A Singing Competition

Jumping off his board after skateboarding back home once he finished his shift at work, Jack looks up to his home with excitement and eagerness. The worn-out colors of the building showing its age and lived-in feeling as some folks say is a sight for sore eyes for the young bunny. His eyes drooping a bit remembers the long years of history of his home and their current low financial issues. Even if it wasn't major and they can still live a relative normal and happy life.

Even if most of the older siblings, including himself, have jobs some bought their own property for their business so that cost a pretty penny even if they're making the money back. The taxes don't help as everything seems to be on the raise as of late.

Though he wishes for more for his family he loves and cares for as he takes another look at the flier in his paws.

He recalls irritatedly how long it took to clean up the parking lot after the sudden 'rainstorm' of fliers smacked him in the face and area. He is patient when it comes to his family, but is impatient in other areas. He tapped his foot irascibly as he constantly looked at his phone for the time for his shift to end and felt like an eternal for it to be over so he could rush to tell his family about this singing competition.

Taking a deep breath, he opens the front door as he enters. Looking around, noticing the shoes of his other siblings, calls at to them.


"Welcome home, big brother!" Jack hears his sister Cindy's voice from the kitchen.

"Hey Cindy," he answers back as he puts his backpack down.

Their mother and father work morning and night shifts so they don't usually seem them around that much recently. So, Cindy has been taking charge of kitchen duties as she learns to cook and clean for her family especially since a young age. Where her dream of being a culinarian blossomed when she looked upon her family's faces when their tried her first cooked meal.

And it was glorious, a fond memory surfaces Jack' mind with a blissful look on his face when he remembers.

"Big brother, big brother!" sounds of feet running down the stairs is heard.

Jack had little to no time at all to turn and react as his younger triplet, Arianna, tackles into him for a big hug.

"Gah," chokes out when his sister tackles him hard, "Nice to see you, too, Sis." Looking around the room he asks, "So it's only you two here right now?"

"No, Tifa's in the back working on a brand-new invention and Luna's up in her room thinking up new designs for her business. The rest will be home, soon," Arianna tabs her chin in thought and her face then lits up, "Speaking of which, there's big news I want to share with the whole family!"

Jack gives his younger sister a cheeky smile as he lifts a flier in her face, "Are you speaking of this?"


Squealing and clapping her hands in excited hops around her brother understanding where this conversation might be going, "Oh big brother! Does this mean, what I think it means?!"

He chuckles as he rubs his sister's head, "Well, let's talk about it when everyone's home?"

"Sending text messages to mom and dad, right now!" immediately inputting the messages to their parents right away.

"When did you—?" doing a double-take as he knows his sister didn't have the phone in her paw a second ago or at least be halfway done writing the message. Another one of Arianna's mysterious quirks...

Shaking his head, he looks back at the flier as his sister runs throughout the house getting their whole family's attention on the big news. Seems like everyone has heard about it. Though the young bunny's mind was elsewhere.

Aa few of the bunny siblings start helping with the dinner preparation, Jack, Cindy, and Kazumi start singing their own 'making supper' song that made up themselves as Luna, Arianna, Tiffany, and Jasmine are busy cleaning the rest as the rest of the family will be arriving home soon. With some news, they like to share with their parents.

"~Another day cooking, cleaning, another day of happy tides~!"

Cindy starts off the sing, as she's stirring the hot potted meal on the stove. A blissful smile on her face as she does the cooking she loves to do for her family.

"~We bunnies are a playful bunch, we love to have some crazy fun~!"

Jackt continues with his own version of the verse as he shakes his hips back and forth opening the cabinets to pull out the plates and silverware.

"~We sing and dance and all that jazz, as we sing in one big cheer! Yay, yay~!"

Kazumi does the next verse in the most beautiful singing voice, singing into a makeshift mic in her paws, jumping from one seat to the next as her big brother Jack tosses the plates to her as she sets them down. Once around the lap of the table she does it again for the silverware.

Cindy calls out to her siblings as she scoops up the meal with her ladle and tosses it into the air, with Jack catching one throw with the bowls he got from the cabinets. Tossing the bowls to Kazumi who in returned gracefully grabs them in a twirl and places them on the plates.

