Chapter 8: Anger and Fear

The five of them kept running until they were forced to stop at a large gorge.

"Oh no!" Connie cried.

"We're trapped." Dipper said.

"What do we do?" Steven asked.

"I don't understand normally all you have to do to take down a trial demon is to shoot him." Frida said. "Maybe I need to shoot him in a particular area."

"Like where?" Manny asked.

"I don't know."

They felt the ground shake as the large demon kept getting closer and closer to them. They had to act fast or it was game over for all of them.

"Looks like I'll have to just keep shooting til I hit the right spot." She reloaded her gun and ran up to the demon.

"Frida wait!" Steven called.

"Everyone stand back! I've got you now!"

She began shooting at it. The demon looked down at her and opened it's large jaw to speak.

"Miserable human! I'll squash you like a bug!" It said.

She made her aim but realized she was out of bullets. Before she could reload the demon struck her and sent her crashing into a stone.

"Frida!" Manny gasped in horror.

"Oh my God!" Connie cried.

She fell down on her back, her body lying completely motionless with her skin was starting to turn white and cold as blood began to stream down from her forehead. It looked like the stone had broken her skull and she had died instantly.

"Frida?" Manny asked while trembling. "Are you...Okay?"

No response. She just lied there, no movement, nothing, just like another woman he knew. Then suddenly his vision changed. He didn't see Frida lying there, he saw Analia. He saw her dying right in front of him again. Manny felt horror and rage boil inside of him, his fists were gripped, and his brown eyes turned flaming green.

"Oh no." Dipper said. "Everybody down."

He quickly ducked under some strong shelter.

"Brace yourselves." Steven said. He grabbed Connie and followed Dipper under the same shelter.

"For what?" Connie.

"AHHHHH!" Manny roared, green fire that matched his exploded from under him and surrounded his body. He grew larger and his teeth began to change in fangs. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! LOWEST OF THE LOW! YOU ARE SO BENEATH MY CONTEMPT YOU HAVE NOT EVEN A NAME! YOU DARE TOUCH MY LADY! YOU DARE HURT WHAT'S MINE!"

His voice wasn't human. He was changing into a devil. He lunged for the demon and began to tear him apart. The fire around him grew stronger and stronger, soon the entire area was on fire. Dipper, Steven, and Connie quickly went to higher ground to escape the flames. They watched in fascinated horror as Manny mercilessly attacked the demon while making sounds that couldn't possibly come from any normal creature.

"God almighty!" Connie cried. "What's happening?"

"He pissed him off! That's what's happening!" Dipper said.

"Manny's changing into an all powerful devil! It happens every time he loses his temper!" Steven explained. "Now he's unbelievably dangerous and out of control!"

"We need to get Frida's gun and shoot him!" Dipper said.

"But won't that kill him?" Connie asked.

"We'll have to take that risk! These fires will only spread and they'll incinerate anyone who touches them including us!"

"Can't we reason with him?"

"There's no reasoning with a devil's rage! They only know one thing and that's to kill!"

"Like werewolves when they lose control? Solomon told us that you almost killed him a few nights ago but he didn't kill you! Surely we can try to-"

"Connie even if he can be reasoned with how exactly are we supposed to reason with him?" Steven said. "Dipper and I have seen him like this and we've tried reason but he won't listen to us! He once broke both of Dipper's legs while in this state."

"Can't we just-"

The fires continued to grow higher and higher, Steven changed into a bat and flew over to grab Frida's discarded only to find it gone along with her body.

"Where did she go?"

The ground started to shake and more fire was growing and just when the entire area was about to be engulfed in flames when suddenly out of no where Frida ran up and grabbed Manny's waist.

"Come back Manny! I'm alright! I'm alright!" She cried.

Hearing her voice and feeling her touch, he calmed down and changed back. The flames quickly went out leaving behind burnt ashes. Frida grabbed her loaded gun and shot one of the demon's horns off. The demon screeched in agony, Steven changed into a vampire and tore out the demon's throat giving Connie a chance to plunge her sword into his chest ending his life.

"Is it dead?" Connie breathed.

"Yep it's dead." Steven said.

"Just calm down Manny." Frida said comforting him. "Everything's okay now, I'm right here. Just breathe okay? Just take a deep breath and calm down."

They could hear him breathing in and out as his rage began to subside.

"Is he going to be okay?" Connie said.

"Yeah but I'm a little confused." Steven said. "She calmed him down."

"No one has ever been able to do that." Dipper said. "I know I've tried and he broke my legs."

"Can one of you get him some water?" Frida said. "He's burning up real bad."

"I've got a canteen right here." Connie handed it to Frida.She took a handful of water and placed it on his face, it was so hot that steam came off of him. He had passed out from exhausting himself so hard. Steven and Dipper took him back to their tent while Frida and Connie went to sleep in there's.

"Oye and I thought you were heavy." Dipper said carrying Manny's body. "But this guy is like a stone."

