Another first
Weeks have passed and some things have stayed the same.
Jungkook and Jimin were hanging out as much as their busy schedule would let them, and somehow Jimin always wanted more.
They haven't really had some proper date since that whole 'first date' thing cause Jungkook was busy with exams and some work thing (he did some Art projects for Yoongi) and Jimin had a play coming up so he had been working really hard at a dance studio and he's been trying to study more, and do good at the library. Somehow he couldn't do it all, and he felt like he was a bit lacking these past few weeks. Jungkook was always there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, bringing Jimin candies and some snacks on his lunch break which they never ate cause they were always busy kissing and talking and just enjoying each other's company.
"So how about this, next Friday, you won't have your dance lesson cause you're finally getting over with that contemporary choreography so we could plan a proper date. What do you say?"
Jungkook finally had a plan and Jimin was actually excited to plan something other than hanging out on his break at the library.
" Ok. We could do that. Is there something you would like to do?" Jimin asked while trying to split that Oreo cookie in half.
Jimin broke the cookie.
"Aish, what even..." Jimin got flustered like he always does when Jungkook serves him such a perverted answer which was all the time. It's like Jungkook had a perv-dar and his brain was just waiting for a new occasion to attack.
"You asked so..."
"You know what I meant."
"I know but this is more fun. Have I ever told you how pretty you look when you're blushing?"
Jimin blushed.
"I think my break is over..."
"I don't think so. There's at least ten more minutes of me trying to make you blush as much as I can."
"Stop doing that. I get nervous..." Jimin said while trying to wipe some of the white cream filling from the Oreo cookie he had just smashed in his hand.
"But those are the good nerves."
"There is no such a thing. Nerves are nerves and I don't like to feel that way." Jimin pouted so Jungkook leaned fast and kissed his lips with a loud smack.
"Hey, no kissing when we're eating. That's gross." Jimin whined, wiping his lips with tissue.
"Couldn't help it. You got a little bit of cookie on your upper lip. Can I lick it off you?"
Jimin looked at him as he would look at someone who was stealing his candies and he hated sharing.
"Got it. You won't let me lick you."
"You're the worst."
The fact is, Jimin got flustered by all those shameless comments and he got interested in what the younger was talking about.
One day Jungkook would say how he loved how plump Jimin's lips are and how he hopes the older has a deep throat like he does, and Jimin just frowned at his comment, not knowing what's exactly the thing Jungkook had implied. He did have his doubts.
Other day when Jimin got hurt at dance class and needed to stretch out a bit cause his legs were hurting from all the dancing, Jungkook was right there, staring at the older, drooling like a maniac cause wow, Jimin could do a real split.
"I think I could rip my pants like this, but I need to stretch or else I won't be able to walk tomorrow." Jimin whined as he was spreading his legs wide, pushing his upper body forward.
Jungkook was sweating, going through man's PMS or something cause all he could do was watch and practice his deep breaths and suffer in silence.
"I wish I'd be the reason you won't be able to walk tomorrow."
Again, another comment that made Jimin look at the younger like 'wtf are you talking about....'.
"I need to go hyung. It was nice meeting you and seeing what that body of yours is capable of doing and I'm totally fine... Yeah... Everything's fine... I just need some alone time, a cold shower or whatever..."
"But we haven't eaten those fruits you brought... And you brought too many..." Jimin whined.
"If I see you eating a banana right now I might have a stroke so I'll let you eat in peace and I'll see you soon hyungie..."
Jungkook stormed out, leaving confused Jimin behind.
Crazy person.
To be able to keep up with all the craziness around him, Jimin thought how he really needs someone whom he trusts and can get some good advice about boys and dating in general.
Tae was his only option.
While drinking some coffee and eating lunch on their break at Uni's cafeteria, Jimin finally spoke about what was bothering him for months now.
"How do you know that a guy wants something more than kisses from you?"
Tae choked on the slice of pizza he was eating.
"What do you mean and why do you ask?"
Tae was quick to connect things.
"I kissed Jungkook."
Tae spilled coffee that he was drinking all over the table.
"No." he said dramatically, neglecting the confused looks all around them.
"Can we skip all the drama and continue to talk about what I asked you."
"Of course..... NOT!"
Jimin rolled his eyes.
"How could you do this to me???"
"What?" the older was confused.
"You promised years ago if you ever decide to kiss someone that I would be your first kiss." Tae pouted like a child while crossing his arms on top of his chest.
"Oh come on! That was so long ago that I literally forgot about it. And we were stoned and drunk at the time. I would promise you the world back then."
"You did promise me the world and that we were always gonna be soulmates and besties and that we would never lie to each other. Lie Jimin! Never!"
Tae became theatrical real quick and Jimin felt bad.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was embarrassed and I'm still trying to process some things, but nothing makes sense. Literally nothing."
