First time...
"Please don't kick me, I'm only staring at you as a normal creep."
Jimin heard the younger while he was waking up, stretching his body so he smiled even before opening his eyes.
"Good morning to you too." he said with a sleepy voice, trying to open his eyes and to adjust to the brightness in the room.
"Oh, you're in a good mood. That's great. I thought you're gonna push me off the bed like last time." Jungkook was positioned on his right side, looking at Jimin, his hands under his head.
"I only did that cause I freaked out. I could never hurt you... Intentionally..." Jimin blushed while saying that last word quietly, loving the big grin on Jungkook's face.
"I know and I feel pretty safe around you." Jungkook winked at the older so he pinched his arm with just a little force.
"That's cause you tease me all the time." Jimin said with a little pout.
"I want to kiss you good morning." Jungkook looked at those plump lips.
"Oh... Ok... So..." Jimin really hated the thought of that morning breath and taste in their mouth...
"Let's go." Jungkook jumped up, revealing his hot muscle while only wearing boxer briefs, so Jimin stared up and down like a lunatic.
"Where?" he got up too, looking like a sack of bones in that oversized shirt.
"To brush our teeth. I said I want to kiss you. Let's go." Jungkook said enthusiastically and it's like his mood was contagious, Jimin felt excited too.
After Jungkook covered that handsome body of his, they walked outside and went to brush their teeth. The whole time they were glancing at each other in the mirror, smiling shyly, well only Jimin smiled shyly, Jungkook was cocking his eyebrows at the older, licking the toothbrush teasingly, then making a mess all around his mouth with that toothpaste foam, then licking it all clean teasingly. Jimin just shook his head at his childish behavior.
"You're insane." Jimin laughed while they were entering the living room, looking all goofy and playful.
Then he saw his boyfriend putting his hands behind his back, looking a little less playful and a lot more fond.
"Now, give me my morning kisses." Jungkook said while sitting on the couch, hands always behind his back.
Jimin bit on his lower lip and came closer, thinking what would be the most comfortable way for him to sit, and enjoy his morning kisses.
He straddled the younger's lap and leaned down, craving those lips, wanting nothing more than to feel the softness of Jungkook's tongue on his, wetness of their two lips colliding...
Jimin put his hands on the younger's cheeks, bringing their faces even closer, moving in sync with every Jungkook's push, lick, bite...
Seemed like they forgot what time is, what they had to do today, that there is life outside these walls and that there are responsibilities other than them kissing in the middle of the room, so while still being in their little kissable bubble, they got startled by footsteps coming inside.
"Wow! I will never get used to seeing this. Never!" Jin said while walking next to them, making Jimin jump off the younger's lap, blushing hot pink.
"Good morning hyung." Jungkook greeted him while Jimin was cracking his knuckles nervously.
"What are you doing here this early?" Jimin asked while following his brother into the kitchen.
"Well since it's Saturday and I have to go to work, I thought about how I would grab a quick shower and dress in something clean, and I didn't have anything of mine at Namjoons so..."
"Oh, right... I have to go to the library too." Jimin totally forgot about his work, but luckily, he was doing the second shift and had a lot of time before that.
"Jungkookah... can you stay for breakfast, or do you have somewhere to be? Boxing class or something?" Jimin came into the living room, looking at the younger who was positioned just like before, remote in his hand, going through some channels.
"I have my boxing class in two hours, and then I have a meeting with Yoongi hyung and some new group that is interested in some of his songs, and after that I need to work on my essay for my Sports theory class."
"So you can eat here and then go?" Jimin thought about how the younger had enough time to stay a bit longer with him.
"I can. Sure. What are we eating?"
"You're gonna make us those delicious pancakes like that one time when you were here..." Jimin said excitedly, clapping his hands like a kid.
"Oh really. So basically, you want me to stay for breakfast just so that I could cook for you." Jungkook got up and walked closer to Jimin.
"No... I want you to eat and be with me a bit longer..." Jimin said while blushing, so Jungkook smiled at him.
"You're lucky I like you so much. I would literally do anything for you."
The younger leaned and kissed Jimin softly until an ugly sob interrupted them and made them look in the kitchen.
Jin was crying and wiping his tears with his sleeve.
"Jin... are you ok?"
The older just waved his hand, sniffing loudly, trying to compose his posture.
"I am... It's just... You're so cute and I'm kind of emotional these days..."
"You're always emotional and dramatic." Jimin added as a matter of fact, so Jin changed his expression into a dead panned one.
"You're killing my mood." he said while shaking his head, a little sparkle was still visible in his eyes while observing his little brother and his first ever boyfriend.
