
Heeyyy! Just want to make an announcement before that chapter starts that 0__Rain has made a conspiracy board for the investigation arc! Here is the link (if it still works because I accidentally took way too long on this-):

Thanks buddy ^v^

Also quick warning, Randoomly redesigned her blob and normally anyone could just say they did and it'd work because blobs can change their appearances whenever thanks to a thing that will be introduced today, buuut Randooms wanted to traumatize her blob for it, so uh- watch out for that towards the end lol

I'm sorry this took so long ;-;


It was late in the morning, and once again Time was fussing over Sabre as he gathered what he needed for his trip today. Sabre had wanted to join a few of his old friends and some of their friends on an overnight hunting trip, knowing that they could use his skills, and also just missing his friends. They had been very busy for a while, a few of them being in the Colorless Guard, but there was finally a free day that lined up with all of their schedules.

Given the recent events, Time was worried about Sabre's safety during the trip, despite having known about it for weeks at this point. So, the blobs in the living room watched as Time continued to ask question after question to make sure Sabre was prepared.

"And you remembered to pack bandages, just in case?" Time asks.

"Yes, I remembered." Sabre replies as he organizes the items in his backpack, smiling.

"And your lantern? You remembered that, right?"

"Have it right here." Sabre says as he holds up the lantern for a second, then hangs it on the side of the backpack.

"And you have the stuff you use to cover some of the scars on your face? I know you'd hate for people to see them-"

"I've got it, you can stop worrying so much, Time." Sabre laughs as he closes up the bag. "I'll be fine. And even if I end up doing something stupid, LC and some other people are gonna be there to help, remember?"

"You better stay with the group." Time says sternly. "Need I remind you that the last time you went on an outdoor trip, you ended up getting chased off the path by mobs and somehow ended up washing up on a riverbank the next morning?"

"Hey, I was unscathed, wasn't I?"

"I still don't know how you managed that."

"Especially since he jumped off a cliff during the chase." One of the blobs whispers to the others. The blobs quietly giggle.

"Time, just- I'm not gonna get into any trouble. Alright?" Sabre says. "I promise. It's just a hunting trip with some of our friends, and the forest we're gonna camp in overnight isn't too far. Even if something happens, you know I and the other guys can handle ourselves, and help isn't far away if we need it."

Time sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"I know, I know, it's just- you do understand why I worry about you, right?" Time asks. "You're practically a magnet for trouble, intentionally or not. And with everything going on with the Bandits right now, I just... I can't risk almost losing you again."

"Of course I understand, Time. To be honest, I know it's pretty justified. I admit, I get into more trouble than I should." Sabre shrugs. "But by now, you should know that I'll be okay no matter what. I've survived the literal World Below, it's pretty difficult to top that."

"Of course you'd say that. It's almost as if you think of it as an achievement." Time laughs, relaxing a little. "But still, you should make it a goal to avoid any problems."

"And you should stop worrying about me so much before you get an ulcer or something."

"Alright, alright, I'll get off your case now. Oh, here. I packed these for you."

Time hands Sabre a small bag, and inside is a few cookies. Sabre smiles and puts the bag of cookies in one of his backpack pockets.

"Hey, thanks! I haven't had some of your cookies in a while."

"Because some little anklebiters keep snatching them when I'm not looking." Time says, looking at a few of the blobs. Some blobs snicker while the offending group of blobs avoid eye contact, and Sabre laughs.

"Are you really still mad at them for that?" Sabre asks.

"Nah. Just messing with them." Time says, reaching to his pocket and patting a familiar blob on the head.

Sabre then picks up his backpack, slinging the straps over his shoulders.

"Well, I better get going. The guys are gonna be waiting for me at the village entrance, they're probably there already." He says, making sure none of the blobs try sneaking into his backpack. "I'll see you later Time, hope your day goes well."

Sabre turns to the blobs.

"And you guys be good. I mean it." He continues. "Let's not have another incident, okay? Find some other way to let off steam that isn't wrecking the neighbors' stuff."

The blobs squeak different forms of confirmation, and Sabre waves goodbye as he heads out the front door. Time goes back to picking out books to read, the blobs knowing that's all he has planned for the day.

Outside, blobs and Steves alike greet Sabre as he walks by on his way out. Lots of blobs are early risers, and that means they usually go outside to play so they don't wake the others. In groups with other blobs or hanging out with villagers that were also early birds, there were many of the little creatures all around the village, now well established and having their own routines.

