jimin. The one who wanted to give you his number and wanted to suck your dick right after probably." Jungkook teased so Jimin slapped his chest playfully.

Feeling those hard muscles underneath did things to his brain.

"Shut up. He was really polite. I guess he loved the classes very much."

"Yeah... He even wanted some private ones. Can you believe it?"

Jimin squinted his eyes at Jungkook's silly behavior.

"Are you perhaps being jealous?"

Jungkook scoffed.

"Ok... I am. It's just cause the guy's actually good looking and he can dance good and maybe he's more of your type..."

Jimin came closer and put his hands around Jungkook's neck, not bothering that some students were still inside, stretching their sore muscles.

"You're my type. Only you."

Jungkook smiled cutely. Obviously feeling satisfied with the older's answer.

Jimin went on his tippy toes and gave his boyfriend a soft peck on the lips.

"So... Since you did so good..." Jungkook started talking.

"I did..."

"Is there something I can do to make you feel good...relaxed...happy..."

Jimin had only one thing on his mind.

"You could suck me off."

Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Not what I was expecting you to say, but I love it. Let's go." So after grabbing Jimin's dance bag, the younger started walking so Jimin followed behind, trying to keep up with Jungkook's fast steps.

"But...where are we going... Jungkookah..."

"To the bathroom."

The older stopped.

"No... What? But... We can't..."

Jungkook came closer to him.

"Why not. It's the bathroom that only teachers use. I have Hobi hyung's code and no one will bother us there."

"But we can't clean ourselves after and we'll destroy all our clothes and we have nothing new to wear..."

"We're going to the place where people literally go to clean up. We'll be fine. Trust me."

Jimin nodded.


Fuck it. He was too horny.

The moment Jungkook entered the code and the door opened for them, the younger came closer and started kissing Jimin passionately.

The older kissed back just as fervently.

"I dreamed about this so many times..." Jungkook said in between kisses, making sure his hands were behind his back, trying not to lose control.

"Me too... All the time..." Jimin answered while putting his hands in Jungkook's hair, tugging on it lightly, deepening the kiss more and more.

"Jungkookah... Is it possible to get addicted to sex?" the older asked while Jungkook's lips were traveling down his neck.

The younger smiled.

"Says the guy who called kissing germs sharing."

Jimin smiled too... That's so behind him...

"I think it's fine cause it's you..." he said short on breath cause Jungkook's lips were on his ear and he really liked that.

"I know silly...Everything's fine. Now take off your shirt and those tight sweatpants wanna kiss all of you...

Before, Jimin would probably be shy about this, maybe even blush, maybe even wouldn't do it at first, but now, as horny as he was, he tugged that shirt faster than the light and pushed those leggings down with his underwear, showing Jungkook proudly how hot and horny he was for him.

The younger took a deep breath.

"Jimin... How will I ever get used to this... " Jungkook removed his hands from behind his back like he wanted to reach Jimin's body, but the moment he did, the older tensed, his muscles contracting visibly, so Jungkook put back his hands where they were, feeling sorry immediately.

"Sorry... You just have such a beautiful body. I would love to caress you slowly, and squeeze your muscles, thighs, ass, back... "

Jimin took a deep breath and came closer, grabbing the ham of Jungkook's shirt in his tiny hands.

The younger pushed his hands up, so Jimin took the shirt off of him.

"Maybe one day... Just... Not right now... Ok?"

Jimin said quietly so Jungkook nodded, not wanting to discuss this anymore.

In a split second he was down on his knees and Jimin's dick was right in front of his face.

Jimin put both of his hands on his mouth.

"I'm gonna die." His voice sounded muffled cause of his hands, but Jungkook heard him clearly.

"Look at me hyung. You'll like it I promise." the younger teased, knowing what an amazing sight he is down there, with his buff chest and pretty tattoos and big doe innocent eyes, and lips that know what they're doing.

Jimin looked. He actually couldn't look away. And having his eyes locked with Jungkook's made the whole blowjob that much better.

The younger licked his shaft teasingly, loving the gasp coming out of Jimin's mouth, then he licked the slit, evoking a soft moan from the older, and seemed like Jimin got restless, impatient cause he started biting on his lip, munching down on it roughly, and then he took his own dick and pushed it forward for Jungkook to take.

"Bossy..." the younger teased right before opening up, bobbing down Jimin's shaft all the way up then down, up then down again....

Jimin, the horny mess he was, started moaning louder, closing his eyes, enjoying the wet, hot sensation all around his dick.

Soon, he started thrusting his hips forward, trying to get his dick wet even more, gagging the younger unintentionally.

Didn't seem like Jungkook mind it at all, he just let the saliva run down his chin, encouraging Jimin to do more.

Not even a minute more of those messy thrusts and Jungkook's tight bobbing , Jimin knew he was gone... He could now sense his orgasm approaching and he wanted it so badly so he let go, coming in Jungkook's mouth, looking at the younger fighting to take it all in, some of the cum went outside and down his chin.

Jungkook licked his dick clean and then came back up, smiling at Jimin's fucked out expression.

He was literally leaning on the wall, panting hard, his chest red and moving up and down, looking flustered and hot.

Jungkook took his bag that was on the bathroom cabinet, and used wet wipes to clean his face after splashing some water on it. Then he took out a mouthwash and washed his mouth real quickly, giggling at Jimin's still unmoving frame.

"You... You have a mouthwash with you..." Jimin said while calming his breathing.

"I do. I always take it with me since I never know when I'm gonna meet with you and I use this antibacterial one so that we can kiss after we eat..." and Jimin came with a few fast moves and started kissing Jungkook like there's no tomorrow.

Never in a million years could he imagine kissing someone that had cum in his mouth moments ago, but it was Jungkook, and the cum was his, so... fuck it.

