Puella: 14
Madoka couldn't think after what happened between her encounter with Shadi and she had yet to tell Yugi what happened before she sensed the Shadow Game but she made a promise to Yami that she wouldn't tell him of what really happened, the thought of her not telling them almost brought tears as she stared at her sketchbook and gripped her head.
Before the sound of Solomon broke her thoughts the minute the door opened and she turned around before hearing his voice.
"Madoka, this is terrible!! Come look at the news!!" His voice had worry and shock laced within as she raced downstairs and tripped before getting back up when she saw Yugi at the table looking at the tv as Madoka got an ice bag for her arm due to skidding on the carpet and hissed when it made contact.
'This phrase is all over the news.' Yugi thought as Madoka placed some Aloe Vera on her burn as Yugi looked over and helped her with the wound and began asking questions to his grandpa.
"Grandpa...do curses really exist...?" Yugi asked as Solomon began to speak of a story to his grandson.
"Well...when Tutankhamen's tomb was opened in 1923, there were the same kinds of rumors...some of the discoverers died mysterious deaths. But now it's thought that the 'mummy's curse' was just a sensation stirred up by the media of the time. No one knows the truth..." Solomon said as Madoka got shivers thinking of a curse taking over her.
"But that's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried because there was one more man involved in the excavation...Professor Yoshimori!" Solomon said as worry was written on his face as Madoka thought back to Shadi about his words as Solomon continued talking. "Anyway, Professor Yoshimori would be the last person to believe in curses. But still, one of the people he worked with is dead! It must be hard for him."
Madoka felt really bad for Yoshimori, one of those people he worked with must be like family to him or one could be like distant relative to him. Madoka couldn't even think of the awful thoughts of what would happen if one of her family died, it must be awful. Madoka remembered visiting her grandmother in the hospital before Tatsuya was born, seeing her all frail and pale brought tears to her eyes.
She could remember holding her almost cold hand as the monitor beeped was long as she heard her mother cry from the hallway as she walked out before seeing her grandmother's smile upon her face.
She heard from her mother that her grandfather was nothing more but a drunk bastard who couldn't even show up for the funeral because he was god knows where doing god knows what.
Madoka heard Yugi call out her name as she looked to them and noticed the tears on her cheeks as she looked at them and wiped them away before smiling saying that she was just feeling sad. She got dressed into a plain yellow blouse and a green skirt and a jean jacket knowing that it could get cold by the time they get to the university and it would be late, Yugi was wondering why Madoka was crying at the table and decided to ask her, he mustered up the courage to walk up to her and let out a deep breath.
"Madoka, are you okay? You were crying earlier." Yugi asked as Madoka looked at him and Solomon before speaking and trying not to cry. "I just thought of my grandmother." She said looking down and tears fell down as they met up with Joey and Téa as they saw her crying before hearing the story of her grandmother.
"My little brother never got the chance to meet her, I was seven at the time when I saw her on the hospital bed, dying and I held her hand, she always told me it would be okay but I always knew she wouldn't come back." She said in between sobs before Yugi hugged her and she stopped when she felt him hug her before hugging him. "It's alright, you're here with us Madoka. Try not to think of the past but think of the future instead." He said as she stopped sobbing.
"Thank you Yugi." She said wiping her tears away and continued walking to the university.
Yoshimori sat alone in the archaeology lab thinking over the death of Kanekura and curses as he brought a hand up to his face and wiped away some sweat from his head as he took a little trip to Memory Lane, back to the happy memories of him and Kanekura finding the tomb and loading the treasure onto the trucks and putting it up onto display.
Until the look of Kanekura's dead face was brought back...
Yoshimori gripped his hair after remembering the horrible memory before turning around to see what made a noise behind him before turning back to his desk and mumbling words.
"I'm hearing things...a lot has happened today. I must be tired...Mutou will be bringing his grandson soon...I've never needed such a friend as much as I do today..." Yoshimori mumbled as the shadowy figure slipped away nearing Yoshimori from behind revealing to be Shadi
'Criminal who defiled the territory of gods, who profaned the valley of the kings...By Anubis's will, I will now put you on trial...before you die, I will unlock the room of your soul with the power of the Millennium Key! Gods willing, I will find a shred of guilt...' He thought as the familiar sound of a click came to his ears as he stood in a room.
