Rescue Mission
Base raid
Base raid
Base raid
Also there's a swear word. I know I've been using them a lot but-
It's funny and accurate TvT
(Real quick, there's a drawing with depictions of blood and descriptions of injury this chapter- heads up to those sensitive to that-)
Also also, SabreCatTV made a discord server that mostly revolves around this book! Of course it has other stuff too, then there's small little peeks towards future chapters and you can show off your blobs' designs and backstories, along with a lot more stuff! Racoon (aka Artimis) streams often too :3
Just ask Constellation (SabreCatTV), Arty, any other member of the server, or me for an invite! You're always welcome :>
Light prepared a few last-minute things with the rest of the Guard, as everyone got ready to head to the mountains.
"It's going to be a 2-hour trip either way, making it a four-hour trip in total unless the bandits have made shortcuts since we've last been there, but I wouldn't count on it." Light explains to one of his Elites. "Because of that, we're going to need to grab some of the medical supplies we have in the headquarters, as we won't be able to reach any healers for a while. That, and... we don't know what the bandits are doing to Sabre."
"I understand, sir." The Elite says. "I'll gather some medical supplies. After that, we're all ready to leave. Is there anything else?"
"No, I don't think so. Just double-check with everyone else, alright? We need to be careful about this."
"Yes, sir."
The Elite runs off, and Light goes to secure some crates to the cart he's standing next to when Time approaches.
"Time? What are you doing here?" Light asks. "I thought you were going to stay with the creatures?"
"Sabre's my best friend, I'm not going to stay behind while he's in danger." Time says, determined. "You and the Leaders aren't convincing me otherwise. Also, uh... the creatures are royally pissed and I can't keep them under control anymore."
As if on cue, a lot of blobs suddenly appear around the carts and the general area, and just as Time said they all look angry.
"Wh- Time, they can't come with us." Light says, noticing a few blobs near him.
"I have a feeling that even if they're not with the carts, they're gonna find a way to follow us anyway." Time sighs. "In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they already knew the way to the mountains, given how long they've apparently lived in the forests."
Light glances around, noticing that some of the blobs are holding small handmade weapons, like little wooden spears.
"I guess they're coming with us, then..." Light sighs. "Not like we can stop them anyway."
"Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure they even outnumber the Guard."
A horn sounds, signaling that everything is prepared and everyone is ready to start on the journey. Light grabs his spear and rushes to the front of the group while Time climbs into one of the carts as everyone starts to move. The blobs seemingly disperse, but with a closer look around they're really navigating through the trees to follow.
"Hang on, Sabre." Time thinks to himself, worried. "We're coming to save you."
Sabre slowly stirs awake, feeling something poke his neck.
Suddenly, the overwhelming fatigue he had before disappears, although now that it's gone it stops overshadowing the sick feeling he has and how weak the strange potion made him. As his vision clears, he notices three people standing around him. Looking to his left, he sees one of them is holding a syringe.
Panic overtakes him for a moment, and Sabre quickly jolts to the right. However, his tied limbs keep him in place in the chair, and not even a second after he moves two familiar guards grab him and keep him still. Sabre tries to struggle, but it's no use. Sabre realizes it's the same guards from before, but a new interrogator.
"Yep, he's up. Hopefully he'll stay awake this time." One of the guards says.
"Likely, and since it was only part of the antidote he'll still be under the other effects." The new interrogator says.
As the guards move away, the interrogator starts to step towards Sabre, but one stops him.
"Don't get to close, pal." The guard says. "He bit the last guy that tried to interrogate him, and that one's still in the infirmary."
The interrogator has a look of shock and slight horror for a moment, before stepping back. The two guards go back to standing outside the cell, and Sabre is left with just the interrogator in the room.
"Well, that explains the blood..." The interrogator mumbles, looking towards Sabre.
Sabre glares at the interrogator, trying to ignore the nausea. The interrogator stares back, then starts to speak.
"I understand you're not going to be the most... cooperative, but I'm still going to need you to answer my questions. Truthfully." The interrogator says, sternly. "We'll know if you lie to us. Besides, if you just help us out here, we might just give you the rest of that antidote instead of you just miserably waiting for the effects to wear off on their own. Understand?"
