Problems need solution

While hiding under the dark gray blanket that was usually his safe space whenever he felt uncomfortable, sad, anxious or depressed, he heard a loud knocking on his door.

"Jimin, I'm coming inside!"

His brother Seokjin yelled from the outside, announcing his entrance, not wanting for his little brother to feel more anxious and mad than he was already feeling.

"I don't want to talk to you!" Jimin yelled while still hiding under his blanket, nonetheless his brother came in and took a few steps closer to where Jimin was covered.

"Jimin, you need to stop doing that." Jin said with a firm voice, but Jimin only scoffed.

"Seriously. You can't just come inside my room when you know Namjoon is here without knocking. That's just rude."

Jimin finally pushed the blanket off of his face.

"Oh really? I can't come in! What if there was an emergency? What if I set something on fire? What if someone died?" Jimin said while exaggerating words fire and died.

"I don't care about any of that cause we were in the middle of something Jimin!!!" Jin yelled, which made Jimin cover his head again.

"You weren't in the middle of anything important." he said under the covers, his voice was muffled, but Jin heard him perfectly.

"You came inside while we were having sex Jimin!" Jin yelled again.

"Exactly. Nothing important." Jimin answered and felt the blanket being tugged off of his face.

That's weird. His brother usually never does that. Jin knows how delicate and fragile Jimin is, and how every little thing could trigger his deepest fears, panic attacks, anxiety, but he was obviously pissed off.

"Jimin, you can't act like a three year old kid. You can't decide what's important and what's not when it comes to me and my life."

Jimin tried to push the blanket up over his head again, but Jin wouldn't let him.

"I thought that I'm the most important thing in your life."

Jin rolled his eyes.

"Of course you are. Jimin, you're my little brother and I'll always take care of you,but you need to know that some things are not acceptable even for you."

Jimin pouted.

"I did nothing wrong." he said a bit quietly, knowing damn well that he did.

"Jimin, you stormed in my room without knocking to complain about the bread crust being cut off the wrong way from your sandwich and you clearly saw me and Namjoon being in the middle of... You know... so how come any of that doesn't sound wrong to you!" Jin yelled with anger in his eyes.

"Well if he would finally learn how to do it properly then we wouldn't have this argument all over again." Jimin crossed his arms on top of his chest, obviously getting irritated too.

"Really Jimin? Is there really a wrong way to cut a sandwich into circular shape? Or you're just being mean to Namjoon for some other reason?" Jin's voice became a lot softer and sad.

"Well if you cut it into an oval shape that clearly isn't a circle. You obviously didn't taught him well."

To everyone Jimin would look bratty with this kind of outbursts, but his brother knew it better.

Jimin was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome at the age of eight, and ever since then he's been fighting with all kinds of difficulties in life that came along with the syndrome.

Seokjin was the one who understood him the most. The one who took him with him the moment he finished his Uni and started working, finally being able to provide for rent and food for both of them.

Their parents never came to peace with Jimin's early diagnosis so he struggled while growing up cause they always told him not to be too sensitive or too stubborn when it came to his inability to socialize normally or show interest in something he didn't like, and they never acknowledge his obsessive behavior that he couldn't control.

So now, while he was being scolded by his older brother who usually never confronts him, and always does as they had agreed too, Jimin felt a slight panic attack forming in the pit of his stomach.

"He's trying really hard. He is. You know how hard it is for someone to fit into our life and I really like him. Could you cut him some slack?" Jin almost cried, his eyes filled with tears.

"He should learn how to cut my sandwiches the right way. Also, he should stop breaking things around our house. He should stop being late when he's picking me up from Uni, and he should clean the dishes the moment we finish with lunch not hours after."

Jimin was stubborn and had no empathy whatsoever. Something that Jin had to live with his whole life.


Two days after that, Jin came home from work with puffy eyes and red cheeks, looking like hell.

Jimin was already home, working on some essay in the living room.

The older brother entered the kitchen and after grabbing a bottle of soju, he sat down, closer to Jimin, and started looking at what he was doing.

"Hi. How was your work day?" Jimin asked the same question he always asks for the last year and a half.

"It was ok,but I got into a fight with Namjoon."

"Oh. I'm sorry." Jimin continued working on his essay, looking totally unbothered by what Jin had said.

That's cause he was unbothered.

He couldn't care less about Namjoon nor their relationship.

Jin took a deep sigh, and drank a few sips before talking.

"We had a big fight and at the end he told me how he can't be in a relationship with me if I'm always gonna baby you."

Jimin snapped his gaze at Jin, suddenly feeling involved in the story.

"Oh... Really?"


"So what did you say to him?" Jimin looked at Jin, not knowing the answer was killing him on the inside.

"I told him that you're my priority and always will be, and if he can't accept that maybe it's for the best not to be together anymore." Jin said while a tear rolled down his cheek.

"That sounds pretty smart to me." Jimin concluded, ignoring the tears pouring down Jin's face.

"Yeah... I figured you won't be that bothered about it." Jin said sarcastically before getting up and leaving for his bedroom.

Jimin only followed him with his eyes, saying his little 'good night' to the older, thinking how this might be a good thing and how in time, Jin will figure that out too.


Only that it didn't.

Jin became depressed, a crying mess, someone who was obviously heart broken, and all of it started affecting Jimin too.

His brother started forgetting things like cutting Jimin's Uni sandwich into circular shape, so Jimin would struggle just by looking at a rectangle slices of bread being messily put inside his food container, so after fourth day of Jin 'forgetting' to cut Jimin's sandwich the right way, the younger brother finally decided to spoke.

"Jinshi, I know I've been a pain in the ass for the past three days cause you kept making my sandwiches wrong, but you kind of did it again."

Jimin said while entering their house, looking at his brother seriously.

Jin was watching some romantic movie, with a box of tissue paper next to him, obviously prepared for the tears that were about to be spilled.

"Sorry, I'll try to remember tomorrow." Jin sounded not so convincing.

"You say that every day. Is there something wrong?"

Jimin decided to be a good little brother all of a sudden.

"Hm.... Is there something wrong? Let me think?" Jin put his index finger on top of his mouth like he's thinking about this thoroughly.

"Maybe the fact that I'm all alone Jimin. That I no longer have the person who I love beside me. The fact that I don't like being alone and that's exactly how I feel right now."

Jin opened up, so Jimin tried to understand him. Tried to be supportive.

"So you're missing him more than you could imagine?"

"Yes. I do. I miss his presence, miss being around him, miss our long conversations, kisses, sleep overs... I miss everything about him."

"Well that sucks. I hope you'll feel better soon." the only comforting words Jimin had learned as a kid and still uses in this kind of situation.

Jin knew his brother, knew what kind of level of compassion he could get from him, and wasn't quite surprised with his answer.

" Thank you little brother. " he quietly said before another rain of tears came pouring down his face.


Jin didn't get any better. In fact, he started doing less and less to help around the house, which drove Jimin insane. He forgot to slice Jimin's sandwich the way the younger likes it, sometimes he forgot to buy them ice creams so that they could enjoy some sweets on Friday nights like they always did. Hell, he even forgot to tell their pizza delivery guy not to cut Jimin's pizza cause well, triangles and shit, so once again, Jimin didn't have the meal he was craving for, and had to settle for some rice crackers and cheese which he had to prepare for himself.


