Always something new
Sunday came and with it a new meeting with Jungkook.
Jimin felt calm and eager to finally discuss the details of Jin and Jungkook's first date and the moment he saw Jungkook he felt his cheeks burning a bit, his hands feeling slightly shaky.
"Hi." Jimin greeted first.
"Hi. How are you?"
Jungkook asked as politely as ever.
"I'm the same as always. Thank you for asking. Should we come in?" Jimin asked since they were still standing outside, but the way Jungkook scratched his neck nervously made Jimin to think about how the younger had different plans.
"What is it?"
"I have my boxing training in two hours and I haven't had my breakfast so I'm afraid I might pass out if I don't eat first." Jungkook said with the most apologetic face he could pull off.
"Oh... So... Do you want to meet another time?" Jimin was a bit disappointed, but it is what it is.
"No. Since we're already here I thought about how we could grab some pancakes nearby at the 'Sweet and Salty' cause they really have the best pancakes and donuts... What do you say?" Jungkook looked at Jimin expectantly.
This would be another new place where Jimin would go with Jungkook and he never goes to new places cause he hates the unknown and his anxiety mostly wins over and he always decides to simply go home.
This time he nods and feels weird.
"Ok... As long as I don't have to eat."
He said with some uncertainty in his voice, looking everywhere except at Jungkook's direction.
"We'll figure something out."
Jungkook was as always hyped up and kind of looked excited.
In a few minutes they entered the small sweets shop and the first thing Jimin noticed was that the place was crowded.
He felt nervous and his anxiety started creeping in.
Jungkook was kind enough to open the door for him, follow him inside but never being too close,giving Jimin some sort of protective feeling, but never smothering him.
"How about we go upstairs since there's always less people there and then we could order."
Jimin nodded.
They went upstairs where only a few tables were taken so after picking the table as far as they could from other people, Jimin finally sat down and felt immediately better...
Jungkook took the menu and after glancing at it briefly he handed the menu to Jimin.
"Do you wanna try something?"
Jungkook asked while Jimin was sitting there awkwardly, observing the pictures with all kinds of pancakes being folded into triangles then drizzled with chocolate and decorated with all kinds of fruits.
"No, I'm gonna stick to coffee, thank you."
"Ok. I'm gonna go down and order. I'll be right back."
Jungkook went down stairs so Jimin took out the notebook he usually carried around with him, feeling excited to finally fill out some empty pages.
Few minutes later, Jungkook came back with two big plates, and he put one in front of Jimin, and the other across the table for himself.
"I really don't..." Jimin tried to speak, but the moment his eyes landed on the pretty, colorful plate in front of him, he got closer to the plate and looked in awe.
There were three American pancakes with slices of bananas, kiwi, blueberries and chocolate chips, perfectly shaped into some shape that formed a big circle with all the pieces around. It was just amazingly put together and Jimin couldn't stop staring.
"Everything is shaped into circles." Jungkook said before taking a bite out of his own plate where different kinds of pancake was served with all kinds of whip cream and ice creams and a lot of way too sweet shit.
"I see... It looks really good." Jimin said without taking a bite, still looking at the plate curiously.
"Try it. I promise it'll taste just as good as it looks."
Jimin gnawed on his bottom lip, looking at the plate then at Jungkook and the way he was eating his food deliciously and his hands moved on their own, grabbing a fork and a napkin and next thing he knows he's eating a piece of perfectly soft pancake with some tasty fruits on top.
He closed his eyes, trying to get the most of the taste, and right after he let out a long hum indicating how much he was enjoying the food.
Jungkook asked while licking his lips clean, that little chocolate drop was still somewhere in the left corner of his lip.
"Amazing actually. Thank you." Jimin said while eating the rest, not saying another word.
Jungkook kept eating too, talking a bit in between the bites, and that damn chocolate drop was still there making Jimin insane.
"You have something there." After a while of controlling his OCD nature he just had to say it.
"Where?" Jungkook just continued eating unbothered.
"There." Jimin pointed to the side of his lips.
"Where? Be more specific." Jungkook pushed his face in front, coming closer to Jimin, jutting his chin towards him.
Jimin moved a bit away instinctively.
"There." he pointed right there where the dark brown spot was, so Jungkook licked the space clean with the single swipe of his tongue there.
Jimin looked.
"Is it gone?" Jungkook asked cockily.
"Yes." Jimin kept eating his food.
"I don't like messy people." he said without looking at Jungkook, feeling his cheeks burning from some weird heat that consumed him suddenly.
"I'm not messy. I'm actually really neat. My friends call me a neat freak. I have to have everything in place and folded nicely. No dirty dishes in the sink, no clothes laying around... And Yoongi hyung hates that about me."
"Well I'm the same as you. Only that such behavior is called OCD in my case. God forbid everything is clean and put away nicely."
Jimin rolled his eyes so Jungkook chuckled.
"Then I have a bit of OCD for sure."
"Maybe you do." Jimin concluded while finishing the whole plate, loving how full and satisfied he felt.
"So, Jin was ok with you being late the other day?" Jungkook asked while finishing his plate, picking those last drops of melting ice cream and eating it all up.
"Um... Well not exactly... He was worried. I haven't called or sent any messages so he did scold me a bit and we didn't have our movie night like we were supposed to which sucks cause I really love movies."
"I'm sorry. I can only imagine how worried he was, but, still, you're a grown up, you are allowed to be late if you're having fun or if you want to stay longer somewhere..."
"I know that, It's just that I never go out with strangers. It's always Tae or Jin..."
Jimin shrugged, playing with the stuff on the table, moving napkins and forks to make a neat space.
"Which movie were you supposed to watch?"
Jungkook asked, so Jimin's eyes sparkled.
"Some Marvel movie."
"No way. I love all Marvel movies. Do you know that there's 'Black Widow' playing right now at the cinema?"
"I know. Tae promised we'll go when he finds free time. He is busy with Uni and saxophone classes..."
"We should go together."
Jungkook concluded with a grin on his face so Jimin frowned.
"But... How will we discuss our plan in the cinema? We won't be able to talk."
"Well that's easy. We'll just grab some drinks or something to eat after the movie and talk."
Jimin thought about it for half a second.
"That sounds good actually."
How smart was Jungkook?
"Yeah? So... Let's say Friday at 8 p.m? We can meet in front of Cinema."
"Ok. That's fine."
"Ok then, it's a date." Jungkook said while getting up so Jimin frowned.
"Not a date."
"Silly me. Not a date. It's a movie and coffee after to discuss our plan."
Jungkook smirked.
"Yes... About the plan..." Jimin said while getting up too, looking at the empty pages on his notebook.
"We haven't talked about it at all..." he showed the empty pages to Jungkook.
"That's cause we were eating. Don't worry, we'll fill that up next time."
Jungkook said and took the notebook out of Jimin's hand, and then he took the pen that was on the table and started writing something down.
Jimin waited and then took both pen and notebook back.
Friday, 8p.m, movie night with Jungkook, coffee after to figure out the 'Jin' plan
"Sounds good. Ok. We'll talk on Friday then." Jimin concluded before following Jungkook downstairs.
