Chapter 2
Rainkit's pov
"Rainkit has such a beautiful coat! Like snow."
Rainkit lived in ForestClan, a beautiful clan with much to do. Her father, Rapidclover, raised her. He never told her where she came from though. She didn't have a mother, and the clan looked at her like she was one of those half-clan creeps.
Visitors, like Salmonfoot and Lakestar always thought her pelt looked like it had stars.
"Thanks." She said, even though she wanted to glare at them. They were the enemy! "Dad, I'm going to go play with Gingerkit."
Gingerkit, a little ginger she-kit, was Rainkits best friend.
"Have fun, Rainkit." Rapidclover agreed, giving the ok.
Rainkit raced over to Gingerkit, who was sitting next to a puddle, her green eyes wide.
"I got mud on my nose!" She squealed as she splashed water on herself.
"That's fine Gingerkit. Let's talk."
They sat up on their favorite talking place, which was up on a tall rock.
Rainkit sighed. "Rapidclover won't tell me who my mom is. I keep asking, but all he tells me is that she's not important."
"Well, has he told you about how he rescued you today yet?" Gingerkit joked.
"Gingerkit! You know he tells me like, every day." She then started to imitate Rapidclover, shaking her pointer finger in the air. "Rainkit, I rescued you from a fire because you were so mouse-brained you wandered off." She said in the deepest voice she could, while rolling her eyes, which made Gingerkit laugh.
"Hey fox-breath and flea-pelt!" A shout came from below. It was Goldenkit and Darkkit. They were Gingerkit's brothers.
"What do you want?!" Gingerkit screeched as loud as she could, which earned her a glare from Treefluff, a nursery queen.
Suddenly, Goldenkit and Darkkit jumped up on Rainkit and Gingerkit's rock which made Rainkit even angrier.
"Rainkit, make your pelt less fluffy." Goldenkit said, as he squeezed up next to her.
"It's not that fluffy!" She yelped.
"Yeah it is." Darkkit said. "Suuuuper fluffy."
Darkkit was a small short haired black kit with yellow eyes, while Goldenkit was a brown tabby with golden eyes.
"Why are you guys even up here?" Gingerkit asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Cause we have a plan!" Goldenkit said, smirking at his sister.
"Yeah we're going to sneak out tonight!" Darkkit whispered, glancing around.
"What?! That's against the rules though!"
"I told Darkkit that you'd be too scared!"
Darkkit laughed. "Ha! You guys can't handle one night out of camp?"
Rainkit had had enough.
"We'll do it! But we have to split up into pairs." She stood up, patting down her fluff. Her blue eyes were blazing with anger.
"Whoever stays out longer wins!" Darkkit said, standing up too.
"Hang on! I'm talking to Rainkit for a minute." Gingerkit said, standing up like them too. Goldenkit stood up too.
"Take a minute. But no quitting, you've already agreed to do the challenge."
"We know." Gingerkit said, shooing them off the talking rock.
When they were off, Rainkit looked at Gingerkit. "What is it? You don't want to quit, do you?" She asked, trying to sound as heart broken as she could.
"No no no. But they're obviously going to cheat if they're in the same group."
"Ohhhh. So you go with Darkkit..." She understood now.
"And you go with Goldenkit!" Gingerkit said, smiling.
"Yeah!" Rainkit turned to Goldenkit and Darkkit and explained the whole thing.
"Erm...whyyyyyyy can't I just go with Goldenkit?" Darkkit squeaked.
"Because then you'll cheat!"
"Fine!" Goldenkit yelled. Treefluff once again looked over at them and put a paw to her mouth and made the shh sound.
"We leave tonight. No matter what."
Night fell quicker than Rainkit had wanted. She was excited, but nervous. This was rule breaking, there were rules for reasons. So they wouldn't get hurt.
She gritted her teeth as she settled down in her nest.
Gingerkit, Goldenkit, and Darkkit snuggled up to Treefluff in their big nest. Rainkit was always jealous of their giant nest. For four cats. Rapidclover barely came to her at night. It was like he tried to avoid her. All she wanted was a parent deep down. When she dreamed, she usually dreamed of a big family. Where she had a mother, and two siblings. One was a girl, the other was a boy. She couldn't remember their names though. Just a fire. Blazing red as Rapidclover carried her away.
She sighed. Treefluff was a great mother, which Rainkit wanted. Maybe she could be Treefluff's kit. And Treefluff could love her, and clean her pelt, and shh her, and be worried about her, when she went to StarClan when she was an elder, maybe Treefluff could have been waiting there to welcome her with open arms. Maybe Treefluff could love Rapidclover and they could be one big family and Gingerkit could be her sister.
But Treefluff had a mate, Redbush, who loved her and she loved him. And Gingerkit, Goldenkit, and Darkkit were their kits and they were a big happy family.
A few hours later, someone's small paw started hitting her back frantically.
"Wake up, Rainkit! Wake up! We gotta go!" It was Gingerkit. "They've already left!"
"Alright, Alright! I'm going!"
When they reached Goldenkit and Darkkit, they looked surprised.
"I didn't think they would come!"
"Haha, very funny." Rainkit rolled her eyes as Darkkit and Goldenkit laughed.
"Can we just go now? And get with?" Gingerkit squeaked. She was looking into the dark woods.
"Scaredy kit!" Darkkit teased.
"S-stop it!"
"Let's go!" Rainkit yelled, excited to hear her own voice rising over the fighting littermates.
"Ok everyone." Goldenkit started. "This is it. It's a race. First to get to the end of the territory and back wins. You must stay with your group."
"Got it!"
"We're ready!" "Kind of?" "Ok everyone! Three, two, one, go!"
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