A group of blobs playing near Celadon and Shi's houses (or rather, pretending to so they could spy) notice the two newcomers talking in their yards. Getting a little closer, they overhear their conversation.

"It's so weird, I didn't see anything around before it showed up." Shi says, staring at a small hole in the back of his yard.

"Yeah, but we're right next to a forest, so it's really not that surprising." Celadon replies. "Maybe some animal did it, like a rabbit or a mole or something."

"But so close to my house? Wouldn't those animals be wary of being so close to the village?"

"Maybe it was a particularly brave animal. Like a rat."

"A rat? Seriously?"

"Have you ever seen a rat up close? Terrifying little things."

"Look, I don't care what it was, I just don't want more of it coming back and digging up my yard."

"Maybe you accidentally put something in the ground that attracted it? Like- I once had some neighbors that had issues with wild animals going through their compost bins because of what they put in it. Did you put anything in the soil? I noticed that there was a patch of dead grass here before the hole popped up, did you drop or plant anything that might've done that?"

"What? No, why would I? That's ridiculous."

The blobs soon realize that they're talking about the hole that was dug to find the odd engraved stone yesterday. In the panic while trying to make sure they weren't caught, it must have been forgotten about when everyone was putting things back how they belonged.

"Should we go fill it in-?" A blob asks.

"No, they've already seen it, filling it in would just make them more suspicious of it." Another blob says.

"Yeah! They still think it was a wild animal." A third blob joins in. "Let's not put any suspicions on us."

"Maybe we could get a gopher to fill it in for us!" A blob exclaims.

"Wh- no. Gophers dig tunnels, one wouldn't just fill in a hole- where are you going?"

"Dude, no! Leave the gophers alone! Come back!"

A few blobs chase after the one that ran off.

"We could just dig more holes around the first one, since a wild animal would probably come back and dig more."

"That could work..."

"Oo! I'll help!"

"You guys can do that, I'm gonna go take a nap."


The forest was quiet and calm, as a group walked through the trees talking with each other. Sabre, LC, Fisher Orange Steve, and five others (two Yellow Steves and three Orange) made sure they didn't make too much noise as they headed to the area they planned to set up their camp before starting their hunting trip. Each carried a backpack filled with supplies and camping gear.

"Remember to watch out for poison ivy, it can blend in pretty well if you're not looking for it." Sabre warns.

"We know. We've survived in the wilderness too." LC says, chuckling.

"Yeah, but I know a lot more about it. Which is exactly why you brought me along." Sabre replies, speeding up ahead of him for a moment and giving a jokingly smug grin.

The group laughs at each other's antics. They soon reached a clearing, it already equipped with a stone fire pit in the center of the circle of large, tall trees.

"Here we are." One of the others in the group says, another Orange Steve, placing his bag down next to the stones.

"Thanks for letting us use your camping spot, Hunter." Fisher says, smiling at him and setting his bag down nearby.

"Ah, it's no problem. Everyone else was providing something, so it's only fair I do too." The Orange Steve, Hunter, smiles back. "I always stay at this spot whenever I'm hunting in this area, so I know it's safe. It's been a while since I've been here though, so we should check for anything dangerous that could've grown here while I was gone."

With that, everyone begins checking the clearing for plants that stuck out. There's a few removals of small sprigs of thorn bushes and other minor issues, but then a different Orange Steve in the group comes across a strange-looking, tall, stiff orange plant with its leaves having red edges. It was nearly as big as him. The long stem was a dark, dull brown, and there wasn't any grass at its base.

"Hey guys, I found something weird." The Orange Steve calls out, getting everyone's attention and pointing at the odd plant, about to poke it. "Is this dangero-"


In a blink, Sabre's run to the Orange Steve and pulled him away from the tall, leafy plant with a panicked expression. Confused, everyone walks over to see what's going on, while still heeding his warning and staying away from the strange plant.

"What is it, Sabre?" LC asks, being the last to walk over, as he was on the other side of the clearing.

"Absolutely do not touch that plant. It's extremely dangerous." Sabre explains, taking a breather as he ran quick to stop the Orange Steve from poking the leaves. "Did anyone bring any thick gloves?"

"I did, I'll get them from my bag." Another Yellow Steve answers, running off towards his backpack.

"What's wrong with the plant?" Fisher asks.