"Jiminah, are you ok?" his best friend, Taehyung, asked while Jimin was leaning his head on his arms, curled up in the Uni's cafeteria, not eating his lunch for eight days in a row.

"Am not."

Jimin told the truth, and felt an elbow caressing his back so softly and slowly he could almost replace the touch with the feather sliding down his skin.

His body tensed immediately, the touch was gone second after, and he luckily restrained himself from snapping at Tae, or biting him anywhere, or kicking his ass, or having yet another tantrum cause he really really didn't like being touched, and Tae knew that.

"Here, I brought you something."

Jimin looked up at the small, white container, and after wiping it clean with his sanitizer wipes (cause, germs...) his eyes widened at the sight of a perfectly shaped circular sandwich, the kind that his brother would usually make for him.

" Tae... "

That's all he could say before devouring the sandwich in two seconds.

"I just figured I could make you a sandwich just like mine and then cut it into a circle cause I see you're not eating for days now and I was getting worried."

Jimin finished eating, and took a deep breath.

"I think my brother's sad."

"Oh... Why?"

"He doesn't go to work these days. He doesn't make my sandwiches like he always did. He forgets to buy me food and to have movie nights with me. He can't stop crying and the only thing I hear coming from his room is Namjoonie I miss you..."

Tae made an 'Aha I get it' face.

"He's going through a break up. That sucks."

"What can I do to help him. I hate to see him like that. And I hate the way his behavior has changed."

The second part was mostly the truth.

"Well... He just needs to forget Namjoon and move on."

"Well why didn't that happen already? It's been over a week." Jimin was clueless.

"He can't get over his ex that he was dating for three years in one week. He needs at least a year to be better again... Or..."

"What?! A year? No. I can't have my life being this messed up for a year. No. I refuse. Find me another way. Please Tae..." Jimin was on the verge of having a melt down.

"Or... There's always a chance of finding a new partner so you can forget the ex more easily." Tae smiled devilishly, but Jimin's brain was already working at full speed.

New partner.

That could work.

Someone who's better than Namjoon.

I can help him.

But where to find....

"There's that speed dating thing every Saturday night down in the city, we could go together and check things out, God knows I need to get laid.."

Jimin faked puking.

"Gross, but actually that could work. I could meet a bunch of strangers and ask them questions freely so that I could find a potential match for my brother and then I can get their number and set the date. That's actually a genius idea, Tae. Thank you."

Jimin jumped off the chair excitedly, and headed for his next class. He took a few steps and came back to the table where Tae was still eating his lunch calmly.

"Send me the exact time and place so that we can meet on Saturday, and make me another sandwich until my brother gets better."

Tae nodded and smiled fondly, loving to see his best friend hopeful and cheered up again.


Jimin nodded, the warmth spreading through his eyes, but like usually, not reaching his mouth. He never smiled with his lips, only showed his gratitude with the warmth inside his eyes.

And so it began.

The plan to find someone perfect for his brother so that they can all go back to their usual day to day basis.


On Saturday morning Jimin woke up early, a bit more excited than usual.

It took him a few minutes less to grab a shower, pick one of his usual white shirts and prepare some breakfast for him and his brother.

When Jin finally woke up, he came lazily to the kitchen and got surprised by the smell of freshly made cereals and sliced bananas and kiwi, (Jimin's favorite breakfast cause everything was sliced in circles) so he sat down to eat with a grin on his face.

"Jiminah, this is amazing. Thank you."

It was the first time in days that Jimin had seen his brother happy. His insides got warmer.

Jimin sat down across from the older and enjoyed seeing him eat so well.

The sound of chewing food was killing the mood slightly, but he'll survive.

" I have plans for a night out with Tae tonight." Jimin decided to talk, but not to say where he was going.

"Oh... You guys are gonna go watch a movie?" Jin asked between bits.

"Something like that..."

Still Jimin didn't wanna say a thing.

The usual silence came over the room so after a few minutes Jimin clears his throat.

"I was doing a quiz the other day, um... so I was interested if you could answer me some questions."

Jin looked a bit surprised cause when did ever Jimin take a quiz for fun?

"Ok..." he said a bit skeptically.

"Do you prefer your partners to be taller or shorter than you?"

"Um... I guess... Taller... But it's not the most important thing."

"Cat or dogs?"

"Well we do have a cat for a reason."

They did. Jin adopted a small cutie named Moon two years ago and both of them loved her dearly.

"Do you like shy guys or a more straightforward approach?"

"Maybe the ones on the shy side... I don't know anymore."

"Ok... Do you top or bottom?"

Jin choked on his food.


"Never mind. I saw it too many times to conclude that one myself..."

"Are you using drugs again?" Jin was definitely confused.

"Nope. It's just a silly quiz..."

Jimin had decided that he knew enough and was ready to help his brother find a perfect match.


After doing things that he usually does on Saturday, Jimin got dressed for his speed dating thing, and while looking at his closet that contained white and black cotton shirts and five white button up dress shirts (all the same cause why should he be bothered to pick what to wear every single day and put himself through that misery?) Jimin wore one of those white button up shirts and simple black slacks that he usually wore while volunteering at the City library three days a week.

Sharp at 8 p.m he was outside the elegant venue that looked way too catchy and flashy for Jimin to buy all the nonsense things the lady on the phone promised this whole experience is about to give.

"At the end of a date you're supposed to find your significant other... someone you'll find a connection right from the start..."

Sure... Pffffff

Cheesy candles, dim lights, too many red roses, bottles of wine on each table, you name it, and the cliche was there.

What is this shit? The bachelor?

"You're here. How do I look?"

Tae was already inside, rocking some green suit and nice hairstyle while sipping on some colorful liquor. He looked pretty tipsy already.

"You look like yourself."

Jimin wasn't good with compliments.

"Why did I even ask?"

"I don't know."

"It was a rhetorical question."

"Ooo... I'm not good with those. Or humor. Or sarcasm... Or..."

"I get it. I know. I'm your best friend. Remember?"

Tae showed Jimin where to sit, being careful not to touch the older, nor to let anyone around them touch him too. It was a behavior that came natural to Tae whenever they went outside. They usually pick places that were never crowded or just simple movie nights with seats far away from other people and they would always come a bit later and leave after everyone was already gone so that Jimin wouldn't have to expose himself to other people and them accidentally touching him cause that was a big no-no for him.

"So, did you prepare your questions?" Tae ordered Jimin mojito with lime, trying to get them in the mood.

"I did. Some I asked him this morning, and some I just know since we live together and he's my brother so I didn't need to ask him."

"Good. You know... I was thinking... If you don't find someone who's suitable for Jin hyung I could..."

"No. You're not an option." Jimin knew exactly where this was heading. Who could blame Tae, Jin is just way too handsome.

"Fine. I had to try. Damn it. Gonna have to find me something nice tonight. I saw a few cute guys. Hopefully someone's looking for a one night stand like I am."

Jimin gagged.

"Again. Gross."

"There's nothing wrong in having sexual needs. Not everyone is asexual and aromantic like you. You need to normalize your behavior when it comes to sex."

Tae tried to put some sense into senseless Jimin.

"Thank you. I'll pass. Do you even know what you'll ask all those guys?"

"Of course. Do you wanna fuck after this?"

Jimin's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry I even asked."

