The Final Picks

The young bunny boy stays with the rest of the selected contenders for the competition, along with his new friend Johnny, and his heart is racing with anticipation and excitement that he never experienced before. He's been to video game tournaments before and other game-related events in the past when he was younger, but nothing to the magnitude of being picked for a singing competition before.

While his thoughts are preoccupied by being chosen, the little koala continues with his final picks.

Buster Moon continued inspecting the remaining selected contestants as he walks back and forth and going over his notes carefully to choose his final picks. Just because Jack was selected into the final selections doesn't mean he'll be in. Only with a better chance.

Having come to a decision he looks down to the white mouse in the red suit.


"Mike," Buster Moon exclaimed enthusiastically, "Wowza! I've gotta have you in my show."

The bunny boy frowned slightly. He knew the standoffish mouse would get in, there's no denying his talents. He begrudgingly admitted he revered his singing voice spectacular, if only his attitude was more amiable.

"Oh, I?" Mike began in aloof and humble manner, acting like he was honored to get in when he knew there wasn't a trace of doubt he would get in, "If you insist."

Jack groaned in annoyance.

Looking over his clip he decides on his next pick without looking up, "And I'll take... Pete."

"Oh yeah!" The tall camel with the cap on Johnny's left shouted happily, giving himself a victory fist-bump in the air, as he goes along with Mike as the selected cast.

Buster Moon continued his quiet pacing as he moved behind the remaining contestants. Right behind the afro buffalo in the purple jacket who looked highly uncomfortable and nervous which Jack noted.

The young bunny recalled spotting him earlier during the audition while he was waiting his turn. Just as he was sitting down eating his sister's home cooked meal, the buffalo was eating a burrito at the time. Understanding where this might lead the bunny boy started to shift away from the buffalo and closer to Johnny.

Which the gorilla looked down on him in confusion.

"And two more left," Buster Moon stated as he goes over his clipboard again, "Let me see now."

And it was at that moment the buffalo started to fart loudly.

Everyone in the back gasped and winced at the smell. Including Jack who cringed in pity, knowing this was going to happen. Johnny understood now why Jack moved near him and he didn't blame him.

"Oh, my gosh," the buffalo guy panicked as he realized he just farted in Buster Moon's face, "I am so sorry."

I feel so bad for Buster Moon right now, Jack couldn't help but turn his face away to avoid the smell.

And he farted once more.

With Buster Moon standing there with the best plausible neutral face he had. You could tell he affected him, but he kept as calm as best he could in the situation.

"What is wrong with me?" the buffalo apologized and going stiff in the shoulders.

Perhaps if you didn't eat that burrito earlier, the bunny commented to himself.

The koala fanned the smell away with his clipboard and remains as cordial and understanding despite being hit by some south winds, looking up to the buffalo from behind, "Whoo! Uh, thanks for coming, Richard."

The buffalo sighed in defeat. It was understandable. No one would want someone farting on stage while singing as it was uncomfortable, inappropriate, and it was disgusting. It was a natural body function, but folks would laugh at the poor guy. Sadly, he was a great singer too, but that was the end of his chances there.

He stomped his foot in frustration at his own blunder.

Right on top of the snail contestant and friend.


"Oh, my... Ray!" Richard cried out as he realized what he has done in his own poor judgement. Everyone in the back gasped in horror and cringed when they saw it happened, with Jack, Johnny, and the giraffe, if you could see his face, all looked away uneasy. Johnny's with the most noticeable one with the slap-jaw open mouth and Jack had smal dilated eyes.

Ooooh... that's gotta hurt. I am so glad I'm not snail-size, but that's got to suck.

Hastily the panicked buffalo quickly grabs his friend and pulls him to his face, "Are you all right?"

The snail slugged over and his shell looked a little cracked. His mouth open and his tongue dangling out.

Obviously, he's not alright! Ya stomped on him!

"Just hang in there, Ray, I got you," Richard calmly told his friend as he rushes out of the theater. While farting along the way.

Jack just stood there.

Did that really just happen?

"Alrighty then," Buster Moon carried on like nothing happened. Seriously, how does he bounce back like that. He looked back to his clipboard and smiled with his next choice, "Jack Burrow, glad to have you in my show."

For a second time today, the bunny was floored. He didn't just get to be in the final picks, he actually got into the show. He'd be competing. The young man could hardly contain himself, but did his best to remain as professional and calm as can be.