"You sound just like the last guy..." Sabre mumbles. The interrogator scowls.
"Don't make me use force to get answers. You won't like what happens." The interrogator says, brandishing a metal rod of some kind.
Sabre stays quiet and stares. Taking a closer look, it's actually easier to tell that the person in front of him is supposed to be a Blue Steve, but his color is... darker. He also has the same deep red eyes as the other interrogator, while wearing a similar mask over the lower half of his face. He also seemingly has the same 'uniform' as Onyx.
"That's what I thought." The interrogator says, lowering the rod to his side. "Now, since you were clearly unwilling to give up information about the Colorless Guard, I have some different questions I want to ask."
Sabre quickly races through responses to what the interrogator might ask in his head. What could the bandits possibly want other information about? The Leaders? He and Time? Maybe even the Darkness, because of his... 'past experience' with it?
However, he couldn't brace himself for what was really asked.
"What are those creatures, exactly? Why are you so defensive of them and can they do anything beneficial?"
Sabre freezes, just staring at the interrogator. The interrogator is a bit unsettled at the sudden silence and seriousness of the prisoner.
"...Hey, answer me." The interrogator says, the slightest bit of nervousness in his tone. "What are those creatures that you-"
"I would die before telling you anything about them." Sabre says, in the coldest, most dead serious tone the interrogator or the guards have ever heard.
Sabre doesn't take his gaze off the interrogator, almost staring straight into his soul, burning holes into it. The guards outside glance at the two as the interrogator is frozen in fear for a moment.
However, it's just for a moment.
The interrogator quickly composes himself and raises the metal rod, striking Sabre's arm. Sabre flinches as it impacts, likely going to leave a bruise as his arm already starts to feel sore. The interrogator scoffs and holds up the rod to Sabre's face.
"If you don't start cooperating, that's exactly what's going to happen." He says. "Now either answer me or-"
The interrogator is interrupted when a lower-ranking guard bursts into the prison room, panicked.
"We're under attack! The Colorless Guard is here!" He exclaims. "General Xanadu has ordered everyone to defensive stations, now!"
The low-rank guard rushes off, the other two guards and the interrogator quickly following behind him after they lock the cell door. Sabre hears a multitude of panicked footsteps echoing throughout the bandits' hideout.
Sabre has a small hope that the Guard and Light will save him, although, as he hears a familiar voice booming throughout the stone walls;
Followed by a loud crash and lots of squeaking, that hope grows.
Blobs flood into the bandit hideout along with the Guard, as bandits scramble to either fight back or retreat to protect valuable assets to the bandits.
Time fights through a pair of bandit guards beside Light, and once they both fall the duo looks around.
"It's already chaos in here..." Time says, glancing at all of the blobs (for some reason) attacking bandits with knives. "Wait, are those from my cooking set-"
"You started it, you crashed through the wall." Light says, quickly disarming a bandit rushing towards them with his spear.
"Is that really appropriate right now?" Time says, knocking a sword out of a bandit's hand with his own. He then kicks the bandit with a blob helping to trip him, then a Guard intercepts the falling bandit and quickly arrests him.
"It's a fact." Light says, chuckling.
They then hear a commotion coming from the west wing of the large hideout, but what they're most interested in is yelling about keeping 'the prisoner' secure.
"Bingo, that way to Sabre." Time says. He then has to dodge a firecracker being thrown through the air, which had been thrown in the first place by a small moth blob.
"You go, the Guard and I will keep everything under control here." Light says. "Be careful, something is really shady about this place."
"Got it." Time says, and he runs towards the west wing.
Flying over the panicked group of bandits for a moment, with them trying to chase after him, Time barrels down the hallway looking for anything else that could lead him to Sabre. Glancing at the signs posted in the hallways, Time turns to the direction that's pointing to the prison every time he sees one.
Meanwhile, Light pushes on with the Guard through the hideout, arresting as many bandits as they can along the way. The blobs, not having noticed Time go a different direction, follow the Guard and continue helping to take the bandits down.
They soon reach a large, open room filled with brewing stands and giant glass vats of bubbling liquids lining the walls, some of the few bandits inside panicking and trying to stop the Guard from entering. However, it's no use. Although, as they look around the large brewing room after arresting the two bandits, they notice something... wrong with the rest.
