The Silver spirit (
The Silver Spirit
5 chapter
Chapter 1
"I'm sorry; we just can't keep her anymore." I heard Mrs. Jangle saying to my childcare worker; Anita. "She's different and scares Ellie and James." My soon to be ex-foster mother continued.
I was sitting in the hallway outside of Anita's office listening unintentionally to the Jangle's as they told my childcare worker that they no longer could keep me. They were trying to be discrete, leaving me in the hallways while saying "The Adults Had to Talk". Even though they were on the other side of the wall speaking in hushed voices I could still hear them as clearly as if they were screaming in my ear.
"But Cathy, she has nowhere else to go." Anita whined, begging the young couple to reconsider.
"I'm sorry Annie, but we can't." Mr. Jangle who was also Anita's brother finally spoke up. "I know you want the best for this girl but it can't be with my family."
"To tell you the truth Anita," Mrs. Jangle said while lowering her voice to barely a whisper, "she scares us."
"She just needs some proper guidance."
"No, it has nothing to do with guidance...She's not like other people, there is something mentally wrong with that child and I'm not going to put my family at risk anymore." Mr. Jangle said sternly.
I shook my head angrily at Mr. Jangle's reference of me being a child because honestly I wasn't; I was almost 17 years old and closer to being an adult than a child. I looked down the long narrow hallway as I watched a happy couple walk out of one of the offices, the lady was holding the hand of a young girl while talking happily about the bedroom they had make up for her.
The childcare worker followed them out of her office; she was an older lady with curly white hair that I recognized from many visits to the Family Services office. She was smiling happily as she conversed with the man about the young child's likes and dislikes.
I couldn't help but be envious of the young girl who seemed to find a nice loving foster family who would probably treat her like one of their own. It was about three days ago that Anita and I went on one of our monthly visits; we stopped into the office so Anita could pick up some papers. That's when I saw them bringing the young child in, it was only three days ago that she had been picked up by Family Services due to constant negligence from her birth parents and already she was being put into the perfect family.
Me on the other hand, well, I've been in and out of foster families since I was an infant; none of them lasting longer than 3 months. I had pretty much spent my entire childhood in group homes and even then the workers tried hard to find me families so they didn't have to deal with me.
I didn't blame anyone though, because truthfully even I knew I was different and there was no denying it. I didn't always know it though, it wasn't until two years ago I found out that some of the things I can do were completely unheard of.
I had just been dropped off at a new group home because the Millers; a foster family I had been living with for 3 weeks prior to that, nearly threw me out of their car at the Family Services Office. Apparently they had walked in on me while I was having one of my "episodes" and were convinced I was Satan's evil spawn.
The thing with my "episodes" was that nobody understood them; they would see only the outer appearance of what was happening. They had no clue where I truly was, what I was doing or whether it was bad or not. They would look at my motionless body, my eyes staring open at nothing while they slowly began to turn black. The sight was horrific and yet nobody truly understood what was happening during these moments, nobody but me.
Anyways, it was right after the Miller's dropped me off when I began to manifest a new ability; immense hearing. I could hear the whispering of any conversation which was when I heard Anita and some of the other workers talking about me. They were talking about my episodes, my strange ability to read minds and my apparent "telekinesis".
The one thing nobody knew was that my "telekinesis" and mind reading ability were both connected to my little episodes. During my so called "episodes" what really was happening was that my soul would become detached from my body in an outer body experience. I could leave my body and go where ever I choice unseen, I could move objects in my soul form and could go inside people's minds; read their thoughts, memories or anything else that lied within them.
Ever since I found out that it was my episodes that were scaring every family away, I had been trying hard to stay attached to my body; to keep my soul from roaming the world bodiless. But it wasn't always my choice, sometimes when my emotions would get out of control I would accidently leave my body. Every time it happened I would find myself back at Family Services and only seconds away from being put into another group home.
Anita's office door opened as the Jangles walked out and without even glancing at me they headed towards the large sign the read "EXIT".
Anita followed them out of her Office but turned to look at me as I watch the Jangles disappear out of my life just like every other family that attempted to take me in.
"Astoria," Anita's sad voice whispered my name.
"I know Anita," I said back as I stood up from the hard bench I had been sitting on.
"I'm sorry dear. We can find you a new family, one that will-" She began to talk but I quickly cut her off.
"Don't bother, please." I pushed my long blond hair out of my face as I looked up at her with shimmering eyes. I don't know why I let it get to me every time; I always knew the same thing was going to happen, it's been the story of my life and yet every time my eyes would water. "I can't do it anymore Anita. Please, just bring me to the group home."
Reluctantly she nodded her head before trying to change the subject. "Did you want to come with me to pick up your stuff, you can say bye to Ellie and James."
"What's the point?" I said with misery, "they were more scared of me than your brother and his wife."
"I'm sorry Astoria; I thought they wouldn't be like the rest."
I shook my head at her as my eyes continued to grow with tears. "It's not your fault," I then added "but just promise me one thing."
"Please stop looking for families for me; I just want to stay in a group home until I finish school."
"But you still have a half a year to go-" She started protesting.
"Exactly, I want to be able to concentrate on my school work without being moved around every few weeks."
"Astoria, are you sure-"
"Yes, this is what I want; I've lived 17 years without a family so I'm pretty sure I can live the rest of my life the same way." I brought the conversation to an end by turning around and heading towards the buildings exit.
Author-in-trainings note:
So I decided, I'm going to being Writing This story TSS(The Silver Spirit) I took Vengeance Will Be Mine off.. For now anyways I plan to continue to write it after TDS and Dangerously Forbidden are done. BBV is coming to an end... So I hope you guys like TDS or Dangerously Forbidden because they will be what I'll be working on! =)
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