'I see...this is the room of his soul...' Shadi thought as he began talking out his thoughts for every object he saw within the "room" of Yoshimori's soul he could spot. "The first thing that meets the eye are the shelves full of books...all of them about archaeology and artifacts excavated from the ruins...his heart is cluttered with his obsession with the past."
Then, Shadi walked over to a picture frame and picked it up in one hand and began speaking again.
"In one corner, covered with dust, a picture of his family...he has neglected them because of his obsession...he regrets it...but it's too late now." He placed the picture frame back down and the room became darker and Shadi could barely see anything in the "room" as he spoke once more.
"The darkness of the room is the proof of the anxiety and fear he is feeling...the museum's owner's death must be the cause..." Shadi stopped when a glimmer of light shone through the darkness. "In the darkness, a glimmer of light...this is the light of hope..." Shadi said as the warm light grew brighter.
'I see...this man is waiting for his friends...that calms his heart and gives him a ray of hope...who is he awaiting...?' Shadi questioned as a vision filled his thoughts of people walking before opening both eyes in shock. 'Ms. Kaname...and that boy must Yugi!' He said as he continued to process his thoughts through of the upcoming plan for the game.
'One of his friends coming to visit...is the boy who solved the millennium puzzle along with the pure maiden!! This has become interesting...before I kill him, I may be able to draw out Yugi's hidden power! I will redecorate the room of the professor's soul...and turn him into my puppet!!'
Shadi held up the key to his chest and focused every inch of his power and used it on Yoshimori, turning him into a complete puppet of the game. 'The redecoration is complete...this man is my puppet now. Heh heh...and now, Spirit of the Puzzle...the second stage of our game begins!!' Shadi descended into the shadows and waited for the moment when they stepped into his trap.
Madoka, Yugi and the others arrived at the University at around 9:18 PM by checking Solomon's watch before Madoka noticed that the lights weren't on in the building, but she didn't want to scare Joey any further and kept her mouth closed...for now...
"I hate schools at night! They're so creepy!" Joey said as chills ran up his spine as Madoka walked to a small corner where she found a small spider and held it in her hand before placing it on his shoulder where he screamed like a girl and begged someone to get it off as Madoka gently held the spider in her hand before setting it back and giggled at Joey.
"You don't have a shred of courage, do you Joey?" Téa teased Joey as he calmed himself down from Madoka's little prank she pulled as Solomon chuckled at Madoka's prank on Joey.
They arrived to the doors of the archaeology lab as Yugi called to gain their attention. "This is his room!" He said as Joey took a peek at the skull behind the glass and groaned at it. "It's spooky..." He whined as Téa growled at him. "Joey! You're going to make Professor Yoshimori even more depressed if you look like that!!" She yelled at him as Madoka sighed. 'Here we go again.' She thought as Yugi spoke up. "Téa's right Joey! The professor must be worried about what happened to Mr. Kanekura!"
Then Joey growled and spoke out loud to Yugi as Madoka let out another sigh. "Then let's put a big smile on it, huh?" Joey suggested as Téa nodded her head as did Madoka as she held up the basket of sweets she got for Yoshimori as Solomon held up some red wine.
"Yeah! Let's not mention the museum at all!" Yugi said as Madoka placed on her brightest and pure smile as Joey turned away because of how pure it was to him. 'It's so bright! I'm blind!' He thought as they opened the door and greeted Yoshimori. "Hey there! Professor Yoshimori! We're here!!" They all announced at once before Solomon spoke in an indoor voice.
"Sorry we're late professor..." Solomon said as Madoka stopped dead in her tracks for a split second when she took a step inside the lab and looked at Yoshimori, something about him was...odd, and not in a good way...when he spoke...Madoka felt her stomach turn inside and out...
