Tatsu's fate is sealed.
Tatsu POV
"So, whatcha do to make the Shredder so mad?" asked Fish Face.
"The child has tried to turn the Master agents me just like her mother tried to do and failed. The Master knows I'm his most loyal subject. I have nothing to fear." I replied.
"I wouldn't be so sure." Fish Face replied with a smile.
"What is going on Fish face? Why are you guarding Tatsu like he's some kind of prisoner!" Razhar and Tiger Claw ask.
"The Master is with his daughter and has ordered that we do not disturb them. Tatsu disobeyed the Master's orders not to harm Crystal. She's currently in intensive care under the watchful eyes of Baxster and Rockwell."
"The Master is not happy with Tatsu. From my understanding and it seemed like the Master was going to decide what to do with him after spending some quality time with his daughter. He will call for us when he is ready." Fish Face replied.
"We just walked by Karia a moment ago, she's still in her prison cell so how can she possibly be with the Master? " Razhar asked completely confused.
"The answer is simple, I'm not," Karai replied from her cell.
Razhar frowned at Fish face and replied, "As usual you don't know what your talking about Fish Face. Release Tatsu and get back to your chores!" Rahzar with a bit of an attitude.
"Yes, Fish Face release me" I replied with a sneer.
"I will not disobey the Master. I don't want to arose his anger again. look what happened the last time I made him angry. I was stuck in a fish tank for months before he allowed Baxster to create my oxygen tank and legs. Tatsu stays where he is, that is unless you want to suffer the Master's wrath."
"You must have heard the Master wrong." Razhar said starting to unlock Tatsu's cell
"I wouldn't do that If I were you" Fish Face warned to no avail.
"Lucky for me I'm not an ugly useless fish." Razhar replied. Unlocking the door to Tatsu's cell. "Your free to go Tatsu." Razhar said with a wave of his hand. However, before Tatsu could make an escape the doors to Shredder's throne room burst open and the Shredder and I stood before them. Shredder's daughter glared angrily at me a snarl forming across her lips.
Catherine POV
Tiger Claw spotted me standing next to the Master and frowned. Why was I standing next to the Shredder like I was his second in command? That was his position and he wasn't about to give it up to some new kid! I could see Tiger Claw glaring at me but it didn't faze me.
My gaze was fixed on Tatsu. My mind only on one thing: his destruction. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Tatsu trying to escape. Without saying a word I looked up at the Shredder and then tilted my head in Tatu's direction.
The Shredder frowned, as he too spotted Tatsu trying to slip away without being seen. Throwing a shuriken otherwise known as a ninja star he pinned Tatsu in place. "Just where do you think you are going?" The Shredder demanded with a growl.
"I... uhh... I thought I heard the sound of an enemy approaching and was going to go check it out. " Tatsu replied hoping the Shredder would buy this lie.
"Rahzar, Tiger Claw, help Tatsu into the throne room and bring Kari as well."
"Yes Master!" Rahzar and Tiger Claw replied. "You take Tatsu and I'll get Karai." Tiger Claw replied turning to Razhar.
"Right," said Razhar with a nod by dragging Tatsu into the throne room.
"Come on Razhar let me go." Tatsu begged to no prevail.
Razhar and Fish Face threw Tatsu forward forcing him to bow down before the Shredder as a slave would bow before a king.
"Master, I have served you faithfully for many years now. I have always been loyal to you even when others conspired agents you. I have never questioned your orders."
"I have worked diligently to make sure all of your plans come together without mistakes. I have never nor will I ever betray you. whatever it is that I have done to displease you, please forgive me."
"The time for forgiveness has long passed, what remains now is to decide how to deal with your treachery."
Tatsu gulped. "I've always done what you've asked of me. I dont know what treachery you speak of, whatever it is that I've done to displease you, Please forgive me."
"You insult me with your lies. You disrespected and threatened my daughter. That alone calls for punishment. Your biggest act of betrayal was when you attempted to murder my wife."
"Master Shredder, please, I don't know what you are talking about. She's in her current condition because she kept fighting back."
"As for disrespecting your daughter it was never my intention to disrespect her. Please, I'll do anything, please don't kill me." Tatsu begged again to no prevail.
