Somebody's in Trouble >->

The small blob, which moments before was bracing itself to be squished, looked up after a second to see Sabre had appeared and is currently punching the bejeezus out of the bandit.

The blob that was being held by the bandit is now confusedly nestled in Sabre's hood, along with a few other blobs that were captured. They all watch as Sabre repeatedly punches the bandit, a few cracking sounds being heard occasionally. The rest of the blobs, both injured and uninjured, all back away into the bushes for cover. However, a few quickly run off somewhere.

The other bandits, who had been knocked to the ground, hurriedly get up and attempt to get Sabre off of their accomplice.

Keyword: Attempted.

All of the blobs hide themselves in the foliage as Sabre jumps at the first bandit that grabs him. The other bandits panic as Sabre attacks, uppercutting the Green Bandit and knocking a few teeth out. The Green Bandit stumbles back, momentarily glancing at the Orange Bandit, who's out cold on the grass. He doesn't have time to think before Sabre kicks him in the chest, knocking him backwards into a tree. The Violet Bandit seems to have disappeared.

Sabre then quickly starts giving the Green Bandit the same treatment as his buddy, with rapid punches in quick succession aimed at the bandit's face. The Yellow Bandit, taking the opportunity, sucker punches Sabre in the back of the head while he's occupied with the Green Bandit.

It's unfortunate how he's never seemed to have learned the saying, 'Don't poke the bear'.

Sabre turns around in an instant, an expression of pure rage crossing his face. Dropping the Green Bandit, who now also has his lights punched out, Sabre switches his attention to the Yellow Bandit. Unlike his other two pals, the Yellow Bandit knows how to fight and can take some serious hits. However, that doesn't prepare him for the bullet train of a strike that's coming for him.

Sabre lands one punch, then the bandit blocks the other. Taking out a knife, the Yellow Bandit goes to stab Sabre's shoulder to disarm him, but Sabre quickly knocks the knife out of his hand and readies another fist.

This is going to take a while.

Meanwhile, Time is waiting for Sabre back at the village. He had just run off in an instant, which confused Time, but knowing Sabre he believed that it couldn't be anything too bad. Time just continued caring for two of the blobs that had come up to him, one wearing a tiny straw hat, which he found adorable.

It wasn't until a screech echoed through the forest that he was worried. Time quickly got up from where he was on the porch, placing the two blobs down to rejoin the crowd of them.

Time had just started walking towards the forest when a group of five little creatures run out from the foliage. Time quickly catches all of them, trying to calm them down.

"Woah, hey, all of you slow down! What happened?" Time asks.

All of the blobs start squeaking all at once, panicked. Time doesn't know what to do.

"I-I don't understand..." Time mumbles.

One suddenly holds up a stick with a red, sticky liquid covering it. That gets the message across.

"Oh no-" Time starts, but is interrupted by lightning behind him.

Time turns around to see Light and two Guards appear. Light runs up to Time.

"What's going on? A Steve from the village came and got us." Light says.

"I don't exactly know, but it's something bad." Time says, motioning to the five blobs in front of him.

Light now looks worried, then glances around.

"Where's Sabre? He's always around these little guys." Light asks.

"He ran off a little while ago and I don't know why." Time says. "Wait- Oh no."

"Which way?"

"Remember that small path? He went that way."

Light runs towards the direction Time pointed him, the Guards following behind. It's not long before they hear a scuffle nearby.

"Just what did Sabre get himself into now?" Light mumbles as they head towards the noise.

When they reach the clearing, Light is very surprised by the scene, the Guards stopping in place just behind him once they reach it as well.

Sabre and the Yellow Bandit have pretty much destroyed the camp during their fight. The boxes that were previously stacked on the cart had mostly been broken, Sabre now using a broken piece of a crate as a weapon against the Bandit. Both have injuries from their battle, the Yellow Bandit's being quite severe and Sabre's being very minor. The Orange and Green Bandits are still out cold on the grass. A few blobs occasionally poke their heads out of the bushes' leaves, but quickly go back to hiding.

"You... weren't kidding when you said he goes nuts." A Guard says, breaking the silence.

"You thought I was?" Light responds, walking forward. "Let's break this up before anything else gets destroyed."

