Just an Average Day
About time for my shift to end."
Looking up at the clock above the entrance way of the supermarket he worked at. After stacking another row of carts in the corral a young anthropomorphic bunny boy stretches his arms and cracks his fingers. Working several hours as a cart carrier for an exhausting experience after all.
Letting out a tired yawn and putting away the orange vest with yellow stripes cart carrier outfit back into the linen closet along with work satchel with the strap for getting carts, he goes to punch for the day. He really isn't a morning person, but he'll do it anyway to help his family out and earning around $800 dollars a month isn't too bad as well.
"Heading home, Jack?" a tall male Gazelle spoke from the bunny's side, donning the same yellow work uniform that is the supermarket's dress policy.
"Yup, just finally finished and manage to keep all the carts on both side of the building in the green zone as usual," the young bunny known as Jack said giving off one more stretch as his co-worker punches in for his shift.
The Gazelle chuckles, "Always a hard worker? Well I'll glad to have to have a co-worker that does his job right and go above and beyond as well. I'll be sure to keep up the pace. Not too busy, right?"
Jack shakes his head, "Nah, sort of a slow day today. Better than earlier this week, I'll tell ya. Those customers would NOT stop coming hordes. Well I'll be heading home, see ya around Eric! Take care!"
The bunny leaves as he goes to change out of his work uniform and back to his casual wear as Eric waves goodbye to his co-worker friend.
Slipping out of the yellow t-shirt with their company's logo on the right breast and back, while patting off the sweat from work with a paper towel, he dons his usual and preferred signature outfit; a red long-sleeve hoodie, a black v-neck t-shirt underneath, a dark blue cargo shorts that go below the knees, black fingerless gloves, and black basketball sneakers.
He is by no means a punk, just loves having his own style that works for him. Not to mention his eldest sister made his outfit for him as a gift he requested and has loved it ever since and practically wears nothing else... though his sister was sweet enough to make four extra pairs for him as well.
Taking one last look in the mirror inside the Employee restroom, where he changed as there's no dressing room in the building, he adjusts his white highlighted black quills which some spike up in front and scanning with his light blue eyes for any dirt or sweat or anything out of place on his light brown fur he nods to himself and skedaddles out of the building.
Grabbing his blue and black backpack he shoves his uniform inside and takes out his skateboard and helmet which he keeps in his locker.
Pulling his phone from out of his pocket he puts in his earplugs and picks out one of his favorite songs saved on his phone. Putting the helmet on and locking the strap in place, with his ear plugs safety settled in, he started to skateboard back home. Though he lives outside the city he is fortunately it wasn't far from his workplace. The tall gray building pass by him as he skates arounds the animals walking around on the streets to and around as he begins singing along with his song that was playing.
"~Feel the passion ignite me~,"
He sings as he jumps over an empty bench and runs on top of it and jumps back onto his skateboard and continues his song 'Nothing Can Stop Me Now' by Mark Holman,
"... ~Feel it burning inside me, won't let this life just pass me by...~"
Now he wasn't much of a singer, but his younger sister who loves singing got him into the habit of singing as well so she has a singing partner and he enjoys it now, and he loves all genre of music. He really can't pick one, but he does like Rock, Pop, as well as some of the old Country music. Oldies, but goodies to him. Though that depends on the lyrics as lyrics make or break songs for him.
As he listens and sings to his tune and jumps on the stone stair railing in the park around the part the song that sang the part 'Nothing can stop me now!' which was perfectly timed, and surprising some of the folks around the stairs by his antics, as he sped through the area with the least amount of animals around.
So not to disturb and bother them, though he let out a guilty chuckle when he did surprise a few of them on the way.
After nearly twenty minutes skating to the outskirts of the city and repeating his favorite track over, and over again, the young 17-year bunny made it home. Stopping short of the driveway of his house, a two-floor grayish blue house with a long driveway and a stone path to the front porch awaited him. Sure, it wasn't that big of a house, but it had plenty spaces as the houses weren't huddled together so lots of room to play in the front and back yard.
