Chapter 27: Flaming Rage
Silver's metallic roar echoed throughout The Nest, that clanging sound piecing the silent gloom and awakening the many dragons that had just fallen asleep. At first, they wondered what the commotion was about, but then they felt it to. The enormous of amount of power surging up through the ground and up to the very peak of the haven. Panic began to arise as they slowly began to exit their caves and taking to the air.
"What is that!?" one called out, looking down toward the ground.
The rocks down below were glowing a strange red; smoke steaming from them as they slowly began to soften. A flicker of flame made its way through a crack as whatever was underneath began to force itself upwards, working to break into freedom. The heat continued to grow within the mountain causing many of the dragons to flinch in shock.
Silver, after wakening Zepos, flew upwards through the crowd toward the cave at the very top of The Nest. She called out to the dragons, yelling at them to get out of the mountain. It took a moment for them to realise what she was saying, but her panicked voice persuaded them to do as she said. They began to dive, quickly, toward the ground below and through the tunnels that lead into The Centre.
The dragoness flew into largest highest cave as quickly as she could, Zepos on her tail. She stopped as the cave split into the three tunnels and for a moment wondered which one she should go through. She only really knew where one of them lead. The answer was made for her and a tired looking Retrix walked out from one of the caves.
"What's all the commotion?" he asked, surprised to see them.
"A dragon has reached equilibrium," Silver quickly explained, "Don't you feel it?"
The void dragon frowned, and his eyes widened, "This must be what O'hen warned you about."
"Yes," Silver shivered slightly and glanced back at Zepos, "We need to get everyone out of here."
"What is this?" a sudden voice came from another tunnel as Iraliene walked out with her son, Gravon, by her side.
The gravity dragon narrowed his eyes at Silver, "Yes... I would very much like an answer as well."
"My warning was correct," explained Silver, "A dragon has just reached equilibrium, and is now it is running ramped through Sky Mountain."
"What?" Iraliene growled, before glancing at the opening as if just realising what Silver was talking about. Her eyes widened and she took a step back, "Gravon, you go and sound the alarm, though Silver's done a pretty good job so far it seems. Lightning dragon... Zepos was it? I need you to find Frezron. He may be able to help us. Silver and Retrix, I want you two to get out of the mountain as quickly as possible. There is another exit at the top of The Nest. Take that one."
"But... what about the others?" Silver hesitated, glancing at Zepos.
"I'll be fine," the lightning drake said with a small smile, "You two get going. She's right about one thing, we can't afford to loose you. You're the last of your species."
With a deep, determined breath he turned and flew out of the tunnel before the dragoness could get out another word. She watched him go, slightly afraid for him. She knew she could trust him to get out of there alive and not try to take on the dragon of equilibrium, but it didn't make her any less worried.
"Come on," said Retrix, turning around as well and glancing back at Silver.
She nodded and together they exited the cave with Iraliene flying behind them. The life dragoness quickly took the lead, flying upwards toward the tunnel leading into the upper parts of the Sky Mountain. Below them the rocks were illuminating a red glow as they began to melt into magma and the flickers of flame were growing in number. The power radiating from the floor was increasing with every passing second, and the last few dragons flew through the tunnel at the bottom, exiting The Nest.
The queen of Sky Mountain continued upwards, quickly entering the other tunnel with the two younger dragons on her tail. A red light suddenly flashed seemingly out of nowhere, followed by a wailing siren, the sound echoing throughout the mountain with ease. It was followed by a voice, unmistakably Gravon's.
"Evacuate Sky Mountain. This is code red. Evacuate Sky Mountain. We are all in danger. Evacuate if you wish to preserve your life."
"Well done son," muttered Iraliene as they finally exited the tunnel, finding themselves in a corridor of The Lab. It was the section of the mountain where most humans lived, and also where scientific research was conducted on many of the dragons there.
A few other dragons had the same idea as Iraliene and were standing there, watching as their queen flew from the tunnel. The life dragoness hovered for a moment, before landing on the stone floor. The siren continued to wail out the warning. Silver landed behind the queen, and her eyes widened as she recognised one of the dragons there.
"Celestia!" She said with a relieved smile, trotting over to her friend.
The light dragoness was looking distraught. One of her wings was spread out, protecting two light dragon hatchlings underneath. Silver frowned, realising something was wrong. Her eyes widened. One of the hatchlings was missing.
"Where's Shala?" The metal dragon asked worried.
"I... I don't know," Celestia whimpered, "We hurried out when we heard your roar and when I saw the glowing floor decided to fly up here, but Shala wasn't with me when we came up here. And I dared not go back down."
Silver let out a low growl and turned around, padding over to the tunnel that lead back down into The Nest.
"Wait! Where are you going!" the light dragoness said, standing up.