"Jimin..." Jungkook tried to talk, but the force of Jimin's kisses made him lean his back onto the cabinet, and just take it.

The older's hands moved on it's own so in one moment they were all over Jungkook's muscly chest, pinching those pointy nipples, and in the next moment his hand went down, and down, and down, under the waistband of Jungkook's sweatpants and boxers, right on top of his hard dick.

"Ah fuck.... Jimin...." he cursed, but Jimin didn't want to stop.

He moved his hand up and down, doing the circling motion over the younger's head, squeezing at the top a bit firmer.

"Wow... hyung... you really like it rough." Jungkook said in between kisses, so Jimin stopped moving his hand for a second to look at his face.

"Am I being too rough? I really enjoyed it like this." he explained his movement, and started slowly pumping his fist again, but a lot lighter this time.

"I'm more of a sensitive type. This is just perfect. And I like a bit rougher movement over the slit, so more up..." Jimin did just as Jungkook had told him, which earned him a loud moan from Jungkook's mouth.

"Like that?" Jimin asked teasingly while repeating the motion.

Jungkook just nodded, thrusting his hips into Jimin's fist, which could barely wrap all around the younger's shaft.

"Your dick feels really nice in my hand."

Why was Jimin dirty talking all of a sudden? Well he didn't even realize that he was in fact dirty talking.

"Oh God..." Jungkook leaned his head onto Jimin's shoulder, holding his body up with a hard grip on that counter top, fearing his legs might give up on him.

"So big and hard and wet. This is amazing. Do you always leak so much?" Jimin kept talking, making Jungkook's life that much harder.

"I... Don't know...Ah...fuck..."

"It's like I've poured some lotion all over your dick, look how sloppy it is." so Jimin pushed Jungkook's sweatpants down under his ass, his dick sprung free from all those materials, looking really wet and slick, and really really hot.

"Wow, it's so wet." Jimin stroked all over Jungkook's shaft with fast moves, loving the sloppy sound and Jungkook's pants that became faster.

"Would we even need lube if you ever get the chance to fuck me?" Jimin asked, more to himself cause he was surprised at the amount of precum that had leaked, and seemed like that one sentence was enough to drive Jungkook over the edge.

"I'm gonna come." he warned just in time for them to switch hands, so Jimin let go of the younger's cock in order for him to finish himself off, right in the sink.

Jungkook was obviously not a messy guy so he finished himself off, nice and clean, every drop of cum landed inside the sink, leaving the whole place clean.

Right after, Jungkook washed the cum down the sink, and used wet wipes to clean a bit over the sink, just in case to leave everything nice and neat. Jimin looked at him in awe.

"You're so hot." he said instinctively, earning a glance from the younger who had no idea what the older was talking about.


"It's just... The way you cleaned everything, and that mouthwash, and those disinfecting wipes, and... I'm gonna get hard again."

Jungkook chuckled.

"You're getting turned on by me cleaning the bathroom. Ok, I see how it is. I'm gonna send you a video of me cleaning my apartment. You're gonna come in your pants."

"I might. I'm not even joking. I really think you're so clean and nice and polite...and I always kind of make a mess." Jimin had this cute little apologetic face so Jungkook came closer.

"First of all, you're new to all of this, and secondly, I like you just the way you are."

The shy smile that spread on Jimin's face made Jungkook smile at his reaction too, feeling fondness and warmth like never before.

"But... There is one thing you could work on." Jungkook said so Jimin's expression changed, he became curious and eager to know what was the thing he could do better.

"What? Tell me. I want to learn."

"Well, next time when I suck you off, you could warn me before you gonna come, cause you usually come a lot and I need to prepare myself to swallow it all."

Jimin sighed.

"Ok. I'll work on that... Or you could just spit it out."

"And waste good protein. No thank you."

Jimin just shook his head, used to such dirty comments from the younger.

They put their clothes on, washed their hands nicely, and finally were ready to leave.

"I'm gonna drive you home." Jungkook said while coming closer to his car so Jimin followed naturally.

They sat down, put some music on, and Jimin felt that good, relaxing feeling that he usually has after being with the younger. It's something he got addicted to and was kind of afraid to lose... Before, he had so many worries, so many tiny little insecurities, too many anxiety triggers and now... everything was Jungkook, warmth, happiness... As much as he enjoyed feeling this way, in the back of his head he feared that all of this might end one day and that scared the shit out of him. He decided not to think about that right now cause every worry, every bad feeling can fuck off as long as Jungkook is by his side.


He was startled by Jungkook's voice cause his thoughts got really deep in no time, so he turned his head to face the younger.

"Are you feeling ok?" Jungkook asked with that warm, soft voice that Jimin loved so much.

"I am. I'm really good." he gave him a reassuring smile so Jungkook smiled too.

In no time they were in front of Jimin's house, so before going outside, Jimin leaned in, softly kissing Jungkook goodbye.



Jungkook looked a bit shy and worried so Jimin felt his heartbeat fasten.

"Um... It's just the thing you said... You usually don't say such a thing... so I'm just wondering if you meant that or if that was just in the heat of the moment, or..."

"What did I say?" Jimin really had no idea.

"About.. you know... when you were jerking me off, and how my dick was so wet that we wouldn't need any lube if we ever... you know..."

And only then Jimin remembered. He really did say that, and he had no idea where that came from.

"Oh... I did say that... Um... I don't know..." Jimin stuttered.

"Hey, it's ok if you don't want that. I'm totally fine with everything that we're doing hyung. Seriously. I have everything that I need with you, even more, but I was just wondering if that's something that you want to try, cause I want to be the one to try all those things with you. I told you before. You just have to tell me what you want and I'm here for you. I'll do it all. So I thought that was your way of telling me what you might want and I panicked and it was too much cause that's just... a lot... and I would need to find a way for us to do it since, well I can't touch you with my fingers and..." Jungkook just couldn't stop talking and he looked nervous and cute so Jimin leaned down and kissed him again.