"T-Thank you Mr. Moon!" the boy bowed thankfully and humbly. He couldn't stop the stupid big grin on his face.

"Not a problem, I'm expecting big things from you," the koala waved it off with a smile and goes down his notes for the final selection, "Okay, then I'll take..."

Jack headed off to the side to join the final cast as he looks up to Johnny doing so. Giving him a thumbs up and smiled, mouthing the words 'good luck'. The gorilla teen reciprocated the gesture with a smile and then stood up straight as the koala looked between him and the tallest giraffe on stage.

Lifting his pen up Buster Moon moved to Johnny...

Only to change it to Daniel the giraffe at the last second.


Johnny's shoulders slumped down when he heard it and everyone else in the back groaned in disappointment, too. Huh, did they think Johnny was the better pick after all? Jack couldn't tell, but he was with them when Moon choose the giraffe in the end instead.

The bunny wasn't sure what to do. Sure, he's in the competition to win the prize money for his family, but he wanted to do the competition with his new friend as well. Johnny had told him he wasn't in it for the prize money, he loved singing and just wanted to sing in front of a real audience.

He felt pain that was just taken away from him.

The teen gorilla looks over to Jack with a sad and defeated smile as he walked away with his hands in his pocket. What could the bunny say to him? Sorry you didn't get picked? There's always next time? Do you want my spot? He was conflicted on the last choice the most. He really wanted Johnny to be in the show.

Even the lizard lady, Miss Crawly, looked disappointed with her boss's choice.

"Daniel, can you hear me?" Buster Moon called up to the tall giraffe. Honestly, it's a wonder the giraffe heard him the first time as his head was quite way up. "You're in the show!"

"What?" was all Daniel replayed back. Seriously, how did he hear Moon the first time when he called his name for the final pick? "Are you talking to me?"

"Yes," Buster replied and then grabs Miss Crawly's blowhorn to communicate easier with him, "I was saying that you are in..."

Suddenly the koala's ear drooped down as he realized something. He'd have to always use the blowhorn to keep talking to Daniel and that would get real old, real fast, and highly annoying. Especially if he misplaced the blowhorn and had to climb tall heights just to talk to one contender.

"Oh, geez, this is gonna drive me nuts," Moon silently complained to himself, which the bunny picked up on. What does this entail now?


Instantly everyone's eyes glanced at the gorilla as Johnny stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder.

"Get back here. You're in," the koala declares much to the delight to both Jack and Johnny. More so for Johnny as he got in.

True it was the oddest Deus ex Machina moment, but Jack didn't care about that. His new friend got in the show with him! He was happy there was someone at least on friendly terms with him and a familiar to be there to hang out with. Unlike a certain white rodent, he didn't want to interact with that much. He did feel bad for Daniel that, ultimately, his own body height is what prevented him from joining the cast.

"Yes!" Johnny gave a small victorious fist-bump to himself.

"Thank you, Daniel. Goodbye!" Buster Moon told the giraffe who frowned sadly about not getting in and quietly left the stage.

Giving back the blowhorn back to the wonky Miss Crawly he goes back to looking at his clipboard.

"Okay. That's everyone on my list," with that final statement Buster Moon made his decision for the cast of his show.

While the bunny was quite happy Johnny got in, he is still saddened by the fact Rosita didn't get in. He really thought she had an excellent chance of joining the show, but it looked like it was tough competition in the end. Perhaps he could exchange contact information with her and could ask for advice and such or if she needed help with anything. The least he could do.

Everyone let out an audible sigh of dissatisfaction as they all begin to leave the stage.

"Um, wait a second," the koala spoke up once more which both Jack and Johnny picked up on, "Rosita. Is Rosita still here?"

Both teenagers gasped. Did that mean, Rosita would get in!? They both looked at each other with the same surprised expression and broke into smiles hoping that was the case.

The motherly pig, who was also quite shocked by this turn of events, gleefully waves to the koala to let him know she's here. The penguin on her left not looking happy she got picked over him apparently. She squeezes through the remaining contestants to get by, "Yes! Yes, I'm here!"

Both Jack and Johnny looked at her and smiled, waving to her to show their support and Rosita smiles back appreciating the gesture. It looked like the trio of new friends would be in after all.

"Rosita, Rosita, Rosita," Buster Moon taps his pen on the clipboard repeatedly, "'Great set of pipes, but boring to watch.'"

And with that comment all three of their faces deflated. That didn't sound good.