"You get out of here. I'll find your hatchling," without another word the metal dragon leapt from the side of the tunnel, not bothering to fold her wings as she rushed back down toward the enormous amount of fire about to breach the surface.
"SILVER!" Iraliene roared out behind her, but refrained to follow.
The dragoness dove through the tunnel, passing a very surprised gravity dragon on her way. She entered The Nest and stopped, gazing downwards. The floor was boiling as molten rock began to flow like liquid. It was getting hotter and hotter and Silver was beginning to wonder what was taking the dragon of equilibrium in there for so long. Knowing she hadn't much time she quickly descended once again, flying to where she knew Celestia's cave was set in the mountain.
Having not been in the mountain for a while, it took her a couple of painstaking minutes trying to find the cave, before she flew into it. It was a rather large place that housed multiple dragons. Empty nests were scattered everywhere, straw spread over the floor evidence of the hurriedly leaving dragons.
"Shala!" the metal dragoness called out, trying to find the shadow hatchling as quickly as possible.
There was no answer, so Silver trotted from nest to nest, searching desperately, and all the while calling out. Still nothing answered, and the dragoness began to worry. Maybe the young shadow dragoness had somehow made it out with the other dragons, or she could have been burnt by the ground below. Silver gulped at the thought.
"No," she whispered to herself, forcing that thought from her mind, "Shala!"
A small whimper caught her attention, and she looked toward a shadowed area in the very corner of the cave, a place that would easily escape attention. It took her a moment, but Silver managed to spot the small black hatchling huddled in the corner, shielded in darkness.
"Shala!" the metal dragon let out a sigh of relief and trotted over to her.
Shala looked upwards with large purple eyes, "W... who you?"
"I'm Silver," replied the dragoness with a small smile, "I'm here to help."
"It's hot," whimpered the hatchling.
"I know, but I'll protect you," said Silver stretching out her wing, "See, this is cool."
Shala touched her nose to the cool elronium shell and her eyes brightened slightly, "O... okay."
"Good, now come on," Silver turned and began to head to the exit of the cave. After a moment, Shala followed hesitantly, running forward slightly awkwardly.
The silver dragon was about to take off again from the cave when ground far below suddenly fell, the rock having melted enough for it not to hold together any more, and the fire beneath suddenly exploded through, sending lava up high into in the air. Silver let out a cry of alarm and took a step back, blocking the molten rock with her wing and growling when she felt the heat through her shell.
Without wasting a moment she turned around and picked Shala up with her claws, before launching into the air with a strong flap of her wings. She flew skyward as fast as she could, aiming for the ever distant tunnel right at the top of The Nest, but she hadn't gone ten metres before she realised she wouldn't be fast enough. The fire of equilibrium below rose forth like it was from a volcano. No matter her speed, there was no way she could make it.
Instead she encased herself in elronium and clutched Shala to her chest, hoping that the dark hatchling at least would survive. The fire rose up, reaching for her like a giant fist, and Silver closed her eyes, bracing herself against the heat. However, instead of feeling the great heat of equilibrium she remembered so well, there was cold. Freezing cold, the likes of which she had only ever experienced twice before. Then... the cold was gone.
Opening her eyes she found herself looking toward a red floor, with something holding her. She didn't have time to turn around and see who it was, as the ground below ripped open into the vastness of the void. Instinctually she held her breath and closed her eyes and the freezing cold cascaded over her once again. But as soon as she entered it was over again, and she could breath.
"I got you," came the calmed voice of Retrix, and she looked up to see the void dragon holding her wings and keeping her aloft as they flew through another tunnel, the one that connected The Centre and The Nest.
She let out a smile of relief and Retrix let her go. She levelled out beside him, allowing her metal shell to retract from around her. Shala was shivering, the poor hatchling having experienced the complete zero temperatures of the void. Luckily if there was one thing in excess around them at the moment, it was heat, and after a minute or so the dark hatchling stopped shivering.
Silver and the void drake flew out into The Centre, and stopped in surprise. It was burning, fire swirling everywhere, far more then what there had been in The Nest. In the middle of it there was a large melted hole. The stream that ran through it had long since evaporated into steam, and the fire swirled up, blocking the entrance of Sky Mountain, their way of escape.
Retrix let out a growl and turned to go back the way they had come, but it was also blocked up by fire as the dragon responsible for this destruction seemed to realise it had missed its target. The silver dragoness quickly glanced around, desperately trying to find a way to escape.
'Over here!' cried a familiar mental voice and the two of them were turned toward another tunnel.
'Merene?' Silver thought shocked.
'Yes, it's me! Now come on!' the mind dragoness called, standing at the entrance into one of the areas of Sky Mountain.
