The sound of the alarm blazing in the morning, as the sleeping bunny groggily awoken from slumber. Groaning that his blissful dream trip was over, he irritated looked over to his alarm clock and pressed the snooze button.
He set the time for 7am in the morning to give him time for his body to slowly wake up. Though just 5 more minutes.
After the alarm went off again in the next 5 minutes, his sister Arianna called out behind his bedroom door.
"BIG BROTHER! Time to wake up, you want to make sure to be ready for Moon's rehearsals, don't you?"
"Ahhh...," Jack let out a tired groan and got out of bed. Still wearing his v-neck short-sleeved t-shirt and basketball shorts as his pajamas he made his way to the bathroom to wash up and get the sand out of his eyes.
Leaving his bedroom, decorated with various posters of popular sci-fi and fantasy themes along with video game posters littered on the walls. Coupled with a modern-size flat TV and many home game consoles scattered around with bookshelves with both video games and manga, it was a room befitting a dork-ish lovable gamer with a messy room.
Not caring about tiding up at the least. The bunny wasn't a morning person.
Grabbing the face cloth and toothbrush with toothpaste, licking his dried lips in the process, he turned on the faucet for cold water. Not realizing he knocked over some of the other bathroom accessories, some of his sisters' stuff.
Snapping his eyes wide open when it happened.
Trying to quickly grab every knocked over item before they fall in the sink with the water running he swiped for them. With the face cloth in paw still.
In a series of unfortunate comical events everything was bouncing and flying above the sink as the bunny boy vainly tried to grab and stopped everything from becoming a chaotic mess. Now to mention he somehow grabbed the tooth paste roll and squeezed it too tight. Shooting a chunk of tooth paste in the air and landed on his head. In the midst of all this chaos he somehow caused the water running from the faucet to spray him in the face.
"Yo, Bro, did you spray yourself AGAIN with the sink faucet?" Tiffany's voice spoke up behind the door. Even without seeing behind the closed door, the brother knew his sister was smirking knowingly.
His face completely drenched and now fully awake he growled.
The sounds of several muffled giggled were heard behind the door. It's very unusual for most of his sisters to be awake at this time of day.
"Just my luck..."
After nearly an hour of clearing himself up —and the bathroom as well— he made it out the door in his usual 'adventurer outfit' as he liked to call it. The red jacket, black shirt, and blue cargo shorts. Grabbing his light blue backpack and guitar he made sure to double-check he had everything before going to rehearsal.
Not a few steps away from the door all ten of his sisters came out to wish him good luck at the rehearsals.
"Good luck at your rehearsal, little brother," Luna cooed sweetly as she embraced her brother in a warm sisterly hug.
"Good thing he's already cleaned up his act beforehand, am I right ladies?" Arianna snickered as she recalled Jack' little episodic event in the washroom. Lime green tooth paste was a surprising good hair color for him she snorted.
The rest of the sisters also giggled along with her.
Rolling his eyes at the unamusing joke he dryly scoffed, "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up Sis. Just wait until it's your turn, I'll have the camera ready to immortalizes the event for future family generations. Then we'll see who gets the last laugh in the end."
"Yeah, yeah," Arianna playfully punched her brother's arm, "Just have fun alright? Don't worry about winning."
"Frère, take good care of the guitar I crafted for you."
"Big brother! I'm writing some songs for you in case you want something special for the show. I'll do my part to support you," Kazumi beamed as she body tackled her older brother, who nearly was knocked back.
"Really?" Jack smiled. His little sister is an extremely talented songwriter as well as an incredible singer, "Well I look forward to them. I know your songs are the best ones in the whole world," as he ruffled her head gently and she giggled in response.
"Well we shouldn't keep you," Cinderella handed him her special lunchbox for him.
"Thanks, sis! Well time to hit the road, I'll be back later tonight," Jack smiled. He managed to call his workplace to let them know he got into Buster Moon's singing competition, as they saw the news the other day, and we're totally okay giving him the next couple of weeks off.
They know he's a hard worker and this is the first time he's ever requested time off and they gave it to him. He already knows how awesome his bosses and co-workers were, but it really hit him in the heart how much they care for him.
"Wait, before you go big brother," Tiffany spoke up halting her brother's advance.
Turning around he quirked his eyebrow, "Yes?"
"We have to give you good luck kisses and hugs from us!" Jasime squealed excitedly with a big grin.
Widening his eyes in shock, he audibly gulped and looked at his sisters. All giving him that lovingly sisterly look on their faces.