"I have already decided your fate and it has been sealed. However, my daughter could change my mind. It is her you should be begging mercy from."
Tatsu looked towards Karai who was being forced to kneel before the Shredder by Tiger Claw. Why did the Master want him to seek forgiveness from her? Hadn't she been stripped of her title and was being punished for betraying the Master? None the less he turned to her and pleaded "please Karai , please spare my life."
"It's not up to me, and even if it were why would I help you? You've been a pain in my side ever since I can remember. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what the Shredder has in store for you." Karai replied starting to sound like her old self once more.
"I don't understand. If not you then who? Oh no."'Tatsu moaned looking over at me.
I stared at Tatsu with no emotion in my gaze. "The decision is mine" I replied with a smile my eyes sparkling in delight.
At this, Tatsu gulped and turned his gaze back the Shredder. "Please Master, I beg you reconsider. This child will never show me mercy, not after what I've done." Tatsu begged.
"Then your fate it sealed." The Shredder's replied walking over to where he kept his katana blade. Tatsu knew there was nothing he could do to change the Shredder's mind.
"As my father said, the decision is mine." I replied.
Tatsu gulped and bowed before Me. "Please, have mercy, I'll pay anything, I'll do anything, I'll give you anything you want. Name your price just please spare my life."
"Anything?" I replied raising my eyebrows slightly. I was intrigued by this notion.
"Yes." Tatus replied. "Anything."
" I want what you stole from me!" I replied with a growl.
"Tatsu looked at me complete confusion written across his face. "Whatever it is you want I'll pay you back ten fold."
"What you stole from me can never be replaced. You stole my family from me! You lied to my father about my mother and caused him to question her loyalty. Even now She awaits his judgement as a condemned traitor thanks to you."
"About that, I haven't condemned her just yet." the Shredder said interrupting Me.
"You haven't? Tatsu asked confused.
"No, I haven't. I am still considering wether or not she actually betrayed me." The Shredder replied.
"But Master, I thought..."
"You thought wrong Tatsu." The Shredder replied.
"Father?" I asked my voice portraying my confusion.
"Catherine, I will spare your mother life, I will not condemn her to death as foot clan laws decree nor will I condem her to life as a mutant, if you agree to serve me faithfully. What you choose to do with Tatsu will be the first test of your loyalty to me. Now, as you were."
"Yes, Father." I replied turning my attention back to Tatus. "You were saying?
"I... I....
"Choose your words wisely for they may be your last." I replied.
Tatsu gulped and replied, "I swear, it was never my intention to cause a rift in your family. I just wanted your mother to show me the respect I deserved. I'm so sorry."
"It's her you should be apologizing to . You deserve to suffer. To suffer for the lies you've told, to suffer for the torment you have put my mother and I through!"
"However, my mother always taught me not to judge others for their actions no matter what they've done. Her favorite story to tell me is found in Matthew 18 verses 21-35."
"Huh?" Tatsu was completely confused as to where this conversation was headed and he looked up at the Shredder for some type of translation.
The Shredder just frowned and shrugged his shoulders. He didn't like where this conversation was headed. It was becoming clear that Crystal had taught me to be a Jesus freak . That was going to have to change.
I smiled and shook my head they just didn't get it. Looks like I would have to explain it step by step. "It's called the Parable of the unmerciful servant. It's about a mighty King who decided to settle accounts with his servants."
The Shredder leaned forward in his chair. This story sounded interesting. I paused when I saw the Shredder lean forwards in his throne. "Continue" he said with a wave of his hands.
"Does she have too?" Whined Tatsu. "I mean really, the last thing I want is to hear is some religious story meant for children."
"Would you prefer I carry out my planned sentence for your punishment?" The Shredder asked placing a hand on his Katana that was leaning up agents his throne.
"No Master. I'm sorry Catherine, please continue." Tatsu said hoping to stall his punishment longer.
"That's ok, I had the same reaction when my mother first started reading the bible too me so I understand completely. As I was saying my mom's favorite story is about a mighty King who wishes to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold was brought before him however he wasn't able to pay this debt."
