X 🎀 Daphne Goes to Hell

chapter X

🌷 Returning to the underworld after escaping death wasn't a smart idea. But then again, Daphne had already died, so she couldn't have been too smart in the first place.

As they were walking, Percy pulled her aside and apologized to her. The plan was originally to find a way to get her safely to camp before they made their way into the Underworld, but they'd missed 5 days from the lotus casino.

"It's okay, Percy, really." she smiled a little forcedly at him. "I can handle it."

He blinked at her. "When did you do that to your hair?"

Daphne looked down at where he was pointing at Aphrodite's little gift. Her plait was still in her hair, but it was starting to become a little untangled. The blue ribbon was a little dirty, but no less loose.

"Oh... just in the hotel." Daphne didn't want to tell them about her meeting with Aphrodite. It was too confusing, too hard to explain, and she didn't want her friends to be distracted when they were literally supposed to be focused on making it through hell and back. "Don't worry about it."

Aphrodite's melodic voice rang in her head like a siren. Try to enjoy life while you still can.

Was that what she meant? That she should enjoy her time in the Lotus Casino because it would ultimately lead to her having to return to the underworld?

But surely she was just panicking. If Hades wanted to kill her and reclaim her soul where it should be, he would've done it already. He was a God.

But...hadn't he already tried? The hellhounds, the monsters which kept chasing them. She was sure that if the Furies weren't still healing from fighting Percy and Annabeth, they'd be chasing them right now.

"Besides," she added. "I gatecrashed your quest and stole your money. I feel like it'd be cheating if I left you guys now, right?"

Percy grinned at her. "We'll get you back to camp after. I promise."

And call her crazy, but she believed him.

"Would you be willing to bet a jellybean on it?" she teased.

"I'll bet two jellybeans. Just upping the stakes."

They made it to their final destination, thankfully managing to avoid any more stretching monsters or muggers. As they walked, Daphne noticed that she was taller than Percy and grinned to herself.

He noticed and rose his eyebrow. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing," she lied. "It's just funny. I come back to life and my first move is to visit the land of the dead. Anyone would think I forgot my purse, or something."

They stood in the shadows of Valencia Boulevard, looking up at gold letters etched in black marble: DOA RECORDING STUDIOS.

(Underneath, stenciled on the glass doors: NO SOLICITORS. NO LOITERING. NO LIVING.)

It was almost midnight, but the lobby was brightly lit and full of people. Behind the security desk sat a tough-looking guard with sunglasses and an earpiece.

Percy turned to the rest of them, a determined look in his eye. For the first time since she'd joined them, Daphne noticed that Annabeth had stopped surging forward to take the lead. "Okay. You remember the plan?"

"The plan," Grover gulped. "Yeah. I love the plan."

"What happens if the plan doesn't work?" Annabeth murmured, obviously not as trusting of him as Daphne assumed she was.

"Don't think negative."

"Right," she said. "We're entering the Land of the Dead, and I shouldn't think negative."

He took the pearls out of his pocket, the four milky spheres the Nereid had given him in Santa Monica. They didn't seem like much of a backup in case something went wrong, and it was as though he was just realising it.

Annabeth realised her mistake and bit her tongue in frustration. "Sorry, Percy, I - I didn't mean it like that."

Daphne put her hand on his shoulder. "Hey, everything's going to be okay. We trust you, and I don't know about you guys, but I'm staying so positive."

She gave Grover a nudge.

"Oh, right!" he chimed in. "We got this far. We'll find the master bolt and save your mom. No problem."

"And your mom," Daphne added, though she had no idea what she had to do with any of this. "We'll bring her home, safe and sound."

"No matter what." Annabeth added.

He looked at them, gratefulness gracing over his young features. Only a few minutes before, he'd almost gotten them stretched to death on deluxe water beds, and now they were trying to be brave for his sake, trying to make him feel better.

Percy slipped the pearls back in his pocket. "Let's whup some Underworld butt."

They walked inside the DOA lobby. Muzak played softly on hidden speakers. The carpet and walls were steel gray. Pencil cactuses grew in the corners like skeleton hands. The furniture was black leather, and every seat was taken. There were people sitting on couches, people standing up, people staring out the windows or waiting for the elevator. Nobody moved, or talked, or did much of anything.