"That is something called emberweed. It's fifty times worse than any poison ivy you'll come across, because it doesn't just give you an irritant. It burns you if you touch it." Sabre explains. "And I don't mean it feels like it burns, it's an actual burn, because this is a rare fire-based plant. No idea what it's doing here, though..."

"A... fire plant? I didn't know those were a thing..." Another in the group says. "Then again, nobody's really left civilized areas for generations. Maybe it just had its seeds spread by something and somehow survived here."

"Probably because of the dry spell we had a few weeks back." Sabre answers. "These things thrive in dry, hot areas. Once it cools down though, they start to struggle. Anyway, I'll take care of this. Once it's severed from its roots, the plant just turns into harmless ash."

"How do you know?" LC asks.

"I used to live in an area where these appeared every summer. We had to keep them in check so they wouldn't choke out the crop gardens." Sabre says, taking the thick, heavy gloves from the Yellow Steve that just returned. "Thanks. Everybody step back for a minute."

The group obliges as Sabre puts the gloves on, making sure no part of his arms or hands are exposed. He then grabs the emberweed near its base and pulls, it coming out of the dry patch of ground easily. Just like he said, seconds after it's been pulled, the plant crumbles into ashes.

"Dang..." One of the group members quietly says, in awe at the sight.

"That was one weird plant." Fisher says.

They all start heading back to the clearing, and begin taking tents and sleeping bags out of their backpacks to set up. While they work on their camp, they continue talking.

"Have you ever seen someone get burned by one of those things, Sabre?" Hunter asks.

"Seen? I've been burned by emberweed. And let me tell you, that stuff hurts bad." Sabre replies, as he only takes out a sleeping bag, no tent in sight of his gear. "I still have a pretty dang bad scar from it."

"Can we see?" The third Yellow Steve in the group asks.

"Painter, you can't just ask that-!"

"Nah, it's fine. I don't mind." Sabre chuckles. "Although I gotta warn you, I have a lot of scars and none of them are pretty. You sure you want to see?"

Everyone nods, curious.


Sabre rolls up his right sleeve, showing the group a myriad of reddish scars. The one he's pointing at, though, is one that's shaped exactly like an outline of the emberweed they just saw, wrapped around his upper arm. Stem and leaf patterns are clearly visible.


"That looks like a stamp of it on your arm!"

"How did that even happen?" LC says, looking curiously.

"I, uh..." Sabre says, hesitating for a moment. "I... slipped off the edge of a small cliff a few years ago, and there was some emberweed growing off the side. My arm got tangled up in it, and was wrapped up pretty tight by all of the stems. It took a little while to get it all off."

"Yikes... are scars left by it usually red?" Fisher asks.

"No, I just... scar weird. All of my scars are like that. Normal scarring from emberweed would be just like any other burn scar. Anyway, what are we doing once we get all of our stuff set up?"

Sabre pulls his sleeve down, and everyone changes the subject to their plans for the day. Starting off with the hunting while they still have plenty of daylight, then they'll hang around the nearby river for a little while before spending the rest of the night at camp. Everyone seemed excited.

"Sabre, where's your tent? Did you forget one?"

"Oh, nah. I don't have one."

"Where are you gonna sleep then?"

"A tree."

"Aren't you worried about anything getting you? Also isn't that just uncomfortable?"

"Nope. And not to me."

"He's just like that, Hunter. You'll get used to it."

"You sure, LC?"

"Considering I've seen him do it like twenty times on expeditions he'd help the Guard with, yes."

As the group starts to make jokes about Sabre's antics, he laughs with them, but still can't shake an uneasy feeling.

Emberweed had never grown in the Realm before, and he knew that for a fact. So why is it showing up now?


Light sat in one of the interrogation rooms in the Guard headquarters, a grim expression on his face.

Moments later, two Guards enter escorting a familiar-looking Orange Bandit. The Bandit is seated across from him, then the Guards salute Light and leave. There's a few seconds of quiet as Light stares at the Bandit, who is staring down at the floor.

"...Miner Orange Steve. I'm hoping you'll cooperate with me during this." Light says. "I'll be asking you questions about this syndicate you've joined. I want you to answer truthfully. Understand?"

The Bandit is silent.

After a moment, Light leans forward, his arms resting on the table. Not in an intimidating way, however. It's almost as if they were friends again, exchanging a funny secret like they used to do. Being reminded of it, Light hesitates for a moment before continuing.