The bunny siblings continue their sing and dance as they prepare their family meal, with Jack and Kazumi bumping hips in a playful manner, and end their little singing routine as the rest of the family joins them for lunch.

Now Jack knows he's an alright singer, not the best, but not bad either. In the family Kazumi is the number one singer with the most beautiful voice, followed by Cindy second who is a close contender of best voice in the family, with Jack as third. Well the others in the family were good too, except for Gretel who both lacks the vocal range and hardly cares for it, though the rest nominate them as the top three.

Nervously Jack shyly glances around the table, anxious a bit to tell the rest of his sisters and family about his plans, as everyone else sits down and begins chatting to their neighbor with Jack being in between Arianna and Tiffany.

"Good afternoon kids!" their father joyful shouts as he comes walking in with a smile on his face and taking a seat. His wife and the kids' mother following suit.

All their children responded in cheerful respect.

Their father looks around the room and chuckles, "I would say what's up, but I think everyone here and the entire city knows what's it going to be about."

Arianna, hardly containing herself squeals in glee with a giant grin on her face, as she runs around to her father and shows a flier to him, while leaning on the table, "Yupepperoni! It's wickedly awesome! A singing competition! That sounds like so much fun!"

"Haha, I bet," Sam chuckles as he rubs his hyperactive daughter's head, "I can't recall the last time we ever had a singing competition before, or if any at all, and it's really livening up the city," the elderly bunny ponders as he leans back, "I think this is a good opportunity."

Arianna and the rest of her sisters all nodded and turns toward their only brother as he grimaces a little with being put in the spotlight like that. He knows his sister texted to the rest of the family that he was very interested in entering the competition.

Clearing his throat, getting the attention of his parents, "Ahem, em... yeah... I think it's a great opportunity. That's why I was going to ask if it's alright if I could enter, if that's alright with you?"

Their mother, Kelis, smiles, "Of course, sweetie. Why would we stop you from entering? I think it's marvelous. Though are you sure your work will let you off tomorrow to enter?"

"Yup! Lucky for me, I have a day off scheduled tomorrow!" Jack smiles as he recalls how they schedule two weeks in advance and the fates seem to smile on him that day, "And I did mention it to my managers if it's alright just in case they try to call him tomorrow and they were OK leaving me be."

"That's great son."

"I'm envious of you, big brother," Kazumi pouts a little, but switches to her sweet smile, "If I didn't have to worry about school, I'd join you too! Though I want you more than anyone to enter the competition!"

"Well I'm not the greatest singer in the family, you know," Jack bashfully scratches the back of his head, "Though I am surprised all of you want me to join."

Sam smiles proudly, "Of course. All of us are looking out for your happiness son."

Jack tilts his head in confusion, that's a little strange, "Well, that's... I'm happy you guys care so much, though that's why I wanting to enter in the first place. The grand prize of $100,000 would certainly help around with the bills we're having and..."

Their father frowned upon hearing that, and before he continues, he abruptly cuts him off, "Now hold on a minute there, son."

Jack blinks, "Uh... what's wrong?"

"Jack, we want you to enter, but not for the prize money," their father explains as he takes off glasses and wipes them, "We were thinking such a competition would bring a lot of animals from all over the city. Which means there's an opportunity you could make new friends there."

"Friends?" the boy bunny is slightly baffled at that explanation, "Not that I'm against it, but why? I'm content where I am now, I'm more worried about the family. Are we going to be OK with our financial issues?"

Their father smirks proudly, "I'm delighted to know you care so much for your mother and I and your sisters," then he gives a serious look, "But leave that to your parents. We'll manage."


"Jack, sweetie," Kelis calls out to her little boy, "We're just want what's best for you. You know most, if not all your childhood friends have moved away, and you spend most of your time alone, if you don't spend it with any of your sisters. Your co-workers are nice and all, but we're hoping to see you out hanging with friends."

"Maybe even meet a girl," Sam jokes.


Their father guffawed loudly, "Truth be told son, I was kind of hoping you find a nice girl already. I know you're a little shy around girls, happy to know you had female friends at school before, but it would do my heart warmly if you found someone. We won't be here forever and I like to know there will be someone to always look out for you and be by your side no matter what."

