3. Desperation

She came awake with a cry. Her heart hammered so fast that she thought it would explode any minute. Tremors shook he whole body and her sweaty hands gripped the blanket as if her life depended on it. As she gasped for air and fought down the sobs and pain that had followed through the dream she sat up.

Wait a minute, why was she in her bed? Hadn't she fallen asleep under the tree? Outside?

What on earth had that been? Had it been real? Or was she just so scared that the scenario had manifested in a dream? It had felt so real. He had seemed so real.

A sob crept out of her mouth and turned to a half-suppressed wail. She punched her mattress, so done with breaking down. She was tired, tired to the bone. But there was no rest for her, no peace. Only pain and worry and blame. Guilt was etched into every waking part of her mind, it was like sand beneath her skin. Itching and burning. Never leaving.

She growled at herself. Enough, no matter if it had been true or not. Four days were too long to wait for an answer. She was doing something now. And this time, Jay damned well better back her up.

Hopping from the bed she realized that she was still fully dressed. It seemed like David had carried her here. That was both sweet and strange. She had to have been completely under. Which furthered her suspicion that the dream had been real. But how could it? Mist had not dreamed and if she really had travelled in a dream, shouldn't she have visited another? Wasn't that how it worked?

Daphne groaned and rubbed her tear-stained face with the back of her hand. No that wouldn't do. She couldn't talk to Jay looking like a mess. Stalking to the bathroom she flicked the light-switch and hissed at the brightness. The darkness from her dream had been so absolute, this was too bright. She placed her palms on the sink and leaned her body into her arms.

Sighing, she let water run and placed a washing-cloth under the stream. She wrung it out and scrubbed it across her face haphazardly. Then she squinted at her appearance.

Good grief. She looked like... well, she looked nothing like herself that was for sure. Her cheeks had always been a bit too hollow, but now the bones above jutted out sharply and threw deep shadows across her face. Her eyes looked empty and dull, the dark, purple lines underneath looked as if she had taken a beating. Her lips were chapped and dry, her hair hang down in knots and untidy strands. She looked like shit.

No wonder the most prominent feeling she got from everyone was worry. But alas, she hadn't looked in a mirror lately. Annoyed, she pushed out a breath and pulled a brush through the white mess on her head. It was no good, she was more likely to end up with no hair at all than bringing order to the tangled strands. Flinging the brush away she yanked off her clothes. 

Daphne felt a bit better after the shower, her hair was now smooth again, which was a plus. But no amount of scrubbing or lathering would do anything about the knot in her throat, the heavy pain in her chest, or the guilt ingrained under her skin. She told herself that the shower served a purpose, it made her seem saner. More in order than she had been the last couple of days. And she needed that now.

She strapped on Mist's sword and wanted to head from her room when she heard little claws tapping across the floor. A tug on her lips told her that a smile was spreading on her face. The motion felt foreign. She hadn't smiled often these past few days. Bending over she scooped up her rat and kissed him between his small ears.

"Sorry I've been so out of it lately Rufus. There is just too much in my mind, I feel too full. Constantly. I feel... Lost. And scared." She sat down on her bed. "I miss him. God, I miss him so damned much it hurts."

Rufus looked up at her with his beady eyes while his whiskers twitched. His little hands dug into her fingers softly as he sniffed them.

"Hey, I just showered. What's this sniffing business supposed to mean?" She smiled again and set him down. "I'll raid the kitchen later, maybe I'll find a strawberry for you. Wouldn't that be something?" His nose twitched and he scuttled over to the box she had set up for him. Cheeky rat.

Daphne sighed and then drew back her shoulders. Time for action.

She stood in front of Jay's room, her hand extended to knock. A noise let her falter. Leaning closer she inhaled and turned her ear to the door. A groan sounded from his room and it wasn't his. She smelled his dark musk and warm fur, and wow... Jess. Jess was in there with him. And from the scent and sound of it, they weren't talking. A sinking sensation hit her gut.

Okay, she had no right whatsoever to feel that way. None. Her face flushed and she turned on her heel to flee the scene. Going as fast as she could without running she nearly mowed down Aileen who came up the stairs.

"Hi Daph, what's the rush?" The werewolf looked up at her and smiled.

Oh yeah, like she was going to tell her. Like she was going to admit that she had spied through Jay's door, gotten a load of the horizontal tango going on in there and felt... Jealous? Of her? Or was it because the thought of intimacy made her cringe and hurt?

"Jeez, you look like you've seen a ghost," Aileen said. "Are you okay?"

"I- I don't know... Bad dream." she mumbled. 

The werewolf stepped up and took her hand then pulled her along, down the stairs. Thankfully, there was no way she was going back up there. Aileen squeezed her hand and led her into the study. Daphne had been surprised in the beginning at Aileen's need for touch. But this time she thought nothing about it. It was grounding. 