Jin walked past them, and before going to his room he walked back to them.
"I'm just curious... Do you kiss right after waking up, cause I know how much Jimin hates morning breath..." he chuckled so both of them laughed.
"We brush our teeth first." Jungkook answered so Jin giggled. That loud squeaky sound that could wake a stone up.
"I bet Namjoon hyung and you don't brush your teeth before kissing in the morning." Jimin said while crossing his arms on top of his chest looking sassy.
"Of course we don't. We both stink equally bad so we just mix our bad taste and breath together and make a totally new sensation of smells and tastes. It's divine." Jin explained it all while waving his hands dramatically.
"You're gross." Jimin said while going inside the kitchen, feeling all done with this conversation. Jungkook followed him while laughing his ass off.
"Jin hyung is so funny." Jungkook said while naturally taking the ingredients he remembered from that last time that he was cooking in Jimin's kitchen, and the older helped him out with the little things like cracking eggs, mixing the batter, preparing the plates, forks...
It felt good to share his living space with the younger, and once again, Jimin's head started having some questions that he didn't wanna think about at the moment, but it was stronger than him.
Could this be us?
Could we have this for the long run?
Would Jungkook be ok with us spending more time together like this...
Like we're more than just dates and intimacy...
Would he like to have more than we already have...
What if he can't see himself with me cause of my flaws and insecurities...
What if he leaves me one day cause I'm not capable of so many things and...
"Jiminah... "
His thoughts got cut off by Jungkook's soft voice so he shakes his head, removing those unwanted thoughts somewhere in the back of his head where they usually live...
"Should we ask Jin hyung to join us?" Jungkook asked before putting some butter and jelly on the table.
"Sure. JINAAAAAH!" so Jimin screams from the top of his lungs, knowing damn well how to call his brother when the food's ready.
"Yaaaah!" the older yelled from his room.
So they ate all together, complimenting Jungkook's perfect pancakes, enjoying the nice, warm food, almost as a family, as that picture perfect portrait that Jimin was dreaming of.
"Jungkookah, you look like someone who could help me repaint the walls in the living room and kitchen." Jin suddenly had an idea.
"I love doing that actually. I painted my whole apartment a year ago and it's time for me to do it again. I even have those fancy rollers and brushes. I would really love to help."
Jimin looked at him fondly.
My boyfriend knows how to paint the room...
Ok. So maybe it was a little hot that Jungkook knew how to do that.
Maybe a lot.
"Maybe this time we would have normal, even color on the walls for once." Jimin said in between bites so Seokjin threw some cheese at him.
"Yah! Is that how you thank me for my effort?"
"What effort?"
The worst thing was, Jimin wasn't even trying to be sarcastic.
"Never mind. When are you free Jungkookah? This might take us the whole day you know... How about next Sunday?" Jin was already making mental notes in his head.
"Oh, I can't that fast. I have another meeting with Yoongi hyung and this new boy band. We're doing another song and cover for them, and we can only do it on Sunday. How about the next Sunday, the one after that. I think I could do it then."
Jin nodded.
"Sure. It's a plan."
They all nodded eagerly.
If Jimin thought how Jungkook couldn't get any hotter than that time he came into his room, wearing only a towel on his hips, boy, was he wrong...
The day finally came, the plan for painting the room was done, and Jimin really got excited about it.
Well the plan that Jin made was simple.
Paint the room
That was it.
Jungkook on the other hand, had a bit more detailed plan.
- gather the materials
- prep the room for painting
- mix the paint
- get rolling
- finish and clean up
And the worst thing wasn't even the way the younger was so determined and excited to do this, then the way he walked into Jimin's house, wearing a simple white shirt and a denim overall looking cute and hot at the same time. Jimin obviously had a thing for man in overalls cause why else couldn't he take his eyes off of his boyfriend while doing such a stupid thing as taping the door frames or removing the light switch plates or dry-dusting the walls floor to ceiling and scrubbing any extra-grimy parts with a wet sponge or cloth... It was stupid how worked up the older got, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Suffer in peace.
"Jin hyung, are you ready to mix the color?"
Jungkook asked after putting some drop clothes over the floor, trying to keep everything neat and clean... Jimin was in heaven.
"I have no idea what I want..." Jin came inside. Already looking like a mess, and he only wiped some dust from the kitchen cabinets.
"How about you let Jimin hyung decide then? He has an eye for these things. He's pretty artsy." Jungkook suggested so Jimin blushed, feeling all important and big all of a sudden.
