Chapter 15: Medusa's Statue Garden

AN: I'm watching the movies when writing this chappie and I gotta say They make me wish they were never made. Like seriously I can't even begin to count the inaccuracies from the book they got and that's all before Percy even gets to camp. I also looked at where Medusa's emporium was and all i got to say is bull shit there's no way Kronos would use that as a staging area for the war it's too far away from the front lines.

Percy's POV:

I was dragging them through the woods for a while and I feel like they are both still dazed from the bus explosion. Annabeth came to her senses first and I stopped dragging her and just told her to follow me.

"Why are you dragging us threw the woods shouldn't we go see if we can salvage any of our stuff from the bus" Peter asked, after 15 minutes of me dragging him, and coming back to his senses

"If you haven't noticed the bus was destroyed by Lord Zeus and it will likely be swarming with monsters looking to kill all of us. The wise thing to do is cut our losses and continue heading west while putting distance in between us and the bus" I argued, "Plus I'm the only one here who knows where Hades is" I stated.

We continued walking through the forest, and I began to smell food, so I started leading us slightly away from that direction, because there should be nothing nearby. Unfortunately my efforts were thwarted when Peter picked up the smell and started mumbling about food, which got Annabeth to agree since I didn't have any real food in my supplies.

I followed them, mainly because I knew it was likely a monster that was cooking the food. We came out of the woods and found ourselves on a seemingly abandoned street if it wasn't for the one building that looked like nobody has ever visited.

"I'm telling you both this now, we shouldn't go in there. I know the woods we are in and this shouldn't be here" I stated. 

"Percy we don't have food and maybe we could get some, and who knows they may be kind enough to give us some supplies" Annabeth said. I got to remember to train Annabeth to resist mind tricks later. I mean yeah she probably doesn't know the wilderness as much as I do, but you should still be able to tell that this is an obvious trap.

Sadly I can't argue that as some people will be willing to give kids assistance freely. Monsters on the other hand will attempt to trick and no matter what attempt to kill and then eat you. I gave up on trying to convince them not to, as soon as Peter knocked on the door. 

An elderly looking woman, who did look like she was from the Mediterranean, opened up the door and she was wearing a veil that covered her head, and obscured her face. I was nearly certain it was Medusa, and the hissing sound of her hair was only pushing my suspicions  further. "Well hello dearies. Now what are a bunch of children like you doing all the way out here without your parents." She asked. 

"We're Orphans" Peter said quickly, he should have let Annabeth come up with lie.

"Orphans?! oh dear surely your not all orphans" She stated, and I'm pretty sure she knows he's bulling her.

"Yes we got separated from our...circus caravan, and we were suppose to meet the ringmaster at gas station nearby, but this idiot lead us the wrong way" Peter said pointing at me. You know what maybe I'll be fine with Medusa killing him

'Percy you need him to live to return the bolt you heard the prophecy' mom said in my head

'my sis is right lil cuz nephew' Apollo said in my head. I'm pretty sure he just started a fight he knows I hate being referred to as my father's son, and have told him multiple times to call me his nephew and only his nephew. In all honesty I have no clue how he found out about it, and neither does mom.

"...tie Em. You all can head straight through to the back of the warehouse. There's a little dining area in the back there." Medusa finished speaking and Peter and Annabeth headed back there, and I reluctantly followed knowing Medusa had a plan. I could also hear a little bit of charmspeak in her words, so it's likely that they are...under the influence. 

I sat down at the table and could smell the burgers from here, and I have to say they were tempting, but I don't think it wise to eat them. Medusa came out from the kitchen and looked at us, I could tell she was trying to gage who our godly parents are but she just looked at me like I was an impossibility. "We don't have any money" I said, hoping she would kick us out

"Oh that's no problem for such kind orphans such as yourselves. Consider it a meal on the house" She said, and I silently cursed.

"Thank you ma'am" Peter said 

"It's alright Peter" She said, "the food should almost be done" she finished before disappearing off into the kitchen. I wanted to shout at them for not realizing we never gave her our names, yet she knows them. I sat quietly, and was just fiddling with one of my knives waiting for her return. 

Medusa came back carrying three platters of burgers and fries, and although tempting I resisted eating it, I could smell the drugs that were in the burgers, which Peter had no problem diving deep into the one placed in front of him. I could tell Annabeth was more cautious, or she was just being more civilized by not stuffing her face with food, where as I just sat there not eating. 

"Come on Percy, you got to try these burgers they're great" Peter said.

"Nah I'm fine, I would more prefer hearing your story, auntie Em" I said, hoping that if she does give it Annabeth will be able to figure it out.