"Ooh what's the King going to do with him?" Tatsu asked intrigued.
"Since he couldn't pay his debt, The Master orders that he, his wife, his children and all that he owns be sold in order to repay the debt." Catherine replied.
"Sounds fair." Tatsu said nodding his head.
"True, it was but the servant begged his Master to be patient with him and promised that he would pay back the entire debt in time."
"So what did the Master do?" Tatsu asked.
"He took pity on him and let him go."
"Wait he let him go? Even though he owed him all that money?" Tatsu asked completely confused.
"Yes. Not only did he let the servant go, but he canceled the entire debt the servant owed." I replied with a smile.
The Shredder frowned he didn't like the direction this story was heading. There was no way he was going to forgive Tatsu.
"Wow" Tatus said shocked.
" There's more. Would you like to know what the servant did with his freedom?"
"Sure." Tatsu decided to agree to anything in order to stall for more time.
"The servant went out and bumped into a man who owed him 100 silver coins. He became angry and demanded the other man pay him."
"Understandable." Tatsu replied.
"I thought you'd say that." I replied with a slight smile. "However, his fellow man didn't have the money. He fell on his knees and begged him to be patient and that he would pay him back in time."
"I see where this is going. Because the servant had been forgiven for his large debt he forgave his fellow man for his debt right?" Tatsu replied rolling his eyes.
"He didn't forgive him?" Tatsu replied confused.
"No he didn't forgive him. Instead he had the man thrown in jail until he could pay his debt." I replied.
"That's not fair! He had a huge debt forgiven why didn't he do the same?" Tatsu replied balling up his fist angrily.
"Because he was unmerciful and money was more important to him then compassion.
When his fellow servants heard what had happened they became outraged and went and told their Master what had happened."
"He already past judgement on the man though. He forgave his debt. Why should he care that the man didn't do the same?" Tatsu replied with a frown.
"Because He is a fair and just Master. He called the unmerciful servant before him "you wicked servant! The Master said, I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me too. Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant as I had on you? Furious, the Master had the wicked servant jailed and tourchered until he was able to pay back his entire debt."
"So, what is the point of this story?" Tatsu replied with a frown.
"The Bible says that is how God will treat us if we don't forgive our brothers and sisters from our hearts. I don't want to be treated like the wicked servant. So even though you don't deserve it I am going to forgive you for what you've done. You don't deserve to die."
"Thank you, for forgiving me. You'll never regret this. I promise I'll do what ever it takes to pay you back for this act of mercy." Tatsu replied with a sigh of relief.
"I said that you don't deserve to die. I never said that you wouldn't suffer the consequences of your actions. Master Shredder wouldnt be pleased with me if I let you go free. It if was completely up to me I'd give you a second chance but it's not. Master Shredder will always decide the final outcome." I replied.
"What are you going to do with me?" Tatsu asked with a gulp.
"Father, I have a question and a request."
"What is your request? You have but to ask, name it and it shall be done." The Shredder replied.
"I know you wanted his execution but I think that is a little too excessive. Instead, let's offer him a choice. He can either suffer what my favorite book refirs to as The Pain or force him to become a mutant."
The Shredder smiled, his daughter had his temperament after all. The Shredder knew what The Pain was as he had carried it out numerous times. Turning toward Tatsu he smiled.
"No, Master Shredder please... Please don't turn me into a freak of nature! I don't want to be a mutant. I'd rather die then become a freak." Tatsu whined throwing himself at the Shredder's feet.
"You think any of us wanted to be mutants?" Rocksteady replied. "I mean come on look at me, I'm a rhino for goodness sakes and Bebop's a warthog. This was our punishment for failing the Master. Why should you receive any special treatment?"
"Well said" replied Bebop with a snort.
"My daughter has spoken. I can preform The Pain or you can become a mutant. The choice is yours."
"What exactly is The Pain?" Tatsu asked concerned.
"Allow me to explain, I replied with a smirk. "It's the torture in my favorite book and movie, The Princess Bride. It means you loose your feet at the ankles, your hands at the wrists, your nose, your tongue and your sight but you keep your ears."
