Prologue With Backstory
(Let's see if you find the references)
~~~1 Year Before The Pilot
[Third Person Pov]
You were sitting on a bench, staring at nothing really.
Y/n: *sigh* Who thought Hell could be this boring?
You check your phone, it was a text from Charlie.
Charlie: Hey Y/n, can you come to this address? Vaggie and I have something to talk to you about.
Y/n: What is it?
Charlie: You'll see....
You shrugged and started to walked to the address. He had been friends with Charlie since...well you first came. She helped you out when it felt like all of Hell was against you.
~~~The Soon To Be Hazbin Hotel
You walked into a very empty building.
Y/n: What's up bitches?!
Charlie: Y/n! I'm glad you came!
Charlie, Y/n's first ever friend. She was always the kindest of all the demons.
Y/n: Of course I did, we're friends.
Vaggie: Most of us are.
Vaggie, she and Y/n were kinda forced to be friends by Charlie. She, at the very most, tolarates him, and at the very least, tries not to kill him.
Y/n: Oh come, you know you like me.
Vaggie just narrowed her eyes at you.
Y/n: Ok, so, mind telling me why were in a empty building?
Charlie stood up triumphantly as triumphant music played.
Charlie: Tell me Y/n, have you ever wanted to go to heaven?
Y/n: ....I mean not really.
Charlie: Oh...uh...have you ever thought about and alternative way to decrease overpopulation in Hell?
Y/n: No, not once.
Charlie: ..........Have you ever-
Y/n: Get to the point.
Charlie: -We're making a hotel to rehabilitate demons.
Y/n: ...You want to get people in Hell, who are in here because they are the worst of the worst...into heaven?
Charlie: ...Yes.
Y/n: ...*wheeze* Hehehehehe. Ah're serious?
Vaggie: We were kinda hoping you would become a patron.
Y/n: Look, girls, I don't think I'm exactly cutout for this.
Charlie: But that's what this is all about! To help demons redeem themselves.
Y/n: I'm sorry but, I can't do this.
Charlie looked down sadly.
Y/n: .......*sigh* Look, I'll become a patron.
Charlie looked up happily.
Vaggie: Wait, really?
Y/n: Yeah, just don't expect me to start being a perfect little angel all of a sudden.
Charlie hugged you.
Charlie: Oh, thank you thank you thank you!
She let go.
Y/n: Ok, I'll come back later to help you get this place *static* together, but I have to go see my dad first.
Vaggie: When are we gonna meet your dad anyway? You keep mentioning him but we've never seen him. I'm starting to think you don't even have a dad.
Y/n: I'll tell you soon, anyway bay-bay, later.
He began to leave.
Charlie: Oh! Keep your eyes out for any potential patrons!
Y/n: Eyes out? *points to eyes* My eyes came out years ago! See you lesbos later!
He left leaving Charlie to giggle at his joke.
The moment he got out, he got another text from a group chat.
Angel Dust: Hey babe~
Y/n: Uh...who is this?
Angel Dust: Oh don't play dumb babe.
Y/n: What do you want AD?
Cherri Bomb: Yo, Y/n! We going to a turf war later, wanna come?
Y/n: Maybe, my dad wants to see first.
Angel Dust: I'm right here baby~
Y/n: My dad, not my "daddy"
Angel Dust: So you're saying I'm your daddy?
Y/n: Ok I walked into that one.
Cherri Bomb: Well, if you do decide to come, well be at Hitler street.
Angel Dust: Oh he'll cum alright.
Y/n: BYE!
You facepalm.
Y/n: You have sex with a gay spider when your drunk ONE TIME!
Y/n looked at the clock on his phone.
Y/n: .....Dad first.
He "glitched" the world and appeared in a room.
Y/n: ...Dad?
No answer.
Y/n: Dad, are you here?
You heard a 1920's radio voice from behind.
???: You're late.
You turn around to see your dad.
Alastor, or better known as, The Radio Demon, one of the most powerful demons Hell has ever seen. And he's your dad...well more accurately you made a deal with him and now your his son.