"We'll just do it naturally. When the time is right. I don't think it'll happen tomorrow, or in the next few weeks... I just don't want to limit us. I want to enjoy everything with you. I know we'll get there cause everything that you have shown me was perfect and now I feel addicted to it, and if you say that sex is great then I believe you, and I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else other than you... cause I really... you know.... I....... You make me happy." Jimin had trouble with finding the right words.

Jungkook gave him the most genuine smile that melted Jimin's heart once again.

"I get it. I also.... you know... I.... You make me happy too." Jungkook teased so Jimin pushed his arm playfully.

Right before going out of the car Jimin came back and sat again.

"I totally forgot. Tae was supposed to be here tonight, but he got stuck in Daegu with his family and he really really wanted to meet you, for a while actually, so how about this Friday we all get together at my place and have a nice movie night? Would you like that? I really want you two to meet."

Jungkook nodded.

"Sure. It's a plan. I can't wait to meet your best friend. He sounds so much fun whenever you talk about him."

"He is. You'll see. Bye Jungkookah."

"Bye Minie."


In Jimin's eyes, Tae was the most kind, funny, egocentric guy who loved him for who he was, and he loved everything about him.

In his eyes Jungkook was the nicest, most polite, confident person who chose him over everyone else to be his partner and Jimin couldn't be happier.

Well he could be happier if his boyfriend and best friend would also get along so that all of them could live happily ever after, but unfortunately that's not what was happening at the moment.

Actually ever since Tae came, (he was late at least half an hour) and his eyes locked gaze with Jungkook who had moved closer to Jimin on the couch protectively, it's like the World War three had begun and Jimin had no idea what the fuck is going on.

"So this is Jungkook?" Tae said while coming closer so both Jimin and Jungkook got up, looking at Tae's expression that didn't reveal any emotion yet, so Jimin felt a bit awkward.

"Yes. I'm Jungkook. You must be Taehyung. Well, Taehyung who's half an hour late." Jungkook said while eyeing Tae up and down, showing his signature smirk while crossing his arms on top of his chest.

"I'm always late. You know... Save the best for last..." Tae walked straight past the younger and hugged Jimin while pushing his hands forward, being careful not to touch him.

Jungkook looked at them with a small frown... He was a jealous type and he just couldn't hide it.

"Jin hyung, Namjoonshi, hi to you two. I haven't seen the two of you looking all cute there on the floor."

They were indeed really cute, all cuddled up on the blanket the older brought for them.

"If you don't mind, when you finish with 'who has the biggest big dick energy', could you sit and shut up cause some of us are trying to see the movie?" Seemed like Jin had noticed the tension too.

Biggest dick energy what? There's only so much Jimin could understand.

When they sat down, on the couch, naturally Jimin sat in between, and if they could, both Jungkook and Tae would sit on his lap from how close they had come to his body.

Why are they acting so weird?

Since they had eaten all the popcorn that Jin had made for them when they came, and all of them wanted more snacks, Jin got up and went into the kitchen, trying to find some new snacks.

Jimin followed him while excusing himself, lying about how he has to use the bathroom.

"Jin..." he whispered while looking at his brother who was opening a big bag of chips.

"Hey you."

"What the hell is wrong with Tae and Jungkook? It's like someone broke them, like it's not really them... Why are they acting weird?"

Jin laughed,

"They're fighting for your attention. "

Jimin frowned.

"No... But why? There's a completely different bond between us..."

"There is, but still... Tae was your best friend..."

Jimin interrupted him. "Is... Tae is my best friend."

"See, he is your best friend, but cause of Jungkook, you had ditched him so many times cause it's only natural to be with your boyfriend more than with your friend, and now he feels threatened that he won't be able to see you as often as he wants to and there's nothing he can do about it."

"Shit that's so... True, but stupid though..."

"As for Jungkook... Well he probably imagined Tae to be this tiny, little, awkward guy, but instead he saw a hot twink with a sassy attitude and a really handsome face."

A twink... Sassy attitude... What even???

"You think Tae is handsome?"

God only knows why Jimin would be surprised that someone thinks Tae is handsome.

"I don't think he's handsome. He is handsome."

"Should've paired him with you when I had the chance..." Jimin said teasingly, remembering all the pleading Tae had put him through, but Jin just shook his head.

"We could never work out... There are some things that we're just not compatible at. Although... Can't say we didn't have some fun together..."

And Jimin needed a minute to process what he had heard, and while doing so, Jin came out of the kitchen, leaving a shocked Jimin behind.

"Minie, are you ok?" Tae came a few moments after, and Jimin just couldn't not ask.

"You and Jin?"

Tae squirmed, trying to look unbothered, but he was bothered. Jimin knew him like the palm of his hand.

"It's nothing..." the younger scratched his neck nervously.

"Oh come on... Since when do we lie to each other? Besides, he told me..." Jimin crossed his arms, acting like he's deeply offended.

"He did not." Tae said dramatically.

"He just did."

Tae rolled his eyes and sighed loudly.

"Well Jimin, once you have a dick in your mouth, there's no coming back is there? You just have to take it..."

And Jimin screamed while covering his ears.

There's only so much information he could hear about this topic.

The moment he screamed Jungkook appeared at the door, looking worried and out of breath, instinctively coming next to Jimin while looking at him for some answers.

"Are you ok?" he asked cause Jimin was still covering his ears, looking at Tae with a frown.

"The fact that you would think that I would ever hurt him is ridiculous. " Tae said while looking at Jungkook so the younger turned to face him too.

