^^^Angel's outfit, looking badass as always.
We did the dishes in silence after that, I didn't know what to say to him. Yelling at him that he doesn't trust me wasn't going to change anything and him apologising wouldn't do anything either. After we finished, I asked Monica if we could work out together and before she could reply we were interrupted.
"Meeting time," Temi said. Normally I sat in the middle of Monica and Kurume. Before Kurume came in I whispered to her to sit in the middle. Suspicious, she still did as I asked and switched so I sat at the end. Once Kurume sat down the meeting started.
"So we are going to kill everyone in their gang even the people who aren't fully involved," Temi said with blank eyes.
My eyes opened a little, "Everyone why not just the main people?" I asked slightly surprised.
"Cause if we just kill them then someone will avenge them then its more work and we'll just end up killing them anyway. We have started already blowing up their bases all around the world." Temi said calmly.
People tended to stay out of gang violence very few cases made the cover of a newspaper. Once the police find traces of drugs they disregard the case altogether. "So our only job is to kill them," Michael said. "We will do it a few days after your birthday Angel." He smiled.
"When your birthday Angel?" Liam asked.
"The thirteenth but I don't really want to celebrate this year," I said it just felt weird to not celebrated without my mom.
"Why not?" He replied.
"It just feels weird without my mom," I replied keeping a neutral face.
"We are celebrating the end of," Monica said hugging me slightly.
"We go on our mission on the fifteenth," Temi said. "We are luring them in with you Angel."
"So I'm bait?" I asked. Temi nodded.
"Sounds fun," I smiled. "So we are pretending you are going to trade me for, what."
"Money, they won't question it," Temi replied and I nodded.
"So is everyone in?" Michael asked and everyone hummed and nodded. Everyone when their own separate ways so only me Monica, Michael and Kurume remained downstairs.
4 pm
After watching multiple shows, I went to the kitchen to get water. When I heard someone enter and close the door I assumed it was Kurume. But when I turned I was greeted by Micheal. "Missed me?" He asked.
"No, I thought you were Kurume," I replied dryly.
"You love doing this to me, don't you? You've got your revenge so let's just get back together." He said coming closer to me.
"Stop, stay away from me there is no revenge," I replied.
He continued to get closer, "No you love me we both know it he stroked my face." I backed away and felt my back crash with the countertop.
Angrily I whispered into his ear. "Don't do anything silly, let me be happy to let me move on, please."
He smirked and I looked at the door and saw Kurume standing there pissed. I just knew he had just gotten the wrong idea. I pushed Michael hard but he didn't move. My eyes looked with Kurume the look he gave me, was of pure disappointment before walking away. I kicked Michael in his leg and frantically ran after Kurume. I held onto his hand before he made it past the living room.
"Don't get the wrong idea," I said to Kurume.
"No I haven't for the wrong idea, I always knew you were a flirt it is part of your personality." He said frustrated.
"I wasn't fucking flirting the only person I have flirted with is you!" I yelled at the top of my voice. My echo speared all over the house.
"Then what did I see?" He asked.
I reached into the middle of the table where the cigarettes are kept. "You saw someone try and flirt with me and me profess the way I love you."
"It didn't look like that," He replied.
I just told him I loved him and he blew it off, he didn't even acknowledge it, my heart broke...
"Even if I was flirting, what right do you have to get mad you aren't my man," I yelled lighting a cigarette trying to calm myself down.
"And this is why Lilith," He spat before walking away. The whole house was silent and I heard Kurume slammed his door and lock it.
"Are you happy know Michael?" I yelled annoyed as hell.
"I was just teasing you both." He replied, "I didn't know he would take it this far." I blew smoke in his face and watched as he started coughing.
"Yes cause you never think before you do shit and everyone else is stuck dealing with the consequence. I'm starting to think the only reason I liked you was because I was drunk half the time, thank god I'm sober now." Michel looked at me pissed, he walked upstairs, slamming his door.
Monica didn't say anything she just hugged me. "I need a long smoke outside. I still smoke when I'm stressed out I have just been holding myself back lately."
"I feel awful I should have never allowed you to smoke." She whispered.
"No it's fine, it is what it is," I replied with a sigh.
"Those cigarettes were for Kurume he used to smoke he has stopped now." She said letting go of me.
"Monica, I need to be alone," I said grabbing the lighter and the box of cigarettes.
"Okay, but grab my black coat." She said.
I did as she told me and she unlocked the door. "Love you Mon and I mean that," I said to her it was something I used to tell her on the daily.
Before all this
"I love you too," She then hugged me again and I hugged her back.
"I'll be back in a bit," I said to her. I stepped out and carried on with my smoke. I called Kurume's number on my phone and he sent me to voicemail.
