Prologue: Tokyo Hunt

[Name: (REDACTED) "C/N" Y/N...]
[Location: Verdansk Stadium, Ukraine...]

[Time: 19:40...]

[Status: Alive...]


A/N: Everyone minus Price and Ghost.

(After the long war against Konni Group, Armistice was gathered inside the stadium for the debrief as their base was destroyed in the process...

The army was formed by Station Chief Kate Laswell and Sergeat Kamarov, followed by the teams: S.A.S., Warcom, Demon Dogs, Speznaz, Jackals, Chimera, Shadow Company and so on...

Many soldiers and operators from all around the world, all in one faction to fight against the evils for saving and protecting people from their villainous plans...

They've stopped Al-Qatala's commander, Khaled Al-Asad and Victor Zakhaev, son of the ultranationalist Imran Zakhaev...

Right now, everyone were seeing in an office with multiple chairs, a table, a portal projector and a leaderboard with pictures, blueprints and names marked by Kamarov and Laswell.)

Laswell: "...And the last report from the UK, Sergeant "Soap" MacTavish is K.I.A. He died by saving London from possible chemical attack made by Makarov."

(Everyone were saddened to hear a fellow operator dying in the field...

Soon after, a S.A.S. soldier walks in the room as he looks slightly concerned and worried.)

Laswell: "Kyle?"

Kyle: "Laswell."

Laswell: "What's wrong?"

Kyle: "It's Price..."

(A Shadow Company soldier, Marcus "Lerch" Ortega, crosses his arms while looking at the two with a slight solemn expression.)

Lerch: "Let me guess... Still mourning about Soap?"

Kyle: "Not that...He went dark. Soon as he killed Shepherd."

(Roze, another soldier from Shadow Company, quickly stands up and glares at him with anger.)

Roze: "What the fuck?! Who let him in his fucking office?!"

Laswell: "I did."

(Everyone, except Gaz, stare at their Station Chief in disbelief.)

Laswell: "General Shepherd was responsible for the Konni Group to get those missiles... He even got caught by Makarov, and as far as we all know, he could've even betrayed everyone in this room."

(One soldier with a ghillie suit stands up and begins to talk.)

Grinch: "So what? We're turning against each other again?"

Laswell: "Unlikely... We already got that covered. For now, we have another situation going on."

Lerch: "News about Velikan?"

(Another female character speaks up before the camera shows who she was.)

Domino: "Or do we have new about Ghost?"

Laswell: "Neither. After leaving Las Almas, Velikan joined in a C.T.U. faction to deal with terrorists. Ghost is still M.I.A. after he betrayed us and the U.A.C..."

Kyle: "...bloody hell..."

Roze: "Sorry about your teammates, Gaz..."

Kyle: "All good... Price still here, ain't he?"

Domino: "Kyle..."

(And another soldier shows up, only to be appeared to be Y/N.)

C/N: "Fancy meeting. What's this, Kamarov?"

(The said sergeant huffs out a puff of smoke from his cigar before talking.)

Kamarov: "We've got a distress call. Ronin and Kitsune."

(The room went quiet for a moment...)

Kyle: "What happened?"

Laswell: "Japan is under attack. I sent them there and less than a week, they reached us with a distress call."

Domino: "That doesn't sound good..."

C/N: "Threats?"

Kamarov: "Unknown, but you are here for a reason."

(C/N crosses his arms, staring at his commanders through his goggles.)

C/N: "When?"

Laswell: "As soon as you can."

Kamarov: "Nikolai will take you there to Japan. He has a cargo plane for you."

(Lerch stands up to stop the conversation.)

Lerch: "Hold on, are you sending him by himself?"

Alex: "He's right. C/N needs a squad for that."

(C/N tilts his head towards Laswell, which she responds it with a nod of her own.)

Laswell: "Who's your team?"

C/N: "Tokyo 2-4, Raven 0-1 and Silver 0-9."

Kamarov: "Who are they?"

C/N: "Hidora, Rin and Manta Ray, all three from U.A.C."

(Some soldiers stare at Y/N in shock while others look impressively.)

Laswell: "We need to know what's going on there and stop whatever it's causing chaos. We trust you, C/N."

C/N: "Got it. What if i see Ghost?"

Kamarov: "Bring him back here so we can talk through..."

Laswell: "And one more thing, Y/N."

(Y/N looks at Laswell in surprise, not expecting her to call him by his first name seriously.)

C/N: "...Laswell?"

Laswell: "You have the execute authority, and do you have to establish an Armistice Headquarters in Japan. You'll be moved there and have the authority to do what you think it's best for the greater good."