"He screamed. What was I supposed to think?"

Jimin put his hands down, looking at Tae, then Jungkook, Tae, then Jungkook, his eyes pin-poing from one then another.

"Don't forget that I've been babying him for years now. I know what Jimin's soft and hard limits are and I would never cross that."

Jungkook pushed his tongue on the inside of his cheek, looking irritated and hot at the same time.

"I'm not babying him. I'm dating him, and trust me, I know his limits too. I just don't like to see him being uncomfortable and his scream told me that he was."

Tae rolled his eyes.

"I was more shocked..." Jimin said so both of them looked at him.

"Let's go..." Tae said.

"We should go back..." Jungkook said at the same time so Jimin just stood there,not moving an inch.

A trap. That's what this was. A trap to see who's winning it... To see who's the chosen one...

"You two go ahead, I'll be right back... I haven't... washed my hands and you know how I take my time... so... you two go... "


Tae came closer and leaned his head on Jimin's shoulder, whispering that they'll talk about the whole Jin thing later, and asking him not to worry about it. On the other side of the kitchen, Jungkook's blood was obviously boiling inside his head cause he looked furious, blushed, jealous...

"Ok... Everything's ok..." Jimin said, so Tae moved back, walking past Jungkook like the younger wasn't even there.

Oh shit...

"Is he always so touchy with you?"

"No... What do you mean? He usually puts his head on my shoulder when he's sad or when I'm sad... or just to make us feel better and closer..." Jimin felt the need to explain this whole mess.

"I don't like the way he seems territorial over you. Just cause he knows you longer than I do doesn't mean that he can act that way..."

Jimin came closer.

"He's not like that. I assure you, he's the nicest guy ever... it's just... this whole who has the biggest dick thing... or something like that..." Now was really not a good time to bring Jin's words up.

"What? What's that supposed to mean?" Jungkook looked as perplexed as never.

"Nothing... Just a thing Jin had said... I don't even get it... biggest big dick something... I don't know..." poor Jimin and his explanations.

"Have you seen Tae's... never mind..." Jungkook shook his head.

"I have." Then he opened his eyes widely.

"What?" yep... he was shocked.

"Once we showered after a dance class and he came outside naked..."

Jungkook took a deep breath.

"Let me tell you... Tae would win this big dick contest..."

What? Why? Shit?

"Oh... Ok... That's... I don't have to know that... And... you shouldn't know that either..."

Maybe Jungkook's ego got a bit hurt. Maybe just a little...

"Kookah..." Jimin came closer, putting his hands over Jungkook's neck.

Jungkook looked at his toes.

"Kookie..." Jimin used the sweetest voice he had just to get to him.

The younger was still looking at the floor.

"I think your dick is the prettiest and hottest and I want it all the time."

That was enough for the younger to look straight into Jimin's eyes.


Jungkook pouted, but a small smile was visible on his face.

"Besides, is the length really that important?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I'm quite content with my length so I don't know..."

Jimin cocked his eyebrows at him.

"There's my cocky guy. I thought I lost you for a minute there."

"There are not enough bigger dicks that could make me less confident, cause baby, I'm the whole package."

And Jimin's dick twitched.

He gulped hard, biting on his lower lip...

And that 'baby'...

Fucking shit.

"I want you to stay the night..."

Jungkook pressed his body to Jimin's.


"Cause I want you..."

Jimin felt his knees getting weaker.

"Mhm... If you behave nicely maybe I will."

And the younger kissed his forehead before moving a step away, looking at Jimin's flustered face, before going into the living room.

Jimin let out a breath he had no idea he was holding.

After going to the bathroom and washing his hands and face, cause he really did get too flustered, Jimin came back into the living room and the sight confused him to his core.

Was it possible that two guys that literally fought for Jimin's attention just minutes ago, are now playing games on Jin's PlayStation while laughing out loud.

"Noooo You fucking didn't beat me up twice already." Tae whined so Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at him.

"Yes I did. Do you want one more?"

"No. Thank you very much. Go play with your boyfriend. He's so fun when he plays these games." Tae teased so Jimin came closer, observing their behavior without saying a word.

"You mean the way he curses in tiny. 'Fucking shit'" Jungkook said while imitating Jimin's high tone of voice, and suddenly, Jimin didn't thought how their conversation was so funny.

"Exactly. And his little tantrums." Tae got up and started shaking his leg like a small child while pouting. Jungkook laughed out loud, so Jimin came in front of the TV and looked at both of them with a warning on his face.

"What are you doing? Where's Jin and Namjoon hyung?"

"They decided to go to Namjoon's cause we were a bad company. " Tae said so, both Jungkook and him burst out in laughter.

"Ha-ha.... What's so funny?" Jimin didn't get it.

"Well we're having so much more fun now, cause all they were doing was making out on the floor, whispering, probably dry humping and shit..." Tae said so, Jungkook nodded.

"Definitely. I'm positive I saw that blanket moving, but I didn't wanna say anything."

Jimin made a grossed out grimace.

"Oh please. Now you're making a disgusted face, but you were totally fine with Jungkook sucking you off. I hate the double standards." Tae said casually while eating some chips so Jimin's eyes widened, blush covering his face.

Jungkook didn't seem to mind his comment. He just leaned closer to Tae, trying to grab some chips from the bowl himself.

"Did he at least say that I was good?"

Jimin covered his face.

"The best he ever had." Tae said teasingly so Jungkook burst into laughter again, enjoying Tae's humor now that he could kind of relax and enjoy getting to know this weirdo.

"I hope it stays that way."

"I wouldn't be worried about that one. He only has eyes for you for sure. I almost begged him one day to go dick-searching with me and all he could say was... but my Jungkookie... I can't... and I didn't even think about him. I just wanted a dick for myself."