Rosita's ears flopped sadly when she heard that and sighs, "I knew it."

And begins to walk away, however Moon continued with his train of thought, "So, what should I do?"

Looking up to Rosita an idea formed in that little koala head as he decides what he could do with her talents, which wasn't any of the trio had expected, "I could partner you up with Gunter."

"Who?" Jack blurted out.

"Wha?" Johnny was also confused.

"Gunter!" Buster Moon called out loudly enthusiastically, "Where are you?"

"Ja! Ja! This is me," a German-accent pig in a golden tracksuit waves excitedly at the koala when he was called. Both the bunny and gorilla looked bumfuzzled at the scene before them. Where was the furball going for with this arrangement.

The big boned pig athletically runs across the stage, jumps into the air with a twirl, and lands perfectly leaned over to Rosita and pointing both his piggy fingers at her. If he doesn't win the signing competition would be excellent in sport-related competition. Hmm, even Nora wouldn't mind having his pig as a track partner if that would be the case.

Buster Moon, obviously enjoying it, laughs happily, "Ja! It's gonna spice things up on stage."

"Wait, did he just...," Jack pointed to the two pigs and looked over to Johnny who is sharing similar sentiments on what the koala just did there.

Rosita came to the same conclusion to the two of them as well, "W-Wait," she gestured to both herself and Gunter, "You want us to sing... together?"

"Ja! The two of us together, you joking me?" Gunter obviously didn't mind the idea and seems to be having fun with it, "We're going to be spicy, no?"

He laughs playfully as he hips bumped her in jovial glee.

The young mom smiles uneasily. She wasn't sure how she feels about this. She got in the show, but not in a way she'd expect.

"Well, at least all three of us got in," Jack bemusingly smiled as he shrugged his shoulders, "I'm just quite happy my friends are all together for the show."

"Thank you, Jack, that's sweet of you," Rosita smiles.

"Likewise, this is going to be great," Johnny beams. He's happy to be in a singing competition to do what he wants to do and something he loves, but making friends is making the overall experience better for him. Even if he didn't win, he got some good friends to talk with and enjoys singing like he did. That was enough for him. Except for one thing...

"Ja! Being with friends are the best, no?" Gunter chimed in, feeling the friendship between the bunny, pig, and gorilla and couldn't help but feel happy for them too.

They all chuckled as the German piggy joined their little circle of friends, or triangle in this case.

"Ja," the bunny suddenly shook his head realizing he picked up on Gutner's excited exclamation and walked over to him with his paw outstretched, "Well, it's nice to meet you Gunter. I'm Jack. I look forward to singing in the show with you."

"Same my newfound compatriots, we're going to spicing things up, ja," Gunter shook Jack' paw eagerly and spoke how much fun this competition was going to be and everyone agrees.

Another friend to the list it looked like.

"Okay. You are my chosen few," Buster Moon's voice snapped everyone's attention back to the little koala as he wheeled in a red storage box with a brown chest on top of it, chained together with a lock. It looked like that is where the prize money is locked in.

The koala sure knows his how to make everything theatrical at least.

Stopping their conversation altogether, they all lined to face Buster, smiles all adorning their face.

Except for Mike.

"This is it, folks! A defining moment in all of our lives!" Buster Moon declared theatrically as he looked upon his cast for the competition. He was as excited and eager as they were. Jack definitely was, as he never been in such a grand scale event before. Even if he did feel a little nervous at the thought of singing in front of big crowd.

The koala would've continued with his spiel if he hadn't looked behind him and noticed the red panda girl group who performed earlier, in complete Japanese, and he looked honestly surprised and confused.

Jack blinked. It looked like they didn't know they were not in the show, but their happy smiles on their faces evidently told they thought they are.

"Um, no...," Buster Moon beings to explain to them to clear up the misunderstanding, "No, no, no. Not you guys. I dismissed all of the group acts already," the koala taps on the clipboard with his pen to drive the point home, "You can go home."

However, it looked like it was lost in translation.

The red panda in blue bowed her head and began speaking in Japanese respectfully. Seeing as everyone in the room didn't understand Japanese, Jack could make out what she was saying.

"We're very happy to be in this show," she said in complete Japanese. The bunny boy placed his palm on his face and smirked. Yup, it totally looks like they don't understand English completely and they should know Moon doesn't seem to understand them as well.

Why didn't they bring a translator? Honestly it looked like that could read English if they knew this was going to be a competition. Perhaps writing would help? Then again, the bunny boy wasn't 100% sure if they do understand English writing and was only a guess. Which begs the question, how did they know this was a singing competition?