(C/N stays quiet to progress what she just said...

Shortly after, he looks at Kamarov for an explanation.)

Kamarov: "We can only operate in America and Ukraine at the moment. We sent Ronin as the representative of Armistice Japan and Kitsune as his second in command..."

Kyle: "Only to find out they need help, right?"

Laswell: "Which is why C/N goes and meet his team there."

C/N: "On it." *on comms* "Nik. Get the plane ready, one trip to Japan."

Nikolai: "Roger that, 0-1."

(Before Y/N leaves the meeting room, he stops at the doorframe when he was called again one more time.)

Laswell: "Y/N."

C/N: "Kate?"

Laswell: "...Once you get there, you're on your own. Host nation weapons only."

C/N: "I have my ways for that... Call you when i'm in Japan."

(After that, he left the room and headed to grab his gear before meeting with Nikolai...

Everyone back in the meeting room, they're all concerned and worried about their fellow soldiers.)

Lerch: "Shepherd wasn't that great of a man, but damn..."

Roze: "Blame him and that lapdog of Graves to make us turn on 141..."

Alex: "I wouldn't say that, Roze."

Roze: "Why's that?"

Farah: "Shadow actually helped us when we were invading Makarov's base. We didn't kill him, but we cut his comms off from Russia."

Wyatt: "Mate actually redeemed himself, huh."

(Thorne crosses his arms before chiming in.)

Thorne: "Wouldn't be surprised since he backstabbed that old cunt during the Congress..."

Charlie: "Amen, lad..."

Laswell: "We're running out of time. Time for the briefing."

Raines: "Let's hear it."

(With that, everyone gather around and sit on their respective seats before Laswell begins to brief them for possible missions.)


[Name: (REDACTED) "C/N" Y/N...]
[Status: Alive...]
[Location: Tokyo, Japan...]

[Time: 07:59...]


(On his way to Japan, Y/N slept during the flight while sitting near the ramp for his Drop Zone...

The jumpmaster was already standing as he was waiting for the sleeping soldier to wake up.)

Nikolai: *on comms* "Comrade! Wake up, we're approaching to the drop zone."

C/N: *groaning* "Ugh... Rog', Nik..."

(He groggily stands up from his seat and begins to stretch his arms before approaching to the ramp.)

Jumpmaster: "Check."

C/N: "Good to go."

Jumpmaster: *holding his arm up* "Ramp!"

(Nikolai opens the ramp as soon as they were approaching to the drop zone for Y/N.)

Nikolai: "We're now on the drop zone. Good luck, 0-1!"

C/N: "Copy, Nik."

Jumpmaster: "Standby."

(Y/N pats his shoulder before getting ready.)

Jumpmaster: "Go!"

(Without waisting any time, he immediately jumps off of the plane as Nikolai flies off while closing the ramp after...

In the sky, Y/N was gliding downwards the land zone as he makes the glide fast, yet steady to land safety...

As soon as he reaches the attitude, he opens his parachute as he was now going to land on a rooftop of a ruined building...

On the ground, three soldiers were waiting while defending the zone, making sure no ambushes or attacks were taken by surprise...

Shortly after, Y/N manages to land on the ground before he takes the parachute off of him.)

Hidora Kai: ""C/N"?"

C/N: "Affirm."

Manta Ray: "Check, link confirmed."

(Rin walks over and hands Y/N a black metaled AR-15, all customized for tactical approach.)

Rin: "We managed to transfer your rifle in pieces, we couldn't asked for more as you requested..."

C/N: "No worries, i can work this out... On me."

(He then takes lead as the three of them follow behind.)

C/N: *on comms* "Watcher to 0-1. Link confirmed with my team, moving to Ronin's beacon. Over."

Laswell: "Copy, Striker 0-1. Overlord will be your perm air support, he'll fill you the blank spots. Over."

C/N: "0-1 copies all. Out."

Manta Ray: "We already have reinforcement?"

C/N: "Negative, we got eyes in the sky."

Overlord: "Striker 0-1, this is overlord. Can you copy? Over."

(Y/N flicks his comm back on and leaving it online and secured.)

C/N: "Overlord, go for 1."

Overlord: "Watcher 1 told us about your new establishment in Japan. She called us over to lend you some eyes in the air."

C/N: "Much appreciated, Overlord. Sitrep on Ronin and Kitsune's situation, over."

Overlord: "They're been pinned on the north-west from your position. Multiple threats coming from every directions, you better get your ass there, C/N."

C/N: "Copy. On the move, Out."

(He nods at his team before he runs toward the location, Hidora, Rin and Naomi follow behind as they keep up the pace...

