Chapter 13 The Werewolf and The Jewel Witch
"Okay Frida calm down." Manny said trying to calm the shivering girl.
"Oh God." She said. "Oh God. I'm so sorry I just...I just can't stop shaking."
"It's okay. It's alright."
"Manny I'm scared. What's happening to me?"
"I don't know for sure but I promise you, you're alright."
"That woman...Did she hurt you bad? You're bleeding."
"What happened to me is not important. Right now it's late and you've been through a lot so I'm taking you home."
"But you're bleeding."
"I'll be fine I promise."
He took her back to the manor and tucked her into bed. She was very shaken up but fell asleep easily. He then set up a barrier that would ensure that no one could enter her room or the manor without his permission. He knew what kind of power she had used, he had only seen it once and it frightened him that Frida had that power and didn't know how to use it meaning she'd be an easy target for hundreds of demons.
"Great my job just got a whole lot more difficult." He thought.
A few weeks later they got a call to exterminate a ghost that had invaded the home of a wealthy family.
"So who's our client?" Dipper asked.
"They're called the Northwests. They're supposed to be very rich and very aristocratic." Connie said.
"Northwest? Why does that name ring a bell? I know I've heard it somewhere."
Dipper's memory of that name quickly returned when they arrived at a familiar mansion, where a familiar blonde with icy blue eyes, wearing a long purple dress with a split, brown stockings, and heels was waiting for them.
"Oh no!" Dipper groaned. "Her."
"Well it's about time!" She snapped. "I was expecting you five minutes ago and- Wait a minute these are the professionals my father hired?"
"Hey we may not look the part but we are experts on this." Frida stated proudly.
"Whatever. Listen you're a nun right?"
"Huh I always wondered why young girls chose to be nuns but I guess if you're too ugly to get a boyfriend why not date God? He loves you no matter how ugly you are right?"
"Excuse me?"
"Follow me and I shall explain everything."
They followed her down a hallway that had walls fool of wild animals that had been stuffed and mounted. There were bears, mountain lions, boars, deer, foxes, and wolves. Dipper swallowed hard, seeing all these animals like this made him sick to his stomach.
"Are these animals real?" Dipper asked.
"Yes my father hunted them down and had them stuffed. He's quite the hunter." Pacifica bragged. "The best hunter in Maine."
"I see....Well you guys must have a lot of meat to eat then huh?"
"We don't eat them. We only eat expensive meet made by gourmet chefs."
"So he kills them for sport?"
"Yes pretty much."
"That's cruel and disgusting." Dipper growled.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. What your father does is terrible and beastly."
"Oh so when my father kills it's terrible and beastly? Well what about when those dirty wolves kill?"
"A wolf only kills to eat and to protect itself or it's pack. Your father murdered these animals for sport and pride and that makes him a revolting creature."
"Don't talk about my father like that! And for your information these filthy vermin are better off dead. Good riddance I say!"
"So I'm guessing you're not an animal lover?" Steven asked.
"Of course not! I despise the dirty beasts! But let's get down to business. Next week my parents will be holding a huge gala but there's this ghost who keeps terrorizing our house and we can't have that it's bad for publicity. So I want this ghost exorcised tonight."
"Well we can't promise that it will be done tonight." Connie said. "When it comes to removing ghosts it's a very tricky matter. They're already dead so we can't just shoot with a sliver bullet or stake em in the heart. It may take time."
"How long are we talking here?" Pacifica asked.
"Well it depends in some cases it might last for years."
"Years? Oh no! I want the job done tonight!"
"We can't promise that."
"You can and you will you bag of bones! Or none of you will get the money you were promised! Now get to work!"
She then turned to her heels and walked away.
"Bag of bones? Was she saying I'm too skinny?" Connie asked insulted.
"She called me ugly." Frida said.
"Okay who hates her?" Dipper asked.
"Me." Manny said.
"I do." Frida said.
"Ditto." Steven said.
"Double ditto." Connie added.
"Well her folks are paying us big money so let's just keep our mouths shut, do our job, get paid, and get the hell out of here."
They began to set up their equipment which Sister Nora had provided. This was equipment was specially made for exorcising ghosts and spirits. One of the tools used was a small machine designed to pick up and track spectral energy if it was near the area. The other tools included device that could contain spirits and force them to crossover to heaven or hell. The whole reason why ghost exist in our world in the first place is because sometimes when people die they leave behind unfinished business. So instead of moving on their souls linger somewhere between earth and the afterlife, though there is not much they can do. For most of the time ghosts are like air, you can't see them, hear them, or touch them but you can feel them and sometimes you know they're there. Now there are the occasions where the ghosts who have a very strong will can been seen by the living which is known as haunting and then there are the humans born with the ability to see and communicate with the spirits. But one of the rarest cases of all was when a ghost was reincarnated. Most of the time when people die with unfinished business they stay behind as ghosts but in extremely rare cases, the lost soul is reborn in a different body. However cases like that only happen if one dies using touching the stone of new life. A very rare stone about the size of an eye which looks like a glass marble, if anyone dies with unfinished business while touching it then many years after that person's death they will be reincarnated.