"Good evening gentlemen. I'm Lauren and I'll be your host for tonight. I hope you all had a few drinks cause that always helps to set up the right mood, and I hope that after this hour of getting to know each other, you'll end up with the number of people that you feel attracted to and want to explore your bond more."

Finally the lady in long purple dress started explaining how things are supposed to work, so Jimin got his pen and paper out, trying to make quick notes that would help him later on.

"So the speed dating thing is a bit like musical chairs. Attendees embark on a number of quick - fire encounters and a bell rings when each timed date has come to an end. Participants progress from one table to the next, until everyone has had a chance to meet each other. First let's set up who will be the seated daters, and who would be the ones moving around."

The lady took some papers with numbers and read the numbers out loud. Everyone including Jimin, had gotten a card with a number on it, and Jimin's was 13. When the lady read the number 13 as the person who will be sitting through all of this, he felt relieved cause in that case there's less chance for the others to touch him, and he really couldn't stand that.

"So, once again, the numbers that I had read will stay seated, while the numbers that are left out will move from table to table. If two people register a mutual interest in each other, they'll receive each other's contact information."

After finding a seat, Jimin put the pen and paper in front of himself, and after wiping the table (germs) he rolled up his sleeves, waiting for the first person to take a seat.

At first he did feel kind of odd.

Not that that's not the way he usually felt, but it was weird to ask people that he never saw before if they like men or both men or women, or what their favorite color was, or if they like to be gentle or rough in bed... but in time, he got used to the shocked expression on every single guys face, but soon they all started giving him some answers so finally he thought that he was getting somewhere with all of this.

Half an hour after, there was a fifteen minute break which Jimin used to grab a drink and a quick chit chat with Tae, who looked happier than before.


"So what?"

"How is it going? Is there someone that's a match for Jin hyung?" Tae was curious.

"Not totally, but there are two guys that are definitely worth a shot. You?"

"I actually got two numbers. Both really handsome and fun, so I don't know what to do now. Who to pick."

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out. Maybe a threesome."

Tae's mouth open.

"Oh God. You're right. Thank you!"

"I wasn't serious..."

Tae was gone before Jimin could say anything further.

The break was over and a new wave of hot, single guys came to Jimin's table. It was funny how all of them thought how he was the one looking for a match and the sad look in their eyes when he explained that he's not the one who's supposed to date, was a bit funny.

It was almost the end of the whole quite tiring thing when a dark haired man with big doe eyes and a lot of ear piercings, eyebrow piercing and a side lip ring came to Jimin's table, looking cheerful and happy.

Jimin looked like he always does.


"Hi." The dark man with a tag on his leather jacket that said 'Jungkook' said with a smile, so Jimin nodded.

"Hi." he answered politely and looked at the paper on his table, trying to find space to write Jungkook's name among all the others there.

"Wow, you're the most beautiful man I ever saw in my life."

The man spoke so Jimin snapped his gaze to look at him in disbelief.

"That's highly unlikely. Are you gay or bi?" he decided to continue with his questions.

The man frowned, but a small smile was still visible on his face.

"That's the weirdest way of someone thanking me for a compliment."

The man, Jungkook, crossed his arms on top of his chest which made his sleeves go up a bit, revealing some tattoos on his right hand.

"I wasn't thanking you, now answer my question, we don't have much time."

Jimin was on a mission here, not to make friends. Goddamn it.


Jimin made a grimace that showed how he was not satisfied with the answer.


Jungkook noticed.

"Never mind. Cat or dog?"

Jimin kept going with his questions. The time was ticking.


Jimin made another grimace similar to one before.

"What now?"

Jungkook was good at reading non verbal expressions.

"Nothing. Top or bottom?"

Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you top or bottom?" Jimin tried to clear things out by repeating the question.

"Isn't that a bit too private?" Jungkook looked kind of perplexed or shocked, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"This whole thing is made up to figure out the easiest way about someone's private things in the shortest amount of time. So..." Jimin entwined his fingers together and put them on the table in front of him.

"Why are you doing this?" Jungkook asked while glancing down at the paper that was almost fully written with all kinds of things about men Jimin had met.

"You didn't answer my question." Jimin didn't feel the need to explain himself.

"Neither did you."


And the bell buzzer went off indicating that it's time for the next meeting.

"Answer me." Jimin asked once more while Jungkook was standing up, getting ready to leave.

"I switch."

Jimin frowned while pursing his lips.

Not a good answer obviously.

"God what now?"

Jungkook stayed next to the table for a second longer, the next guy already took a seat on the chair in front of Jimin.

"Nothing. You're just not going to work. Sorry."

Jimin gave him a quick review and then devoted his attention to another guy.

"In case you change your mind."

Then he noticed a card with Jungkook's name and a number on it, but before he could say how he didn't need it, or won't use it, the black haired man was gone and the card was left there. Jimin picked it up and put it on top of the others he had collected and finally continued the interrogation with the new guy.


Two weeks after Jin came inside the house stumbling and falling over nothing, so as anxious as Jimin was, he came into the kitchen where his brother was laying on the floor, and the younger made sure to have some baseball bat in his arms just in case someone else was inside instead of his beloved brother.

"Jin? Are you ok?" he asked while poking Jin's what looked like a dead body.

"I am. I just can't walk."

Jin answered while laying on the floor, his body not moving at all.

Jimin rolled his eyes, smelling the alcohol all around the room, before picking his brother up, and carrying him into the older's room.

"You carried me. You didn't bite me or push me. You helped me...." Jin became sensitive.

He was drunk.

"I need to help you. You don't look good. I guess the date didn't go well or it went amazingly well."

The thing is, after the whole speed dating thing, Jimin had found three almost perfect matches for his brother, so after a lot of pursuing and begging, Jin accepted to go on at least one date with the three guys Jimin had picked out for him.

The first one was too short, not muscular enough, kind of depressing and not fun at all.

The second one was too similar to Jin so it felt weird to go on a date with himself.

This one was the one that Jimin had the most hopes for. The guy's name was Eunwo, he was tall, dark and good looking with all the right answers.

While looking at his demolished older brother Jimin couldn't stop thinking about what could possibly go wrong with this scenario.

"So, are you gonna tell me how the date was?" he just needed to know.


Jimin felt relieved.

"Until we went to his apartment."

"Oh... You didn't like his apartment?"

Poor Jimin and his pure mind.

"Nope. The apartment wasn't the issue."

Jimin frowned, not understanding Jin's innuendos.

"Then what?"

"My little brother, I really appreciate your effort with all of this, but some things like Eunwo having a 4 inches small dick no one could ever predict, and for me to have some proper fun with a guy, I need at least 6 or 7 inches if not more."

Jimin took a deep sigh before leaving the room.

"Once again, I'm sorry I asked anything.Sleep now you'll be tired in the morning."

"Unfortunately not sore. Good night little brother."

After puking inside his mouth a little cause all of that was gross in Jimin's opinion, he finally got back inside his bed and tried to fall asleep.

He couldn't.

Why was this so hard? Jimin did everything that was in his power to find his brother a perfect match, but none of those guys worked. He must have been doing something wrong but couldn't figure out what.


"I see you're not eating again."

Tae's soft voice made him look up from some dark blue spot on the cafeteria table.

"Jin couldn't wake up this morning so I don't have lunch."

Tae pushed the container with Jimin's food which he gladly accepted.

"What happened on his third date?"

"He had sex with the guy but didn't like him cause he had small dick." Jimin said between bites so Tae choked on some chocolate he's been eating.