After a few minutes of running, they begin to hear faint gunshots before their comms pick something up."

Ronin: *static* "This is–" "We're currently pinned–" "–Body read here?!"

Rin: "Comm's picking up something!"

C/N: "Ronin to C/N, come in. Over!"

Ronin: "C/N! Where are you?!"

C/N: "Coming to you on the northwest! Check your fire at northwest, we're coming from there!"

Kitsune: "Reinforcements?!"

C/N: "Heads up!"

(He looks down at his wrist tablet and presses the Advanced UAV icon.)

Overlord: "Advanced UAV Online."

C/N: "Check your radar! Four green dots heading your way, over!"

Ronin: "Roger that! Over and out!"

(The team quickly sprint to their location to save them from any possible threats...

With Ronin and Kitsune, they were fighting for their lives as some corpses were forming around them...

Before the team could take a sharp turn around the corner, they spotted something unexpected from their standards.)

Hidora Kai: "What the..."

Manta Ray: "...C/N?"

C/N: "No intel on them... This way, come on..."

(He changes the route and walks around the building with his team to avoid detection from whatever they were to them...

After making it slow and steady, they quickly make their run away from those things as they now join in the fight, saving Ronin and Kitsune from a sneak attack.)

C/N: "Light them up! Weapons free!"

(Hidora quickly takes lead and fires his Type 19 to the enemies.)

Manta Ray: "Are you guys alright?!"

Kitsune: "Yeah, we were drying our ammos out from these hordes!"

C/N: *on comms while firing* "Overlord! We've grouped up with Ronin and Kitsune, give us a route to get the fuck away from here, over!"

Overlord: "Negative, 0-1. We just received another distress call not too far from your position, over."

Rin: "Another one?!" *reloading her Groza-4*

Overlord: "This one is from a team called "Nikke". We picked their comms and told them help is on their way, over."

C/N: "Bollocks, roger that! C/N Out!" *to Hidora Kai* "We're moving! Make way!"

Hidora Kai: "Got it, sir!"

(He reloads his Type 19 and begins to spray bullets toward the Raptures, destroying them as he takes the lead for the team to the next position.)

C/N: "Overlord, what the fuck are those things?!"

Overlord: "According from Nikke Unit, those things are call "Rapture". They're mechanical enemies that are responsible of domain in Japan, that's what we got so far. Over."

C/N: "When did that happen, Ronin?"

Ronin: "Not even a week, C/N... Maybe in just 4 days when Kitsune and i got send here..."

Kitsune: *angered* "It could've happened way before we even picked the distress call..."

(Manta Ray and Rin were saddened to see the sight of their own country being now a massive apocalypse-looking like scene...)

Hidora Kai: "Look at this... Can you all even believe that?"

Rin: "Those Raptures are going to pay for this..."

Overlord: "You're approaching to their area, the distress beacon is 500 meters away from your position. Over."

C/N: "Check. We're on our way, out." *he looks at Kitsune* "Call the UAV."

Kitsune: "Roger that. Standby."

(She then pulls out a radio and presses the button to call the air support.)

Overlord: "UAV Online."

(The team look down at their own radars to see multiple blue dots on the minimap.)

Ronin: "They're around the block, we should be able to get there through an alleyway."

C/N: "On you, Ronin. Guide us."

Ronin: "Copy. This way."

(The team follow Ronin to a near alleyway as they were all checking their ammos.)

C/N: "Check. What you got?"

Kitsune: "Almost dry... You guys?"

Hidora: "All good."

Manta Ray: *reloading her MP-5* "One mag down."

Ronin: "Three left." *he looks at Rin* "You?"

Rin: "Clear here. I got plenty."

(C/N looks at Kitsune.)

C/N: "What's your gun?"

Kitsune: *showing her AK117* "This one."

(C/N drops his Ammo Box on the ground.)

C/N: "Grab what you need."

(Kitsune and Ronin nod their heads before helping themselves to refill their ammos and grenades.)

Hidora Kai: "Nice call, C/N."

Manta Ray: "We're good to go."

Ronin: "Alright, done here. Follow me."

(The team follows Ronin through the alleyway, stacking a line to reach the other end.)

Rin: "What happened to the U.A.C.?"

Kitsune: "They immediately responded and send an evac team to get us out."

Hidora Kai: "And where's the evac team?"

Ronin: "...Back at the square, those were the evac team..."

(Manta Ray was shocked by that report.)

C/N: "Fucking bastards..."

Kitsune: "...C/N?"

C/N: "Laswell filled me in. I'm staying here to command Armistice..."