"Hey I think I've got something." Dipper said checking the machine used to track spectral energy. "There's definitely a ghost around here."
"Where is it?" Steven asked.
"I don't know it keeps moving around from one area to another. Must be a very active ghost."
"It's an angry one." Frida said. "I can feel it's rage, it's hot and boiling."
"Oh yeah you can talk to ghosts."
"I can't exactly talk to them but I can understand them and this one furious at the Northwests."
"Any reason why?"
"I have no clue."
"Well first we should try to find it. We''ll split up to cover more ground."
Manny and Frida searched the middle level of the mansion, Steven and Connie searched the bottom level, while Dipper searched the top level. Dipper didn't know much about spirits except for what he had read in books. Frida had said that this ghost had a great anger toward the Northwests so maybe helping this ghost come to terms with it's anger would make it easier for them to remove it. Of course he didn't know how he would figure out what the Northwests had done to anger this spirit however he wouldn't had blamed him for his anger. After all these people were rude, stuck up, snobby, pushy, and mean or at least their daughter was.
"Pacifica aren't those damn exorcists finished yet!" Dipper heard a voice shout angrily.
He followed the shout to see Pacifica talking with a man who he assumed was her father.
"It's been three hours! What's taking them so long?!"
"They said it would take awhile." She replied to the man nervously.
"How long?"
"I don't know, they said it might even take years."
"That's not good enough!"
"It's not my fault!"
"I don't care!" He slapped her which made Dipper jump back. "Now they better have this problem fixed or you'll be sorry!"
He walked away, leaving her alone. Once he was gone she wrapped her arms around herself and scrunched up her face as if she was trying to keep herself from crying.
"Are you okay?" Dipper asked.
"What are you doing here?!" She cried. "Go away! Leave me alone!"
"Sorry I just wanted to see if-"
"I said go away!" She cried.
"Okay sheesh!"
He left her and continued searching.
"Does her father treat her like that everyday?" He wondered. "If he does no wonder she's so mean."
Just then he heard her scream, he rushed back to find Pacifica being attacked by ghostlike animals. A bear, a mountain lion, a boar, a deer, a fox, and a wolf. They snarled and growled at her with blood red eyes. They lunged for her with fangs and claws.
"Look out!"
Dipper grabbed Pacifica and pulled her out of the way of the charging animal spirits.
"Run!" He took her by the hand and ran from the spirits while pulling her along.
"What's their problem?" Pacifica asked as she ran.
"I don't know maybe they're pissed off because your father turned their pelts into wall art?! Oh crap! A dead end!"
"Quick in here!" Pacifica pulled a book off of a shelf which opened to a secret stairway. The two of them shut the secret door and ran upstairs to the attic.
"Secret passge." Dipper panted. "Very smart."
"Thanks. So have you gotten close to getting rid of the ghost?"
"We are so far from close."
"Ugh! I can't believe I called you five just because you were cheaper. I should've just called Reverend Gideon, sure he's crazy expensive but at least he could get the job done."
Dipper growled at the mention of the priest's name.
"Don't you ever go to that bastard for help!" He snapped. "That man is a demon masquerading as a holy man!"
"What are you talking about? The man is saint."
"He is NOT! He's a murder and a rapist who deserves to burn in hell!"
"Why on earth do you think that?"
"Because it's his fault my sister is dead!"
"He told my sister that I was dead and then he raped her and in hysterical grief she threw herself off a cliff! She killed herself because she thought everyone would see her as a whore and that I wouldn't be there to protect her from him! You call a man who rapes an innocent woman and drives her to suicide a saint?!"
"That...That's not true...He would never."
"He would! And he did!" A loud booming voice said.
The items in the attic began to levitate and fly around the room, a blue flame appeared taking the form of a man in his mid-forties.
"Who are you?" Dipper said.
"I am the ghost of Jediah Hale!" He said. "Fifty years ago the Northwests wronged me in the most horrible way imaginable!"
"What do you mean?" Pacifica asked.
"Ahh so your parents never told you did they? Can't say I'm surprised. Secrets and lies is a common trait in the Northwest family tree."
"Spirit why are you here?" Dipper asked.
"Revenge. Thirty years ago Reverend Gideon abducted me and my family to use as sacrifices to devils! I watched him murder my wife and son and give their blood to a demon! Authorities arrived before he could kill me and he escaped! When I told them what he did they didn't believe me! It took me months but I managed to find evidence that proved that he was a devil worshipper and that he killed thousands of innocents! But your grandfather had been paid by that monster to steal the evidence and plant it on me! I was framed for the murder of my own family and was left to die in prison but my ghost still lingers in this world!"
"Why are you taking this out on my family? Why not Gideon?"
"Because he made a pact with a demon and that protects him from spirits so I went after the next people to blame! For years your family has been covering up Reverend Gideon's devil work in exchange for wealth! And I intend to make sure each and everyone of you pays for it!"
"Oh my God." She gasped in a whisper.