"Now, girls, there's no need for...!"
"GET HIM!" Gretel commanded as all of Jack' sisters jumped him.
In an endless flurry of kisses and hugs as he struggled to break free from their grasp.
"Ugh... come on... guys... urk... this is embarrassing... stop!"
After a minute or two they finally stopped embarrassing their brother as they let him go, heaving and panting to get his breathing back. Shaking his head in annoyance he glared at his sisters.
"Not. Cool."
All he got was a round of giggles.
Sighing he waved goodbye and hurried to the theater on his skateboard. He could take the bus to get to the theater, but he'd found many shortcuts and routes that were faster on skateboard. Plus, he enjoyed the wind in his face and the adrenaline of speed as he blitzed through the streets and park.
And he does just that to get to Moon theater. During that time, in the corner of his eyes he noticed an elephant girl in a blue hoodie sat on the bench waiting at the bus stop with what looked like a baked cake in her arms. Looking nervous and timid sitting there.
Huh. Jack could've swore he's seen her around these parts before, but never got the chance to speak to her before. Sadly, that well wait until another day, he doesn't want to be late on his first day.
"~I won't sell out for nobody. Won't follow no fool!~" a certain male porcupine started to sing in his girlfriend's apartment, playing on his guitar and lounging on the couch. Saying the last part directly at his girlfriend, who came into the room with a carbon tray filled with popcorn in her paws. Something for her boyfriend to eat while she was away, because heaven forbid he can actually cook for himself.
"Would you stop?" Ash growing quite aggravated by her boyfriend's constant whining since last night. It was bad enough yesterday after Lance was NOT selected to be part of Moon's show, but now he's giving her grief like she'd betrayed him for her own glory. Didn't they have this talk last night. "I'd only be doing it for us."
Lance scoffed as he rolled his eyes back, "Oh, really?"
"Yes, really!" Ash being as calm and collected for her boyfriend, but even her patience was going thin by the minute, "If I won that money, we could build our own recording studio, start our own label."
Ash incrementally stated each reason with more passion and excitement as she grabbed her can of orange soda, "I mean, the whole world would get to hear your songs."
Not listening and, or possibly not caring, Lance continued to sing his sorrows over his girlfriend leaving him behind, "~I'm not listening to my girlfriend. 'Cause she just wants to sell out~"
Realized that nothing was getting through to her thick-headed boyfriend Ash groaned in annoyance and walked out the room. She had no time for this. She needed to get ready for the rehearsals. It was 30 minutes until 8 o'clock and she had plenty of time to get there.
She really doesn't get why her boyfriend can be such a hard person to please at times. They've been together for a couple of years now, and sure he was standoffish at times, he cared for her. Right? He must know she's doing this for them, to jump start their music career. Her family have been supported when she called them.
Come to think of it her family have been the only one to be proud of her choice and her being independent by getting an apartment herself. They even said how talented she was too.
Aside from her family, no one else complimented her on her singing and guitar playing.
Except for a certain bunny the other day.
The young punk girl smiled pleasantly to herself as she recalled that memory. She can't recall the last time Lance complimented her on her rock skills, all she recalled was that Lance should her voice was cool and perfect for backup vocals for his songs and wanted her in them. It pleased her, but now that she thought of it, Lance never really did praise her on her skills.
A total stranger did it much to her irritation.
Not that was mad at the bunny, no, just her boyfriend that doesn't know how lucky he is to have her support his dream and stay by his side.
Perhaps winning the competition will let Lance see how amazing she really is and finally acknowledge her skills and see how much she loved him.
Until then she had to practice and win the competition.
Though if she was being honest with herself, she wanted to meet that bunny boy again. There was something about him she liked. A guilty pleasure for sure to talk to another boy that she found fascinating, but she's not cheating on Lance or anything like that. She would never do that to him and she knows Lance would never break her heart either by seeing someone else behind her back.
Still it never hurts to have more friends for the both of them to hang out with. Who knows? Perhaps Lance and that bunny guy could be good friends as they love rock music it seemed. Though Lance could've been nicer.
Swinging her guitar on her back and strapping it tight she headed out the door to the rehearsals.
Somehow her heart beaten faster whenever she thought of that bunny boy without realizing it. Secretly she wanted to talk to the bunny boy first before winning the competition.
Why did he have to be so cute-looking too, in an adorable dork-ish way?