"Well that's always a bummer..."

"I don't know what to do Tae. I literally did everything that was in my power. I asked every single guy those questions and the three that were the most similar to my brother aren't a fit. Who the hell could be his fit?" Jimin closed the container a bit roughly, kind of tired of all this 'find my brother's match' thing.

"Have you ever considered that none of us really wants to date ourselves. We know our own flows and we know that we don't want to be close to someone who's literally our own reflection in the mirror. That's kind of creepy, you know."

Jimin frowned, thinking about Tae's wise words.

"So you're telling me how men want someone who's totally opposite from themselves cause it's creepy to date someone too similar to you?"

Tae nodded.

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

Jimin thought about it for a second, and a name popped up immediately.


"Got to go Tae."

Jimin jumped up, ready to leave cause his brain was filled with this new information, but the moment he took a few steps further he came back to their table.

"Thank you for always giving me the best advice and for the food."

Tae just nodded fondly, waving his best friend goodbye.


Jimin entered inside his room rapidly and started fumbling with all the paper he had received that day after the speed dating thing was over. He looked on the inside, and read some of the names written on the cards.

Wonho - not tall enough, bi...

Mingyu - dog lover, too rough on the inside...

Sujin - bottom

Jungkook - nothing literally matches

There he is.


The guy Jimin was looking for.

After literally a second of deliberating whether to call or not, he called the number.

Tae always knows these things...


He heard the voice after two beeps.

"Hi. This is Jimin."

He figured he had no idea how to even start this conversation. Maybe by introducing himself.

"Jimin who? Sorry I'm bad with names..."

"Jimin from speed dating."

He figured there couldn't be hundreds of Jimins.

"Um... You'll have to be more specific since I gathered quite the number of cards that day. Guys were into me I guess..."

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"I'm the one who wasn't. You know the one who rejected you and told you how you're not a good match?"

Jimin was a bit bitter.

"Oh... OH... Now I remember! White button up, cute face, pretty eyes, full lips Jimin. So you're not that uninterested after all."

The black haired man as Jimin remembered him almost squealed from happiness and Jimin wanted to throw up.

"Oh I assure you I'm still as uninterested as before, but I might need a favor..."

"What is it?" Jungkook's tone got a lot more serious.

"I don't want to talk about it over the phone so how about we meet at the coffee shop down in the city that's close to the city library."

"Oh... So it's a date?"

Jungkook teased.

"It's not a date. It's just coffee and a talk."

"A proper date I'm telling you." Jungkook was an ass.

"Call it what you want, just be there tomorrow at 8p.m."

"Can't make it at 8. I have boxing class, how about 7 p.m?"

"No. I don't like unpaired numbers. Let's meet at 6 p.m. then." Jimin really didn't like unpaired numbers so whenever he would arrange a movie night or coffee out, 8 was his favorite option (it's made from two circles that's the reason).

"You don't like what?" seemed like Jungkook was a bit taken aback with his answer.

"Never mind. Can you come at 6 p.m.?"

"Um... Sure. I'll be there."


Jimin hung up the phone without waiting to hear another word from the man he knew a little bit about, and the things he knew were nothing helpful or useful for the situation with his brother, but that's exactly what he needed.


While combing his hair and looking at his usual attire for coffee nights, Jimin was ok with what he saw.

The usual white button up shirt that was ironed perfectly by his brother and the same black slacks that he usually wore.

He walked to the coffee shop, enjoying the not so crowded side streets and nice April weather.

In front of the coffee shop, there was Jungkook, already waiting in front, wearing all black just like the last time Jimin had seen him.

"Hi." Jimin came while walking closer, positioning himself about one meter away from Jungkook.

"Hi. You look cute tonight."

Jungkook was straight forward which annoyed Jimin cause he didn't know what to say to that.

"I always look the same."

"So always cute?" Jungkook smiled cutely, so Jimin averted his gaze, being unable to think about what to say to that now.

Why was Jungkook so difficult to talk to?

"You're wearing all black again."

That's what caught his attention.

"I do. I like black. Do you?"

Jungkook made a step closer which made Jimin to take a small step back.

"I-I do... I have a black shirt too, but I usually wear that at home or for my dance classes."

"That's where that amazing body is from..." Jungkook made another step closer and Jimin wanted to go through the wall that was behind him.


Jimin was so confused.

Jungkook chuckled. Seemed like he noticed Jimin's struggle so he pushed his right hand in front, and smiled again.

"How about we start over. I can see you being a bit uncomfortable with my shameless flirting. I'm Jungkook and I would love to get to know you better."

Jimin just looked at his hand and blinked.

He said what?...

"I don't like people touching me."

That's the only thing that came out of his mouth.

Jungkook looked at his own hand, still being put out nicely in front, and Jimin's face who was looking at it with shock written on his face.

"Oh... Ok. Um... But why?"

Jimin took a deep breath.

Here we go again...

"I have Asperger's syndrome."

So before Jimin could explain just a tiny bit more about the syndrome cause people were mostly ignorant about it, he saw like a hint of realization of what was happening washing over Jungkook's face.

"Oh... Well now I get it. So what else do you not like?" Jungkook asked while putting his hands in his front pockets, making a step back.

Jimin was able to breathe again.

"How about we sit inside so I'll tell you more."

He really needed to sit down, Jimin's legs were kind of shaking at this point.

"Oh ok. Let's go."

Jungkook came inside first, but then he held the door open for Jimin to enter after him.

Why did all of it feel so...weird.

Jimin walked over to the table on the far right and sat close to the window.

"Do you know someone with Asperger syndrome?" Jimin asked the moment they sat down cause he knew that syndrome was pretty rare but Jungkook seemed to know about it.

"No I don't, but I had a neighbor who has a daughter that was suspected to have autism, and they thought that she had Asperger's syndrome, but it turns out that it was Angleman syndrome at the end."

"Oh... So that's how you know."

"Yeah. But I don't know a lot. Actually I only know about some specific behavior that she had, such as not wanting to walk on the left side, or not liking fruits with small seeds, or not being able to talk to strangers, she really opened up hardly to anyone."

"Well,that we have in common."

"So what else do you not like?"

Jungkook asked and if Jimin could read his facial expression he would see how interested he was in all of this.

"Well... Basically I don't like people. I don't like anyone touching me, especially with hands, it makes me really uncomfortable. I don't like loud sounds or crowded spaces and I don't like triangles."

Jungkook nodded.

"Triangles? What did they ever do to you?"

Jimin frowned, feeling the question being silly.

"I just don't like their sharp edges."

Jungkook smiled.

"What about rectangles?"

Jimin thought about it.

"They're fine, I mean their edges are not that sharp, you know, 90°. But still I only eat circular shaped food."

"Hm... You must like pizza then." Jungkook concluded while taking the menu.

"I do until someone hands me a slice..."

Jungkook looked at Jimin, amused.

"Oh right... Then it's a triangle... So how do you eat it?"

"Easy. I just don't cut it. I eat it whole, as a circle."

Jungkook smiled.


"I am smart."

Jimin agreed.

"Yeah. It was obvious to me from the start that the syndrome you have doesn't affect your intellect at all. You seem really smart."

Jimin felt that weird warmth spreading through his chest.

"I was the best student two years in a row at a Seul's IT academy, and I highly doubt that this year's situation will be any different."