"Yes. I really have to go to my boxing class now. My trainer hates when I'm late."
Jungkook walked in front of Jimin carefully, holding himself tall and looking strong while moving through crowded space, and Jimin followed closely behind, feeling weirdly comfortable and safe even if there were too many people walking around.
Jungkook gave him this unexplained feeling of safety. Probably cause he was taller and pretty buff... Amazingly, handsomely buff...
They exited the place, and stood in front, away from the busy door.
"Thank you for having breakfast with me."
Jungkook said with a smile so Jimin nodded shyly.
"Thank you... Um... I liked the food." Jimin said awkwardly. Not knowing what to say on such occasions. He was, well, socially awkward.
"What about the company?" Jungkook asked while cocking his eyebrows at him, looking silly.
Jimin was so weird.
"What about the company? You said you liked the food so I wanna hear something nice about me as a person who you had your meal with. You know...a compliment."
"A compliment?"
Jimin repeated.
"Yes Jiminshi. Say something nice for God's sake."
"Well you ate well, but you were messy."
Wow,what a compliment.
"I wasn't messy... I just ate it all eagerly."
"Well you had some chocolate on your lips."
Jimin crossed his arms on top of his chest, trying to prove his point.
"You stared at my lips a bit too much then." Jungkook said cockily, so Jimin frowned.
"I.. No... I didn't... Why would I? Pfff..." Jimin struggled cause why was Jungkook teasing him so much?
"I don't know... Maybe you think I have pretty lips." Then the younger pursed his lips like he was about to kiss someone, showing off the silver hoop on the side of his lip.
"I don't think so. I wasn't thinking about that.. I..." Jimin was so confused.
"So you don't think my lips are pretty?" Jungkook pouted, looking like some sad puppy.
"I didn't say that... Just... It's just lips and it's an organ that you eat with..."
What in the world?
"You can use your mouth for other things too."
Jimin's cheeks were burning.
"Um... I guess..."
What the hell?
"I mean there's also talking..." Jungkook shrugged, pointing out the obvious.
"Yes. Talking. I thought of talking too... Yes... Ok... I have to go now. See you on Friday. Bye." and just like that Jimin turned around, leaving Jungkook behind cause where was this conversation heading? What was all of that?
His mind got preoccupied with all the nonsense Jungkook had said, and he couldn't stop having this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"I see you're not eating again." Tae came to sit next to Jimin, at the Uni's cafeteria, and the older was playing with some sliced fruits in his bowl.
"M not hungry..."
"Oh really? Well that's odd. You always eat what you bring with you. Are you ok?"
"I'm fine."
He didn't sound ok.
"Well something's bothering you. Can you please talk to me."
Jimin took a deep breath.
"I just don't know if this whole thing with Jungkook will go well. The more I get to know him the more I realize that he's not that great match with Jin. I mean we saw each other yesterday and we literally haven't made any progress with figuring out our plan."
"Oh... Well... Maybe they're not meant to be together. On the other hand, your friend Tae.."
"I'm not setting you up with Jin Tae."
Tae rolled his eyes dramatically.
"Fine. So why don't you teach Jungkook how to be better for Jin. Wasn't that the whole idea"?
"It was, but I kind of don't want to change him. He's an adult and a normal grown up who doesn't need changing... I just don't know if they'll fit and that worries me..." Jimin nibbled on his lower lip.
"But why? I mean if he's not right, we'll just go to another speed dating night and find a new guy."
Tae always had a solution, it's just that Jimin didn't like this one.
"But I want Jungkook to date Jin."
Tae frowned.
"Well it's not up to you. Maybe you'll like his next boyfriend too."
Jimin shook his head.
"Then I wouldn't be able to see Jungkook again and if he dated Jin we could see each other and he could make me sandwiches like Namjoon always did. Only that Jungkook knows what a circle is unlike Namjoon..."
"Oh... So you're afraid that Jin won't like Jungkook and then you won't be able to see him again?"
"Kind of. I just hope Jin will like him. We're going to see a movie on Friday night and after..."
"You're what???" Tae's eyes widened.
"A movie..."
"The one the two of us were supposed to see? The Black Widow?"
"The one you never have time to watch with me." Jimin knew when to bite back.
Tae got up, anger written all over his face.
"You know what? I hope Jin hates Jungkook and that you're stupid plan falls apart cause that guy is getting on my nerve and I don't even know him."
Jimin opened his mouth.
"You're so mean. That's way too childish even for you."
Jimin yelled, but Tae was already walking away, giving Jimin his best dramatic walk.
Wednesday was always Jimin's favorite day of the week cause that's when new books in the library that he works in are arriving.
He always gets way too excited to see what's the new thing that he'll read, and this Wednesday was no different.
"Jiminshi, the package has arrived." Mina, his coworker said so he let go of the books he was currently wiping to go and see the newest arrival.
As always there were around twenty new books, stored in the box nicely, covered with foil.
Jimin opened up the box and stared at the books, his eyes sparkling with desire to devour them all.
Soon... He thinks.
He took his sanitizing spray and tissues and cleaned every single book that he took out of the box carefully. After that he went to the 'New arrivals' shelf and started putting all the books in the right places.
He was humming some song that got stuck in his head (a habit he developed every time he was excited) and then he heard a loud familiar voice.
"Holly fuck!"
He turned around only to see Jungkook staring at the bookshelves with his mouth open.
"Hi." the younger said while coming closer to Jimin who was looking around to see if there was anyone close to them who could hear Jungkook's cursing.
"Hi to you too, you can't curse in a library." Jimin whispered yelled, still looking uncomfortably around.
"Looks more like a pharmacy to me." Jungkook said while still looking in awe.
"Well thank you." Jimin looked at the nicely folded books inside the tall shelves. He really did an amazing job.
"It's so well organized and clean and just perfect. Did you do all of this?"
Jimin felt proud.
"Yes. Employee of the year." Jimin nodded smugly while pointing at himself.
"Looks amazing. You deserve a raise." Jungkook came closer and with his index finger swiped the non existing dust off of one book.
It was really impressive how clean everything was. Still Jimin had some concerns.
"But be honest..." Jimin said while coming in front of one wall that was on the far left.
"Look at this shelf."
Jungkook came closer too.
"Ok. I'm looking."
"Do you see something wrong? Like something that's sticking out there?"
"No." Jungkook said seriously.
"Look harder."
"Nothing." Jungkook shook his head.
"But how? It's driving me nuts." Jimin said while frowning, a small pout appearing on his mouth.
"What is it?" Jungkook was curious.
"The book in the second row from top, the ninth one, see how its shade is a bit darker than the rest of the books in the same row."
"I really don't." Jungkook said in all honesty.
"It's cause the book is older than the others, but I put it there cause it's the right thing to do because the alphabet order, but it's sticking out and I'm gonna have another meltdown if I keep talking about it." Jimin started breathing deeper.
"Please don't." Jungkook looked at him with compassion.
"Do you think I could bleach it, or repaint the covers, or..." Jimin had other ideas on his mind.