Stepping through theatre doors and walking across the red velvet room, the young bunny arrived right on time for the rehearsal. Which was eight o'clock in the morning. Sheesh even here they got you waking up so bloody early in the morning. Don't these folks ever hear of sleeping in for mornings?
Jack really disliked waking up to early. Ten in the morning at the earliest for him.
Looking upon the beautiful stage he'd seen time and time again with his family when his parents brought them here to watch the shows. It brought back wonderful memories for the young bunny. His personal favorite show was called Vampire Rabbit, and he's not usually a horror fan. Sure, it was corny and comical at times, but it was still great and imaginative to him. And scary at times too. Now he wasn't afraid of the rabbit girls from the audition, but he wasn't interested in them for not looking for a relationship right.
And because they gave that snooty attitude he disliked. Plus, their choice of song didn't help give him a good impression on the ladies.
Shaking his head of such thoughts he made his way to the back stage where Buster Moon is most likely waiting for him and the rest of the cast for the competition. He wonders what Moon will have him do and if the others were here already.
Gazing around as he walked on he marveled at the sight of the place. Grandiose and spectacular of the beautifully crafted red curtains with golden lace, marbled pillars towering on the sides, hand polished wooden floor. Well the place had seen better days as it was more dusted than he was before. But in its splendor, it was a truly magnificent sight to behold.
"What a place of magic and wonder," Jack hummed to himself.
"I'll say," a voice spoke up beside him.
Startled at first, Jack quickly collected his thoughts and looked to his right and realized who it was that spoke to him, "Johnny!"
The teen gorilla smiled happily upon seeing his bunny buddy from the other day as he walked up from the steps and onto the stage. The two of them grasped their hands in a welcoming friendship grip as the two greet each other this fine morning.
"Good to see ya buddy!" Jack beamed. It looked like his new friend was an early riser like him, but he seemed more fine than him waking so early in the morning.
"Likewise. Had trouble getting up this morning?" Johnny asked as the two of them proceed to the main stage. It looked like Moon isn't here yet to greet them. Probably getting these ready for the competitors by selecting their space, list of songs, clothing, and etcetera. If any of them had to guessed.
"Ugh... I'm not much of a morning person," the brown bunny inwardly groaned, "It takes me a good while to wake up. Even waking up an hour or so earlier and I still want to go back to sleep for 5 more minutes. I'm not a morning person, more nocturne really."
"I have no doubt about that," the tall gorilla teen chuckled as they made it to the center. It looked like Mike, Pete, and the frog trio were here as well, but were more spaced off from the center. Mike is by himself just lounging around while Pete and the frog trio were engaged in conversation with each other.
Rosita and Gunter were nowhere to be seen. Not to mention even Ash wasn't here as well, however he wasn't sure if she would be coming. He felt sadden thinking that, but something told him she would come. Something about her spirit he guessed.
As they made their way to the center, Johnny kept on glancing over to Jack with this unsure expression and looking... to be holding in his laughter?
The bunny boy looked at Johnny oddly, "What's with you?"
"Nothing really, but... um... you do realize... um," the gorilla was trying to explain it without chuckling confusing the bunny even more.
"Realize... what?"
"You got a little... um... some lipstick marks on your face, dude," Johnny pointed out as he tried to hold back a smirk.
The bunny blinked in confusion, "What?"
He rushed to find a mirror and spotted one nearby in the side wing of the stage. Upon looking into it he noticed right away what Johnny was talking about.
"AH! One of them had lipstick on?!" Jack quickly and thoroughly rubbed his face of any remaining gloss that one of his sisters planted on him when he didn't know when they kissed him, "Dagnabbit sis! WHY?!"
Johnny chuckled as Jack glanced at him, "Sorry mate. It was kinda funny."
"Yeah... funny. Sisters," Jack deadpanned and shook his head, "You're lucky you don't have them. Hmm... You sure you don't want to switch families for a day?"
"Positive," Johnny shook his head in amusement.
"Come on, man," Jack playfully shadowboxed at Johnny, "Wouldn't you like to have a bunch of loveable girls hanging out with a stud like you? Come on, you know you want to."
"Nice try, mate," this time chuckling and at the humorous attempt Jack was trying to pull.
"Worth a shot."
Just then Gunter showed up on the stage and greeted with his two new buddies from the other day with a vigorous handshake that both Jack and Johnny could've swore would vibrate their arms off if he kept it up any longer.
The German piggy was excited to start rehearsals today, as evident with the way he spoke and danced in place to alluded to his joy, as he chatted up with the bunny and gorilla.