~~~Flashback 5 Years Ago
You laid on a alleyway in a pool of your own blood, shaking, clinging on to the last bit of life you had. You don't who or why, but a gang jumped you and started to beat you. Your buddy Angel went to go get help. You've tried so many times to stand, but all you could do is cry.
Alastor: Well that's quite the pickle you're in sport. Bleeding out is slow.
You looked up to see The Radio Demon. You're eyes widened in fear.
Alastor: Oh don't be afraid I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here because I see potential in you. Normally I would leave you here, so I suggest you don't take this lightly.
Y/n: W-w-*cough*...what do you want?
Alastor held his hand out.
Alastor: I can make you better, better than perfect actually!
Y/n: What's the catch? *cough* I'm-ack! I'm not stupid. *wheeze*
Alastor: You're smart...good. If you do take my deal...I'll have to change you, a lot. So then, is it a deal?
A massive green aura came from his hand. You were hesitant, but then your vision got blurry.
Alastor: Time's ticking.
You slowly reach out, and shook his hand, then there was a bright flash and you were suddenly on your feet wearing much different clothes. You open your mouth.
Y/n: Now what?
You covered it.
Y/n: How am I talking without moving my mouth?
Alastor: Like I said, I'll change you. But don't worry, I gave you some new abilities as well.
Y/n: New abilities?
You raised your hand and saw a gun in it. You dropped it.
Y/n: What? How did-
Alastor put his hand on your shoulder and you got some information on a location.
Alastor: Go here, we have lot to talk about.
Alastor: Son.
With that, he left, leaving you to stand there in confusion.
Angel Dust: Why is everyone so fucking worthless! ...Y/n?!
Y/n: ...I don't know....
You started leaving.
Angel Dust: Where are you going?
Y/n: I...I don't know....
Y/n: Sorry I'm late. Charlie wanted to see me. And Cherri also wants to see me too.
Alastor: Well son I'll make this quick, you're getting your own show!
Y/n: My own show?
Alastor: Yes! As you know, I broadcast my carnage to radios all across Hell, and since you like game shows so much, I thought you would broadcast your carnage on a game show!
Y/n: Woah, dad, you really want me to follow in your footsteps? I don't think I can be as good as you.
Alastor: Don't try to be like me, no one can! Just be you sport.
Y/n: Thanks dad, I won't let you down!
Alastor: I know you won't. I love your creative prowess! This show will have the perfect mixture of entertainment, and horror! My own son carrying on the legacy! A great legacy that will last until the end of time.
Y/n: I l-l-l-like the sound of that. Man, it's going to be fun! Let them think they'll live! Only to crush their hopes and watch as they beg for mercy....
You take your phone, Cherri Bomb was trying to face time you. You answered. Cherri Bomb looked pissed and hurt.
Cherri Bomb, you helped her out in a turf war and ever since then, you two have been hanging out a lot. You even tried dating, didn't work out. There were multiple gun shots going off.
Y/n: Cherri, what's wrong?
Angel Dust, he hangs out with Cherri so you two were kinda forced to hang out too. You two get along, and have somewhat if a close relationship. However all his attempts to "convert" you, tend to annoy you.
~~~Flashback 4 Years ago
Y/n: Angel Dust, what are you gonna do?
Angel Dust: I can suck your dick!
Y/n: 😃*LOUD STATIC* Ha! No.
Angel Dust: Your lost.
Cherri Bomb: We need you over here right now-
Cherri dropped her phone and the screen went static.
Y/n: Cherri? Angel?!
You heard them screaming.
Y/n: Sorry dad, gotta go!
You ran out a window, landed on a motorcycle that came from nowhere, and drove off.
Alastor: I admire his loyalty, but soon he has to learn that other people's lives don't matter. Now then, time to set up that show.
~~~A Bar On Hitler Street
Cherri Bomb: Where is that bitch?!
Angel and Cherri were pinned down behind a table.
Angel Dust: Maybe he's with a hooker or something.
A grenade was thrown at them.
Angel Dust: Look out-
It blow up before they could move. Cherri Bomb was restrained and Angel had all four of his wrist grabbed. He pulled out two more arms but they were grabbed too.