Jungkook smiled proudly.

"Cocky. I see."

"I'm not cocky. I'm just telling the facts."

"Well, I'm barely passing my exams since I'm so lazy and I hate to study..."

The waiter came so they ordered coffee.

"I like to study. I love to read. I work at Seoul's library three days a week and I always get excited when new books arrive."

Jimin became really eager while talking about books cause that really was his big passion.

"Not me. I can read a comic book, but an actual book. I'll pass."

Jimin looked at him like he was examining some rare species.

"But how? I mean books are great. They teach you about the past and art and fiction and are fun. What do you do in your free time?"

He had no idea when all of this had turned into an actual conversation and not just part of the 'Find Jin a match' thing.

"I play video games. I like to go out and drink. I like to draw..."

"Drawing's nice. I like to draw too."

Jimin really liked to express his creativity through dancing and drawing too.

"We could draw together sometimes."

Jungkook said and only then it hit him why they're actually here.

"No... I mean I'm here for a reason."

Jungkook acted surprised.

"You mean you're not here trying to get to know me since you fell for my charm the first time we saw each other?"

Was Jungkook joking or was he so full of himself?

"Definitely not."

Jimin said firmly so Jungkook acted as if his heart hurt.

"Why then?"

"Well see, um... I have an older brother. He is the person who I live with and the one who's taking care of me. He's amazing, but recently he's gone through a break up and is a living mess. I need him to be normal again. I can't live like that anymore. He doesn't make my sandwiches right. He forgets our movie nights, he's always sad and doesn't help around the house, everything is just wrong and I need it to stop. So my best friend figured out this amazing plan where I'm supposed to find my brother a perfect match so that he can be happy again."

Jungkook's mouth dropped a little.

"And you think I could be his perfect match? "

"Oh God no. You are actually everything opposite from what he's into, but for some odd reason, the three guys that were supposed to fit well, didn't, so my friend had an interesting idea. Maybe I could pair my brother with someone he usually wouldn't choose himself cause opposites attract or something like that. It sounded smarter when Tae had said it." Jimin frowned, not so sure about this whole thing anymore.

"That's so..."

Jungkook trailed, but failed to finish the sentence.

"Considerate?" Jimin tried to help.



Jimin didn't get it.

"Yeah. I mean what about your brother and his feelings?"

"What about it?"

Jimin still didn't get it.

"Well what if he doesn't want to date now? What if he needs a bit more time to get over his ex?"

"He doesn't. He needs a new guy cause that way he can forget Namjoon, his ex."

Jungkook frowned.

"And what makes you think that I would accept to date him in the first place? Maybe I like someone else already."

Jimin scoffed.

"Please, you're saying that only cause you haven't seen him. My brother's nickname is world wide handsome, literally, his friends call him handsome all the time, and he has an amazing job, likes to take care of people, loves animals..."

"Show me a pic."

Jimin took his phone out and after finding one of his favorites Jin's pics he turned the phone towards Jungkook, waiting for his judgment.

"Good looks are obviously running in your genes. He really is handsome."

Jungkook stared so Jimin turned the phone away. There was some weird feeling in his stomach.

"So you're in? You'll try to help?"

"I don't know... Maybe. I like you so I would love to try and help you out."

"Oh please you're just blown away by my brother's good looks, don't even pretend that this has something to do with me."

Jungkook smiled cutely.

"It actually has everything to do with you. I'm in. But I'll do it only under one condition."

Jimin looked at him suspiciously.

"What do you want?"

"I don't want to jump into this so easily. I want to hang out with you a bit more so that we could figure out the best plan for this to work. We need to get to know each other in order for our plan to work."

Jimin chewed on the inside of his cheek.

"That's actually really considerate of you. Ok. We can do that. We can meet up here and discuss how your first date is supposed to look like. Then I can teach you things that my brother likes so that he could like you better. We should really work on that."

Jimin got excited.

"I think he'll like me just the way I am." Jungkook said after sipping on his coffee, batting his lashes acting all cute.

"He won't."

Jungkook pushed his tongue out, mockingly.

"First of all, my brother's gay and he's more comfortable with dating gay people so since you're bi, could you forget about the girls while we do this?"

"Of course. I'm loyal and faithful so I wasn't thinking of dating anyone else while we work on this."

"Good. Next thing, we have a cat, and you said you like dogs better. Please don't say that in front of him cause he's really annoying and overly dramatic when he's into something and trying to prove a point."

Jungkook chuckled.

"Noted. I actually like cats too."

"Good. Now about you being switch." Jimin trailed, Jungkook sighs.

"Oh boy..."

"My brother is an exclusive bottom so he needs someone who will be top all the time. Are you ok with that?" Jimin said while being all serious, and Jungkook looked like all of it was amusing to him, but also a bit embarrassing.

"That's fine too."

"Excellent." Jimin wrote something down on his papers, and remembered one more thing.

Something really important.

"Oh and one last thing, is your dick bigger than 5 inches?"

Jungkook choked on air.

"You're joking, right?"

"Why?" Jimin just looked at him dumb founded.

"Oh... You're serious."

"Well Jin likes big dicks so I just wanted to cut to the chase cause if you don't have one that's big enough what's the point of keep going with this?" Jimin was all invested in this.

"No worries, I'm big enough." Jungkook said and went with his hands over his face from forehead down to his chin, looking a bit flustered.

"Sorry if I asked something inappropriate, but I needed to know."

"No, no... Everything's fine. It's just funny I guess. I'm having an amazing time with you." Jungkook smiled and his teeth looked kind of like a bunny teeth and for the first time Jimin found himself enjoying watching someone smile.

"It's getting late. I really should go home." Jimin got up, so Jungkook did too, following the older while always being a few steps behind.

After Jimin paid for their coffees (he insisted) they came outside and walked down the street together.

"I'm living pretty close, so I'll walk home." Jimin said while putting a black blazer on top of his shirt.

"I'm not far either. I live in Gangam street so can I walk with you for a bit and then I'll take a cab?"

Jimin thought about it for a second. He wouldn't mind that.


They walked while talking about their day to day lives, just getting to know each other better.

It was a bit weird to share some information such as why Jimin likes dancing, when he was working in the library, why he doesn't like to take public transport except cabs, but he didn't mind sharing cause Jungkook always shared some new things about himself too.

Jimin learned how Jungkook is a freshman at Sports academy and loves to work out. How he has one best friend, Yoongi who is also his roommate. He noticed that Jungkook has this specific warm tone of voice that keeps him calm and he really wouldn't mind listening to the younger (he learned that Jungkook is 2 years younger than him too) speak even more.

"I live here."

Jimin showed at the house that they were standing close to so Jungkook nodded.

"I'm happy you came home safe. I'm gonna walk some more since the night is really pretty."

Jungkook said while putting his hands inside his pockets, smiling with warmth in his eyes.

"Ok. So I'll text you when to meet up again? Ok?" Jimin asked while looking for keys.

"Ok. I'm looking forward to seeing you again."

Weird ...

"Ok. Bye then. Talk to you soon."

Jimin waved goodbye, looking at the younger waving with a grin on his face.


"Either you've killed someone, or Sokjin hyung has finally made you some proper lunch."

Jimin heard Tae's voice while he was drawing some pretty flowers he saw on his way to Uni.

"None of those things and should I be concerned about the fact that you think killing someone would make me happy?"