"This Singing competition is ze greatest thing, ja? Wunderbar time to have a blast, this show won't be able to contain mei explosive piggy power!" Gunter proclaimed like a little kid in a candy store. His joy was quite infectious as both Jack and Johnny smiled and agreed with him as well.
Feeling his phone vibrate, Jack grabbed the electronic device from his pocket. Rosita sent him a message that she'll be there soon and asked if the rehearsals have started yet. Johnny and Gunter also got the message and the bunny was the one to reply back letting her know the rehearsals haven't started yet.
In just a few minutes Rosita showed as her friends greeted her with a wave.
"Hey Rosita! How's it going?" Johnny asked the young mother as she made her way to their circle of friends.
"Nothing much, except finding a solution to help with my family problem," Rosita smiled seemingly pleased with herself. Though her friends were not sure what she meant by that.
"Family problem? I hope it's not too serious, ja," Gunter spoke up.
Rosita shook her head and explained what she did last night. Apparently, she couldn't get a babysitter to watch her 25 children. The boys nodded, it was quite the daunting task indeed to look over 25 kids for two weeks though they thought it rude the lady hanged up on her when she told the amount. They could've sent more babysitters.
However, they were surprised at the solution came up with to solve her family dilemma. She constructed contraptions to perform all her task for her like she does every day with her family. Knowing how her children and husband behave in the same manner the same every day it was quite easy for her to set it up. She tested it many times to get it working right before heading to bed.
Currently she's not sure if everything went correcting to plan, but she believed it to be.
"Wow, Rosita, you're an amazing inventor," Johnny was in awe upon learning what Rosita did and she had pictures to show them. Apparently, she used the pictures to help with any measurements and adjustments she needed to do.
"Oh, it's nothing really for me. I'm used to fixing and making things throughout the house," Rosita humbled stated.
"No joke, Rose, I think you and my sister Tifa would get along swimmingly," Jack nodded and smiled at the thought, "Perhaps help my sister not have her first version of her inventions explode in her face."
"Oh dear, it explodes on her?" Rosita chirped in concern. That's not good to hear.
Jack shook his head in a dismissive manner, "No worries, all it leaves her is a black soot face. Though I can't say the bench and the rest of her workshop get off as easy."
"Good morning, folks!" Buster Moon announced as he appeared behind the group. Everyone suddenly flinched in response and looked behind them to spot the little koala. Man, does he have a set of pipes on him. Not to mention he's quite like a ninja.
No one knew he snuck up on them like that.
"Sheesh, Moon, could you say that any louder?" the bunny winced as he cleared out his left ear with his pinky paw. Thought his eardrums would explode.
"And mite I suggest a collar bell for good measure," Johnny also added in.
"My apology, young man, but today we have a big day ahead of us, and I couldn't wait to get started!" the koala burst with joyous exhilaration as he called all of the animals to the center of the stage.
Soon after all attending animals all lined up as Buster Moon made his appearance and called them all in attendance to begin their rehearsals. Followed by his assistant, Miss Crawly, carrying a stack of papers under her arms.
"This contest is war! This stage is the battlefield! Your song is your weapon," the gray koala in the blue suit enunciated marched back and forth in front of the cast. As Miss Crawly handed everyone their sheets for the show.
Each contender showing their appreciation in their own way.
"Now you only get one shot to blow that audience away, so choose carefully from the list of songs I've selected for each of you," the director of the theatre stated as everyone looked at their sheet.
Before the bunny and the rest of the contestants could look at their sheet a pair of footsteps could be heard.
And soon a familiar porcupine girl from the other day appeared in line with them.
The moment Jack saw her his face light up like a Jacktmas Tree. He got to see her again after all and it looked like she would be joining the show with them. This would be a perfect chance to get to know her and invite her to their group. Not to mention his sisters encouraging to talk to her... see if she had any single female friends, which to his chagrin.
"Hey look, that girl from before came back," Johnny pointed out to the recent arrival.
"Yeah, good for her that her boyfriend let her join without him," Jack looked up to the gorilla. He managed to hold his distress that she had a boyfriend, but it can't be helped. He could still make another new friend.
Buster Moon took note of the late entry and smiled, "Ah, talked some sense into that boyfriend of yours?"
She rolled her eyes and snarked in her sweet, but obviously dry wit manner, "Lance is an artist, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that."
"You're right," Buster Moon replied without skipping a beat, as usual, as he fished out Ash's sheet from his clipboard and hanged it to her. A look of disbelieve appeared on her face as she just stared at the koala. Eyes dilated in bafflement, not sure how to react to his nonchalant manner, "I don't understand that at all."