Moon, not understanding a lick at what they're saying and seems to pick up what they're trying to say, tried once again they didn't get in, "Look, I'm really sorry, but all of the slots are filled."

All five of the red panda girls smiled and jumped in place excitedly thinking Moon wanted an encore of their presentation.

"We'll sing for you again," the red panda in blue said again in Japanese. Pressing the button on their pink portable stereo cd player and their song began to play as the group start singing and dancing for Moon.

"No, no, listen!" the koala tried again, but to no avail, even crossing his arms in a no motion. But, the girls didn't see it nor were they listening to him, "No in show."

Sighing in defeat, he pressed the stop button on their portable player to end the song, "Goodbye-bye!"

Once the music had stopped the red panda girls all laugh and giggled happily, thinking Moon heard enough to know they're the best and in his show. Poor girls didn't understand their situation at all. At least they were adorable while doing it.

"Miss Crawly!" Buster Moon called for his scaly assistant to help him out with the pandas.

"Come on, you guys!" the elderly lizard began to shoo them away, waving her clipboard like some mop shooing away unwanted pests, "Out of here. Come on. Off the stage."

As the red panda group run across the auditorium, a sheep in an open red track suit, faded yellow shirt, and orange shorts, walked in and took a seat. He looked at the 'fleeing' group with a short chuckle as they ran pass him, pulling out a flier stuck in between the seat he just took.

Hmm... he didn't look like a contender for the competition. Perhaps a fellow employee the young bunny wondered.

"Thank you so much," Miss Crawly called out to the panda group, thanking them for leaving.

"Hey, Moon," the smooth singer mouse Mike called to the koala as he made his way to the brown chest on stage and sat on top of it, "What's the story? Is the prize really inside this thing?"

Buster Moon looked over to Mike sitting on the chest trying to pick up what he said, "The prize?"

Realizing what he was talking about Moon nonchalantly answered him, "Oh, sure. Yes, it's all in there."

"Well open it, will ya? I wanna see what $100,000 looks like," Mike demands while rubbing his greedily little hands together impatiently as this was the real reason why he entered the competition. Honestly, dude, show a little restraint.

Though truthfully, Jack was very curious what hundred thousand dollars did look like together in a pile. Everyone else agreed in that sentiment as they began to urge Buster Moon on to show them. It's not every day you get to see that much money.

"Me, too."

"Yeah, go on. Open it, Mr. Moon."

Buster Moon smiled at their intrigued faces, he couldn't help but indulge them in their request as he began to fish for the chest key, "Sure, I'll open it."

Well the koala is quite the upstanding little guy. Not a lot of official competition would show that much money on display or in plain sight where it could get robbed.

Suddenly as soon as he began to fish for his keys his eyes dropped and looked at Mike in confusion, "Wait... what did you say?"

Huh? Did Buster Moon not realized he wanted to see the money? Logically it wouldn't be a good idea to show that much money, especially showing where you had the keys to unlock the chest to get it. However, going by the tone in his voice it didn't sound like it.

"He said '$100,000'," the sheep from earlier walked over with the flier in his paw and showed it to the koala, he took it immediately as he skims over his own copy of the flier.

"A hundred...," he lets out a quick yelp, but closed his mouth just as quick as he slowly turns to his contestants with a nervous smile.

Something wasn't right. Jack' mind was sending a red alert. What's going on?

"I... forgot my keys," he chuckles uneasily, crumbling the flier and dropping it off the stage, as he slowly shuffles away from the group of contenders, "Koala be right back."

And with that oddly placed koala pun turned Miss Crawly around and pushed her away with him.

Everyone staring where the koala was just a moment ago.

What? No, seriously, what just happened? That was highly suspicious the bunny was gathering. Could it be... that the prize money was a typo mistake? Buster Moon was indeed offering prize money, that much was given with how he was going to show the money no questions asked, but could the amount by a mistake? A computer error? Was it less than what it is?

Jack did recall how unusual the fliers came about in the city, in a storm, and going around in the wind instead of being placed on bulletin boards like normal. He had no proof, but something about his reaction was very off.

"OK... that was weird," the bunny offhandedly commented. He didn't want to alarm anyone, but he hoped he was wrong about this observation.

"Yeah...," Johnny agreed with him.