"Miner... you'll get a lighter sentence if you help us out. A much lighter sentence." Light says, lowering his voice. "Please. Remember how we used to be... it can be like that again. We just need you to tell us what's going on."

As Light watches, the Bandit begins to shake, still staring straight down. The air is once again filled with silence as he waits. Waits for any kind of answer, anything, but the Bandit remains quiet.

Light leans back in his chair, sighing, as he wonders if the interrogation will fail again. They had been trying to get Miner to answer either himself or the Orange Leader for a while now. Sure, they needed the information he had, but... they also wanted their friend back.

Light was about to end the session when the Bandit spoke up.

"I-I didn't have a choice..." He mumbles.

Light quickly looks at him, tense. He's finally answering.

"A choice about what?" Light asks.

"Joining... it was that or I would have died." He says, still keeping his voice low. His shaking hands lay in his lap. "I just wanted to live, but... they have ways of making you do things you don't want to do."

"Ways like what?"

"Th-They... hold things over people, in most cases. For others, it's something else. I've never seen it myself, but... once they go into an isolated room marked with an eye, they come back... wrong."

"Is that how they've been turning people into the Hollow?"

"The people are still there. They're just... in a trance. But it's induced by something, I know that."

"Alright... why have they had you under their influence for so long?"


"Do they have something they're using against you?"


"What is it?"

"I... I c-can't..."

"Miner, you don't have to be scared anymore. Whatever you're afraid they might do if you tell, they won't. We will protect you. And once we have enough information on them, we'll be able to stop them for good. Whatever happens, they won't hurt you anymore."


Then, Miner looks up at Light, his eyes finally visible past his hair. They're filled with tears.

"Do you promise...?"

"Of course. And you know I'm a person of my word."

He takes a deep breath.

"They... were threatening my life. One of the generals, Xanadu, told me himself that if I defied orders again, they were going to..."

He falls silent, still shaking. Light looks at him, concerned.

"They were going to what?"

"...You won't believe me."

"If it's about some kind of thing they think of as a higher being, we already know about the cult."

Miner looks up.

"Y-You do?"

"Yes. We know a fair bit about it, too. Were they threatening to do something to you involving it?"

"Light... that thing, it isn't something to be messed with. You need to know that it's not something you can break or easily destroy." Miner says, sounding desperate. "I don't know what it is, I don't know the extent of the damage it can do. But it's powerful, they're not exaggerating that."

He wrings his hands as tears roll down his face. Light stands up.

"I-I-I've seen it, it just- it can make someone fall apart into nothing but rot! It barely touched somebody a-and-"

"Hey, hey. It's alright. You've told us enough for now." Light says, now at Miner's side, comforting him. "You don't have to say any more. It's over."

Miner takes a few deep breaths, starting to calm down. He looks up at his former friend with fear.

"I... I don't want to die, Light."

"And you're not going to."

Light helps Miner up out of the chair as he calms down more, letting him take a minute to collect himself before continuing.

"You're going to be taken to a different cell this time. Okay? There's also going to be a change of clothes for you, since you're not going back to that syndicate. I'll get one of the medics to help you with that symbol on your arm later." Light explains. "But for now, just... collect yourself. Once you're ready, we'll need you to tell us more. But only once you're ready, alright? Nobody's forcing you to do things here."

"Alright..." Miner says quietly. He hesitates for a moment. "L-Light?"


"Thank you, I... I don't deserve this kindness after what I've done."

"Nonsense. I'm just glad you're back with us."

Once Miner calms down, the two Guards enter the room again. They take Miner down a different hallway than the one he came from, Light waiting a moment before also leaving the interrogation room.

He can only wonder what had him so scared.


The next morning, the blobs are playing in town together as usual, excited for Sabre's return soon.

After the usual warnings from Time, a group of blobs decides to go pay their siblings at the hideout a visit. Going down the path, happily squeaking with each other, they're excitedly talking about random topics until they notice something strange not too far from the forest entrance.

There's a set of bootprints, leading to a group of tall bushes that have always been there, but now they look... strange. Hopping over to get a closer look, the blobs realize that the shrubs are nearly half dead. But that shouldn't be happening, as they only grew the previous spring, which wasn't too long ago.

The blobs weren't too concerned until one of them gets the group's attention, and points out an odd, small hill a bit further back into the forest. If they hadn't gotten closer, they wouldn't have noticed it because of the shrubbery in the way.