"No, no, no... Why would you? Let it be just the way it is... It's unique in its own way and please could you give me that book so I can read it and I'll give it back in two weeks so you can have some inner peace at least for the time that the book is at my place." Jungkook had some good ideas too.
Jimin's eyes sparkled with excitement.
"That's actually a very good idea. I could do that all the time."
"Do what?" Jungkook got a bit confused.
"Well give the book to other readers the moment someone gives it back. People that come here respect my opinion and they always ask for a book to recommend. Well guess which book I'm gonna recommend from now on?"
Jungkook cocked his eyes devilishly.
"The one bothering you."
"Exactly." Jimin looked satisfied with this plan.
"Is the book any good?"
"Well the name says it all." Jimin took the book out and turned it to Jungkook.
'Anatomy of Melancholy'
Jimin made the 'I'm sorry I'm making you do this' face.
"Wow, what a book. I think it'll be good for bedtime reading when I want to fall asleep as fast as I can." Jungkook always saw the light at the end of the tunnel.
"I like the way you think."
Jimin said and gave the book to Jungkook who took it with a smile.
"Anyways, what brings you here?"
Jimin had no idea why Jungkook was here in the first place and he kind of wanted to know.
"Well except that I was looking for a good new book to read before going to bed, I came to give you these snacks. I figured you must get hungry while working."
The younger handed Jimin a bag that the older sceptically took without looking inside.
"But I... You know that I'm a bit picky... well not a bit, like a lot... and..." Jimin was confused.
"Look inside. I know what you like."
Jimin glanced inside and his eyes widened at the sight of some perfectly shaped crackers and chocolate cookies which smelled heavenly.
"They're all shaped like a circle... " Jimin mumbled while sniffing the food.
"Yes. You can eat them. They're really nice. I love to eat those after my training, even if that's not such a good idea, but still, I can't resist them." Jungkook said and shrugged, looking kind of adorable.
"Thank you... That's really thoughtful of you." Jimin really thought so. He got filled with some warm and fussy filing inside his stomach and his thoughts went straight to the thing Jungkook and him should be working on. The plan.
"I really hope Jin will like you." Jimin said without thinking about his words, and saw some kind of small smile on Jungkook's face that wasn't the usual smile the younger had while they were together. This one was kind of forced and unusual, but what did Jimin know, he was bad at reading people as always.
"We'll see. I have to go now. I have plans with Hobi hyung. It was nice seeing you and thank you for the book Jiminshi." Jungkook said while moving backwards towards the door. Jimin followed him.
"Thank you for snacks and I'll see you on Friday."
Jungkook nodded.
"See you soon."
Jimin waved the younger goodbye, still having that weird itch in the pit of his stomach that felt weird and a bit disturbing honestly.
He sat down at his desk and opened the snacks the younger had brought for him. While looking at the perfectly put together shelves where not a single book was sticking out and making him want to throw up, Jimin disinfected his hands with some disinfecting wipes and ate every single cookie and cracker while humming in awe at the amazing taste.
"Jin, I'm going out!"
Jimin yelled after wearing a simple white button up shirt and some cardigan over it cause the night seemed chilly, he styled his dark brown hair the way he usually does (he combed it a few times) and tried to get out unnoticed.
Only that it didn't work.
"Where are you going and with whom?" Jin yelled after him so Jimin stopped walking and turned around to face his nosy brother.
"Just to see a movie with a friend..." Jimin said as normally as he could.
Jimin really hated lying and he usually never saw the point of it too.
"The guy from the other night?"
Jin crossed his arms on top of his chest and leaned his side on the wall, looking at Jimin curiously.
"So second date?"
"No. We saw each other more than twice actually."
What? Why did I just say that?!
"Oh really? So now you're not telling me when you're going out on dates like that's some natural thing to you. Great." Jin was judgemental.
Probably worried too.
"That's cause it's not a real date... More like... Like hanging out..." Jimin tried to find the right words, but struggled a bit cause how could he say 'I'm meeting the guy that's supposed to be your new boyfriend so that all of us could be happy again and get back to our daily routine'.
" Well that's how it all starts Jimin... "
" There's nothing going on. I'm just... trying to... I guess have a new friend.... I don't know..." Jimin stumbled over his own words so Jin came closer and looked at him fondly.
"Ok... Do you even like him? Is he being nice to you? A good company at least?" Jin was being curious and protective.
"I..." Jimin needed a second to process the question.
"Well... I do like him. He's nice and I feel safe when I'm with him." Jimin concluded and even surprised himself when he said those things cause saying it out loud his new friendship became more real.
"That's good. I like that you feel safe with him. That's kind of the most important thing when it comes to you. You really need someone who'll understand you and your needs and who will be there for you."
Jimin nodded.
"He kind of is all of that... At least till now he's been..." Jimin assured his brother, trying not to say too much, but unable to hide everything and finally he tried to leave in peace.
Jimin turned around one more time before exiting the house.
"We should really work on your wardrobe cause those few things that you have in your closet aren't working out anymore." Jin, the stylish brother in the family said so Jimin rolled his eyes at him.
"I'm fine with how I look and I don't want to think about clothes at all. But thank you for the offer."
Jimin had decided to stick to his own rules which were ' clothing doesn't matter' and 'things should be comfortable and that's all'.
While coming closer to the cinema, Jimin noticed Jungkook immediately.
He was standing in front, but not close to the door, probably trying to avoid the crowd that was coming inside, and that thought already wormed Jimin's insides uncontrollably.
"Hi." Jimin was first to greet, and Jungkook bowed politely with a small smile on his face.
"I hope you don't mind, but I came a bit earlier and I bought the tickets already, you know, just trying to keep us away from too many people." Jungkook said while handing Jimin one of the tickets, which he took shyly.
"Thank you. That's really considerate... Um... Can I give you the money? I'm older so I should pay for them..."
Jungkook shook his head.
"No way Jiminshi. I don't care about that. We'll pay equally for everything that we're gonna buy. This was my idea anyways."
Jimin took a deep breath.
"Fine. Then I'm gonna buy us sweets and popcorn if you like that."
"Of course I do. Is there anything for you to eat?"
Jungkook asked, already thinking about Jimin's habit of not eating anything that's not in a circular shape.
"I don't know. I usually never buy anything. My brother and Tae love popcorn, but I don't eat that..."
"Ok, let's go inside, the movie's gonna start soon and I like the commercials too." Jungkook said enthusiastically so Jimin started walking towards the entrance.
Again, the whole time, Jungkook was in front of him, few steps ahead, but always close, tall and strong, radiating that calm and safe feeling all around them.
When they took a look at the sweets options, of course there were all kinds of things: Twix, Snickers, Bounty, some chips, popcorns, and Oreo... Jungkook got himself a big portion of popcorn, Oreo and some caramel candies for later, Jimin looked at his options, but decided not to buy anything.
The movie started so they mostly kept staring at the big screen, admiring the action in front of them. They did comment about actors and other Marvel movies they had watched, and even if they couldn't decide who is the best Marvel character from the comic books, they both agreed that in the movies, they would both go for Iron Man.