Jimin frowned cause why were they talking as if he's not there?

"Well then you call me and the success is guaranteed." Jungkook said teasingly so Jimin figured what was going on.

Someone had cast a spell on them.

That was the only explanation.

"Are you two done with planing your dick-haunting date cause I would like to know what the fuck is going on?" maybe he should ask and figure things out.

"Well my dear soulmate. I have to go home, Tannie needs a walk, so I'll let Jungkook explain some things to you. Ok?" Tae got up, ready to leave so Jimin and Jungkook followed him to the door.

"I'm happy we finally met." Jungkook said while extending his hand towards Taehyung, so the older just grabbed it and pulled Jungkook into a warm hug.

"I'm happy too. Sorry for being jackass at the beginning, but I tend to get overprotective when someone's near my Minie."

Jungkook nodded.

"I know exactly how you feel."

Jimin just watched them being nice and polite to each other and his heart melted at the sight.

"Bye you two. Enjoy the rest of the night. I'll see you soon Minie."

Jimin and Jungkook waved him goodbye before going back inside.

"Will you explain what just happened?"

The older asked, but it seemed like Jungkook wasn't in the mood for talking cause the moment they got alone in the room he came closer to Jimin with his hands hidden behind his back, and the older knew what he wanted.

Still, Jimin wanted some answers.

After giving a small peck to his boyfriend, again, he asked for an explanation.

"Ok... Fine... Jin hyung threatened us that if we don't resolve our issues and behave nicely, that he'll scold us every time he sees us and we really don't want that cause Jin hyung is scary."

Jimin's face fell down, a small pout appeared on his lips.

"So it was just an act? You don't like my Tae?"

"Oh no, no, no... I do. We were definitely not acting at all. The moment Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung left, both of us said our sorry's and we kind of agreed that you're the most important person in our lives and that the only thing that matters is that you're happy... And since both of us make you happy... We just hit it off since that talk. "

Jimin smiled, looking forward to another date with the two of them together and his face was literally glowing.

" Happy Minie... My favorite. "

Jungkook said while kissing Jimin's head, then going inside the kitchen, helping Jimin to clean the house.

The thing Jimin liked to see the most.

It was like a light bulb got lit up above his head the moment he saw the younger washing the dishes, making the table clean, or in this case vacuuming cause for fucks sake, the boys had left some popcorn crumbs all over the place and Jungkook was really neat.

"Hey you lazy head, get over here and help. Why are you just standing there? Move your ass."

Oh I would like to move my ass... No Jimin for fucks sake go and help the man clean the house...

His mind had a different thing going on...

"I'll take out the trash... I don't like when it smells bad here... So..." Jimin came out of the kitchen just in time to see Jungkook wiping his forehead, looking sweaty and hot.

No, not hot, Jimin... Not hot...sweat is not hot! Who am I even kidding...

"Ok. Do you want me to do it?"

You're a fucking dream...

"No. I'm fine. I'll do it. God knows I need some fresh air..."

"Ok. Could I grab a shower real quick cause I got all sweaty from all the cleaning?"

Jimin nodded.

"Sure. The towels are in the drawer next to the sink."

"Thank you hyungie."

So Jimin went outside, in front of the house where the garbage can was, and after throwing away two bags, he took a deep breath before coming back into the house.

While listening to the water running in the bathroom, he couldn't stop thinking about the way Jungkook's body would look while being covered with water, just all wet and sexy...

He was literally going insane.

The best thing in these situations was to just meditate and probably read some boring book, or anything that could help Jimin to ease his mind.

He got on his bed and after grabbing one of the new arrivals books that looked so promising, but turned out to be boring as hell, he started reading some lines just to keep his crazy mind busy.

It helped.

Until the doors of his bedroom opened and a Greek god with damp hair followed by hot steam entered inside, wearing only a towel low on his hips.

Sweet mother of God...

Instinctively, Jimin got up and put the book that he was reading down on the bed.

Since he wasn't quite sure why he got up in the first place and what he wanted to do or say, Jimin just stood there like a tree in a forest, unable to walk, talk, move at all...

"Is it ok if I borrow your shirt hyung, I would hate to wear mine cause it's dirty and I'm all clean now?"

"Yes you are."

Seriously Jimin...

Seemed like Jungkook only then realized the older's odd behavior so the smirk on his face indicated that he's out to play.

"Are you all flustered cause I'm clean hyung?"

Jimin nodded, biting on his lower lip. He couldn't help but to eye down the younger's perfect body.

"I used Jin hyung's gel wash cause it smells so nice, and after that I used that antibacterial soap which is probably yours."

Jimin gasped.

"Keep talking..."

Jungkook smiled at his reaction and came a step closer.

"I brushed my teeth and used that new mouthwash we both like..."

Jimin was sweating, still standing in place, feeling overwhelmed and like his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

"I used that green shampoo and I massaged it in my hair really roughly, I love it like that..."

"Oh God come here..." there was only so much Jimin could take...

He literally grabbed the younger and pushed him onto his body, kissing his lips hungrily, tasting that God damn mouthwash that never tasted this good.

He touched Jungkook's torso and loved the fact that every time he got to touch him, he could find new crevices, new muscle groups, new erogenous zones ready to explore and to admire...

Jimin's hands glided down the younger's bare chest to his defined abs, to the top of the towel that was covering Jungkook's crotch. He then slipped his fingers under the towel, letting the soft material to fall down, while stroking the younger's naked flesh all over his hip bones. Somehow, Jimin didn't want to talk, he just wanted to feel, and was happy that Jungkook had totally given him the control over this, and was actually enjoying everything the older was doing without a word.

