Chapter 6
Has it seriously been 4 months since I updated this book?! Wow! Sorry about that, I kinda lost motivation for this book for awhile......I really hope this chapter will be worth the wait!
Garmadon yelled as he threw his spear at an animal. He then walked over to the animal and then pulled his spear out of it, making it bleed even more. Kai gagged."What is THAT?!"Jay cried out."Breakfast. What else, lightning ninja?"Garmadon asked."Uh NO WAY am I eating something raw like that!"Cole said shaking his head. Garmadon rolls his eyes.
"Well, it won't be raw for long. Well done, brother of Wu."Faith said nodding."You are done throwing insults at me?"Garmmadon asked."For now."Faith said using her sword to chop off a cactus revealing water."Eat up quick. Then we move. We are not in Ninjago anymore, which means people are not at the top of the food chain."Harumi snapped. Faith then sat down with Garmadon as they began to prepare breakfast."Were you all close?"Faith asked."With who?"Garmadon asked."Your family."Faith replied."After I got bit by the great devour....It filled a deep hole in my relationship with my father. But Wu? Ha! I guess we all know where my son gets his annoying stubborness. His uncle never gave up on me. Like a true brother. No matter how much I pushed him away....He always kept coming back, trying to help me. I wish I had only repaid him for his kindness."Garmadon said."Can't you still?"Faith asked him."I cannot see him in this realm or my own."Garmadon replied, his voice cracking.
Faith sighed."I know what it feels like. I have lost many of my family members. I didn't get to say a proper goodbye."Faith said nodding."As for my son.....It's not so simple. We used to be close. Real close. The foolish boy wanted to be just like me. And why don't you guess how he did that?"Garmadon asked. When Faith did not answer, he said:"That boy went through town to town stealing candy. That was after he escaped his boarding school. Ah, I miss the good old days, don't you?"He said chuckling."In a way.....He is becoming like you right now...."Faith told him. This made Garmadon's smile fade."Yes...I suppose so."Garmadon said nodding as they continued to prepare breakfast in silence.
After they all ate the lovely breakfast that Faith and Garmaodn presented them, they started walking again. Jay started blabbing about the new Friz movie, spoiling every detail. Everyone was really annoyed, except Nya just glad she had her nerdy boyfriend back."JAY! Can you shut up?"Kai shouted."I like this one."Garmadon whispered."Come on! You know I hate when things get quiet! They get so tense!"Jay complained."At least we don't feel like cutting our ears off!"Kai mumbled."I heard that!"Jay replied."Would you-"Quiet! All of you!"Garmadon exclaimed, putting his hand up.
"Oh no. No. No. No...."Garmadon whispered."It sounds like a dragon. You really thought that we weren't going to run into a single one?"Cole asked in disbelief."We need to run. Now. Go! Go!"Faith ordered.
Just then a dragon with purple veins along with purple eyes came up into the scene. It let out another roar before shooting down to attack. The ninjas ducked, but unfortunately for Jay, he got caught in the deadly dragons claws, the dragons flying up with him before dropping him."JAY!"Nya yelled. She then ran over to where he was falling and caught him in her arms."Remind you of another time?"She asked him smirking."Heh. I love you!"He said to her. Even though he could not see it, she mouthed the words to him. She wasn't ready yet, she knew she was a jerk for it, but now wasn't the time. Not yet.
"FIRE!"Kai shouted as he shot his power at the dragon, but missed, although making the dragon rise up to the sky, as if disappearing."I thought dragons were our friends!"Harumi exclaimed."This one is different. It's one of theirs."Garmadon explained."What?"Everyone but Faith exclaimed."He will explain later. Right now fight!"Faith ordered. Just as she said that, the dragon once again came shooting down, Zane tried to shoot his ice powers at it, but as soon as he did, the dragon barely even flinched. This time, Jay shot his powers at it, still nothing."Why isn't our powers working?!"Jay cried out. Garmadon groaned."It's one of the oni dragon. Your silly ninja powers will do nothing to stop it!"He explained."Well how in the FSM are we going to stop that thing?!"Cole exclaimed."Son of the FSM, you have their power, shoot at it! Now!"Faith ordered him. Garmadon bit his lower lip. He had once again took a vow of no violence for the third time, but this time not for his own needs, but because he couldn't bare to hurt anyone else."DO IT!"Faith yelled at him. Harumi shook her head, knowing what Garmadon was thinking, but did nothing. He deserves to feel pain for what he did. He let his own son give up his whole life, it was as if he wanted that to happen and now he acts like he wants him back? She didn't believe it, not for one second.
