ch 4 Fancy a game of Quidditch
Once again sorry for taking so long for this chapter
The following day was rather mundane compared to the event with the troll. After defeating the troll Merula had gained a name for herself. She couldn't be more proud of herself considering she was now on the path to becoming the strongest witch of Hogwarts. It had completely gone to her head. She had gained the respect of her house and many wanted to befriend her but she had no time to make friends, not that any of them could even compare to her power.
As of this moment everyone is gathered in the mess hall eating their magnificent lunch. Merula is currently eating to her hearts content, letting the event of yesterday cloud her mind, but then noticed how (Y/N) barely touched his food. Now that she thinks about it she rarely sees him eat and he looked rather skinny for a kid his age. Then from the windows an owl came in with mail in its claws, and it looked like a broom stick. It landed in front of Harry and when he opened it Merula got a good look at the broom stick. A Nimbus 2000, one of the fastest brooms and luxurious brooms all around, her day just got a whole lot worse
"Is that a-" (Y/N) tried to say before getting cut off by Merula herself
"Finish that sentence, I dare you!" She says as she holds her wand up to him
That was only the start of it. Later on in the day the first Quidditch game of the year was going to start. Only one problem, Harry Potter was the teams seeker, and Merula couldn't take it. It immediately took her glory of defeating a troll and threw it back at her face when people found out about Harry. Speaking of which he was now coming out to the stadium with his team
"Hello and Welcome to Hogwarts first Quidditch game of the season!" The announcer said as the crowd cheers
"They really got a kid to be the announcer? Don't they have anyone else for that?" (Y/N) wonders
Merula couldn't be bothered to respond so she ignored him. He took the hint and just paid attention to the game
"Today's game, Slytherin versus Griffindor!"
Both teams fly around and soon get into positions to commence the game. The crowd cheered for their team as Madam Hooch steps onto the field. She walks to the middle of the field, where a box sits, and opens it to reveal three balls. Two are shaking and shoot out immediately, Bludgers, another is sitting still not being affected by any magic, and the last is small and like the other two shoot out immediately but faster than the other two, the Golden snitch.
"The bludgers are up followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the snitch ends the game." The announcer says informing the newcomers
Madam Hooch throws the largest ball up in the air, signifying the start of the game. A Griffindor gets the ball first and flies through the Slytherins who tried grabbing it. She flies in and out of the arena and ducks through some Slytherin as well as a bludger, who almost knocked her head off, and scores for her team by throwing it through the tallest ring
"Angelina Johnson scores! Ten points for Griffindor!"
"You know I've never actually seen a game of Quidditch. Now I know why my mum always went crazy trying to get the best tickets to every game!" (Y/N) says
"Uh huh." Merula responds
Once again she gave an uninterested response as she focuses on the game
Halfway through the game Harry's broom started acting wierd. It started moving and to jitter all over the place causing Harry to almost fall off. (Y/N) saw this and looked excited, and slightly worried, but just assumed that stuff like this happened on the regular. He looked back at Merula and saw her still looking down in the dumps. Knowing her hate for the boy who lived he tried showing her by poking her
"Hey, Merula. Look at that!"
She didn't respond and continues to ignore him. That was till he started poking her even more, continuing to annoy her. Then the final poke that pushed her over the edge, he poked her cheek
"WHAT!?" She yelled at him
He then pointed up at Harry who is struggling to stay on his broom. She couldn't help but smile for a bit seeing the boy struggle to even control his broom. All the while (Y/N) looked at her getting out of her somber state. A shirt while later Harry gains control of his broom once again, much to Slytherins dismay. He hops back on and immediately spots the Golden snitch, something (Y/N) had to admit was quite impressive, and took chase. At some point Harry crashed on the floor of the field and looked to be throwing up something. He then spits out the Golden Snitch, which he nearly swallowed, and holds it up high
"Harry Potter has captured the Golden Snitch! Griffindor receives 150 points for capturing the snitch!"
"Griffindor wins!" Madam Hooch yells
The majority of the crowd cheers for Griffindor while Slytherin slouch down in shame for their first loss
"Well it's only the first game" (Y/N) says
"Would've been better if we won" Merula responds with spite
"Well at least you got to see Potter nearly fall about 10 meters." (Y/N) says while laughing a bit
She didn't respond but she did chuckle a bit and attempted to hide her smirk with her hand. It was rather hard to see but (Y/N) had unnaturally good eyes sight, along with other things, and saw her lips curl up before she covers it
Now that the game was over the students were given the rest of the day off. Merula immediately took off to do her own training. How else would she be the strongest witch if she didn't train. Although she knew she couldn't use magic in school but luckily she knew of a place where she could. Her mother told her of a place where she would practice for her choir group. She just had one problem
"You hear what happened to professor Snape? Apparently his robe caught fire, wonder how that happened." (Y/N) says, most likely talking to himself
She either had to get rid of him or just tell him about the hidden room. She thought about it for a moment before coming to a decision
"Hey (Y/N) can I trust you?" She asks
"Of course you can, we're friends aren't we." He says
She stopped in her tracks for a moment she didn't really think of him as a friend but she couldn't explain their relationship any other way. She had one friend, not that she needed any more, and she liked that fact very much. He did help her out of her small depressed state, something she did appreciate but didn't let him know, and probably the only person she could trust right now
"Yeah I guess you're right" she responded
"That's also the first time you've called my by my name you know." He said while chuckling
"Shut up!" She retorts
Congratulations you're now officially friends with Merula. Next chapter will come out in 2 weeks because I'm going on vacation soon and I won't have access to the movies. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys next time
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