Stepping off his skateboard and kicking the back deck of the board sending it up as he quickly grabs up. Dotting his eyes around to see if the coast is clear as he knows what happens whenever his sisters lock their eyes on him. Seeing as it's fine and only one car in the driveway meaning most likely his mother is home. It's the afternoon, but that doesn't mind he's sisters are away in the city doing their usual activities.
"Getting back from work, Jack?" a car drives down the street and the owner of the vehicle calls out to him as the bunny quickly turns his head around in panic, but sighs in relief to the familiar sight of a hippo in a blue shirt and glasses.
"Oh, you scared me, Mr. Stout," Jack places his hand over his chest, "Anything new at the pharmacy labs?"
The Hippo shrugs his shoulders, "No new breakthroughs if that's what you're asking, just making sure all standard vacations meet the quota. I'm telling ya one of these days I'm going to fulfill my dream of using my gift for the world my boy!"
Jack shakes his head and smirks, "I bet. Sorry for cutting the chat short, but I got to jet! Want to avoid...," the boy lowers his head and looks around as he speaks in a hush tone, "...unwanted attention."
Mr. Stout laughs as he adjusts his glasses, "I understand boy. Gotta go fast? Am I right?"
The bunny scoffs at the joke and runs his dark brown nose, "Seriously Mr. Stout? It was only that one time I sped down the hill like that! I didn't realize I took the wrong street that lead to that hill and blazed through like that!"
"Well you were quite the sight to see, jumping on tables and running on fences while trying to get back on your runaway skateboard," tapping his chin in thought, "What do you young kids call it... parkour was it? That was something when you had to run alongside the wall too and grabbed that golden ring that flew out of nowhere too. Thought my eyes would pop out my head when I saw that."
"Hehehe, yeah," Jack chuckles wryly, "Not to mention repaying all of the neighbors' stuff after that incident. At least they were understanding why it happened. Didn't know someone was having a backyard wedding too. I offered to help fix the damages and I got to attend someone's wedding for day. Not too bad I'd said."
"Yup," Mr. Stout smiled, "Especially when you had all that blue paint over you. Maybe you should wear a blue hoodie instead. Blue looks good on you. Even dye your quills blue too!"
Rolling his eyes, "Yeah and maybe I should wear white gloves and red shoes on top of it too," he sarcastically replies, but not in a mean-spirited tone but in playful mocking one that Mr. Stout is accustomed to.
"Yeah! That'd be perfect for a speedy guy like you!"
Jack gives him a furrowed brow, "No!"
"Hahaha, I'm just kidding my boy," Mr. Stout laughs, "Well I'll be letting you go. Have a great day. Also no more trouble."
Mr. Stout drives away as he happily waves at his neighbor as the teen bunny spreads his arms out in a shrug as he walks back to his house.
"Not my fault that I'm accident probe like my mom," he says to no one in particular with a knowing smile.
Opening the door to his house, Jack peeks his head through the creek of the door, looking around the room. The living room and the hallway in the front with the doorway on the left leading to the kitchen. Seeing there's no one in either the living room and hallway and the smell of home cooked soup means his mother is cooking. Though his sister, Cindy, who loves to cook and dreams to be a culinarian could be in there as well.
Quietly creeping into the room and slowing shutting the door he tiptoes to the doorway and peers around the corner. Long black quills with white highlights like him, the quills tied to a mini ponytail with crazy spikes in the front bang is his mother, Kelis, so he knows it's not his sister Cindy in there now.
Sighing in relief he proceeds to sneak on by the doorway...
"Welcome home, my darling son," Jack's mom spoke up around turning around.
Freezes up momentarily before his slowly turns his head towards her way, "Oh, hey mom! How's your day going?"
"Good, how was work?"
"Oh you know, same old, same old."
His mother smiles warmly, "Glad to hear it. Lunch will be ready in a moment."
"Cool, I'll go put my stuff away. Need any help?"