Jack snickered accidentally when he saw her expression. Though he quickly closed his mouth when he did. Hoping she wouldn't noticed.
Mission failed apparently.
Ash, with a scrunched-up nose, looked at the source of the snickers and spotted the brown bunny in the red hoodie in the other side of the line.
The boy gulped thinking he'd be in trouble with the porcupine girl. However, she suddenly lights up instead she smiled at him. She looked positively happy to see him again so soon.
Huh. That was not the response he was expecting. The boy quirked his head in wonder at her reaction.
Before either of them could talk to each other, Moon continued with this rambling, "Now, you'll notice each list also includes my costume and performance suggestions."
As they walked back stage, everyone following Mr. Moon, the koala handed over his clipboard to his lizard assistant, "Okay? Miss Crawly will show you to your rehearsal spaces. Now, let's get to work!"
The bunny tried to look over his sheet before his gorilla friend called up to Moon. Apparently, someone didn't seem right with the big guy as he looked worried after looking at his sheet.
"Excuse me, Mr. Moon?" Johnny called out to the little koala, running up alongside him as the koala gave the teen gorilla his full attention as he showed the koala the sheet handed to him.
The bunny boy tilted his head wondering what's up. Not noticing a certain porcupine glancing at him.
"For some reason, it says here that I should be playing the piano?" Johnny gestured at the sheet in confusion. That's weird, didn't he mention that he played the piano when he was younger? Though he could be rusty after so many years not playing it.
"It's like someone knew who could play piano and told Moon about it," Rosita spoke up beside Jack. The boy nodded in agreement.
"Yes!" Buster Moon smiled with confident, not noticing the young ape's hesitance and lack of enthusiasm upon learning about what he must do in the show, "Just image, big, soulful guy like you tenderly playing the keys."
As the koala was mentioning it to Johnny he pretended to play on the piano in the air as he thought how amazing Johnny will be when he sang while playing the piano, "There'll be goosebumps everywhere!"
Johnny clearly not having the same anticipation as the koala continued with his problem, "Well, I haven't played piano since I was a kid..."
Not missing a step the koala knew instantly what to do "Miss Crawly! We're gonna need some piano lessons over here."
"Wow, lucky you, you get free piano lessons," Jack whistled as he bumped his elbow into Johnny's side in a friendly and encouraging manner, which the young gorilla not show as much contentment at the prospect, "Usually they cost a fortunate to get lessons from professionals."
"Yeah, ha ha ha," Johnny chuckled nervously, "Lucky me..."
"Yes, sir!" Miss Crawly gleeful answered as she looked at the black towering gorilla, "Up the stairs, and I'll be right along."
Buster Moon grabbed the cup of refreshments from the tray that the elderly lizard gal was holding as the koala looked over to his next contender to show them to their rehearsal space.
"And Pete, you're in here."
"You got it, Mr. Moon," the placid-shirt wearing, blue overall dressed camel acknowledged with upbeat passion as he made his way into his space by the stairs. As the camel entered the space Buster Moon turned towards the young bunny, not aware that the girl porcupine had something to say to the koala, before all their ears picked up bickering from one of the spaces and Buster dashed over to see what the commotion was about.
"Well then, that happened," the teen bunny said to no one particular.
His stomach growling, the boy furrowed his brow and looked at his tummy. He made sure had he breakfast this morning. Curse his large appetite, the food bills stacked up mostly because of him.
He looked over to the tray and grabbed one of the snacks on there and munched on it, "Thank you, Miss Crawly."
"Of course, dearie."
"Well I guess this is it," Rosita spoke up beside him with Gunter in tow, "I'm kinda nervous. What about you?"
"Excited, really! Hehehe, I actually loved the shows Moon had in the theater before, but getting to be in the show itself, it's awesome," the bunny boy could hardly contain his delight of being here.
"Well someone's a fan, I didn't know that," the motherly pig smirked.
"I maybe in the minority, but I loved some of the plays they want with here."
"Gunter and Rosita, this way to your rehearsal space, please," Miss Crawly walked up to them and gestured to them kindly where they will be rehearsing for the show.
"Excellent! It's time to show them our stuff, right Rosita?" Gunter spun around in delight as he turned to his singing and dance partner.
"Um... yes... our stuff, right," Rosita forced a smile as she rubbed her arm awkwardly. Deep down in her heart she didn't think she could pull off the dance routine as well as Gunter and had come up with a backup plan, which she has kept the notes in her yellow giant purse just in case.