After eating every single popcorn that was in the big bucket, Jungkook took out the Oreo cookies that Jimin got for him.
"Hey Jiminshi, do you want one?" Jungkook whispered while showing the perfectly circular black cookie, but Jimin made a disgusting grimace.
"I tried those, but I didn't like the white thing in the middle."
Jungkook's eyes widened.
"No way. That's the best part."
"The white sticky thing? No." Jimin disagreed.
"Well when you say it like that...'' Jungkook jokes.
"What?" Jimin didn't get it.
"Nothing. How about this. I'll pull them apart and take the one side that has the white filling on it and I'll give you the other part."
Jimin thought about it...
"I'll eat it, but I don't want any of that white thing on it."
"Wow, demanding much..." Again, Jungkook jokes, and Jimin doesn't get it.
"I'm not demanding, I just don't like that..."
"I'm kidding. Don't take everything so seriously." Jungkook tried to explain his sense of humor.
"I don't get jokes, like at all..."
"Don't worry. We'll get there."
Jungkook said and opened the little bag with cookies inside, and just before he was about to reach for the first one, Jimin gave him a pack of his disinfecting wipes, obviously making sure the younger's hands were clean.
"Oh, sorry. I forgot. I even have my own, but it just didn't cross my mind..."
Jungkook wiped his hands the best way he could and then he took the first cookie.
He took it with both hands, and started twisting them in the opposite direction, trying to break the cookie apart without using too much force.
The cookie finally opened up, but there was the white filling on both circles.
"Fuck." Jungkook cursed quietly.
"Shhhh..." Jimin shushed him.
"There's the white filling on both sides." Jungkook showed the cookies so Jimin pouted.
"It's ok. You eat both of them."
Jungkook sighed and put the cookies away in the empty popcorn box.
"No. I'll try with another one. I got four of them. I have three more tries."
Jungkook was stubborn.
The younger repeated the same procedure again, and the moment he looked at the cookies, he saw the same thing. There was filling on both sides.
"Jungkook..." Jimin scolded him again.
"How about I lick the filling off of it..." seemed like Jungkook had an idea.
Jimin's face was priceless.
Jungkook chuckled.
"I'll try again."
"There's no need to... I'm not even hungr-"
"Shhhhhhh I need to concentrate for this one to work." Jungkook stopped Jimin in the middle of the sentence just so that he could pay all of his attention to the damn cookie.
Unfortunately another cookie broke apart, this one even worse than the others. It broke down in the middle, which made it lose its circular shape and on top of it, there was white filling all over the place.
Jungkook opened his mouth to probably curse again, but Jimin was faster. He put his index finger in front of Jungkook's mouth, but not touching it at all, and he looked at him seriously.
"Don't curse. We're watching a movie. People are around. I don't care about the cookie." Jimin said and then moved away to sit normally again. Jungkook's face was a bit red, but again, he didn't want to eat the cookies, instead, he had one last left and he was going to give his all to do this right.
With all the care in the world, he took the last cookie and tried this other technique where he tore the cookies apart by using the fast and strong pull and this time around, the magic happened.
"Woohooo!" Jungkook yelled, Jimin hid his face behind his palms, so the younger excused himself to the audience that was sitting close to them, and then he turned to face Jimin.
"I did it." he whispered like he didn't yell moments ago.
"I figured."
"Now eat." Jungkook gave the perfectly round spotless cookie to Jimin, so after taking a small glance at it, the older eat it and the worst thing was, he enjoyed it so much, he wanted to beg for one more.
"So good." he said with satisfied hum, and the whole time, Jungkook couldn't stop staring at him.
"You liked it?"
"I did. It's really tasty. Thank you."
Jungkook got up, and went outside without saying another word, leaving Jimin there, confused and a bit nervous too, but only a few minutes after, the younger returned with two more packs of the same cookies, so Jimin looked at him with frown.
"Why did you leave in the middle of the movie?" Jimin scolded him quietly.
"You said you liked it so I wanted to try again cause you only ate one."
Jimin felt sick to his stomach. At least that's how he would describe the butterflies storming around.
"You don't have to do that. You're missing the movie..." Jimin said, but loved the idea of eating another one of those delicious treats.
"You watch it and then you'll tell me what happened later."
Jungkook kept himself busy with the cookies for another half an hour, while Jimin was watching the movie, praying to God that Jungkook would feed him with a lot of cookies that he fell in love with.
He would occasionally glance at the younger, who was focused on separating those cookies, his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth, making him look focused and determined. Maybe even cute, but what would Jimin know about that?
After the movie ended, and Jimin got another three perfectly round and clean cookies to eat, they waited for the crowd to go out, and exited the cinema themselves.
While walking down the street, Jungkook kept asking Jimin about the movie cause he obviously hadn't seen much.
"You should seriously watch the movie again, you barely know anything."
"Well that's cause I was trying to feed you with those cookies."
"You didn't have to. I told you that I'm not hungry."
"You also told me how you liked them a lot after you ate that first one."
Jimin stopped walking.
"That's true. Still, that doesn't mean that you had to do it..."
"I don't have to do anything, but I wanted to."
Jimin was even more confused.
"But why?"
"Cause you liked it." Jungkook said and kept walking down the street that wasn't the one leading to the coffee shop where Jimin thought they're gonna grab a cup of coffee and discuss the thing they were here for in the first place.
The 'dating Jin' plan.
" Where are you going?" Jimin walked faster, trying to catch up, so Jungkook stopped.
"Oh... I thought about how we could grab a coffee at my place. It's really close and no one would bother us there so we could really plan this whole thing out tonight."
Jimin thought about it. It wasn't such a bad idea. Coffee shops were usually filled with people, it's always pretty nosy, the coffee isn't that good...
" Ok. We could do that. Is your roommate home? "
Jimin remembered Yoongi and the last thing he wanted to do was invade someone's privacy.
"No. He's out with Hobi hyung. I think they are having a poker night or something."
"Oh. Ok. That's good."
Jimin felt relief washing over him cause he really wouldn't know what to do or how to act if someone new was there with them.
Around ten minutes more or less, finally they arrived in front of the building that wasn't that far from Jimin's home, probably 20 minutes walk or so.
Jungkook led them in, and since his and Yoongi's apartment was on the second floor they chose to walk instead using the elevator.
The moment they entered inside, Jimin felt a nice and calming smell of freshly washed clothes, the mild and pleasant fabric softener filled his nostrils and made him sniff around like some kind of animal.
"It smells nice." Jimin said while inhaling deeply so Jungkook showed him the first door to the left in the hallway, where the bathroom sign was visible.
"I washed our clothes earlier and I love to use nice detergents and fabric softeners." he explained while pointing to the washing machine so Jimin nodded.
"We should wash our hands." Jimin had his priorities.
"Of course." Jungkook agreed.
They entered together and both of them looked at each other in the mirror. There was one sink and Jimin didn't know if he should wash his hands first.
"Wanna go first?"Jungkook asked, so Jimin shrugged.
"I'm ok if you want to go first..." he wanted to be considerate.