"They're not even responding to anything..." An Elite Guard says as he tries to get some sort of reaction showing the bandit in front of him is conscious. The bandit just has a blank stare in their greyed eyes, not even acknowledging that the Elite is in front of him.
In fact, the rest of the odd bandits are exactly the same. No response, just staring with greyed eyes. The Guard doesn't even try to arrest the unresponsive bandits; something is clearly very, very wrong with them. The blobs are curiously also messing with them, trying to get some sort of reaction. Not even the tiny creatures biting them does anything (although they were quickly told off by one of the Elite Guards when they did that).
Light goes over to a different strange bandit, an Indigo Steve. Waving a hand in his face does nothing, no response. Light tries snapping his fingers in the bandit's face to try and get his attention, but still nothing.
"It's like they're in a trance, or something..." Light mumbles.
"Sir? You might want to look at this." A Guard standing over one of the desks with a brewing stand says, holding up a bunch of papers.
Light walks over, leaving the bandit to a different Guard. The Guard that called him over sets down the papers and spreads them out, giving Light a look at all of them.
"What's all this?" Light asks, noticing that the papers all have things in what seems to be a different language written on them. Some are bullet-pointed like a list, while others are full paragraphs.
"Seems like the bandits wrote things in some sort of cipher, in case they got caught." The Guard explains. "Judging from the room and how there were other much like these stashed in a bunch of these desks, it must be potion ingredients and instructions. Might be something else, too, but I've never seen a cipher like this one."
"There's more of these?" Light asks.
"Yes, do you want us to collect them?"
"Please do, it could be evidence of what happened to... them." Light says, motioning to the unresponsive bandits around them.
"Of course, sir."
As the Guard and a few others quickly gather the ciphered papers, Light turns and notices there's ladders leading to a lofted walkway area filled with bookshelves and chests. Other Guards seem to notice as well, along with the blobs.
"Some of you take the arrested bandits to the main area we've secured. Everyone else, search the upper area. There might be more information we could use." Light commands, already climbing one of the ladders.
A few Guards nod and start to move the bandits they arrested out of the room. As the Guards that are left follow, the blobs stay below to snoop around the desks some more. Searching through the numerous bookshelves and storages, Light and the Guards find more ciphered papers, and even some books written entirely in the same cipher. Light has someone in mind to translate all of the found evidence.
Suddenly, a loud 'bang' erupts from somewhere in the room, followed by the sound of what seems like rushing water. However, Light and the Guards don't see anything happening... until they look down.
Charges were placed on the glass vats of potions, and someone's set them off. All of the vats' contents spilled out, drenching all of the blobs in mystery potions. Although, nothing seems to be happening to them at the moment.
"Over there!" One of the Guards shouts, pointing to a nearby hallway.
Another Guard quickly fires his crossbow in that direction, and a yell is heard from inside the hall.
"What was it?" Light asks, having been further from that hall than his Guards, so he didn't see what happened.
"A bandit, probably the one that set off the charges." The Guard holding the crossbow answers. "Got him in the leg. He'll be fine. Just another arrest we need to handle."
"Okay. Go ahead and grab him, I'm going to check if the creatures are alright..." Light says, climbing down.
All of the blobs are shaking off the mixes of potions, the liquid that came out of the vats having already sunk into the carpet or just... disappeared. Light checks on the blobs, noticing that they seem to be a little shaken but otherwise seem fine. In a few minutes, they're already picking their little weapons back up and are ready to fight again.
"There's nothing else up here, Captain." One of the Guards says, as Light stands back up.
"We've probably found everything important in here." Light says. "Let's keep searching the rest of the base. It's possible that the person orchestrating all of this is still in the building."
As the Guards and the blobs follow Light to the next room, they don't notice a Violet Bandit watching them from the rafters above...
Time has made his way through a lot of the hideout, and is getting close to the prisons.
"Wh- Hey! What are you doing h-" A bandit guard yells, but Time quickly uses the hilt of his sword to knock him out.
As the bandit guard slumps over, Time notices more blank-faced 'guards' around. They don't react to his presence or try to stop him, so Time is leaving them alone. However, he is going to bring Light's attention to them.
"Something about them is just... wrong." Time thinks, shuddering at their almost corpse-like stares.