"Good luck, Gunter and Rosita, and have fun!" waved reassuringly to his friends who in turned looked back to do the same for their bunny friend.
"Ja, we'll have totes fun as they say."
Rosita smiled more confidently, but did seem a little unsure still.
With his two piggy friends going into their rehearsal space leaving only the bunny alone with Mike, who is lounging on a chair looking pretty content with himself and like he owned the place, and Ash. Not realizing during the time, he was talking to Gunter and Rosita that Ash had been eyeing him from the back. A little surprised how friendly he was with the other contenders already.
The spunky young lady assumed that when she left earlier with her boyfriend the other contenders got to chat up with each other during the final parts of the selections. Or maybe they were friends beforehand?
"So... it seems like you're getting along with the other contestants," Ash suddenly spoke up to the bunny as he was looking around the place, not being able to do so the first time due to how crowded it was and chatting with new friends.
Blinking in place as he wasn't expecting Ash to come up to talk with him he smiled happily at the chance to speak with her again, "Oh, Ash! Hey!"
The porcupine girl simply shook her head in bemused manner and smirked at his reaction.
Honestly Jack was looking around first, because he wasn't sure how to start up a conversation with the girl he met yesterday, yet this was a grand opportunity to break the ice for him, "You mean with Johnny, Gunter, and Rosita? Yeah, I was chatting with them to get to know them better since we're all in the competition together. Not to mention it's always great to make new friends."
"Ha, interesting," Ash nodded. Well compared to Lance and few other guys she'd know from school this bunny was a whole lot nicer and upbeat than them.
Suddenly a voice abruptly interrupted their conversation from the side.
"Hey, porky! Keep it down, will ya!" Mike suddenly shouted as he slammed the door to Gunter and Rosita's rehearsal room before heading back to his chair to lounge. Gunter barely got out a "Sorry," out before the rodent shut the door on them.
The bunny sighed and shook his head at the display, "Well... more so friends with others in the competition. I don't think I'll be getting along with Mike that much."
"I'll say, he doesn't seem to incite the warm fuzzy feelings as the cute little mouse he's supposed to be," the porcupine sarcastically joked with her oh-so lovely dry wit and humor.
He chuckled, "Yup. So... any reason you joined the competition? I asked my new friends and all shared their reasons. Mostly for fun on their part."
The girl perked up her ears. So, they're not in it for the prize money, which seemed very good for her. No hard feeling in case she won and they do seem like good animals to her. Looking at the boy she answered him with same confident and charming personality of hers, "Well, I'm in the competition mostly for Lance... and myself a bit... as we're going to use the prize money to open up a recording studio so he can write his songs and let the world hear them. We're going to start our professional music career from there."
Jack blinked. So that's why... she really does care for her boyfriend and is a loyal and considerate girl. That guy is really lucky to have her. He had to appreciate what she's doing for him.
"So, I guess your boyfriend is happy to hear how much you're going so far for him to make his dream come true, right?"
Unfortunately, the expression on her face wasn't one he was expecting at all. She had a crossed crestfallen look in her eyes and she frowned, "Not... exactly. I mean he thinks I'm selling out instead of helping him out."
She dejectedly sighed, "He'll come around eventually, but it's kinda annoying how childish he's acting about it."
"I... see," the boy replied as he scratched the back of his head. Not sure what to say about that other than think her boyfriend was being very ridiculous about the whole situation. "Well... hopefully he does see how such an amazing and radically person you are for doing that for him. I would if I were him."
Blushing slightly under her fur, Ash shyly traced her padded fingers across her side quill bangs, "Ha... thanks."
Rubbing his right foot on the wooden floor, awkward and embarrassed at what he said. He knew he's being nice, but he couldn't help being flustered talking to the very cute porcupine girl and soothing her troubles away.
"Sooooo...," breaking the tension Ash looked right into Jack' eyes with a curious glint in her eyes, "Why are you in the competition, too? For fun like the rest of your friends?"
He gulped knowing this might not be a good thing to say, but he's nothing if not honest, "Weellll... I entered the competition for my family, you see," he began to explain while rubbing his arm, "We're fine at the moment, but I've noticed the bills piling up at home and I want to contribute more to our financial troubles. We're not in the red, but kinda close to it and I want to make sure my parents and sisters can take it easier."