"No, I'm good. Go relax."
Not noticing the mischievous smirk on his mother's face as he couldn't see from behind her back as he makes his way to the stairs.
"GIRLS! YOU'RE BROTHER'S HOME!" Kelis shouts throughout the house.
"Seriously mom?!" Jack stood there with an aghast open jaw at what his mother did to him.
A sound that could be something that could be described as something similar to a stampede as a horde of girls come running down the stairs to greet their only brother.
"Brother!" all ten of his sisters called out to him in glee as they all jump and group hug him to death with bone-crushing love as he's stuck in the middle trying to find wiggle room to move and breath, "Welcome home!"
"Gck," Jack gasps as he mentions to find a small opening to breath, "Ugh... girls, can't breathe..."
Giggles both his older and younger sisters let go of him and let him catch his breath. Jack manages to get his bearings back and shake it off as he sends an annoyed look at his ten sisters. Being the only boy in the family could be tough at times.
"Come on, big brother," one of his sisters said, his triplet Arianna who is the middle one and had a similar hairstyle like his but longer and more quills spiking out, "You know we can't let you come back home without us showing you how much we love you."
"But much you do this every day?" he shakes his head, but a small smile creeps on his face, "I won't live long if choke me with your 'sisterly' hugs."
"Well tough luck," the youngest triplet, Tiffany who looked like Arianna lot except no spiky front bangs which is more flat and shorter length, quipped playfully, "As our only brother you have to suffer for it."
He rolls his eyes as he feels his right arm being yanked and looks down to see his youngest sister, the one who loves to sing in the family, try to pull him around to play with him, "Come on, big brother! Let's go sing together! I know this new song we can practice! It will be fun!"
"No way!" his left arm is then suddenly pulled to the opposite side, "He promised we'd go adventuring together! There's many places in the city we haven't been to before and I want to check it out with him!"
"Now girls...," Jack begins to scold, but sadly was cut off by his youngest sisters.
"No fair, Jasmine! It's been weeks since we last singed together! It's more turn now!" the sister on Jack' right arm grumpily growled at her twin, the difference between then is she have pigtail quills and short hair length.
"Nuh-uh Kazumi! You sing together with him last week!" Jasmine calls backs to her older twin, her ponytail quill swaying back and forth as he yanks her brother away. Locking her hazel eyes which both twins shared, "It's been two weeks since big brother and I gotten to do anything excited!"
Oh sister... Jack thought to himself as he knows where this is going.
"Now girls," their eldest sister and tallest of the siblings, Luna whose long quill bang covers her right eye and spiked quills on the side of her hair and wearing a stylish outfit, separates the youngest twin as they pout, "There's no need to fight. Perhaps you can do both at the same time with Jack? I mean no one said you can't adventure and sing at the same time, right?"
The twins looked at each other and then shyly looked away, "...I guess."
"Good," Luna clasps her hands together then circles behind Jack, "But first I need our brother to do some modeling for me for an hour. I have this idea for a new outfit for males at my job and I ABSOLUTELY need Jack to model while the idea is fresh in my mind and he has right size for it."
As the twins start to argue with Luna, Nora the second oldest and first pair of twins in the family looks over to her brother the same stoic and emotionless expression on her face as usual and closes the gap between them in a second and Jack instinctively flinches back.
"Brother," her tone just as emotionless as her expression as she responded in her robotic manner, "While our sisters are disposed temporarily, I require a training partner for my athletic tryouts and sports at College. We will do the 10-mile run first for our warm-up, followed with dodgeball, and then track, and then..."
Jack audibly gulped. Nora is the most athletic in the family, despite not showing it with her emotionless stoic nature, and he has been made her training dummy for years and because of it he's the second most athletic member of the family though that's not much as Nora was in a league in her own. She has a longer version of Jasmine's ponytail quill except her front bangs part down the middle instead of coving her brow like Jasmine's. She's not much for style so she just wears gym clothes as her outfit, all in black.