Out of the corner of Daphne's eye, she could see them all just fine, but if she tried to focus on any one of them in particular, they started looking ... transparent. She could see right through their bodies.

She started a tally in her head:

Reasons I am not dead:
1. Can't see through me
2. I am breathing

Reasons I am dead:
1. Monster killed me

She thought it was going as well as it could so far, really. What more could you ask for?

The security guard's desk was a raised podium, so they all had to crane their necks to look up at him. He was tall and elegant, with chocolate-colored skin and bleached-blond hair shaved military style. He wore tortoiseshell shades and a silk Italian suit that matched his hair. A black rose was pinned to his lapel under a silver name tag.

Percy squinted to read it and then looked at him in bewilderment. "Your name is Chiron?"

The security guards gaze snapped towards him as he leaned across the desk. Daphne couldn't see anything in his glasses except her own reflection (she started brushing down her hair self-consciously), but his smile was sweet and cold, like a pythons, right before it eats you.

"What a precious young lad." He had a strange accent-British, maybe, but also as if he had learned English as a second language. "Tell me, mate, do I look like a centaur?"


"Sir," he added smoothly.

"Sir," Percy repeated.

He pinched the name tag and ran his finger under the letters. "Can you read this, mate? It says C-H-A-R-O-N. Say it with me: CARE-ON."

"Charon." Grover, Annabeth and Daphne repeated it too, just because it seemed like the right thing to do.

"Amazing! Now: Mr. Charon."

"Mr. Charon," they repeated.

"Well done." He sat back. "I hate being confused with that old horse-man. And now, how may I help you little dead ones?"

By the look of his face, his reply caught in his throat like a peanut. He looked back at them for support, and Annabeth took the lead again.

"We want to go the Underworld," she said firmly.

Charon's mouth twitched. "Well, that's refreshing."

Oh no. "It is?" Daphne asked, her stomach filling with dread.

"Straightforward and honest. No screaming. No 'There must be a mistake, Mr. Charon.'" He looked us over. "How did you die, then?"

Percy nudged Grover.

"Oh," he said. "Um ... drowned ... in the bathtub."

"All four of you?" Charon asked.

They nodded.

"Big bathtub." Charon looked mildly impressed.

"Well, more of a hot tub, really," Daphne said nervously. They'd all agreed that she would speak as little as possible in case anybody remembered her, but it didn't seem like anybody was paying any attention to them anyway. Daphne couldn't stay out in the night alone waiting for them to return, and they had no mortal money for transport back to camp.

"I don't suppose you have coins for passage. Normally, with adults, you see, I could charge your American Express, or add the ferry price to your last cable bill. But with children ... alas, you never die prepared. Suppose you'll have to take a seat for a few centuries."

"Oh, but we have coins." Percy said eagerly, setting three golden drachmas on the counter.

"Well, now ..." Charon moistened his lips. "Real drachmas. Real golden drachmas. I haven't seen these in ..."

His fingers hovered greedily over the coins.

We're so close, Daphne pleaded with herself. Just...grab the coins.

Then Charon looked at Percy. That cold stare behind his glasses seemed to burn a hole through his chest.

"Here now," he said. "You couldn't read my name correctly. Are you dyslexic, lad?"

"No," he kept quite an even tone for somebody who had the world in his hands. "I'm dead."

Charon leaned forward and took a sniff. "You're not dead. I should've known. You're a godling."

Busted. What did they do now? Daphne was readying herself to start crying and pleading and begging for forgiveness. She was sure the tears would come easily.

"We have to get to the Underworld," Percy insisted instead, and Daphne started nodding feverishly behind him.

Charon made a growling sound deep in his throat.
Immediately, all the people in the waiting room got up and started pacing, agitated, lighting cigarettes, running hands through their hair, or checking their wristwatches. Their sudden mobility shook Daphne as she felt the sudden urge to follow in their direction.

"Leave while you can," Charon snarled at them. "I'll just take these and forget I saw you."

He started to go for the coins, but Percy was quicker and snatched them back.

"No service, no tip." his brave front was somewhat ruined by the waver in his voice, but it was a lot better than what the rest of them would've been able to muster. Grover was chewing on his sleeve and Daphne was picking at her nails.

Charon growled again-a deep, blood-chilling sound. The spirits of the dead started pounding on the elevator doors and Annabeth grabbed onto Daphnes shoulders to stop her from jumping. Grover's lip quivered.

