Chapter 5

The Oni picked up a sword in a case. He took a deep breath. His reflection showed in the sword, and he could have sworn that he had saw a human in that reflection. A gullible human........He closed his eyes, and put the sword down to his legs harshly."Be strong, Oni."He told himself. He then walked out of the room and into his new throne room.

After a while, Omega's wife came in, and bowed."You may speak."He told her."My Lord......The ninjas that my husband spoke of......I sense they are coming. Here."She told him. She heard him sigh."You told me....That your husband knows me better than I knew myself.....Is the ninjas connected in my past?"He asked her."They were your family."She said."I have no family."He said."You can either listen or you can be a little dummy and be in the dark."She snapped. Fair point."What happened to my so-called family?"He asked."They left you."She answered.".....Left me?"He asked."They made you give up your humanity. So that Ninjago could live another day."Ninjago?"He asked.

"I will protect Ninjago! I will be the greatest, uncle!"

"Yes. Ninjago."His second in command said."Why?"He asked."Because they only wanted your power. You hold Oni......But also a different side....A side that onis hate and call weak......The dragon side of you."She answered."Dragon? But I am not-"You are. It doesn't matter what you like or want. You can't change your blood. But you can choose what side you want to be on. The dragon side of you could be used for evil as well. But if you push it aside in fear, then it will overcome you. You won't win."She explained."I fear nothing!"He protested."Stuborned. Reminds me of another Oni like you....Expect weaker."She commented."Who? Your ex-husband? Yes, he was weak and foolish."The Oni grumbled."No. Not him. But that is not the point."She said. She sighed."All I am saying is if you want to succeed, you must use all sides of you. If you don't....Then you will fall like others. And that is not what you want, is it?"She asked him."Of course not!"He exclaimed.

"Then you have to make a choice, my Lord.......Either choose all sides of you, becoming the all mighty powerful true king of all the realms......Or choose to be a coward and fall like others. Fall into death."She said. She saw him glare at her, and slowly raise his hand to try and choke her with his dark magic. But the outer and inner self of her felt no fear."Choke me to death if you must.......But it will change nothing. Besides, you need me. I know my husband, and he knew your past and secrets. You are nearly new to all of this. You need me. Now, put that hand down. There will be blood on it soon enough."She said, and with that.....She left the room leaving the Oni with his dreaded thoughts.

Lloyd sat on the edge of the bounty, looking into the sky as the bounty was flying softly through the air. He sighed as he closed his eyes."Hey buddy. Figured you would be out here."Said a voice. Lloyd slowly turned around to see Kai, followed by his sister, Nya."You guys should be inside eating dinner."Lloyd said absently."And so should you too, Greenie."Nya remarked as they both sat next to their grown little brother."Not hungry."He replied. They all sat in silence for a few moments before Kai broke the silence."You didn't have to do that, Lloyd. We could have defeated that monster. We could have found a different way."Lloyd stared at his hands for a slight second before returning his eyes to the blue sky."You and I know that there wouldn't be another way."He responded."We could have though."Nya said softly."Doesn't matter. Like Wu said we cannot change the past."Lloyd said brushing it off."My question to you Lloyd is why did you do that? What happened to the bratty kid who cared nothing but candy?"Kai asked, earning a glare from Nya.".....He grew up.....Literally."Lloyd replied quietly. Kai and Nya exchanged glances."Lloyd, just because you lost your childhood.......Doesn't mean you lost hope. When you have friends, you never lose hope."Nya reminded him.

"It's not just my childhood. It's like Wu also said, this means that I am closer to fight.....My father."Lloyd whispered. Silence had returned. This time it lasted longer."I know you are scared. Me and Kai were scared when our parents left us.....But we got through it."Nya began."Together. Because we were never really alone, and neither are you, green bean."Kai added. Lloyd gave them a soft smile."I guess.........But this whole thing.....It feels like I am in a comic book."Lloyd admitted."See? You read waaaayyyyy too many comics!"Kai exclaimed."Says the person who keeps stealing them!"Nya pointed out."WAIT! So that's why they were missing? You mean a rat didn't take them?!"Lloyd yelled. Nya laughed."A rat did take them, Lloyd!"Nya laughed. Kai crossed his arms and made a pouty face."It's good to have siblings......OR so I heard!"Kai whined. They all laughed while wrapping their arms around each other. When the laughter died down, Lloyd spoke."Thanks...For changing me....And for everything else."

"What? Being the most amesomest handsomest coolest big brother ever? I should win a prize for it!"Kai exclaimed."Kaaaaiiiii! I am serious!"Lloyd said, while Nya rolled her eyes."And so am I! But....We didn't really changed you....We may have given you a few pushes.....But all those changes were made by you. All those choices were made by you."Kai pointed out, playfully punching Lloyd in the shoulder."He's right. You could have just given up. And run away from the green ninja title. But you didn't. You may have not really understood what it meant, but you knew it meant danger. And you didn't run away. And I am proud of you for doing that, little bro."Nya said smiling proudly. 