Then, Jimin skimmed his hand all the way down and gripped the younger's hard dick, kneading the flesh carefully, his thumb stretching all the way caressing the whole shaft eagerly.

"Mmmmm yes..." Jungkook made this low, guttural, animalistic sound of pleasure at the first contact with the older's soft palm, enjoying the moment completely.

That low moan went straight down to Jimin's dick.

The older walked them blindly onto his bed, not stopping the wet kisses even for a second. He pushed the younger down, who willingly collapsed onto his back, panting fast, his dick hard and pointing upwards, looking so good and promising.

It felt good to have Jungkook like this, under him, naked, exposed, horny... a whole mess.

Jimin kept kissing him while straddling the younger's thighs, roaming over his body, stopping to stroke his dick every now and then. Jungkook bit his shoulder, hard. Jimin could feel the need in that bite. He teased him, rubbing his thumb back and forth across the head of his cock, loving the gasps he was reworded with as he kept teasing him more and more.

It was obvious the younger needed more.

Was craving for more...

Jimin wanted to do more.

While glancing down, onto heavy and thick muscle with a large, purple pulsing head, he couldn't stop thinking about one thing.

He's cleaned and ready for me...

Jimin tried to encircle it completely, and failed, pumping it a few times while licking his lips in anticipation.

He pumped faster and faster, loving the fact that Jungkook was all tense and unable to watch, his eyes closed, frown of pleasure permanent in between his eyebrows revealing how much he was enjoying all of this.

He was almost purring under Jimin's touch, pulsing and throbbing more and more.

Jimin was never this turned on in his whole life.

There was something in the way Jungkook was squirming around, completely nude, his big cock leaking precum, throbbing on top of his chiselled abs. His thighs blew Jimin's mind... Every muscle so identifiable, strong, powerful...

And that little drop of precum was all Jimin was waiting for...

He wanted it, and couldn't wait any more.

After positioning himself above the younger's cock, hands and knees, ass up in the air, he finally dived in.

At first, he just licked the head.

Jungkook almost died.

A small flick of his tongue, tasting the precum for the first time. It tasted slightly sweet. Salty and sweet. Definitely not what he was expecting. Jimin liked it. The taste of Jungkook... His boyfriend...

The younger fisted the sheets as hard as he could, trying to ground himself, trying to keep his sanity...

Jungkook gasped when Jimin's tongue lapped at his sweet secretions that had dripped onto his lower stomach, that sound ending in a sexy moan that again, went straight down to Jimin's dick.

He couldn't not look up... so Jimin glanced and saw Jungkook's eyes were closed, arm thrown over his brow as he was biting on his lower lip.

I must be doing something right...

Jimin kept with the soft licking, down the front of his shaft all the way to his heavy balls.

Jungkook's soft moans urged him to keep going. He kept licking his shaft all the way up with small motions of his tongue. Then he got a bit braver so while grasping the younger's cock he slid the big, plum head into the heat of his mouth.

The younger almost fell from the bed from all the squirming, a soft cry leaving his mouth.

Jimin gave him a small smile as he swirled his tongue over the head of that delicious member. His jaw was stretched to capacity when the head of Jungkook's cock was in. It felt full and hot.

And then Jimin started doing the thing that he enjoyed while the younger would go down on him. He hollowed his cheeks and sucked while bobbing his head up and down his shaft.

The groan that came from the younger... "FUCK JIMIN!"

It only spurted Jimin more to do better, to do it more.

He got back to business, dragging Jungkook's cock in and out of his mouth, slowly. Exploring his thick, long muscle and the new tastes and smells that he had found there.

The smell...

Jungkook's cock smelled like him but thicker. Much thicker.

Jimin loved the way Jungkook smelled.

Fabric softener and musk and just, all male...

After a while, the younger started bucking his hips slightly, but always being careful not to choke the older. Jimin could only get about a third of that member inside his mouth, but he could tell Jungkook was loving it. He could tell by the younger's moans and his physical responses.

Through the noises Jungkook made and the way his hands would grip at the sheets harder, Jimin could tell what got the best response, and he went with that, over and over again.

He was bobbing pretty decently on that rod for a while, and as hard as it was to admit, he was enjoying himself. It was cause of the feeling of control and the sexy noises Jungkook was making. All the whispers, all the expletives gritted out between teeth...

Jimin was making him feel amazing and that's all he wanted for so long.

And then Jungkook warned him.

"Jimin, I'm gonna come. You don't have to swallow... ah fuck..." he was grinding out his words between panting, obviously too lost in the heat of the moment.

Jimin had a few seconds to think about this...

He is clean, I tasted his precum, it was nice, It's just a protein with water...

The older kept on with his mouth, never slowing the rhythm ...

"I'm gonna come!" Jungkook warned him again, looking down at the older who just kept going.

"Fuck Jimin the way you look down there... AH FUCK!" the younger cries out while gripping the sheets with force while exploding in Jimin's mouth.

He almost gagged. Maybe he even did, but he got lost in the taste and he just forced himself to relax and started swallowing. It's not the taste, which wasn't bad at all,salty, musky and a bit strange, but it was the force with each of his ejaculation hit the back of Jimin's throat. Repeatedly, giant strings of cum, hit his throat and splashed against his tongue.

Jimin tried his best to swallow everything, to take him deeper, but it was a lot. He had no idea how much came out.

Jungkook cried out again, and the older felt yet another jettison hit his throat and then it was done and the younger just collapsed onto the bed, breathing hard. Jimin pulled off him, gasping and then he heard the younger's quiet plea.

"Please come and cuddle me."

Jimin looked at him closely.

He was beautiful like this. Fucked out, naked, satisfied, hot...

While carefully laying himself next to the younger, Jimin felt Jungkook's body coming even closer, literally gluing his front with Jimin's, always being careful to hide his hands behind his back.