What's strange is that the hill wasn't there last time they went through the forest, when they paid a visit to the hideout with Sabre and Time.

Their suspicions rising, the group quickly decides to go check it out. Maybe they could gather some evidence.

Making their way to the "hill", they soon realize that it's actually a very shoddily made hidden base. Finding the opening, they head inside and are able to see the structure of the small build, a skeleton of wood planks holding up a combination of fake grass and camouflage material. What's interesting, however, is the two small tables on one side of the building, illuminated by the single hanging lantern in the center of the ceiling.

One simply has a map of the forest with scribbles all over it lying on it, but the other is far more interesting. It has very basic stationery set up as if it were a desk, with a medium-sized box tucked away underneath the table. It reeked of a strong, strange perfume that the blobs swear they've smelled before. But where...

Pushing the box out and opening it, the blobs see a myriad of papers haphazardly placed inside, a few torn open envelopes with broken wax seals on them poking out from between the papers. A few blobs pick up some of the papers, and realize that they're letters. Letters to someone, sent by the Bandit syndicate generals. More specifically, one called General Kuro.

They were right. There is a spy in the village, and his name is Umbra.

The blobs look through a few of the letters in hopes of finding something that'll confirm who this 'Umbra' is, or at least help them figure out why the Bandits sent a spy.



Good job on integrating yourself into that caravan. No one will suspect a traveler looking to settle down in that remote village.

Focus on blending in for now. Send a messenger crow once you've reached the target destination.

- General Kuro



We're glad to know you've settled in without any mishaps. Make sure to keep a low profile in the village, as you can't afford to draw any suspicion from the people living there. The Colorless Guard is on our tail enough already.

Remember your mission; Operation Reprisal needs information only someone on the inside can get in order for it to be successful. Find out what is important to the Abnormal and their little friends, and we'll give you more instructions from there once you've found it. We cannot share the next part of the plan with you yet, in case of something coming up and causing the Operation's delay. Even if this doesn't work, having inside eyes will be useful.

You'll receive some items to help you on your mission during the village night market coming up. Abyssal, one of our general spies among the Realm, will be there to give them to you between the village's butchery and the bakery. Go there when the hour strikes the spider's gaze. Be sure you're not seen, or at least can't be recognized.

I also have a secondary mission for you. The Abnormal are strange, yes, but remember we want to get rid of or at least get one specifically out of the way. There's no way for us to research what could cause harm to him with the current time frame, so figure something out and try anything you can. Do something that will get people's attention off you and onto him, preferably.

Stay out of mind. Stay in character.

- General Kuro


They're about to look through more letters, when they hear someone approaching outside, coming from the opposite side from the entrance.

The blobs quickly make their escape, hopping discreetly out of the hidden base and into tall grass, or flying as quick as they can into the nearby overgrown foliage. Some sneak through cracks in the shoddy construction of the structure, making their way out and hiding in the spy's own camouflage to avoid being seen. Some go through the shadows or blend in against things in and around the structure. Others use their newly acquired powers to teleport, mask their presence, or help their siblings out to escape. They gather in the branches of the forest, watching the hidden base closely... as some blobs didn't escape, but rather hid.

Mostly in the wooden frame of the structure, the rest hiding in spots like inside nooks or boxes, some of the group instead waited inside the false hill for the spy to arrive. Despite the risk, the letters proved that they had reason to worry, and they wanted to gather all the evidence they could to protect what and who they love.

Soon, as the blobs still inside watched, a figure entered the base. He was wearing a black cloak with a strange, similarly colored mask, so he couldn't be identified by his appearance. Brushing off leaves and grumbling to himself, he goes to the table with the map and takes a brown marker out of his pocket.

"Not northeast either... where could it be?" He says, angrily scribbling an X over a path on the map. "It's obviously in this forest, he visits it all the time, just where is it?!"

He sighs, putting the marker back into his pocket and staring down at the map. He then takes a small, familiar parcel wrapped in blue paper out from a bag slung over his shoulder, and places it on the desk.

"If I can't get the main mission right now, I'll use the secondary one to my advantage." He talks to himself. "If this works, he'll probably send somebody else to the target until it takes its course. But what will work... he said they're similar, so..."

He kneels and rummages through a box filled with dried plants for a moment, before shrugging and getting back up, starting to unwrap the parcel.

"Oh, whatever. He said do whatever I can, so I'll just put as many of these in as I can fit. At least a few have to work, and even if they don't work well the quantity will do something. And that'll have everyone's attention on him for a while."

