Chapter 14 Secrets

Pacifica gave Dipper some things that Gideon had left behind at their parties during the past few years but they didn't find anything useful just some trash and jackets. But Dipper did find an interesting photograph in one of the jacket pockets. He went off to do a little more digging and he found a lot more interesting things. He then called a meeting with Manny and Steven to explain what he found. They met up at an old abandoned building where he found Manny reading and Steven fiddling with some flowers.

"Um what exactly do you guys do in here?" Pacifica asked.

"None of your business now you go back home and see if you can find anything in the attic." Dipper said. "Later if you want we can discuss what we found over dinner."

"Yeah right nice try skinny boy."

"Call an ambulance Dipper just got burned." Steven laughed.

"Why don't you shut your pie hole!" Dipper snapped. "I didn't mean it like that!"

"Whatever see you later." The blonde said leaving.

"Ah young love." Steven said sniffing one of the flowers.

"Shut up! I would never be interested in that brat!"

"Your lips say no but your eyes say yes."

"Don't be creepy." Dipper said. "And besides you're a funny one to talk since it's obvious you have the hots for Connie."

"I don't have the hots for her."

"Oh yeah then what's this?" He said holding up a sheet of paper.

"Where did you get that?" Steven asked.

"You don't need know anyway I must say it is quite the poem."

"Steven you write poetry?" Manny asked.

"It's...It's a hobby." Steven said blushing.

"Yeah and a lot of his poetry is about Connie. Just listen to this one." Dipper said.

"Give that back!" Steven said trying to take it from him.

"My dearest Connie." Dipper read while trying to avoid Steven. "I have never seen a living thing more lovely than you."

"Stop it!"

"Know that each of these words are real and true. How cute, Steven and Connie sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Shut up! I just like to admire the beauty of women!"

"Uh-huh yeah sure."

"I just wanted to be nice. You two could try it."

"We're not girls Steven, if we start being nice to them they might get the idea we like them." Manny said.

"Don't you?"


"I like them."

"Good for you bat boy. Now did you two have any good reason for calling this meeting?"

"Yes we do." Dipper said. "We've been doing a little digging and by we I mean me."

"You always were the nosiest out of all of us."

"Well you might wanna see what I found out." He pulled out some news paper articles and journals. There were pictures and photographs of exorcists from a different time period and each one of them had Father Gardner in every picture or photograph and he looked no different from how he looked now. The dates went pack to the 1600's up til now. "It seems there's a lot about Father Gardner that we don't know."

"He told me that he was older than he looked." Manny said. "But I didn't think he was that old."

"He's older than all three of us, he's older than our parents but that's not what really got me suspicious. Take a look at this." He showed them a picture of him shaking hands with Gideon as if they were friends.

"Just who is this guy?" Steven said.

"Where did you find this?" Manny asked.

"In one of Sister Nora's files." Dipper said. "There's more take a look at this."

He showed them an illustration of a stone, an eye, and a small statue.

"What is that?" Steven asked.

"I don't know but that minister has taken a particular interest in these items."

"Why are you investigating him anyway?"

"Well while Pacifica and I were digging up stuff on Gideon we stumbled onto a photo of Father Gardner."

"You don't think he'd actually be helping that mad man with his devil work do you?"

"I don't know but this guy has got a lot of secrets."

"Still maybe it's not how it looks." Manny said. "The old man maybe a pain but I don't think he's evil. He saved my mother's life and he's basically raised Frida since she was twelve."

"Not to mention he made sure I was born into this world." Steven added.

"Well I don't trust anyone who might be working with that monster. I think we should keep an eye on him."

"We don't even know where the old man is." Manny said. "How could we keep an eye on him?"

"We could ask Frida."

"No. I won't have you harassing her with your theories."

"So you're telling me we shouldn't be suspicious of this guy?"

"No but I don't want you to bother Frida she's got enough stress on her mind as it is."

"I'm not going to hurt her."

"You kidnapped her once!"

"Because you threatened to eat me if I approached her."

"And I'm still holding you to that threat!"

"Come on guys don't fight." Steven said. "Can't we talk this out?"

"Stay out of it fat boy." Dipper said.

"I'm not fat!" Steven said. "I'm big boned!"

"That's what they all say."

"You're always so mean to me."

"Oh be a man!"

"Strange words coming from one who doesn't have any muscle!"

"I have muscles!"

"Where? You're like a twig!"

"You would know since you always pick twigs and stinky flowers!"

"Says the guy who smells like a jock strap!"

"At least I smell like a man pansy picker!"

"Yeah you just don't look like one!"

"Alright you two knock it off! You're giving me a headache." Manny said.

"You wanna go batty?!" Dipper growled his eyes turning yellow.

