Exams and Conventions

Chapter 3
"Ahhh!!! He finally uploaded again!" kyouka screamed into a pillow to avoid her parents waking up. She watched the video on her phone with a dumb grin plastered across her face, well she didn't really "watch" the video. She listened as the sweet voice accompanied by the calm music, as she looked at the stagnant anime character in the background of the video. "I should probably ask him something while he's still online" kyouka thought to herself while she typed up a question.

"I'm your #1 fan, are you gonna do a collab with anyone? I'm super interested if you do<3"

Izuku looked at his monitor as a notification popped up. Someone commented on his video. He smiled as he read the comment, noting all the fans that he had accumulated throughout the months he's been singing online. "Maybe I should collaborate with someone" Izuku thought to himself while looking at the empty reply box. " static-p? Nah... ashestoashesjc? Maybe next time.... natewantstobattle? He's way out of my league!" Izuku laughed nervously as he thought he might change collaborate with one of the big shots. "I guess You'll just have to wait and see" Izuku said while he typed the exact same thing he just said.

Kyouka read the reply her idol just sent her, she looked kinda disappointed that he just teased her like that. But she couldn't get over the fact that her IDOL just replied to her. She was about to type up a reply to him but she remembered something. "The cover creator meetup!!!" This time she screamed her parents heard her " kyouka! what are you doing in there!?" "S-Sorry" she said as her parents knocked on her door blisteringly mad. She typed up another comment before sending it over

"BTW are you going to the Cover Creator Meetup this weekend? We could hang out if you want :3"

It was a bit cheesy, but she couldn't miss the chance to have a whole day to hang out with the person she stalks online.

Izuku stared blankly at the comment, his mind arguing whether he be flattered or saddened by the fact someone would like to spend the day with him. "Actually that wouldn't sound like a bad idea" he thought to himself as he pondered on whether to go or not. Especially when the meetup was exactly after the U.A entrance exams. His mother got worried, the night when he told her that he would still go to U.A, but she calmed down when he explained that he would just enter the Gen-Ed course (general education) not the heroics course. He thought to himself for a bit before typing up a reply yet again.

"Seems like I don't really have a choice. I wouldn't want to leave my #1 fan in the gutters like that¯\_()_/¯"

Kyouka read the reply she got with stars in her eyes. *HER IDOL JUST ACKNOWLEDGED HER* she screamed onto a pillow yet again, jumping in her seat and celebrating like she just won the lottery. She calmed down a bit when a problem popped up. How will she know if it's him? She knew that he hasn't actually showed his face online yet, his videos would just be him singing a cover of a popular song with a anime character in the background. She pondered a bit on how they would distinguish each other in a convention consisting of maybe thousands of people. Then she had an idea that just might work, she decided to move to the private messages to keep their meetup as hidden as possible. It may sound greedy, but she wanted to spend some time with him alone as much as possible.

"When we're there tell me what you're wearing and I'll tell you mine too. We'll meet up by the snack bar okay? :D"

Izuku stared at the private message he received with the face of disbelief. "He's serious!?" He panicked. He gave a tired sigh before saying under his breath " looks like there's no escaping now" after his small mental breakdown he mustered up the confidence to reply back.

"Sounds like a plan <3"

And with that last message he laid down on his bed, mentally preparing himself for the upcoming U.A entrance exam, and the meetup right after. After 3 days of a rigorous study schedule he walked up to the U.A gates confident and ready for anything. "This is my first step to the future!" Izuku mentally screamed as he took his fist step into the school of his dreams, even though he couldn't make it into the hero course he was still happy. As he took his first step, like bad karma he fell head first into the ground only being stopped by a tight tug on his shirt collar. "Jeez kid, you might want to practice walking first before attending U.A." The boy who looked like he needed a couple more weeks of sleep. "Ehh... I'm sorry" Izuku said with a nervous chuckle. "Just look where you're going next time, yeah?" Shinsou said as izuku got up and wiped some dust off of his clothes. he couldn't really put a finger on it, but this situation seems so familiar. For some reason he remembers stuff like this on the most random times, he pondered on this while he stared at the ground he might've tasted. "Oh are you gonna just stand there or something" Shinsou waved his hand infront of izukus face successfully breaking him from his camera like state. "S-sorry sorry, I kinda got lost there" Izuku said as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "C'mon the tests are about to start" Shinsou said as he tugged on Izuku making him step forward. As they walked to the examination area Shinsou decided to break the silence "Hey.... I'm Shinsou Hitoshi, and you?" Izuku looked towards the blue haired boy before speaking " I-Izuku M-Midoriya!" He accidentally said in surprise. "Are you always this jittery?" Shinsou said with an eyebrow raised as they walked through the massive campus of U.A. "Only in real life" Izuku said with an awkward giggle before he realized what he just said. "I-I-I mean uhhh.. I'm just awkward" once again Shinsou raised his eyebrow at that statement. "Have I heard you from somewhere before?" Izuku stopped in his tracks as Shinsou turned around to face him. "W-What!?" Izuku looked like he just saw a ghost while the blue haired boy looked at him with the uninterested gleam in his eyes. "I dunno, your voice just kinda sounds familiar" Shinsou shrugged as he started to walk again. Izuku gave a loud relieved sigh before catching up to Shinsou. 'There's no way someone can know me JUST from my voice' Izuku thought to himself before they stopped at the test site. "we're here" Shinsou stated while Izuku looked at the massive room.