"No Jiminshi. You're older, you go first."
Jungkook had some manners. Jimin liked that.
The older nodded and after carefully rolling his sleeves he washed his hands thoroughly.
"About that thing... Me being older... Um... You can call me hyung if you want to. I mean if you're gonna date my brother and if we're gonna see each other all the time, wouldn't it be weird for you to address me so formally?"
Jimin had thought about this a few times,and he felt comfortable enough for Jungkook to call him hyung. He was really fine with it.
" I'll call you hyungie like I call my friends. " Jungkook said with the widest grin.
" No. Hyung's totally fine. " Jimin hated pet names.
"You're no fun." Jungkook pouted and finally started washing his hands.
"I know." Jimin agreed while watching Jungkook putting soap on his hands.
"I was joking. You're fun. Stop saying that you aren't. " Jungkook scolded him.
Jimin just shrugged, still watching the younger carefully.
When Jungkook finished, well at least he thought he was finished, Jimin pointed at his hands, his thumbs to be exact.
" You forgot to wash your thumbs."
Jungkook looked at his own hands, wet from water and frowned.
"Don't you wash them together with the other fingers while you wash your hands?"
"No. You need to wash them thoroughly. From base to up and then the nails."
Jungkook nodded, and let the water run while he was putting some soap on his thumbs.
"Why are you letting all that water go to waste? You should soap your hands and then let the water run."
Jimin was obviously detail oriented when it comes to washing hands.
"I don't know. Habit? But you got the point there."
"Of course I do. Can you change that habit maybe?" Why was Jimin all of a sudden so eco friendly?
"I'll try my best. Thank you for pointing things out for me."
Jungkook was such a sweetheart.
"People usually hate when I do that. They find me annoying."
Jungkook chuckled and started walking towards the living room.
Jimin followed closely behind.
"I think you're adorable."
The younger said while casually walking and Jimin felt sick again. You know that feeling when you want to throw up cause something is bugging your stomach and making your whole face burn. That's the feeling.
He didn't answer anything, mostly cause he didn't know what to say, but also cause the moment they entered the living room, Jimin really liked what he saw.
The space itself wasn't that big, but it was impeccably clean and somehow everything was minimalistic and perfect and Jimin fell in love with the space.
"Wow. I like this room."
He couldn't hide his affection.
"Really? I was the one who picked out the furniture. Yoongi was so stubborn about it cause he is also into interior design, but he gave in the moment I said that I'm gonna cry out loud in the middle of the store if he doesn't say yes to this couch."
Jimin looked at the younger with those warm eyes again, his eyes felt smaller and warm, cozy...
What is that?
" I always do that to Jin whenever he doesn't want to buy me stuff, and I just say it's cause of Asperger's, but we both know I'm just being bratty."
Jungkook smiled. Widely.
Jimin liked to see his teeth.
He had no idea why though.
"We're both bratty then." Jungkook concluded and showed Jimin to sit on that amazing, comfy gray couch, which Jimin gladly did.
He sat down and loved how his whole body bounced up and down, so he did it again.
He got up, then sat down.
Up and down.
This is fun.
" I see you're having fun there."
Jungkook startled him from his fun time, so Jimin figured it's better if he just sits. He felt a bit ashamed too.
"Sorry, the couch is really comfortable."
"Why sorry? I jump on it all the time." Jungkook said and sat down, only one bottle of beer in his hand.
"I didn't know what to bring for you, so I thought about how you could see what we have in the fridge and chose yourself. Is that ok?"
Jimin looked around, trying to figure out where the kitchen was, and then he noticed the door on the right, which was probably leading to the kitchen.
He got up, and pointed in the direction of the door, so Jungkook nodded.
"Go ahead. I'll wait for you."
It wasn't that weird to be in someone else's apartment and to walk around freely, but it was a bit unusual for Jimin since he never goes to anyone's place except Tae's and he had regretted his decision to visit his best friend always cause Tae was a bit artistic and not so neat (he is a slob) so Jimin would usually have a mild anxiety attack every time he visits.
So between cleaning and trying to make everything neat and organized, Jimin would spend a little time talking to Tae, and more time being a good housekeeper.
Maybe that's why Tae invites him over at least monthly.
Jimin said out loud the moment he opened the fridge that was standing on the left side of a pretty small kitchen.
"What?" Jungkook yelled from the living room.
Jimin kept staring at the fridge.
"What is it?" Jungkook came inside, now looking at the older who was still staring inside the fridge.
"Everything is so nicely organized. I love it." Jimin really loved when someone had nicely stored food which wasn't the case in his home cause Jin never cared about things being stored by size, or color, or shape, or anything... He would just put food inside the fridge and that's it.
" I like to keep small things on the bottom shelf, then the meat is up on that one, and everything diary is in the middle. Not to forget drinks, I need to have beer, wine and some soju always stored nicely..." Jungkook kept talking and Jimin looked at him in awe, like the younger one was telling him his favorite bedtime story.
" It looks amazing. I really appreciate when someone is organized and clean. " Jimin really did.
" And... Not to be too braggy or something, but I always put in front things that have the closest expiration date, and the ones that can be eaten for months I store deeper in the fridge so that we minimize food waste. "
Jimin's heart skipped a beat.
What a simple man.
" Let's work on that 'Jin plan'. Seriously, if you don't fit in our family I'm gonna force you to do so. " Jimin really liked the idea of having Jungkook around.
He grabbed one beer and walked over to the living room, back to the place he was sitting moments ago.
After taking out his small notebook and pen, Jimin opened up his notes and saw one word in it.
"We really suck at making this plan..." Jimin concluded while looking at the non existing plan dead panned.
"I think that we just have a lot of fun together and we kind of never have the time to finish that."
Jimin thought about it for a second.
It was true. All of it.
He had fun with Jungkook. They always did something new and interesting and even as anxious and nervous that he is, at the end of the day, he really enjoyed spending time with the younger.
"You're right, but now we have time and we should decide other details of your date."
Jungkook nodded.
"Ok. So we are gonna have a pick-nick. Where? What scenery does Jin like?"
"Maybe some nice park... Somewhere where the two of you could talk in private, get to know each other, share some thoughtful moments or...whatever..."
Jimin had a rough plan, but still couldn't think about a certain place.
"How about Seoul's park? It's big enough for people not to disturb us and it's clean and it has short grass with a lot of trees so that we could enjoy in some shade..."
Jimin nodded.
"Sounds perfect. And you can bring a blanket and some food and drinks that Jin likes to wow him even more, and you should definitely try to find some place to sit where no one's watching..."
Jungkook frowned.
"Well cause at the end of your date, you're supposed to kiss." Jimin faked gagging. Jungkook chuckled.
"On the first date? Isn't that a bit too early?" he obviously had some manners.
"I don't know if I mentioned it before, but my brother's a whore. I don't know how good it is for me to tell you this, but (Jimin whispered the next part) he had done even more on first dates."
Jungkook smiled again.
"It's called a one night stand..."
"Well Jin does that, so feel free to kiss him or stand one night with him or whatever a one night stand means.... I don't know what you sex freaks are into..." Jimin blushed, talking about this always makes him uneasy.