"Bring it furball!" Steven retorted his eyes turning red.

They started to transform and attack each other.

"Gentlemen you've left me no choice." Manny grabbed both of them by their hair and bashed their heads together.

"Ow!" They groaned.

"Now I told you two to knock it off! Sheesh why is it that every time we get together I end up playing baby sitter for you two?"

"He started it!" They said pointing to each other.

"Idiots." Manny sighed. "I'm surrounded by idiots."


"Sorry gentlemen but let's face it you're a neanderthal with low esteem and you're wimp with a napoleon complex now back to important matters. I shall have Dusk and Dawn take a message to Father Gardner asking him if we could have a private conversation."

"You think he'll accept?" Steven asked.

"I don't know much about the old man but I know he'll accept. I'll tell him it's a progress report on Frida."

"That man sure does love her."

"Well according to him she's the daughter he never had. Being a minister he can't really get married and have children of his own, I'm sure he knew that when he took up the job but sometimes people just want to fill that void of being a parent."

"Personally I wanna know how he knows Gideon." Dipper said.

"You'll get your chance. Now can I go home? I'm tired and I want a nap."


Back at the Northwest mansion Pacifica was searching the attic for anything that might help. Part of her didn't believe that her family and Gideon had done those evil things. She decided to prove that crazy ghost that her family was not responsible for these evil acts. So far all she could find in the attic was useless junk. Then she stumbled onto a old diary buried under lots of dusty rugs. She grabbed it and opened it, a small bracelet with a yellow topaz attached to it fell out. She picked up the glove and began reading the first page.

September 1st 1896

Dear Diary

My sister is awfully mad at me today.

Today was supposed to be the day she would takeover as the new jewel witch but when our mother gave her the bracelet she couldn't use it.

She said the bracelet must've been broken so she threw it away but later I tried it on and I could use it.

That means I'm the new jewel witch but sister is mad about it because she's fourteen and I'm only seven.

She says a child shouldn't be given such great power, she says that if I use the bracelet she'll never talk to me again.

I don't want her to hate me but I don't want to let Mother and Father down.

What should I do?


Charlotte Hoffman.

"Who's Charlotte Hoffman?" Pacifica wondered. "And what the heck is a jewel witch?"

"Pacifica! Is that you?" Her mother called. "You know you're not supposed to be in the attic."

"Sorry Mom!" She grabbed the diary and bracelet which she hid in her bag. "I'll be right out."

She then went downstairs, out of the attic, and to her room. She sat down and read the next page.

September 10 1896

Dear Diary

Church was wonderful today but we have a new reverend and I'm not sure if he's trustworthy.

He claims that he wants to help us reach God's forgiveness but he's making sinners pay for forgiveness.

That is not the way of God is it?


Charlotte Hoffman.

She turned the next page.

September 25 1896

Dear Diary

My sister just said that she hates her life with us.

She says that she wants to be rich and powerful like the Northwests.

I don't understand why, the Northwests are greedy, selfish, and cruel.

Why would anyone want to be like them?

That aside I've decided to give my bracelet a try.

Mother says I'm a natural and that I'm probably the most powerful jewel witch ever.

I know she means well but I wish she wouldn't because it would only upset my sister.


Charlotte Hoffman.

Pacifica closed the diary and looked back at the bracelet. She slipped it on her hand, it was a perfect fit. She wondered just what was this thing used for? And who was Charlotte Hoffman and what connection did she have to her family? Also what was a jewel witch? Curious she hid the diary under her bed and had her father's butler drive her to the library. She went through many books but not one of them had anything on jewel witches.

"What are you doing here?" She turned to see that Connie and Frida had entered the library.

"Oh great it's the nun and slayer. What are you two doing here?"

"We got a call saying some monsters were hiding in the local library." Connie said.

"No you tell us why you're here?" Frida asked.

"None of your business." She snapped. "Now if you'll excuse me I have much better things to do then talk with two peasants."

"Peasants? Lady you do realize this is the twentieth century not medieval times right? Nobody's been called a peasant since the French Revolution."

"Whatever the point is I-"

But she was interrupted by a large, dark, being. He looked like a man but it was obvious by his height, fangs, claws, and horns that he wasn't human. He looked down at the girls with eyes of fury.

"Well, well what do we have here?" He chuckled wickedly while gazing at Pacifica. "If it isn't the jewel witch Charlotte Hoffman. Never thought I'd see you again, I was sure one you would be dead but I see you're alive and you haven't aged a day."

"Shut up!" Frida pulled out her gun and shot his arm off but his arm grew back. Connie quickly pulled out her gun and took his leg off but like his arm it grew back. This was a regenerating demon and those were one of the hardest to defeat. The demon quickly lunged for Pacifica but Frida grabbed her and pulled her out of the way. "Stay hidden if you want to live."