They heard a yell, as one male figure came leaping up with his sword, cutting the dragon. Another figure, this time a female came shooting from the sky with an even bigger sword(Almost half her size), stabbed the beast in the back, it made a god awful roar out of pain. The male figure then sliced its legs once it retreated to the ground, it now was bleeding a whole hell of a lot as it should. Somehow, it managed to retreat, the two figures stared as it went away with the clouds."Thank you for that....However I do not think you both needed to be so cruel to that beast, even though it attacked us."Zane stated."Hey, we needed to do what we needed to do. We protect others, no matter what the costs are."The female said while the male one was nodding."Name's Perdita. And this is my brother Azazel. Who are you young fellows?"She asked them."She must not be very bright calling Garmadon 'young'."Whispered Jay. Garmadon glared. He had taken a very strong dislike to that young blue ninja, he reminded him too well of his mother.
"My name is Harumi. These are my friends: Nya, Kai, Jay, Cole, Pixal, Zane, and Faith......He's just tagging along."Harumi said Garmadon's name very coldly, making it clear to him she was still pissed off by him."I haven't seen any of you before."Said Perdita."We are from another realm, and we are here to recuse our friend.....He left us two years ago and we want him back home where he belongs."Nya explained."So the oni has him?"They both asked."That's what we were told."Zane said while nodding."I doubt you will make it out alive. He will most likely kill you all."Perdita told them, looking away."Lloyd would never hurt us, oni or no oni."Kai stated."I admire your confidence. But that will surely be the cause of your doom."Azazel told Kai."Do you know how many people have said that? And have they been wrong? Yes, they have."Kai replied."Not completely wrong."Nya muttered under her breath.
"The oni many be in the shadows for now, but with their new ruler they are getting more powerful by the minute."Perdtia. Faith who had been quiet the whole time spoke:"I have lived here my whole life and I have never seen you or your brother. So do you just expect us to back down from a fight just because the oni are getting stronger? I may have not known the ninjas for a long time, but I know that they do not back down even when the odds seem impossible to beat. Now, if you would excuse us, we need to get moving....Unless I have to beat you both like the ninja are going to beat the oni...Once and for all."Azazel raised his eyebrow."No need to get like that. We are not the enemy, in fact we want to be your friend. After all, we did save your lives."Azazel pointed out."What's in it for you?"Cole asked carefully."We want to free the land from these foolish oni, we want to be free. Like you, we are not from this realm. The oni had captured us when we were only infants. Murdered all of our families. Took us to this awful place. But luckily we manage to escape, hid in the shadows......And now we want revenge. You want your friend. And now we want revenge. It's a win-win."Azazel explained. Everyone looked at each other, they then told the both of them to give them a minute.
"Guys! What do we do?"Asked Jay."We obviously can't trust them!"Kai whispered."But since they did grow up in the oni palace they may know a thing or two about it."Nya pointed out."You actually BELIEVED their story?"Cole exclaimed."Zane, Pix! What do you think, you are both the logical sense of the team!"Jay said. Pixal and Zane looked at each other."It will be a risk.....But we have to take it. We know almost nothing about the oni palace." Garmadon groaned."You ninjas can't just go trusting other people like that! How I and many other villains were losing to you is beyond me! You are just like......Never mind that."Garmadon muttered." The son of the FSM is right....Surprisingly. We cannot trust them!"Faith argued."We don't really have much choice, Faith. Sure, Garmadon is oni, but he doesn't know the palace, and neither do you either. But if they are telling the truth....That will give us a better chance of....Finding Lloyd."Harumi said. Harumi then went over to the two siblings and nodded."You both do not have our full trust. I hope you can gain our trust on the way of this.....Whole thing. You will be our guide along with Faith. But if either of you step out of line even once........Then you will have to suffer the conscience. Do you hear me?"Harumi stated."You have our word."Azazel said bowing down to her along with his sister."Good. Now, let's go hunt for some oni."She said nodding.
They all marched on heading to the oni palace. Faith was muttering under her breath, still doubting the ninjas' choice to trust them."Harumi, right?"Azazel guessed as he walked next to her. Harumi nodded."That's a nice name. Where are you from?"He asked her. Harumi felt rolling her eyes, she did not want to engage in any conversations with this stranger, but she also didn't want to be that rude either."Ninjago. I was the princess of Ninjago before I burnt down the palace in order to get revenge."She replied."Wow. When I heard 'princess', I assumed you'd be.....You know..."He told her."Well, don't judge a book by its cover."Harumi told him."Huh?"He asked confessed."Never mind. What realm did you say you were from?"She asked."Um....I don't remember it. Too young."He replied. She nodded."How much further?"She asked them."Quite a bit, we should be there by tomorrow morning."He replied.