"I'm not a sex freak. It's just that people have needs." Jungkook was more open.
"Well... I wouldn't know anything about it. I don't have those needs like at all." Jimin took a big sip of his beer.
"Oh come on, at all? No way. I think you just haven't met the right person yet."
Jimin shook his head.
"Nope. There is literally no one in this world that I would like to share germs with. Na-a. No."
Jungkook laughed out loud.
"Oh my God. Sharing germs. Is that what you call kissing?" he was obviously amused.
"Well yeah, cause that's exactly what it is."
Jungkook took a sip of his beer while looking at Jimin, observing him carefully.
"There are good germs hyung. Not all germs are bad for you."
Jimin looked at him and frowned.
He thought about it.
"I know about probiotics and good germs, but you can't ever know which ones are inside someone's mouth."
"Well if the person is healthy and is taking good care of his hygiene then you can assume that there are good germs inside their mouth."
Everything that Jungkook had said made sense and Jimin hated it. He hated to have his beliefs shaken up and turned upside down and Jungkook really knew how to do that.
"That's true. So... Feel free to kiss Jin at the end of your date. Share some germs, good ones, bad ones freely." Jimin concluded so Jungkook shook his head, a smile was still visible on his face. Obviously he was enjoying himself.
"Ok. So let's see what we have here, pick-nick at the park, nice food and wine, kiss at the end, what else do we need to figure out?" Jungkook peeked inside Jimin's notebook, but there was still nothing new written.
"Well, we do need to talk about things that are interesting to you, and Jin, so that you can always have some topic to talk about. You know how awkward it is when you're with someone and have literally nothing to say to them?" Jimin asked with perplexed face expressions.
"That happens to me all the time. Either I'll start the conversation with 'Hi, I have Asperger's, or hi, I don't like people' and that's where it all ends." Jungkook chuckled.
"You're literally sabotaging yourself." Jungkook concluded so Jimin shrugged.
"Not that I mind. I don't need more people in my life. I'm happy with having one friend and a brother. Everyone other than them is supposed to be there and just not bother me and my daily routine."
"What about your parents?" Jungkook asked so Jimin squirmed in his seat.
"We don't have a healthy relationship. They never acknowledged my syndrome and they weren't a good support for me while growing up so Jin had decided to take care of me the best way he could on his own the moment he had finished University and had found a nice and steady job and I couldn't be more grateful for that."
Jungkook's facial expression changed. He was visibly bothered and looked sad.
"I'm so sorry to hear that. You must have had a lot of problems while growing up in that kind of environment. Luckily you have Jin and Tae who are amazing and selfless support."
Jimin nodded.
"That's true. They are my everything."
"And still, you had decided that I should be the one to date your brother. What did the poor guy do to you?" Jungkook joked so Jimin looked at him in a certain way he hadn't looked at him before.
"I want you to date him cause I want you to be part of our lives. '' Jimin said without thinking too much and it was the truth. He liked the way Jungkook was thinking, behaving around him, he liked the way he felt safe and amused without even trying and he really wanted it to last.
The only thing he didn't know is why would anyone want to be in his life other than through his brother and maybe Tae, cause what was the thing that Jimin could give to someone? The bigger picture of someone living with difficulties? The constant fear of germs? The opportunity to be with someone who was incapable to love and be close to someone? All he could see was his flaws, and nothing else. That's how he was living from the moment he had been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and how he got used to living till today.
Jungkook took a deep breath and just as he was about to say something, the entry door to the apartment opened and both of them froze.
Jimin looked at Jungkook perplexed, and Jungkook's face was nothing less than shocked.
The younger came closer to Jimin, he sat next to him without touching him, and whispered "Everything's ok, it's just Yoongi, ok?"
Jimin didn't have time to answer cause the next moment two men entered the living room, looking all giggly and happy.
"Oh shit, you're here." the mint haired man said, looking all apologetic and confused. The other one looked just as confused, even a bit scared.
"Sorry Kookah, we thought you finished with the movies and this..." the redhead said, so Jungkook cleared his throat, obviously something was bothering him, dry air or the tension...probably the thick tension that consumed the whole place.
"Hi guys. This is Jimin hyung."
Both men waved cutely without coming even a step closer.
"We did see a movie, but we couldn't talk about, um... some things so we came here to grab a beer and talk."
They both nodded, still not moving, looking at Jimin, then Jungkook, their eyes pin-poing around.
"Hi Jimin, I'm Hoseok, I'm Jungkook's friend." The redhead introduced himself, and Jimin liked the shiny and bright smile he saw on the man's face.
"And I'm Yoongi, but you must remember me from the other night at the Tower. I'm the one who was playing the piano."
Jimin just nodded shyly.
Jungkook kept being close to him, but not too close, just enough to make him feel safe and secure.
"Um... if you want to talk more without us bothering you, we could leave..." Yoongi said while pointing at the door and Jimin felt a bit silly.
"It's your apartment. Are you throwing yourself out so that I could feel...not as awkward?" Jimin should really learn how to censor himself or to say some things not as directly.
Jungkook chuckled.
Jimin looked at him.
"Did I say something stupid?" Jimin whispered so all of them laughed.
"I told you he's adorable."
Jimin felt that similar weird feeling in his stomach. Kind of like sickness.
"Stop saying that." he whispered shyly, but he indeed looked too cute.
"Is it ok if we all hang out here for a bit? We could play some games or watch some anime..." Yoongi asked, so Jungkook looked at Jimin, anticipation written on his face.
"Um... I could stay for another hour maybe... I wanted to walk back home and it's already dark outside. My brother would be worried if I stay for too long."
Jungkook smiled fondly.
"You'll stay? Really?"
He looked genuinely surprised.
"Yes. But I won't play games with you. I'll just watch."
Yoongi and Hoseok finally moved from where they'd been standing awkwardly, but before they could sit on the couch or two lazy bags that were positioned close to the TV, Jimin jumped up from his seat.
"You didn't wash your hands!"
They froze in the middle of their walk, and looked at Jimin.
"He's right. You really didn't." Jungkook scolded them too.
"We forgot... We'll do it now."
So they left for the bathroom and Jungkook started preparing some racing games for them to play. Jimin stayed where he was seated and watched.
"Why don't you want to play with us? If it's cause we're sharing the remotes?"
"No. I can always disinfect things. It's actually cause I don't like losing and at one point or another, I would lose and I don't want that. I get really mad, and I'm not nice when I'm mad."
"No one's nice when they're mad hyung. That is the point. All of us should get mad from time to time. That's totally normal,and of course I won't be all happy and smiley if, for example, someone beats me up at soccer or basketball, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop playing. It only means that I need to practice more to be better. I mean, why would you give up on something that's fun only cause you suck at it sometimes? "
Jimin took a deep breath.
This guy...
Jungkook and his reasonable mind will definitely drive him insane.
" You're probably right, it's just that I don't like myself when I lose control and when I get upset. It's humiliating and I don't like others to see me like that."