"ThAnK yOu FoR cOmInG! CoMe In...CoMe In...CoMe In...CoMe In!" He slurred his words and Madoka felt the entire room was cold to her and she could barely breathe in the room she was in.
Joey was the first to speak and break the silence as Madoka gripped onto Yugi as he noticed something was wrong as well. "Uh...Hope we're not interrupting anything..." Joey said as Yoshimori spoke again in his slurred voice like he was crazed and drunk. "I'vE bEeN wAiTiNg FoR YoU! HeE hEe HeE hEe!"
Madoka felt like puking after hearing his laugh, but she couldn't do it in front of her friends and Yugi, it would seem rude to do so if she did, she kept it down and watched. "Professor, we brought something for you! Y'know...you showed us around the museum and all..." Joey was shut up by Madoka whacking him with a book she found.
"IXNAY ON THE USEUM-MAY!!" Joey realized his mistake and shut his mouth before Yoshimori was acting weird again in front of the others again and Madoka dropped the book in her hands onto the floor. "SoMeBoDy KiLl~LlEd HiM...SoMeBoDy KiLlEd Mr. KaNeKuRa!!" He began to shout out as everyone caught onto what was going on.
Then...Yoshimori ran for Joey and nearly grasped his hand around his neck only to be pushed away by Madoka who was getting strangled. "MADOKA!!" Joey yelled out to the pinkette as she made choking noises and her eyes slowly rolling up to her head as everyone tried their best to get his hands off of her neck as Shadi watched with no expression written over his face.
"This will bring out the other Yugi!" He said as Yugi saw Shadi, deep within the puzzle, Yami was growing angry but he had to focus on saving Madoka from near death as Téa smacked Yoshimori in the head with a globe that was nearby on his desk, knocking out a few teeth, as Madoka gasped for air that left her lungs before coughing violently.
"Oh...god..." She rasped out as Yugi helped her up to her feet and set her somewhere safe as she kept her eyes on Shadi but he was nowhere to be seen before looking at Téa and shouting at the top of her lungs. "BEHIND YOU TÉA!" She shouted as Téa heard Madoka but everything went blank after Madoka shouted her name and to Madoka's horror, Shadi made Téa into a puppet with no will to speak or move.
"Let Téa go! She has nothing to do with this!" Madoka said as she saw Téa's blank eyes stare at Madoka and Yugi felt the tears rush to his face as Joey ran to lead the professor away from them.
Joey ran for what had seemed like 5 minutes and the professor was still on his tail and just as he was about to put his plan into motion, a blur of red passed by him and Yoshimori was surrounded by red chains and the familiar voice of someone he knew. "Latticework Barrier!!"
Joey turned the corner to see Kyoko keeping Yoshimori in a barrier of red chains to contain him as Kyoko had the expression of shock when Joey saw her in a different outfit and holding a spear in one hand before he ran over and hugged her. "It's alright Kyoko, why didn't you tell me?" He asked as she gave her answer. "I didn't want you to end up like my family." Joey was shocked then turned to see Yoshimori moving out of the bindings. "For now, let's run!" He said as they ran all the way from Yoshimori.
Madoka didn't know what to do as she stared at Téa with tears threatening to fall from her eyes as Yugi felt so much rage bubbling inside him and Madoka knew that Shadi had set him up to get Yami out to whatever he was planning to do with Téa as Madoka heard Shadi's words.
"If I tell this girl to die...SHE WILL DIE!!" Madoka screamed and Yami finally emerged from the puzzle and saw Madoka crying. "SHADI!!" Yami shouted as Madoka looked at him and knew that Madoka cared for her friend as much as she cared for him. "I needed to see you again Spirit of the Puzzle or would you rather like to be called Yami?"
Madoka clenched her fists and finally spoke out loud. "LEAVE TÉA OUT OF THIS! SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" She spoke out loud as transparent wings were shown behind her and her eyes were a golden hue and the look of pure anger was written all over. "Shadi, servant of Anubis! I might as well join this 'game' you were planning!" She spoke as Shadi nodded before they heard the rules for the Shadow Game to play as Yami only focused on Madoka, it's like something snapped inside of her to awaken her.
