Blobs' Revenge =)

You're all violent goobers, so people that are sensitive to injury/violence be warned, because good Lord above y'all are BRUTAL.

The violent parts will have these lines to separate them, so you guys can still read the chapter and avoid it in case you're uncomfortable:


Alright, bandit murder time >:)



The air was still and quiet. The moon and stars were covered by clouds, making the land below shrouded in shadows. The cover of night was perfect for their plan.

The bandit base, having been raided that day, was already in disarray. The few aware bandits left were packing up a single cart with supplies, mostly potions and some ciphered books and notes that were hidden from the Guard before they broke the defenses. Xanadu stands next to the cart with the newly promoted Violet Cadet at his side, watching as his underlings make the final preparations for his trip.

"I want you on your best behavior while I'm visiting the other Generals, Cadet." Xanadu says, his cold voice the only one among the bandits.

The Violet Cadet only nods, a slight hint of fear in his eyes. Glancing at the bandages peeking from under his sleeve... his official assimilation into the bandit syndicate wasn't at all what he expected. It was... eerie, sinister even. Like things weren't as he believed them to be.

The bandits loading the cart all salute at Xanadu, having finished their work. Xanadu orders them to go back into the base and salvage what they can, already turning to enter the coach of the horse-drawn cart. Being motioned to do so, the Violet Cadet follows him.

With the crack of a whip, the cart begins to move forward into the forest, leaving the base behind.


Little, familiar shapes hopped quickly through the woods. The blobs could not simply just let this go; there had to be consequences.

After all, nobody causes harm to the Sky Father and lives to tell the tale.

...That, and the more level-headed and responsible blobs had been outvoted. Base raid revenge it is.

The creatures approach the clearing where the cave entrance is, carved into the side of the mountain like a wound. They can see dim, almost burned out torches inside leading deeper into the cavern, and right to the base. All of the bandits left had already gone back inside. The blobs turn to each other to at least try to form a plan instead of just barging in.

"We could probably get into the door either using some of the stuff we brought, or just finding the lever." A little cream-colored cat blob says, being held by their purple-eyed entirely black sibling.

"Stuff like explosives!" Moth says, excitedly holding up what looks to be a firecracker from earlier, but there's a lot more gunpowder inside.

"Mothy, chill on the explosions for a minute, okay?" An alien blob with a yellow sweater sighs. "Wait until after we get inside. Then you and all of you other destructo-maniac blobs can blow stuff up."

A few blobs huff and put away the explosives they had been carrying.

"Wait, Ranger, what if Mama Hen wakes up and sees we're not there?" An inky blob asks.

"We'll be fiiine!" Squirrel says, suddenly appearing in the conversation circle, her two siblings following behind her. "He won't wake up; he might be an insomniac, but he's no light sleeper either."

"Besides... I may have had Mountain move his sleeping spot to Sabre." The alien blob, Ranger, answers. "Even if he does wake up, he's not going anywhere; he'd never wake one of us up, especially Mountain."

Other blobs nod in agreement, knowing how their big brother Mountain is about his sleep.

"So are we making a plan or not?" Samael asks, seeming bored. "Because imma just run in and start fighting if you don't make up your mind."

"Sammy, chill." Ranger says. "Yes, we are. We'll go in three main groups to get in and you guys can branch off after we're inside; One third, Group A, goes through the front, Group B goes through the basement entrance that Stix saw when scouting (thanks for that by the way),"

A blue-sweatered blob smiles proudly.

"And the last third will break the windows. If you didn't bring a weapon, find one in the area real quick or grab some glass once Group C breaks the windows. Careful not to injure yourself, though."

A few blobs scramble around to find something to attack with, then gather around with the rest of the group, all beginning to converse as the scouting blobs take one last look around just in case.

"Kazie, why do you have rocks and a shovel?"


"Pinecones aren't weapons, what are those gonna do, stub their toes?"

"They can be! I can take off the little bits a few at a time and spit them out at the bandits like a living peashooter."

"That's... not gonna work."

"Watch me."

"It's hilarious how most of us brought knives-"

"Knives are versatile, fast, easily portable, and can be just as good as a sword with enough effort. They're even easier to handle than a sword, they're basically the perfect raid weapon!"

"True, but I'm still gonna use my ninja stars."

"🎶Bandits are gonna die~! Bandits are gonna die~!🎶"

"Whisper, not so loud, you're gonna draw attention to us."


"Alright, everyone ready?" Ranger calls out, holding a little hammer, a few other older blobs gathered around holding their own weapons.

All of the surrounding blobs smile menacingly and nod, excited.

"Okay everyone, charge!" She yells.

Bandits begin to panic as blobs erupt from the forest and begin to swarm the base.


