Uh-Oh 0m0
Merry Christmas, here's y'all's present >:3
Also I'm gonna make this a two-part thing because you want content and I'm impatient and this is really long TvT
Also also there's some curse words, but it's funny so :b
The dim hall had the silhouettes of five people, two of them dragging another behind them as he lay unconscious.
The one leading them is a tall figure wearing a cloak, the hood of it covering his face. The one behind him is the Violet Bandit, who looks nervous. The two behind them are guards clad in dark armor, one a Yellow Steve and the other an Orange Steve, both with blank expressions. The person they're dragging is a very familiar person wearing a forest green tunic and a blindfold.
"You did a good job, rookie." The figure in the cloak says, looking towards the Violet Bandit. "That was quicker than I thought it would be. And nobody suspected a thing, since you didn't have to come into contact with other people like I thought you would."
"T-Thank you, sir..." The Violet Bandit says, glancing towards the prisoner. He may be unconscious, but none of them have any idea how long the potion would work on him, and even with his limbs tied he could still possibly do some damage.
"Soon, this non-Steve will not be a problem anymore, and who knows? We might be able to use him for something." The figure says as they approach a room with a jail cell. "If not, we could just use him as leverage against the Guard, since he's friends with their captain."
As they enter the room, two higher-ranking guards salute towards the cloaked figure. They don't have blank expressions like the other two. The figure nods at them, and they stop saluting and go back to standing straight.
"But first, we need to wait for the potion to wear off." The figure says. "It's a good opportunity to get some information out of him, so once it does we'll start an interrogation."
One of the higher-ranking guards opens the cell door, and there's nothing but a single wooden chair inside it. However, the first two guards go inside and place their prisoner on the chair. Then, they look towards the figure for directions.
"Tie him to the chair using the ropes he's bound with." The figure commands. "We don't want to risk him escaping once he awakes."
The two guards do as they're told, slightly undoing the ropes on their prisoner's wrists and ankles, then tying the ropes to the chair. Once they finish, they walk out of the cell and the room, returning to their posts. As the Violet Bandit stares into the cell, the figure turns to the guards standing in front of the cell door.
"Keep that cell secure no matter what, one of you even get more padlocks if needed." The figure says. "This prisoner has to be kept in maximum security. Do not leave these posts unless other guards are sent to change shifts with you. If the the potion wears off and he wakes up during your shift, only one of you is to go and get one of the interrogators. Understood?"
"Understood, General Xanadu." The two guards answer.
"Good." The cloaked figure, Xanadu, grins.
He then turns and heads out of the room, motioning for the Violet Bandit to follow.
"Come with me, cadet." Xanadu says. "There's something I'd like to discuss with you."
The Violet Bandit, surprised at the sudden new rank, quickly follows behind his general. Once they leave the room, one of the guards closes the cell door and locks the three padlocks on it, placing the key on the chain of his belt. In seconds, the only sound in the area is the creaking of the rusted chain the light in the cell hangs from, the dismal glow falling on the prisoner tied to the chair. Still and silent while under a deep sleep, he has no idea of what's happening around him...
Time wakes up that morning to the house being strangely silent, not even the slightest squeak being heard.
Confused, he gets ready for the day then goes into the hall to check on the blobs, as them being this quiet isn't normally what happens every morning. To his surprise, the blobs were still asleep. Time walks into the room and carefully wakes up the little creatures.
"Hey little buddies, good morning." Time says softly, gently poking a few of the blobs as they awake.
Soon, the house is filled with the sounds of squeaks again. The blobs seem to be confused as well, noticing that Sabre hadn't come in to wake them up like he has been for the past few days. While some looked worried, Time's presence calmed them, and they assured themselves that maybe he had slept in as well.
Time had the same idea, and went back out into the hall towards Sabre's room. Opening the door and looking around, he's shocked to see that there's no sign of Sabre even there. Time walks into the room and continues looking around, still trying to see if there's any trace of Sabre being in the room, but still nothing. Even the covers of his bed are untouched.
