In case you didn't notice, I changed the cover 😂 cause I felt like I needed something more original. So I made something simple. And thanks for 1k ❤️)

And this would be the second Fricking time I wrote this chapter cause it didn't wanna save. So that was fun-)

I refuse to ever develop feelings for this man. No. I hardly know him, I don't know his name, and my parents would kill me if they found out I liked someone! We can be friends! Yeah. Maybe then my parents won't freak out...

"So, you're off work now, eh?" Dororo gave a sly toothy grin, leaning his arm up against the man. And the man had an annoyed expression on his face. Huh. Maybe he isn't as emotionless as he seems to be!

"Well... No. I-" I was interrupted upon the man turning around, and walking off so suddenly. Where was he off to now?
"Not again..." Dororo muttered to himself, whist giving himself a face palm of annoyance before his little legs began to run after the male.

And I don't know why, but I felt an urge to follow I tried to fight it by backing up, but the urge grew stronger as I see the two getting further and further.
Fine! I'll follow. I gave in to my urge, sighing heavily and running after the two- I hope chailai won't mind me being gone for just a little while.

Once I was running, I cursed at myself for letting myself cave into my feelings like that. But I didn't wanna stop now. My curiosity has taken the best of me, and I want to know where the male is off to. Maybe I could learn a thing or two.

Soon enough, I was walking side by side Dororo, with the man walking in front of us. "Where do you think he's off to?" I asked dororo, taking a small glance down at him.
"Eh? Oh! Not a clue. Since he saved my life yesterday, I just kinda hung out around him! Ya know? I think he's pretty chill guy to talk to- though he really doesn't say much..." Dororo replied to my question, a small shrug to his shoulders.

"Yeah? How come you're with him? Do you not have anyone to care for you?" Since I met them, Dororo never seemed to leave the mans side. And just kinda seemed to stick around.

Upon me asking that question, Dororos little smile turned to a frown. "I... I'd rather not talk about that" he faced away from me, looking down to the dirt beneath us.
What? Is he an orphan? Does he have a family to watch over him? Maybe that would make sense... Any parent would not want their kid hanging around with someone they don't know. And he does look a little malnourished, and his clothes look a little worn down.
I won't question any further. I'd rather not make things worse.

"Oh. Sorry.." I made my apologies to the kid, bowing my head to show some respect.
"Oh, dont worry about it!" He looked back up at me, a smile on his face- more like a fake smile.

I smiled innocently, and nodded. "Alright. Just if you wanna talk to me, feel free to talk."

Soon enough, we were in the little forest. Walking on a dirt pathway. We were getting further and further. I had almost forgotten about my work. Cause I was mainly focusing on the little stream from behind some of these bushes.

There was a silence going on between us, not a word was being spoken. All there was for any sound was the birds singing their songs, the ripples of the running stream, and the green leaves of the trees brushing up against eachother in the wind.

Dororo had enough of this walking. So he went right up in front of the man, and stopped right in front of him, raising his arms in the air.
But the man walked right by him.
"Oh, so you can see!"
Dororo places his hands on his hips, watching the man continue his walk before he caught back up.

I hummed to myself, confused. Of course a blind man would struggle to walk on his own, and probably wouldn't see a child standing right in front of him.
Maybe he's not blind? But is deaf and mute?

The man turned himself over to a cluster of bushes, and went right over to them. There were little red berries, and he picked them from the branches and popped them right in his mouth. Not a care in the world.

Before we could say anything, he stood right back up, and walked through the bushed towards the stream. He walked right into the water, and pulled off his arm. Which revealed a sharp blade attached to his arm.

Wait- A blade??

I've never seen anything like that before! But I must admit, that's pretty cool! If he's a warrior, those could be really handy!

I stare in awe, while Dororo didn't seem to have a similar reaction as I did- he must know about the arm blade already.

The man lifted his blade, and stabbed something from within the water. Pulling it out, he caught a small gray fish. Taking a couple more stabs to the water, he now had three fish on his blade. The blood trickling down the blades edges.

The man opened his mouth, about yo take a bite of one of the fish, but was stopped by Dororo. "Wait! You don't wanna eat it raw, do you?" Dororo smiled awkwardly, the man looking down at him, seeming to understand what he meant.

"(Y/N)! Wanna go fetch me some sticks? I can get a fire started up!" Dororo pointed over to a bunch of dried out trees, probably where a fire took place before. Where there should be plenty of sticks to be found.

"On it!" I called right back over to the kid, and I skipped along to the trees, to collect some sticks.


"How 'bout it? Think they're done? Mmmm. It smells good! But salt would make it better." We had cooked up the fish the man caught from earlier, and dororo set up a fire to get them cooking. Now the sun had set, and the moon has risen. Each individual star shining in the night sky, providing some light to the dull sky.

Dororo picked up the three fishes from the fire by the sticks, and handed them out.
I mutter a thank you once he gave me my fish, and once he handed the man his, he seemed surprised by this action. Seeming to have not expected to be handed over a fish. But he eased, and took the fish.

I couldn't hell myself but chuckle at that action. Finding it cute- or something...

Let's jus shake that off! Like I said before, I won't have feelings. And I refuse to ever have feelings!

After we finished eating our fish, we felt tired. And decided to rest here for the night. It being too dark to travle back now. Caused the village is a bit too far, and the people there would raise suspicion upon seeing a group of people walking so late.

Hope my parents won't worry too much...

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