"You keep your ears So that every sheik from every child from seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish, every woman who screams at your approach my God what is that thing will echo in your perfect ears."
"It means that we will leave you in anguish for the rest of your life. To be made an example of in front of the whole clan. As a warning to those would dare mess with our family. So, is becoming a mutant starting to sound more appeasing or shall I have my Father carry out The Pain? In front of the entire foot clan?"
Tatsu gulped. He didn't really want either choice but if he had to choose being a mutant was starting to sound the more merciful of the two choices. "Here I thought the point to your story was the importance of showing mercy. Yet, the two choices you have given me are the least merciful thing you could choose."
I sighed as much as I didn't want to admit it I knew he was right. Before I could reply a fly creature buzzed into the room and whispered something into the Shredder's ear. He let out a low growl.
"I am needed at the hospital. We will continue this upon my return. Oh and Catherine, Tatsu has been forgiven numerous times. I'm not so sure your mother would forgive him this time. You can ask her yourself if you'd like."
"Is she's ok?"
"She in stable condition for now. However, the doctors are not sure for how much longer she will survive. They recommend that she be mutated to increase her chance of survival."
"Oh. I was going to ask that we give Tatus one more chance. Instead of carrying out either form of punishment."
"Really? Thank you Princess. You won't regret this I swear!" Tatus replied with a smile.
"However, if my mother has to suffer life as a mutant why should I spare you?" I replied with a frown.
"Because she would want you too.." Tatsu replied.
The Shredder frowned this wasn't what he had wanted to happen not what he had expected to happen. "Unfortunately Tatsu, I do not pardon you. You shall be mutated the decision now is what creature to splice you with."
"If it's uglyness we want then maybe we should splice him with a spider." Rocksteady replied.
"No that's already been done. I want something new." The Shredder replied.
"I'd say lets turn him into a crocodile." Bebop suggested.
"A crocodile too good for him besides Krang already created a crocodile creature." The Shredder replied.
"How about a worm or a leach" suggested Rocksteady.
"No , none of those seem appropriate. I think I'll spend some time meditating on the perfect animal to splice him with. Eventually the perfect animal will come to mind. In the meantime keep him under constant surveillance."
"Father, Why even offer me a chance to decide his fate if you had already made up your mind?"
Everyone gasped in shock. No one ever dared to question the Master or his decisions and yet, here was this young child demanding an answer. "I was being generous. He has to suffer the consequences of his actions."
"He will be mutated into the creature of my choice. Oh and Catherine, no one questions my orders. Don't think that I will withhold punishment just because you are my daughter. You know how angry I can get and you don't want to suffer my wrath."
"I am sorry. That is the last thing that I would want. I've already been punished once for disobeying you. I never want that to happen again." I replied.
"That is a wise decision. Oh and Catherine, any further acts of insubordination will be dealt with in the harshest manor do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, Father." I replied gazing down at the floor. "Father, since you insist that he be punished I think the best option is mutating him. I mean, no one can really suffer from The Pain nowadays. As for what to mutate him into might I make a suggestion?"
"What do you have in mind, my dear? Ask it and it shall be done." The Shredder replied.
"At first I thought we should turn him into a frog but I don't want people thinking he's some handsome prince. I was thinking we should turn him into a natural predator of our enemies."
"What do you know about the foot clan's enemies?" Tiger Claw replied sarcastically. Walking up to my side.
"I overheard some of the other foot clan members talking when Tatsu held me prisoner earlier. They mentioned something about the fact that the newest threat to the foot clan is turtles and a rat. Is this true? Have turtles and a rat been a thorn in your side Father? Is it true that not even you have been able to defeat them?"
The Shredder began to growl and drum his fingers on his throne. The last thing he wanted was to be reminded that those obnoxious turtles and their sensei rat had defeated him in battle.
Sensing the Shredder's growing displeasure Tiger Claw replied, "Who are you that you would dare dishonor the Master by speaking such lies?"' Tiger Claw replied frustrated his eyes filled with anger.
Upon seeing Tiger Claw's reacting and the anger in his eyes I began to tremble. "I meant no disrespect I was just trying to help. Please don't hurt me."'I replied wincing and expecting Tiger Claw to hit me at any minute.