The test wasn't anything special, or maybe Izuku just studied too much. He finished first and looked around the room, checking if anyone had an interesting mutation quirk. It took some time before Izuku finally found Shinsou again. He stared at the blue haired boy noticing that he might be struggling at his test paper. As time passed by izuku just leaned his cheek against his hand as he waited for the bell to ring, signifying the end of the test. While he was bored out of his mind he couldn't help but wonder what was the cover creator meetup gonna be like? He thinks that it may just be a bunch of people walking around, maybe seeing a few online celebrities and buying some merch. He gave a small sigh as the bell rang. He went out the examination room with confidence and pride, until Shinsou came along and grabbed his shoulder. "So how was your test?" Shinsou said as he looked down to the boy going from perfect posture back to slouching down a bit. "Err... uhh... It w-wasn't that h-hard" Izuku said with a shaky smile before looking back at the blue haired boy. Shinsou again raised his eyebrow "that test was supposed to be 3 years advanced" Izuku madly blushed that someone indirectly complemented him, sure he was used to the numerous complements he got online but this was different, someone complemented him in front of his face. "Er.. t-thanks" Izuku managed to say underneath his breath while he looked down a longing Shinsous concerned look. "You know for someone as smart as you, you really gotta get a backbone" It was true. Izuku would be flustered at anything that involved him, his online personality, or a girl. "C'mon lets go to a cafe or something" Shinsou said as he tugged the poor low self-esteemed boy. "E-ehh W-What!?" Izuku asked in shock as he looked at the blue haired boy tugging his sleeve.

It took a few minutes before arriving in a small cafe "sweet oni?" Izuku looked at the strangely familiar cafe before entering with Shinsou. They sat down, they ordered rather normal drinks. Shinsou had a latte despite Izuku questioning if he needed coffee or a some sleep, while Izuku ordered some lemonade. "You know my mom has a weird belief towards lemons" Shinsou said as their orders were placed on the table by a horrifically familiar blue-haired waitress, mentioned by Izuku. After a sip of lemonade Izuku asked what his mom's belief was. Shinsou gave a smirk after he sipped some of his coffee and stated " My mom says that if you take in too many lemons you become a pervert" Izuku looked at his lemonade with shock before returning his gaze to the now smirking Shinsou. "It's just a joke, relax kid" Shinzo said as izuku looked a little bit more relaxed. The two sat there taking in a few sips here and there before izuku asked Shinsou "h-hey w-why did you b-bring me here?" Izuku asked him while he gave a light blush. "I don't have any friends" Shinsou said with his usual tired and uninterested look. OH.... Izuku looked at him awkwardly as the silence in the cafe became blatantly awkward. 'Maybe I shouldn't have asked' Izuku thought to himself as he glugged down the lemonade to avoid any suspicion. "Relax kid, It's okay. You didn't really hurt me or anything." Shinsou said with a tired smile and a uninterested look in his eyes. 'Oh thank god' Izuku thought to himself as he gave a relieved sigh, but something popped up in his head "w-why did you a-approach m-me then ?" Izuku said as he looked at Shinsou with pity and concern. "Don't flatter yourself kid, beggars can't be choosers" Shinsou said with a smirk on his face to look at a teary eyed and offended Izuku. "H-Hey. Again, it was just a joke. Jeez man, dont take everything so seriously." Shinsou stated while Izuku wiped some of his soon-to-be tears from his eyes. As Izuku looked at the smug boy he couldn't help but wonder, why didn't he have any friends? He had a rather rude personality, sure but that wasn't enough to deturr people. He wasn't really much of a conversation, but that can be worked on. It couldn't be his looks though, sure he looked depressed and like he needed a 2 year nap but other than that he looked pretty good. "W-why dont you have any friends S-Shinsou-kun?" Izuku looked at the boy who's smirk left his face to return to his normal uninterested face. "Ohh... I-I'm s-sorry I shouldn't pry" Izuku said as he blushed in embarrassment and raised his arms up in defense. Shinsou sipped the last of his coffee before stating "It's because of my quirk" he stated with his normal bitch resting face look. The green haired boy gave a relaxed sigh before looking at Shinsou one last time and stating "yeah, I guess i can relate. At least you have a quirk." Shinsou raised his eyebrow at Izukus statement "A-Are you quirkless?" Shinsou asked Izuku as small bead of sweat trailed his face. Izuku gave a slight awkward nod. "were you bullied too?" Shinsou asked bluntly while Izuku stared at his empty glass for a bit before saying. "Uhh.. yeah. I got depressed for a bit when someone said that I couldn't be a hero because I was Quirkless". "But are you still depressed?" Shinsou retaliated to Izuku before the green haired boy shot up from his saddened stupor. Izuku gave a warm smile and Shinsou noticed how kind hearted Izuku actually was. Izuku shook his head and stated "I guess I'm not anymore, ever since I found my hobby." Shinsou gave Izuku a nod and a smile before standing up from his chair. Izuku soon followed up and tipped the waitress. They exited the cafe separating at the door. But before Shinsou strayed away too far Izuku ran up to him and asked him his number. They exchanged their numbers, Shinsou's contact name being *Shin-kun* and Izukus being just labeled *friend* After they waved each other goodbye Izuku went back home while Shinsou did the same. As much as he wanted to, Shinsou didn't really want to flaunt out to his mother that he just made a new friend.