Deep in the forest, a horse-drawn cart slowly moves along a dirt path. The Violet Cadet walks beside it, one other bandit on the opposite side, while two other bandits and Xanadu are sitting inside the cart.

A small creature watched close behind, hidden in the trees. A blob with black hair and jacket, two bright red eyes watching as the cart ahead moved along. Deciding it's far enough, the blob hops forward through a few branches to keep up with the cart.

However, as they were tree hopping, they landed on a weak branch. The small branch snapped, the blob falling with it, hitting the ground with a 'thump'. The bandits around and in the cart turned their heads towards the noise.

"What was that?" Xanadu said, staring at the spot where the sound came from.

"Don't know, sir, didn't see what happened." The bandit on the cart's left answered.

Xanadu mumbles for a second, then turns to the Violet Cadet.

"Cadet, go check it out." Xanadu orders.

"Yes sir." The Cadet replied, already walking towards the source of the noise, albeit nervously.

The blob, hoping to not be seen, stayed still on the forest floor as the Cadet approached. They had landed in the tall grass, so they hoped that it would cover them.

However, after kneeling down and searching through the foliage, the Violet Cadet spotted the blob. He stared at the small creature for a moment, then scooted forward, out of sight and earshot of the other bandits.

The blob flinched as the Cadet scooped it up into his hands, and braced themselves for anything as they closed their eyes and waited...

...But nothing happened.

Confused, the blob opened its eyes to see the Cadet just staring at them, his expression worried and sympathetic.

"What are you doing all the way out here...?" The Cadet whispered, glancing around.

"Hey, what's taking so long?!" A bandit suddenly shouts, making the Violet Cadet flinch.

"I'm sorry." The Violet Cadet whispers, quickly placing the blob in a group of tall grass, moving a few blades to cover the creature. "You should go back to your family. It's not safe."

The Violet Cadet quickly got back up and walked back into the view of the other bandits, and returned to the cart.

"I didn't see anything, probably just a pinecone." The Violet Cadet says.

"Hm... alright." Xanadu says. He then turns to the bandit driving the cart. "Continue on the path. The other Generals are expecting us, and you know how Pitch is about being late."

All of the bandits replied 'Yes sir' and the cart began to move again, the Cadet and other bandit once again walking beside it.

The Violet Cadet looked back for a second, seeing the blob cautiously peeking out of the grass, then continued on.

The blob waited until the cart was out of sight, then hurried headed back towards the group. Frightened by the close call and equally as confused, they decided to not push their luck.

The creature hopped away into the night, towards an escalating scene of chaos.


Screams and small explosions rung out into the air, everywhere inside the bandit base, almost like a war scene. The cause of grown men running away and screeching like banshees?

A few thousand small, excitedly rampaging little blobs. They're surprisingly violent.


As many blobs stole whatever looked valuable that wasn't nailed down, the few bandits that tried to stop them were quickly swarmed and pinned to the ground, numerous tiny weapons being stuck into their skin. As soon as a swarmed bandit stopped moving, the masses of blobs would find another target. One small blob was even scaring fleeing bandits back into the warzone, holding a small dagger with an eye skewered on it.

Bandits tried to run for the exits as bodies appeared at incredible speeds. Some bandits were in shock as they received deep cuts in seconds as a blob ran by, others were overpowered while in shock and fell faster than they could process it. As they fall, a small cat blob is already going to work on scratching every scratch able surface they can.

As puddles of blood began to pool and mix, the number of bandits left dwindled further and further. As the blobs advanced further into the base, only bodies were left behind, and most weren't even left in one piece. Fingers, hands, eyes, ankles, even entire limbs, bits were missing from most of the bandit corpses. Some were gone because a few blobs decided to scare other bandits with severed pieces, but most of the bodies were desecrated because of blobs that decided to have an unorthodox snack.

A familiar straw-hatted blob zoomed by, his eyes completely black and his face starting to drip with a dark ooze, his hoodied sister following close behind with the same odd features, and is carrying their masked little sibling. They avoided crashing into a certain blob with a yellow sweater as they ran.

"Don't go too crazy, there's still innocents!" Ranger yelled after the trio, making sure the small orange-haired blob behind her doesn't get trampled.

"Oh don't worry, we'll leave them alone and get them out when it gets dangerous!" Squirrel pauses to yell back, smiling a little oddly, then runs off.

"The base definitely won't still be standing by the end of the night, though!" Kath says, holding some TNT, as Moth stands nearby with a destructive glint in their eyes.

The small group dodges some orange and blue paint flying through the air, splattering on the floor, matching the splotches already on the walls.

"...Or unvandalized." Ranger mumbles, knowing her inky sibling's antics.

They surrounding blobs go back to causing chaos, while Ranger leads the very small blob through the uproar.