He's gotten the paper off, revealing a wooden box tied shut with small rope, a black wax seal with an more complicated symbol of an eye in multiple sickly colors on the top of the box keeping the rope in place. Just as he gets the seal off, he hears a snap and a clatter behind him and whips around.

A part of the ceiling had broken under one of the blobs, making them plummet to the ground. The eerie figure just stares for a moment, shocked, as the blob stares back with sudden fear in their eyes.

And all at once, the blobs inside the base bolt out as the figure lunges.

The little creatures scatter in all directions as the threatening stranger chases them, furiously trying to stomp of them. If they can get to the edge of the woods, he likely won't follow because of the village being nearby, which also means Sabre will be too. He must realize this, as the concealed Steve only runs at them faster the closer they get to the forest's edge.

However, just as they're about to reach safety, an inky blob trips and falls. Her body being semi-liquid makes it harder for her to get back up, and by the time she's almost gotten her footing back, it's too late.

The figure is standing over her. He practically jumps, raising his left foot as he aims for the little blob.


It was as if the entire forest fell silent in that moment. The other blobs freeze as they stare, their sibling's blue, orange, and black ink staining the figure's boot as he just stands there, catching his breath.

Then, he steps away, disappearing into the forest. Heading back into the direction of his base.

The blobs rush over, worried. Their sibling is almost a puddle on the floor, barely formed, and heavily injured. She's struggling to breathe. As a group of older blobs carefully pick her up, preparing to move as in sync as possible to avoid causing her further pain, the rest of the blobs do the only thing they can in that moment.

They scream for their Sky Father as the older siblings quickly rush the injured blob closer to the house.

They'd barely gotten in view of the house when Sabre almost kicks the door open, rushing outside, clearly having just gotten home as he still had all of his gear but his backpack. Time follows behind him, frantic and concerned.

The blobs stop as Sabre reaches them, letting him pick up and examine their injured sibling while explaining what happened. As Time approaches, he finally sees what the group is so panicked about and gasps, taking a step back in horror. Sabre mumbles to himself as he figures out what to do.

"No no nonononono, you can't- stick with me, little buddy." He mutters. He then looks up at the rest of the blobs, small tears in their eyes as they worry. "Hideout, now."

The blobs run in a familiar direction, and Sabre gets up, bolting away. Time follows. They run through the path to the hideout, not slowing down for anything. As they run, Time speeds up his own time state to keep up with Sabre, while at the same time he focuses on the blob in Sabre's hands and slows down hers to help keep her alive. Sabre notices, but there's no time to stop and thank his friend just yet.

Reaching the hideout, they run through the various areas, past the flower field and the nursery, until they get to a passage Time had never seen before. The leaves of the tree above them block out the sun a bit more, making the area darker, but the way is lit by small hanging lights dangling from the branches like fireflies in the air.

Eventually, the two reach a giant, tall tree that's seemingly just a very large dark oak tree, but it has the most of the hanging lights out of every tree there, and a strange opening in the base of the trunk. The blobs that were in the group with the hurt sibling are already there, gathered around the tree and they finish putting together an array of colorful vines around the tree. Sabre kneels down in front of the opening whole Time hangs back, giving him space to work.

Sabre places the blob in the opening, then places his hand just above it, resting against the rough bark. He whispers something, and suddenly, colorful lines just like the vines around the tree appear in swirls and waves on the tree trunk. A jelly-like mass, also just as colorful, fills the opening and surrounds the blob inside, Time feeling his power stop affecting the blob as it does. Sabre takes a deep breath, and sighs, sitting down on the ground and leaning against the tree as the blobs stare at the opening with anticipation.

"Alright... she'll be okay now." Sabre says, catching his breath. "She's gonna be okay..."

Time takes a step forward, then carefully approaches Sabre and sits down next to him. He hesitates for a moment before speaking.

"That's wonderful, but... how? What is this?" He asks. "What is that... stuff?"

Sabre sits up and looks at Time, finally relaxing a little and smiling softly as he looks at the tree.

"This is a special tree that grows around the blobs, always starting at the same time as the flowers." Sabre begins. "It's usually used in case a blob wants to change their physical appearance, because it can alter and reconstruct their bodies without any issue. But in cases like what just happened with Randoomly, it can be used to help a blob in critical condition. It's going to fix her injuries and her body, and probably fix the issue she had with being inky before."