Izuku finally came home with some time to spare. "Mom I'm home!" Izuku said as he entered the front door. They ate dinner Izuku and Inko, they talked about how it hadn't been the first day and Izuku already has a friend. After the hearty meal and an awkward conversation with his mother Izuku decided to ask something to the manager of the CCM (Content Creator Meetup)

[email protected]: hello sir,ma'am. Will there be a designated spot where a creator such as myself will be assigned, or will it be a first come first serve type deal?

Izuku waited for a few minutes for a reply while he looked back to his "#1 fan's messages" His monitor finally lit up and he read the email

[email protected]: thank you for concern towards the matter but, unfortunately to obtain a designated booth you need to reserve one ahead of time. But there may be an empty spot if a creator is not present, though your request is not the only request it does not mean that you will be overlooked.

Izuku gave a disappointed sigh as he read the e-mail. 'Guess that plan's not happening' Izuku said to himself before replying

[email protected]: thank you for your time.

The Green haired boy immediately closed the tab before he opened up the social media website where almost all his fans were using once again.

Deck-Kun: Guys I don't have a booth DDD: guess we'll just to have to play hide and seek D:

A saddened groan could be heard from him as all the replies started kicking in.

*Aww Man that sucks*
*I really wanted to meet you :((*
*kill me now*

After He browsed all the comments stating that they really wanted to spend some time and maybe an autograph from him, he saw a rather familiar Username messaging him.

JazzNyan: Aww... even though you don't have a booth we'll still meetup right?

'H-Him again?' Izuku thought to himself while trying to type up a reply.

Deck-Kun: Yeah, I will. Too bad you have to reserve a spot though

Same time different place
Kyouka looked at her phone patiently as she waited for a reply. Then a notification popped up. She read it with a star shaped glint in her eyes. "I'll be wearing all black with a rock and roll t-shirt and a guitar. Maybe we could record some stuff later on" It sounded kinda greedy in a sense but she sent it anyways.

"Eehhh!!??" Izuku wondered to himself as he read the message. 'Just how sad is this guy to want to record with me?' Sure Izuku broke the 1million follower milestone, but he hasn't encountered a rabid fan like this one. He kinda shrugged it off as flattery that someone would want to record a song with him.

Deck-Kun: I'll be wearing a brown hoodie and a scarf. See you there ;3

Kyouka looked at the message like a gold trophy that she just won. OH MY GOD!!! She thought to herself while holding back all her squeals and screams.

Izuku finally turned off his Pc and laid down on his bed mentally preparing himself for all the attention he'll get tomorrow 'maybe it won't be as bad as I think it will' He though to himself as he tossed and turned in his bed. 'Or maybe not' he mentally said before finally becoming unconscious.

Kyouka could barely sleep with all the pent up excitement she had. 'I cant believe I'll spend the whole day with Deck-Kun!!!' She mentally screamed while she jumped onto her bed. Readying herself for an amazing day ahead of her.

Okay, so I couldn't update any of my books because I got sick. Anime_MultiPlay_ thanks for helping me with this chapter. Also this ship shall now be dubbed:
Timid Harmony.

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