Hours later, they decided to rest, so they found a decent place to rest, and just as the sun went down, they rested......Everyone but Harumi and Azazel.
"Can't sleep Rumi? "
She froze, slowly glaring at him."What. Did. You. Call. Me?"She asked him intensely."Ever heard of a nickname? You know because your name is Harumi? Rumi is-"I think I get it, you asshole."She cursed."Don't ever call me that again."She glared."Why not-"Harumi jumped on him and pinned him to the ground holding a knife."Just don't. Nobody calls me that. Not anymore. Take the hint. Got it, idiot?"She ordered. He then tried to push her off of him, but she kept her ground."Got it?"She asked even more intensely. He nodded and she got off him."Why does that bug you so much? It's just a name."He asked."I don't want to talk about it."She mumbled as she sat by the fire they had made only an hour before."Ohhhhh! I get it, it's what he used to call you. Your friend. It's going to be hopeless. He won't remember you."He taunted. Harumi gripped the knife, this time trying to contain herself."And what do you ninjas even plan to do? Say that you love him? You really think that will bring him back to his loving self? It won't. I know oni, like I said they captured us when we were infants, we know them. And it won't matter what your history is, he won't remember."He said. Harumi closed her eyes tightly, then without meaning to, she saw him. His face, his eyes, his smile, everything. It was as if he was right next to her, laughing.
"Garmadon says he knows a way. As much as it makes my skin crawl by even saying this, we have to believe him."She muttered."How do you know? How do you know he is not lying? Mm? If he knew how to get his son back, then why isn't he sharing anything with you? Or the ninja?"He asked him."You're an asshole, you know that right?"She asked angrily. But the thing was, he was a right asshole. If Garmadon knew how to get Lloyd back then he would have shared it, maybe even bragged about it."I'll give you time to think.....Rumi."Hearing this Harumi fell to her knees while hugging her shoulders as he smirked all his way back to where he would be sleeping.
The ninjas awoke as the sun was blazing in their eyes, everyone then began preparing to continue on....Well, everyone but Harumi."Come on Harumi. We must go. Unless you do not want to see Lloyd."Garmadon told her. She laughed a horrible laugh."Tell me, Garmadon. Do you even know how to get Lloyd back to normal?"She asked. When he didn't reply, she continued:"Ha! Of course you don't! Because there is no way! You are just a lying bastard who thinks he can be a hero when he is clearly nothing but a monster!"She yelled."You don't know anything about me, Quiet One!"He yelled back."I think I know plently. We all do."She argued back, now facing him, showing her angry tears."Admit it, you just thought you could live in a fairytale by making up a bunch of crap that we foolishly believed! We should have never come here!"Harumi shouted. She glared at him once more before walking off. The ninjas stood there for a moment before joining her. Only Azazel and his sister remained.
Garmadon sighed."Look, I just want my son back. And I want to do it with or without you all.....But I can't."Garmadon admitted. Harumi stopped, making them all stopped."Four of you were here while I ruled Ninjago. You four found First Born's nest. But what you didn't find is the dragon temple."Garmadon said."The dragon temple?"All of them repeated. Garmadon nodded."During the war against the oni, the dragons knew they couldn't hold off the oni. So, they created the dragon temple. But it wouldn't be just for them to use. It would be used for others after them. The legend says that they use all their power to create the dragon stone. As you know the dragons have the power to create, so the dragon stone can do all sorts of things.....Even reverse the affects of the oni........"Garmadon explained. Everyone stared at him."I know I am not a pure creature.....But I am just trying to get my son back. He's my only family right now. But I need your help getting into the temple. The temple can only be opened by the power of the dragons, almost all of your powers are connected to it. Please, I need your help."Garmadon begged. He didn't like to beg, but he really needed their help. He didn't want to tell them because....Well, he didn't think they would trust him....He admit now it was stupid. Too stupid."We are in."Said Zane."Really hope you are not lying."Kai puffed."Harumi?"Nya asked looking over at her."Fine. For Lloyd."She muttered. Garmadon nodded, and they all continued Garmadon leading the way.
"Status report."The oni ordered."They want to make you weak again. They are going after the dragon stone. It will reverse your oni powers and turn you.....Into a human."Azazel reported."Make sure they fail. Or do I have to do everything?"The oni asked."Certainly not. Although it will be tricky, but after all they are just a bunch of idiots, my Lord."Perdita informed."Do what you have to. But in all seriousness, leave some meat for me. I need to get my share of blood."The oni told them.
"You will. In time. In time shall they all bow down to you. The rightful ruler of all the realms"
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