Frustrated, I began to walk in the forest while smoking to calm myself down after walking a while I couldn't even see the mansion. Sighing, I sat under a tree putting out my cigarette and lighting another one. Once I was finished, I attempted to find my way back but found myself getting lost deeper into the forest.
I decided that it was better for me to stop walking as I was just getting myself more lost. Gathering sticks around me, I started the fire by lighting the sticks on fire with my lighter. The fire started and I watched the sunset in awe. It had been s long time since I had found beauty in nature.
Knowing it was getting dark, I called Monica but the call didn't go through there was no signal. I sighed but remained calm. I couldn't believe I had got myself lost but even then I wondered if Kurume even cared. By now Monica would've told everyone I was missing.
I was so mad with myself for getting lost. But the truth is I've been lost for a long time...
Looking up at the night sky, all the stars were shining brightly seeming to be greeting me. Trying to remain optimistic, I remembered I had a warm fire and a big jacket it wouldn't be so bad to spend the night. I got some more sticks and added them to the fire. Placing my head against the tree looking at the sky making consolations in the stars, until I drifted asleep.
Sunday 10th November
The wind picked up putting out my fire but I heard movement in the bushes and trees around me. "Hello?" I said rising to my feet there was no response but the snapping of a twig.
I ran
I wasn't sure what I was running from but I wasn't going to just standstill. Running for my life, I didn't pay attention to where I was going. My heart was beating against my chest my legs were slightly wobbly in fear and the fact that I had just woke up. The wind picked up again which scared me more as I couldn't hear if I was still being chased so I kept at it. I lost my footing and tripped I waited for my body to crash with the forest floor and there he was, Kurume.
Relief washed over me and I hugged him, before letting go and seeing everyone was with him, it looked like a search party. I caught my breath," I got lost." I said trying to steady my breathing. I looked at my ankle which was aching slightly.
I then hugged Monica, "You are such a bundle of trouble," She said hugging me back.
"Guess you are hardcore, the bears didn't eat you," Temi said and I looked at her.
"So I ran from a bear?" I asked not believing her words I had nearly had an encounter with a bear, now that I think about she was probably lying.
I took off my headband and tied it to my ankle trying to steady it. "Can we all go home now, we found her safe and sound," Liam said putting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm gonna help you walk that was nearly a brutal fall but your prince caught you." He teased.
I laughed a little, "It would have been better if I lost my shoe or something. What Disney princess do you think I would be?" I asked as everyone began walking back.
"Probably no-one as that would be an insult to any Disney princess," He said cheekily.
"I'm going to try not to be a bitch for once and laugh it off for once," I replied with a small laugh.
"Wow so near-death experiences really do change people," Michael said with a chuckle though I could feel the venom.
"Shut up Michael you are the reason she got lost, deliberately agitating them both," Monica said immediately defending me.
"I was just teasing, I didn't tell him to misunderstand or overeat and I didn't tell her to smoke her life away death has a way of coming her way anyways." He said dryly.
I knew the meaning of that he just insulted me with my mom, that is low even for him
Temi pushed Michael with force while I stood there shocked nearly losing my balance again but Liam kept me steady.
"That was not needed," Mark said shaking his head.
Everyone knew death wasn't something to be joked around with for me.
Kurume turned and looked me in the eyes for the first time and I looked into his eyes before sighing and looking away.
"Liam let go for a second," I said and he did as I asked.
I was looking at Michael so surprised, "You of all people had the audacity,"
"I didn't mean it ..."He said sounding regretful.
I intercepted him, "No this is my fault, my mom's murders attended her funeral why am I surprised you just waved it in my face." I whispered to Monica that I wanted to walk with her alone without the rest of them. She held my hand and we walked past a regretful Michael and walked to the house ahead of everyone else.
When we arrived back at the house. She opened the door and led me straight up the stairs with the first aid kit. I stopped her halfway up as everyone else entered. "Thanks for looking for me I appreciate it," I said as thankful as possible.
"Hey, Angel can we talk?" Kurume asked as I turned around.
I am not ready for that cause if I say yes now, I'll want to sleep in your arms...
"Yeah, we can later," I replied breaking the eye contact.
Once we reached Monica's room she treated my wounds and we got went to sleep. She let me sleep on the top end of the bed while she slept on the bottom. But not before I hugged her and just silently cried in her arm and she comforted me without a word. I drifted to sleep but I remember my last thought before I did.
As I was running I was scared but the moment Kurume caught me, I fell for him all over again and I knew my heart would continue to do so...
I would like to thank furiouskoalakitty07 for always voting and leaving me comments❤ Please check out her book Queen Bee
Please vote and leave me a comment love to hear from you!
-Love Lb xx
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