Tae's face expression softened. He would always take care of Jimin's concerns first and then think about his own selfish needs.
"Ok, so, first of all, how was it? Was the kiss good?"
Jimin blushed... Just thinking about Jungkook's kisses did things to his poor brain.
"It was really good and it kind of always gets better and better." Jimin said honestly yet shyly.
"You mean you didn't just kiss once?" Tae's eyes widened.
"Um... Yeah... Not really... We um... Kissed a lot actually..."
Tae sighed deeply.
"Why are you telling me just now? This isn't fair..."
"I'm sorry Tae. I really am... I'm just inexperienced when it comes to kissing and everything else and I feel stupid about it..."
Tae straightened his posture.
"Did he force you to do more than kissing and now you feel bad?" he got overprotective immediately.
"No. No. No... It's um...kind of the opposite." again Jimin blushed, but he really needed to talk about this honestly.
"What do you mean?"
"Well... We kiss all the time for months now, and he's been talking and signaling how he wants to do more, but he never tries to do anything and I feel... I don't know how I feel about that..."
Tae nodded.
"Ok... So, let me ask you this, when you kiss, you feel good? (Jimin nodded) when he's close you feel ok? (Jimin nodded again) Do you get hard after your time together? Jimin's eyes widened.
" Um... I don't know... " Jimin felt embarrassed to talk about this and it showed.
"So you're gonna act all shy now, but when you kissed him you weren't shy at all."
Jimin shook his head.
"I was shy then too. It's just that he's so easy going and everything feels natural and normal with him, and he has the answers to all of my questions and fears, and I do always and bothered when we kiss..."
This felt so embarrassing to share, but he had to. He just needed to talk about this with someone who knows these things and Tae knew a lot. Like a lot!
"Ok. So what's your concern exactly? That sooner or later Jungkook would want more than just kisses and you don't feel comfortable enough to do that?"
"Maybe there's a bit of that too, but I'm kind of more worried cause of the fact that he hadn't tried anything else yet... So could it be that he's not that interested in me sexually? God I don't even know what I'm saying..." Jimin put hands on his face, trying to hide, but then he remembered how he didn't disinfect them and moved them back down on the table.
"Uwu, you like him."
"What?" Jimin frowned.
"You're afraid he might not like you enough cause he didn't try to get inside your pants already and you got scared."
Jimin hated to admit it, but Tae was right.
"Kind of... Yeah... I mean... Isn't that what's supposed to happen? That something you know... Something more... I don't know. I'm probably not even capable of doing more since I can't handle anyone touching me with their hands... So... I'm screwed..."
"Don't worry baby, you need his dick, not his hands."
Jimin's eyes widened.
"Shit Tae, don't even go there..."
"What? It's just some one on one dick talk. I mean dicks are yummy. "
"Dicks are not yummy dummy."
Tae frowned.
"My mouth would disagree."
Jimin fake gagged.
"Oh come on! Don't act as if you didn't think about it..."
"Thought about what? Jungkook's dick? Why would I even think about that?"
Tae looked surprised.
"Then what are you thinking about when you get all flustered and horny?"
"Um... I don't know... Just... Him... Whole body..."
Tae smirked.
"Greedy Minnie..."
"It's not like that... Ughhh I just want to know how he looks underneath that clothes!"
Jimin's eyes widened, he even surprised himself with his answer.
"Well, well, well... Then get him naked."
Jimin shook his head.
"Babe how else are you going to see?"
"I-I don't know... I can't imagine that cause then what? Something is supposed to happen and I can't you know... I can't be touched... And... It sucks..."
"Well when I think about it, you do need hands for some things... There's a lot you can do with hands actually, like jerking off and prepping..."
"La la la la la la la la la la..." Jimin covered his ears and started singing out loud. Not feeling comfortable enough for this kind of conversation.
"Ok, ok, ok... I'm not gonna get into details, but you could definitely explore sexual activities more and just find some new ways to enjoy without him touching you I guess."
"Ok. Thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it."
"I'm still mad at you, but I'm so happy you're finally doing this and maybe one day we could go dick hunting together or something."
Jimin shook his head frantically.
"No, no, no, no.... I don't want to do this with no one else."
"Oh... Really? You don't want to explore things, maybe kissing with other guys?"
"No. I only want Jungkook."
Tae made the fondest face with the warmest smile.
"Awww that's so sweet."
"He's the only one who gets me and would keep up with my shit."
"I think this goes far beyond only those reasons."
Jimin blushed. He had no answer to that.
It was true.
He felt it... He knew it... And he was willing to put some effort in all of this.
So big Friday came and with it so did Jimin and Jungkook's dinner plan.
The younger came to pick Jimin up, and as usual he was ready and waiting in front, leaning on the small fence in front of his house.
Jungkook parked his car and just when Jimin was about to get inside, the younger came outside.
"Hyung, look at this."