"I was on my way looking for you," she said and waved her hand across the room. "What do you think?"

Daphne frowned and only now saw a huge flat box standing next to the door. Kate and Nick knelt on the floor in front of a flat-screen fiddling with cables, a receiver and a blue-ray player. 

"Obviously this has to go there," Nick said.

"That does not fit, have you even read the instruction manual?"

Nick eyed the terror. "Oh, and you have?"

Kate snorted. "Of course not. Manuals are for beginners like you. I'm a natural."

"Beginner, hah. I'll show you!" She attempted to stick a cable into the receiver. "Get in there you little shit!"

Kate cackled. "If that is how you do things it's no wonder you're single."

Nick growled and threw away the cable. She sat down the receiver carefully and lunged at Kate. The two rolled across the floor, screeching and cursing. Nick clogged Kate in the face but the terror laughed.

"You hit like a girl," she shouted, getting a punch of her own across.

"And I have fought garden gnomes that pack a harder punch than you," Nick hissed back.

"You fought gnomes? You bad, bad girl. They look so innocent, how could you?"

"Those little fuckers are the devils work. Especially when they're drunk."

Kate burst into a laugh. "Don't I know it! Give them half a glass of beer and they mutate into, little pervy ankle-biters."

"Pervy ankle-biters? I have to remember that one." Nick lay on top of Kate now and grinned down on her evilly.   

"Are we interrupting something?" Aileen asked. 

Kate squealed. "My heroine! To the rescue! A demon is attempting to have her dirty way with me."

Nick snorted. "Not if we were the last two people on earth."

"Come now sweet-cheeks," Kate nudged Nicks nose with a finger, "I have caught you ogling my firm and fantastic behind on occasion."

"Yeah, you wish terror." 

To Daphne's surprise she glanced up at Aileen and blushed. "I mean... I-"

"Don't worry about it," Aileen said and smiled. "Kate has no sense of tact or propriety. Don't let her fool you."

Nick got up and pulled Kate with her.

"Hi hun," Kate beamed as she saw Daphne. 

Daphne tried a smile, but didn't quite get it right.

"So, what do you think?" She waved her arms at the flat-screen. "Now we can watch series, movies and rugby."

"Rugby?" Nick asked with wide eyes. "Don't you mean football?"

"Nope, I mean the real deal. Not some washed-up, fabric-softened sissy ballet."

Nick glowered. "You take that back!"


Aileen sighed. "Enough you two. First you'll have to get it working, then you can squabble about what to watch."

"Yeah. You go ahead and do that," Daphne said. "I need something to eat." With that she headed for the door.

"Was it something we said?" Nick whispered.

"No," Kate said and followed. "Wait up hun."

Daphne felt her friends arm come around her. "How are you holding up?" She asked, her tone now serious. Her friend eyed her, sweet worry accompanying the glance.

She loved that terror, she really did. And the scene back there would have made her laugh if she had been right in the head. Words formed in her throat. About the dream, about Jay and Jess, but they got stuck on their way out. She knew Kate and Kate would follow her past the gates of hell if need be. And she would think it a great adventure. No, she couldn't tell her. She could not endanger her with this suicide mission that began taking form in her mind.

"I'm okay," she said. "Only tired."

Kate wasn't convinced, that much was obvious from her frown. Daphne needed her to be.

"Where are Hileni and Rowan?" She asked to change the subject.

"They both went back to their respective factions, to get the panic under control and build up what is left of them." The terror pursed her lips. "They expect war, or at least something. And they want to be prepared."

Daphne nodded, she hadn't seen either one around for a while now. "Where is Karen? She hasn't been around as well."

"She left to meet with the witches, they're electing a new high-witch. Edna was the last one so..." She shrugged. They were all uneasy about her death, almost as much as because of Toph. The city was left with few defences now.

Daphne forced a smile to her face. "They'd be idiots not to pick Karen for the job. She's terrific."

Kate sighed. "You have never been to a witch coven. They're girls, I mean girly, girls. And because of their powers they have bloated egos and are very competitive. The strongest witch will come out on top and I have no idea who that will be. Let's just hope for the best."

"Aha!" Nick's shout came from the study. "I knew you were supposed to go there, that'll show the terror."

Kate grinned and looked back.

Daphne nudged her shoulder. "Go on, help her set it up before she breaks it. We can watch something later when it's done."

"No training today?"


"You sure you're okay hun?"

Daphne squeezed Kate's shoulder. "Positive."

"I'll catch you later then." She jerked her head in the direction of the kitchen. "Jay got some ice-cream, chocolate. I knew there was a reason why I love that felinne. Help yourself before it's gone hun."

Daphne nodded absentmindedly and continued on towards the kitchen. If Jay was not going to help her she would have to do this on her own. A bitter taste formed in her mouth. She was such an idiot, he was busy, he hadn't betrayed her. So why was she so angry at him?