The Shredder frowned. Why was his daughter acting so afraid? "Sweetheart, what's the matter?" The Shredder asked walking over to where I stood cowering.
"I was afraid that he would hit me." I replied. "I'm sorry, I'm such a stupid little girl. I can never do anything right." I said lowering my eyes to the floor. "I didn't mean to upset you."
Shredder POV
I frowned someone had caused my daughter to have a low self esteem. Whoever was responsible for causing her to doubt her self worth would suffer. Walking over to her he knelt down and tilted her head upwards. "Sweetheart, why would think that we would punish you? You've don't nothing wrong. You must hold your head up high my dear. You are my daughter and I will not have you questioning your worth."
"I'm sorry, its just that... That... That I'm..."
"That your what?" Shredder asked with genuine concern.
"Never mind." Catherine said looking down at her feet.
"Catherine look at me."
Catherine POV
I let out a small whimper. Every time an adult told me to look at them I was in trouble. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I apologized again barely gazing up at the Shredder.
"I told you, you have nothing to apologize for. Who made you doubt your worth? Who made you believe that you are stupid? Who hurt you? I want you to tell me who it was right now." The Shredder said as gentile as he could.
"It was... It was.."
"It was who?" The Shredder asked again.
I can't." I whispered. "If he were to find out I told you he'd be very angry. He's never very nice when he's angry."
"Neither am I. You are trying my patience and that is not wise my dear. Don't you know that No ones gonna hurt you? Believe me, no ones gonna dare, not while I'm around! I'm never going to let anyone hurt you ever again! Now I'm only going to ask this one more time. Tell me who it was that hurt you. Who was it that caused you to see yourself in such a manor?"
"It was my daddy, I mean, Officer Arthur. He always hated it it when I called him daddy. He was always putting me down. Nothing I did was ever good enough for him. I was a constant disappointment and he delighted in reminding me of that fact."
The Shredder let out a low growl and frowned once more. "Don't worry about him my dear. He will pay for what he's done. For now, let's just focus on Tatsu. You said you had some ideas as to what to turn him into?"Shredder asked.
"I was just thinking of animals that people haven't been mutated into. A Raccoon, skunk, other turtles, hedgehogs, rats, coyotes, or even a raccoon dog would be interesting, and as a bonus many of these are natural predators of turtles in the wild."
"Please Master, no" Tatsu groaned. "I know I can't change your mind concerning this matter but wouldn't you prefer a to choose an animal that are little more fearsome? I mean, what good would I be to you as any of those creatures? Wouldn't a lion, or a tiger or a bear be a better..."
Shredder POV
"Silence!" I growled cutting Tatsu off mid sentence. I like the idea of a raccoon dog. As for the skunk I have someone else in mind for that animal. "Baxster!"
"Yeszzz Master?"
"I want Tatsu fused with raccoon dog DNA and I want it done now."
"I havvvent heard of such a creature so it'll be interezzting. We havvvent tested a creature as unique as a raccoon dog yet but perhapppszzz this is the perfect time to try." Baxster replied.
"Do not fail me Baxster!"
"Yezzz Mazzster!" Baxster replied. "I will get started right away! "With that Baxster searched until he found the raccoon dog dna and a picture of the creature appeared on the screen.
Then He activated the Mutagen chamber and grabbed Tatsu with a robotic arm moving him directly over the chamber. "Letzzzs see what happenzzz. Would you like to do the honorzzzz?" Baxster asked turning towards Catherine.
"No, I don't want to watch this. I don't want to see the pain this will cause him." Cathrine replied a tear forming in her eyes.
"As you wish, my princess." Baxster replied starting up the machine.
I frowned. "You will watch my dear! That's an order! I won't tolerate weakness, you my daughter are weak. You must learn how to install fear into your followers."
"Otherwise they won't respect you and will walk all over you. You must learn to and enforce the rules. Now, come stand by my side. I want you to have a perfect view of Tatsu's punishment." I replied.
Catherine POV
I could tell by the Shredder's gaze that he meant what he said. "Yes Father." I sighed as I walked up and stood by the Shredder's side.
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