"It's a shame, too," Percy sighed, and Daphne knew he had something up his sleeve. "We had more to offer."

He held up the entire bag he must've found from Crusty's stash, taking out a fistful of drachmas and letting the coins spill through his fingers.

Charon's growl changed into something more like a lion's purr. "Do you think I can be bought, godling? Eh ... just out of curiosity, how much have you got there?"

"A lot," Percy sung. "I bet Hades doesn't pay you well enough for such hard work."

"Oh, you don't know the half of it. How would you like to babysit these spirits all day? Always 'Please don't let me be dead' or 'Please let me across for free.' I haven't had a pay raise in three thousand years. Do you imagine suits like this come cheap?"

"You deserve better," he agreed. "A little appreciation. Respect. Good pay."

With each word, Percy stacked another gold coin on the counter.

He's good, Daphne admitted. Like he watched a thousand mob and mafia movies to prepare.

Charon glanced down at his silk Italian jacket, as if imagining himself in something even better. "I must say, lad, you're making some sense now. Just a little."

Percy stacked another few coins. "I could mention a pay raise while I'm talking to Hades."

He sighed, glancing around the room like he was checking if his manager was around to scold him. "The boat's almost full, anyway. I might as well add you four and be off."

Score! They were gonna die!

Oh. Really, she was more excited about the getting on with her quest part, not really the death one.

He stood, scooped up the money and said, "Come along."

They pushed through the crowd of waiting spirits who started grabbing at their clothes like the wind, their voices whispering things Daphne couldn't quite make out. She wasn't sure that she wanted to, considering their whimpering and pleading eyes. She felt guilty striding right in when they could be waiting aeons. Charon shoved them out of the way, grumbling, "Freeloaders."

He escorted them into the elevator which was already crowded with souls of the dead, each one holding a green boarding pass. Charon grabbed three spirits who were trying to get on with them and pushed them back into the lobby.

"Right. Now, no one get any ideas while I'm gone," he announced to the waiting room. "And if anyone moves the dial off my easy-listening station again, I'll make sure you're here for another thousand years. Understand?"

He shut the doors without bothering to wait for an answer. He put a key card into a slot in the elevator panel and we started to descend.

Annabeth couldn't help it. She had such a thirst for knowledge, Daphne was sure she couldn't handle not knowing something. "What happens to the spirits waiting in the lobby?" Annabeth burst.

"Nothing," Charon said simply.

Daphne chewed on her lip. "For how long?"

"Forever, or until I'm feeling generous."

Maybe that was how Daphne escaped death. She was waiting in purgatory for so long that her soul became a wisp of smoke, whisked back to her body when the stone started to crack under the pressure of the vines.

"Oh," Annabeth said. "That's ... fair."

Charon raised an eyebrow. "Whoever said death was fair, young miss? Wait until it's your turn. You'll die soon enough, where you're going."

Aphrodite's words sung in her head again. Try to enjoy life while you still can.

"We'll get out alive," Percy said. He didn't insist it as though it was a statement he had to prove; he said it simply, like it was just a fact.


Daphne suddenly felt dizzy as the elevator changed course - they weren't just going down now, but forward. The air was starting to cling to their living bodies, heavy with heat which almost burned. The air turned misty and Daphne saw the floor start to curl with a thick grey fog.

The spirits around her started changing shape. Their modern clothes flickered, turning into gray hooded robes. Daphne looked down at herself to check that she was still the same: yep. She looked up hurriedly before Charon noticed her anxiety, biting the skin near her nails. The floor of the elevator began swaying, and some of the fog must've swirled into her eyes because she blinked hard.

When she opened her eyes again, Charon's creamy Italian suit had been replaced by a long black robe. His tortoiseshell glasses were gone and where his eyes should've been were empty sockets like Ares's eyes, except Charon's were totally dark, full of night and death and despair.

He saw Daphne staring and said, "Well?"

"Nothing," she managed, but she felt like she was going to cry.

She thought he was grinning at her, but that wasn't it. The flesh of his face was becoming transparent, letting her see straight through to his skull.

The floor kept swaying.

Grover trembled, "I think I'm getting seasick."

More of the fog seemed to seep into her eyes. She blinked again, and the elevator wasn't an elevator anymore. They were standing in a wooden barge, Charon poling them across a dark, oily river, swirling with bones, dead fish, and other, stranger things-plastic dolls, crushed carnations, soggy diplomas with gilt edges. Strangest of all, she saw a lone dandelion, wilted as the river carried it along. It didn't look like it belonged on the sea of man made materials.