They laid him in his sleeping bag. They decided to place some ice on him and take off his jacket so he could cool off better. When they did something fell out of the pocket of his jacket. It was a miniature picture frame. One of those that opened up, not exactly a locket because it was much bigger, rectangle shaped, and it couldn't be kept on a chain but it opened and closed like one.

"I wonder what this is." Steven picked it up, opened it, and gasped at what was inside.

"What is it?" Dipper said.

"Remember how Manny always kept a picture of his fiance with him?"


"Well I just found it and you're not gonna believe this."



He looked at what was inside in the frame.

"No way." He said in shock.

Inside of that frame was a photograph of a young woman in her late teens, wearing a dress that was from a different time period who was the spitting image of Frida. They were identical, same eyes, same nose, same cheeks, same mouth, same face, same body. They could've been twins. There was only one difference and that was the woman in the picture had dark brown hair.

"Okay now that is downright spooky." Dipper said.

"Is it safe to assume that it's merely a coincidence that Frida and Manny's deceased fiance look exactly alike?" Steven asked.

"I don't know if it's just a coincidence but the resemblance is remarkable. Do you think they could be related?"

"I don't know. But I think I know what ticked Manny off so bad today. Seeing Frida hurt like that, seeing her look like she was dead, it was like watching his fiance die all over again. I think we should lay off the teasing. I know Manny can be a jerk who likes to beat us up but he's suffering worse than any of us."

"What do you mean?"

"We all lost someone we loved a hundred years ago but Manny's pain is far worse. He lost the love of his life and has to spend everyday watching over a woman who looks just like her but it's not her. Makes you wonder how fate can be so cruel? If I had to constantly look after a man who looked like my father but wasn't him, I don't know what I'd do. I don't know if I'd even do it, it would probably be too painful for me. What about you? What if you had to protect a girl who looked like your sister but it wasn't her? Could you spend everyday looking at a person who's a constant reminder of the person you lost?"

"I don't know. I really don't know if I could."

"I don't know if it's easy for Manny to protect Frida or not but you have to give him credit for doing it."

"I guess so."

Steven stuck the picture into the pocket of Manny's jacket and placed it down next to him.

"Let's get some sleep." He said.

They went to their sleeping bags and fell asleep.


"Oh God my head hurts like a bitch!" Manny groaned waking up the next morning. His jacket had been removed and he had an ice pack on him.

"Where is everyone?"

"Still asleep."

"What happened last night? Did we get the demon?"

"Yeah but you...You lost your temper and you went full devil on us." Steven said.

"I did? I don't remember. The last thing I remember was running from the demon and Frida....Oh God! Frida! Is she alright?! Did she-"

"Other than a nasty bump on her head she's okay."

"Oh thank God." He sighed in relief. "Steven be honest how much damage did I do?"

"You almost set the entire forest on fire but you calmed down before it could get really bad."

"Good, did I hurt anyone?"

"No except the demon which you basically tore to shreds before we finished him off. I must say it's been a long time since I've seen you that angry."

"I know and I forgot how exhausted I get when that happens. Did you protect the girls?"

"I protected Connie but Frida was knocked out during the whole time. She woke up and I think she's okay but I wouldn't be surprised if that little stunt you pulled spooked her."

"Whatever. Hand me my jacket, I'm gonna go get something to eat."

He put his jacket on and went outside. He was craving bacon this morning so he hunted down and killed a wild pig. He started a fire and began cooking the meat. Frida woke up later and went to sit next to him. She had a bandage wrapped around her head from when she hit it on a stone from last night.

"You okay?" He asked her.

"I'm fine but what about you? Last night you...What happened to you? You...You weren't even you anymore."

"Frida....Sometimes when I get real angry I turn into a full fledged devil."

"So this has happened before huh?"

"Yes it has."

"Do I even wanna know what you did during those first few times?"

"No. You don't."

"So what made you so mad?"

"I don't...I don't remember."

"You're a bad liar you know but if you don't want to tell me that's okay."

"I smell bacon!" Dipper said. "Bring on the meat!"

Pretty soon they were all awake and eating.

"Well look who survived the night." Solomon said arriving. "Did you kill it?"

"Yes but Manny almost burned down the entire forest!" Steven shouted.

"Well thats his fault for losing his temper." He said. "Anyway I have a new assignment for you all. A vampire has recently gotten loose in town, I need you all to find it and stake it."

"Another one? Your last one almost got us killed."

"And you're surprised by that? You kids understand something you're hunting devils and vampires! There will always be the risk of you getting killed! If you're really going to work for these types of organizations then you need to understand that! This isn't about doing a job where you're safe! This is about protecting man kind from un holy monsters like these no matter what! Even if it costs you your life! Now if none of you are willing to take that risk then leave right now!"

"I...I guess I could." Steven said.

"You can't guess! You have to know! Now tell are you willing to take this job even if it means you may die?!"