The both of them waited on top of the roof and Yami took this time to see the door next to Madoka's soul room and saw that there were only five ribbons left tied to the door and Yami opened eyes as Madoka kept on looking forward.
Then Madoka gasped when she saw Téa standing on a flat piece of artifact that was held back by small sarcophaguses and a metal pole with a rope tied to it as Yami shouted at Shadi, then Madoka looked to see one of the statues broke and the board tilted a little and Téa didn't make any movement.
"Didn't you two realize that the game has already started...?" Madoka and Yami looked at Shadi with pure anger that he dared to put their friend in such danger. "The girl is standing on the bridge of life! It is supported by four ropes attached to four ushebti. The ushebti were buried to serve the pharaohs, their names mean 'those who answer'. But these ushebti are a reflection of both of your hearts, since you, Yami, broke one of your own, Madoka has two of her own and if she broke those two...the girl will die!"
Madoka and Yami were shocked but had to maintain calm for Téa's sake and life on the line as they nodded as the game began.
Kyoko and Joey ran for an entire 35 minutes and were getting tired already from all the running before Kyoko pulled Joey to a room and locked the door before barricading it with a heavy bookshelf with Joey's help before sitting down to take a break.
"Here, it should refuel our strength for now." She said holding out a sandwich and two water bottles full of water as they ate the sandwiches and guzzle down the water before hearing the door unlocking and banged at by Yoshimori as Kyoko saw the window.
"I guess this is our way out." She said as she opened the window and climbed out before she saw the barricade broken and Yoshimori chasing them. "Oh for hell's damn sake!" She cursed as she jumped to the side of the outside window before closing the window from the outside and Joey holding on dearly to the spear lodged to the building as Kyoko noticed Téa standing up high with a blank look and Madoka with Yami.
Kyoko growled when she saw Shadi standing in front of them as a smile reached his face. "Let us begin!" He said as Kyoko looked back at Joey who nodded and she let him use some magic to reach across to stay safe before she barged in with her entire Magical Girl outfit. "Hold it! If they're in on this, so am I!" She said as Shadi nodded and began the shadow game.
Yami was the first to gasp when mummies started to emerge from the ground as did Kyoko and Madoka but they had to remain calm before Shadi spoke.
"Answer my riddle you three! What creeps on the ground and clings to the pillars? Then you will know what surrounds you."
Kyoko took all of her will to think through and didn't rush to attack the illusion and Madoka had to stay calm as she thought about the riddle. 'Creeps on the ground and clings to the pillars...?! What is it...?!?!' She thought as the undead hands were touching her in the possible places it would make her squirm.
'You three are trapped in the illusion set for the weakness in your hearts. You will drown in that illusion and all of the ushebti will shatter!' Shadi thought before Kyoko shouted out the answer by looking at the fence and the moon up high. "The answer is a shadow! Each and every afternoon the shadows cling onto the telephone poles!" She said as the illusion went away from the three and Shadi was shock as was Yami and Madoka.
"What? Joey and Tristan would give me some riddles I had to think to solve, I use my surroundings as hints." She said as Shadi held a blank expression before Madoka was held back by a large Ammit that killed Kanekura a day before as Madoka looked up to see the very jaws that took so many lives and she could feel the blackened souls of those filled with greed, lust and pride.
"I-Is th-this...?" She asked as she could feel guilt from Ammit when it held Madoka like it didn't want to hurt Madoka in any means possible. "Yes, this is Ammit, illusion or not, when you feel her teeth bite young maiden...you will die and Ammit will consume your soul!"
Kyoko and Yami were held back by shadows, Yami looked in horror as nine panels were brought up to Madoka's sight as Shadi presented the second round of the game.
"In this version of the game, you must name the picture etched on that middle plate. You don't have to match the other pairs. If you can solve that puzzle, the illusion of Ammit will disappear...however...you are not allowed to turn over even one of the nine stone plates!" He warned Madoka as Kyoko pointed at Madoka's arms held back.