"O-Oh... I see," this time the porcupine girl was not expecting an answer like that. Truthfully it was a noble and sweet gesture on his part, not mention she got to learn he had siblings and seemed to be only sisters, and she gained more respect for the boy before her. He really was a good guy.
Which is kind of the problem for her. She in the competition for her boyfriend and herself while Jack here was in it to help his family. She started to feel a little bad and guilty about competing with him now.
"Well I have a job, too, and I'm currently taking a break for the competition. So, can still make some money to help out if I don't win, so no real biggie honestly," the boy gritted his teeth in a forced smile. Ash could tell he's feeling uncomfortable about telling her his reasons while she told him hers. "I guess that makes us rivals, then?"
"Yeah, rivals," she nodded absentmindedly as she glanced away from him a second.
Sensing the odd tension, he decided to break it with something that popped into his head, "You know, it's not a bad thing, really. Let's promise to each other there will be no hard feelings between us if one of us wins, alright?"
He stuck out his paw for a friendly handshake at the startled porcupine, "So, good luck to the both of us Ash?"
She looked at his paw and back to him before she smiled back at him too, "Yeah... I liked that as well."
And shook his paw. Feeling better about the whole thing and how much he's willing to sacrifice she also had an idea herself, "You know," getting his attention after the handshake, "If I won the competition and got the prize money, I was thinking... perhaps with the new recording studio I can use part of my paycheck to send money to you. To help you out with your family, I mean."
The boy's eyes widened in shock at her proposal, "Y-You... do that for me? For my family?"
"Well, yeah," Ash blew her bangs away as she turned around, slightly blushed, and folded her arms, "I mean, I'm not a bad guy you know. It would feel wrong to put your family in the streets because I was selfish to take the money away from you. My dream shouldn't come at the expense of another family's livelihood."
Touched he couldn't hold back his appreciation for the girl's thoughtful gesture to his family, even though they barely knew anything about each other, "T-Thank you Ash!" and gave her abrupt hug.
A second later Jack realized what he's done and released the porcupine girl, somehow avoiding her spiky quills when he hugged her, and stepped back embarrassed and rubbing the tip of his foot on the ground. Ash was equally stunned and embarrassed as she looked like she froze in place.
"Sorry about that."
Snapping out of it she chuckled, "Heh... no worries. Wasn't expecting it."
"Same," regaining his composure he spoke up again, "Speaking of which, if I won the prize money, I'll see if I could use half of it to give to you for your recording studio plans. Maybe a little bit from my paycheck from work too. We don't need all $100,000 for our money problems at home. Just to help you out seeing as you're going out of your way to do so for my family and me."
Ash smiled, "That's really thoughtful. I would say you don't have to, but considered I did the same and most likely you won't back down... thanks."
"No problem, that's what friends are for!" the boy beamed at her until he realized something and looked a bit downcast for a moment, "Um... we are friends now, right?"
"Who'd said we're friends? We're rivals, remember?" Ash gave him a serious and neutral look with her arms folded.
"Oh... sorry, I thought..."
"I'm just kidding," she suddenly giggled and playfully bopped his arm, "Of course we're friends now. You need to know when folks are joking you, dork."
"Oh, right?" sheepishly rubbed his head and chuckled awkwardly, "Yeah... I get teased a lot for it, honestly."
Perking up he looked back to Ash, "Speaking of which, want to exchange contact information? I can give you Johnny's, Gunter's, and Rosita's numbers as well and I know they'll love to be friends with you, too! I can tell them your number so we can also chat with each other or help each other out or something after the competition. Here let me get my phone real quick..."
The porcupine simply tittered as she shook her head at his adorable cheery attitude. Honestly, she found him cute, silly, and adorable... different from a lot of guys she'd met and know before and it was honestly refreshing. She was really glad to speak up to him and get to know him more, he really was a standup guy. Perhaps Lance could learn to be more tactful from him at least be more cheerful.
"Alright... I guess I could exchange numbers. But no messaging me at midnight, I need my beauty sleep after all," Ash waved her paw in a snooty and moody response that took the boy by surprised.
"Oh," he blinked, "Sorry... I didn't plan to do anything like that. I mean, it's rude for one thing, and another..." he began until he saw Ash suppressed her giggled behind one of her paws, "... I... um... sigh, got played again, didn't I?"
Not saying anything she nodded.
"Argh... great..."
"Excuse me."
Stepping in, was Miss Crawly, getting the two teens' attention as the both looked at the elderly, slightly shaking, lizard assistant as she smiled at the both of them. How long has she been standing there? Oddly enough she was giving the two teens a strange look in her single good eye and smiled.