Without hesitation the metal dragon turned toward Merene and flapped her wings, heading in her direction. Retrix followed right behind and together they made their way into the tunnel. Behind them the fire seemed to roar and raced after them, determined that no living thing would escape.
They entered into the tunnel at high speed, leaving the mind dragoness to catch up, which she did, flying far faster then Silver ever remembered her flying before. She was actually managing to keep up with both the metal dragoness and Retrix. They pushed themselves for greater speed and broke into The Training Centre, a large rocky cavern about the size of the nest. Standing in front of them was an ice dragon, body glowing slight as he gathered power through him.
"Out of the way!" he yelled.
The three dragons didn't hesitate and quickly twisted away from him. The ice dragon rose on two legs, eyes blazing, and launched a stream of ice in the tunnel's direction. Fire and ice collided, and the equilibrium seemed to recoil from the cool temperatures, even as the ice was incinerated by its power. It roared again and retreated, as if hurt.
Silver landed behind the ice dragon, taking gasping breaths as adrenaline rushed through her. It was only now she realised that she had been burnt in multiple places along her unprotected underbelly, and the pain was beginning to make itself noticed. She let out a low growl. Gently she set the young shadow dragoness down on the ground. Shala had fainted, whether from shock or just shear terror Silver didn't know.
"You're alright!" called the familiar voice of Zepos as he trotted over from where he had been standing, a relieved smile on his face.
Silver grinned up at him, a little tiredly, "Yeah... we're alright."
"That is good. We need to get out of here. I can't hold the fire back for much longer," the ice dragon turned around, and Silver recognised him. Frezron, the head battle teacher of Sky Mountain.
"I'm surprised you've managed to hold it back for so long," Retrix said, looking at the ice drake with a degree of appreciation.
"You shouldn't be. I am a dragon of equilibrium myself," Frezron laughed at Silver's gaping look, "Don't be so surprised. How do you think I control ice so well?"
"But if you've got that power, then use it to defeat this other dragon!" the metal dragoness exclaimed.
Frezron sighed, and looked away, "If I can avoid that I will. A battle between two dragons of equilibrium would likely create more destruction and death then it would stop, something I'm not willing to risk unless absolutely necessary."
"Oh, then what do we do?" Retrix asked.
"Find another escape route. I will hold out against this fire for as long as I can but I doubt it will be more then a couple of minutes," replied the ice drake, turning to look down the tunnel again.
"There should be a tunnel at the top..." Silver trailed off as she looked up to realise that the tunnel had been blocked off, likely by the dragons at the top to prevent the fire from reaching up there.
The void dragon swore angrily, and turned to look at the other tunnel that lead to The Nest, only to find that it had long since collapsed, the molten rock having hardened into a near impenetrable barrier. They were trapped.
"Who is the dragon?" Silver asked, looking at Merene, wondering if she knew.
The mind dragoness hesitated for a moment, and looked away, "A fire dragon."
"Well of course, what's its name?" the metal dragon frowned.
Merene sighed and looked Silver dead in the eye, "The fire is, or was, your brother, Raize."
Even Zepos looked surprised at the information, his eyes widening, "Raize? But he shouldn't have been capable of this sought of power."
"That was last time you saw him," a grim smile crossed her maw, "It seems that he's being growing since then."
Silver turned toward the tunnel, looking out at the glowing red fire on the other side, "So that's what you were doing. I thought you had lost your mind, but really you were attempting to reach this."
She gulped, before taking a deep breath and stepping forward toward the tunnel.
"Silver... don't," Merene said narrowing her eyes, "That fire out there is no longer your brother. Sure, it may have once been, and will be again after this is over, but at the moment that thing out there is what you see. Pure, uncontrollable fire."
"I have to try. Maybe he'll listen to me," Silver looked back at her friend.
"No. You will die. I'm sorry Silver, but I'm serious when I say that a dragon that has just reached equilibrium, especially a fire dragon, is completely out of control. They become their element, both mentally and physically, and I'll give you one guess on the mentality of fire," the mind dragon reasoned.
"Destruction," muttered Frezron, looking back at her, "She's right Silver. If you go back out there, you will die."
"Then what are we supposed to do! We can't just sit here and wait for it to come to us!" the metal dragon roared.
"No," Retrix agreed, before turning toward Frezron, "Is there anything we have with us that can hurt, or even defeat a fire equilibrium."
The ice dragon looked over them for a moment, "To do that we would need extremely cold temperatures. I'm talking near absolute zero. I can nearly reach that with my ice, but even that has limitation on how cold it can go."
The void dragon's frowned slightly, an idea coming to him, "And if we can get this temperature?"
"Well, then we would need to keep the fire subject to it for the amount of time it would take for it to run out of energy, which depends on how much area the fire has taken up, which is quite a lot in this case. What are you thinking young dragon?"