"The River Styx," Annabeth murmured. "It's so ..."

"Polluted," Charon finished. "For thousands of years, you humans have been throwing in everything as you come across-hopes, dreams, wishes that never came true. Irresponsible waste management, if you ask me."

Mist curled off the filthy water. Above them, almost lost in the gloom, was a ceiling of stalactites. Ahead, the far shore glimmered with greenish light, the color of poison.

Panic was creeping up her throat. What was she doing here? These people around her... they were dead, and she could've very well been the same. She was like a foolish bunny, evading the capture of the wolves and still returning to the same field at nighttime to spring along the dandelions.

Daphne swallowed harshly. The reason she hadn't felt like she was being hunted down here was because she wasn't. She had willingly wandered into the lions den, but she wasn't being hunted, she was caught. She was prey.

Daphne hadn't noticed her hands were shaking until Percy took one in his. Under normal circumstances she knew this would've embarrassed her, but she understood how he felt. He just wanted reassurance that somebody else was alive on this boat.

The shoreline of the Underworld came into view. Craggy rocks and black volcanic sand stretched inland about a hundred yards to the base of a high stone wall, which marched off in either direction as far as they could see. A sound came from somewhere nearby in the green gloom, echoing off the stones-the howl of a large animal.

"Old Three-Face is hungry," Charon hummed. His smile turned skeletal in the greenish light. "Bad luck for you, godlings."

The bottom of their boat slid onto the black sand. The dead began to disembark. A woman holding a little girl's hand. An old man and an old woman hobbling along arm in arm. A boy no older than she was, shuffling silently along in his gray robe. Daphne followed them, her heart beating heavily.

Charon said, "I'd wish you luck, mate, but there isn't any down here. Mind you, don't forget to mention my pay raise."

He counted their golden coins into his pouch, then took up his pole. He warbled something that sounded like a Barry Manilow song as he ferried the empty barge back across the river.

They followed the spirits up a well-worn path, as though it had been trudged over billions of times before. Daphne mourned for it, the pain of having to watch all sorts of hopeless and dead people pass with no way to move or help. And then she realised she was feeling sad over a pathway, so she quickly shook herself out of it.

There were three separate entrances under one huge black archway that said YOU ARE NOW ENTERING EREBUS. Each entrance had a pass-through metal detector with security cameras mounted on top. Beyond this were tollbooths manned by black-robed ghouls like Charon.

The howling of the hungry animal was really loud now, and though Daphne couldn't see where it was coming from, her heart ached for the creature. The three-headed dog, Cerberus, who was supposed to guard Hades's door, was nowhere to be seen.

The dead queued up in the three lines, two marked ATTENDANT ON DUTY, and one marked EZ DEATH. The EZ DEATH line was moving right along. The other two were crawling. Daphne was reminded of the dystopian pictures she'd seen from Disneyland.

"What do you figure?" Percy asked Annabeth.

"The fast line must go straight to the Asphodel Fields," she deducted. No contest. They don't want to risk judgment from the court, because it might go against them."

"There's a court for dead people?" Daphne blinked.

"Yeah. Three judges. They switch around who sits on the bench. King Minos, Thomas Jefferson, Shakespeare - people like that. Sometimes they look at a life and decide that person needs a special reward-the Fields of Elysium. Sometimes they decide on punishment. But most people, well, they just lived. Nothing special, good or bad. So they go to the Asphodel Fields."

"And do what?"

Grover piped up, "Imagine standing in a wheat field in Kansas. Forever."

"Harsh," Percy winced.

"Not as harsh as that," Grover muttered. "Look."

A couple of black-robbed ghouls had pulled aside one spirit and were frisking him at the security desk. The face of the dead man looked vaguely familiar.

"He's that preacher who made the news, remember?" Grover asked.

Daphne didn't remember at all. His whole scandal must've happened while she was de...frozen. She didn't want to refer to herself as the d-word down here.

"What're they doing to him?" Daphne asked cluelessly.

"Special punishment from Hades," Grover guessed. "The really bad people get his personal attention as soon as they arrive. The Fur-the Kindly Ones will set up an eternal torture for him."