"Okay, this is getting concerning..." Time mumbles to himself as he walks back out into the hall, closing the room's door behind him. "Maybe he just slept downstairs and I didn't notice when I got home last night? Yeah, maybe that's it..."
Time goes downstairs, making sure to be careful of the creatures around him as he walks, and sees that a lot of the blobs have already started hanging out in the various rooms. However, when he checks the living room, all that's there are the blobs. Sabre isn't there either.
Time, getting worried, sighs and turns to go to the front door. Just as he does, a blob jumps into his pocket and looks up at him. Time looks down.
"Oh, hi again Fluffy." Time greets the little creature.
The catlike blob squeaks at him, sounding worried as well.
"I was just going to ask around the village if anyone knows where Sabre is, in case he woke up early and decided to help out some people... eeeven though he hates chores." Time says. "Wanna come with me and help?"
The blob squeaks again, and a few more blobs hop forward and squeak as well. Time chuckles, picking up those few blobs as well, and heads out of the house as they find spots to hang onto.
Time heads into the village, seeing everyone starting to clean up from the previous night's festival. A few wave or say hello to him as he walks around, which Time happily returns, but it get increasingly obvious that he's worried about something as he starts asking people if they know where Sabre is.
As he keeps walking around the village, Time is surprised when two blobs that were hanging onto him suddenly jump off and run over to someone. Looking up, Time sees that it's Green Steve, who had also come to help with cleanup. Green picks up the little blobs and looks at Time, smiling and waving him over. Time walks to him.
"Hey Time! These little guys are a bit hyper today, huh?" Green says, handing the creatures back to Time. "What's up?"
"Oh, we were just looking for Sabre." Time explains, placing the blobs back where they were on his shoulders. "He's not anywhere in the house, so I thought that maybe he went out to help everyone with cleaning up. No luck so far, though..."
"Oh, really? That's strange..." Green says, the worry spreading to him. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen him since when the festival started. I thought he just stayed with you the whole night."
"He did, mostly." Time says. "But an hour or two before the festival ended, we noticed that the stand I set up had been emptied, and Sabre said he'd bring the dishes back to the house since I was occupied with some of the little creatures. He... He never came back. I haven't seen him since then."
Anxiety bubbles up within the two, and whoever overheard. After a few moments of silence between them, Green speaks up to Time.
"Well, I can help you look. Maybe since he was going to the house, he's still somewhere there, and we could check around it?" Green assures him.
Time smiles, and walks with Green back towards the house.
"Uh, sure. Maybe he is." Time says, then awkwardly laughs. "Maybe his insomnia caught up to him and he just passed out in the grass."
Green laughs as well, although he still sounds worried. When they get to the path to house, they see a good majority of the blobs have also gone outside, looking around best they can.
As they walk towards the house, Time suddenly stops as something glinting in the grass a little off the path catches his eye. Sunlight is reflecting off something... silver.
"Time? What is it?" Green asks.
"There's something over there..." Time says as he starts to walk over to the mysterious shine.
Kneeling down and looking into the grass, Time is shocked to see the silver pocket watch he's been using for the past week or so. He picks it up, wiping away the dew and dirt it's covered in.
"My pocket watch...?" Time wonders aloud. "What's it's doing out here?"
"Hey, didn't you have that watch during the festival?" Green Steve asks, walking over and observing the watch as well.
"You're right, I did..." Time says, a look of realization crossing his face. "And I left it on the stand with the dishes. And then Sabre probably saw it when he went to take the dishes back to the house-"
Time falls silent as he and Green both realize something, as well as all of the blobs that were listening in. A fearful silence falls over the pathway. Time and Green quickly dash back over to the village, the blobs following behind them.
The Village Leaders meet the two at the village square, having heard from others that Time was asking around about Sabre's whereabouts.
