25 | betrayed
A/N: This chapter hasn't been proofread yet.
"Guys, be honest. Do I look good?"
Kai and Cole slowly turned to Jay, looked him up and down, then glanced at each other. "You look like a clown," Kai answered.
Jay's mouth dropped open. He glanced down at his clothes and looked for what categorized him as a clown. He was wearing bright green pants, a flannel shirt, a black top hat, and white shoes.
"Y'all can't blame me for looking like this!" He crossed his arms, faking a sniff. "You all got the better clothes before I could even get to the lost and found."
"You specifically chose the shirt and pants when there was an ironed tuxedo in the box, Jay," Cole said, straightening his shirt. He was wearing a black shirt and a pair of dark brown joggers, paired with black shoes he had found in the same box Jay had found his own clothes.
"Well, there was a Garfield-themed tie, too, but I didn't choose that."
"Thank the First Spinjitzu Master you skipped out on the tie," Kai exclaimed, walking up to the body-length mirror to fix his appearance. He tried to get his hair to stick upright, but the gel had been in his hair for a long time—far too long to keep its effectiveness. "Anyone found any hair gel? Guys, my hair is suffering under these circumstances. And don't even get me started on the horrible room-temperature air."
"Your precious hair will survive, Kai." Nya walked into the room, closing the door behind herself, only for it to be pulled open the second it fell into the lock.
"My friends." It was Zane, who looked more concerned the longer he could not reach his significant other. "I have tried to contact Pixal through lots of devices and programs, but she has not responded to a single one. I doubt she has even received a call."
Cole walked up to his brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry too much, Zane. I'm sure she's all right."
"I believe so, too," Jay said, before sizing Zane up. "Zane, where's your disguise?"
"Right here."
With the blink of an eye, Zane was no longer Zane but a gentleman dressed in a white tuxedo suit with a black tie. A white fedora sat on his hair and casted a shadow down his face.
While Jay was still entranced by the fact that Zane could transform into any disguise he wanted to, Nya looked around at the others.
They all looked...out of their element, so to speak. Well, except for Jay, who liked the idea of wearing something completely unstylish for once.
None of them had anything on that matched anyone else's clothes, and most of the clothes could barely conceal their muscular bodies. Overly muscular in Cole's case, whose black shirt looked like it would combust any second.
Nya herself was dressed in an old orange kimono she had found in the container, and although it fit her, it fit her a bit too tightly, and she was sure she wouldn't be able to fight properly if anything were to break out. There were a few holes here and there, though, showing a bit of her skin.
Ninjago's Lost & Finally Found was located close to Laughy's Karaoke Bar, where they were expecting to find their friend Dareth to get him to safety. The workers at the lost and found were barely there, partly because there was nothing of value they would protect. Anyone could waltz in and say a certain lost item was theirs and get to walk out with said item.
"Everyone ready?" Nya pulled on her fedora and looked at her friends.
"Uh, no?"
Everyone turned to Kai, who was still looking in the mirror and fussing about his un-gelled hair, trying to make it stay upright.
Nya picked up a blue cap she found in the box right next to her, walked up to her brother, and forced the cap on his head, messing up the hair style he had just accomplished.
"Shut up, Kai. Your hair wasn't going to be on display anyway. Now, guys, let's go." As she walked out the door, she mumbled, "Before I bury my brother under a pile of clothes."
The building of Laughy's was booming with loud music and the cheers of several men and women in short intervals. The ninja stopped in front of the door and made sure their identities were all disguised before stepping inside.
"I forgot there's the Friday Friyay deals here," Jay whispered to Cole over the hard bass.
His friend nodded in agreement and looked around curiously.
The Friday Friyay deals had been implemented by Dareth, the owner of Laughy's, in an attempt to get more people to visit—and therefore leave more money at—his establishment.
Those deals included an overpriced menu option, some fifty-percent off karaoke singing on the small stage at the front, and watching sports games on the television screen if desired so. The overpriced meals made up for the "cheaper" karaoke experience, so all in all Dareth made no losses when it came to his business.
A few familiar faces were strewn around. Vinny from NGTV News was sitting at a table with his friends and watching a soccer game on the TV, most of his friends shouting at the screen while he mindlessly sipped his drink. The mailman was playing pool with...Fugi-Dove?