The thought of the Furies made her shudder. She realised that they were in their home territory now. Alecto would be licking her lips with anticipation. The last time Daphne had seen her, she was chasing her and Thalia with a horrible glimmer in her eyes.

"But if he's a preacher," Percy started, "and he believes in a different hell..."

Grover shrugged. "Who says he's seeing this place the way we're seeing it? Humans see what they want to see. You're very stubborn-er, persistent, that way."

They got closer to the gates. The howling was so loud now it shook the ground at her feet, but Daphne still couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Then, about fifty feet in front of them, the green mist shimmered. Standing just where the path split into three lanes was an enormous shadowy monster.

Daphne hadn't seen it before because it was half transparent like the dead surrounding them. Until it moved, it blended with whatever was behind it. Only its eyes and teeth looked solid. And it was staring straight at her.

Daphne froze as Percy's jaw hung open. All he could think to say was, "He's a Rottweiler."

Cerberus twice the size of a woolly mammoth, mostly invisible, and had three heads. There was hardly anything else to say about him: the heads drew most of the attention. Each one had an assortment of sharp canines, drool hanging from their mouths.

The dead walked right up to him-no fear at all. The ATTENDANT ON DUTY lines parted on either side of him. The EZ DEATH spirits walked right between his front paws and under his belly, which they could do without even crouching.

"I'm starting to see him better," Percy muttered. "Why is that?"

"I think ..." Annabeth moistened her lips. "I'm afraid it's because we're getting closer to being dead."

Daphne gulped. "N-no, that's probably not it. Maybe we're just getting used to it down here."

The dog's middle head craned toward them and they froze. It sniffed the air and growled.

"It can smell the living," Percy realised.

"But that's okay," Grover said, trembling next to her. "Because we have a plan."

"Right," Annabeth said. Daphne had never heard her voice sound quite so small. "A plan." They moved toward the monster.

The middle head snarled at them, then barked so loud my eyeballs rattled.

"Can you understand him?" Daphne whispered to Grover.

"Oh yeah," he nodded. "Yeah, I can understand it."

"What's he saying?"

"I don't think humans have a four-letter word that translates, exactly."

Daphne bit back a comment which sounded like, well that really helps, thank you.

Percy took the big stick out of the backpack - a bedpost he'd broken off Crusty's Safari Deluxe floor model. He walked closer to Cerberus slowly, holding it up and trying to channel happy dog thoughts toward Cerberus - Alpo commercials, cute little puppies, fire hydrants. He tried to smile like he wasn't about to die.

"Hey, Big Fella," he called up. "I bet they don't play with you much."


"Good boy," he said weakly.

Percy waved the stick, the dog's middle head following the movement. The other two heads trained their eyes on him, completely ignoring the spirits. He had Cerberus's undivided attention. Daphne wasn't sure that was a good thing.

"Fetch!" he threw the stick into the gloom, a good solid throw. Daphne heard it go ker-sploosh in the River Styx.

Cerberus glared at him, unimpressed. His eyes were baleful and cold.

So much for the plan. Cerberus was now making a new kind of growl, deeper down in his three throats.

"Um," Grover said. "Percy?"


"I just thought you'd want to know."


"Cerberus? He's saying we've got ten seconds to pray to the god of our choice. After that... well ... he's hungry."

"Wait!" Annabeth realised. She thrust her bag into Daphne's arms and started rifling through her pack.

Uh-oh, she thought.

"Five seconds," Grover danced on his hooves. "Do we run now? Please?

Before Grover could say anything more about running away, Annabeth triumphantly produced a red rubber ball the size of a grapefruit, holding it up as though it was a medal. It was labeled WATERLAND, DENVER, CO. Daphne grinned, she wasn't the only one who had taken a souvenir. Her hook-a-duck was still in her coat pocket which she'd slipped on earlier, trying to avoid the cold of the underworld.

Annabeth raised the ball and marched straight up to Cerberus. She shouted, "See the ball? You want the ball, Cerberus? Sit!"

Cerberus looked as stunned as the rest of them were.

All three of his heads cocked sideways. Six nostrils dilated.

"Sit!" Annabeth called again.

Daphne started thinking through what sort of flowers would look good on Annabeth's coffin, sure that she was about to become a dog biscuit. But instead, Cerberus licked his three sets of lips, shifted on his haunches, and sat, immediately, crushing a dozen spirits who'd been passing underneath him in the EZ DEATH line. The spirits made muffled hisses as they dissipated, like the air let out of tires.