Light and the Guards run over to the fight, and the two Guards apprehend the bandit while Light pulls Sabre off of the bandit and attempts to get him to calm down.

"Sabre- Hey- Chill out!" Light says while having to drag Sabre backwards, away from the bandit.

"THAT SON OF A WITCH NEARLY KILLED THEM, NO I WILL NOT 'CHILL'!" Sabre yells while struggling.

Despite Sabre being a little more than a foot shorter than him, Light was still having issues with keeping him from attacking again.

Time and Green Steve suddenly appear at the edge of the clearing, having taken the same path. They are also shocked when they see what's going on.

"Time! Great! A little help here?" Light says.

"What even happened?" Time asks as he runs over and helps with keeping Sabre restrained.

"OH MY GOSH, THE POOR LITTLE GUYS!" Green Steve exclaims.

Everyone else looks to see that Green had found the blobs, the group that had gotten injured in fact. He's holding two that are unresponsive, one that has seemingly passed out and the small blob Sabre recognizes as Squirrel, who had a large gash on their head and is crying. Around him are more blobs, mostly injured ones. A black-and-white one has cracks all over the back on its body like glass. A catlike one is holding up a disfigured wing, it likely being broken. One in a black and orange hoodie is standing crookedly, but still trying to 'walk' towards Green. A deer one has a broken antler. Many are bruised and bleeding. A black blob runs over to a cream-colored cat blob, that looks flattened with a boot print on its back. A few more blobs that are standing crookedly join the first one, all leaning against each other for support. One is curled up and just crying. A brown bunny one has curled into a ball next to it. One little blob is trying to cheer up the injured ones, but it's injured as well.

Sabre quickly gets out of Time and Light's grip and runs over to the group of blobs, trying to comfort them alongside Green. The Guards have already gotten the Yellow bandit tied up, and set him near his unconscious accomplices. Light and Time walk over to Sabre as he checks on the injured blobs that were in his hood.

"Sabre, what happened here?" Light asks.

"I don't really know actually, I just heard the little guys scream and ran over." Sabre says, soothing one of the crying blobs. "When I got here those bandits were attacking them. Sorry, I kind of lost it again."

"Wh- understandable if those jerks were attacking these little ones!" Time says, kneeling down and helping with the small blobs.

"Were there any more than three?" Light says.

"There was a violet one, but I guess he ran off." Sabre answers.

"Violet? That's strange..." Green Steve says. "You wouldn't expect one of them to be a bandit."

"Yeah, but it happened and there's not really anything we can do about it." Sabre sighs.

"We'll get these guys to the headquarters so they can be sentenced." Light says. "You three can focus on taking care of these little guys, alright?"

"Thanks, Light." Sabre says. "Can do."

Light and the Guards teleport away with the bandits while Sabre, Green, and Time all scoop up the injured blobs so they can get home and treat their injuries.


It's later that night, and Sabre is sitting on his bed in his room with the group of injured blobs and a few others.

The atmosphere of the room is melancholy, but a few blobs are trying to cheer everyone up. And orange-eyed one with a dark blue hoodie has turned on music and is wiggle-dancing to make some other blobs smile. One blob is nestled in Sabre's hair and keeping watch over its injured siblings for him. One pushes a mug of hot cocoa that's on the nightstand towards Sabre, which he gladly takes. Another blob that's cuddled into Sabre's hair has fallen asleep.

A mothlike blob is gently headbutting sad blobs in a comforting way, kind of like how a cat does. A black-and-white blob hugging a pillow shaped like TNT is hugging Squirrel, and both are now bandaged because of their injuries. A few blobs are cuddling with other to cheer them up. A blob with grey dragon's wings flies around for a bit then lands on Sabre and nuzzles his face. Many other blobs are also hugging and sitting on or around Sabre. A few are nestled into Sabre's hood together, a yellow and black blob gently dragging other blobs into it.

One is throwing a tiny salmon (which it somehow got) around the room, which makes others laugh. Blobs that are hiding in corners are joined by blobs that were left uninjured, and they comfort the hurt ones.

Time walks in holding a blob with pink eyes and a straw hat, which looks very angry, and a pink-and-blue haired blobs rests on his shoulder. He walks over and sets the angry blob down near Sabre.