"What's going on? Is everything alright?" The Violet Village Leader asks, the hushed whispers of the village people in the background.
"We can't find Sabre anywhere, and I haven't seen him since during the festival." Time says, hanging onto the pocket watch as if his life depended on it. The blobs all appear nearby.
"Did anyone see Sabre after he went back to his house for something last night?" Green asks.
"Well... I didn't, I thought he just went back to Time." The Violet Village Leader says.
"I didn't either..." The Yellow Village Leader adds. He then turns to the crowd of worried people behind them, raising his voice. "Has anyone seen Sabre since yesterday's festival?"
The Steves of the village all answer quietly, but they're all various wordings of 'No', 'Not at all', or 'Haven't seen him'.
Silence envelops the entire area as everyone realizes what's going on.
"Oh dear Origin..." The Yellow Village Leader says blankly, in shock.
"Sabre's missing." Time says.
Everyone hears the blobs squeak in unison, just for a split second. Turning to look at them, Time and all of the other Steves see the small creatures with devastated, horrified faces. Tears start to run down a few of their tiny faces. Time quickly turns around.
"Oh no, no no no no no little guys, it's okay- We're gonna figure this out- It's alright-" Time says, but is cut off.
It started as one, just one of the little creatures beginning to sob in high-pitched squeaks. Then, a few more started to cry. Then, more.
The Steves quickly tried to stop it, but it was too late; the air was suddenly filled with a chorus of ear-splitting, high-pitched, unyielding cries of the blobs. The abrupt volume caused everyone in the village to cringe, and hurriedly cover their ears. It doesn't block out the sound, however, and after a few minutes of the crying some villagers' ears are quite literally starting to bleed.
"Yep- Okay, we need to get this under control!" The Violet Village Leader yells above the small wails.
Two Steves quickly teleport out of the village, and everyone else attempts to keep their ears covered while they try to get the blobs to calm down.
Very slowly, Sabre starts to wake up from the strange effect the potion had on him.
His body felt entirely numb, and he couldn't help being overwhelmed by the sick feeling he had, likely a side effect. He kept his eyes closed and his head hung, not wanting to make his nausea worse. He shudders a bit from the cold of the slightly damp room he's inside. His mind felt fuzzy, and everything around him sounded like he was underwater. Soon, though, his hearing clears and he's able to listen in on two people near him.
"Didn't you hear me?"
"I'm pretty sure he's starting to wake up, one of us needs to get one of the interrogators like General Xanadu said."
"Oh, finally. We've been waiting forever. We've already been stationed here twice, and all of that took hours! Not even counting how long it took for that squad to bring him here..."
"Yeah, that new potion must have a greater effect on him or something. Since he's not a Steve, and all that. Anyway, which one of us is gonna go bother the interrogators?"
"Eh, I'll do it. Standing around here was getting boring."
"Alright, I'll stay here then."
Sabre heard footsteps go into a hall, then silence. Nothing except something creaking above him. Still extremely dazed, Sabre tries to make sense of what he hears and clear his head. He feels like he should be panicked and alert, but his muddled mind wouldn't let him think.
Soon, though, Sabre flinched ever so slightly when he felt something thin smack the side of his head.
"Hey. Talking to you, buddy." A new, third voice says, sounding annoyed. "Look at me."
Sabre groaned, then strained to open his eyes. His vision fuzzy, he sees that he's sitting down in a wooden chair, the stone floor beneath it cracked and riddled with dirt. A few shadows fall over the dimly lit floor, one starting to get closer.
Sabre winces as a hand suddenly pulls on his hair, forcibly raising his head to face the people in front of him. Joining the two guards from before is now a Steve covering his face with a grey fabric mask, similar to the Red Steve from before, but his color is unknown as he has some kind of face paint over the half that isn't covered by the mask. The only bit of color other than grey he has is his red eyes, although definitely not a Red Steve's eye color. It's darker, and more like the color of blood than the bright shade of roses.