Jack flusters a bit as he knows where he's coming from, "I-I understand, but it's not that easy. Also, I can worry about it later, I'm in no rush. Just the right one hasn't popped up yet. In the meantime, I want to make sure my sisters can have an easy life and you guys don't have to work two jobs so you can take it easy, too."

"I'm proud to know what a wonderful son I have," Sam walks over to his son and pats him on the head, "But it's the parents' job to worry. Not the children. Now Jack, I want you to promise me, that no matter what happens at the competition, whether you get in or not, I want you to try and make friends and make good memories."

The boy looks squarely in his father's eyes.

"As I always say, expect the unexpected," Sam lets out a tired sigh, "Live your life to the fullest, help folks like you always do, make friends and good memories. Fall in love if you can, but promise me to do this for yourself and what you want. We'll always look out for each other."

Jack having no counter to what his father is saying and knowing the issue is settled he sighs in defeat, "I... I promise, dad. I-I'll try, but don't expect everything will happen exactly tomorrow."

"That's all I ask, son, you know I'm proud of you?" Sam smiles, "We all are."

All his sisters hum and agreement and everyone chats up what they all did tomorrow in the same happy and excited manner, though Jack was having a hard time to relax as he looks at his food and slowly eats.

Was it wrong for him to worry about his family and help with their money troubles? True there's things he wants to do, but he couldn't help it as he worries too much.

He frowns sadly. A girlfriend... in the teensiest, tiniest part of his heart he does wish to have a girlfriend, but he knows it won't happen. What girl would possibly want him? But make friends? He can do that.

The next morning, when the competition try-outs would take place, Jack made sure to clean up the house and checking on his sisters before he heads out. Not before leaving with the wooden guitar Aurora made for him, an artist who prefers painting mostly, and his sister Cindy's homemade lunch.

He groans as all his sisters give him a kiss on the cheek, and grimaces when Gretel eerily comments about altering his vocal cords to improve his range with a serum she's working on. Why his sister has an unhealthy obsession with experimenting on him the most he'll never know as he heads out. Something about not letting anyone else experiment on him, but her under her breath once. Though he could've swore he heard her mutter that his expressions are why. Best not to think about it.

He knew there was going to be a lot of contestants, but he wasn't expecting what he saw.

"Holy moly... that's a lot of animals," Jack breathes out at the extremely long line waiting in front of the Moon Theater.

Gulping he leans out from his spot in line to get a good look of the line. He's going to be here a while, if not all day. One hundred grand is a lot of money and quite enticing, but he didn't think a lot of animals would show up solely for it. I mean, the singing would be fun, but he can relate to wanting a lot of money.

Now he's feeling a tad guilty about it. He wonders if it's right for him to entering if others are in desperate need of money for their family, more so than himself. His family can get by just well enough, but is it enough? What of others? Should he deny them as well? Growing irritated on the thought he wonders if he could split some of the money. Though he promised his family it's OK if he doesn't win the money.

It's a bad habit of his. Whenever he sees someone in trouble, he finds it hard to ignore them. As his sisters say to him, he's too kind for his own good. Because of that he doesn't know what to do. Should he be selfish? Or should he let someone else win? But it's dishonorable if he doesn't give it his all and might offend the others who are trying or doing their best.

In the mist of his thinking someone bumps into him from behind. Almost losing his footing he steadies himself in the nick of time and lets out a sighing relief.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" a female voice speaks up behind.

Turning around Jack comes face-to-face to an older pig lady who looks a little out of breath, like she sprinted here as fast as possible. Her green eyes looking apologetic as she'd ran into him in her running.

Light pink skin and floppy ears as typical features of a pig, with freckles and blonde eyebrows as her defining features. Her outfit consist of a pink buttoned up short sleeve blouse, light blue pants, and pointed black shoes. A simple look, but it works for her.

Knowing it wasn't her fault and being the polite and friendly young bunny, his family raised him to be he smiles back kindly, "It's alright. I was too deep in thought to pay attention to my surroundings," he dismisses it the accident with a wave, "I should be asking if you're OK? You look like you've ran a marathon to get here."