"Hey there, finally got this little guy to settle down." Time says.

"Thanks Time, it means a lot with you helping with this." Sabre says. "The rest of the village too; they were so quick to help with the hurt ones."

"Well, we can't help but love these cute tiny guys." Time says as he pats the head of the blob on his shoulder.

Sabre picks up Squirrel and her friend Kazie from the corner of the bed, and sets them down near the angry blob. The pink-eyed blob rushes over to Squirrel and hugs them.

"There Samael, there's Squirrel." Sabre chuckles. "I told you she'll be alright."

The pink-eyed blob takes part of the bed's blanket and wraps it around itself, Squirrel, and Kazie, making a soft cuddle spot for them. The three blobs all nestle in.

"They're still adorable even when they're sad..." Time says quietly.

Time starts to walk out of the room.

"Well, I'm going to make a bunch of treats for the little guys to help make them feel better." Time says. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."

"Okay Time, thank you." Sabre says.

Time leaves, and a bit of a happier air is made in the room. The injured blobs are starting to cheer up because of their friends, and the promise of food makes them excited. Sabre smiles at their antics and relaxes, knowing they'll be okay.

Sabre thinks to himself as what could've possibly faced those bandits once they were taken to the Guard headquarters for questioning...


The Violet Bandit rushes through a dark, dilapidated hallway. Dim torches that have been dampened by water leaking through the ceiling threaten to go out.

He hurries into a room that's a bit better maintained, having bright lanterns and cleaner floors, decorated by many valuable stolen goods and a rug leading to something that resembles a throne. The bandit stops in front of the person on that makeshift throne, kneeling down.

"Why did the rest of your squad not meet at the rendezvous?" The figure asks menacingly. "They almost got caught because of you."

"I'm sorry sir, but they were arrested. I saw." The Violet Bandit says. "A bunch of those creatures that were found recently found our camp, and we tried to take a few of them for profit. That non-Steve must have been nearby, because he almost came out of nowhere and attacked the other three. He- He was insane. He took everyone else down so easily, and beat the crap out of Yellow. I only got away because I was knocked over when one of my squadmates were pushed into me, and got stuck in some brambles. This guy... Sabre. He's going to be a problem. I can tell."

"That Yellow Bandit was one of the best in combat we had..." The figure says to himself, surprised. "Are you sure it was just that non-Steve that took him down?"

"I'm sure, wouldn't have believed it either if I didn't see it with my own eyes." The bandit responds.

The figure pauses for a moment, thinking. He looks around the room of stolen artifacts he now owns and spies something that gives him an idea.

"Well, if this non-Steve is going to be a problem..." The figure says, picking up a newly made potion from a nearby brewing stand. "Then I think we should think of a way to fix it, shall we?"

The bandit stands up, and the Figure turns back to him.

"Get the other generals and tell them to meet with me. I have a plan."

"Yes, sir." The Violet bandit says, the runs out of the room.

The figure observe the potion that he just picked up, and knew it would be perfect for what he was planning. With new ingredients from previously undiscovered resources thanks to that island settlement, this potion had already been tested and the stranger already knew what it did. Soon enough, the non-Steve wouldn't be a problem anymore if he was under their watch.

Now all he needed to do was put his plan into motion...


Yeah, I wanna start drama early, I'm bored =>=

Aaaand here's events! Have fun :3

Event 1:

It's a week later since the bandit incident, and everyone's just hanging around town, although there's a harvest festival happening later that evening because of very plentiful harvests recently. Many Steves of the village are setting up, some preparing food and drink stands, some setting up stands for things they made, some decorating the village with banners and such, and even Sabre and Time are helping out. What are you doing?

Event 2:

Green Steve comes over to the village to help out, and Gerald decided to come along with him. What are your first impressions with Gerald?

Event 3:

Festival time! Music is playing, people are dancing, food and stuff is being passed out, people are sharing their crafts and harvests, games are being played, and everyone is happy. How are you enjoying the party? How are you joining in on the fun? Maybe you're one of the ones with everyone dancing, or you'd rather just chill and eat some food.

Event #*=+\|:

...Where did Sabre go...?

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