"...A tree... that can alter one of these little guys' physical appearance. And also provide emergency medical care." Time says. "Now I've seen everything."

"Heh, fair enough. It is a bit crazy to say out loud. But, that's what it does." Sabre shrugs. "That stuff in the opening is what actually does the job, it's like the tree's sap."

"Well it's a good thing it's there." Time replies. "I'd hate to see any of these little ones... y'know."

Sabre's expression darkens a little.

"Yeah, I... I don't like thinking about it either. I can never bear it whenever one of them does end up dying somehow... this tree has prevented that from happening quite a few times."

There's a moment of silence before Time speaks up again.

"...Do you know what happens, when they...?"

"Not really, just like in my case. But there have been a few instances where one will stick around as a spirit. But when one's time does come, I've always carved them a small medallion in their honor. It's like assuring their soul we won't forget them, helping them rest. And we still do remember every one."

"Medallions? I've never seen any."

"I usually hide them somewhere. But for some..."

Sabre points up with a somber smile. Time looks, and sees that among the strings of dangling lights are little circles with different symbols on them made of various wood types. They're wrapped with care in the strings, and hang next to the lights, which are small glowing crystals upon a closer look.

"Oh. I- I'm so sorry, I-"

"No, no. It's alright... they would have really liked it up there. With the tree."

Before the conversation can continue, there's a small crack noise from the tree, making all of the blobs excited. Sabre and Time look to see the sap gathered in the opening has crystallized, and is starting to crumble.

Sabre excitedly scoots closer and sits up, hovering a hand over the cracking sap. Soon, the rest of the sap falls away and disappears, letting the newly formed blob tumble out into Sabre's hand. Her skin has turned to a warmer tan, her eyes in a black and white gradient, and her hair a deep brown. Her previous outfit is still with her, but it's a little damaged. She looks up at Sabre and smiles, her siblings gathering around her squeaking happily.

"Look at you! You look wonderful!" Sabre exclaims, holding the blob gently. "I'm so glad you're alright. You had us all worried for a second. Oh, your clothes... once we get back, I'll make you a nice new outfit, okay?"

The blob squeaks, and greets her sibling as they gather around her in a happy, close group hug. They express their relief and happiness at her recovery, complimenting her new look as well.

Sabre sits back as he watches, smiling. He takes a deep breath, finally noticing a few tears starting to gather in his eye under the blindfold, and quickly wiping them away. Time sits with him as they talk to each other in a quiet conversation, helping him calm down.

It had been a while since there was such a close call. He was glad it ended up being okay.


Woooo, another chapter done! Let's see how y'all did:

Possible Evidence Found/Collected:

- Celadon's Diary Entry

- Small Box with Burnt Photo(?)

- Creepy Pendant

- Strange Carved Stone

- Piece of Intruder's Hoodie

- Map of the Forest (Scribbled On)

- Box of Letters (Addressed to Umbra)

- Spy's Ramblings

Remember, there are still hints throughout the chapter. Physical evidence isn't your only lead.

2 Chapters Left

Event 1:

It's the morning after this chapter's events, and you all wake up as normal, but...

Something's wrong with Sabre! Quick, how do you alert Time (who's downstairs, at the opposite side of the house)?

Event 2:

Everyone's in the village, out of their houses, being questioned by the Guard for reasons you'll find out. Since there was a lot of stuff last time, do you want to look through Shi and Celadon's houses again?

Yes, more evidence!


No, someone might see us.


If you do another search, then whose house do you go through?

Event 3:

You're looking for a rare plant that's known to need a lot of nutrients to grow properly, as it's needed to help Sabre. Overhearing some Colorless Guards talking about the location of a smaller Bandit base in a mushroom biome, you go there to get the plant and some revenge, as it's clear their syndicate is behind this, and you know that the mushroom biome is where the plant grows, as the mushrooms usually give it what it needs.

Once inside the base, you find the plant in a grow area with some supplies next to it. How do you harvest the plant? (There is only one right answer)

Uproot it


Use bonemeal


Cut the flower


Event 4:

You come across two of the Bandit Generals talking in the base on your way out; Noir and Raven. Raven seems to be scolding Noir for something, which starts an argument. During it, Noir puts his glass containing a red liquid down on a table, and then they take the argument to another room, the glass being forgotten.

...Anyone wanna try it?


Hey real quick; any of you ever heard of the assassin's teapot? :>

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