"Sure. Pick a color my brother." Jin said with a grin, so Jimin walked over to the color palette that the younger was holding and after looking at his options, he made the decision based on what color looked the best next to Jungkook's hand.
"I pick that creamy one."
"This one?" Jungkook showed the color that had 'Cream' tag on it so Jimin nodded.
"It's really pretty hyung. Delicate and warm, just like you."
And Jimin was blushing...
Delicate and warm... How about hot and bothered?
Jimin thanked Jungkook with a soft peck, and then it was time for the younger to mix those colors together.
"Though the store generally shakes the paint for you, a decent stir will ensure your paint is properly mixed." So Jungkook did a decent stir. And he did it good.
While rolling his sleeves up, revealing his pretty tattoos, he took some tool Jimin had no idea the name of and with those strong hands, he stirred the color nicely, making sure there were no lumps in it.
His hands are so veiny and strong...
Jimin thought while trying to paint some space under the window with a small brush.
At first, he used an angled brush and a sponge tool to "cut in," and paint a two-inch swath around the edges of woodwork and the ceiling.
Then he grabbed the paint tray and a roller.
"I need to pre-wet the roller first." he said so Jimin's eyes widened.
"Sorry what?"
"Pre-wet the roller, since it's latex paint... We get that one since it's washable with soap and water after drying."
Ah... pre-wet... yeah... of course... I heard him right... I'm not deaf.
Then the younger filled the well of the paint tray about ¼ of the way. After loading the paint, he rolled the roller back and forth in the well until it was uniformly covered. Finally, he moved the roller back and forth in the upper portion to remove any excess.
Jimin really didn't wanna think about how good Jungkook looked. All concentrated and focused on his assignment, a little frown was prominent on his face, lips pursed and often licked... He really didn't wanna think about all of that, but too bad... He did and there's nothing he could do about it.
Jungkook started filling in the central unpainted space using the roller.
"I'm gonna paint the wall in overlapping M-shaped strokes for the most even paint distribution."
Every now or then he would inform Jimin of what he was doing and Jimin would only understand some of the things he was saying.
Strokes? What strokes...
"Huh?" he looked confused.
"Like this." so the younger did the M-shaped motion while holding that roller firmly in his hand, covering the middle wall perfectly with those careful strokes.
"Oh yeah... That's... that's amazing." Jimin was smitten.
An hour later, the younger had finished with the first coat.
While waiting for an hour or so between doing another coat, Jungkook started covering the tray and brush with plastic wrap so that it wouldn't dry off and once again Jimin was sweating cause how can someone be so perfect.
"Jiminah, do you have some moist rug or cloth cause there is some fresh splatter on the floor and I want to clean it before it dries."
Just bend me over the kitchen table...
"Yes. I'll be right back."
Jimin went into the bathroom, and while picking some old rug he splashed some water onto it, he looked at his reflection in the mirror.
He looked red.
His cheeks red and lips swollen probably from all the biting he has been doing while thirsting over the younger.
Calm the fuck down...
"Just so you know, a credit card is the best for scraping off those dried drips..."
Jungkook talked while crouching down, cleaning the floor with fast moves.
"You taught me a lot of new things Jungkookah." Jimin said without thinking so the younger looked at him curiously.
"The credit card thing... and and how to do the edges... and what color is the best to use... and stuff like that..." he stuttered.
Jungkook smiled at him, obviously enjoying seeing confused and flustered Jimin.
"Are you gonna help me with the second coat hyung?"
Jimin thought of the way he could help. There was none.
"Um... sure... what do you need.."
"Can you hand me the extension pole?"
"A what? Pole?"
Jungkook chuckled.
"Extension pole, that long stick there. I need it to paint the ceiling."
"Ah... that pole...sure."
While handing the long pole to the younger, Jungkook grabbed the pole to one end and just before taking it, he gave it a few strokes while looking directly at Jimin's flustered, red face. He knew what he was doing. Jimin knew him well... Still, he looked down at his almost caressingly pumping motion and he almost mewled but was able to collect the little sanity left in his horny body to keep his mouth shut.
"How about we order some burgers or pizzas or whatever you want cause I'm starving." Jin came into the living room, looking dirty, color splotches were literally covering his whole shirt and forehead, hands too.
And there was Jungkook, looking like a wet dream in that overall, clean and just slightly sweaty... Perfect...
Stop it Jimin...
"Sure. I could eat a burger. How about you Jungkookah?"
"Me too. And I want french fries too."
Jimin nodded. I'm gonna order everything for us.