Everyone turned to the sheep, looking off to where the koala ran to, with a worried look in his eyes, "So, you work for Moon or are you a friend of his?"

"Friend," the sheep answered the bunny, "I'm going to go check on him."

On that note, the sheep headed to the back and ascended upstairs through the stage stairs to the office on top. Leaving all of the contenders by themselves until they got back.

"Well, Buster Moon has always been known as an eccentric-sort of fellow, am I right?" Jack shrugged his shoulders as he looked up to Johnny.

Who shrugged back too.

While everyone waiting on Moon's return some of the contenders took the time to chat amongst themselves. Mike almost drooling over the chest as he rubbed his paws all over it with greed, muttering to himself what he'd done with all that money. The frog group act moved off to the side to discuss their routine they should do and soon started to argue with each other. It did not seem like they had good chemistry with each other.

Pete the camel took out a breath mint and popped it into his mouth as he gazes all over the proscenium, admiring the beautiful craftsmanship and details in the theater as he starts to practice some vocal ranges to perform a pre-rehearsal of his show for the competition.

Leaving Jack and his only friends from the competition, minus Ash he thought sadly at first, and turned to them to chat with them.

"Well, I'm glad all of us are going to be in the show," the bunny spoke up first, "This is going to be exciting!"

"Yeah, I can't wait," Johnny beams happily, "I'm really looking forward to this."

"It is a little nerve-racking though," Rosita put her two cents in, "But I'm going to go out there to finally live my dream."

"Ja! We're all going to spice things up," Gunter spins in place and points to his new singing partner, "The two of us are going to be wunderbar, no?"

Rosita chuckles uneasy once more. This was going to take some getting use to.

"Hmm, why are you here for Gunter?" Jack directed his attention at the newest member of the group curious of his reasons to join the competition, "Are you here for the prize money? Or just for fun, like Johnny and Rosita here?"

"Me? I'm here to spice things up, ja," Gunter smiles at the bunny and grabbed his arm and spun the both of them around as he released the poor unexpecting bunny in a little whirlwind himself before he continued, "I want to show the fire and passion of singing to the world! I want everyone to have a good time at the show!"

Trying to stop the dizziness he shook his head to stop the spinning motion in his head, "Um... I see. T-That's... very cool."

Both Rosita and Johnny snickered upon seeing the poor bunny regain his balance.

"What about you, my friend?" the energetic piggy asked the bunny boy, "You're only here for the prize money?"

"Well, yeah...," Jack explained bashfully, his hands in his jacket pockets. He told Gunter exactly why he was here, trying to earn the prize money to help his family so they can live a good life. He did also do it, because he does love to sing but not as much as he loves his family.

Gunter seemed very satisfied with his answer, "You're a good boy, indeed. Family very lucky to have you."

"Yup, they encouraged me to enter," Jack smiled fondly and then he looked up to Johnny, "What about you, dude? Did your family encouraged you, too?"

However, the response who not an enthusiastic one, "No, not really..."

"Really?" Rosita spoke up.

"Oh... so you didn't learn to sing from anyone from your family as such?" Jack continued his question curiously, but he had a feeling he was poking his nose in unneeded business. He should really consider Johnny's feelings, he didn't seem happy to talk about this.

"Well, I got my singing talent from my mum," Johnny rubbed his arm, "She taught how to play the piano as well."

Perking up happily the bunny smiled at his friend, "Really? That's awesome, man! Is she proud of you at least for entering?"

Unfortunately, the teen gorilla frowned sadly, "I-I wouldn't know... my mum left us a long time ago."

The way he said it could be interpreted either way, but the bunny teen was not eager to push into uncomfortable territories like that so he dropped the topic altogether. Rosita and Gunter shared the same thoughts as well as their ears folded back sadly, too.

"O-Oh! I-I'm so sorry, man, I didn't mean...," Jack quickly apologized to his friend. He shouldn't known better. Stupid, stupid, stupid bunny!

Johnny smiled softly at the bunny and gestured his hands to calm him down, "It's alright. You didn't know, but I know she'd be proud of me."

Everyone smiled warmly at Johnny small declaration.

"Well, I don't know if it means much from us," Jack started happily.

"But, we're proud of you Johnny," Rosita finished with a proud smile.


Before they could continue their conversation, the front doors bursted open and the small koala came walking out.

Wasn't he just upstairs?

"Okay, everybody, listen up!" he shouted quite loudly from across the room. Big lungs for such a small koala bear.