"Not really," she chuckles, "I just wanted to make sure I got a spot in line before it was too late. My mornings are always hectic with my family."

"I can relate," the bunny bog snorts playfully as he thinks of his family, "By the way, I'm Jack. It's a pleasure to meet you, eh Miss...?"

"Oh!" she perks up, "It's Mrs., but please call me Rosita."

Smiling he raises his paw, "I see. Well it's nice to meet you all the same Rosita."

"You're quite the polite young bunny," Rosita gives a friendly paw shake back, "My children could learn a thing or two from you."

"That depends on how unruly they are," Jack mockingly groans, "Still trying to get some of my sisters to behave."

Rosita lets out a small giggle.

"So... are you entering the competition I take?" Jack asks, "Though seeing as you're here, and your earlier comment, that's probably the case. Silly question to ask."

She seemed a little uncertain for a moment before having a more relaxed expression, "Yes... though I'm beginning to wonder if it was a good idea now."

"I had the same thought," Jack sighs as he rubs his head, "Well truthful I came to enter the competition for the prize money mostly to help with my parents' bills. Though my family encouraged me to just have fun and make some friends and memories, but I worry about them. I can't help it."

Rosita gives him a sweet and understanding smile, "Well aren't you the thoughtful young bunny. Your family is lucky to have you. I'm a little jealous of them now," She giggles. She doesn't mean anything bad about her children, she loves them dearly though she does wish they were not so mischievous most of the time.

"What about you? Are you here for the money as well?"

"Who me?" the young mother raises her ears a bit in surprise, "Oh, no. I don't need the prize money. I'm entering so I can proof to my children that I'm still a great singer... and trying to live out my old teenage dream of being a singer."

"Is that so?" Jack smiles being curious how she sings now. Judging on her personality he has a feeling she's a really great singer and enjoys all genre of music and wants to hear her sing now, "I know I just met you, but I have feeling you're an excellent singer. I hope I get a chance to hear your audition."

"Well aren't you a sweetie," Rosita smiles. Happy to know someone at least is kind enough to hear her out and tell her she's a good singer even if he hasn't heard her yet, "You must be popular with all the ladies then?"

Folding his ears back in embarrassment upon hearing that comment, "Uh... um... no, no, um, no. Ahem, never had a girlfriend before. Female friends from school, sure, but no girl has been interest in me before. Heh he he... he..."

Frowning slightly, "Well that's a shame. You're seem quite the gentleman, well in my opinion any girl would be lucky to have you."

Coughing and blushing brightly under his fur he stutters out a quick thanks, "Um... thank you. I appreciate it."

Rubbing his arm uncomfortable and shyly looking away. It's topic like these that make him uneasy a bit, not in a bad way.

"Well, good luck to the two of us," Jack finally gets his composure back, "I hope to see you make it in."

"Thank you, Jack," Rosita smiles back, thinking how adorable he was earlier with the stuttering, "Same to you. I look forward to your audition as well."

Happily smiling to himself knowing he made at least one friend already the moment is sort of ruined when he hears a scoff near his feet. Furrowing his brow as he looks down to see a white mouse in a red suit just rolling his eyes as it looks like he heard his and Rosita's whole conversation. That seemed a little rude in his opinion.

Keeping an annoyed sigh from escaping his lips he looks ahead to see a news reporter interviewing some of the other contestants and the young bunny's eyes lit up when he recognizes one of them. A certain hippo in a light blue shirt.

Oh... it's Mr. Stout, I didn't know he'd be here, Jack hummed thoughtfully. He did mention he had a gift the other day.

Seeing as it will be take some before he'll get a chance to enter he pulls out his handheld gaming device to kill some time. Starting up his action platformer he proceeds to complete some secondary tasks in the game's mission-based levels.

"Teenagers, always with the video games," Rosita jokily comments.

Jack smirks and rolls his eyes letting her know he heard her.

Some minutes in and completing some of the harder missions the line moves forward and Jack instinctively knows it's moving and moves his body accordingly. As the time goes by, the young bunny is so invested into the game he fails to hear someone speak up to him.