Jungkook was wearing some nice, white, fitted button up shirt and literally the whole front was covered in deep brown stains, and he kind of looked pissed.
"What's that?" Jimin asked while coming closer.
"My coffee. I was really tired cause I had to do some project for Uni and I wanted to grab some coffee to go before we met and I thought I had put it nicely in a holder in my car, but apparently I didn't."
Jimin felt weird. He felt like his cheeks were becoming bigger, like he could literally see his cheeks going up towards his eyes, and like his eyes were getting smaller, and his vision blurred and he had no idea what's going on.
"Hyung, are you laughing at me?" Jungkook asked, and only then both of them froze, looking at each other, Jungkook's face turned into shock, and Jimin's was consumed in a big and honest smile, the one he had never felt before.
"Oh my God! You're smiling... Hyung! You're fucking smiling!!!" Jungkook started jumping up and down, and Jimin started touching his face, trying to feel if this was real. Was he really smiling? And for what? Jungkook being clumsy? Well it was definitely worth it.
"Wow, so this is it. Smiling... Feels nice. " Jimin established after touching his face for way too long.
"And all it took for you to smile is me getting a little dirty." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at the older.
"You're really dirty actually."
"I am."
And Jimin was blushing again.
He'll get used to these double meaning comments any day now.
"You obviously can't go out like that."
"You think?"
Jimin almost laughed again.
"Wanna come inside and change into something clean?"
"You're my savior."
So they came inside, and like usually these days Jin was at Namjoon's or out with him so after looking at Jungkook's dirty shirt Jimin thought about his options.
"If I give you one of my shirts it'll be a bit tight and short for you. Maybe Jin's shirt is a better option."
"As long as it's clean, I don't care..."
"Fine. Come with me." Jimin walked through the hall and after entering Jin's room Jungkook followed closely behind.
"Ok, so... Which one?" Jimin opened the closet so Jungkook's eyes widened.
"Shit hyung, how can someone have so many pink and purple clothes?"
The disgust was visible on his face.
"Sorry, he likes colorful things I guess. Do you want mine then?" Jimin asked and started freaking out when he saw the younger unbuttoning his shirt right there in front of him in the room.
He should've looked away, sing a song, do his meditation routine, anything actually, but he just kept standing there and looking at Jungkook while fearing for his life.
It didn't help that Jungkook was doing it so casually.
One by one, slowly, his gaze on Jimin the whole time, and the older felt weak, his mouth dry, palms sweating... Maybe Jimin was about to have a heart attack.
"Will you give me the shirt?" Jungkook asked and only then Jimin realized that he was holding two options against his chest, like he was hiding behind them.
"Oh.. Yes... I am... Um... Which one?" Jimin looked at his options, pink sweater and light purple shirt with some white dots on it.
"I honestly don't care. They're both ugly, but clean so..."
Jimin looked at two shirts once more and then he gave the purple one to Jungkook.
While handing the shirt way too slowly, Jimin took in the sight in front of him.
Jungkook was stunning.
First class abs with the buffest chest Jimin had seen in his whole life.
He liked the view and wouldn't hate to stare at it more.
Jungkook put the shirt on and Jimin almost cried.
He looks so good without clothes...
Seemed like Jungkook had noticed Jimin's struggle cause why else would he have a cocky smirk on his face.
They entered the living room and suddenly Jimin had an idea.
"Um... If you want we could stay in..." Jungkook looked at Jimin with question marks on his face.
"I mean... We don't have to go out since don't like the shirt you're wearing...."
Someone save Jimin from his poor excuses.
"Oh... Ok. I wanted us to grab some dinner at the Rooftop Floating, but I think I would like to stay here more." Jungkook concluded while coming closer to the older who was looking at his every move nervously.
"We could order pizza or something..." Jimin managed to say before Jungkook was only an inch away, hands behind his back the knowing pose just before he was about to kiss the older.
"We could..." Jungkook kissed his cheek.
Jimin's eyes fluttered... He wanted it to be more... Wanted a real kiss...
"We could make some pancakes too. I'm good at making those you know... And I would make one extra big and round for you."
Jungkook nuzzled his head into the crook of Jimin's neck and smelled him before kissing there softly.
Jimin almost mewled.
"I like that..." Jimin said without thinking, and opened his eyes wide.
"I mean I'd like that... Pancakes... Yes.."
Why was everything so difficult for him?
What is this?
Jungkook moved away and again, Jimin didn't want him to.
"Are you gonna show me where all the stuff is?" Jungkook asked while glancing at the kitchen, and Jimin totally forgot what they were talking about seconds ago.
"What stuff?"
Jungkook smiled widely.
He's so fucking handsome.
"The ingredients... Pancakes... Earth calling Jimin..."
Was he really this affected or was his brain still processing the things he had talked about with Tae...
"Get him naked... Try something new..."