Gunter and Rosita shushed everyone as they all gathered together when Buster Moon walked through the doors. The sheep leaning against the doorway as Moon strolled down the auditorium unwavering. It looked like he gained renew confidence in himself as he approached the group.

I wonder what changed after his little episode?

"I gotta send you all home. Right now," he quickly announced.

Jack tilted his head in confusion and everyone else followed in suit. Were they not going to rehearsal right now or talk about the show or scheduling? It seemed out of left field here.



Buster Moon's smile did not deter when he saw his contenders' expressions and continued now, "Yep. 'Cause like my dad used to say, 'Get a good night's sleep and do a great day's work!'"

The sheep plants his palm in his face when he heard that line. Honestly it does make a lot of sense. It's been a long day, so they should relax for the rest of the day before they come back to prepare themselves for the show.

Everyone seemed to follow what Buster was saying as they all smile in agreement.

"That's right," Buster clapped his hand, "Rehearsals being first thing tomorrow morning. And if you wanna become stars and win 100 grand, then you better be ready to work harder than you've ever worked in your lives!"

Seemed like the money issue or whatever it was early got resolved. Though the bunny is keeping an eye out just in case. He knows the theater is having money problems, not as bad has his family thankfully, but does he really have the money for the competition? He needs someone to look over his check balance.

"So, get some sleep, and dream big dreams!" Buster Moon rallied with a motivating speech. It was quite invigorating honestly. All remaining contestants cheered excitable knowing this was going to be an important part of their lives and they all look forward to it. Even Jack could hardly contain his joy as he leaps into the air with a victorious fist-bump of his own.

"This is great!" Gunter responded cheerfully.

As soon as Moon finished his motivating speech the red panda group, Q-Teez, returned once more and started their song again and performed right behind Moon. Said koala turned away, surprised to see them again, and let his ears droop in exasperation knowing they're back again.

"Miss Crawly!"

Rosita giggled at the adorable actions and persistence of the panda group as she and the rest of the contestants left the stage. Gunter seemingly enjoy the music and dancing to the beat, just how Jack is enjoying the music as well and Johnny just chuckling at the antics of the girls.

"Well, I guess this is where we part ways," Jack dejectedly sighed, "So, I guess I'll see you all tomorrow then?"

"Of course, we'll be here," the motherly pig replied.


"I wouldn't miss it, mate."

The bunny glances to the ground with a forlorn smile. It's been too long since he last had friends to chat with. Sure, his co-workers were nice at work and all, but they were all older than him being the youngest employee they got working there. Not to mention they have families to look after as well.

"Oh, by the way Johnny, could I ask you something?" the gentlemanly bunny looked up to his cool gorilla friend who looked down at him curiously, "I was wondering, after the competition was over. You think we could hang out sometimes together? You know, play video games, skate boarding at the park? Goof off, maybe?"

The gorilla smiled happily at the thought, "Sure, I wouldn't mind. That sounds like a lot fun. I don't have many friends."

"Cool," the bunny beamed gladly to hear he was ok with it, "We can even hang out my home, if you want! But, I must warn you... my sisters will drive you crazy. I should know I live with them."

"Heh," Johnny chuckled, "Come on, they can't be that bad."

"Yeah, you sure?" the bunny gave him a raised brow challenging his claim, "I'm pretty sure you can't handle their 'Wall of Pout' maneuver."

"'Wall of Pout?'"

"Trust me, when all ten of them give the biggest puppy dog eyes and pouting looks, you can't ever refuse them," the poor bunny boy with ten sisters sarcastically drones about them as he rubs his face with his paw, "They use it every single time to bend me to their will. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME."

"Sounds adorable," the gorilla joked.

Jack glances at Johnny with a smirk, "Oh yeah? You got any siblings?"

The teen ape shook his head, "No, only child."

"Lucky," Jack mused and had an idea come to his head, "Say, what to trade families for a day? I could get use to being an only child for a bit."

Johnny cracked up a bit, "As tempting as that sounds, I'm going to take a pass. My dad could be very... difficult to work with, especially," the young gorilla seemed to have trouble bringing it up, "'family' business."

Jack nods understanding, "Fine enough. Let's exchange contact information so we can talk to each other anytime."


Johnny took at his phone as Jack did and the two boys exchanged their contact information so they can hang out anytime.

"Awesome," the bunny smiled warmly at his new friend, "And one more thing Johnny."