"Excuse me, young man?"

Humming in absentmindedness he didn't realize until Rosita taps his arm, "Um, Jack?"

"—Huh?" Looking around he sees the news reporter dog, Bob, trying to get his attention, "Are you asking for me?"

"Yes, I would like to hear your thoughts on the competition, what brings you here?"

"Um..." looking slightly paled at the thought of being broadcast as he looks at the camera with a slight terrified look on face, but he takes a deep breath and relaxes, and focusing his mind on the question, "W-Well I'm entering mostly my family's sake. They wanted me to have fun at this competition and make some friends possibly, but honestly my original intent is to win the prize money. I kinda want to help my family out with the bills we're having."

The dog seemingly impressed with his answer, "That's quite admirable young man."

"Oh please," a rude voice speaks out in an exigent manner.

Both Jack and Rosita frown at the rude voice and looked down to see the white mouse from before.

The reporter and cameraman shifts their attention to the white mouse as well.

"Look, I'm sure you're gonna get a lot of namby-pamby animals in here, saying things like, 'Oh, it's not winning. It's the taking part that counts'," the white mouse acts cutest in a mocking manner to get his point across and then adjust his collar and looks at the camera with an arrogant pose, "Yeah, yeah. Not me, pal. I'm here to win."

He grabs his flier and lifts it up, "That prize, it's mine!"

"Um, thank you Mister?"

"Mike, the one who's going to win this whole competition," the mouse known as Mike laughs, "Honestly, no offense to the rest of you animals, but you should go home and save yourself the embarrassment. You, too, Carrots."

That comment was direct at Jack and he frowns at the unwanted nickname. He did not like this mouse's attitude one bit. Rosita shares Jack' thought as she looks in disapproval as well.

"Well thank you for your time," Bob politely states as he moves down the line.

"At least every animal will know the face of the winner soon enough," Mike rubs his hands smugly, "I tell ya, all these animals are amateur at best. No talent whatsoever. You, well you got style Carrots, but let's face it second place isn't so bad."

"Um... thanks?" Jack replies unsurely. Why is this mouse talking to him? And looking down on him, ironically, and the other animals like he's already won this. Talk about a bloated ego.

"You should be. I'm not normally this nice. Well then, see ya in the funny paper Carrots," Mike salutes him in an arrogant manner and he moves up on ahead to sign his name and song he'll play in the audition.

"No problem... Sir Ratigan..." Jack thought irritatedly at that white mouse.

However, taking a quick look, he realizes he's in the front of the building now, not realizing earlier how close he's gotten as the interview and Mike's 'conversation' had past the time quickly. In front of him he saw the owner of Moon Theater and his assistant, the middle-age koala doing his best to hold back his excitement for the whole event.

Truthfully Jack is a little giddy to meet Buster Moon, sure his shows were not that popular but he and his family enjoyed them still and were the few audience left watching them.

The very elderly iguana lady steps forward to and offers Jack the clipboard and pen in her shaky hands.

"Okay, young man, if you could please sign your name and the song you will be performing here," Miss Crawly smiles at him.

"Um, certainly," Jack says as he takes the clipboard and signs his first and last name on it and the song he will be performing. Having a feeling mostly none of the contestants would pick this kind of song or he at least hopes it will help him get in, he hands the clipboard back.

"Thank you, please wait in the back and we'll call your name when you're up."

Nodding Jack heads in. Looking back, he gives Rosita a thumbs up who in return waves back to him as it was her turn next to enter her information for the competition.

Upon entering the giant doors, due to his height, he enters through the hallway. His eyes lit up upon looking at the majesty of the place once more. A red sea of chairs and balconies high in the air, large gold and red curtains on the awe-inspiring stage and lights all shining in a way that make this... a palace of wonder and magic.

Sighing deeply in astonishment his phone beings to vibrate as he looks to see his sisters and mother sending him messages;

"I'm so proud of you, sweetie! Remember to have fun son!"

"Look your best out there, little brother! I'm rooting for you!"

"... good luck..."

"Meilleurs voeux frère (Best wishes brother)."