"On the contrary, ma chère soeur (my dear sister)," Nora's younger twin Aurora, the only one who wears a violet beret and bores her green eyes into Nora's grey eyes, "Our frère (brother) has a rendezvous at my art studio..."
Which happens to be her room...
"And we simply cannot delay our séances (sessions) to improve our compétences artistiques (artist skills) and advance our studies in the art world. It will not do for him, no no no, to do such rudimentaire (rudimentary) activities this time of day. Especially when he's done just so that earlier at work," Aurora states her in French accent which she picked up from her art teacher who is French and the languages fascinated her since her childhood days.
"No," Nora stoically replied without an inkling of emotion at Aurora.
Jack sighs and rubs his eyes as his two older sisters' standoff with each other. Suddenly a thermometer is shoved in his and his pulse being check by his younger sister and Cindy's younger sister, Gisela whose quill hair is spiked upward on her right side and bangs covering the side of her face and a mini-ponytail.
Shifting her black glasses, "Hmm... you seem well enough. Though you're not experiencing any headaches, fatigue, or any ailments from work are you brother? I'll always been here to check on your health."
"I'm fine Gisela, just..." Jack started knowing how talented his sister is as a doctor with PhD degrees in all her field, but was interrupted by someone who sends chills down his spine.
"Hehehe, thermometers? Headaches? Blek I say, what you need brother is my scientifically improved vitamin serum to fight those nasty diseases," chuckled sinisterly Gretel the 'mad' scientist of the family with her swirling eye glasses and unkempt and wild quill hair, "You don't need Gisela's medicines to feel better. Hehehe... just step into my bedroom and we'll... outfit you with the correct treatment.
Jack winced when his sister Gretel mentioned outfitted and in her room of all places. For some reason Gretel has this unhealth obsession with her brother and is creeping Jack out a lot, but she isn't as bad as she was before. Though he's not taking any chances with her. Even her room screams 'mad scientist' with all of the tubes, flasks, lubes, whatnot and the dark green atmosphere of the place. How does she live like that?
A ladle comes hammering down on Gretel's head as she winces and rubs her sore spot as Cindy smiles innocently at her younger sister. Cindy eyes her sibling playfully, if those squinted near-closed eyes is seeing, she hushes Gretel on her behavior in a motherly tone, "Now, now Gretel none of that. Remember the last time you experimented on any one of us?"
Gretel pouts and turns the other cheek, "Hmph! You guys never like me have any fun! And big brother's expressions are the best when it comes to reactions to my experiments!"
Please keep me out of this... Jack dryly thought as he looks at Gretel annoyed.
"We know," Cindy pats Gretel's head as she looks at her brother, "Now big brother, perhaps you wish to eat something to help with your health? I know all your favorite meals so request anything you want anytime. I'll be helping mother with the cooking in the meantime."
And like that Cindy goes to the kitchen leaving one less sister in the room.
"Ooh! I'll help Cindy! We can make it a party!" Arianna jumps excitable at the idea and cartwheels into the kitchen. Leave it to the resident party planner of the house to do just that. Well she's an amazing baker second only to Cindy.
"And I can use this time to make something special for easier party planner! To my workshop big brother!" Tiffany exclaims as she shakes her brother back and forth explaining her new ideas to him.
"Oh please, Tifa, not another invention! We just fixed the ceiling in the workshop in the backyard after your last invention blew up," Jack chuckled nervously as he buries his face in his hands as he recalls that particular memory when he watched his mechanic and inventive sister work her magic on the machine she builds. Too bad every first model she makes blows up every time. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
"Wait! It's my turn to hang out with my brother today!"
"No! It's my turn!"
"Negative. He is my training partner today"
"I will not allow him to do more rustre (boorish) exercises today!"
"My modeling cannot wait! Jack, you'll help your wonderful big sister who made you your favorite outfit, right?"
"My experiments... hehe... are you ready?"
"Untested chemicals entering his systems could be detrimental to his health. Brother follow me to the couch so I can take some blood tests."
