Chapter 6: 2 Years 2 Bad Directors
Percy's POV:
After dropping off Tyson, and making sure he was comfortable in the forge, I went off to my cabin to lock away and hide these horns, as they were probably worth a few thousand in just raw material alone. Now why you ask, well that's because of Hermes's kids, and Peter was jealous about one of the horns not going to him, and I already know he isn't stupid enough to try and grab Annabeth's or Clarisse's. Well he might be but I hope he's not as I am not prepared to hear those screams in my nightmares.
I walked back out of the cabin and went to the arena, knowing that Annabeth will likely be there either destroying campers or dummies in sparing matches. I walked in only to see her beating her entire cabin and yelling at them because of their reluctance to protect camp. I founded it amusing since she was bearing a polished bronze shield and the spear her mother gave her. But I am sure if it was directed at me, I would be scared, much like her siblings are showing now.
"Annabeth, I think you scared your sibling enough" I said stepping down into the arena.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME PERSEUS THEIR REFUSAL TO HELP SAVE CAMP COULD HAVE COST US ALL OUR HOME AND LIVES" she shouted at me, as her siblings started to try and turn away before getting caught and immediately hitting their butts on the ground, as Annabeth knocked them all over with her spear. "I DID NOT SAY WE ARE DONE YET" she said to them , and they all stayed there and didn't even attempt to move.
"Annabeth I think they understand now, anyways I think they are signed up for guard duty tonight" I mentioned, much to her siblings displeasure as they all let out groans of annoyance.
"Fine" Annabeth sighed out waving her spear in a dismissive wave, which many of her siblings took as a sign to get out of her presence.
"It's so hard dealing with them, especially the older ones, who've I've been here longer than" She complained as the last of her siblings exited the arena.
"Sometimes they just need a little push" I said, "And I think yours was well received"
"Alright, but I wanna spar till dinner" she said
"weapons only or no and which weapons" I asked
"Spear no powers no shield" She said taking off the one I'm assuming she borrowed.
"Alright" I replied taking out my spear
"3...2...1...go" She said and immediately launched into a fury of attacks which I just had enough speed and time to deflect or dodge them all.
We were trading blows, and losing track of time as our spar went on, at least until Clarisse came into the Arena taking a break from the boarder, "Dammit why didn't you two tell me you were going to spar with spears" She shouted coming down to join us, "No teaming" she added as she finally got with in range.
facing 5 minutes of a 1v1v1 spear match, Clarisse was knocked off her feet by Annabeth and I put my spear to her throat, quickly saying dead, before jumping to miss Annabeth's spear swipe at my legs.
"When did you two get so good in wielding a spear" Clarisse said
"We've been training with the spear for like 6 months straight, for like half a week each week" Annabeth said
"Yeah but the hunt doesn't use spears" Clarisse countered
"Phoebe occasionally does, but she doesn't use it as frequently as she did in her youth" I said, "She might be out of practice but she's still good at it" I finished
"Well damn I'm going to have to step up training" Clarisse said
"Camp is years behind the hunt" Annabeth said, which caught me off guard and she did the same move she did on Clarisse, before declaring me dead, much to Clarisse's enjoyment.
"What do you mean years behind princess"
"I mean that my knife skills were average for the hunt despite being the best at camp, and with knives, Percy and Zoë destroy me when they are actually trying and not focused on teaching me" Annabeth complained at the end, which got Clarisse's jaw to drop. "Plus how else do you explain the hunt beating the entirety of camp in CTF" Annabeth added on
"You haven't tried your entire time here" she stuttered
"Only when in a massive disadvantage, but even then I back off as it becomes more advantageous for me" I said, which got me a slap from Clarisse
"Never hold back against me again Prissy" Clarisse said, "Or I'll bring up that one asshole just to get you there"
"alright" I said, "No need to bring death upon most of the camp, just to get me to go all out against you Clarisse"
"Good, I'm glad we have an understanding then" she said, only to have the dinner horn sound off, and for the three of us to rush off to dining pavilion.
When we entered I could tell that I was going to hate it, as Uncle D looked at me like a please forgive me for this later look. I sighed before going to get my food and making a sacrifice to my mother, Hestia, Zeus, Apollo, Athena, and Hephaestus. Hephaestus for not exacting revenge on me for cutting the horns off his prized creations and Athena for the Spear lessons. The others well you should already know.
As I began eating I noticed that the atmosphere in the pavilion was changing, and not for the better. I looked up and noticed someone sitting next to Dionysius taking with Peter, who only looked like he was getting pissed at the fact.