"I know you'll do you best, big bro! Love ya! XOXOXO"

"Make sure to fine tune your guitar! Well at least it won't blow up on ya like my inventions! Ha ha ha!"

"Be sure to eat your lunch I made. Don't let it go cold. Stay healthy and safe."

"Don't know if any flu is going around, and with so many animals, I packed you lots of medicines just in case. ~ Giselle"

"Hehehe... not too late for some vocal modifications dear brother! Just call and I'll be there. Always. Forever with love, Gretel"

"I know you're going to knock everyone socks off! We sing all the time together so I know you'll get in! From your favorite youngest twin and soon-to-be pop idol!"

"I'm so jealous! You get to go on a whole new adventure! Tell me what animals you make friends with, m'kay?"

Smiling at the messages his family left him, he is about to put it away until one more showed up.

"No matter what happens, I'll always be proud of you kid."

Chuckling he goes to join the rest of the contestants after putting away his phone and deciding to eat his sister's cooking as he tries to find a quiet spot if he can. Looking around slightly absently, not paying attention to who he was moving around to find a spot.

"Hey, watch it!"

Immediately swiveling around upon hearing the voice, Jack quickly avoids running into someone. Or someone's back. Specifically, a porcupine's back.

"Oh, sorry! I was just looking for an empty spot to sit down," Jack quickly apologizes to a male porcupine who gives him a slight annoyed glance. A teenager around his age.

"Well, be careful next time. You almost knocked over my girlfriend," he scoffs a bit.

"Lance, relax it's not a problem," another voice chimes in. A girl's voice.

Turning around was around Porcupine teenager around Jack' age once more dressed in a similar style like her boyfriend's. Wearing a black and gray striped mid-sleeve shirt, similar to her boyfriend, and a gray long sleeve shirt underneath. Two quill pins on her shirt, another clothing trait with her boyfriend. She also wears a red, white and black checkered skirt with blue jeans underneath and dark blue and white lace up sneakers.

Unlike her boyfriend's darker irises and irritated look, her eyes were a bright blue color like Jack' and a more pleasant look. Not to mention bunnies had a slight lighter brown fur and smaller noses. She at least appeared to be more apologetic than her boyfriend.

"No, no, I should've paid more attention. I apologize," Jack quickly bows apologetically.

"Tsk, weirdo," the porcupine called Lance says as he rolls his eyes, "Come on, babe, let's move."

"Sorry, Lance is a bit... on edge today," the female porcupine says stretching to find the right word, "Don't take it personal."

The bunny shakes his head bashfully, "None taken. I'm a bit accident probe, just glad I didn't bump into you."

The female porcupine smirks mischievous, "Is that so?"


The girl porcupine folds her arms and replies coolly, "Quite the chatterbox, aren't you?"

Jack just smiles and shrugs.

"Well I better get going."

"Um, good luck on your audition," Jack blurts out.

"Heh, thanks," the girl porcupine smiles, "Same to you. Well see you around."

Well that went a good as it will ever get. Haven't met a lot of porcupines before and he could see why most animals seem to think both bunnies and porcupines are related or look alike as they share a similar build, but that's not the case.

Taking a deep breathe he quickly hurries to find a spot to sit down, while managing to find Mr. Stout and wave at his hippo neighbor and Mr. Stout returns the wave, and finds the ideal spot.

Sitting down and he takes out the lunch box he begins to eat his sister's cooking. During that time, he manages to take a few glances around the room to see the other animals as some decided to chat with one another. Currently he's not in the mood to talk to anyone as he's slightly nervous around them.

Then his eyes laid on the porcupine couple he saw earlier. Something about that girl porcupine caught his eyes, but he wasn't sure and it's making his heart beat faster. He did think she was very cute, but knows better. She has a boyfriend and sighs inwardly. That Lance guy is lucky, and Jack wonders if he could meet a girl like that porcupine.

Upon that thought he realizes he never got her name and is sure to ask her next time. Then again if he hears Lance's name he'll be sure to know her name as he learned in line that there are singer teams in the competition and the two seem to be in that group.

He felt like he could at least make friends with them. Though would that girl porcupine want to be friends with him, too? He sure hopes so.

"Move it Carrots! You're hogging up all of the free space!"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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