When the food had arrived, they looked ridiculously happy and tired.
While slamming those exhausted bodies on the couch, they ate everything up nicely, and finally it was time for them to clean the whole place up.
"I think the color turned out really good. We just need to rinse the brushes and roller, remove the masking tape from the windows and doors, and I have this trick that Yoongi hyung taught me a long time ago."
You know many tricks...
"You just need to pull the masking tape off at a 45-degree angle to avoid tearing the finish." he said his trick with the biggest grin while cocking his eyebrows at Jimin, and he was practically done.
"Would you guys mind if I go to Namjoon's now, and the two of you finish the cleaning. I promised to make him some dinner after he comes from work."
And I'm getting fucked tonight...
Jimin concluded cause there was no way in hell he could spend the night after looking at this Jungkook the whole day and thirsting over him like a man lost in a desert without doing something about it.
"Sure hyung. There's not much left to do anyways. You two have fun." Jungkook said after finishing the last few fries, so after taking the plates he went into the kitchen to clean the table a bit, but the moment he entered, he cursed loudly.
"Oh fucking hell!"
"I'm gonna go now. Bye!" Jin yelled while storming inside his room, so Jimin came into the kitchen, to look at the mess his brother had left.
"How bad is it?" he came with closed eyes, peeking outside, glancing at the disaster that Jin would usually make.
"I mean... Is it so hard to cover all the surfaces and to protect the floors? He clearly didn't do anything right..."
But you did... You did it perfectly baby... You did it all...
"It's always like that with him. I'm gonna help you out. Don't you worry."
Jungkook turned around, his chest flush next to Jimin's, not letting him anywhere inside the kitchen.
"No. You're not gonna do anything. I got this. You could go and find us some fun movie to watch, or even better some new anime cause I'm staying the night and we're gonna eat Oreo's and have some beers later. Ok?"
I'm so getting fucked tonight.
"Sounds perfect."
While Jungkook was in the shower (cause he wanted to clean that sweaty, hot body of his), Jimin thought about his options.
What to do?
How to hint casually that I want to have sex?
Maybe if I light up some candles... Candles are romantic...
So he did that. He found some of the candles he had in his room, and while putting them all around the room, he turned off the light, and turned on the night lamp next to his bed, trying to set the mood.
Dim light... Check...
What else....what else....
Put some blanket over my sheets not to ruin them... check...
Condoms and lube.. Shit I don't have those...but Jin does....
So he ran into his brother's room, knowing exactly where everything was hidden, well not that much hidden as in put it in a bowl next to his bed, so he grabbed a handful of condoms and an unopened bottle of lube and put it in the nightstand next to his bed.
There, all done...
Wait... what about me... Should I wear something sexy? Some nice lingerie....
Fuck it Jimin, you don't have that shit... Black boxers brief it is...
So while thinking about how he should wait for the younger in his room, he tried to stand up in the middle of the room, then he sat down on the floor (God knows why) then he leaned his body on the door frame, crossing his arms on top of his chest, trying to look cool maybe, then he finally laid down on the bed, feeling a bit silly about all of this, anticipation killing him on the inside.
"Jiminah, can I get sweatpants and a t-shirt. Mine are not dirty, but I was in those the whole day, I don't want to lay down in your bed in those.." Jungkook said while entering the room, one towel was casually resting low on his hips, and the other he used to dump his hair a bit.
"S-Sure... You can take whatever you want.... I mean, there's the closet... the shirts... and sweatpants... if you need it... you could stay like that too... you know... I don't mind..."
Oh for fucks sake, Jimin was blabbering like a crazy person.
"I bet you wouldn't mind, but then we won't be able to watch a movie cause your hands would be all over me." Jungkook said while opening the closet, taking one of the white shirts and putting it on over his head.
"I...No...Maybe... Yeah... Probably..." Jimin was a weak man.
"So... Did you find something good for us to watch?" Jungkook said while jumping on the bed, deciding that he doesn't need any sweatpants, a shirt and underwear were enough, and Jimin couldn't agree more.
"I didn't..." Jungkook looked at him confused.
Jimin shook his head.
Jungkook looked at him with question marks flying above his head.
Maybe it's time for plan B.
"I wanna have sex with you."
The younger's eyes turned so big, Jimin feared they might pop out of his head.
"Why didn't you get all the signs?" Jimin waved with his hands around like it was all obvious.
"What signs?" Jungkook looked around the room, not understanding Jimin's words.
"Well for starters, the candles..."
"Oh... I see... I just thought you wanted some nice lighting cause candles are really nice... I never thought..."