And then he came even closer...

The younger's lips just a breath away, and he didn't know if Jungkook would want to kiss him after what he had just done, but it seemed like the younger didn't care about that.

He kissed Jungkook softly at first, sharing those sperms and germs, unable to care about that while his own dick was so painfully hard.

Only then he understood Jungkook's effort and struggle with all of this. He was so desperately hard, his dick was a second away from needing CPR, a mouth to mouth procedure... Anything at all...

Maybe if I poke him with it a bit...

He was really desperate.

So Jimin tried to be smooth, he tried to kiss the younger sweetly, while casually caressing Jungkook's thigh with his neglected cock.

It looked more like dry humping against the younger's thigh.

At this point Jimin would be totally fine with that too.

"Mmmmm Jimin... You're so hard baby..." the younger finally noticed his problem.

You think?

"Wanna take care of you..."

Five words that Jimin wanted to hear.


"Wanna eat you out good..."

Five words that he definitely wasn't expecting, nor was sure he understood right.

"Wanna what?"

"Eat you out, please... Come sit on my face."

Jimin jumped up.

"Sit on your face?"

Jungkook chuckled, loving the confused expression the older had.

"Yes. Like this. I'm gonna make myself comfortable here." Jungkook went a bit up, leaning his head on the pillow.

"And you just need to straddle my face while turning your back at me."

Jimin looked even more perplexed after hearing those details.

"You want me to choke you with my ass?"

Jungkook chuckled again.

"No. I wanna eat your ass. Play with it... I know you'd like that since you liked my cock caressing you there the other night. Imagine what I could do to you with my tongue."

And Jimin was leaking again.

"But... But... Seriously, what if I suffocate you cause you know I can't control myself when I'm feeling close to orgasm?"

"Well, I can't push you off of me cause I can't use my hands, but I can bite your cheeks..."

Jimin's eyes sparkled.

Mmmmm biting...

"Oh.. That could work..." he was practically craving for it.

"And even if I die like that it would be a good way to go..." Jungkook jokes so Jimin slaps his chest playfully.

"Come here. Jump up." Jungkook spread his hands on the side of the bed, waiting for the older to position himself up there.

"Just so you know, I took a bath and I cleaned myself with my antibacterial soap today..."

"I know. I can always smell that soap on you."

Jimin smiled, liking the fact that he always smells like antibacterial soap for some reason, and finally he moved up, and with shaky hands he adjusted himself so that his ass was literally on top of Jungkook's face.

" I'm gonna need you to spread your cheeks for me and hold it open. Ok?"


For a split second Jimin thought how maybe this wasn't necessary and how he would be totally content with Jungkook just sucking him off, but the moment he opened his mouth, trying to say something, the younger started literally making out with his ass, his hole to be precise.

Instead of words, only a gasp came out cause why was this feeling so good and addicting he really had no idea.

Jungkook had his lips on him, with his tongue flipping up and down, sideways, and round and round in circles.

The older was literally gasping for air.

A minute of this divine sensation, Jungkook stopped his movement, and Jimin almost whined.

"Do you want me to stop? Are you ok with this?" the younger asked while giving long, slow, strokes over Jimin's hole, and as classy as Jimin was, he reached one hand back and while grabbing a bunch of Jungkook's hair, he did a little twerk on the younger's face, indicating that he's unable to speak, but definitely wants more.

Jungkook gave him more, and after nibbling at his hole, licking at slower, than faster pace, biting softly all around the area, Jimin felt the younger's tongue, probing inside his hole, opening him up, so he moans, not used to this kind of fullness and sensation, but was definitely ready to feel that again.

Seemed like Jungkook was just testing waters cause he started licking again, but Jimin really wanted to feel that push again.

He put one hand on Jungkook's hip, the other was spreading his cheeks nicely, and he started bucking his hips up and down Jungkook's face, mostly tongue.

The younger moaned and pushed his tongue out as far as it would go, and then Jimin tried to do that again. He tried to impale himself on the younger's pointing tongue, and it seemed like Jungkook had noticed that.

"Want me to fuck you with my tongue?" he asked with that husky, muffled voice, so Jimin nodded desperately.

"Yes. Please."

"Could you do it? It's easier if you fuck yourself from above, and I'll push my tongue and hold it upright for you to use."

Jungkook was sounding so hot, his body looked so good underneath the older, and on instinct, Jimin started riding Jungkook's face, pushing that tongue inside of him, as deep as it goes.

His hips moved faster and faster, his moans became louder, but he needed more, Jungkook's tongue just couldn't reach deep enough.

"Kookah... Can you... Can you fuck me deeper?" as ashamed he was to ask such question, he really needed this.

Jungkook licked his hole eagerly again, and after moving a bit down, he spoke.

"Sorry baby, that's as far as my tongue could go... I could fuck you deeper with my fingers..."

"No. No. No..." Jimin was quick to interrupt him.

"It's fine..." he sounded a bit disappointed.

"There's always toys hyung..." suddenly, Jungkook had an idea.

"Toys? Well I have some Marvel figurines..."

Jungkook chuckled.

"No silly. Sex toys."

Luckily Jimin's face was turned in the opposite direction cause his face was burning red.


"What could I possibly do to you with a Marvel figurine?"

Jimin sighed.

"I don't know. That Iron Man leg suddenly looks so appealing."

Jungkook bit his cheeks.

"You're so horny, I can't with you..."he said before diving back down, licking the older's hole eagerly, loving the soft moans and gasps coming from the older's mouth.

Jimin felt on the edge again, but again, something was missing... The little push over his neglected cock, that little friction, anything...

Again, it's like Jungkook read his mind, so the moment he felt Jimin getting restless and desperate, he pushed himself just slightly up, moving a bit away from Jimin's ass.