Boss Demon: Well well well, what do we got over here?
This demon is Sharly.
Angel Dust: This is kinda kinky, you into bondage?
Sharly: You think you can just come onto my turf, and try to take it?!
Angel Dust: That was the plan.
She hit him with the bat making him hiss.
Cherri Bomb: Angel! Don't you-mph?!
Her mouth got taped.
Angel Dust: (Come on Y/n, hurry up!)
Sharly: Here's some advice, think before attacking.
Angel Dust: Eh, thinking is overra-
She hit him with the bat right between the legs.
Angel Dust:
Sharly: You two sluts are gonna get what's coming to you!
Angel Dust: (Come on where are you!)
Sharly held her hand out and one of her goons gave her a gun. Angel was legitimately scared now.
Angel Dust: OH SHIT!
Sharly: Bye bye faggot!
She raised the gun to his head, and held his chin. Cherri tried struggling to no avail.
Sharly: What the-
Angel smirked.
Angel: You're dead hun.
A motorcycle came crashing through the window.
You jumped of the bike which hit Sharly. You then pulled out two pistols from nowhere and shot the people holding Angel Dust. Angel then took care of the people holding Cherri. Cherri tore the tape off.
Cherri: I was starting to think you weren't gonna show!
Angel Dust: I knew you'd come save us babe~
Sharly: Y/n!
Y/n: Shakira!
Cherri Bomb: You know her?
Y/n: She's my ex.
Sharly: Deal with these clowns!
Sharly ran away as more of her goons showed up. You pulled out a tommy gun and a bat and gave it to Angel. You pulled out two shotguns as Cherri cooked some grenades.
Y/n: Suger Tits, Gay Boi, you ready?
Angel Dust+Cherri Bomb: Born ready.
~~~The Soon To Be Hazbin Hotel
Charlie and Vaggie were tidying up the place.
Vaggie: This would be a lot faster if Y/n was here, if he even comes.
Charlie: Oh come on Vaggie, can't you say anything nice about Y/n?
Vaggie: I don't want to kill him all the time.
Charlie: I'm sure he's out there, getting us patrons, and being super clean!
Charlie looked at her phone, it said breaking news.
Charlie: Vaggie, come here.
Vaggie came over and Charlie played the news.
Katie Killjoy: Hello, welcome to Channel 666 News. I'm Katie Killjoy.
Tom Trench: And I'm Tom Trench.
Katie Killjoy: Breaking news as there is a turf war going on at Hitler Street.
Tom Trench: Powerful gang leader Sharly's turf has been attacked.
Vaggie: Y/n's ex?
Tom Trench: And her attackers have been confirmed to be Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb. Also knows as the hottest woman alive.
Katie Killjoy: Wait a minute Tom you limb dick slug, I just got news that a third member has joined Angel and Cherri as we were setting up! Let's go to the live feed.
The news cut to a live feed, the fight had been taken outside. Y/n tackled a goon out the window and shot him in the head. He then went to Angel and Cherri's side.
Vaggie: Being super clean huh?
Katie Killjoy: It appears to be none other than Y/n!
Tom Trench: The guy who got jumped in an alleyway?
Katie Killjoy: Yes Tom! He's also the best man I've ever slept with.
Tom Trench: Wait what?!
Katie Killjoy: We will keep you all posted!
Tom Trench: You slept with Y/n?!
Katie Killjoy: He's slept with tons of girls, jealous? You worthless virgi-
Girls Y/n banged counter: 1
Charlie: Never took Y/n for a ladies man.
Vaggie: That's not important! What's important is that our one and only parton isn't clean!
Charlie: Oh I'm...sure it's a one off.
~~~Hitler Street
You and Angel were unloading all their bullets as Cherri threw bombs everywhere.
Angel Dust: So, you mind telling us about her babe?
Y/n: Long story short, we had sex once, then she cheated on me and dumped me.
Girls Y/n banged counter: 2
Angel Dust: Why would she leave a dick like that, I've seen it! And you last awhile too.
Cherri Bomb: Tell me about it.