"And then the blanket over the sheets...." Jimin pointed underneath them.
"Seriously Jimin, how could I even get that..."
"And I turned off the lights... See..."
"I thought you wanted to set the mood for the movie, cause we were talking about movie, not sex."
Jimin sighed.
"And I took all these condoms from Jin's room... And a lube... At least I think it's a lube..." Jimin opened the nightstand so Jungkook peeked inside.
"Well if you had put that out somewhere, on the bed, floor... I would then get the message."
"Noted." Jimin smiled shyly.
"But seriously hyung... Why did you take six condoms?" Jungkook took all the condoms out, examining the brand and the size.
"I don't know... I just grabbed it and panicked a bit..."
"You're cute."
"I'm not cute. I'm horny and I kept looking at you painting that Goddamn wall the whole day and you were so good, you cleaned everything nicely, and you're so neat... I'm getting hard again. I think I was hard the whole day if that's possible."
Jungkook leaned down, his hands behind his back, his face slowly getting closer to the younger's crotch but looking him straight in the eyes.
" Let me check that out. " he said right before mouthing Jimin's cock through the cotton material of his sweatpants, leaving wet spots all over the place.
"Mmmm you really are hard."
Jimin just looked at him in awe, unable to hide his needs anymore.
Jungkook crawled up to him and started slowly kissing the older.
Jimin mewled in pleasure.
They kissed like that, sensually, feeling their cocks throbbing in between their legs, and soon Jimin's hands became restless. While feeling the younger's tongue licking over his bottom lip, then biting right after he slid his hand in between Jungkook's legs and started stroking his hard member nicely.
The younger moaned while bucking his hips into Jimin's hand.
"So good Jiminah..." he praised the older's hand movement which improved a lot.
"Want you..." Jimin whispered between kisses, so Jungkook took a deep breath.
"Yeah... Are you sure? Are we taking this too fast?" Jungkook had his worries.
"I'm sure. I've never been so sure in my life about anything... I want this cock in me."
Jimin said with a moany voice, so Jungkook stopped kissing him in order to look at the older's face.
"OH HELL NO!" Jungkook said, so Jimin opened his eyes wide.
"What? Why?"
"It's your first time. I'm not gonna fuck you. Bottoming needs guidance and practice. You're gonna fuck me first so that I can show you how to do it right. I mean... I wouldn't be able to prepare you properly without using my hands and the last thing I want is for you to feel uncomfortable and hurt. "
" Oh... Ok... I mean... That could work too... It's just that... I don't know how to do it..." Jimin became insecure in no time so Jungkook kissed his cheeks, nose, lips, every inch of his face to relax him again.
"I assure you, there's nothing to worry about. You'll love it. You'll do good cause I'm here for you. I'll show you everything, and we'll go slow... Ok?"
Jimin nodded.
"Let's take off our clothes first."
Jimin instinctively grabbed the ham of Jungkook's shirt first, the younger put his arms up, to help Jimin undressing him. Then the older took off his clothes, looking at the younger while doing so.
"You look so good baby..." Jungkook licked his lips, then came closer and started kissing Jimin's body. All of it. From his neck, down to his nipples, stomach, hips, thighs, calves... He kissed it all, and then came back in between Jimin's legs.
"Can I?" he asked while glancing at the wet tip of the older's cock, so Jimin just nodded.
The first lick over the slit made the older to moan softly while grabbing the blanket underneath them.
Jungkook took only the head in his mouth and sucked at it slowly, his eyes traveling all over Jimin's body.
"Kookah... Ah... That's...mmmm..."
When Jimin felt his legs shaking and the younger's head speeding his bobbing up and down his shaft, he knew he was close to having his release. Only that this time, Jungkook noticed too, so instead of sucking him off faster and harder he stopped completely.
"Aaahh... Shit.... I almost came..." Jimin whined, his abs flexing hard, indicating his delayed arousal.
"I know... We don't want that... Right? Have something even better for you..." Jungkook said with a sultry voice while taking his boxers off and positioning himself on the bed across from the older.
"Ok... So... First, I need to prepare myself for you." Jungkook talked while getting the lube, spreading his legs on each side of the bed, exposing his hard dick and tight hole for Jimin's eyes only.
The older bit down on his lip, staring at the sight, coming even closer to watch more carefully.
"I'm pretty skilful when it comes to this so I won't need much time, but with you, I would take all the time in the world, just exploring you, trying to make you feel good, trying to rub that special spot inside you..."
He put some lube onto his index finger and while leaning his upper body on the wall, he started pushing the first digit in, slowly.