"Didn't we tell him and the other two to stay out of the public's way?" Kai hissed at his sister, who shrugged.
"I guess they're not as wanted as we are."
Kai pressed his lips into a thin line and dragged his eyes away from the fellow criminal across the room. He could not understand how one criminal was more wanted than another when both had done dangerous and downright illegal activities.
The ninja had released Aspheera from her imprisonment when they had meant to bring Nya back.
Fugi-Dove had committed manslaughter.
"Let's get Dareth and get out of here," Cole whispered to his friends and led the way past the stage. Just as he passed by the standup microphone, a few shouts stopped him from disappearing into the darkness of a corner.
"Hey! You there, with a handsome mustache," a biker yelled over the heads of his fellow biker gang. "Sing something before I die of boredom!"
Cole's eyes widened. He opened his mouth to decline the demand, but another biker backed up the first biker.
"Yeah! Sing something now!"
"Why me?" Cole yelled back, his voice deeper to conceal his real voice from blowing his disguise. "Why won't you two sing?"
The two gray-haired bikers looked at each other before grinning from ear to ear and jumping up to get up on the stage.
Kai quickly walked over to Cole, who was looking at the bikers open-mouthed, too stunned at the fact that his suggestion had actually worked, and dragged him along towards the back, the others following the two close behind.
The back had a couple of doors the ninja knew well. Behind one of the doors was the cleaning closet. Behind another one was the kitchen, though rarely used because of the smaller bar at the front where Dareth, or any of his other employees, regularly prepared drinks and placed snack behind the counter people could buy on the spot. The various vending machines were big money-makers as well. Behind doors three and four were the female and male bathrooms. And behind the last door, door number five, was Dareth's personal office.
Although sleek in its design, with brown furniture and a gorgeous but fake golden chandelier dangling down the cream ceiling, Dareth's office was more messy than presentable. Whenever the ninja had visited him in the past, there had always been empty soda cans and pizza boxes on the floor and on the couch. Multicolored food stains had always been somewhere on the beige carpet, some small enough to oversee and others point blank in one's face.
Rattling sounds came from said room when the ninja stopped right in front of it. They listened to it for a while, trying to identify whether the sounds were good or bad, but they gave up listening after the second minute passed by.
Kai lifted his fist and knocked on the door while the others made sure nobody was seeing them or near them.
"One second!" Dareth's voice came out strained, a humpf following right after.
The five ninja looked at each other in confusion. The moment the door was pulled open, they tensed up.
Dareth, whose face was covered in wet sweat, straightened up. "Guys," he hissed, right before glancing down the hallway. "What are you doing here?"
"Are you alone in there?" Nya asked, pointing at his office. "We need to talk."
"Oh, yes. Yes, there's no one inside. Come on in." Dareth walked back inside and sat down on his rolling office chair. He placed his hands on the keyboard of his computer and began to type furiously. "Just one moment, guys. I have to send one of my employees an email regarding their updated schedule."
Entering the room last, Jay closed the door with a soft click. "That's—" His eyes stopped at the broken-down bookshelf to the right. "—fine... What the hell?"
Dareth tore his eyes away from the screen to look at Jay and then at the bookshelf. He laughed awkwardly. "That thing broke down when I least expected it. I was just about to begin cleaning up."
Nya glanced around the rest of the room and took in the empty and partially squeezed soda cans on the floor as well as the crumpled candy wrappers on Dareth's desk. "Sure," she said, unbelieving. "Listen, we don't have much time."
"I figure so, darlin'. It's not every day that I have wanted criminals at my door."
"Okay, whoa, man," Cole said, glaring at Dareth. "You're our manager. You're supposed to be on our side here."
Dareth put his hands in the air and gave him an innocent look. "Don't hate me now. I just repeated what everyone knows you for."
"Are we sure about wanting to save him?" Jay asked his friends. "He seems to be against us as well."
"Save me?" Dareth's eyebrows furrowed. "Save me from what?"
"From your head getting ripped off your body basically."
The others looked at Kai in shock.
"What?" he asked loudly. "Am I wrong?"