Time moves forward, the area getting darker and more dilapidated the farther he goes. Soon enough, damp, half-broken, mossy brick makes up the walls and floors, and the only thing lighting his way through the halls are dim lamps hung on rusted chains.
Soon, Time starts to hear two panicked voices coming from one of the halls labeled 'high-security/solitary confinement'. He carefully walks closer to that hall and listens in.
"Why are we just standing here, who cares about keeping prisoners?! The base is under attack!"
"Do you want to face General Xanadu? I'd rather live."
"Is he really that much of a control freak to the point that he'd let the hideout go down?"
"Dude, I understand you're kinda new here, but Xanadu literally killed the last guy that disobeyed his direct orders. And it wasn't just 'he killed him and that was it', no, he executed him in the middle of the main hall."
"Wait, really?"
"YES. Do you think I'm joking?! I'm not! And Xanadu isn't even the worst out of the Generals!"
"Well, it's either him or the Colorless Guard that's on our backs!"
Silence for a while. Then, Time hears a very familiar voice, although it sounds quieter than normal.
"That's Sabre!" Time thinks, staying silent.
A sound of armor against metal is heard, one of the bandit guards slamming his fist against the cell door.
"Hey, quiet! You're in no place to be running your mouth!" The guard worried about this 'General' yells.
"Hey, hey, stop that! You're gonna bring attention to us!" The other guard snaps at the first.
Time steps out from behind the doorway and faces the two guards.
"You're kind of too late for that." Time says, raising his sword. "I could hear your bickering from a hall away."
The two guards quickly turn, then raise their own blades, which are daggers. Sabre looks up from inside the cell, smiling with relief. Time smiles back for a moment, then looks at the guards.
"You've got a choice to make here." Time says. "You can either let me and my friend go peacefully, or I'll have to fight you. And compared to what I've faced, you two aren't exactly a threat."
The guards glance at each other for a moment, while Time continues to stare them down.
Suddenly, they rush towards Time, daggers drawn and pointed at him. However, Time isn't fazed by this. He quickly kicks one guard into the wall, grabbing the other's arm as he dodges his dagger and pulls the guard's arm behind his back.
"Wrong choice." Time grins.
Time then kicks the bandit guard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him and making him drop his dagger. Time lets go and the guard collapses, and soon after Time kicks the guard's head, knocking him out.
The other guard gets back up and tries to rush Time while his back is turned, but Time hears him coming. Time quickly sweeps the guard's legs while he's running, and while the guard is falling Time once again uses the hilt of his sword to knock out the bandit. Both bandit guards are now unconscious on the stone brick floor, while Time stands above them.
"I warned you." Time chuckles.
Time then grabs the key to the cell off of one of them, and rushes over to the prison cell Sabre is in. As he unlocks and opens the door, he quickly checks on Sabre.
"Are you alright? Did they do anything?" Time asks, cutting through the ropes keeping Sabre tied to the chair.
"I-I'm okay, mostly." Sabre says. "They w-were trying to g-get information o-out of me. I got beaten up a-a little bit, but I'll be fine."
"Oh goodness, you're bleeding- hang on." Time says, as he cuts through the last of the rope, noticing the gash on Sabre's head.
Sabre rubs his wrists, them sore from being tied for so long. Time reaches into a pocket of his coat and takes out a white cloth, immediately starting to clean the wound.
"Wait- why is there blood on your face?" Time says.
"I uh... m-might've bit one." Sabre answers.
"Of course you did..." Time sighs. "Okay, hold that to the gash on your head. Can you stand?"
"I-I dunno, I've been tied to that chair s-since I woke up." Sabre says, taking the cloth.
"'Woke up'-? Did they knock you out?!"
"Pretty s-sure I got drugged, they m-made me drink a weird potion I-I don't think I want to k-know what was in it."
"Yikes. Okay, come on, let's get you home already." Time says, carefully helping Sabre up.
Sabre has to lean against Time for support, still feeling the other effects from the strange potion. Time doesn't mind, and helps him walk as they both make their way out of the prison.
As soon as Sabre was visible, he was crowded by blobs, all crying and trying to climb on him.
"Woah, h-hey guys, calm down a bit." Sabre says, laughing a little at the small chaos around him.