"Wait Jediah!" Dipper said. "Pacifica is completely oblivious to her family's crimes and deception! She's innocent! You can't destroy her!"
"Why not? My wife and son were innocent! I was innocent! But we suffered!"
"I know! But you're not alone! Reverend Gideon took my sister from me! I would give anything to slaughter him and anyone else who's stupidly ignores his evil ways but there are those who don't see him as the monster he is! People like her! If you were to kill Pacifica you'd be just like him and the Northwests! I'm sure we can come to an agreement!"
"My soul will not be at peace unless either of these two things happen. The Northwest line must end or Gideon must pay for everything he's done!"
"What if I was to expose him for what he really his?! What if I were to finish your work! To show the world once and for all what Gideon really is! Would you spare Miss Northwest?"
"Perhaps that is if she were to help you."
"How could I help?" She asked.
"Your family have been hiding evidence of his crimes in this house for years, surely you can find it!"
"I guess I could but...How?"
"You're a smart girl figure it out and as for you boy let's make a deal. If the two of you can expose him for what he really is before the fiftieth anniversary of my death I'll spare the Northwests and never bother them again if not I'll destroy them all!"
"Okay...Deal." Dipper agreed.
"What?! No way!" Pacifica cried.
"Do you have a better option? It's either try to prove he's guilty or die right now. Take your pick!"
"Oh.....Fine. It's a deal."
He held out both of his hands for each of to shake. They both shook his hands.
"I'll be back in two years and one month. Be ready."
He then vanished in the blue flame. Pacifica's body was as white as paper and was shaking like a leaf.
"What just happened?" She asked.
"Looks like you and I have some investigation to do after this."
"I...I can't believe this! Did that really just happen? Or have I had too much wine?"
"It happened."
"Oh God! Oh God! I think I need to sit down!"
"Okay just let me get a chair and-"
She had passed out right onto the attic floor.
"Or you can just lie there and I'll wait for to wake up if that's okay with you?"
"Yo Dipper where are you?!" Steven called.
"Coming! Alright your majesty. You're coming with me." He lifted her unconscious body over his shoulder and carried her downstairs.
"Whoa! What happened?" Steven asked.
"Long story but I've got good news and I've got bad news. The good news is the ghost is gone the bad news is well...That's where the long story comes in."
Several minutes of explaining the whole situation later...
"Wow...And I thought I was in deep shit." Manny said. "Hey is she gonna be okay?"
"I have no idea." Dipper said.
"She's fine, just in shock." Frida said. "Connie get me some water."
Connie handed her a cup of water which she poured on to Pacifica's face.
"Who?! What?! Where?! Why?!" She said waking up. "What's going on?"
"You passed out." Dipper said.
"Oh God you people are still here which means it wasn't a dream." She cried. "I am so dead two years and a month from now."
"Yeah you are. So can we get paid now?" Frida asked.
"Now wait a minute." Dipper said. "I said I'd help you."
"Why on earth would you want to help me?"
"Because I want to expose that son of a bitch as much as Jediah does."
"Exposing him is impossible especially if my family is covering his tracks!"
"Maybe not, with you helping it's an advantage."
"You can get information. Ask your parents what makes the so rich, try to get involved and figure out their secrets."
"And what if they don't tell me? Did you ever think of that Sherlock?"
"Doesn't hurt to try."
"You don't know my parents! If Gideon is the whole reason they have money then they will stop at nothing to prevent him from being exposed!"
"Hey we don't have to do this right?" Manny asked. "Because I have enough problems of my own to deal with."
"No. She and I are just working on this."
"Okay then I'm going home, let's go Frida." He said pulling her along.
"Wait we didn't get paid yet!" She argued only to have him continue pulling her along.
"Are you coming?" Steven asked.
"I'll catch up." Dipper answered.
"Okay let's go back Connie. Call us if you need anything Dipper, just so you know we're taking the car."
The four of them got in the automobile and drove off.
"Alright listen if we're going to un cover secrets I need you to tell me if your parents keep a safe or have anything that is used to hide secrets or other stuff?"
"Well I do know one place."
He followed her upstairs back to the attic, there was a small door with a keyhole in the attic wall.
"My parents have told me since I was little that I was never to open this door. If they're hiding anything secretive it'll be in this safe." She said.
"It's locked. Where's the key?"
"That's a problem."
"What do you mean?"
"My father keeps the key in his pocket at all times."
"Well he has to sleep sometime. When does he go to bed?"
"Eleven but he keeps the bedroom door locked every night."
"Oh boy, this is definitely going to be hard."
"I doubt will ever get that sliver key."
"I'm sorry did you just say....Sliver?"
"Yeah the key is made of sliver."
Dipper gulped. Being half werewolf he couldn't touch sliver because it would burn his skin.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Um...Well....Let's just say I'm a little allergic to sliver."
"How much?"
"Well if I touch I...I die."
"You're kidding."
"Now we have an even bigger problem my parents happen to collect hundreds of gold and sliver stuff. It's practically everywhere in my house."
"Oh....Crap. This could only happen to me."
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