"How else is she not able to touch a stone plate genius?!" She shouted as Shadi 'sweatdropped' at the good point Kyoko made, then he cleared his throat and continued talking. "There is a time limit. You have five minutes to answer. When that time is up, Ammit will close its jaws on your head."
(A/N: I feel like Mami should be in this situation, no?)
Madoka felt her heart beating fast and she was beginning to sweat as Shadi spoke once more to her as Yami and Kyoko knew they had to let her solve this one, Madoka thought back to Kyoko and remembered what she said.
'Use your surroundings.'
"Let me tell you the key to the puzzle...those stone plates are a mirror of Ammit!" Shadi said as Madoka listened to the hint and started thinking. "GAME START!" He shouted as Madoka thought deeply of the hint.
'A mirror of Ammit...?! Wait...he said pairs...like symmetry! Okay think...!' Madoka thought as time ticked before Shadi called out the remaining time for Madoka as she remained calm. "You have one minute left, young maiden!" He called out as Madoka thought through her guesses.
'Okay, this is a reflection of Ammit and one of the images don't have a pair. So what does this monster have?' She thought as she hit the thirty second mark as she called them out.
"There are two eyes, ears, nostrils, hands, ears and there is only...one mouth!!" She shouted as the stone plates revealed the answer to the game to be correct.
"Young maiden, you have done well to beat the second game...but this is the final stage for Yami! This challenge will be much more difficult than the ones you two ladies had faced so far!"
'The final stage!' Yami thought as Kyoko and Madoka nodded at him before he waited for the upcoming challenge.
Joey was climbing on the building from the window followed by Yoshimori who smashed the window and followed Joey as carefully as possible in order not to fall to their deaths as quickly as possible. "Don't follow me out here, you stupid zombie!" He said as Yoshimori kept on chasing him.
"You two girls have done well to complete the first two stages! You still have three ushebti holding up the girl. But now all of your ushebti will shatter!" Shadi said as the three of them glared at Shadi as Kyoko had a stick of pocky in her mouth as she stared at the ushebti above the other three.
'That's his ushebti above our own, if we can somehow to break it, it could free their friend. But can we do to break his ushebti?! Does he have any weaknesses at all?!' Kyoko thought as she bit down on the pocky as it fell to her hand before placing it back in her mouth as Shadi looked at her.
"You in red, you can try to figure out my weakness all you want but you do so in vain...my heart's ushebti is like unbreakable diamond...but all three of those ushebti are like alabaster, weak and easily broken!" Shadi said as Kyoko scoffed.
"I'm glad that you're not letting your education get in your way of ignorance." She said as the game began for the three of them while Shadi tried his best in his mind not to show his tears after the roast Kyoko said to him.
'So true...' He thought as the illusion of Joey appeared in front of Yugi, an illusion of Sayaka in front of Madoka and Kyoko's father in front of Kyoko.
Kyoko was shocked to see her dad in front of her and Madoka was looking at Sayaka who had her back turned to her and said nothing as the game began.
"Let me explain the rules! You two girls will follow what Yami does as you listen to the ones you dearly cherish have to say. For each throw, you must move two squares in the direction the tip of the puzzle points. The first one to force his or her opponent into the pit wins!"
Madoka looked at her friend as 'Sayaka' turned around and opened her mouth to speak to the pinkette only to hear the harshest things from the illusion. "Madoka...you have some nerve to leave me alone! Just to be heartbroken and left alone! How can I call you a friend?!"
Madoka felt her heart wretch in pain as tears spilled from her eyes before one ushebti broke completely as did the other from Kyoko's 'father' and Kyoko fell to her knees after covering her ears from her 'father' before the tears spilled from her eyes and Yami knew his host was hurt with 'Joey's' harsh words about the puzzle.
That's when Yami realized something.
'Joey's words reminded my other self of the way things were in the past...and Kyoko is dealing with her father from the past and Madoka is trying to reason with her friend...I see it now...this is Shadi's intent to shock the hearts of use and my other self...if I show any doubt, I'll lose!' He thought as Madoka was forced to stand up along with Kyoko.