"Well aren't you hungry" she asked

"Nah, I rarely eat already and don't have an appetite at the moment, but I am interested in your story and why you're here" I said

"well back when World war 2 was in its infancy my two sisters and I decided to move to America in hopes of avoiding the war. We settled here and set up our shop for making statues here, eventually they passed and I was left alone to continue the business" She said 

"How is business though, it doesn't seem like you get many visitors" I stated 

"You're right. I don't get many visitors since they put the highway in, but that's why I cherish every customer. Most of which submit orders by mail or online now." She said. Annabeth seemed to be catching on now, because mortals have a natural tendency to avoid monsters like Medusa, and well the highway's location is likely a result of that.

"Well what kind of statues do you sell, surely they are masterpieces" I asked

"Anything really. Animals, People, Gnomes, and other custom work" She responded, "Though some of the statues don't turn out well, the hardest part is the face. Some end up disfigured, thus they don't sell." She explained

"Do you still make the statues yourself" I asked

"Oh yes. My sisters use to make them with me, but I've been making more since my sisters passed. The statues have became my company, as I'm all alone now" She finished. I saw that Annabeth came out of Medusa's spell, and realized where we were.

"That sounds sad" Peter said

"It is part of life, people live and then they die. It's inevitable, you just got to spend your time doing what you like and it'll be worth it" She explained

"I'm sorry auntie Em we should really be going, we don't want to keep the ringmaster waiting" Annabeth said picking up Peter

"Can't we finish eating" Peter asked

"No, we can't keep the ringmaster waiting for long unless you want us to end up homeless too" I said and Peter sighed before eating the burger I didn't eat in one mighty chomp.

"Oh ok, can you at least stay for a picture. It's been so long since I have had any children visit" Medusa said. I think she knows that Annabeth and I know who she is, as she spoke with a little bit of bitterness there. Peter quickly swallowed that burger and agreed to do so, despite Annabeth and I protesting. 

Medusa lead us over to a bench and sat us all down, and positioned us how she wanted. If I were to guess she would probably try to sell us to one of the gods or titans. Once she was satisfied with our positioning she stepped away and turned around telling us to smile. 

I quickly brought out my bow, but I wasn't quick enough to draw back an arrow and aim before I needed to close my eyes to avoid her glare. During that time I heard Annabeth shout at Peter to close your eyes and I heard something that sounded like him falling to the ground. 

"Oww" came Medusa's short cry of pain, "That hurt"

"Percy why did you do that" I heard Peter shout from somewhere. I'm guessing Medusa is still alive and is just trying to position herself better to kill us and gave up on the making us a statue.

"That was a celestial bronze arrow you idiot if she was mortal it would have passed right through her and if you want to know more she's Medusa." I responded, "and would you shut up for once in your life you are going to get us all killed" I shouted, in what I think was his direction. 

"Am not " Peter shouted. I shot at him. "Oww what was that for". Don't tell anyone but I may have been trying to kill him with that shot.

"For not shutting up. You already ruined one hunt, and this one is much more deadly so listen before I shoot a fatal shot next time" I said.  

Thankfully this time he listened. I took his short moment of silence to listen carefully and heard the hissing behind me. I spun drawing riptide and sliced off Medusa's head. She ended up scratching me with her talon hands, as she was turning to dust. I could tell that the cut missed everything important, but it was going to need stitches and some nectar and ambrosia to heal quickly. I let out a string of curses to go with my injury analysis. 

"alright it's safe to open your eyes now" Annabeth said above my cursing. I looked down at the wound and just shrugged I had worse, just don't tell my mom.

"That does not look good" Annabeth stated looking at the cut in my arm.

"It missed the important things I just need to stitch it up and it'll be good" I said sitting down and going through my bag looking for string, a needle, and some water.

"What about me you shot me" Peter protested

I looked him over and saw that the arrow barely even scraped him, "That's barely a scrap, pour a little nectar or water on it and it'll be fine" I said 

"We don't have any of our supplies" Annabeth said. 

I dug around in my bag and pulled a bottle of water I had, "Here" I said handing it to Annabeth. She looked at me shocked that I had some supplies, but accepted it.  She went over to Peter and poured a singular drop on the wound which healed it, before heading back to me. 

She was making to pour it on my wound to clean it. "Thanks" I said as she dumped the water on the top side of the wound and I saw the golden dust of Medusa slide out of my arm with the water.

I looked at the wound and deemed it clean enough to stitch. So, I began my work tying a piece of string to a needle. I started stitching myself up and didn't notice that Peter left to do whatever he wants to do. 

I was finishing up when Peter came back out with a box, a notebook, some immortal currency, and a slip for Hermes express. Already filled out. Addressed to the gods of Olympus. And to make it all worse he used my name to send it. You have got to be kidding me, I don't plan on dying today, "Peter change that to your own damn name" I stated tying off my stitches. 

Annabeth looked over and grew a you have got to be kidding me look.

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