Chapter 8
Here's a before and after picture of MC Kyna, left to right, her original body and her temporary doll body:
Now back to the story. Kyna just learned she has to open the way home herself. Problem is she doesn't know how. What's a girl to do, besides throwing a lot of sass?
Kyna never thought herself as being more a lover than a fighter. But aside from Ula, every single one of the dillholes around her brought up her fighting side. So it wasn't any wonder when she curled her fists and threw a punch aiming for the closest face beside her. Fortunately, the face she wanted to smash most was Nica. He was withholding something from her. She knew it but didn't know what it was. And he was definitely not telling despite it'll make it easier on them both.
Granted he didn't like the outcome of the past couple of hours. Well neither did she. At least his body was accounted for and didn't have some person thing walking around in it like a meat suit. Oh god, please don't let it pull her head back like the bug from MIB.
All too easily Nica caught her wrist. But joke's on him because she still had her legs and placed a swift kick to his shins. Nica spun her around, twisting both arms behind her back. Kyna continued to struggle, against the unfairness of it all, her father dead, not having money to get out NYC to go college, unable to stop her hard-headed brother who seemed content to barrel into a life that'll end in two ways, jail or six feet, the whole crazy Pinocchio body snatcher ordeal and that the much needed embrace and warmth came from the arms bear hugging her from behind. The weight of the past few days were crushing her that she wanted to curl up like a baby and bawl until she was all tears and snot out, throat as dry as a desert.
But not in front them. Never in front of them. So she fought and stamped on Nica's foot with every ounce of her fears and frustration.
"Stop this," hissed Nica by her ear. Yeah right, thought Kyna as she shoved backwards to try to topple him. His feet remained planted against her assault like a mountain up against a spring breeze. "I said stop!"
He shouted at her. He shouted at her? Not once since meeting him had Kyna heard him raised his voice louder than a high pitch. More than most times he was tight lipped. When he did talk, it was always in a low and warm soprano that although he easily irritated her with his attitude, she still felt safe. Kyna was so startled that she actually stopped.
Once he was assured that she'd calm down, somewhat, he quickly released her and with his back towards her, pointed his thumb backwards. "She can't do it. Not like this. We must try another way."
The oldest looking of the bunch stepped forward. Kyna almost gasped because with so many lines on his face she was sure he was older than Father time himself. But for an old man he walked with a gait that was surprisingly sprightly.
She mentally shook her head and prayed that whatever happens next will take her home where things made sense. And had pizza. God she missed New York pizza.
"Nica," said the old man in a lyrical voice, surprising Kyna again. Though why she'd continue to be astonished should've worn out already. "There is another way" - What the fuck, thought Kyna as she stepped towards them, fists balled and ready for round two until Ula's right arm shot out across her stomach to stop her. She turned to her left to confront her but snapped her mouth shut when Ula shook her head and flicked her head back to Nica and the elder. Not liking it one bit Kyna crossed her arms and silently watched. "But asking us to do so is asking us to break our own laws. You're aware of the consequences?"
"Yes," nodded Nica, with a neutral face that failed to bely the babbling river of exasperation beneath his voice. "But there'll be consequences either way."
A tense silence loomed around them like a net. It's strong thread caught the tense emotions of their small and weird little group in its web, making it impossible to escape. It even snared the wind rustling through the blades of grass and the stars and the moon. Nothing was spared. And Kyna held herself as still as possible because it didn't take a genius to know to struggle against it would result in getting so entangled that freedom will become a distant dream.
Unfortunately agitation won out. She didn't know what was going on but getting back home must be better than waiting for Nica's and the elder showdown to end.
"I'll do it," whispered Kyna. Shaking her head and squaring her shoulders, she moved forward away from Ula to stand beside Nica. She cleared her throat and tried again, louder. "I'll do it. I'll try."
Nica tensed and Kyna wondered what she did wrong. Ignoring him, she spoke to the elder and promised to at least try open the doorway. Pleased the elder, Domar, nodded and reached out his arm to guide her to the dias.