Ronin: *surprised* "Really?"

Hidora Kai: "We were as shocked as you are, Ronin."

(Once the team manages to squeeze out of the alleyway, they were met a female soldier, or a Nikke, sent flying through a wall beside them as her body was completely shattered...

Blood, circuits and wires were coming out of her limbs, making the group look in horror, except for Y/N who was intrigued by that.)

Rin: "W-Wait... What is she?"

Hidora Kai: "Is that what a Nikke is?"

(Kitsune quickly turns around and draws her AK toward four individuals, each one of them are holding their respective weapons as they were pointing at the team...

C/N quickly takes action and stands infront of his team with his hands in the air, letting his AR hanging onto his chest.)

C/N: "Blue! Blue! We're here for the distress call."

Black and Red: *stern* "Humans weren't supposed to be here."

C/N: "Well, guess what? We're here and we got your distress call, tell us what's going on."

Orange: "And why should we listen to you, huh?!"

C/N: 💢 "Listen here, cow tits! We're doing our fucking job to save whoever made the distress call, so you better tell us who the fuck make that call before i mark you four as X-Rays! Got it?!"

(The four girls look at Y/N in shock as if they would never expect a human being that commanding during the missions...

After a few seconds of silence, the white short soldier steps forward and talks nervously.)

White: "O-Our commander made that call, s-sir... We w-were holding the p-perimeter..."

Ronin: *raising his eyebrow* "And the commander?"

(Marian sadly points behind her and her team, motioning at the dead commander sitting against on a concrete wall...

The girls lower their heads to mourn his death, Y/N's team also pay respect to the fallen soldier...

Y/N, on the other hand, walks over to the body and kneels down infront of him.)

C/N: "Riposa in pace, commandante... Ci vediamo nel al di là..."

(He then slightly lower his head down for a second before he closes the commander's eyes to let his corpse rest properly...

Hidora and Rin approach to him and bow both at Y/N and at the dead body to pay respect.)

Hidora/Rin: "ご尽力に感謝します、指揮官."

(Y/N stands back up before nodding at the two soldiers.)

C/N: "Time to move. We're too exposed here." *he looks at the girls* "Name?"

Rapi: "...I'm Rapi." *gesturing at the other three* "And they are Anis, Neon and Marian."

(Neon and Marian bow at Y/N's team as they greet back at them...

Anis simply crosses her arms before looking away.)

Anis: "Rapi, are you sure to follow them?"

Rapi: "Commander's last order to follow whoever is going to answer the distress call. That's our job."

Anis: "But they are humans! They'll die less than–"

C/N: 💢 "HEY! We might be humans, but we know how to fucking fight! You don't want us? Be my guest! I'm not adding your body on my count!"

(He then turns around and presses his comms on.)

C/N: "Overlord, this is C/N. We've linked up with the Nikke team, call us an evac helo to get us out of here. Over."

Overlord: "Solid copy, 0-1. Evac is on its way to your position. ETA, 20 minutes."

C/N: "Double time, we're moving somewhere more secluded. C/N Out."

(Anis was utterly angry by Y/N's comment before he could call for the evac.)

Anis: "Who do you think you are to even telling us to follow you?!"

C/N: "From here on out, i'm your new commander! Like i said, you have a problem with that?! Deal with it or i'll leave you behind!"

(Ronin and Manta Ray quickly run over and move Y/N away from Anis while the latter was staying infront of Rapi and Anis.)

Ronin: "Easy, man... Don't get worked up..."

Rin: "He's right, C/N, and think of this way too. Once we rescue them, we part way and you'll never see her again."

C/N: "Fine by me... But the second she keeps acting like bitch, i switch friendly fire on and drop her dead."

(With his warning, he yanks his arms off of Ronin's grasp before he leads the group out of the area...

Shortly after, Hidora Kai, Rin and Ronin follow Y/N behind. Later on, Neon, Marian and Manta Ray follow the group, along with Rapi...

Anis was left behind for a few seconds to let her swallow her pride before running behind the group...

Step One was accomplished and C/N manages to save, not one, but two teams from Raptures...

Now onto Step Two, The group has to either escape from the area or defeat the unknowingly awaiting boss for them to show up...

The screen begins to static before it turns into pitch black, letting the footsteps noises to fill into the darkness.)

A/N: Hmm...

Thoughts about this prologue?

And yes, from the next chapter, everyone from Armistice will use Epic/Legendary guns. So, comment here to make the list of every epic/legendary guns for this story.

Now it's time for me to cook this story up!

See you readers in the next chapter!

P.S.: Which Nikke girls you would like to smash? Mine's Rapi.

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