Jimin watched his every move, looked at Jungkook's finger disappearing inside that tight hole, then reappearing back, and so on and on...
"How does it feel? I liked it when you fucked me with your tongue the other day so much... Would I enjoy that too?" Jimin came even closer, laying on his stomach, hands propping under his chin, looking at Jungkook's moves as if he was watching some movie in the cinema.
"It doesn't feel good at the very beginning. It's a bit painful until you get used to the stretch, but with time it becomes really good and if the guy knows what he's doing, you could literally come just from this." Jungkook explained while pushing the middle finger alongside his index finger inside, hissing slightly, but continuing to do the scissoring motion, trying to stretch his hole just enough to take Jimin easily.
The older looked at the younger's cock, that was leaned on his stomach, leaking slightly over his abs.
While looking at the way Jungkook was fucking himself with two of his fingers, Jimin moved closer and took the younger's cock in his hand, and started stroking it slowly.
"Mmmmm yes... That's good. Actually, that's one of the ways to distract the person you're prepping. To just play with their dick. You kind of concentrate on how good someone is stroking you and forget about the burn down here."
Jimin listened carefully, giving long and wet strokes, making Jungkook moan while pushing his ring finger next to the two already inside.
After thrusting his fingers deep and hard enough, looking good and so worked up, Jimin wanted to feel how Jungkook's hole would feel around his fingers too... Wanted to feel what prepping nicely means, wanted to know all those things for one of their next times...
"Can I try that?" he said almost shyly, and Jungkook seemed a bit surprised too.
"You want to..."
"Yes... Just to see how it feels..."
Jungkook nodded, spreading his legs wider, putting his hands behind his back, looking exposed, a gorgeous, tin layer of sweat covering his whole body.
Jimin bit on his lower lip, anticipation killing him, so he moved closer, and after putting some lube onto his index and middle finger, he caressed Jungkook's entrance with soft and slow movement.
The younger closed his eyes while lolling his head back, breathing deeply, and then he pushed.
He pushed his fingers slowly, wanting to feel everything, every hidden muscle, curve, softness inside the younger.
"Mmmmmm" Jungkook moaned so the older thrusted his fingers more freely, pushing them upwards towards the younger's prostate.
"Oh huyng... That's... Yes..."
Jimin pushed his fingers even harder, listening to the younger's body reacting to his every move.
"Ah... Wait... That's.... Shit... Jiminah..."
Jungkook whined while trying to move his hips off of his fingers.
Jimin looked horny and excited, maybe a bit nervous too, but he wanted it... Wanted it all...
"I'm ready, hyung. Let's try."
Jungkook announced without breath so Jimin nodded.
He took a condom, which he never tried to put on before, and opened it carefully.
"How should I put this?"
Jungkook smiled cutely.
"Just put the tip on it and then slide it down your shaft."
"Does it feel like having a sock on your dick?"
"Nah... Just... Maybe a little bit. I actually did my test a month ago when you first mentioned that you wanted us to have sex, just to be sure that I was clean."
Jimin's eyes widened.
"Oh... So are you?" he asked while fumbling with that fucking condom.
"Of course. I wouldn't do it if I wasn't. I'm all clean and healthy"
Jimin tore the condom off his dick and threw it in the trash bin on the floor.
"Then I guess we don't need this. I'm healthy and I have never done this... So..."
Jungkook licked his lips.
"Yeah. I mean why not? Both of us are clean and healthy so why should we put some see-through socks on our dicks?"
Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at the older.
"Just admit you want to fill me up hyung."
"I want what?" Jimin didn't get it.
"Never mind. Take the lube and spread it all over your cock. Do it generously and come over here."
Jimin did as Jungkook instructed him and came closer between the younger's legs.
"Come here..." Jungkook called him to lay on top of him, while caging the older with his legs.
"Kiss me first."
Jimin didn't need to be told twice. He kissed Jungkook's lips sensually, rubbing his slick cock all over Jungkook's.
"Do it now. Slowly."
Jimin nodded while kissing Jungkook's lips one more time before positioning himself right in front of his hole, his dick literally throbbing in his own hand, impatient to feel Jungkook all around it.
After a deep sigh, Jimin finally started pushing inside. His dick head went inside easily, and soon, he pushed the rest of his shaft in too.
He did it slowly, not only cause of Jungkook, but because of his own sanity too. The moment he bottomed out, he moved his head up and looked at Jungkook while panting hard. The younger looked at him with knowing eyes, a lustful expression that told him he knew exactly how Jimin was feeling.