The puzzle pointed to the pit as 'Joey' smirked at Yami as did the illusions. "Two squares towards the pit! Same for you two!" At the same time, Madoka, Kyoko and Yugi took two steps forward as Yugi passed his turn as 'Joey' rolled the puzzle and it as it pointed to the pit again as they took two steps again as they looked over to the bottomless pit.
"Sayaka...I'm sorry that you had to deal with the pain of losing your crush, I thought the transfer program would help with you me not around and you could decide with things on your own. So instead of taking it out...I'll take in your pain and despair!" Madoka said with tearful eyes and a smile as the illusion of Sayaka disappeared as Madoka looked out to see Kyoko hugging her father as the illusion went away before she wiped her eyes and smirked at Shadi.
'Impossible...my illusions are disappearing...!' Shadi thought in shock as a red aura surrounded Kyoko and took upon two forms of a horse and a wolf.
'Th-This power...it can't be...!' Shadi thought as the aura went away as they heard the rope that supporting Téa was breaking.
As it snapped loose, Kyoko used her chains and Joey helped support it up and Shadi was in pure shock of what has become of them together.
'Impossible...it's as if they support each other...without hesitating for an instant...' His thoughts of doubt caused his ushebti to crack and break as Yami spoke up.
"Shadi, you probably won't understand this but...true strength of the heart...can't be gained alone! The power to trust your friends! That is the true strength of the heart!!" Yami said as Shadi's ushebti began to break apart bit by bit before shattering into many pieces, causing the Millennium Key to slide down the rope and touch Téa's hand which returned her to her normal state as she screamed at the top of her lungs before falling to her knees and screaming as the chains nearly broke as Joey struggled to keep it with all the strength he had.
"H-Hey Téa! You're too heavy!! Get up off the roof!!" Joey shouted as Téa looked down to see Joey underneath the long piece of board and began to question him. "Joey?! What are you doing there?" She asked as one chain broke and Joey tried to hold it up with all the might he had left to hold it in place.
"Shaddup!! That's what I'd like to know!" He said as he told Téa to get off the roof before Yoshimori grabbed Joey's ankle which caused three chains to snap off and Téa slipped and fell before Madoka jumped after her and caught her before she managed to hit the ground.
Téa saw transparent wings on Madoka's back as Joey got Yoshimori to touch the key and turned him back to his regular self as Joey hesitated to tell him of his state. "AAACK! MY TEETH!" Yoshimori shouted as Joey helped him back up on the roof as Solomon joined the others on the rooftop and began to talk with Joey with what happened as Madoka, Yami and Kyoko staring at Shadi before Shadi spoke.
"You three...you have passed all of the tests...it is my complete defeat..." He said as Yami remained quiet before he spoke again. "I used the Millennium Items to show you three illusions...illusions summoned from the shadows...and yet to me...the image of your family and friends trusting and helping each other, here in this world, seems like an illusion...somehow that seems sad..." He said as Yami began to speak.
"Shadi...I've realized something about the power of the Millennium Puzzle...no matter how far apart we are, friends and family always come together as one! We are small pieces that bind together to become an unbeatable power! Just like a puzzle! The power of unity! That is the power of the Millennium Puzzle!!" Yami shouted as everyone gather around.
"Hey, you in the dress! I don't know how you did all this, but this is our place! You better not come here anymore!" Joey shouted at Shadi before the red aura surrounded Kyoko as the wolf and the horse came back.
"Yes...that is true..." Shadi turned around before speaking in a low voice so no one could hear what he said except Yami. "All of you passed my tests...I have been beaten but I am pleased...my bloodline has been searching for so long...for someone like you...you may be able to open that door..." Shadi said as he left before Yami swapped with Yugi as Madoka fainted just before she hit the ground, Yugi caught her in his arms as Kyoko dismissed the red horse and wolf away.
Solomon suggested that they eat out and Kyoko suggested the best ramen shop to eat at while Yugi held the sleeping Madoka in his arms.
The Millennium Key slipped off the remaining Bridge of Life and into Shadi's hand before he left as a familiar white cat followed him from the shadows watching him with red beady eyes that held no emotion.
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