The mysterious Steve glares at Sabre, looking at him as if analyzing him, then turns towards the two guards while still gripping Sabre's hair tightly.
"Looks like he's got some side effects. Should make him more compliant, though, since we have that antidote to that potion. Didn't think we'd need it since he'd wake up, but oh well." The mystery Steve says.
"So, are we continuing with the interrogation, sir?" One of the guards asks.
"We are, make sure nobody intrudes while I get the information." The mysterious Steve answers, looking back at Sabre.
"Yes, Onyx." The other guard answers, as they both walk out of the cell and go back to their posts in front of it.
The Steve, revealed to be named 'Onyx', lets go of Sabre's hair as he turns back towards Sabre. Sabre's head drops, him struggling to keep it up. Onyx scoffs and holds up a small piece of a plank, it being sanded down and in the shape of a ruler.
"I said, look at me." Onyx says, annoyed. "Don't make this difficult."
Sabre slowly lifts his head, despite his condition. He manages to glare at Onyx.
"Good. Now if you'd rather not like to leave this room with a few scars, you're going to answer my questions truthfully."
"I... I'm not gonna tell you crap." Sabre mutters.
Onyx hits Sabre with the small wooden piece again, this time drawing a small bit of blood. Sabre feels it trickle down the side of his head as Onyx scowls.
"Tough, you'll talk one way or another." Onyx says.
"O-Or else what? You j-just gonna k-keep... hitting me with a-a ruler? I-I've been hit w-with worse." Sabre says, giving a passive-aggressive smirk.
"Considering you were only taken because the Generals saw you as a threat, you're going to have a new definition of torture if you don't give us what we want." Onyx says. "Now, first things first, what do you know about the Colorless Guard?"
"Figured y-you'd know enough about t-them already, s-since you're in trouble with them so o-often." Sabre says.
Onyx snaps and yanks on Sabre's hair again, making him wince.
"Listen here pal, nobody likes a smartass." Onyx growls, pulling on the hair on the side of Sabre's head. "So either just make this easier on yourself and answer or-"
Onyx suddenly yelps as a 'crunch' is heard. The two guards rush back in as Onyx wrenches his arm away and Sabre looks up at them with blood in his teeth.
"SON OF A- HE JUST BIT ME!" Onyx screams, holding his opposite hand over the fresh wound on his right arm.
The guards quickly rush Onyx out of the room and once again lock the cell, with Sabre now left alone. It's not long, however, before two new guards enter and replace the old ones. They don't even glance at him, just staring straight ahead. Sabre, now feeling exhaustion starting to creep in again, lowers his head once more and blacks out.
Two Steves of the village teleport in, Light Steve with them, and they immediately cover their ears from the vast amount of shrieking high-pitched squeaks.
"I'm going to be honest, I thought you were exaggerating." Light says as he looks around, seeing that the noise is a bunch of the small creatures crying. The villagers are all comforting a multitude of the blobs and calming them down.
"We wish we were..." The Indigo Steve on his left sighs.
"Although, this is better than when we left." The Green Steve on his right adds.
"This is an improvement?" Light wonders aloud, shocked.
The two Steves then run over to other groups of villagers, while Time approaches Light as he carries a few quietly sniffling blobs. A small, grey, catlike blob with a magenta blindfold slowly approaches then nuzzles Squirrel, which makes the previously-sobbing blob calm down almost instantly. Squirrel has a look of surprise at Constellation, as the little cat hates touch.
"Time, what's going on here?" Light asks.
"Sabre didn't return to the house last night. Turns out he's missing. And as soon as we all realized what was happening all of the little guys started crying." Time explains. "And we just spent the past 43 minutes trying to calm them all down because holy Origin that was high-pitched."
"Wh- Sabre's missing?!" Light exclaims. "How?! When?!"