"Don't worry, they're not always like this Emily." Ranger says to the blob, who's now walking close beside her. "It's just a special occasion where we get to let loose a bit."

"Why aren't you joining in?" The orange-haired blob, Emily, asked quietly.

"Eh, not my thing. I'm kinda one of the few... voices of reason." Ranger replies, watching as more chaos unfolds.

She quickly covers Emily's eyes with her long tail as they pass by a room, where a blob with a blowtorch is smiling menacingly as they burn a bandit alive. Ranger uncovers her eyes as they pass by the doorway.

"You're still a bit young to see a burning corpse." Ranger explains.

They walk through more corridors, watching as many more blobs destroy, steal, or kill whatever's around them.

A blob crashes through a hole they made in the wall, matching many more around the base, and glances at a fellow blob stabbing a bandit profusely before hopping away to make more walls look like Swiss cheese.

Another blob is ripping the hair out of a bandit's scalp with just their little mouth, stabbing a sewing needle into the bandit's face while doing so. More blobs are stealing whatever they want from various rooms. One struggles to try to pick up an ornate vase way too big for them to carry, before becoming annoyed and simply shoving it off the table it was previously on.

Similarly, a blob is breaking whatever they can and shoving things off high places. They push a small but heavy box off a shelf and it clocks a bandit in the head, making him fall as the blob cornering him immediately jumps onto the unconscious bandit and stabs him with a crystal.

A familiar moth flies by as it sings a song about dismemberment, momentarily passing by another blob flying around a bandit, helping to knock the bandit down towards the swarm of blobs with knives around him. 


The two calmer blobs arrive in a more high-tech area of the base, having long been already cleaned out of all valuables, with a few other calmer but still destructive blobs dotted around. They arrive at a large computer system in a secluded room to the side, and Ranger smiles.

"There we are, that's what we're looking for." She says, climbing up to the keyboard quickly.

"What do you need from a computer?" Emily asks.

"Just some information, little one." Ranger says, typing some keywords. "Then I can let everyone go ham on destruction rather than holding back a little."

"They're- They're still holding back?" Emily says, surprised.

"Oh believe me, they can get crazier." Ranger sighs, looking through files. "You'll get to see it one day, just not tonight. You're still too young for this type of thing."

"Then why was I allowed to go?"

"Because Sammy snuck you in."

"Ohhhh... that's why he hid me in his hat."

"I think he thinks you're like a mini-him, hehe. Like with that fire."

"It was an accideeeent..."

Then, Ranger focused on the computer. Emily looked around and noticed a few blobs around. Three were stealing whatever they wanted, but two stood out; One was happily munching on computer and tech parts (somehow), while the other was frustrated trying to solve a random Rubix cube they found. Emily blinks for one second, and the raccoon-like blob suddenly no longer had the cube in its grasp and was eating it.

"Aha! Found it!" Ranger exclaims happily.

"Um, should they be eating those...?" Emily asks.

Ranger glances at the other blobs for a moment, and chuckles.

"A lot of us eat things that normal creatures aren't supposed to. Guessing nobody's told you about the Multiple Acids Incident?"

"No, I haven't."


A map appears on the computer screen, and Ranger stares at it for a while, occasionally seeming interested in a few locations. As soon as she seems satisfied, Ranger suddenly picks up the keyboard and throws it as the screen, breaking it.

"Why'd you do that?!" Emily exclaims.

"I memorized points of interest, so now I'm destroying the bandits' information." Ranger shrugs. "Well, I can leave one of our buddies here to that, actually."

The blob that was eating tech earlier excitedly jumps to the broken computer as Ranger and Emily hop away. They begin back through the way they came, except a bit faster.

"Now c'mon Emily, we gotta get outta here." Ranger says.

"Why?" Emily asks, noticing a lot of smoke.

"Because now that the innocents are out of the base and safe, nobody's holding back!" Ranger laughs, then picks up Emily and hops quickly to the outside.

The two made it to a group of blobs, who are already done with mischief making and ready to go home, tired out. Most are younger blobs, not being entirely used to high-energy chaos yet. Other are more level-headed, and know to leave the masters to their craft.

After a quick head count and making sure the more chaotic blobs were left with at least a few more responsible blobs to supervise, the calmer and tired blobs go to head home.

However, the true chaos has only begun. Blobs are already gathering lighters, torches, and any other firestarters. Explosives are already set, and some are being added as final touches for good measure. The uproarious and excited squeaking grows as the large group of creatures stepped, back a bit, let loose a few sparks, and...

The explosion. Was. Glorious.