Jimin looked at his best friend with suspicion consuming his face.

"As if you have any real concern in your life." Tae sat down, looking at Jimin's drawing.

"My Asperger's syndrome mixed with a bit of OCD and germophobia would highly disagree."

Tae chuckled.

"You really are messed up."

Jimin rolled his eyes dramatically.

"So why are you happy?"

"I'm not happy. Why would you assume that?"

Jimin continued drawing.

"Because you only draw when you're happy. I know you. I know that you dance when you're sad, but you always doodle something when you're happy."

"I haven't noticed that... Um... I think I'm just excited cause I'm planning a perfect date with a guy that's nothing like my brother would usually go for, but I'm having high hopes that this could work."

Tae frowned.

"Nothing you just said made any sense to me."

"That's cause you're not that smart."

Tae looked at him dead panned.

"It was your idea dummy. To try to find a guy that's totally opposite from what my brother would like. I found the number from that guy that literally had nothing in common with Jin and he is actually willing to help me out."

Tae pursed his lips, looking at Jimin confused.

" And why would he do that? What would he get out of this? "

" Well, a date with Seokjin. You know how my brother looks. You always drool over him whenever the three of us hang out together. "

" I do not." Jimin shot some daggers with the way he looked at Tae.

" Aghhh fine. I'm always drooling... Still I'm a bit worried that that guy wants to help that freely. "

" I actually feel good about this, and he kind of gives me some kind of calm feeling when he's around me. I didn't have to explain my condition too much either, he already knows about Aspergers and was ok with it. "

" Well there's nothing not to be ok with. You're a bit different, sure, but there's nothing wrong with that. People who know you, love you exactly for who you are. "

Jimin looked down at the table. Feeling a bit shy cause of the straight forward compliments.

" Thank you Tae. You always make me feel good about myself. "

" That's what friends are for. Now tell me about your plans with Jungkook."

"Well he wants to hang out a bit before arranging the first date for him and Jin, so that he could get to know Jin better and wow him with his charm."

Tae hummed.

"That sounds smart. Are you ok with hanging out with him alone? Want me to come with you?"

Tae was very protective.

"I'm fine. No need to come with me. Jungkook is a nice company and gives me that warm and safe feeling. I think I'll be fine."

"Ok. But if you need anything just let me know ok?"

"Ok Tae. Thank you."


While thinking about all the things he needed to do on weekends, Jimin thought how today was a perfect opportunity for him to meet with Jungkook cause he had some free time around 6 p.m. and later on, Jin and him had planned to watch a movie together until late night.

While looking at Jungkook's phone number, he thought about sending him a message or to call.

He decided to call him.

Two beeps after, the younger answered.

"Hi Jimin. How are you?"

"Hi. I'm good. I thought, if you don't have any plans tonight around 6 p.m, we could meet for an hour and talk about our plan. I have some free time so..."

"I don't have any plans. Well actually I have, but we could still meet up and talk."

Jimin was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"My roommate is a musician, and every Friday he is playing piano at a coffee bar Rooftop Floating and I always go there to support him so we could go together tonight. What do you say?"

Usually Jimin liked to stick to the usual spaces he knew weren't crowded and knew that if he felt uncomfortable or anxious, that he could return home whenever he wanted. This would be totally different so he struggled with his answer.

"I assure you the place is nice and open, very quiet too, and people can come in only with reservations so there's not too many people inside and everyone has their own table. If by any chance you feel any discomfort or want to leave, we'll go immediately."

Again, Jimin felt that warm feeling of someone supportive putting his needs in front of everything else and he felt at peace...

He nodded.

Of course Jungkook couldn't see him.


"Oh I forgot to answer. Um... Ok. Just send me the address and I'll be there at 6 p.m."

"Do you want me to pick you up? We could go together."

Jungkook offered so Jimin thought briefly about it.

"No. I'm fine with cabs. I'll meet you there."

"Ok. See you soon I guess."

"Yes. Bye."

Jimin hung up the phone without waiting for any answer and went to grab a quick shower.

He felt a bit nervous and overwhelmed by sudden change of plans cause he really thought about how he and Jungkook would meet a few times at the same coffee shop they already met, but there's no turning back now.

While combing his dark hair nicely and tucking a few strands behind his ear, Jimin put his favorite watch on his wrist, and tucked his usual white button up shirt inside navy blue slacks before calling a cab.

The place was a bit further from his home and he felt as if every new kilometer was adding a new anxiety pressure into this whole decision.

He felt that way until the cab came up on the hill where the bar was located.

And then he saw Jungkook, waiting for him in front of the bar, looking good, again in all black attire.

This time, Jungkook was wearing a black button up with black jeans and a blazer on top of all of that.

He looked good.

"Hi Jiminshi." The younger bowed politely, which made Jimin's chest swallow cause the younger acknowledged his discomfort with touches with this simple act.

Jimin bowed back, coming step closer, but stopping still far away, making sure his usual distance was there.

"Did you have trouble finding this place?"

Jungkook naturally led the way to the door, never turning his back fully to Jimin, always kind of looking at him sideways.

"No. The cab driver knew immediately where it was."

Jungkook opened the door wide for Jimin to enter first, and then he came right behind him, but still leaving some space between them.

"I usually sit here. This is my booth." Jungkook showed to the small booth right next to the big white piano, so Jimin took a seat on one of the big comfy chairs.

The place looked spectacular.

Wall to floor windows with an amazing view of the mountain. Just breathtaking.

" So your friend works here?"

This time around Jimin started the small talk, actually being interested in getting to know Jungkook more.

"Yes. Here and at two more bars. He composes music too. Yoongi hyung's really talented. We met at one party and we spent the night drinking together and we just clicked immediately. We have similar taste in alcohol. Do you drink?"

"I do. My brother and Tae usually get me drunk before movies or a night out cause then I get a bit more normal..." Jimin said and shrugged, Jungkook frowned.

"You're not unnormal. I don't like that. You are the way you are and they shouldn't try to change that."

Jimin felt weird again.

Warmth around his chest.

What is this ?

"Well... Sometimes I'm hard to handle and they just want us to have fun without me second guessing if everything is clean enough or if I'll have a meltdown if someone accidentally touches me, or if God forbid I get some triangles on my food."

Jungkook shook his head, not liking what Jimin just said.

" All of those things are just you. You can't change that and you shouldn't. They should just respect your wishes more and your unique style of living."

Jimin almost scoffs.

" Unique style of living? Why don't we call it a real name. I'm a living freak show. I know that. I know that how I feel and how I act sometimes is just not normal, but I can't change that and even if I could, which my therapist said that with hard work could be manageable, I still...don't want to. I'm ok with who I am. I don't mind being different. "

Jungkook smiled fondly.

" Exactly. You should never change cause being different isn't bad, just different. And if you say you're a freak show one more time, I might fight you for real on that one."

"Well that's what others have called me my whole life." Jimin said while putting his head down. Suddenly remembering all the hard times he's been through cause of his condition.

"Others. Not you. You shouldn't call yourself that cause you know better."

"You're right. I'm actually really comfortable with who I am. I just rarely discuss it with anyone. The people that are close to me already know it all and I usually don't like to meet new people. At all."

Jungkook smiled.

"I think you should meet new people and let others get to know you since you're really fun to be around."

Jimin frowned, but he wasn't feeling angry. It was more like he was suppressing something else...