"We don't know what happened, he disappeared during the festival so nobody was around when he was coming back from going to drop off some stuff at the house." Time says. "I asked him to bring some dishes back to our house, and I know he did because those dishes are back in the kitchen, so he disappeared while heading back to the festival. People looked through the forest and found footprints that go from the forest next to the house to some cart tracks left in the mud, but the trail ends when it gets to the grassier part of the forest. So, we're pretty sure he was kidnapped."
Light stands there for a moment.
"It always has to be him whenever something happens, doesn't it?" Light sighs.
"Looks like it." Time says as he headpats a catlike blob in his pocket.
"The only people that could be suspects right now are the bandits, since Sabre kind of... pulverized a few of them last week, and one got away." Light says. "We were already going to try and get one of the prisoners to tell us their base of operations, so..."
"Headquarters it is then." Time says, taking the blobs that were clinging to him and setting them down, which the creatures then run over to some other blobs.
The blobs, however, all start gathering around the two. Most of them look angry, while others are still trying to calm down.
"Uh- You know what they're doing?" Light asks.
"Nope. But they look mad." Time replies.
A small group of blobs cling to Time's coat, a few recognizable as Artemis, Constellation, Squirrel, Samael, Bree, Beth, Moth, and of course Fluffy.
"...You can't come with us, little guys." Time says. He tries to pick them up so he can pull them off his coat.
However, as soon as his hand gets close, all of the blobs clinging to him start to hiss. Time quickly pulls his hand back, surprised. Even Light was caught off-guard by that.
"Okay dang- fine." Time says. "But just you guys, we can't take all of you."
Time steps next to Light, and as they're about to teleport Light turns to him.
"Did you know they could do that?" He asks.
"Not a clue." Time says.
A few seconds later lightning strikes, and they disappear from the village.
An hour or so later, the Leaders have heard the news and are also gathered at the Colorless Guard headquarters.
The prison cells in the next room over holding the captured bandits, Light finishes explaining the situation to the Leaders while Time makes sure the little creatures aren't getting into trouble.
"So, the bandits you arrested last week are our only leads?" The Yellow Leader asks.
"Unfortunately, yes. They're all we got." Light says. "Time said that some of the village people tried to investigate, but all they found was a trail that goes cold when it reaches the grasslands forest. Since the bandits are the only real enemy Sabre has right now, we need to interrogate the three here to try and find him. Well- the two that can talk, because one had to get parts of his mouth stitched because uh... you know."
"Have they said anything yet?" M says.
"That's the thing; They must be either extremely loyal to or have gone through some kind of extreme hazing from the other bandits, because they haven't given up anything." Light explains. "Just stayed silent any time we tried to interrogate them. Nothing's working."
"Well, great. Now what?" The Blue Leader mutters.
Professor Red pokes his head through a doorway leading to the main area of the headquarters.
"You could always try torture." The Professor shrugs.
"Professor. We don't stoop that low." M sighs, glaring at him. "This is why I told you to wait outside."
"Fair enough." The Professor says. "Still though, it'd go faster than any other ideas. Those bandits kinda have it coming anyway."
Professor Red walks away again, and the Leaders and Light all go back to discussing ways to get the bandits to tell them anything. Meanwhile, Time is still watching over the blobs. However, as he gets distracted by Squirrel having another breakdown, one blobs sneaks off into the prison cells room.
Artemis quickly hops into the jail room, determined and angry. All of the bandits, who all have multiple stitches and are very bandaged up, notice as the blob hops into the center of the room and starts to look around.
"What's one of those things doing in here?" The Orange Bandit whispers.
"I dunno, but I recognize it." The Yellow Bandit whispers back, a little angry. "That's the one that kept biting me while I had it's friend. The grey cat one that had a magenta thing around its face."
Artemis glances at the Yellow Bandit, then hops over to a corner where there's a small pile of rocks.
"What's it doing?" The Orange Bandit whispers.
"No clue." The Yellow Bandit answers. "What do you think Gre- Oh, right. Sorry."