"I think you would still look cute, even if you yell and curse, and start throwing things around, oh God that would be so much fun."
Jimin looked at him confused.
"You're so weird sometimes."
Jungkook laughed at his comment.
"Ok, ok, so who's gonna get his ass beaten up by me?" Hosek yelled the moment he entered the room, and Jimin really wanted to cover his ears cause, wow, how loud could someone be, but then the redhead started dancing his way onto the lazy bag, and he looked good, beat boxing to some tune while moving his body like he's boneless and all Jimin could do was stare.
"That looked incredible."
Jimin said in awe, wishing he could see him dance some more.
"Thank you Jiminshi. I'm a dance instructor at Entertainment for two years now. Do you like dancing?"
Hosek made himself comfortable, remote in his hands, while Yoongi came inside too, but not making a big entrance such as Hobi did, and soon they started playing Mario Kart racing game.
" I do. I've been dancing ballet and contemporary dance for nine years now. It really helps me with relaxing myself and throwing out the building energy inside me..."
"Wow, nine years... That's where that boot-... Never mind..." Jungkook was surprised and shocked at the same time, but he didn't let himself finish the sentence.
"So can you do splits and all those crazy turns?" Instead he was interested in this.
"Of course he can. Ballet and contemporary dance are so hard and they really build your stamina and flexibility. You should come to my studio and check out my kids. There are some of them who would love to try contemporary and unfortunately that was never my thing. "
" Um... I could do that... Maybe... I don't know..." Jimin thought about it. Him teaching some kids dancing... Would he like that?
" So you can do split? Like a real split?"
Jungkook's mind was somewhere else.
" Of course I can. Splits are easy. Turns are something I need to practice more... "
" So... Like... You could actually do a split right now. Here."
Why was this so interesting for the younger?
" Yes. But my pants would probably tear apart..."
"You could still do it. I don't mind."
Yoongi threw a pillow at Jungkook's face.
Jimin just looked at Jungkook like he had two heads.
"But my pants would be destroyed and then I would be left only in my underwear."
Hoseok threw another pillow at Jungkook.
"What?" Jimin was naive and pure.
"Nothing, just... I'm gonna grab another beer. Does anyone need anything from the fridge?"
"We're ok." Yoongi said, Jimin shook his head and soon all the boys were taking turns in playing, and Jimin was still just watching them curiously, observing the way they would react when they lose, thinking about how normal all of this looked for him.
Yoongi would mostly curse when he would lose, Hobi would laugh it off, yell at himself, and Jungkook would open his doe eyes widely, not blinking at all before finishing the race, and then if he would win, this smug expression would appear on his face, and if he would lose, he would whine like a baby, put his hands on his ears, and later just laughed at himself. All of it made Jimin want to try playing himself.
"Who's next? You poor asses really need to work on your game." Yoongi said after winning almost every game, and suddenly Jimin felt some weird courage mixed with curiosity taking over him.
"Um...can I try?"
All of them looked at him fondly, so Jimin felt kind of shy again.
"You really want to try?" Jungkook double checked, not believing the words he's hearing so Jimin nodded.
"But I have to warn you... When I get mad I tend to curse a bit and whine a lot... So sorry in advance."
Hoseok gave him the uwu look, smiling at him fondly.
"That's totally fine. We are pretty the same as you could see and we still enjoy playing."
His words only encouraged Jimin to try it out more.
He sat down on the lazy bag where Hoseok was sitting before, and after wiping the remote with his disinfecting wipes, it was time to play.
The boys let him choose first, so he chose Mario and Yoongi took Luigi to play the first round.
The moment the play started Jimin lost himself in all of it and started hitting the walls, bumping into stuff, in one word, he was a mess. Of course Yoongi won, and Jimin tried to calm himself by breathing deeply. It helped.
Next round was pretty similar, but Jimin wasn't giving up.
He tried and tried, and tried again, but whatever he did, Yoongi was always better.
The third game was a little better than the rest. Jimin finally started riding instead of bumping into everything and anything and he finally thought how he had a chance in winning this one.
Only that he didn't.
Yoongi was a lot faster and better and this time when Jimin saw him crossing that finish line, he felt the same anger he usually feels when he doesn't do something right and his mouth got faster than his brain.
"Fucking shit!!!"
He cursed and the rest of the boys just looked at him, their lips pursed, trying hard not to laugh.
"I fucking hate this." He cursed again, and Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. He burst out in laughter hating himself for it, but totally being consumed in Jimin's cuteness.
"Hyuuuung, you're so cuteee. Oh my God the way you cursed."
Jimin felt his cheeks burning again.
"Stop it. I'm never gonna play again."
Only that he did. Twenty minutes later, Jungkook asked him to play with him which Jimin accepted and the younger even let him win by refusing to go over the crossing line until Jimin's character went first.
It felt weirdly satisfying to win even if it was only cause of Jungkook.
"I need to get my roots fixed. I hate when my hair looks like this." Hoseok whined while showing off his grown out roots, so all of them took a look at his hair.
"It looks good. I could change my color too. I got bored of this whole mint thing."
Yoongi went with his hands through his hair, making it a bit messy, but not caring that much.
"I actually like both of your hair colors. It suits you right and it looks really fun." Jimin said while sitting on the couch, finishing his bottle of beer, the rest of the boys sat on the couch too, Hoseok on Jimin's left side and Jungkook on his right. Both of them made sure to leave some space between them. Jimin really appreciated that.
"Have you ever considered dying your hair?" Yoongi asked while coming from the kitchen, grabbing some beers for them to drink.
"Um... No... Not really."
And then it happened.
For Jimin it looked like all of it happened in slow motion.
He saw Hoseok extending his hand towards his head, his mouth moving like he was saying something that Jimin couldn't quite understand cause he was too focused on the hand coming now dangerously near his face, and just as he was about to panic or bite Hoseok's finger off, or yell out loud, he saw a hand, grabbing Hoseok's hand right in front of his face, and pushing it back away.
He heard Jungkook's voice next to him, and then saw Hoseok's apologetic face, almost begging him for forgiveness.
"I'm sorry. I just tried to see if his hair was dry and if the colors would blend in nicely... I wasn't trying to touch him, just his hair..."
Without even noticing, Jimin felt a heat coming from his right side, and when he glanced at the said direction, he saw Jungkook sitting on his usual spot, but Jimin's body was moved to the side, now leaning onto Jungkook's side.
He moved away abruptly, and sat in the middle where he was positioned before, rethinking how and why he moved towards Jungkook that closely.
What just happened?
"Um... I think it's time for me to go... It's pretty late."
Jimin stood up and so did the rest of the boys.
"Ok." Jungkook said and walked forward, leaving Jimin space to come near the door, but still not going outside, waiting for him to say bye to the others.
"Thank you for tonight. I really had fun." Jimin said while shyly looking at Yoongi, then at Hoseok, so both of them nodded.
"Thank you for coming. I hope we'll get the chance to hang out again." Yoongi said honestly so Jimin nodded.
"Yeah, I had fun too, and I'm so sorry if me trying to touch your hair made you uncomfortable, I didn't mean to..." Hobi really looked sorry.