Angel Dust: You've seen his dick too?
Cherri Bomb: Yep!
~~~Flashback 6 Years Ago
Cherri Bomb: Ok, let's see what I'm working with.
Y/n: Fair warning, I'm a grower.
You took of your pants.
Cherri Bomb: ...OH! MY GOD!
Y/n: What?
Cherri Bomb: Lay on the bed.
Girls Y/n banged counter: 3
Cherri Bomb: We may be just friends now, but eh, still friends benefits.
Angel Dust: *gasp* Y/n-
Angel Dust: You weren't 4 years ago~
???: Oh Y/n.
You turned around to see Sharly with an axe. She pulled you in with a chain kicked you on your back.
Cherri Bomb: Y/n!
She swung the axe right between your legs.
She yanked it back and pulled off, EVERYTHING!!! Angel sang like opera singer for a sec when he saw that.
Y/n: Oh dick fell off.
(Told you I'd use it!)
~~~The soon to be Hazbin Hotel
Charlie: The news is back on.
Katie Killjoy: And the only way you'll get a woman to cum first is if-
She noticed the camera was on and sat down.
Katie Killjoy: And we're back.
She moved her head back.
Tom Trench: Uh...the situation seems to have escalated extremely! Many events have happened including *looks at paper* Y/n getting his dick cutoff by an axe.
He cringed and grabbed his own dick the moment he finished his sentence.
Charlie: Ouch.
Katie Killjoy: Who would destroy such a perfectly good dick? Let's go to the live feed.
They cut to a feed of you standing up with your dick back(yay).
Tom Trench: Oh look. He has his dick back.
Katie Killjoy: Oh thank God.
Back to the feed.
You tackled Sharly and got into a fist fight with her.
Sharly: What's the matter limp dick?
Y/n: Oh, my manhood, how will I go on living?
She shoved you off and you backed up next to Angel and Cherri.
Sharly: You and these worthless slugs are going to die!
Y/n: Oh shut up you slutty, attention seeking, booty shorts wearing, have to wear a mask because you're too ugly, bouncing from man to man, little C*NT!
Sharly: ........
Cherri Bomb: .........
Katie Killjoy: ............
Tom Trench: ............
Angel Dust: ......Jesus.
Y/n: Oh did that hurt you? Too bad-I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!
Sharly: That's it! KILL THEM!
Several goons came to her side. You pulled out a rocket launcher from nowhere.
Sharly: .......Uh.
You handed it to Cherri.
Y/n: M'lady.
Cherri smiled widely and took the rocket launcher.
Cherri: Later bitch.
She shot it and took out all the goons. Sharly emerged from the smoke. When she saw she was the only one left, she tried to run. A red hand from the ground grabbed her by the tail, Your inner demon.
Y/n: I'll take that thank you!
He pulled hard and the hand pulled the tail off making Sharly scream and made blood spurt everywhere. She could barley stand up.
Sharly: T-this isn't over!
She ran off to...god knows where.
Tom Trench: And I appears Cherri and the boys are victorious!
Katie Killjoy: Well than, that almost made me happy, until next time!
Tom Trench: Who was on top when you and Y/n had sex?
She punched him in the dick.
Katie Killjoy: He was.
Tom Trench: AAAAAAAAA-
~~~Hitler Street
Cherri Bomb: Wooo! That was fun!
Angel Dust: Yeah, and it's all thanks to you babe.
He gave you a kiss on the cheek.
Y/n: *sigh* Thanks I guess.
Angel Dust: How's your dick? Still in great shape I hope.
Y/n: It still feels like it got drop kicked by a elephant.
Cherri Bomb: Thanks for the save Y/n. Angel and I might dead if it weren't for you.
Y/n: No problem, but I feel like I'm forgetting-*sudden realization*😨.
Angel Dust: ...You alright there?
You ran off leaving Angel and Cherri confused.
~~~The Soon To-You Get It
You had just finished cleaning the rest of the hotel. You felt bad leaving the girls to do most of the work, so you did the rest.
Charlie: Wow, this looks so clean, thanks Y/n!
Y/n: Eh, no problem.