Jack groans from all the attention he's getting, "You happy now, mom?!"
Kelis smiles sweetly innocently at her son's annoyance, "Of course. I'm always happy all my children are getting along so well."
Jack sighed. This is exactly why he wanted to avoid his sister's attention. He loves them all unconditionally, but they drive him insane as well.
"Kids get ready! Your father will be home soon!"
Afternoon lunch is uneventful for the most part as the entire bunny family, except the father who hasn't arrived, as they all just sat down at the table to eat as a big family. Jack went around helping set up the table by placing the bowls, plates, and silverware though before that he pulled out the chairs for his sisters to sit down.
They may annoy him, but he does love him and does everything to make sure they're happy and courtesy for them. His mom did raise him to be a gentleman, even if he does like the occasional prank and snark comments.
"Thank you, sweetie," Kelis tenderly smiles happily as her son pulled out her chair for her.
"No problem, mom," Jack returned the smile as he took his seat between his sisters Arianna and Tiffany, the former having the sudden urge to poke her brother in the cheek a few times. Rolling his eyes with an acerbic smile he lets his younger triplet mess with him as he doesn't mind like his hyperactive sister have some amusement as they waited for their father return from work early today.
As on cue the front door opens as footsteps are heard entering the house.
"Honey, kids, I'm home!" a joyful voice ringed throughout the hall.
"Dad's home!" all the girls squealed as they jumped out their seats and rushed to the living room and dogpiled on their father in a big hug. He knew he should have expected it, but it still caught him off guard.
"Haha, oh girls, I'm happy to see you too, but I can't join you for lunch if I'm pinned to the ground now, am I?" their father childish laughed as he tries to pry his daughters off him.
Jack sighed forlornly. After I pulled their seats for them...
Soon all the girls come back into the kitchen and re-seat themselves. Just as the girls get back in place their father enters the room. His quills were like his son's but the shorter in length. He is easily the tallest member of the family wearing his favorite dark brown trench coat he never leaves without and shifting his thick rectangle glasses after his daughters knocked it off slightly.
"Well this is a sight for these old eyes of mine," Sam chuckled as he looked over to his wife, wearing her favorite pink long-sleeve shirt and still wearing her apron which their Cindy has adopted as her outfit as well, "How's my favorite family doing today?"
One by one all the girls recounted what they all did today at their jobs and/or school they had today and their father listen intently. While that was going on Jack helped his mother by serving all the food they were going to have today as he didn't want to leave all the work to his parents and wants to help his family out as much as possible.
"So, Jack, my boy," their father Sam directs his attention to his only son as everyone's attention turns to him. Honestly, he never was one for spotlights, too much of a hassle and prefers to be on the sidelines more. "How was your day today?"
"Oh you know," Jack wistfully takes a spoon-filled gulp of his mother's home cooked vegetable soup and swallowed before he continues not really looking at anyone, "Just another boring day at work. Nothing too excited happens anyway. Same old, same old."
"Really now?" his father arched up brow up and then smiles. Oh no, he knows that smile and where this conversation is going now, "Haven't met anyone interesting? Not even... a girl?"
Groaning he gives his father that look, "Oh come on, dad, not this again. No, I haven't met anyone. I'm too busy with work. Plus, all the girl co-workers are taken or I'm just too young. I'm fine, really. I'm not looking for anyone right now."
Que his sisters getting into his love life now, "But big brother!" Arianna was the one to state this as she hovers in front of her brother, "Don't you want a girlfriend? Do you really want to be all alone for the rest of your life? I don't want that for you!"
"It's alright Ary," Jack tells his sister in her pet name as he gently pats her head, "I just haven't really thought about it too much. I mean, if the right one comes along, sure, but I'm in no rush."
He really wishes this topic was on something else entirely right now. Jack becomes easily flustered when his family brings up his non-existing love life. Why him and not his sisters?
Arianna pouts and crosses her arms, "I don't like that answer. You're a really awesome big brother and a great guy too! It's not fair no girl has noticed that about you yet. They're all about quantity and no substance these days."