"Oh yes... Silly me... Yes... Everything's in here."
Jimin entered the kitchen and started putting flour, eggs, milk and other stuff on the counter, but then he felt a hot breath behind his neck.
"Are you ok? You seem a bit distracted today."
Even though Jungkook didn't press his body onto him, he could still feel him. The warmth of his body, the closeness, and it only made him more flustered and incapable to answer normally.
"It's nothing... I'm ok... Perfect... Fine.... Mhm..." Jimin turned around and the younger was there.
Looking at him as if he had a bullshit scan and could see right through him.
"You sure? Got something on your mind?"
He was so damn close. Jimin kept glancing at his lips then his eyes...
"Nothing on my mind... No... Na-a... Nothing..." he licked his lips unconsciously, wanting to kiss the younger since the moment he saw him.
"Ok then. Move aside and let me do the magic."
"The... the magic?" Jimin stuttered. This was so embarrassing.
"Yes Jimin. Pancakes. Remember?"
He felt so dumb.
"Oh yes... Pancakes... Right... That's the magic... Yeah... Not something else... Of course..."
Jungkook laughed, enjoying a very obviously flustered Jimin.
"I'm gonna order us pizzas from this place that Jin and I always order."
"Ok cute hyungie."
"I'm not... Ok... Just... Ok... Fine..."
Jimin is gonna have a really hard time handling Jungkook tonight and he knows it.
Half an hour later Jungkook was done with pancakes and Jimin had made a little private party for them in the living room. Pizza was there, some snacks, vegetables, fruits, drinks, the lights were dim and he had prepared a few movies he would like for them to watch.
"So it's a movie/pizza/pancake night. Fun." Jungkook said while looking at the sight in front of him.
"I guess so. Which movie would you like to watch?" Jimin asked while showing Jungkook his choices and the last thing he was expecting was Jungkook straddling his lap while hiding his hands behind his back.
Jimin's eyes widened, mouth opening to say something, but Jungkook kissed him right away, and the kiss was hard and it made Jimin to lay back, head resting on the headboard, hands fisting the couch restlessly, but he kissed back. He kissed just as hungrily, enjoying the sweet minty taste on Jungkook's tongue and the moment that Jungkook moved away, he felt the coldness spreading over his thighs, and he didn't like it.
"Just wanted to kiss you once before we start eating. I don't think I've kissed you tonight at all..." Jungkook took one pizza slice and started eating it while humming.
"You haven't... But... You could later... I mean... There's a toothbrush and a mouthwash we could use... Or not, whatever..." he really didn't wanna sound too desperate, but he kind of did.
Jungkook just smirked while grabbing more of that pizza, ready to devour it properly.
"Oh I was planning to. Don't you worry."
Jimin's legs felt like jello. Jiggly, weak, all over the place jello.
Ok? Really Jimin? You better shut up.
"I'm gonna eat now too. Do you want a drink?"
Jimin opened his pizza which actually were two small pizzas not cut on slices, just left as a circle.
He took one out first and started eating it deliciously, holding the pizza with two hands like it's something precious.
Jungkook looked at him fondly.
"How can you be so cute, hyung hm?"
A bite got stuck in Jimin's mouth.
He cleared his throat before speaking.
"I'm not." he answered with those big cheeks and red lips looking even cuter than before.
"Get used to my compliments cause I'm gonna say it all the time. You look even cuter when you blush."
Oh my God!
"So about that drink..."
Jimin poured himself a glass of soju and looked at Jungkook, waiting for his answer to see if he wanted one too.
"Soju? Really?" the younger was surprised cause of Jimin's choice.
"It goes well with pizza..." Jimin said before drinking his glass bottoms up.
"So does beer." Jungkook crossed his arms on top of his chest.
"So you want beer then?"
"No. I'll drink the same as you hyung. I just don't like when you drink strong liquor."
Jimin frowned.
"Why? You know it makes me more normal and less stressed."
"I don't want soju to make you less stressed. I want to make you less stressed. Being with me should make you less stressed and happy. And don't say that again please."
"The more normal comment. We discussed that. There's nothing wrong with you. You're perfect just the way you are."
"Says you while I eat my big circle of pizza cause I hate slices cause they remind me of a triangle."
They both stopped eating and looked at each other.
Mouth pursed before bursting into laughter.
"Hyung, you're funnier and funnier every day I swear." Jungkook wiped his eyes, tears of joy were pooling around the edges.
"And you're so pretty when you smile."
Jimin hid his face behind his hands, unable to hide his smile and how blushed he was. Jungkook loved it.
"And to think that you were the prettiest person when I first saw you. Pffff look at you now when you're smiling for me."
"You should really stop. I'm nowhere near as pretty as you say. I don't get you." Jimin's voice was filled with insecurity and shyness.