Vaggie stared daggers into Y/n.
Y/n: I told you, this isn't for me.
Vaggie: We didn't think you'd join in a turf war!
Y/n: They're my buddies! And besides, Rome wasn't built in a day!
Vaggie: Don't try and use your analogy mind games on us! You think we're stupid?
Y/n: *static* Perhaps.
Charlie: Y/n, please, this hotel is my dream, I really need you.
She gave you the saddest look, what kind of friend would you be if you didn't help her?
~~~Flashback 15 Years Ago
You were falling from the sky, the last thing you remember is someone putting their thumbs in your eyes and snapping your neck in a death match. You hit the ground hard, but you felt fine. Once you stood up, you realized where you were.
Y/n: ....I'm in Hell. I guess competing in multiple death matches isn't exactly holy.
You take a look around, demons and buildings everywhere.
Y/n: I expected death.
Y/n: Did someone say something?
???: Hi!
You turn around to see Charlie.
Charlie: Are you, new?
Y/n: Yeah, just fell.
Charlie: Well, may I ask why you're down here?
Y/n: Well I uh, I died in a death match.
Charlie: A death match?
Y/n: Yeah, my family was low on funds and my sister was in the hospital so we really needed some money. So I joined and underground fight club where we fought to the death for thousands of dollars. My parents didn't like it, but I didn't listen. It kept us going, kept my sister going, and it gave me another reason to live. And today, well, *points to eye* didn't go well.
Charlie: Oh, that sounds brutal.
Y/n: It was, and now I'm in Hell...yay.
You looked down sadly.
Y/n: And my parents have to deal with a dead child, and soon two....
Charlie put a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at her and she stuck her hand out.
Charlie: I'm Charlie, but you can call me your friend.
Y/n: ......I-
You check your phone.
Y/n: It's dad.
You walk away a bit and answered.
Y/n: Hello?
Alastor: The stage is set for you son! Why, I haven't felt excited since-
Y/n: The stock market crash of 1929? *static*
Alastor: Correct! You know me so well.
Y/n: I'll be there soon d-d-dad.
You hang up the phone.
Charlie: Gotta go?
Y/n: Yeah, sorry.
You left.
Vaggie: What is the deal with his dad?
~~~A Game Show Set
Y/n: Hey dad, you have a sec?
Alastor: Why of course! What is it sport?
Y/n: I was kinda thinking I would have an assistant with me on stage. You know, like wheel of fortune...if you even remember that show.
Alastor: I do my dear boy, and I know just who you want with you!
Y/n: Yep, can you bring her out?
Alastor: Do you two need a room?
Alastor lit a fire place and pulled out a black blob. Then the blob got and eye and "poofed" the black off. Alastor dropped it and it stood up.
Niffty: Hi Y/n!
Y/n: Hi Niffty, I require your services.
Niffty: Oh, I love doing this!
She started lifting her skirt.
Y/n: NOT, those kind of services.
Girls Y/n banged counter: 4
Niffty: Oh, ok! So what do you need me for?
Y/n: I need you be my assistant.
Niffty: Anything for you!
Y/n: Ok, go wear something flashy.
Niffty: Ok, I'll go change!
She ran off.
Husk: Why can't you just leave me alone?!
Alastor: Husker my good man, I need your services.
Husk: Oh, don't tell me you only brought me here to help your son! I'm not a babysitter you-
You pulled out a bottle of booze from nowhere with a smug smile.
Y/n: All you gotta do, is press some buttons.
He took the booze and went to his spot.
Niffty: I'm ready!
She was wearing a purple sparkly dress.
Alastor: Your on in 5, knock em dead sport. Oh, and your victims are there.
He gestured to 4 demons tied to chairs.
Y/n: ...How long have they been there?
Alastor: I just got them!
~~~In a building
Charlie: I wonder why he never introduced his dad to us.
Vaggie: I don't know, something's fishy about him...I have a bad feeling-
Radio: Hello there residents of Hell! If you have a picture show machine near you, change it to Channel 52!
Vaggie: that the Radio Demon?
Alastor: I would if I were you.