"Turn around."

Jimin did as he was told, without a word, feeling too hard for too long, always close to coming, but not quite there yet.

"Fuck my mouth."

Jungkook said like it's the most natural thing in the world, and then he licked his lips generously, coating them with saliva, looking red, swollen and so hot.


Jimin came closer, the tip of his dick touching Jungkook's chin. The younger reached down and licked the head teasingly, Jimin almost came.

"Just push it in and do whatever you want, whatever feels good."

Well that sounded promising.

Jimin grabbed his leaking cock and pushed it past Jungkook's mouth, the wet sensation made him moan loudly, almost on the edge of crying.

"Ah...oh yes..."

Even if Jungkook wanted to speak, he couldn't. His mouth was literally filled with dick so he just hummed in satisfaction while looking at Jimin's eyes.

Jimin really wanted to play a bit, wanted to take his dick out and draw some pretty patterns on Jungkook's face with the spit and precum, wanted to make the younger to chase after that dick, to slap his tongue, glide it over those blushed cheeks, but the need to come was overpowering his senses, so instead doing any of these things, Jimin just kept pushing in and out with persistent pace while he felt his orgasm building and building and building until all he could do was yell Jungkook's name to the heaven.

"AH KOOKAH!!!" he pushes his dick just a little bit deeper in the younger's throat, feeling his cum spilling down Jungkook's throat.

Jimin moaned and groaned, trashing his hips forward, going practically blind and insane.

He wasn't in control over his body anymore.

After withdrawing his soft cock out of Jungkook's mouth, Jimin draped his tired, sensitive body on top of Jungkook like a warm blanket.

They stayed like that for a while,just enjoying each other's embrace. Jimin positioned his hands on top of Jungkook's chest and the younger kept his next to his body.

Jimin didn't mind staying like this for a while. He loved the closeness, but there was something in the way Jungkook had sighed that made him look up at the younger's face worriedly.

"Kookah... Are you ok?" he asked cause Jungkook suddenly looked sad and unable to look back at Jimin.

"I am... It's just... In moments like this I feel it the most..."

"Feel what?" Jimin didn't understand.

"The sadness... The inability to touch you is killing me... The desire to caress your back slowly, to move those messy strands off of your forehead, to hold you tighter, hold your hand..."

Jimin took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry... I just... I'm not there yet... I'll work on it... I'll mention that to my therapist at my next meeting... Or I'll try to figure some things out on my own..." Jimin really wanted for this whole thing to work and was ready to fight for it.

"Ok. You know I would never force you to do anything you're not comfortable with..." Jungkook said with a warm voice and all Jimin wanted was for him not to feel sad anymore.

"Still, I just sucked your dick."

Jungkook laughed.

"I can't believe I had dick in my mouth." Jimin said in awe, looking excited more than anything else.

"I can't believe it either to be honest."

"What's happening to me? Dicks are not supposed to go inside a mouth." Jimin and his theories.

"Why not? It felt good. Admit it..." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at the older, making Jimin to grin at his silly face.

"I don't know. I need to try that again to decide if I like it or not."

"Oh definitely... You should do that. Yes please... Whenever you want to. I'm here for you." Jungkook said eagerly so Jimin pinched his nipple playfully.

"Behave nicely Jungkookah and I might wake you up with my mouth on your cock."

Jungkook gulped.

"Let's sleep." he closed his eyes shut, fake snoring to indicate how he was already asleep.

Jimin chuckled.

"After taking a shower. Can I go first?" Jimin asked while getting up, glancing down at the younger's body who's dick wasn't as soft as it was after the blowjob.

"Sure. I'll wait for you here."

Jimin nodded, glancing again at that semi hard dick. Trying to look at it without being noticed by Jungkook's curious eyes.

"I got hard while I was eating you out if that's what you're wondering..." the younger knew him so well.

"Oh... I get it... But... you... are you ok with staying like that..."

"Yes I am. It'll go away. I just got way too turned on by your ass on top of me and those moans..."

Jimin tried hard not to think about that again.

"Ok... That's good to know... So... I'll go now..."

While taking a hot shower, Jimin's thoughts got filled with all the things he did with Jungkook in the past few months... It was a lot. More than he could ever imagine.

His hand went down to clean his ass cheeks and then his hole, so while trying to clean as much as he could, Jimin thought about cleaning his hole a bit deeper cause Jungkook's tongue was indeed inside him a few minutes ago.

After applying some gel wash onto his index finger, Jimin pushed it inside slightly, feeling confused that there wasn't any discomfort while doing so, and literally his hole swallowed his finger completely.

Wow...This is... Fun...

Just to be sure that he was stretched nicely, he added his middle finger alongside the index one and the moment he did it he felt a slight burn, the stretch overwhelming him, being almost painful.

He pulled both of his fingers out, caressing his hole slightly, washing off the remains of the flower smelling gel wash completely.

This is something I should definitely explore more...

With new things on his mind, new feelings flowing through his whole body, Jimin came back to his room, only to find Jungkook soundly asleep on his bed, a soft blanket covering his lower body.

God he's gorgeous.

He couldn't stop himself from staring, looking at the perfect man in front of him.

The way his lips were slightly parted, small sounds of air coming out... Jimin didn't wanna wake him up. He just wanted to curl up next to him and cover his body with a blanket, affection and love... So he did.

After wearing only an oversized t-shirt and a pair of underwear, Jimin snuggled underneath the blanket and made himself comfortable while spooning the younger from behind. Jungkook's hands were somewhere in front of him, not being a threat to Jimin's sanity.

While listening to the younger's heartbeat, sleeping sounds and feeling the warmth of his body, Jimin fell asleep happy as never before.

Please God let this last...

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