He stretched out his paw in a fist bump and the teen ape understood the gesture. He bumped fist with the bunny boy, the two teens smiling over their bonding.

"Hey, Johnny, do you know what this gesture means in my family?" Jack riddled his gorilla friend who tilted his head, "It means... we're friend for life."

Johnny smiled warmly at the thought behind it.

"No matter what happens, I'll always help out my bro! So, we bros, bro?"

"Yeah, we're totally bros, bro," Johnny bumped his friend's fist again.

"Ja! Friends are totally awesome, am I right?" the German pig Gunter suddenly erupted on Jack' side and bumped fist with him as well, "We should all totally hang out! Ha, ha!"

Both boys looked at the athletic piggy as he grinned at the both of them.

"Well, I guess I'm friends for life with Gunter as well," Jack shrugged.

"Sorry about my new partner," Rosita spoke up, staying quiet during the two teens exchange, getting a little better at the thought of having a singing partner.

"It's alright, Rosita," the bunny calmly replied with a shrug, "Oh! That reminds me, can I have you contact information, too, Rosita? I was thinking of getting it before Moon decided to bring you in. I thought maybe I could get some advice from you so it'd would be like you were in the show or I could help you out with anything you need."

The motherly pig patted the bunny boy on the head, "Well, aren't you a sweetheart. I hope my kids grow up like you."

Smiling all four of them exchange contact information with each other. Knowing they'll at least have friends during the competition, though none of them are in it for the prize money mostly except for Jack, and all know hard feelings if the other group won.

"Later guys! Take care!" Jack waved goodbye to his new friends as all of them go their separate way back home.

As the bunny boy skate boarded room his mind is filled with so many things that happened that the Moon Theater.

Taking his audition and Buster Moon, his favorite theater director, had picked him to be in his show. Him! The awkwardly, shy, bashful oddball bunny! He didn't know what to make of it. He hoped, but didn't think him would actually get picked. It was crazy!

And that wasn't just the best part of the day.

Meeting his new friends, he made at the theater, Rosita the hardworking motherly pig, Johnny the cool 'rebel', the energetic friendly German pig Gunter, and meeting... um... the lovely Ash was just as great. He shook his head, he should not be swooning over someone else's girlfriend, that is not cool in the least.

He did hope to be friends with her at least.

He was smiling to himself. Nothing could stop his day. Not even his hyperactive littler sister grinning from ear-to-ear in his face, like she was doing right now.

Wait... what? What was that last part?


"D'ah!" Jack flinched back in shock not realizing he was already in front of his house. Apparently, he was in cloud nine all the way back from the theater. "Sis?! Did you have to do that?"

Ignoring his question, Arianna leaned into his personal space causing the bunny boy to bend backwards a bit, "Soooooo, how'd it go? How was your performance? Did you get it? Did you make any new friends?! Did you even check any of the messages you sent you?"

"One at a time, sis, and... huh?" Jack pulled out his phone and noticed his family had sent him a ton of messages. He must've missed them while he was skate boarding back home.

"Come on, come on, tell me, tell me!"

"I will... as soon as you stopped mimicking a parrot. Let's get the whole family together at dinner and I'll tell them how it went," Jack ruffled his sister's head. The smile on her face never leaving.

The two siblings entered the house and a few hours past as dinner time came and all of the Burrow family members sat down together at the dinner table. Once everyone had been seated, Jack retold his whole family his accounts of what transpired at the Moon Theater. How'd his audition went and what song he played... which a number of his sisters rolled their eyes at... and that he got in the show and will go back tomorrow for rehearsals in the morning.

His father smiled proudly at his son, the biggest Jack has ever seen him with, "I'm proud of you my boy. Even if you didn't get in, I'm still happy you tried. And now you're in the show, words don't do you justice."

"Thanks dad."

"So, did you make any new friends at least?" Arianna spoke up eager to know if made any friends. Hopefully of the female variety.

Jack' face lit up when ask that, "Actually, yeah, I did! I made at least three new friends. There's Johnny a gorilla who's around my age and he's pretty cool, then there's Gunter a German pig who got my energy than the 'energize bunny', and finally Rosita who's very hardworking."

"Oh, Rosita, eh?" Arianna curled her smile in a mischievous expression, "A girl, right?"

"Who is married and has twenty-five kids," Jack rolled his eyes, "Just because I made a female friend does not mean she's a potential girlfriend."

"Oh, I see," Arianna deadpanned, but didn't miss a beat and thought of the next thing, "Prefer older woman, don't ya?"