"I'm not fun to be around."

Jungkook smiled again.

His voice sounded really warm.

"Yes you are. Really fun actually. I wouldn't mind spending more time with you and getting to know you better..."

"Well let's hope that you'll start dating my brother soon and then we'll see each other all the time."

"That's one way we could see each other and..."

"Good evening gentleman, what can I bring for you?" The tall, lean waiter came to their table, asking for an order.

Jimin looked briefly at the menu on the table and chose dark beer.

Jungkook looked at him suspiciously.

"Can we have a minute more to decide?"

"Of course. Just call me when you're ready to order."

"Thank you."

"Is the beer bad or something? I usually like dark beer." Jimin asked the moment the waiter was gone.

"No. It's amazing actually, I just... Well... You said how you become a bit more free when you drink and I just want you to know that you don't have to do that. I'm ok with having your company the way you are. I mean if you're drinking for those reasons... "

Jungkook mumbled.

"I like beer. That's why I ordered it. When I want to loosen up a little I go with tequila or vodka. This will hardly do anything to me."

"Oh ok. Then it's fine I guess."

"Even when I'm drunk I'm still me Jungkook. I just get a bit more normal, as in, I don't wash my hands every time I touch something, or I say 'fuck' more often which Tae finds hilarious cause I usually don't curse."

Jungkook chuckled.

"You're so funny."

"Only unintentionally."

"Naturally then. Without trying too much."

"More like, without trying at all."

"That's your charm then."

Jimin frowned.

"I don't have any charm..."

His cheeks were hot.

What is this ?

"Oh I couldn't disagree more."

"Waiteeer." Jimin yelled for no specific reason. Maybe he was that thirsty. Probably. Not uncomfortable with the compliments. No... He loved compliments. Adore them. He was as uncomfortable as ever.

"So I thought about pick-nick."

After almost half an hour of sipping all kinds of beer, cause Jimin needed to try every single one they got, finally it was time to talk about the thing they were here for.

"A pick-nick?" Jungkook repeated, surprised.

"Yeah. See, Jin is a bit more romantic and cheesy guy, so I think a nice pick-nick in some quiet place, maybe some park or near the river could be the perfect first date."

Jungkook nodded.

"Sounds nice. How about you?"

Jimin sipped on his third glass of beer.

"What about me?"

"What would you consider a perfect first date?"

Jimin frowned while biting his lower lip.

"I wouldn't know. I never dated anyone. Never went on a date either."

Jungkook's eyes doubled its size and his eyes were big.

"W-What? You never... Not even..."


"Not a single date?"


"Movies and drinks?"


"Someone's apartment then, something more private..."

Seemed like Jungkook really tried to understand.

"No. Nothing."

"But... Then how..."

Jungkook obviously had some questions, but failed to ask them out loud.

Jimin just looked at him. Not knowing what to say.

"What about sex?"

Jungkook blurted out and covered his mouth right after.

"No." Jimin answered dead-panned.

"No? Like nothing?" Jungkook squinted his eyes awaiting the answer.


"Yes what?"

"Yes to no nothing. Why are you asking so many questions? You should ask about Jin, not me."

Jimin squirmed in his seat, Jungkook's eyes were kind of dark and he felt like he'd been stripped down naked, all vulnerable and exposed.

"But you're so good looking and fun and pretty."

Wow, Jimin's cheeks were burning at this point.

"M not..."

And suddenly, the slowest and softest piano music started playing and Jimin's body and soul got wrapped up in a bubble that the melody played...

He turned around to see the man playing and was pleasantly surprised to see a young man with mint hair and the cutest little cat-like eyes.

"Wow this is just beautiful."

He said while looking at a man, named Yoongi, Jungkook's best friend, totally missing how Jungkook only had eyes for him the whole time...

After the first song finished, Jimin clapped enthusiastically, finally turning to see Jungkook who was already looking at him back.

"He is amazing. I love his mint hair!" Jimin almost yelled.

Jungkook nodded, and then glanced at Yoongi's direction, the mint haired man waved at the two of them.

Jimin became shy.

"Oh God he's waving at us."

Jungkook smiled.

"That's cause he's my friend. And I had mint hair too. My other very good friend Hosek hyung is really good with dying hair. If you want we could dye yours too."

"Could he do it without touching my head with his hands?"


"Then no."

"How do you even cut your hair and are you ok with people touching you with other body parts?"

"My brother or Tae do it for me. I'm ok with them touching me for a greater purpose. And I usually get high or drunk when they do it. What do you mean other body parts?"

"Well, let's say if someone touches you with feet. Are you ok with that?"

"Why would someone touch me with their feet?" Jimin grimaced.

"Bad example. How about with their head?"

"Is there a reason someone would touch me with their head?" Jimin was confused again.

"I'm just curious cause you said you don't like people touching you with their hands. How about when they touch you with other body parts?"

"People don't touch me at all. If they brush my body with theirs while walking, I usually just get goosebumps or sneeze, or cringe about it, but when they touch me with their hands on purpose, I scream as loud as I can. Unintentionally. Instinctively. Jin is the only person who can touch me without me trying to bite his fingers off. I'd still hit him, but not too hard, cause he's my brother and I trust him completely."

Jungkook took a deep breath.

"Speaking of Jin, do you wanna talk about places Jin and I could go, or..." Jungkook tried to speak at least a little about the thing they needed to talk about cause that was the point, right?

"Can I listen to your friend play some more please?"

Jimin really enjoyed himself to the point that he forgot about time and his movie night with Jin.

"Jimin it's almost 9 p.m and this is Yoongi's last song. Do you want to stay more or you want to leave before everyone else starts exiting?

" Almost nine?! What? How? "

Jimin got up immediately so Jungkook followed closely behind, but never too close.

"I'm gonna call a cab..."

"Can I drive you home? I came with my car..."

"No. That's fine. I have this cab driver that I always call..."

Jimin took his phone out, but the battery was dead.

"Oh crap. I didn't charge my phone. Now I don't know the number..."

"We could go together... I live in the same direction only further away. Please."

What other options did Jimin have?

After saying goodbye to Yoongi, well Jungkook talked and Jimin just stood there next to him feeling overwhelmed by all the talent Jungkook's friend had possessed, they finally went back home, and Jimin felt good.

Jungkook was driving slowly and he kept his eyes on the road, glancing at Jimin only from time to time.

"So... Did you have fun tonight?"

Jungkook asked, and Jimin thought about it.

He loved the beer.

Loved the music.

Felt free to talk about whatever he wanted...

Basically, he enjoyed the whole thing which felt a bit weird.

"I actually did... I just don't know how we ended up being together for three hours and only thought about pick-nick being the best option for Jin and your first date?" Jimin said while playing with his fingers, looking down at his hands.

"Well Yoongi hyung played and you wanted to listen. Maybe next time we'll talk more."

Jungkook concluded so Jimin nodded.

"Maybe we will."

"When are we gonna see each other again?"

Jimin looked up, remembering all of his usual activities, trying to find some free time in his usually packed schedule.

"Well, I work on Monday, Thursday and Saturday at the library, those days I don't have free time since in the mornings I have Uni, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday I have dance classes, and I always have movie nights on Friday..."

"Woah woah woah, are you telling me how you don't have time except on Sunday and maybe Friday evening for going out and having some fun?"

"I usually don't go out and I don't have fun."

"But you did tonight." Jungkook glanced at him for a second.