Jack just gives a blank stare at this sister, "I have no idea what that means."
"Still I would like to see if you got a girlfriend, son," Sam spoke up as he adjusts his glasses, "Knowing you'll have someone there through thick and thin will make this old bunny happy. I just want what's best for you. You can't depend on us forever."
"I know, I know," Jack begrudgingly responded. This same old song and dance was getting old.
"Oh, I can make an invention to help you find lady luck for you, big brother," Tiffany spoke up and then goes into an exultation mood, "Ooh, I just love the smell of motor oil in the morning. Gets that creative juice in the head flowing. Don't worry big brother I'll make the perfect tool for you."
Waving his heads to calm her down knowing where this will lead, "T-That's alright Tifa! I'll be fun for a little while longer!"
"I'm not convinced. Girls," Luna rally ups the rest of the sisters and move in on Jack.
"Oh no," he mutters as he realizes what's going down.
"Sisters... Wall of Pout!"
And just like that all ten of his sisters gave him the most cutest and adorable puppy dog eyes and pout faces they mustered and all the poor boy could do is look away, but their looks beckon.
"Girls, seriously, s-stop! You don't need to do this!"
"Not unless you promise you'll try to get a girlfriend or at least talk to some girls. For us, pppppllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeee?" Luna says in a cutest tone, "We just want to make sure our brother is happy."
"I-I'm happy now, but... um...," covering his face with his hands doesn't seem to work as he can feel their pouty-ness, "Mom! Dad! Help!"
"It's it wonderful how are kids get along so nicely, dear?" Kelis smiles at her husband pretending to be oblivious to the situation.
"Indeed, honey."
Looking back at his sisters by mistake he swallows his pride and sighs in defeat, "Alright! Alright! I-I'll try... to find someone at least. But I can't promise anything or anything soon."
"Yay! Victory for the sisters!" they all jump in joy, "We should've done this ages ago!"
"Hate you, too," Jack rolls his eyes in annoyance, but can't help by smile as well.
"Aw, love you, too, dear brother."
"Well now that's out of the way, how's our budget for next month?" Jack asked. Recently they've been getting less work hours and the bills have been piling up at home. He doesn't mind too, but he saw the cost of some of the bills which is why he went to get a job as soon as he graduate high school to help around the house.
Sam gives his son a slight stern glance, "We're in the green, but there's nothing you should be worried about. Keep that money you earned for yourself. Your mother and I will be fine."
"It's not like we're running out of money anytime soon, though we don't have to be careful with what we spend on," Kelis smiles sadly, "It's a shame I wish we could give you kids more."
"No, you've given us plenty enough mother!" Cindy frowned, "We've thankfully for everything you've done for us. We're happy with what we have."
"We know."
The atmosphere in the bunny household got a little dimmer after that change of topic.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mind to bring that up," Jack hangs his head in regret.
"It's not your fault, son," Sam gives him a understanding nod, "I'm sorry you made you worry about keeping the house and everything, as well as looking after your sisters. Though I have to say, I'm quite proud to have a son like you."
Jack lets a small grin etched onto his features, "... Thanks dad."
"Speaking of which, perhaps you should do something aside from work. Like hobbies such as your gaming you like to do or even singing. Kazumi seems to have made a great singer out of you."
"Well not as good as her," Kazumi beams proudly at her brother's statement, "Besides what am I going to do with singing? I mean, I wouldn't mind singing for someone, but there's really nothing out there for it."
"Don't be so sure son," Sam adjusts his glasses, "Like I always say; 'Always expect the unexpected'. Besides it would be great if you made new friends with your singing. You like to make stories and show your artistic side like your sister Aurora, and singing would be another way to express yourself. Promise you'll try."
The young bunny boy nods in understand and smiles are shared around the room.
And just like that lunch went on as usual as Sam must get ready to go back to work later.
Night falls and everyone heads to their bedrooms.