Peter, went back to his table, and began eating himself, much like the rest of the place was, only that Tyson, was at the head table, with Dionysius and whom, I'm going to assume as Tantalus, seeing that his food was running away from him.
I was about to continue eating but a Satyr blew a horn, and Tantalus was standing waiting for everyone to quiet down. "Good now that I have everyone's attention. Another fine meal or so I'm told" Tantalus started only for me to discretely flip him the bird as I want to eat and not deal with his shit. But I had to try hard to conceal my laughter as he moved his hand back towards his food, only for it move away and shoot straight off the table.
"well as you are aware, it is my first day of authority, and I would like to say what a punishment it is to be here" He said, looking pointedly at Peter. I started ignoring his speech, and go back to eating, because I don't want to hear some jerk's speech on how he hates us all. If I wanted that I would have a conversation with Uncle D in public.
I was just about finished when I heard Clarisse starting to protest something, that involved the disruption of patrol duty.
"Ahh, our hero of the day, The brave Clarisse, who took down the bulls single handedly" Tantalus said, which only pissed off Clarisse, Annabeth and myself
"I didn't..." Clarisse started, only to be interrupted by the waste of space, even in the underworld
"and humble too. Not to worry though, this is a summer camp we are meant to enjoy ourselves" Tantalus spoke, and I seen Dionysus grow pale, and Clarisse and Annabeth start ushering the younger and new campers out of the pavilion. So I can only assume I am calling the light of the moon to me, which none in camp ever saw me do yet.
"Listen here you pathetic waste of space, and even more pathetic excuse for a living organism. Camp, one of my two homes, and the home for most demigods, was attacked by a powerful set of monsters, The Colchis Bulls nonetheless, when our own barrier made to protect us is weakening, and you want to diminish our strength by disrupting boarder patrol" I stated coldly, and I think I might have given Dionysius flash backs as he teleported out of the pavilion.
Tantalus opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him, "No, I don't care what you think we should do. We should be strengthening boarder patrol, and looking for ways to help Thalia's tree before we are overran and are all killed by monsters" I finished shooting the moonlight I collected straight into his chest, sending the 'new' camp activities director flying through a pillar that was behind him.
I turned to Apollo's children, "Help the idiot if you want, just know if you do you can forget my help this year" I said to my uncle's children leaving the pavilion, which none made a move to help him, but left with me instead which drew the rest of the campers to follow.
"Well not helping him, is better than working on the chariot race injuries" I heard a few of them mumble.
After that eventful dinner, which I acknowledged I may have lost it a little bit, but I didn't do anything too fatal, maybe some broken ribs and spine, but Tantalus will live, since he's already dead technically. I lead everyone to the campfire and before the Apollo children could start the sing-a-long, I stood up to give a small speech.
"I don't care about whatever Tantalus said in there. To be honest I hope he's sent back soon, and replaced with actual heroes like Achilles or the original Perseus. But you all should know this including the younger campers. Shortly after lunch the Colchis Bulls broke through the camp's barrier. Clarisse, Annabeth, the Ares's cabin, Tyson, and myself worked together to defeat both of them. And unless the Demeter and/or the Apollo cabins can come up with some miracle antidote that cures the Thalia's pine tree of it's poison, we will likely be overran by monsters around the end of the month. Athena cabin, try and think of any magical items that will be able to help and maybe we can get a prophecy to go retrieve it, and hopefully save camp. That's the brutally honest truth for you " I said, before taking a seat next to Annabeth.
"Percy is right, and if that punk Tantalus isn't going to do anything to save our home, then we must take matters into our own hands. Thus my cabin, will not be participating in the chariot races, and any that do, you can sleep outside, as you won't be welcomed insode" Clarisse said threateningly to her own siblings who nodded and taking the news well. While some of the younger campers were just coming to terms with the news we both gave, and were starting to panic only to be calmed down by their older siblings.
"Beckendorf, how long until we can get those bulls up and working for us to help defend camp" I asked
"A week maybe a little more. It depends if I can find replacement optical sensors for the one, and if the motherboard is repairable for the other" He said
"Good get working on that. Those bulls, are going to extend the amount of time we have left" I responded, "Now if any of you are up for s'mores and a sing-a-long, we should have an hour or so before Mr. D or Tantalus interrupts you, and if any of you want to go on boarder patrol, feel free to join me" I finished, only to see a few campers get up to join me.
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