One blob is already on his shoulder, seeming to be checking on him. Sabre listens as they all cling to him and shout their various nicknames they have for him.
"Hen father!"
"Sky dad!"
"Mother hen!"
There's more nicknames as the blobs crowd, but Sabre is quickly focused on a small moth blob that's suddenly on his face, very high-pitched squeaking coming from it.
"Ack- h-hey Comfort, yeah I'm here little guy." Sabre says as the blob continues to cling to his face.
Time (who's still supporting Sabre so he can stand) carefully takes the blob off Sabre's face, but as soon as he does it just darts through the air and clings to Sabre's shoulder.
"Welp, they're all stuck to you now." Time chuckles, watching more blobs surround them.
"Looks like it." Sabre says, smiling at all of the little creatures.
Light then walks up to the two, as the Colorless Guard prepares everything for the trip back in the background.
"Hey Sabre, you feeling alright?" Light asks, smiling at the two, glad to see his friend safe.
"Eh, not really, but I should be fine eventually." Sabre says. "Is everything okay with the Guard? Something like this must've been pretty dangerous..."
"We're alright, a few minor injuries but nothing bad." Light says. "We arrested as many bandits as we could, but a lot of them locked themselves in panic rooms still inside the base."
They all glance back to the cave, the dim torches starting to go out one by one. It would be almost impossible to tell the was something sinister hiding inside it.
"There's no telling how many are left... and they did have some suspicious things going on." Light continues. "For one, a lot of the 'bandits' that were in this base are actually in some sort of trance. I don't think anything those ones were doing was willing."
"I came across a lot of those too..." Time says. "You think the bandits did something to them?"
"It's the only answer we have right now, and the most likely." Light says. "There's probably information on what they did in the ciphered notes and books we found. I'm going to ask the Professor to see if he can translate them later. For now, let's just head back. We have all of the arrested bandits and the others in some of the carts."
"Okay. We'll go ahead and get ready to head out too... and I'll get Sabre patched up." Time says.
"Thanks, Light." Sabre says.
Light smiles again, and goes back over to check on how things are coming along. The blobs follow as Sabre and Time go to one of the empty carts, and Time sets Sabre down inside it.
"I'll be right back, I'm going to get some of the medical supplies." Time says.
"I'll be here." Sabre replies.
As Time walks away, some of the blobs climb into the cart and crowd around Sabre again. Sabre smiles and starts to headpat one of the nearby blobs.
"So, you guys really deafened the village with screeching?" Sabre says, laughing.
"We panicked, okay?" An alien-like blob in a yellow sweater says.
"We missed ya." Artimis says, already snuggling into Sabre's hood, a few other blobs joining in soon after.
"Heh, I missed you too." Sabre says.
Sabre sees Time coming back with some bandages and other things, and as he joins him and the blobs on the cart, the group starts to move again towards home.
Later that night, the blobs, Sabre, and Time are back at the house.
Time keeps going to check on Sabre, as he knows that he still feels sick from the effects of that potion. He's had to tell the blobs repeatedly to settle down and let Sabre rest, but Sabre always says he doesn't mind.
As Time walks up the stairs, once again going to check on Sabre, he notices that the blobs are being quieter. He thinks it's strange, but doesn't think much of it. Maybe the blobs actually listened.
When he opens the door, he knows why.
"Sabre, what on earth-?" Time says, shocked.
Sabre quickly turns around, stopping what he was doing.
"Crap- Uh- Hey Time." Sabre says, panicked.
"What happened?! Did the bandits do that to you?!" Time asks, quickly walking over while being careful not to step on any blobs.
"No, no, I've had this for a while. They didn't do it." Sabre says, wiping away the drips of blood and putting the gauze back up to his eye socket. "The stitches just popped during all of the chaos with the base raid."
"When did this happen, then?" Time says.
"A looong time ago. Years before I even got here." Sabre answers. "It's fine, I already know how to deal with it."
"What? If that happened years ago, it should've healed by now." Time says. "It looks like a fresh wound- it's even still bleeding!"
"That's why I didn't tell anyone about it, for some reason it just never healed at all. I didn't want people worrying about it, so I just handled it by myself like I always did."
"Sabre, you should've told somebody. We could probably help with it..." Time says, worried. "Your eye is missing, for goodness sake."