"Can I...Think this over?"

"Something tells me you five need some serious evaluation. I'm gonna take you all home and see if you can think this over."

Later that day....

"I did not sign up for this!" Manny complained to Frida. "I may have to protect you but I will not spend everyday of my life doing things that might get me killed!"

"Oh come on you three have a way smaller risk of getting killed than we do." Frida said.

"But we're half human." Dipper said. "Meaning we don't stand much of a chance against full fledged devils and vampires."

"Well this is just sad." Frida said. "Two human women have more guts than three supernatural men."

"Alright we admit we're afraid to die!" Steven confessed.

"Steven everyone is afraid to die." Connie said. "We understand."

"No you don't!" Manny said. "Your fear is way different from ours. You're both human, when you die you go to an eternal paradise do you know what happens when we die? Two words eternal damnation! He's a vampire! He's a werewolf! And I'm a devil! Half of our blood didn't come from God! It came from Satan! So yes we're afraid to die because once we're dead it's over for us!"

Frida and Connie were speechless. Neither one of them could have imagined what that felt like. To constantly fear hell knowing that's exactly where you're going after you die and you can't change it.

"Are you sure that's what will happen when you die?" Connie asked.

"We've been told that ever since we found out we weren't entirely human." Steven said. "Every priest, minister, and exorcist we ever knew told us that hell is the only thing waiting for us after death and that there's no redemption for us."

"That can't be true."

"We've tried to find ways to avoid that fate." Steven said. "But there's nothing we can do. Dipper might have a chance since he was cursed like this but Manny and I were born from two people who were the embodiments of evil."

"But Manny's father didn't go to hell." Frida said. "Father Gardner told me that he had been saved."

"Only because my mother gave him half of her soul." Manny said. "Would you give me half of yours?"


"What?!" The three gasped.

"Um...Did you hear me right?"


"Frida you do realize that if you gave me half of your soul then that means when I die so will you."

"I know but I'm not afraid to die."

"Neither am I." Connie said.

"Why should we be? You said so yourself, when we die we go to heaven so we have nothing to be afraid of."

"So if you want us to give you half of our souls to save you from hell then we don't mind."

"You can't be serious." Steven said.

"But we are."

"Just tell us what we have to do and we'll do it."

"That is not needed." A familiar voice said.

"Father Gardner?" Frida asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Solomon told me that you three were having second thoughts about your lives so I've come to shed some light on the situation." He said. "Your fear is for nothing. Dipper was cursed at birth so he has not lost his human soul and Manny and Steven already carry half of a human soul which you inherited from your human parents. "

"So we're not going to hell?" Steven said.

"You all have the same chance of going to heaven after death as any other human on earth."

"I don't believe it!" Manny said. "No devil can ever be spared from hell!"

"So you're saying I'm a liar? Why would I lie?"

"So will continue working in your crazy organization! You honestly expect me to believe God would let a devil into heaven?!"

"And what about my mother?" Steven asked. "She was a vampire so was she damned when she died?"

Gardner sighed. Part of him always knew it would come to this but he really didn't want them to see this so soon.

"I think it's time that you two see what your parents went through." He stuck his hand inside his jacket pocket and pulled out two letters sealed in black envelopes. One was addressed to Steven and the other was addressed to Manny. "These letters contain the memories of both of your parents, they wrote these in case you had questions about what took place before you were born. If you doubt what I say is true then perhaps you'll believe what your parents saw but I suggest you wait til your alone before you open those letters."

He turned away from them and walked away. He was becoming see through, he wasn't really there, he was some sort of projection.

"Where are you going?" Frida asked.

"I can't stay long, I only came to deliver these letters."

"Why do you have to go?"

"Frida the world is full of wars and right now I'm fighting one which you can't be a part of now. Take care of her while I'm gone Manny."

The projection faded away. Manny and Steven looked down at the envelopes they had been given. They flipped them over and read who had sent the letters. One read: From Rodolfo and Maria. The other read: From Greg and Rose.

"Are you going to read it?" Connie asked.

"I guess." Manny said.

"Who's first?" Steven asked.

"I guess me."

Manny opened the envelope and pulled out the letter inside but it was completely blank.

"Hey what is this? There's nothing here."

"Maybe it was written with invisible ink." Dipper suggested.

"What kind of idiot would write a letter with invisible ink? How could you even write anything with invisible ink?"

He touched the blank piece of paper and suddenly it glowed, he fell backwards on to the floor into unconsciousness.

"Manny!" Frida gasped rushing over to him.

"Oh my God are you okay man?!" Steven asked helping him up.

But he didn't respond.

"I'll get the first aid kit!" Connie said.

"I'll call a doctor! Steven get Solomon!" Dipper shouted.


They placed him on a couch and went to get help while Frida tried to wake him up. But right now his mind was somewhere else. At this moment it was being filled with images, memories of both his mother and his father. He was going to see how they met and what events led to him being born into this world.

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