He whispered the instructions, something so simple she wondered once again what Nica's problem was. It was so simple. Just imagine a door and the path to the world she wished to go beyond it. Once the picture became clear and the world's name appeared in her mind, open the door and pass through. Why didn't Nica explained that to her?
Left by herself by the stone arch, she turned around quickly to give Nica the stink eye but paused. Nica was staring at her, almost as if he willed her to turn around and once she did, gave a quick and unseen shake of his head. Left to right. And only once. Then joined Ula and the elders off to the side.
Kyna frowned and turned back to the dais. Now everything was too noisy and she couldn't concentrate. Especially with the noise going on inside her head. Did Nica want her to open the door or no? The elders definitely wanted her to. Is that why they're fighting? Would something happen to her if she opened the door? Was Nica protecting her or being the ass she'd known him to be since they met?
Agh, she didn't know. Shutup!
Kyna breathed deep, through her nose and out her mouth several times. Then closed her eyes. Immediately a door appeared, as tall as a skyscraper and made of wood. She imagined path, one made of concrete. In her mind's eye she reached out to turn the knob and pushed the door, when she heard a sound she never expected to hear.
She leaned in to press her ear to get a better listen when it came again. Knock, knock. Shocked, both her body and mind reeled back fast and hard. The dias disappeared and the sky with stars teeming to burst from the heavens seem to rush down towards her. Instead, she landed in a pair of arms with a smiling Nica above her. It wasn't a wide, teeth showing kind of smile. But a small lift on the right side of his mouth. And if that wasn't a smile Kyna didn't know what else it could be. The slight flutters in her heart told her that was definitely a smile. A rare one too.
Now she must be dreaming, Kyna though when Kyna helped her stand and patted her shoulder blade as if to say good job.
But didn't she just failed? Anyways, more importantly she had to tell them about what happened. Maybe, thought an almost giddy Kyna, that criminal guy, Bellart was trying to come back. They can catch him as he crossed over back to Ylberia, get her body back and wouldn't have to run around all over New York City.
"I'm sorry"-
"See," interrupted Nica. "She's unable to open the door. We'll have to use our contact."
Irked that he'd talked over her, Kyna opened her mouth to speak about what she discovered but clamped shut as once again Nica gave her an imperceptible shake of his head. What was going on? Why does he keep telling her no? Her mama didn't raise no fool, except one, so she kept her mouth shut, stood back and watched.
"Where's Lumirio?"
The elders stared at each other uneasily. Nica narrowed his eyes and studied each of them. "Where's Lumirio?"
Domar, the elder from before, cleared his throat. "Well," he began. "Regretfully-"
"He's here," yelled a voice from the back of the pack. A short, wide-set man pushed his way to the front and panted again, "He's here Lord Elder. Lumirio is here and requests aid."
Lord Elder Domar sighed with much too obvious relief and replied, "And we'll send aid immediately."
Wait a minute..."You mean to tell me you had a way to send me home? What was all that bullshit about opening the door myself?!"
They had her scared shitless, if this body could do that. Kyna marched passed Nica to the old elder with all the authority of a general demanding respect and obedience from his private. "Well. Open the door then."
A flash of irritation flared in the older man's eyes but it was quickly doused that Kyna thought she'd imagined it. She supposed she should've given him more respect. But really, the man got on her nerves just as much or maybe more than Nica. She didn't have all the facts but she didn't trust him. He seemed so eager for her to open the door earlier that Kyna wondered if he had an ulterior motive from helping her.
Nica might've been a bit of a jerk off but after what she'd just witnessed between him and the elders, and if she was a betting gal, she'd placed her trust - a portion of it - on him. Like them, even he was keeping something from her. Call it a gut, no doll gut instinct.
"Of course, young Kyna," placated Domar. He nodded to Meilo, the youngest, shortest and squatest elder in the bunch to proceed. Kyna's eyes followed "The way to send you back will be much narrower. When we first had the doors forever closed we didn't realize that another way will open in its place. We call these slips, cracks, windows."