"Let me rephrase that sentence," Zane said. "Six of our past enemies are currently on the loose and most likely planning world domination. We expect a big battle to occur in a moment's time, which is why we have decided to gather as many of our close friends as possible to bring them up to the kingdom of Shintaro so they will be safe. We have come to bring you to safety, Dareth."
"Wait, wait, wait." Dareth stood up and walked around his desk to sit down on it. "Six enemies? On the loose? World domination? What is going on here?!"
"Just shut up and tell us if you want to be in safety or not. We don't have all day," Nya said, annoyed at all the stalling. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and tapped her foot on the floor repeatedly. Jay had to put his hand on her shoulder for her muscles to relax again.
Dareth frowned. "Which enemies are we talking about?"
Zane listed them off one by one, and with each name that was mentioned, Dareth's face contorted in more horror.
"Harumi?" he asked, befuddled by her name's appearance. "She's alive? But...how?" He looked at Nya and shared a knowing look with her. "We saw the building collapse on top of her."
"We don't know how she was saved, okay? Lloyd said it was the Overlord, but neither of us know how."
"Speaking of Lloyd, where is he?" Dareth looked at the five ninja in confusion, wondering where the Green Ninja, their leader, was. Then he whispered, "Don't tell me he's been captured by the popo."
"Popo?" Kai asked.
"It doesn't matter where Lloyd is," Nya said, getting back to the main conversation. "Dareth, stop being annoying and tell us if you want to come with us or not. We really need to go now before someone suspects something."
"You're right," Dareth agreed. "Let me get my things. One moment."
He went back behind his desk and pulled out a large backpack. His hands began to shove the things on his desk into the large space.
Kai and Cole exchanged confused looks, both thinking the same thing. "Are you sure your...stapler is all that important to take with you? And your calendar? And your empty water bottle?"
Dareth shot them a glance but continued packing. "What's unnecessary to you is someone else's treasure."
Jay's eyebrows shot up. "That was oddly wise. Are you still the Dareth we know and love?" he teased.
Smirking, Dareth stopped his actions to look at Jay. He opened his mouth to offer a retort, but a knock against the door made them all freeze. "Come in!" Dareth shouted loudly.
"Dareth!" Cole hissed quietly, just as the door handle was pushed down. "Why would you—"
"Hands in the air, ninja!"
The five warriors looked at the doorway in utter disbelief. It was guarded by two police officers holding their shields in front of them to protect themselves, and those same officers were pointing guns from above the shields. There were at least a dozen more officers behind them, no doubt.
The ninja were sitting ducks inside the small office. There were no windows, and their only exit was blocked.
"What the fuck!" Kai exclaimed, risking a glance towards Dareth, who was standing behind his desk silently, his getaway bag long forgotten. "You called them on us?!"
A small frown appeared on their manager's face. "Look, guys, I'm sorry, but thirty-three million bucks is not a low number. You have to understand me."
"Understand you?!" Jay yelled.
"Put your hands in the air! I won't repeat myself again!" the same officer yelled again, pointing his gun at Jay, who quickly complied. The others put their hands up as well.
"You're going to regret this Dareth," Nya said calmly, although her insides were boiling at the sheer amount of adrenaline that was pumping through her veins. "You've betrayed us. No matter what happens from now on, you can bet your ass we'll never forget this."
"Yeah," Cole agreed. "And don't expect us to rescue you when shit inevitably hits the fan."
The two officers at the front pushed their way into the office and more officers appeared behind them. "Enough small talk, ninja!"
The armed officers slowly advanced towards the ninja. One man in particular went over to Nya, who was standing to the far right of the bunch, and pointed his gun at her the moment she stepped backwards.
"Hey! Don't touch my sister!" Kai's reflexes took over his body as he kicked the gun out of the officer's hand. The weapon collided with the wall and fell to the floor.
In the blink of an eye, another officer pointed his own gun at Kai and pulled the trigger. The others watched as the bullet fired out of the mouth of the gun, and a second later, everything froze. Literally.
Zane's ice powers froze the bullet right before it could hit Kai in his chest.
But by freezing the bullet, the ice also hit the officer who had fired the weapon, making him unable to move or even speak.
The ninja exchanged knowing looks.
Their situation was...less than good.
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