When I get to history, I see that some people are already in the class. I bet they are the nerds. Hehe.
I stand outside the doorway debating if I want to go in this early. If I go in now I get to sit wherever I want since the class isn't full yet. If I wait till the bell rings then I probably have to sit wherever is available. Hmm. Free seat or Nah?? Free seat it is.
I walk in the classroom and down the middle aisle till I get to the very back row. I sit down and get my phone and AirPods out. I press play on my playlist, close my eyes, and put my head down.
Ten minutes later the bell rings but I still keep my head down. Hopefully, the teacher doesn't call my name and I can sleep through the entire class.
Someone taps my shoulder and I let out a groan. I hear a chuckle I lift my head and turn to see Grayson with a wide smile across his face.
I give him my death glare. "What the fuck do you want?" I ask him to take my AirPods out.
His eyes widen. "I saw you sitting here by yourself and you look pretty lonely so I wanted to come to sit by you and look like you could use a friend," he says grinning.
I just stare at him like he's crazy. "Does it look like I was lonely cuz I'm not," I tell him?
I hear a chuckle on the other side of me. I turn to the voice and see that it's Kaiden. Great. Now I have two of the biggest bad boys in the school setting by me. Why does the universe hate me?
"So, new girl how are you liking Ravenwood high?" Kaiden asks new
"It's alright I guess," I say and shrug.
Grayson gasps dramatically. "ALRIGHT?" He shouts and people turn to look at us.
"Why if you don't know Ravenwood is one the best schools in Los Angeles. We have the top football team in the state and we have the top basketball team and track team. Which I am on of course. Even the cheerleaders are awesome. Oh and don't forget the Dance Team. They won state last year," he says speaking fast but excitedly.
"Umm thx for the info I guess?" I say.
"Dude slow down when you are speaking. Like seriously. Nobody can understand what your saying," Kaiden says talking like how a parent talks to a little kid.
Grayson pouts and turns his head the other way. "You just jealous because I'm the star on the track team and you not," he says.
Kaiden just rolls his eyes. "Is he always this dramatic?" I whisper to Kaiden.
"Unfortunately yes and somehow I can put up with it. He's like a little kid trapped in a teenage boy's body. I swear his mind is filled with unicorns and rainbows," Kaiden whispers to me.
That makes me chuckle. I can relate. My brother is the same way and sometimes I just wanna punch him in the face. Like seriously.
I look around the room to see the class is full but no teacher. Hmm, I wonder where Mr. Henderson is. Probably sleeping in the break room. The thought of that makes me chuckle.
"What's funny?" Kaiden asks
I just shake my head. "Where's Mr. Henderson?" I ask.
Kaiden and Grayson are exchange glances with smirks on their faces.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Mr. Henderson always sleeps in the break room during lunch so we decided to pull a prank on him," Kaiden smirks.
"What kind of prank?" I ask.
"We put worms in his lunch," Grayson says laughing. I start laughing too and then Kaiden joins in and soon all three of us are dying laughing. People are looking at us like we are crazy but we don't care.
Worms in his lunch. Now that's a classic.
I stop laughing for a second. "Wait were the worms dead or alive?" I ask.
Kaiden stops laughing too. "Alive. It's more fun with alive than dead," he says.
"Wow! I bet he shit his pants," I say chuckling.
"Oh he did," Kaiden said smirking.
"He probably won't be coming to teach the class. We will probably have Ms. Wessman," he says rolling his eyes.
"OMGG I love Ms. Wessman!" Grayson said excitedly.
"You only love annoying her," Kaiden points out.
"The same thing," Grayson said.
"Wait who's Ms. Wessman?" I ask curiously.
"Oh, she's the worst. She's like the meanest teacher in the school. I don't know if she's always been like that or what. Rumor has it that she got divorced last year. Her husband left her for another woman," Kaiden explains.
"Wow," I say shocked.
Suddenly all the chatter in the class goes silent and a woman with dark brown hair who looks like she's in her mid-40s walks in. She dressed in a black shirt with leggings and a cardigan. She looks like she could be a librarian. She also has this look on her face like she would rather be anywhere but here. She also looks angry for some reason.
She comes to stand in front of the room and scans all the rows with her eyes. She narrows her eyes at our row in the back.
"Class I will be your teacher for this class period because Mr. Henderson had an emergency so he won't be back for the rest of the day," she says.
"More like the rest of the week," I mutter.
Kaiden chuckles and Ms. Wessman turns her head at him.
"Something funny Mr. Thomas?" She snaps.
He quickly sobers up and puts on a blank face. "No Ms. Wessman," he replies.
"Then don't interrupt me again unless you want detention. Now back to what I was saying before. I am your teacher for this period but I will be teaching the class. So I don't care what you do. You can even be on your phones but my only rule is NO TALKING and please don't bother me unless your DYING, no SLEEPING, and NO GETTING UP," she says and sits down at the teacher's desk. She pulls out her book and reads.