"I did..." Jimin said, sounding confused and kind of like he couldn't believe his own words.

"How about on Sunday morning we meet for an hour cause I usually have my boxing training later and then I have to do all the stuff for Uni during the day."

Jimin thought about it briefly.

Sunday morning, waking up Jin, clean the room, waking up Jin again, eat breakfast, do some Uni assignments , waking up Jin...

" That could work..." he figured.

" Ok, so Sunday at ten? Or do you want some other time? "

"Ten's ok. Let's meet at that little coffee shop where we met for the first time. Ok? It's quiet, nice and we'll have some privacy to talk."

Jungkook nodded.


After another ten minutes of slow drive and casual chit-chat, Jimin was home.

"Thank you for tonight. I'll see you soon."

He said while going outside. Jungkook waved while smiling cutely.

"Thank you for the good company. See you soon Jiminshi."

Jimin stopped and glanced at the younger briefly before entering the building.

Good company... Am I a good company? Was this how people who don't know each other get to know each other? Was this kind of like...

" You're here!!!"

The moment he entered inside the house, Jin ran to him and hugged him tightly, making Jimin to hold his breath while counting backwards from 13 (something that calmed him usually down) his whole body feeling stiff and like on fire at the same time.

" Jin... Please..." he said breathlessly so finally Jin let go of him.

Jimin could finally breathe again.

He would probably scream too, but he was a bit tipsy.

"Where were you? And don't say with Tae cause I called him the moment I figured you were late to our movie night. I should probably call him, the poor guy is freaking out just like me..."

Jin mumbled, and Jimin thought about what to say, the truth wasn't an option so he struggled cause he hated lying.

" I was out with a friend... "

It was a lie, but not a huge one.

"What friend? You don't have friends other than Tae."

Jin looked at him with a frown.

Just as Jimin was about to lie some more or hide somewhere, Tae answered the phone.

"He's home." Jin said immediately.

"I'll tell him. Ok. Bye." Jin finished the conversation and looked at Jimin again.

"Tae said you should call him as soon as you can."

"I will. Um... So are we gonna watch some movie or?"

Jin looked slightly angrier than before.

"Where were you Jiminah?"

Jimin rolled his eyes, unable to think anything on the spot...

"What's going on?"

Well anything but the truth is better...

"I was on a date."

The words just came out of his mouth without him even thinking about it.

"On... On a date? You? But... How? With who?" Jin looked totally confused and worried.

"With a guy I met with Tae... It's nothing special... Um... We just hang out..." Jimin fucking stuttered.

"But... Are you two... Are you gonna go out again?" Jin came closer, now his features softened a little.

"Um... Yes. We have some plans on Sunday, but it's nothing serious or worthy to talk about... So movies?" Jimin tried to let go of this but Jin was still worried.

"Jimin, if you're gonna date this guy I think we need to have 'the talk'."

Jimin had no idea what Jin was talking about.

"The talk?"

"Sex talk."

Jimin started walking towards his room.

"Jimin! Stop being a baby! You can't come home and tell me how you've been on a date and then try to shut me down."

Jimin just kept walking.

"I'm not gonna talk about sex with you. I know what sex is believe it or not but this is not like that."

"I know you know what it is, but there are some things that no one can teach you and I want us to have an open conversation about this so that you don't feel pressured or creeped out by some things."

Jin kept following him.

"I'm already weirded out by the amount of time I saw you and Namjoon doing it. "

Jimin said while entering his room and closing the door behind him.

"Brat, that's only cause you never learned how to fucking knock! And why would you mention Namjoon? We said no more that name in this house."

Jin became a whinny mess in no time.

"Sorry I forgot." Jimin yelled from the inside of his room, knowing damn well how he said Jin's ex name cause he wanted this whole conversation to be over.

The moment he heard Jin playing some sad songs in the living room, he called Tae to tell him how everything went well with Jungkook.

"Jiminah! What happened?"

Tae seemed worried.

"Hey, everything went just fine. We went to some really pretty bar with an amazing view and Jungkook's friend was playing the piano. He sounded mesmerizing."

"Oh... So you had fun? And you went somewhere you never were before?"

Jimin thought about it briefly and figured that that was the case.

"Um. Yes. Jungkook could only go there, but I really liked the place. We should go together sometimes."

Tae scoffed.

"What?" Jimin heard him loud and clear.

"You can't be serious. Really Jimin!"


"You're telling me how you went with someone you barely know in a bar that you never went to before where live music was playing?"


"Well that's just fucked up!"

"What? Why?"

"Why??? How many times have I begged you to come to some new place with me? How many fucking times? And you always say how new places make you uncomfortable and anxious and I never pressured you or anything but now, you're totally fine with going to some new place with Jung-who? Really? "

Tae was pissed.

"But you always want to go clubbing or to a concert and I really can't Tae. I hate places where too many people are around... "

" Was the bar you went to with Jungkook empty? "


Tae scoffed again.

"But it wasn't crowded either. We had our own little booth and no one was bothering us."

"How cute. Well I hope you made the perfect plan for your brother and Jungkook to finally meet, and don't forget to give me some credit cause all of it was my idea to begin with."

"'s a plan... But we need to work on some details."

"Oh... So you'll meet again?" Tae sounded surprised.

"Yes. On Sunday. We'll just go to Cheers and grab a cup of coffee while discussing some details."

"Nice. Nice. Can I come too?" Tae was obviously interested in all of this.

"No." Jimin said immediately.

"No? Why not?"

"Why would you come?"

"To meet Jungkook. To get to know him a bit better."

"But why?"

"He sounds nice."

"Maybe some other time when he starts dating Seokjin. We really have a lot to talk about and you'd only be bothering us."

"Wow. Where's my best friend and what have you done to him?"

"Sorry Tae. Your gossip date will have to wait."

"Fine. I can wait. See you on Monday."


Jimin layed down thinking about everything that's been happening in his life and he can't help but feel a bit anxious and nervous, but also kind of excited.

While checking on his alarm clock on the phone Jimin glanced at his phone and saw a new unread message.


Hope your brother didn't get mad cause you were late. See you on Sunday. Sleep well.

Jimin made himself comfortable in his bed, and read the message again, and again, and again.

His head was empty but his heart was kind of fluttering.

Should I answer ?


He was mad and I had to lie that I was on a real date... Delete

He doesn't have to know that...


You're welcome... I had an amazing time... Delete

I already said that...


Everything's ok. See you soon. Good night Jungkook.

And he clicked send with shaky hands.

All of this felt so weird and new and a bit scary, unfamiliar, but he knew he's doing it for his brother and for their lives to finally get back to normal. At least he thought so.


This one's a random one. 😁 Just telling you.
Actually this is the first time I'm writing something cause I got inspired by a movie I saw 10 years ago. It's a Swedish movie called 'Simple Simon' and I loved it then, I love it now, and I thought why not write something like that, but with JiKook in it. That's how my brain works.🙄😂

Please read the story with open mind and heart cause it does imply people with special needs, which is totally fine since we live in society that's supposed to accept everyone's differences and cherish people because of those differences even more. I know I do.
The story is fun and angst free, well at least there's no heavy angst, maybe just a tiny bit, but I tried to focus on positivity in their relationship and a lot of humor.

I hope you liked the first chapter. Thank you for reading, I appreciate your kudos and comments a lot!💜

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