A certain teenage bunny lays on his bed fiddling with an old guitar his sister Aurora made for him. Perfect for playing country and some rock music and strums a few notes on the strings as he sighs tiredly as his mind wanders about his family's financial problems.
"I know they don't want me to worry, but I can't help it."
He knows his sisters want to go to many different places like his parents used to do in the past, though they used their hard-earned money to settle down and help their children to live a full and enriched lives. Though recent years have not been kind to the family. Some companies closing down and employees losing their jobs did not help as well.
"Singing, huh? Finding a girlfriend, too?"
Honestly Jack really wants to have that special someone in his life, but whenever he notices a girl that seems to be catch his fancy he learns he's either too young for her or already taken. Or worse... incredible unsavory personality that made them asinine and invoke feelings of irate within him. Kinda hard to find her.
Well he does like singing a tune or two and usually in genres most animals don't play anymore.
Like anything like that was going to happen anytime soon in his life. It's not like it's going to come smack down from the sky. Well tomorrow is another day so the teenage goes to bed.
On the following day.
"Ah, the winds of change," the koala known as Buster Moon says as he takes a whiff of the fresh air after opening the window. Taking a look around the old Moon Theater building the koala smiles fondly as he knows everything will change for the better soon.
"Yep, when this show's a hit, I'm gonna get you a fresh coat of paint," he jumps down from the stool and heads over to the next room.
"How are we doing with those flyers, Miss Crawly?" Buster Moon asks his faithful assistant as he puts on his blue suit on.
The elderly lizard lady with the glass eye is seen carrying a super large stack of yellow flyers in her arms as she turns to greet her boss, "Oh, yes, sir. We're all good to go here."
Without realizing the fan on her desk was on.
"Whoa...," was all she said as the fan blows all of the flyers out of her arms and the wind whooshing them away all across the city in a flurry of a yellow paper storm.
"Miss Crawly, no!" Buster shouts out in vein as he runs to grab at least one of the flyers, but alas he couldn't get there in as they all flew out the window, "No, no, no!"
"Oopsie-daisy," Miss Crawly whimpers at her blunder.
Sighing as there's no helping it, "Well, I guess that's one way to spread the word," trying to look at the bright side of things.
Not knowing how much this simple accident would change the lives of everyone who lived in and out of the city.
It was just another boring day at work as usual for Jack. Though he tries to keep his mind on his work, but couldn't help what he remembers yesterday at home. The bills his parents were looking over were piling up and it was making it harder for the family to support themselves. Sure it wasn't a bad deal and they weren't in the red, but with the college intuition, medical bills, electronic bills, the repairs to the house and just get enough food to get by each day.
He knows his parents told him it's alright, but he can't help but worry.
Sure, some of his sisters and himself work and earn enough cash to live a good life, but for how long considering what's happening in the increase on taxes on food and such. He really wants to help his family out, but where could he get the money to help support his family? What of his younger sisters? Will they be fine? I might have graduated school earlier and he doesn't have many friends around as they moved away leaving him a bit lonesome at times.
Sighing as he fails to concentrate on his work, he doesn't notice a flock of flyers flying in the wind and promptly smacking him in the face.
Startled at first he quickly pulls off what flew in his face and growls as he notices all the paper littering the parking lot, "Oh come on! What idiot goes around... littering... everything with... flyers...?"
Finally noticing what he has in his hand he reads what it says:
He double-take after reading it the first time. Was this real? He knows of the Moon Theater as his parents have taken their family to get some of the shows some years ago and though not everybody liked it, his family did. Himself included.
And that prize money. A hundred grand. Sure, he could be that much in a few years, but if he could get this money now he could help his family out with their money budget problem. He loves to sing thanks to Kazumi making him sing with her and now has a chance at do something with something loves to do.
With renew confident he jumps in the air excited and runs off to go tell his family.
... As soon as his shift is over first. He chuckled inwardly as he realizes he's still got a job to do.
Looking around the parking lot filled with flyers though. He groans, he's not looking forward to the cleanup today.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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