Frida took another shot at the demon while Connie continued to plunge her sword into him. It wasn't doing much good though.

"Connie take a swipe at his horns!" Frida instructed. "That's a devil's weak spot."


Connie climbed up a shelf and jumped on top of the demon cutting off one of his horns in the process. He hissed in pain while clutching the side of his head where the horn had been cut off. Frida was just about to shoot off his other one when he grabbed Pacifica.

"Pull that trigger and she dies!"

He then jumped out the window and ran off with the screaming Pacifica.

"We better go after him." Connie said.

"Taxi!" Frida shouted to the nearest taxi auto mobile driving by. When it stopped they got inside. "Follow that demon and step on it!"

Pacifica kicked and screamed as she struggled to break free from the demon's grip on her.

"Take your hands off me you filth!" She demanded.

"Be quiet Charlotte!"

"I'm not Charlotte! My name is Pacifica Northwest and I demand you let me go this instant!"

"Oh I will once I eat your flesh and take your power as my own!"

"Put her down!" A voice demanded the demon froze to see Dipper standing across from them.

"Out of my way fool!" The demon said. "This witch's life is mine for the taking!"

"Sorry but I cannot allow that now release her!"

"Not on your life!"

The demon grabbed Dipper and began choking him, he whimpered as he struggled to breathe. Watching this take place a thought entered her mind.

"Let him go." She thought. "Let him go! Let him go! Let him go!"

The topaz on her bracelet glowed and nearby crystals with razor sharp ends rose from the ground and were levitated. They went flying into the demon plunging themselves into the demon's body, one manage to knock off his remaining horn causing his body to burn and transform into ash. All that remained was his skull which spoke these last words to her.

"Charlotte Hoffman still the most powerful jewel witch ever."

"Did you do that?" Dipper asked her.

"I...I don't know. I think I did."


"I think this did it." She took off the bracelet and gave it to him. He examined it carefully and sniffed it. "Do you know what it is?"

"No idea but I think I've seen this before. Where did you find it?"

"I found it inside an old diary that was in my attic. It belonged to a woman named Charlotte Hoffman who was supposed to be something called a jewel witch."

"I see, care to do a little digging?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not really."

When Connie and Frida caught up Dipper told them that he had killed the demon. He didn't want them to know about the rest until later. Together he and Pacifica sneaked into the police station and began looking into the files of people who had lived in town. It took awhile but they eventually found a file on the Hoffmans.

"They originated from Germany." Dipper said reading an article. "Charlotte Hoffman born on March 20th 1899, was the youngest of four, her parents were Olaf and Susanne Hoffman, she had an older brother named Rudy and two older sisters named Alexandra and Priscilla."

"Funny Priscilla is my mother's name but her maiden name was Anderson."

"In 1909 her parents, older brother, and oldest sister were killed by unknown person. She was only ten years old when that happened, no one knew who killed her family and her second oldest sister disappeared on the same night."

"Is that all?"

"Pretty much, police had been looking into their murder case for years but they never came up with anything."

"Does it say if she's still alive?"

"No. Nothing."

"Anything about her being a jewel witch or what the heck that is?"

"No. Hey can you bring me that diary you found tomorrow? Maybe that can shed some light on the situation."

"What time?"

"Five o'clock. Don't be late."

Pacifica went back to the library where her driver was waiting. When she returned home she found her mother sitting in the living room going through her huge jewelry collection. her father bought her mother a new piece of jewelry once a week and she treasured each one. She loved those jewels more than anything, more than her father, she wouldn't be surprised if she loved them more than her.


"Yes?" She said not paying attention to her.

"Tell me about my grandparents."

"You already know about them dear."

"No I mean my maternal grandparents, your parents."

Her mother froze and almost dropped her jewelry box.

"They...They abandoned me when I was young. I don't know how I would've survived had I not met your father."

"Did you have any brothers or sisters?"

"No I was an only child."

"You sure?"

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"No I-"

"Then stop asking!"


"Why the sudden interest in my family?"

"Just curious, I always hear about Dad's family but I never hear about yours."

"That's because my family never loved me! So don't ever mention them or ask about them again!"

"Okay I won't."

"Good! Now get out of here you're ruining my concentration."

Pacifica did as she was told and went back to her room. She was used to her mother snapping at her and scolding her so harshly but she sensed something was not right about her reaction. When her mother said that her family had abandoned her and that they never loved her she couldn't help but feel that, that was untrue. She knew that every family had it's secrets and she was sure that her family was no exception. They were definitely hiding something from her and they were determined to make sure no one found out what exactly those secrets were. However she was determined to find out what these secrets were she just hoped to God that they weren't as horrible as she feared.

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