"Eh, I've tried to get some help with it before, but it never worked." Sabre shrugged. "Besides, it doesn't even hurt; the nerves around the scar died pretty fast after I got hurt. It's actually helpful, because I have no issue with the stitches."
"Wh- You've been stitching your eye socket shut by yourself?!" Time exclaims.
"...It would keep bleeding if I didn't?" Sabre says nervously.
Time sighs, then grabs the thread and needles from the desk.
"Well, not anymore, you're not. Come on." Time says.
"Time, no, it's fine-" Sabre says, but Time cuts him off.
"No 'buts'. One, you were just rescued from being kidnapped and are still under the effects of a potion we have no idea how long lasts." Time says as he carefully threads the needle. "Two, that's dangerous, let someone else help you for once."
The blobs giggle as Sabre stays quiet, knowing he can't really argue with Time.
"The mother is being mothered, hehe." He hears one blob say.
"Hey-" Sabre starts, turning his head, but Time makes Sabre face forward again.
"Stay still, please." Time says.
Sabre obliges, still hearing the blobs giggle. Time carefully starts to stitch the empty socket closed, using the holes left from many previous re-stitchings.
"Where did you learn to stitch wounds?" Sabre asked, surprised at his skill.
"I had to learn during the time when Void was in control of the Darkness, and Shadow was... well, controlling you." Time says. "All of the medics had their hands full, so to help out I learned to do a bunch of basic medical procedures. It also help during... after the Rainbow Kingdom."
"Oh... sorry I asked..." Sabre says, knowing that's still a bit of a touchy subject.
"It's fine, I'm doing better about it now." Time says, finishing the stitches. "Besides, you already know what happened; you even got me out of there."
Time carefully snips off the excess string, and sets the thread and needle back down on Sabre's desk.
"I trust you with it." Time smiles.
Time then grabs a fresh gauze that was laid out on the desk, and Sabre's blindfold. He places the gauze over the stitched socket, and ties the blindfold in place over it.
"You should put a gauze over the stitches in case they pop again, that way your blindfold won't get bloody and won't stick to the wound." Time says. "Also, just be more careful in the first place."
"Thanks, Time." Sabre says, smiling and setting his satchel on the back of his chair. "I appreciate it."
"No problem, buddy." Time smiles back.
Time then ruffles Sabre's hair, laughing.
"Wh- hey!" Sabre exclaims.
"Now get your butt to bed, you need rest." Time says, walking to the door. "It's getting late."
Sabre just smiles, knowing how they both mess with each other, and climbs into his bed. The blobs soon start to cuddle up next to him.
"And you goobers," Time continues, standing in the doorway and pointing at the blobs. "You let him sleep. Don't keep him awake until 1AM."
The blobs all stick their tongues out at Time, which he jokingly looks offended at and does the same. He then turns off the light and shuts the door.
Sabre pats a few blobs, then quickly falls asleep, tired from all of the events of the day. The blobs stay quiet to let him rest, aside from the occasional squeak followed by a tiny 'Shhh' noise.
Time tidies up the house a little bit more, then heads to his room to end the day as well.
Soon enough, all is quiet. The village is still, the only movements in the late evening being the small woodland creatures still awake at this hour.
All is peaceful...
...but the blobs are restless.
Anyway soooo, you guys aren't getting your events just yet-
Because I have something better :3
You guys get to do whatever you want to the bandits' base that was raised this chapter.
Like, abandon all rules, logic is meaningless, go nuts, I'm not stopping you :^
Dead serious rn. You guys get all of the chaos out of your systems for now.
You wanna set a room on fire? Set a room in fire, fill it with gasoline first if you want to. Those of you that like to be cannibals for some reason? You can, I have an excuse to write something horror-related in here (Yes, Arty, that means you can finally get your blood =>=). You wanna murder? Murder the bandits. You wanna blow up the place? Well, wait till everyone else does their thing first, but yeah. Go for it.
However, General Xanadu isn't there, and neither is the Violet Bandit. Xanadu went to tell the other bandit generals what happened, and he decided that the Violet Bandit was to be part of the travel party.
Anyway, tell me what you wanna do. It's the perfect time to be feeling chaotic >:D
Seeya then :>
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