"I can create those conditions... I think," Retrix said, "Well, I can get that temperature, I just don't know how long I would be able to hold it for."
"Is your element an ice or something?" Frezron frowned.
"No, but it is cold. Very cold," the void drake said with a small grin before shaking himself.
"I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think sending parts of fire into the void would help very much," Zepos said, a little confused.
"I'm not going to, I'm going to send most it into the void all at once," Retrix took a deep breath, "Remember what I tried to do to Tetrad right before he hit me? I opened a rift into the void, hoping his momentum would carry him through it. I was wrong then, but I figure with this it could work. Only, this time, the rift would be bigger and I would keep it open far longer. It will create a vacuum, and hopefully suck all the fire inside."
"That may work," Merene broke in, "But can you handle it?"
"I'll have to," A determined flash passed through the drake's eyes, "It's the only way to survive this."
"And you're sure that this rift will be able to hold a fire equilibrium," frowned Frezron.
"Oh, easily. That isn't a question. The real question is whether or not I will be able to hold it open long enough," was the reply.
"If you say so, young dragon," the ice drake ruffled his wings and took a step back, "I will leave this to you."
Retrix gave an uneasy smile, before taking up the ice dragon's post. Silver watched with worry, not want to say anything. The problem she was face with here was the fact that if Retrix managed to pull of his plan, her brother likely wouldn't survive the vastness of the void, even in equilibrium. But, if it came to choose between the dragons with her at the moment at her brother's life, there was no doubt in which way she would go.
"Just... try not to kill him," she whispered quietly to Retrix.
The void drake gave a small smile and nodded his head, before turning toward the tunnel once more. As if sensing the lack of presence of the ice dragon, it had begun to move forward again, surging like a tidal wave. The stone walls began to glow red hot as the flame passed over them, and heat began to cascade out of the tunnel and into The Training Centre.
Narrowed his eyes in concentration Retrix spread his wings. The space in front of him seemed to crack, before it spread open revealing the darkness of the void to them all. However, instead of flying through it and closing it after, like he usually did, Retrix kept it open and slowly began to widen the hole in space. The air around them, usually stagnant, began to move, being sucked toward rift. The dragons around took a step away as the very heat began to leach from the room.
The fire then exploded into the room, but the force it came out only aided Retrix, as the first torrent was instantly sucked into the rift. It roared out and instantly tried to retreat from the room, but it was already too late. The vacuum created by the rift began to grow stronger as the hole grew larger, and Retrix stood, his wings outstretched and his legs shaking slightly as the effort began to get to him. Shivering from fatigue he let out a determined snarled and increased the size of the rift to a size that he had never managed before. It was getting difficult to hold it open now, and the enormous amounts of heat running passed him didn't help either, though he was sure it would have been far worse should the rift had not been there. With that thought in mind, he pushed on, purple eyes beginning to glow as he poured more energy into it.
The fire roared once more, desperately trying to escape the trap. It tried to go around, or go backwards, or upwards, but no matter what the vacuum created by the rift was to strong. The other four dragons were beginning to suffer under the effect as well. The rift wasn't only sucking in fire and heat, but also the very air from the room. Silver's breath became heavier as drawing in oxygen became harder. Merene looked paler then she usually did and she swayed slightly, her form flickering under the light of the fire. Frezron seemed the least effected, but even he was struggling slightly. Zepos was beginning to take in large draughts of air as the void it began to affect him as well.
Still the void drake pushed on. Energy leached from him, and if he had tried to take a step at that moment he doubted he would have been about to. It was like trying to hold open the ocean; at least that was what it felt like. The rift itched to be closed, and was struggling to do so, but he continued to fight. He wouldn't give up, no matter what the cost, so he continued to pour in energy. The world began to drift in front of him. The black of the void, red of the fire and grey/brown of the stone around him began to mix together, and he staggered slightly to the side.
'No!' he screamed at himself, 'just a little.... Just a little... longer.'
He gave one final push of energy into the void, before collapsing and letting himself fall unconscious. The rift snapped shut, encasing the fire inside the void with no escape. But it wasn't enough. The last tendrils of flame entered the room, mixing together and convulsing. The lightheaded dragons around them realised the predicament they were in and took a step back, surprised that the small amount had survived.
Slowly the fire began to grow once more, struggling to regain its previous glory, and for a moment it looked like it would succeed, before a stream of ice speared through it. The fire convulsed and faulted, then imploded, combining into one again and leaving the unconscious form of a fire dragon on the ground below.
And here is the next chapter! The longest chapter I've ever written on wattpad! It's totalled about 3968 words... phew. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Vote if you did and comment what you thought! The next chapter will be out soon. See Ya!
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