"It's ok. It happens. Everything's alright." Jimin assured them that he had a good time and that he's fine so with those words he left the living room and went straight to the hall that led to the exit door.
"Hyung..." Jungkook called after him just before Jimin was about to open the door.
"Please, it's really late and I would feel better if I could drive you home. It's not that far and my car is parked just outside the building so... please..."
Jimin looked at him and didn't hate the idea.
"Ok. It is pretty close."
Jungkook's face lit up.
"Wait for a sec just to grab my car keys."
So they went out together, got inside the car and drove for about ten minutes until they were in front of Jimin's home.
"You're friends are really amazing. You're really lucky." Jimin wanted for Jungkook to know just how different yet special this was for him.
"They are... And what about me?" Jungkook grinned with those big bunny teeth.
"What about you?" Jimin didn't get the question.
"Well you keep complimenting my friends, so why don't you say something nice about me."
Jimin was really bad with compliments, especially when he was close to someone who he's supposed to compliment.
"Your.... Nice..."
He said it so shyly that he hoped the ground was about to open and swallow him entirely.
"Wow, what a compliment. Just... Wow!" Jungkook scoffed, but a small smile was still visible on his face.
"What?" Jimin could never understand Jungkook's sarcasm.
"Why do I even hang out with you?" Jungkook teased.
"Cause of Jin plan and..." Jimin tried to explain.
"I know. The question was rhetorical. Never mind."
Jimin shrugged.
"You say never mind a lot around me. You remind me of my brother sometimes."
Jungkook exhaled deeply.
"Brother... Just kill me already..." again, he joked.
"What?" again, Jimin didn't get it.
"Nothing... I feel like we did make some progress tonight considering our plan." Jungkook began the small talk.
"We did. Still we need to figure out all the details, but I need to check some things with Jin first before telling you some new details."
"That's fine. Ok."
"We could meet on Friday to talk, um... maybe in that coffee shop from where we met the first time." Jimin already had a plan, but it seemed like Jungkook had one too.
"Um... that's fine and all, but could we do something else. I kind of want to show you something... I can't tell you all the details, but I promise you that you won't feel uncomfortable or awkward at all."
Jimin rolled his eyes.
"I hate surprises."
"It's just a little thing that I think you would enjoy. Please, just trust me on this one."
Jimin somehow did trust him. He felt even more secure and good now than before.
"Ok. I'm in. Just send me the address and time and I'll be there."
Jungkook nodded with a smile.
"Ok. So I'll see you on Friday."
Jimin waved him goodbye, and just before going out of the car, he came back and turned to face Jungkook again.
"Thank you for today... for not letting Hoseokshi touch my hair... I appreciate it..."
He looked at Jungkook's fond expression that was warm and so protective, and the heat started spreading through his cheeks involuntary.
"You're welcome. You can always feel safe with me. I wouldn't let anyone hurt you." Jungkook said so Jimin nodded.
"I know. I feel that way when I'm with you." he wanted the younger to know, and the soft smile that appeared on Jungkook's face gave him that same weird feeling in the pit of his stomach that he didn't quite understand.
"I'm happy you feel that way. Bye Jiminah, see you on Friday."
Jimin waved him goodbye and slowly entered inside his house, hoping that his brother was already asleep since it was almost 1a.m.
"You're back."
Jin wasn't asleep.
"Hi. I am. Sorry I came late... Um... We grabbed some beer after the movies..."
Jimin walked casually inside, looking at his brother who was sitting on the couch, some book resting on top of his chest, a bottle of wine almost empty on the table beside him.
"Did you have fun?" Jin was nosy and probably tipsy.
"I did." Jimin answered shortly, and while looking at his brother who was the one who always helped him understand other people, their funny jokes, sarcastic comments, sneaky innuendos, one thing crossed his mind.
"What does it mean when someone calls someone else adorable?"
Jin straightened up his posture, a fond and a bit sad expression visible on his face.
"It means that that person likes the other person."
Jimin scoffed.
"Ok. If you say so."
This is so dumb and funny...
"Namjoon always called me adorable..." Jin suddenly remembered his ex and of course he burst into tears like he usually does every time he was drunk.
"Oh God, sorry I even asked anything." Jimin apologized, thinking how he was the reason behind Jin's tears, when in fact, Jin just couldn't get over Namjoon as much as he tried to.
"It's fine... I just miss him every day more and more..."
Jin tried to open up, but unfortunately Jimin was never the one to listen to something that wasn't interesting for him.
"I bet you do. Sleep well Jinah. I'll see you in the morning."
And so Jimin stormed inside his room, thinking how this situation with Jin is getting worse every passing day, so he took his phone out of his pocket and started typing messages to Jungkook.
I think we need to be faster with our plan.
Jin is having another crisis and I don't know what to do.
Ok. How about we set the date on Friday?
And you can always try to be more supportive. Ask if he needs anything.
Maybe a drink, ice cream, shoulder to cry on...
wait not that last one, a pillow to cry on, maybe some new tissues...
Are you joking or I should really do that? I can never tell.
You should definitely do that.
He'll appreciate your effort.
I think I'm gonna ask him if he wants tea, since he drank already more than enough wine.
That's nice. Do that.
Let me know how it went.
I will.
So Jimin got up and shyly entered the living room again where Jin was still seated on the couch, his cheeks puffy and wet, looking kind of lost and small.
"Jinie, I'm gonna make you some tea. " Jimin announced proudly before putting some water to boil, not noticing Jin's confused expression.
"But... Minie... I don't like tea."
Really? Jin doesn't like tea...
"Then I'll make you some coffee."
He figured another solution.
"Oh, ok... I like coffee."
So Jin likes coffee...noted...
Jimin prepared him a 3in1 coffee , thinking how Jin would like it, which the older did, and he felt really proud of himself cause he was never some kind of expert in making coffee or tea or almost anything.
"Thank you Jiminah... This means so much to me. Do you want to drink one with me and maybe talk a bit?" Jin asked after sipping on his drink deliciously.
"No. I'm gonna go to bed. I'm sleepy."
Jin nodded.
"Did I help to make you feel better?" Jimin asked, being so hopeful in his own actions so Jin smiled at him fondly.
"You most certainly did." Jin raised his glass up in the air, looking at the hot steam coming out of it.
"Bye Jin. See you tomorrow."
And so Jimin went to his room, to finally get some sleep, but right before closing his eyes, he remembered how Jungkook said to let him know if his plan had worked so he typed him a message.
I made him coffee and he was happy.
He wanted to talk a bit, but I couldn't force myself to do so since I'm really tired and I really can't listen to his whining again.
Great job!
Maybe you could have stayed with him a bit longer, to try to comfort him by just being there, but if you're too tired, he'll understand.
Good night hyung. Sleep well.
Oh... Didn't cross my mind...
Good night and thank you.
Seemed like Jungkook didn't only make Jimin feel safe, comfortable in his own skin, ready to try new things, but he gave good advice that could even help Jimin to deepen his relationship with his brother.
What more could he wish for?
Well a lot more actually...
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