Annabeth beamed at him. "Good boy!"

She threw Cerberus the ball.

He caught it in his middle mouth. It was barely big enough for him to chew, and the other heads started snapping at the middle, trying to get the new toy.

"Drop it.'" Annabeth ordered.

Cerberus's heads stopped fighting and looked at her. The ball was wedged between two of his teeth like a tiny piece of gum. He made a loud, scary whimper, then dropped the ball, now slimy and bitten nearly in half, at Annabeth's feet.

"Wow," Daphne marvelled. You didn't see something like this every day.

"Good boy." She picked up the ball, ignoring the monster spit all over it. She turned toward us. "Go now. EZ DEATH line-it's faster."

"But-" Daphne started.

"Now!" She ordered in the same tone she was using on the dog.

Percy, Daphne and Grover complied like thoughtless puppies. They inched forward warily.

Cerberus started to growl.

"Stay!" Annabeth ordered the monster. "If you want the ball, stay!"

Cerberus whimpered, but he stayed where he was.

"What about you?" Daphne asked Annabeth with worry as they passed her.

"I know what I'm doing, Daffy," she muttered. "At least, I'm pretty sure... ."

They walked between the monster's legs.

Please, Annabeth, Daphne prayed. Don't tell him to sit again.

They made it through. Cerberus wasn't any less scary-looking from the back.

Annabeth beamed. "Good dog!"

She held up the tattered red ball, and probably came to the same conclusion Daphne did - if she rewarded
Cerberus, there'd be nothing left for another trick. She threw the ball anyway. The monster's left mouth immediately snatched it up, only to be attacked by the middle head, while the right head moaned in protest.

While the monster was distracted, Annabeth walked briskly under its belly and joined the rest of them at the metal detector.

"How did you do that?" Percy asked her, amazed.

"Obedience school," she said breathlessly, and Daphne was surprised to see there were tears in her eyes. "When I was little, at my dad's house, we had a Doberman..."

"Never mind that," Grover interrupted, tugging at Percy's shirt. "Come on!"

They were about to bolt through the EZ DEATH line when Cerberus moaned pitifully from all three
mouths. Annabeth stopped.

She turned to face the dog, which had done a one-eighty to look at them. Cerberus panted expectantly, the tiny red ball in pieces in a puddle of drool at its feet.

Daphne felt her heart shatter just once more that day. Her hand found Annabeth's, giving it a squeeze for comfort.

"Good boy," Annabeth whispered, but her voice sounded melancholy and uncertain.

The monster's heads turned sideways, as if worried about her.

"I'll bring you another ball soon," Annabeth promised faintly. "Would you like that?"

The monster whimpered. Daphne didn't need to speak dog to know Cerberus was still waiting for the ball.

"Good dog. I'll come visit you soon. I-I promise." Annabeth turned to them. "Let's go."

Grover and Daphne went first, pushing through the metal detector which immediately screamed and set off flashing red lights. "Unauthorized possessions! Magic detected!"

Cerberus started to bark.

Oh no. Please, don't let all that be for nothing... Daphne implored. They burst through the EZ DEATH gate, which started even more alarms blaring, and raced into the Underworld.

A few minutes later they were hiding out of breath in the rotten trunk of an immense black tree as security ghouls scuttled past, yelling for backup from the Furies.

Grover murmured, "Well, Percy, what have we learned today?"

"That three-headed dogs prefer red rubber balls over sticks?"

"No," Grover told him with a grin. "We've learned that your plans really, really bite!"

Daphne wasn't sure about that. She thought maybe Annabeth and Percy had both had the right idea: even here in the Underworld, everybody - even monsters - needed a little attention once in a while.

Daphne wrapped an arm around Annabeth as she wiped a tear from her cheek, listening to the mournful keening of Cerberus in the distance, longing for his new friend. They rested their heads against each other and waited for the crowd to pass.

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ʚɞ okay, so I don't really understand how this chapter has the most words but we almost made 5k???? Damn.

WOW WHAT THIS STORY HAS 3K READS?? Ima start doing questions every chapter to get those comments up because you guys are super shy 😛

QOTD: Whos your favourite characger from any of Rick Riordans works BUT what is your least favourite thing about them??

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