"You are to me. The prettiest and that's the end of discussion." Jungkook said while looking at the older's eyes, and Jimin believed him. He looked so certain and sure of his words that Jimin had to believe him.
"I wanna try your pancakes now." Jimin had to avert their talk to something else cause Jungkook and his compliments were making his mind cloudy.
"Ok. Let's eat some."
Jungkook agreed and soon they were eating pancakes with chocolate cream, some fruits and jam.
"Mmmmmm." Jimin hummed while licking the spoon with some strawberry jam.
"You like it?" Jungkook asked curiously.
"Seriously....they're so good. Why are mine always so gummy and almost not edible?" Jimin thought but said it out loud while devouring another pancake.
"You don't make them with love." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at him.
"Pffff as if that's the secret ingredient that I'm missing. I'm obviously doing something totally wrong."
"If you follow a simple recipe, you'll get a decent pancake, but if you do it with love, cause you want to make them for someone you care about, then they'll be perfect." Jungkook talked while cleaning up the table, and Jimin got stuck with his words.
"Well these are perfect." he concluded in a tiny, shy voice.
"I know." Jungkook said while getting some empty plates off the table and bringing them into the kitchen.
Is he saying he cares about me so that's why the pancakes are this goo- Jimin's thought's got interrupted by a sound of water flow coming from the kitchen.
Is he washing the dishes?
"Jungkook, you don't have to wash those..." Jimin said while entering the kitchen, but the younger had already done half of the pile that was in the sink.
"I don't mind... You could bring the other food from the table. I don't like to leave mess around..."
Oh God he's perfect...
Jimin felt his breath getting shorter cause the things Jungkook was saying were like a melody to his ears, and the sight wasn't bad either.
Jungkook was wearing that silly purple shirt, but the sleeves were folded up, and his arms looked amazing. Right one was covered fully with pretty ink and Jimin was standing there like a fool, staring at the man doing the dishes.
A hot man doing dishes for him.
"Yes." Jungkook startled him from his daydreaming.
"Will you bring the rest of the food and if there is something else to wash?"
"Yes. I'll be right there."
After getting everything he could with his small hands, Jimin came back to the kitchen and started putting the food in the fridge.
"Are there any more dishes to wash?"
"Nope. That's it. Thank you."
Jimin finished with storing the food and when he turned around Jungkook was standing closely behind him.
"Can I get that toothbrush and toothpaste now?" Jungkook asked with a smile and all Jimin could think about is the reason behind cleaning their teeth.
"Sure. I'm gonna brush mine too."
Jungkook smirked.
"Cause they're dirty... not know..." Jimin felt like an idiot.
"So you're not gonna kiss me after we're finished brushing our teeth?" Jungkook came even closer, his buff chest almost touching Jimin's.
" mean I never said that..."
"Good. Cause I'm brushing mine only cause I want to kiss you so badly."
Jimin felt his cheeks blushing hot pink, his hands sweating and knees getting weak.
"Oh...Ok..." Jimin's weak little answer.
"Let's go." Jungkook walked to the bathroom so Jimin followed and soon they were brushing their teeth with the minty flavored toothpaste, and after that both of them used the mouthwash that Jimin loved the most. Cool mint antiseptic.
The moment they were out of the bathroom, Jimin made the mistake of looking at Jungkook who just kept walking towards the older until he was leaning his back on the wall, unable to handle their proximity.
"Jungkook..." Jimin tried to talk, but seeing Jungkook's hands being hidden behind his back indicated only one thing.
The younger wanted to kiss him.
And that's exactly what Jimin wanted too.
He pushed his head up meeting Jungkook's impatient lips, savoring the minty taste on the younger's tongue.
They kissed like that, leaned on the wall in the hallway, not moving anywhere, but Jimin got restless and tense, and he wanted for them to make themselves comfortable.
"Jungkook..." he trailed so the younger stopped kissing him.
"Sorry... I got carried away... Wanna watch a movie or something?"
Jimin almost cried at the thought of them watching a movie instead of kissing more.
"Or we could go to my bedroom..."
Jimin said as shyly as he could, hating that he felt so small and weak, but fuck it, he wanted to kiss more.
"Oh...Ok...We could go there if you want to." Jungkook smirked and right after Jimin led the way to his room which looked exactly like the younger remembered it. Nice, big open space with a lot of clear space and a bed that looked really comfy.
"So Jiminah..." Jungkook came closer to Jimin who was just standing there in the middle, feeling overwhelmed and clueless and kind of impatient, but not knowing what to do next.
"I wanna make one thing clear..." he came closer, Jimin gulped.
"Ok. I like clear things. I mean for things to be clear..." Jimim mumbled.
"Since we're here, and you know what things are usually done in the bedroom..."
"Yes..." Jimin felt his skin itching from anticipation.
"I just want you to know that I'm not gonna do anything that you feel uncomfortable with."