The Green Bandit, with most of his stitches around and on his mouth, glares at his accomplice.
Artemis digs around the rock pile and shoves a few of the rocks in their mouth, then hops through the room and into the Yellow Bandit's cell. The bandits look confusedly at the blob while it stares at the Yellow Bandit.
The Yellow Bandit then points his handcuffed hands at the blob, as if trying to threaten it.
"You're lucky I'm handcuffed right now." The Yellow Bandit whispers. "Otherwise I would've thrown you across the room by now, you little s-"
He's interrupted when Artemis quickly hops to the side and bites down on the Yellow Bandit's hand, as much as they could.
The Yellow Bandit immediately starts screaming curses and insults, and Light, the Leaders, Time, and the other blobs quickly enter the room to see what's going on.
"What in the world-?" Light says, and he switches on the overhead lamps.
They see the other two bandits awkwardly staring at the Yellow Bandit flailing his arms as he tries to shake off the blob from his hand, blood starting to drip onto the floor. Light and the Orange Leader avoid eye contact with the Orange Bandit.
The other blobs laugh as Time frantically follows behind Light as he unlocks the door to the bandit's cell. Time grabs onto Artemis and attempts to make them let go as the bandit continues to scream.
"What is happening right now??" The Violet Leader says, visibly confused.
"I don't have the slightest idea." The Green Leader says, although is laughing a little bit.
Time lets go of the blob, and steps back as the bandit goes back to flailing. Time turns to Light.
"Sabre was right, these things do not let go once they bite." Time says. "I've got no idea why that one is biting him, I've never seen any of them be violent. Or why it's even hurting him, these things don't have teeth."
"Wait, the creatures don't have teeth?" Light asks.
A blob that's sitting on Time's shoulder gives a toothless smile.
"...Huh." Light says.
They both turn back to the bandit as he stops flailing and starts to speak.
"WHAT THE *%#£ DO YOU WANT, YOU BEE-LOOKIN OVERGROWN PIECE OF TAFFY?!" The Yellow Bandit yells at the blob, staring it in the eyes.
Artemis stares back, biting down harder. The bandit squirms uncomfortably for a minute.
Artemis let's go of the bandit's hand, dropping to the floor and landing perfectly. They spit out all the rocks they had while hopping out of the cell, and licks the blood off their face before stopping in front of and looking up at Time, smiling. Time carefully picks up the blob.
"...That works." The Orange Leader says, surprised.
"SEE? TORTURE GETS RESULTS!" Professor Red yells from the other room.
"NOT THE TIME, PROFESSOR!" M yells back.
Time carefully pats the blob's head, and it nuzzles his hand.
"...Good creature." Time says, shocked but also grateful for the blob's help.
"I... guess we're heading towards the mountains then." Light says, closing the cell. "It does match up with where the trail ends..."
"Well, let's go then! We have no idea what those other bandits are doing to Sabre!" Time says, hurriedly going out the door with all of the blobs clinging onto him again.
The Leaders follow after him. Light, however, stops in front of the Orange Bandit's cell. They glare at each other for a moment before Light breaks the silence.
"Did you really have to go down this path, Miner...?" Light asks.
The Orange Bandit stays quiet for a second before responding.
"...You wouldn't get it." The Orange Bandit says. "You don't know what they do."
Then, silence once again. Light turns and leaves the jail room, turning off the overhead lamps and shutting the door. The bandits are left in the pitch black room, with the Yellow and Green Bandits staring at the Orange Bandit.
"...Dude, why did you-" The Yellow Bandit says, but he's cut off.
"Shut up." The Orange Bandit growls.
The bandits then stay silent in the dark, while the Colorless Guard outside of the jail begin to prepare for a journey to the nearby mountains.
Like I said before, two-parter. The next chapter is going to have the base raid ÒwÓ
And, well... something mysterious might happen to all of the blobs during the chaos :)
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