"Windows." Kyna blurted the word the same time Domar said it. When she first started listening to his explanation her concentration was on Meilo. But something in his words grasped her and brought her attention back to him. Just when she started wondering what the hell was going on Domar placed his hand on the the dais archway. A tiny slit opened up and he reached inside. She followed his movement as his hand slowly disappeared into the tiny void he opened. She look at the others for their reaction but everyone's eyes was seemed to be focused on the man. No one, no one except her, were paying attention to what was happening with his hand. It was as if they didn't see it. But she did.
"Come young traveler," beckoned Domar. "You too Nica. Hold her hand."
They did as they were instructed. Kyna felt a bit odd. She hadn't been told and complied to hold anyone's hand since elementary school. Domar called them forward and instructed her to place her hand next to his. Immediately the slit widened and stretched into a narrow passageway, large enough to fit them both, if they entered sideways. For the first time ever a thrill of excitement passed through her.
If only Shandrea was here, thought Kyna. Lifting a small smile she turned to Kyna and Domar. The smile, along with the rush of something new and exciting, faded as quickly as the sun in an approaching storm. Both men had contrite looks on their faces. Nica's more a grimace of disdain, Domar of triumph.
What the hell was going on? The quicker she got back home, the better. There was some underlying, messed up issue between the two of them. And rising more and more, like a floodwater from a hurricane, was the unease that their problem was her.
Determined to get herself out of whatever they had going, Kyna squared her shoulders and asked, "Now what?"
"It'll be different than using your power but much of it is the same. Imagine a path home -Earth- and follow it to the end. Are you ready?"
Fuck yeah. More than ready. "Yes." This should be nothing. She's Dorothy and the path beyond was her yellow brick road. Plus, there were no witches to face or melt. Luck must be on her side.
She tugged Nica's hand, turned sideways and disappeared. Once through her jaw dropped. There was a road all right. And it rose, fell, curved and twisted passed floating islands more lush and green than anything ever seen on the Travel Channel. And standing erect, in the middle of everyone were doors. Doors as high and imposing as a New York skyscraper. Doors as homely and earthy as a cottage in the countryside. Doors crumbling and looking as if it was on its last legs. Doors, doors, doors.
"Oh my god." Kyna froze.
"Let's go." Nica nudged her shoulder. "We have to move."
Kyna rolled her eyes before tearing it away. Placing one foot in front of the other, she followed the road, secretly hoping she wouldn't get lost. Though Domar didn't explain it clearly, from the gist of what he said, home was literally at the end of this road. If it was this easy, next time she'd come here, she'll properly explore this other world to other worlds.
Minutes, which felt more like hours, later they reached the end and stood before a door made of steel and bolts. Wondering what to do next, Kyna lifted a trembling hand before she knew what she was doing it. Placing the palm of her hand on the smooth portal separating her and everyone she cared about, Kyna wondered what now? There were no knobs, so how was she to open the door.
She remembered the knocking she heard before. Should she knock? Was that the answer? She turned her head to ask Nica when she stumbled into a brief, enveloping darkness. Her heart dropped with her knees, meeting the hard ground palm flat. Hands and knees stinging, Kyna cursed a string of curses worthy of having her mouth washed out with soap, until a familiar smell stopped her ranting cold.
It was the scent of mouthwatering flavors and nauseating filth. The glaring whee-whoo sounds of sirens welcomed her ears. But the clincher that made her cry was the picture behind her. She blinked the tears away, so that she can remember this moment clearly, when the mural Biggie and Tupac became her welcome back committee.
And the spluttering sounds of the missing homeless man, as he's slammed against the brick wall, struggling against Nica's arm pinned across his throat.
Well Kyna's made her way back home to Earth, New York, Bronx but what new development is this? Find out in the next chapter.
PS Here's a picture of Kyna's traveling outfit she borrowed from Ula from the previous chapter. Some of which are actually buy-able. ;-D
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