"Hi Ms. Wessman," Grayson says.
She looks up from her book with a scold on her face. Wow, Grayson you just had to say something.
"What did I tell you about bothering me?" She asks.
"Honestly IDK," Grayson replies.
She looks pissed now. "Well since you don't know I will tell you. DETENTION!" She shouts making kids flinch.
Kaiden doesn't say anything. His face says it all. What is this kid on?? Kaiden I'm thinking the same thing.
I just put my AirPods back in and listen to music.
It's now the last period of the day and I am so ready to go home. I decide to go to the bathroom before class starts and I go into a stall.
I a couple of girls walk in and I can see them through the stalk standing at the mirror and doing their makeup and laughing. I mean it's the last period of the day so I don't see the point of putting it on when school finna end.
"Have you seen the new girl like omg," one of the girls says.
"Yeah I have the second period with her and it's terrible. I mean she acts like she's such a badass but everyone knows she's fake," another girl says and laughs.
"Right and she's such a bitch. She's not even that pretty," the first girl says.
" Totally," a girl says and they all giggle.
My fish curl. They don't even fucking know me but here they are talking behind my back but don't even dare to say it to my face. I'm so tempted to walk out and give them a piece of my mind but I know I'm better than that.
I wait for them to leave and then I leave the stall. I go to the sink to wash my hands and I look at myself in the mirror. All I see is a girl who's trying to cover up how broken she is. A girl who's just trying to get through each day. A girl who tries not to show emotion because she's afraid of letting people in.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath and let it out. You're okay. You're okay. Just one more hour then this day will be over with. Then I can go home.
I grab my stuff and head out of the restroom and the bell rings. I curse in my head and quickly head to the classroom.
The door is closed which means the class has started. Should I even go in or should I skip? I am tempted to leave but I know if I do I'll be in trouble. Plus the day is almost over anyway.
I twist the knob and open the door and everybody in the class turns towards me. Well damn, do y'all have to stare?
My teacher turns from writing on the board and raises his eyebrows at me.
"Care to tell me why you're late?" he asks
I shrug my shoulders. "No," I say.
He just sighs. "We'll go ahead and take a seat but don't be late to my class ever again. Understand?" He asks.
"Yes sir," I reply and I walk down the isles.
"Aaliyah," someone whispers.
"Come sit with us," another voice whispers sounding like a female.
I look at the voices and see Kinsley and Jocelyn smiling and waving at me from the back. I walk over towards them and sit down at the empty desk beside them.
"So glad I have this class with y'all," I say whisper
"Yeah me too. Most of the people in this class are crazy asf," Kinsley whispers back.
"Yeah and bad," Jocelyn said.
"really? like who?" I ask.
Kinsley and Jocelyn share a look. Kinsley tells me to look to the left beside me. I do so and what I see makes my eyes widen. Right next to me are Halden, Kaiden, and Grayson.
They're all in this class?? Just when I thought having two classes with them was already hard enough. And now I have my last period with them.
"Also your brother is in this class," Kinsley whispers to me.
"He is? Where?" I ask.
"In the left corner," she replies.
I look over there and I see him on his phone with his AirPods in looking bored as hell. Uh oh, this is bad. If he sees the bad boys talking to me they are dead. Well as long as they don't talk to me then I'm good. Hopefully, they won't.
I hear two students talking on the other side of the room. They aren't even trying to whisper and the whole class can hear their convo.
"Baby wanna come to my house after school?" a very high-pitched voice says. I winced at the sound.
"I can't. I got football practice. The coach said if we miss practice then we have to sit out the last game," a guy says.
"Aww, that's too bad. I was hoping you could come," that high-pitched voice replies sounding very familiar.
"Ughh her voice just makes me wanna commit," Kinsley says and she does the throwing up motion.
"Same. It's worst than chalk on a chalkboard," Jocelyn says.
"Who are you talking about?" I ask.
"Brittney Peterson. The girl that came up to you earlier. You know the one that was like stay away from Halden," Kinsley tells me.
"You are serious? She's in this class?" I ask.
"Yup and it's hell," she replies.
Wow, this has just gone from bad to worst. Not only do I have to deal with three bad boys but I have to deal with my easily pissed-off brother and a fake barbie. Welcome to my life.
I'm back!!!! It took me forever to finish the chapter but I finally did and I'm so happy!!! This took me a long white to write and it is long. Longer than I thought it would be. I hope you enjoyed it.
Seems like Aaliyah's day went as expected right?? And she's made some cool new friends.
Also, she's met Kaiden and Grayson officially. Grayson is such a sweetheart. Like I just love him!!!😊😊
I know you haven't seen much of Halden but don't worry. You will see more of him in the upcoming chapters😉😉
Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and LIKE!!
See y'all next chapter. ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼
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