Smooth, encompassing, embracing a huge depth of sensations across his dick.
Literally like his dick was being stroked and hugged from all directions at the same time.
"Are you ok?" the younger asked while still looking at the older's flustered reaction.
"Yes... It's just... You're like a warm cushion... Tight warm cushion and it feels amazing... I can't believe I'm doing this and it feels so good." Jimin could barely speak, his mind racing, dick throbbing inside the younger.
"Now move." Jungkook moved his hips a bit, looking impatient and ready to take it.
"I can't." Jimin gulped.
"What? Why?" Jungkook pushed his upper body slightly up, looking at Jimin's flustered face.
"I think I'm gonna come the moment I start moving..." Jimin felt embarrassed cause being inside Jungkook really did feel too good, and he didn't wanna ruin this first experience.
"Jiminah, it's fine. I'm ok with it... As long as you suck me off later, or let me fuck your thighs, or you could just jerk me off..."
Jimin smiled.
Then his face became a lot more serious.
"Oh God I already did all of that. I'm a whore."
Jungkook chuckled.
"You're not a whore hyung... Come on..."
"A real fucking slut. I sucked cock, touched it, let you fuck my thighs, I fucked your thighs... See... I'm your slut."
Jungkook's face became a bit red and he bit on his lip harshly.
"Can you not say that..."
Jimin saw some precum oozing off that red head that was still leaning on Jungkook's stomach nicely.
"Why... Is that a bad thing to say?"
Jimin took the younger's dick and started stroking it slowly. Jungkook gasped at the touch.
"No... Yes... I mean... Somehow... For some reason... When you say that you're my slut... It sounds kind of hot... Like you're all mine and I can have you whenever I want to..."
Jimin pumped his hand while listening to the younger's obscene words and suddenly, his hips started moving to the rhythm of his hand.
" I see... You're kinky like that, huh? "
Jimin pushed his dick almost all the way out, then back in...
" Ah fuck... Yes..." Jungkook liked it.
The older moved his hips while building some persistent pace, loving to see the younger getting so responsive, moaning loudly while arching his back off of the bed.
He looked surreal...
Then, when he saw Jungkook trying to buck his hips up, to meet his shallow thrusts, he started pushing his dick deeper, doing it slowly, but deeply..
Jungkook moaned loudly again, his hands gripping underneath his knees, opening his legs even wider...
Then Jimin slowed down, and started thrusting only his tip in and out, loving the whiny mess the younger had become.
"Fuck Jimin... What happened to you coming too soon... Ah..."
Jungkook couldn't quite talk too much, nor could he endure the rotation of Jimin's hips, cause the older finally started having some fun with all of this.
"You look too good not to enjoy this a bit longer..." the older leaned while licking his way inside the younger's desperate mouth, kissing him sloppy, more tongue than actual lips, and Jungkook loved it...
And hated it at the same time.
"I need to turn around." the younger said after taking those slow, rotating thrusts for way too long...
"Cause I feel the need to grab your ass and push that dick as far as it can go inside me and I can't think with my head like this so I need to go on my hands and knees so that I know I won't touch you..."
"Oh...ok then..."
So Jimin pulled out, hating the coldness he felt around his wet dick, and he watched the hottest body he had ever seen in his entire life positioning itself for him to use.
That hot back and the even hotter ink on Jungkook's right arm and shoulder looked unbelievably good, and then the small, tiny waist, that Jimin couldn't look at and not touch cause it drove him crazy the way the younger's proportions were more than perfect... Sexy, and his ass... Shiny from lube, bubbly and muscly in all the right places, manly and hot...
"You're so fucking perfect."
Jimin said in awe while letting his hand roam all over the younger's back, loving how Jungkook responded to his every touch by flexing his muscles, curving his body in the right position, looking ready for more.
"Fuck me baby... Please..."
So Jimin did.
He slid back in, without any restraints, without any control over his own body, and as soon as he was in, feeling the velvety, smooth feeling all around his cock, he knew he wouldn't last.
"Ah... Shit... Yes... Baby right there... Oh God..." Jungkook started moaning louder than before, more desperately, almost on the edge of crying so Jimin repeated the same thing he did before. He thrusted in and out while curling his dick slightly upwards, feeling a squishy sensation touching his tip every time he hit that same spot.
"Kookah... I'm gonna come soon... There's something so hot inside... I can't... Ah.." he felt his orgasm approaching fast, and then the younger turned his head around to face him.
"Oh no, not yet... Stop moving."
And as much as it was painful not to move, Jimin stopped, obeying the younger's words.
"Sit back on your feet."