"Germaine?" She called out when she came to the kitchen. A second later the jinn materialized next to her.

"You rang?"

"Huh, I wasn't sure it would work."

"Yes, you call and I'm compelled to come, no matter what I do or where I am."

She winced. "I'm sorry, that sucks."

He waved it off. "Don't worry about it. I'm used to worse."

"This is so wrong."

"It is what it is Daphne. And none of us can change it."

"Still, I don't like it."

The jinn grinned. "I have a feeling that you will be the nicest master I ever had. And I like you, which is a plus. Now, why did you call for me?"

Daphne worried her lower lip. "You, uhm... You know where everyone on the grounds is right?"

He nodded.

"And you're sworn to secrecy regarding me?"

He nodded, this time a bit hesitantly.

"And you can teleport to any destination, taking people with you?"

"Provided they are no more than two and the place I am going to isn't shielded by magic. Daphne what are you cooking up in that adorable head of yours? I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the sound of your questions."

"You wouldn't like it if I told you."

"Of that I have no doubt."

A smile pulled at her lips. "Would you please find David and tell him to meet me in the cellar? And make sure he doesn't talk to anyone about it? Then go about doing whatever you want to, but it could be that I'll call for you later, if that's okay."

"Of course." He vanished in a puff of pink smoke.

Daphne sighed deeply and steeled herself before opening the door to the cellar. She could only hope that David would help her. He was the only one she could ask for help. Well, the only one she could think of that actually would, without telling her how stupid she was. And without trying to stop her. She hoped.

When she came to the cellar she stumbled a bit while walking towards the two cells on the far side of the room. Her legs felt weak and she could tell that a panic attack was on its way. But she wouldn't give in yet. If she had the information she needed and mapped out her plan, then she would panic. And then she would deal with that panic. Right now, she wouldn't let it take her.

One cell housed Anette, a shadow and the ex-fiance of David. The other was occupied by Celine, the seraphim princess. She was the one Daphne had come to see.

Celine got up when Daphne stood in front of her cell. She gripped the bars with both hands and hissed at Daphne.

"Come to gloat, have you?" The stumps of her wings jutted out over her shoulders, stumps that were there because Daphne had cut them off. The knot of hate she felt for the seraphim coiled in her belly.

"No. I came for information." She hadn't wanted to do this. She didn't want to understand, didn't want to relate. But it seemed as though she had no choice, not anymore.

"Did you grow up in Ashenwall?"

Celine narrowed her eyes and spat on the ground. "Go to hell reaver."

"I'll know anyway in a few minutes, but if you tell me I won't have to look at your soul too closely. You can hold on to a little privacy that way."

"Have you come to take my soul?" Her voice shook a bit and Daphne smelled fear coming off her.

"No. Now tell me, did you grow up in Ashenwall?"

The seraphim nodded reluctantly.

Daphne released a pent up breath.

"You wanted to see me," David said behind her.

The moment his voice rang through the room Anette got up and now clung to the bars the same way Celine did.


Daphne and David ignored her.

"Yes, I wanted to ask something of you." Daphne wrung her hands, not comfortable with what came next. "Will you... Would you do me the honor of feeding me some of your feelings?"

He shrank back, his face drawn. Fear shot out of him and it tore at Daphne's heart.

"Why? Don't you have Kate and Aileen for that?"

"Yes, but I need information from Celine and in order to do that I need to go for gold. You know, the way I was able to read you and Anette? It takes a lot of energy and I don't want Kate or Aileen to know what I did."

"Why not? They're your friends right?"

"Which is exactly why I don't want them to know, they won't let me do what I'm about to."

David scowled. "And you think I will?"

"I can only hope. And I can only ask for your trust. I have done nothing to earn it yet, I know that. But I'm going to save Mist and I can't do that without the information she has." Daphne pointed to Celine.

David glowered at her and she could see him mull it over.

"You can't seriously consider that?" Anette wailed. "Ayden, she's a reaver. A filthy parasite, insane and dangerous."

David stared at Daphne, ignoring Anette. "What about Rowan's plan?"

"It is a trap. And you yourself said that it felt off somehow. You were right."

He frowned. "How do you know?"

"That is the other part you'll have to trust me with. I just know and when this is over I'll figure out why and how and I promise you I'll tell you. But right now I need your decision. It isn't like everyone says. You won't even feel a thing."

She pressed her fists together, waiting.

"If Mist trusted you with his soul I'll do the same." He held up one finger. "Under one condition; whatever you plan on doing, I'm coming with you."

Daphne's heart sank. This was exactly what she didn't want, to put anyone at risk. But on the other hand, David was different. He could hide in the shadows, he could turn invisible. A thing none of the others could do.

She held out her hand, David shook it. "Deal."

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