"Meaning, I'm not going to touch you anywhere and I'm not going to indicate things so if you want anything to happen, you're gonna have to take the initiative. Ok?"
Jimin gulped hard.
"Ok. That's fine. I guess..."
"So..." Jungkook came an inch away from Jimin, the older didn't move.
"What do you want to do?"
How can Jimin say anything when he doesn't know what he wants...
"I don't know..." he admitted shyly.
"Do you want me to kiss you?"
"Yes." the question that Jimin knew the answer very well.
Jimin blinked.
"What do you mean where?"
"Do you wanna sit here, or lay down in bed, on the floor..."
"Oh.. That... Um... How about the bed. It's really comfy."
Jungkook nodded.
"Wait, let me just put the blanket on since we're not in our pajamas..."
Jimin opened the closet and took out a pretty grey satin blanket and covered the whole bed with it.
"Ok. Now we could sit... Or...lay down..." he looked at Jungkook who was already making himself comfortable, his back leaning on the pillows, legs spread on the bed.
Jungkook patted the spot next to him, so Jimin got up and sat right there.
His heart was beating way too fast.
"Come, give me a kiss." Jungkook put both of his hands behind his back and leaned his body onto the pillows, so Jimin looked at the best way he could get closer to the younger so that they could kiss properly.
Straddling Jungkook's lap seemed like his best option.
He put his right leg over Jungkook's thighs and came closer, adjusting his ass on top of Jungkook's crotch, and he could see that the younger wasn't immune to their close proximity.
Jungkook was looking at him with those big eyes that looked lustful and hungry and Jimin felt the same way.
"I can't believe I get to have you this close to me..." Jungkook said in awe, looking at Jimin's face fondly, so Jimin smiled at him. It was a small, closed mouthed smile, but Jungkook grinned at him wider, unable to hide the thrill he was feeling.
"I know... I feel the same way..." Jimin said before leaning down, slowly putting little pecks all over Jungkook's cheeks, chin, jaw, and at the end lips too.
Jungkook kissed him slowly and softly at first, but soon, their bodies needed more, so they started kissing rougher, deeper, Jimin's hands roamed all over the younger's face, shoulders and back. Jungkook kept his hands behind his back all the time.
When Jungkook sucked Jimin's bottom lip a bit rougher, and pulled at it, Jimin moaned loudly and immediately he felt ashamed.
He had no idea those sounds were even in him... That he could make those sounds... What is this???
Jungkook noticed his struggle so he kissed him softer again, whispering to his ear.
"That's totally normal hyung... Sexy too... Don't stop please..."
Jimin felt encouraged enough, and the fact that Jungkook's tongue was licking down his neck was a reason enough for him to start panting faster.
He left soft little 'Ah...' every time Jungkook would nibble on his skin and instinctively, the older started rocking his hips up and down, grinding harder whenever he felt Jungkook's teeth on him, or the teasing lick of his wet tongue.
After a while of kissing, Jimin felt the need to do more... To feel more... So while moving slightly away from Jungkook, he looked down at that purple shirt the younger was wearing.
"What?" Jungkook noticed that Jimin was thinking about something.
"Nothing... It's just... Isn't it kind of weird that you're wearing my brother's shirt while we're kissing..."
Jungkook's eyebrows went up, surprised at Jimin's comment.
"Do you want me to take it off?"
Jimin nodded, blush covering his cheeks all the way till his neck.
What a smooth way to undress someone. - not
Jungkook pushed his body up a bit and used one hand to remove the purple shirt in one go.
Jimin stared at him without blinking.
Jimin leaned down and started kissing Jungkook again, only this time, his hands became bolder and started their own journey all over Jungkook's upper body.
He could feel the silky soft skin underneath his fingertips, could feel Jungkook's heart beat fastening up, could map out all the 6 packs on Jungkook's abs, and he felt something like he never felt before.
His pants got too tight, arousal getting over him way too fast, way too strongly, so when he touched Jungkook's nipples and the younger moaned into the kiss, he rolled his hips even harder than before trying to feel the friction his body was craving for.
"Jimin... Ah... Shit... Wait... "
Seemed like Jungkook felt the same way, if not worse.
"Sorry... I... I can't control this... I don't know what to do..." Jimin moved a bit off from Jungkook's thighs, feeling embarrassed cause he really didn't know what was going on here. He never felt this way.
"Hey, everything's fine..." Jungkook tried to hold Jimin's hand instinctively, but before he could come closer Jimin hid his hands behind his back.
"Sorry... Shit... You should tie me up next time.. I'm not even kidding."
Jimin smiled, looking a bit relaxed already.
"How do you feel? Are we going too fast? Have I done something that you didn't like? We can talk about this openly hyung... Ok?" Jungkook tried to make eye contact with the older, but Jimin kept looking down, playing with his own fingers.
"It hurts..."
Jungkook's eyes widened.