Fearful for their life, the building owner changed the main T.V. to Channel 52. It showed nothing but static.
Vaggie: ...What is this?
Then, the static went away and and a little jingle played.
Charlie: What the?
Cheering came from the T.V.
T.V.: Laides and gentlemen, demons and succubuses...succubea? Succubi? Whatever, welcome to...All Bets Are Off!
The camera cut to Niffty standing in front of a curtain.
Nifty: Please welcome your host, pause for dramatic effect...Y/N!
She pulled the curtain back, off screen, Husk pressed a button while chugging booze and fake audience cheers played. You came out waving.
Vaggie: Y/n?
Charlie: What is he doing?
Y/n: Thank you Niffty.
She smiled and walked off.
Y/n: Hello, hello, welcome, to my show! I hope you all stay *static* entertained! Let's meet our contestants!
A spotlight turned on the four tied demons.
Paranoid Demon: Where am I?!
Succubus: Mm, kinky.
Brave Demon: Eh, not that big a deal.
Crazy Demon: Oh, hoohoohoohooooo!
This looks promising!
Y/n: Hello there contestants. May I ask your names?
Paranoid Demon: name is-
*Laugh Track*
Y/n: Now, the rules of my show are simple. Be lucky! If you aren't, you lose!
Succubus: And what is it we win? Do we get to sleep with you?
Y/n: Even better!
Your eyes "rolled" into your head and your smile got uncomfortably wide.
Y/n: You get to live!
His eyes went back.
Y/n: Now then, Niffty, if you would.
Niffty untied the demons and gave them all die.
Y/n: You the drill, highest roll goes first, and lowest goes last.
They all rolled their die.
Y/n: Ah, you're first slut!
Succubus: Rude but correct.
Y/n: And you'll be competing against, that guy!
Crazy Demon: Oh, how exciting!
Everything went dark and the sound of rustling and machinery can be heard.
Charlie: What is going on?
Vaggie: I don't think Y/n is as nice as we thought.
The lights cane back on and the two now had one hand tied to a chair. In front of then was a table.
Y/n: You two familiar with 21 right? A game of luck and careful planning.
A machine came down on both demons right over their hands.
Y/n: Every round you lose, this happens!
The machine shocked them relentlessly.
Crazy Demon: Agaga, that's nice!
Succubus: Ztztztzt, you must really like BDSM.
The machine stopped.
Y/n: And that's the lowest setting! It gets higher until your eyes pop out and you die! Fun!
Vaggie: Is he ok mentally?
Y/n: Now then, let's begin!
Each one got a card.
Succubus: Hit me.
Vaggie: Charlie, our patron is hosting a show where he kills people!
Charlie: I...I don't get it. I thought he wanted to change.
Vaggie: Well clearly he changed his mind! Or maybe, he was just faking it!
Y/n: That was the last turn people. Niffty?
Niffty had a red and blue flag. After a short build up, she held up the red flag.
Y/n: Looks like the slut lost!
The machine shocked her for about ten seconds before stopping.
Y/n: I should mention this thing goes from 1-10. Next round!
They each got a normal card and a trump card.
Y/n: Looks like you both got a trump card.
Husk pressed a button and "the crowd" ooooooo'd.
Y/n: Just a little something to help you out.
Vaggie: It feels like he's been planning for this.
Charlie: This isn't the Y/n I know.
Vaggie: It might be the real Y/n.
Charlie: No, he's...he's way too nice for that.
Vaggie: I don't know.
Charlie: You're just saying that because you don't like him!
Y/n: The winner is....
Niffty held up both flags.
Y/n: ...A draw? ...I guess you both lose.
The machine shocked them both.
Vaggie: C'mon Charlie! Besides, I do kinda want to be his friend.
~~~Flashback 10 Years Ago
Vaggie and Charlie were walking the streets.
Vaggie: ...Do you here that?
Charlie: It's sounds like it's coming from that restaurant.
The two went into a restaurant.
Vaggie: ...Y/n?
You were standing on stage singing.
Y/n: We' again...don't know where...don't know when. I know we'll meet again some sunny day!