The poor boy lets out an annoyed groan.

"Now, now, let's not bother our brother like that," Luna came to her brother's defense, "He'll find a girl he likes."

Honestly it shouldn't be his place to say, but he couldn't help but spoke up about it, "Well... I did meet a girl named Ash. A porcupine girl around my age."

Suddenly all eyes were on him.

"R-Really?" Arianna choked out almost too happily, "Sooo, what's she like?"

"Pretty cool actually," he commented and then sighed dejectedly, "I like to think we became friends. Though she does have a boyfriend."

"Argh," Arianna folded her arms, "Don't tease us like that! That's not funny."

She gave him the most annoyed glare she could muster, but it came across more adorable than threatening.

"Worth it to see your expression."

"Regardless," their mother spoke up, "I'm happy to see you speak with girls around your age at least."


"True...," Tiffany ponders tapping her chin, "Perhaps Ash has female friends around her age herself? She could introduce yourself to them, if you're looking for someone."

The only boy in the family rolled his eyes, "I'll keep that in mind, thanks."

His family did ask him more details on this Ash girl and he shared with him from what he saw and learned from their time together. They're happy he gave a compliment for her singing and seem a little off put her boyfriend didn't seem to think so. Though it was not their place and won't speak about it outside the family.

"Well, I'm glad you're getting out of your comfort zone, Jack," Sam stated with a warm smile, "You never know what the future is going to be like. Always keep an eye out."

"Yes, dad."

Jack silently ate his food as his family discuss how their day went and, of course, talking about Jack' audition and what date the show will be on so they can schedule the day off to go see him. Which reminds the boy he had to call work and let them know he'd be busy with the competition.

Thinking about the competition, he wondered what he should talk to his new friends about? Not mention... what would he say if he saw Ash again tomorrow? Honestly it's not like they're going to become inseparable in the future or anything like that, right?

"For the last time, Lance, I'm not selling out!" a girl porcupine growled irritatedly trying to get her boyfriend to see reason.

"Oh yeah, sure," the porcupine dryly retorts, "That's what they all say before a little bit of prize money drives them away. Yeah, you're totally nothing like the other sellouts."

His girlfriend, Ash, rolled her eyes at his jab, "Well, good to see you didn't lose your sense of humor."

Paws on her hips she shook her head as she grabbed her guitar, "Just think about it. I win the competition and get the prize money, we get that studio like you wanted, so you can show the whole world your songs. Please Lance, just trust me to do this."

Lance scoffs at first before he sighed in defeat, "Pfft... fine. There's no pointing of arguing about this. Might as well take what we can get. Just make sure to win."

"Thank you for understanding," Ash smiled triumphantly, "Well I'm going to get my stuff ready for tomorrow. Moon called here to let me know the rehearsals are tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, yeah," Lance yawned as he turned around and headed to his bedroom in his girlfriend's apartment, "Well, I'm hitting the hay. Don't stay up too late."

"Sure," Ash smiled sadly, hoping to at least give her boyfriend a kiss goodnight but walked away uncaringly which dampened her mood a bit.

Sighing irritatedly Ash gets bag ready in case she had to perform some wicked rock songs for the competition. As her mind wandered back to the competition, a certain brown bunny entered her mind. Thinking about him put the good mood back in her and smiled as she caressingly strung her guitar strings.

Her family praised her guitar skills and singing even though she now lives in her own apartment with her boyfriend moved in. Lance commented she was awesome when they first met in high school and kicked it off from there as a couple, but lately he didn't seem to pay much attention to her much to her sorrow. Hoping that winning the competition would relight that fire in his eyes again.

But remembering about the compliment the bunny boy, Jack, gave her. It was so sincere and genuine it made her happy in such a long time. Lance had said sweet things to Ash before, but nothing as sweet as what Jack told her.

When Moon called to let her know what time to show up, in a brief instant, her mind went back to the bunny boy. She has a boyfriend, she knows, but she thought the klutzy bunny boy was pretty cute himself. Not to mention he is kinda dorky in an adorable way especially with his 'comical' act.

She did manage to overhear him talking with, Johnny was it, when they were in the back stage.

Her main reason in the competition is to win and get the prize money, her second reason being there was to talk to the bunny boy. His choice of songs, his hobbies. She wants to know what kind of animal he is.

Never realizing she was blushing all the while thinking about him and what kind of jokes she could play on him and him laughing with her on her jokes.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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