Lloyd smiled at his two siblings."I love ya all."Lloyd whispered."HEY! Say it louder! You should be proud that you love us!"Kai exclaimed."Sorry, hothead! Haven't said those three words in awhile......"Lloyd said sadly. Kai and Nya nodded at each other."We haven't said it in awhile either except each other......But coming here.....Coming home.....We love you too, little greenie!"Nya exclaimed."Amen FSM to that!"Kai said. They all then huddled together, and closed their eyes, the sun shining bright.

Kai shot up....Another memory. He sighed and rubbed his forehead. Out of the corner of his eye, he also saw his sister staring at the sky."N-Nya? You okay?"He asked her."I-uh...Nothing."She said uncertain."Memory?"He asked her."Yeah."She replied. He noticed that her hair was down, and she was playing with it."Your hair looks nice when it's down, sis."He said coming over to her. She shrugged."It's okay, I guess."She mumbled. They both sat in silence."I miss him."She whispered."I do too.....We will find him."Kai said."No....Not him. Not our little brother Lloyd."Nya answered quietly. He knew what she meant. They were going to see the evil part of him....The side he didn't dare show to them.......Not his warm, soft, and caring side."We will get him back to his old self. We have to have faith."He reminded her. She rolled her eyes."Faith. Sure."She said annoyed."What? Faith always comes through!"Kai said.

"Suuurrreee! But once faith comes last minute, faith takes almost everything away from us!"Nya exclaimed."First our parents, Zane, Garmadon, Wu, you guys almost died, Lloyd almost got crushed by the doors of the monastery, Zane again, we all got trapped in a video game and turned into cubes, then I got turned into the sea.....And now, Lloyd....Again...."Nya said. Kai closed his eyes. She was right. Faith had given to them, and faith had taken things away from them."What would Lloyd want, Nya? WOuld he want us to mope around and feel sorry for ourselves?! NO! He would want us to fight for another day! So, we will fight for him!"Kai exclaimed."You are right........I was so stupid.

"Nya said. Tears fell off her face."You are not stupid, Nya. We all miss him....But we can't give up-Wait! Did you say I was right? I was right!"Kai exclaimed. Nya laughed a bit, cheering her a bit."I was right! YES!"He exclaimed."You always know what to say, hairgel."She said."Oh no.....I did something really bad! Oh no! Ninjago is doomed!"Kai complained."WHAT?!"Nya asked, worried."I FORGOT MY HAIRGEL!"He yelled."I think I am gon-"Okay, Kai. That's enough. Besides, I saw Skylor pack some for you."Nya said."I wanna kiss her so bad. Maybe even give her a baby."Kai said relieved.

 Nya rolled her eyes."And you would worry about me when I got a boyfriend."She said annoyed and jokingly at the same time. Kai laughed, making Nya join him. When they both stopped, Nya put her head on her brother's shoulder."I hope he's okay.......Even if we have to fight him in order to get him back......."Nya whispered."He is....For now. But don't worry, Nya. It will only be a matter of time before we get him back. Back to us."

"Wait."The Oni said, stopping his second in command. She turned around, and gazed at him."All I ever know of this world-Of all world is revenge and hate. I have no other feelings despite what you may think....But I am also curious.....How am I part dragon when I am a full blooded Oni?"He asked her."You weren't always like this. You were weak once. You were human once."She said. Human? Those weaklings?"Yes, human. You were the chosen one. You protect those who could not protect themselves. You were good. You were a hero."She explained."A hero?! I am no such thing!"He yelled."You were.........For a while, you had a family. You thought you had a family. But of course those humans can be cruel. At first they were jealous. Because not only did you have the power of Oni and Dragon, but you were also the master of energy. They were jealous.......But then they saw your power. They used you as a weapon. And they forced you to sarrficed yourself to turn into what they saw a monster. They drove you here......And what will you do to them for doing that?"She asked.

"I should have been the green ninja!"

"You weren't really that native to think nobody got hurt that day, did you?"

"This is all your fault."

The Oni shook his head."Blood. I will get their blood."He muttered."Good. I know much more......But that will not be enough......We need a spy."She said."I think we can help you with that, dear mother."Said a voice.

Then appeared two onis, a smirk appearing on their faces."We can go under cover. Those so-called ninjas will never see it coming!"Exclaimed the one on the left."And you children are?"The Oni asked."We are your second in command children. My name is Zugo. And this is my dreadful sister, Lilith."Said Zugo. Lilith pushed her brother to the side, and rolled her eyes."My little devils."Whispered his second in command."What could you children possibly do?!"He demanded, having little faith in these Oni children.

"Gain their trust, of course. Then we do a bit of betrayal blah, blah, blah. Easy."Said Lilith."Mm."The Oni said out of annoyance."I highly doubt you children can pull a simple fest together, let alone spy on the ninjas......But I don't think we have much choice."Said the Oni, but his inner core said something else. Why was he letting these children go off anyway?! They will mess it all up, I am sure of it........."Have faith, master."His second command said, as if reading his thoughts."And if you children fail.......Then, there will be blood. Not only on the ninjas, but on you both as well."And with that, they sent the two off........The ninjas were in trouble, and they had no way of knowing it. At all.

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