Vaggie: (He...has a nice singing voice.)
The music changed to something more Spanish. You sang the lyrics perfectly.
Vaggie: Wow, perfect Spanish!
You finished the song and went to greet the girls.
Y/n: Charlie, Vaggie.
You kissed both of their hands.
Charlie: Oh, what a gentleman.
Vaggie: Tu hablas espanol? (You speak Spanish?)
Y/n: Si! (Yes!) Matter of fact, I can speak tons of languages!
Charlie: Wow, what can't you do?
Y/n: Get my dick cutoff and get it back.
Charlie: ...Ok.
Y/n: Que estan haciendo chicas aqui? (What are you girls doing here?)
Vaggie: We heard your singing and came to it.
Charlie: You have a beautiful voice.
Waiter: Your drink sir.
The waiter have you some alcohol and you drank some.
Charlie: ...You drink?
Y/n: Only once a month, don't wanna get addicted.
Vaggie: Hey Charlie? Can I talk to Y/n alone?
Charlie: Oh...uh, ok! I'll be...outside.
She moonwalked out the door.
Y/n: Vas a confesar tu amor? (You going to confess your love?)
Vaggie: A ti no. (Not to you.)
Y/n: Hm?
Vaggie: I want to confess my love to Charlie.
Y/n: ...You're gay?
Vaggie: No, I'm curious-yes I'm gay!
Y/n: Geuss that explains your hate for men.
Vaggie: I want to tell her how I feel, but I'm just so nervous.
Y/n: Listen Vag, you might not like me, but I'll help you out. Just tell her.
Vaggie: ...And?
Y/n: T-t-t-that's it.
Vaggie: No big gesture or anything?
Y/n: Just be yourself. CLICHE! *cough*
Vaggie: Y si no le gusto por lo que soy? (What if she doesn't like me for who I am?)
You put a hand on her shoulder.
Y/n: Entonces ella no es para ti. (Then she isn't the one for you.)
Vaggie stared at you, and nodded. She marched out the door.
Charlie: Oh, Vaggie, your back!
The door closed. Through the windows, you could see Vaggie and Charlie talking.
Waiter: Is everything fine sir?
You smiled. Vaggie and Charlie were kissing.
Y/n: Yep.
Vaggie: He pisses me off yes, but he's nice and kind. At least he was.
Y/n: And the winner of the last round is....
Nifty held up the red flag.
Y/n: That guy. Bye bye slut!
The machine shocked her relentlessly until her eyes popped out and she died.
Charlie: Oh my...,
Y/n: Now then, next round!
~~~30 Minutes Later
You and the paranoid demon sat under a spotlight.
Y/n: Congrats pal, you made it to the last round.
Paranoid Demon: Does...does that mean I get to leave now?
Y/n: I said, last round.
Niffty came in with a pillow with a coin on it. Y/n took the coin and Nifty left.
Y/n: You have two options. Take the coin flip, with a 50/50 chance to live your life, or die here. Or you can leave now, live every moment scared that I'll just take you back here, what's it gonna be?
Paranoid Demon: I'll...I-I-I'll take the coin flip.
You smirked a bit.
Y/n: Call it in the air.
You flipped the coin high.
Paranoid Demon: Tails!
The coin came back down on your hand and you looked at it. Everyone watching was actually on edge.
Y/n: ........................Heads.
Your inner demon came out and raised it's fist high.
Y/n: You lose.
It brought it's fist down and crushed him. It went away and all that was left was a puddle of blood. You turn to the camera.
Y/n: ...................................That's all folks!
You smiled and waved as a little jingle played. Niffty jumped into your arms as the show went off air.
~~~The Game Show Set
Y/n: That went great!
Niffty: It was so much fun!
Husk: I'm going to go play some poker.
Alastor: Why I say that was an amazing program! I'm proud of you sport.
Y/n: Daw, thanks dad!
Alastor walked next to you as you both began leaving.
Alastor: We can't stop here we gotta think bigger, better!
Y/n: That sounds like a great idea! This is going to be fun! Now then! To be continued. Hehehe...........
Word Count: 5280
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