Blooms of red and yellow mixing to make a striking orange fade erupted into the sky, making the mountain base look like a volcano. The loud 'boom' shook the ground, the air, the very bones of the living creatures around it. The mountain began to cave in on itself. Birds, deer, and other woodland animals around quickly fled the scene. Soot and ash soon flew from the epicenter, splashing everything in a light grey. Blobs had some ashen faces in the following seconds, the particle debris spreading across the ground.

In mere moments, it was over. The base was no more; all that was left was rocky rubble surrounded by ash. The fires ensuing from the explosion were suffocated by the falling rock, preventing it from spreading. The surrounding vegetated area was somehow left untouched by the destruction. It was beautiful, like a fresh slate created from the fall of a tainted environment, surrounded by life and peaceful nighttime ambience.

The blobs all cheered excitedly, happy to see the downfall of such an awful place. Some were already rushing to replace the rubble with their own new additions.

One blob began to plant a wheat field, the ash from the destruction nutrient-rich and helping the hard soil become able to sustain plants. Seeds were spread happily as, somehow, sprouts were already growing. After running out of wheat seeds, the blob began planting flowers.

Another blob, a familiar black-and-white one, has already dug a long tunnel below where the base used to be. They began dragging odd items into the tunnel, presumably into a base, but never let other blobs see what was inside the tunnel. Although, some looked like pictures, and a few blobs could've sworn they saw a few bags the blob was bringing into the tunnel move...

A different blob finds a small, empty room that survived the explosion, and starts bringing books in. Placing them in the shelves, the blob decides where they want some comfy rugs and cushions to go as more ideas for decor pop into their head.

Further into the night, blobs have fun and make new things out of the debris. Once everyone's has their fun and used their energy, they all make sure to hide their new little spots well and head back home.


In the very early hours of the morning, blobs were snuggling into spots to go to sleep. Finally, they were no longer restless.

Many cuddled up to each other or the Sky Dad, who remained sound asleep through everything. Bigger blobs acted as pillows for the smaller, older blobs providing comfort for the younger after some were upset by the events of the night.

Not all of the blobs had snuck out to bring down revenge, of course; some stayed behind, preferring to stay cozy than cause chaos. The ones that stayed made sure that the ones that went out didn't have any trace of what they had done on them.

As blobs settled in for the night, everything became calm again. It was as if nothing every happened, the only sound being the soft, quiet little noises of sleeping blobs.

They were all around Sabre's room, obviously. Many stayed near their parental figure, mostly wanting to make sure he was safe. Blobs gravitated sources of warmth as they slept, such as each other, lanterns, whatever was near and warm. One blob placed a small plate of cookies on the nightstand. The room was enveloped in a sense of comfort.

Some blobs have even managed to make their way into Time's room, Time knowing better than trying (and failing) to keep them out. In similar spots, blobs were sleeping, although the room wasn't nearly as crowded. Somehow, Time wasn't awakened when a blob fell asleep on his face. Just like in the other room, a blob placed cookies on the nightstand, then curled up next to a dimly lit lantern next to where they put the cookies.

The house was silent, peaceful, and gave a welcoming solace to all who was inside.

...However, little did they know, as the blobs slept... they began to change.


Sorry for the long wait everyone! Motivation has a mind of its own ;v;

Anyway, it's finally time: Powers! Powers have some simple rules.

1. You can only have one. Sorry! You can form a duo, trio, or group with blobs that have similar power though, like a little defense group :>

2. Your power can't be too OP. Logic behind that is that small blob bodies can't handle anything too powerful, it'd be like giving a hamster infinite wisdom; they can't handle it. Those of you that have been deciding on/have decided your powers have a good idea of good limitations of powers!

Aaand remember; if you have a good loophole, I'm open to hear it  because they're fun :>

Still though, nobody can have anything close to a 'human' form. I have special plans for a different form (far in the future but- yeah), and it just wouldn't make sense.

Here's some examples in case you're having trouble coming up with one:

- Flight (if you don't already have wings)

- Antigravity

- Water Breathing (if your blob isn't already aquatic)

- Teleportation

- Transmutation (turning one thing into another thing)

- Mind Reading (this one is limited, because if it wasn't, it'd be too OP lol) 

And here are your events of the chapter!

Event 1: 

The blobs are just discovering their powers! Sabre and Time are very concerned lol- How does your blob discover they've developed powers overnight?

Event 2:

After some commotion in the village, Light comes to check on what's happening to make sure it's nothing bad... aaaand his explanation about the potion vats will make Sabre stop panicking. Anyway, does someone want to mess with the snowball? :3


Event 3:

The blobs are playing with their new powers, when Gerald suddenly appears! What do you do? Other than giving him golden carrots lol, that's a given.

Thanks for reading, and see you next chapter! ^v^

It's about 3AM at the time of finishing this, so Imma go pass out lol-

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