Jungkook instructed further, so Jimin put his ass down on his own feet, not pulling away from the younger yet, and Jungkook just spread his legs a bit further, making him sink down onto that hard dick inside him.
"I'm gonna come first, and then you can come. Ok?"
Jimin's dick twitched inside the younger.
He nodded nonetheless.
Jungkook was demanding and Jimin needed to do as he was told.
And then the younger started bouncing on Jimin's cock, one hand wrapped tightly around his own hard dick, stroking it in sync with his bounces.
Jimin didn't know where to look...
At his own cock that was disappearing and reappearing inside that tight hole...
At Jungkook's hand pumping his hard member faster and faster...
Or maybe he should just close his eyes cause all of it was too much and he really couldn't take it anymore.
Just when he thought he would die or explode on the inside, Jungkook cried out in pleasure, shooting strings of white all over the grey blanket in front of him. Almost instantly, Jimin let go, the clenching of the younger's ass felt overwhelming and good and he was finally free again... Flying on cloud nine, maybe even higher, feeling his dick erupting inside Jungkook.
They stayed like that for a while, just breathing in sync, Jimin caressed Jungkook's back and kissed his shoulders softly, loving the sweet purrs coming out of Jungkook's mouth.
"I knew you wanted to fill me up, you perv."
Jungkook teased so Jimin opened up his tired eyes.
"Oh come on. You came inside me fully."
Only then Jimin looked at their still connected bodies.
"Oh God sorry. I did. I didn't ask... I did warn you this time..."
Jimin slowly pulled out, his soft dick slipped out with a plop, and then he saw a sight he thought that he wouldn't like and would probably make him cringe, but seeing his own cum sliding down Jungkook's ass actually made him even more aware of what they had done, and how good it all felt. With his index finger, he trailed the path his cum had made all the way till Jungkook's thighs, and he enjoyed the obscene sight.
"You're more perverted than I thought."
Jungkook fell down on his stomach, not minding the dirty bed nor the cum that was now resting on his thighs, so Jimin laid down next to him, and looked at him fondly.
"I think so too..."
Jungkook turned his face while still laying on his stomach, looking fucked out and gorgeous.
"You did surprisingly good."
Jimin frowned.
"Why surprisingly?"
"Cause the moment you entered me you said how you think you would come, and then you fucked me so good I might want this a bit more often to be honest."
Jimin blushed, not knowing how to deal with such a compliment.
"I... It's cause you looked so good..."
Jungkook smiled, those bunny teeth looking incredibly endearing.
"Yes. You look really good. I wouldn't mind fucking you again."
Jungkook chuckled.
"Yey! I'm glad you feel that way."
"I still want you to fuck me too. Now even more than before." Jimin said in all honesty cause having Jungkook like this, making him moan and scream on his cock, only spurred him more to try it out himself."
Jungkook pushed his body up, leaning himself on his elbows.
Jimin nodded.
"But... How would that work... Would you prepare yourself for me... Or would you want me to use some toys... I really want you to feel good too, but this really needs a bit more practice."
"I don't know those things... I just know that I want it and I know we'll get there when the time's right."
Jungkook came closer and kissed Jimin's lips softly.
Jimin smiled devilishly.
"What?" Jungkook noticed.
"I just fucked you. How crazy is that?"
The younger laughed out loud, throwing his back on the bed, laying there like a sea star.
"Not crazy at all... I wanted that dick the moment I saw it right here, in this room when I peeked and you were taking your clothes off, being all shy. Look at you now, laying there all naked not caring about anything in the world. I love it."
"I love it too." Jimin said shyly, glancing at his indeed naked body on the bed.
"I know you do." Jungkook teased while winking at the older.
"But seriously Kookah... I really do appreciate you and everything you have done for me. I could never imagine finding someone like you and enjoying all of these things that seemed impossible to me. You really helped me with accepting myself, my sexuality, my needs and I could never thank you enough for your patience and all the support you give me selflessly." Jimin got moved by everything that Jungkook did, everything the younger wanted to do, and the way he was always so kind and filled with understanding and he needed him to know.
"I would do it all again in a heartbeat for you. You are amazing. My special person."
Jimin smiled cutely with those pretty eyes that disappeared and looked like little moons on his face.
"You're special to me too."
After shower they could barely watch anything so they fell asleep while Jimin was spooning Jungkook, wrapping his hands over the younger's middle, feeling comfortable cause he saw how Jungkook had extended his hands in front of him, wanting for Jimin to feel safe, to feel comfortable, to feel at peace.
He did.
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