"What does?"
Jimin glanced at him shyly and then kept his gaze down again.
Jungkook moved his face closer, trying to look at Jimin's eyes, but he saw how uneasy this was for him.
"Please tell me..."
Jimin glanced at his crotch and then up at Jungkook.
"Here..." he pointed at his lap shyly so Jungkook smirked.
"You mean you're hard?"
Jimin shrugged.
"What do you mean.." Jungkook shrugged too, copying Jimin's answer.
"I don't know what this is... This never happened to me before..."
Jungkook's eyes widen.
"You mean... You never jerked off before?"
Jimin shook his head.
"But then... How... Do you like to hump the pillow or something?"
Jimin's face was priceless.
'What the fuck' mixed with 'who even does that?'
"But how do you then..."
Jimin looked at him while biting on the insides of his cheek.
"Have you ever had orgasm in your life?"
Jungkook took a deep breath.
"Wow... That's..."
"Weird I know..."
"Hot actually..."
Jimin frowned. Hot?
"Can I make you come? Please... I'll be gentle and OH FUCK I can't touch you..." seemed like Jungkook had forget that one simple thing.
Jimin took a deep breath. Disappointed written all over his face.
"There are millions of other ways... I don't have to touch you. Ok? We'll just have to think out of the box."
Jimin smiled at him, loving the younger's enthusiasm.
"But how... I want to... This sucks.. It still hurts..." Jimin pouted.
"Well... There are few options that have crossed my mind. First, I could suck you off..."
"No? Why not?"
"Then I would never kiss you again after that."
"Oh come on... We can always wash our mouths..."
Jimin shook his head.
"What's the other option?"
"You could do what you've been doing before, dry humping, grinding down on me, but you need to take off your clothes cause this way it could be messy and hard to do it."
Jimin thought about it, and felt like that's his best option.
"Yes. I need to do something... It's really hard..."
Jimin got up, and started taking his pants off.
Jungkook stared.
"Can you close your eyes? "
Jungkook threw a tantrum a two year old would throw after being denied candies.
"But I want to look..."
He whined, but still closed his eyes, and even covered it with his hands.
"I'm too shy to undress in front of you so... No..."
Jimin finally pushed down his pants and underwear in one go, the metal on his belt hit the floor so Jungkook spread his fingers and peeked just for a second at the sight in front of him.
"Oh shit I peeked!"
Jimin covered his dick that had finally sprung free out of those boxers, hard and pointing up, the tip covered with precum.
"No.. No... Why would you do that?!"
He put a pillow on top of his hard member.
"I'm sorry! Your dick is so pretty, fuck hyung I want it!" Jungkook whined, his eyes still closed and Jimin felt his dick twitching again.
"Dicks are not pretty... Shut up..."
Jungkook nodded.
"Fine. Ok. Whatever you say just come here, please, kiss me more... Do whatever you want with me. I'm all yours, just... Let me feel you against me like this... Please..."
Jimin rolled his eyes, but jumped back up on the bed, straddling Jungkook's lap, hiding his dick protectively.
"Kiss me hyung..."
Jimin leaned down, kissing Jungkook firmly, to which the younger responded more passionately and ferverly, so Jimin struggled to breath, move, feeling Jungkook's hot kisses down straight in his leaking dick, and he needed more, needed to move...
While going a bit more up, positioning himself on Jungkook's lower stomach, Jimin leaned down and pressed his wet cock onto Jungkook's abs.
"Fuck you're leaking so much for me..."
The younger whispered, but Jimin couldn't hear him. He got lost in the sensation of skin against skin with a thin layer of precum in between.
It felt divine.
Still, not enough...
"The way you sound..."
Jungkook nibbled on Jimin's ear, and he had no idea he was producing any sound... He was so lost in finding his release, but as much as he moved, grind, hump down... Something's missing...
"Jungkookah..." he whined..
"I'm tired... I can't..."
"Do you want us to switch? Please let's switch."
Jimin looked down on him.
"Let me go on top, I'll put my both hands on the bed so that you're sure I won't touch you, and I'll move on top of you. All you need to do is relax."
Jimin thought about it for 3 seconds.
He was really hard and tired.
"Oh yes! Lay down..."
Jimin did, not caring too much to cover himself up now. He was way too desperate and exhausted to care, and Jungkook never glanced down, always maintaining their eye contact which the older appreciated a lot.
Jungkook came between his legs and layed on top of him, and after unzipping his own pants and pushing them slightly down Jimin frowned.
"What are you doing..."
"I'm hard too. So I need to push my pants down or else It'll hurt. I'm not gonna take off my boxers so don't worry about it. I just want to make you feel good. Ok? You're my priority hyung. "
Jimin nodded.
And then Jungkook moved.
Jimin froze,unable to say anything except moan loudly and desperately.