"Sorry to disturb your conversation, but Ash, dearie, this way to your rehearsal space. At the end of the hallway there," the lizard gal in orange pointed for her down the hall to her space. It seemed bigger than others.
"Oh, guess it's practice time," Ash slightly forced a smile as she looked back to Jack, "I guess I'll catch up with you later... Jack, right?"
He smiled upon learning she called him by his name for the first time. It gave him butterflies in his stomach, "Yeah, sure, Ash. Looking forward to it... and I'll let the others know, too."
"Thanks, oh almost forgot," Ash pulled out her phone as Jack caught on what she wanted to do and do the same as the two exchange numbers, "Just message me the others' contact info later, alright? See ya later, dude."
Before she headed off, grabbing her stuff, she turned back and gave the bunny a half-lidded look and brushed her quill bang as she smiled coolly at him, "I also wanted to say, about your performance the other day... I want to say I thought you were being amazing out there."
He blushed when he heard her say that to him. Kinda like how he did for her and it's not come full swing... he's not sure if he can keep his blush down now.
"Even if you're a bit of dork-ish nerd who loves video game music."
With that note she entered her rehearsal space. Leaving a flustered and baffled bunny boy behind. Why... why did she have to have a boyfriend? She... was perfect. He would totally ask her out... if he had the nerves and calm, not to mention collected and confidence to do so.
He looked to his side and saw Miss Crawly giggling girlish to herself as she saw something utterly cute and adorable.
"Oh nothing, it's just that you were are very good together," she addressed the situation she saw beforehand and couldn't help, but smile witnessing the cute scene.
"Well, yeah, I guess we're pretty good together as friends."
"Yes, friends, of course," she smiled mischievously.
Why was she smiling like that he wondered?
"You do know she has a boyfriend, right?"
"Oh, I'm quite aware of it. Still you're quite good to her, you're a sweet boy," Miss Crawly then showed him his rehearsal space, "Seeing as we're currently one space short, you'll be sharing a space with Mike for the time being."
And with that his good mood collapsed. Great... sharing a space with Sir Ratigan would be fun.
"O-Oh... that's alright, I can share," he sighed inwardly, he might not like it but he'll try to be nice to the white stuck-up mouse if he could help it.
Both Miss Crawly and Jack walked up to Mike to let him know they'll be sharing the rehearsal space together, "Mr. Mike? You'll have the rehearsal space right now along with Mr. Jack Burrow, here."
"So, I guess we'll be roommates for the time being. I'll let you go in first, so let's do our best alright Mike?" Jack outstretched his paw to shake Mike's to show his goodwill for the spirit of the competition.
Mike looked at his paw from his spot and scoffed, "Pfft, thanks, but no thanks. I don't need to practice, I know I'm talented enough to win this whole competition in my sleep."
He rudely jumped off from the chair and pointed to his sheet, "These music selections? Cakewalk for yours truly, so I don't need the rehearsal space. Thanks for the luck, but I'll do just fine thank you every much. You'll need all the practice you can get, Carrots, so you can have it to yourself. Best of luck getting second place, hahaha!"
He laughed and waved at the perplexed young bunny who just stood agape at how the mouse was acting and how ignorantly he brushed off his kindness like that. He's met some rude customers and animals before, but this was downright intolerable.
He sighed irritatedly at the mouse's behavior, "Well, that was smoothly as I expected."
"Sorry about that," Miss Crawly said from behind her emptied tray as she saw the exchange between the two, "I didn't expect him to act like that."
"No worries, at least I have space to myself now," the bashful teen bowed slightly at the elderly lizard respectfully, "Thank for very much regardless, Miss Crawly."
"You're welcome dearie."
After parting the kindly ancient woman Jack entered the rehearsal space, a smile adorning his face as he took in the sight of the room... not to mention he was close by to Ash's space, and finally took a look at the music selections on his sheet handed to him by Miss Crawly earlier.
Huh? The songs he picked for him are mostly from Phil Collins and quite frankly he loved his songs and smiled to himself. I could work with these. Anything close to classic rock and country music he's fine with. He knows he can't sing heavy metal or any quick speaking music as his brain can't keep up with it.
Speaking of which there was other songs he's not familiar with as well. He'll be sure to talk to Buster Moon about it later. Perhaps he can offer some suggestions and wonder if he could let his little sister write him a song and two and he could present it to Moon himself.
Before he could begin to practice he decided to speak to Moon first. He'll do just that first.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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