Jungkook kissed him hard and at the same time he pushed his hips down, grinding with his abs on top of Jimin's hard, wet cock.
"Ah God... Ah.. Ah... Ah... Fuck..."
Jimin felt every move down, building pressure in the pool of his stomach, his dick trapped between his body and Jungkook's abs, sliding up and down, over the slit and at one point it was too much, too good, and Jimin let out a loud cry, not knowing what's happening to him. He could clearly feel Jungkook's hard dick against his, rubbing against it slightly, and he got turned on by the idea of the younger being so hard for him.
Soon he felt an explosion down there, happy orgasmic chills traveling up his body, an indescribable warmth covering him whole, a moment of pure heaven that lasted more than he could imagine.
He heard Jungkook's voice, but couldn't open his eyes.
"Hyung, are you ok?"
Jimin just hummed, unable to speak more.
"I'm gonna clean you, but I won't touch you with my hands. Ok?"
Jimin hummed again, thinking how he must have lost his consciousness at one point.
He had no idea for how long he was laying in his bed, but once he noticed that he's alone, Jimin jumped up and started panicking cause what the fuck did just happen?
He heard noise coming from outside of the room, so after glancing at his half naked body he cursed before changing into grey sweatpants and a new white t-shirt.
He stormed outside and saw Jungkook holding two cups with coffee in his hands and suddenly a relief washed over him.
"You're awake." Jungkook said with a smile, coming closer and extending a hand with one hot coffee made with milk just for Jimin.
"Was I sleeping?"
Jimin carefully took the cup, being careful not to touch the younger's hand.
"Yeah. I thought you died at first."
Jimin's eyes widen.
"I'm kidding."
They sat down on the couch.
"But you did pass out at one point, so I took some towels from your bathroom and I soaked them in warm water to clean you, although there wasn't too much to clean cause I used that hideous purple shirt from your brother to cover your stomach when you came, so that's where most of the cum went. "
Jimin's mouth opened wide.
"Yeah...I thought that's a better option than to ruin your shirt."
"That's really...thoughtful of you. Thank you." Jimin drank his coffee, loving the milky taste.
"I hope you don't mind, but once I was sure you're not dead, and were just sleeping, I took a quick shower and one of your white t-shirts. It was shirt No. 7 I think. Why do you have so many shirts that are the same hyung?"
"That's fine. I should grab a shower too... Um... The shirts... I just don't like to have to decide on what to wear so I always wear the same clothes."
"What about that pretty blue button up shirt you wore when we were drawing together?"
Jimin blushed.
"Oh... That one... That's new actually... It's funny you remembered."
"Of course I do. You always wear white except that one day. I loved the way you looked then. We should go to another art class."
Jimin felt the thunder in his stomach again.
"I would love that."
"It's a date then." Jungkook smiled while sipping on that hot coffee.
"I guess it is." Jimin finally agreed and felt happy. Smile appeared on his face without control.
"I should go hyung. It's really late and I have my boxing class in the morning." Jungkook got up, and so did Jimin.
"Hey, stay here, drink your coffee in peace, you don't have to see me out, I know my way around here."
But then I won't get my goodbye kiss...
Jimin pouted.
Why was he being like this?
"Or you could if you want to..."
Jimin smiled.
They walked together, side by side and when they were at the door, Jimin stayed there, waiting for his kiss with sparkles in his eyes.
"I had a great time with you tonight..." Jungkook said before leaning in, putting a small peck on Jimin's forehead first.
"Me too."
"Oh I know you had a good time." Jungkook teased so Jimin averted his gaze onto anything other than the younger's eyes.
"My shy precious hyung. I'm so happy that I could make you feel that way... You were so good..."
Jimin looked up.
How can he be good? It was all Jungkook and the way he moved on top of him... The way he pushed down on him, the way he grind with that perfect pace... And Jimin's dick twitched at the thought.
"Thank you... It was... I don't have words... I mean I passed out so..."
They both laughed.
Jungkook leaned in and kissed him firmly, Jimin almost begged for more intimacy, but was shy to say anything.
"I'll see you soon. I'll come to the library to grab lunch tomorrow. Ok?"
Jimin nodded.
"Don't forget my sweets." he yelled when Jungkook was out getting inside his car.
"Aren't I sweet enough?"
"You're not." Jimin yelled back.
"That's cause you didn't taste me properly." Jungkook leaned his body on the car, looking amused by their little bickering.
"I have a fucking neighbours." Jimin shook his head, a smile appearing on his face.
Jungkook pretended to zipp up his mouth and then waved Jimin goodbye.
When he entered the house again, some unexplainable feeling spread through his whole body.
Could this be happiness?
He finished his coffee in peace just like Jungkook told him to, and after a nice hot shower, he looked at his phone, hoping to see a new message.
The message was there, just like always.
Miss you already.
He didn't need to think too much about his answer.
I miss you too.
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