Dealing With The Devil
Cross stared at Nightmare. He was speechless. He didn't know how to respond. A part of him longed for more, but a part of him told him he was dealing with the devil and he should stop before he would die. But yet – the cold finger against his cheekbone felt so pleasant. But still – the same finger was stained with the dust of the innocent. The man holding him was cold, causing negativity around the circus. The man was hurting him and everyone else. Cross couldn't possibly let himself fall so low to let this man play him. He couldn't do it. He had to decline the deal and tell him that he wouldn't do it.
But a part of him still longed for something. Something he had lost. Could the Ringmaster help him forget about the pain? But he had sworn himself he wouldn't betray.. But he had already slept with Dust. He had already betrayed who he had sworn to never betray. He was already a dirty liar, a betrayer.
"You don't–"
"I accept your deal, Ringmaster."
Nightmare seemed surprised for a second, but quickly recovered and slipped his fingers under Cross' chin, pulling him back close. "I'm glad you accepted the deal, but cutting someone off is disrespectful," he whispered. Cross froze.
"My deepest apologies, Ringmaster," he answered quickly. Nightmare chuckled, shaking his head. "An apology won't be enough. You need a punishment." He had a smug grin on his face.
"So~! Since you accepted the deal" – his tentacles were flicking behind his back – "why don't I give you a little taste?" He grinned. Cross felt his breath hitching. Was the Ringmaster going to fuck him?
He didn't have get a chance to think about it as the tentacles slammed him against the closet in the tent. As his body hit the closet, a dusty flowerpot with a dead flower fell and shattered on his skull. He winced at the sudden pain, but Nightmare didn't seem sorry. He just let a tentacle wipe all the dust and dirt, tossing the flowerpot out of the way.
He then came to press his cold body against Cross, connecting their teeth again. Cross wrapped his arms around Nightmare's neck while the other began caressing his cheekbone again.
Cross squirmed as he felt a tentacle slipping under his shirt. He gasped, letting Nightmare slip his tongue inside his mouth. This time he let his own tongue join Nightmare's, there was nothing left to lose anymore. He had already let Nightmare stain his pride.
The tentacle travelled over all of his ribs. It tickled, making him squirm. Another tentacle joined to caress his spine. He felt his magic starting to gather, but it hadn't yet formed his purple ecto. His mind was yelling at him to hold back, to not fall so easily.
Suddenly Nightmare pulled back from the kiss. Cross didn't want to let it end yet, so he leaned forwards, not letting Nightmare remove his teeth from his. Nightmare pushed him back and he let out a needy whine. It amused the Ringmaster.
"Didn't I tell you that this was a punishment?" Nightmare tipped his head, a grin on his teeth. Cross nodded hesitatedly.
Suddenly there was a tentacle pushing into his shorts. He let out a weird sound – that definitely was a moan, even if he would deny it. The tentacle was joined by another. They were both caressing his pelvis.
The two other tentacles moved from his ribs and pushed between his teeth, down to his throat to quiet all the noises. Cross kept squirming under the touches. He felt his purple ecto snap onto its place, but to his disappointment, the Ringmaster didn't seem to care. He kept the tentacles massaging the sides of his pelvis instead of moving them to play with what he had summoned.
"You want more, don't you?" Nightmare's tone was teasing, and so were the tentacles in Cross' shorts. "But you have to remember that this is a punishment for cutting me off. I am the Ringmaster here and you obey me."
Cross would have immediately nodded to prove his point, but the tentacles down his throat made it hard. He wanted to prove the Ringmaster that he deserved more, but it was starting to look like a lost game. He had a bad feeling that he wasn't going to get fucked, which was a shame.
"Well, that's enough. Your already dripping wet." Nightmare grinned. Cross went bright purple. The tentacles pulled back and he fell on his knees with a needy look in his eyes.
"I have things to do. So," – Nightmare leaned closer – "If you need to, go fuck yourself behind my tent."
And Cross obeyed.
Cross slipped back to the light from the darkness behind the Ringmaster's tent. He looked around and sighed in relieve when he didn't see anyone. He buried his bright purple face in his fluffy hood and began rushing towards the newcomers tent.
"Is there anything in that skull of yours?" his Chara snarled, clearly annoyed. They seemed to dislike the Ringmaster and therefore were really pissed that Cross had fallen for his tricks so easily.
"You used to be strong, but then you let them soften you. Now you can't even stop yourself from falling for someone's manipulation. Is it because he is–," Cross yanked the chains, making Chara screech as they were pulled to him. He didn't want to let them finish the sentence, it hurt enough to know who Nightmare was and who Cross would be betraying by falling for him.
"Don't say a word!" Cross snapped, pulling Chara closer with a chains as if they were an aggressive animal. They hissed at him, which really made them look like an aggressive animal.
"You came to look for someone and now you're–," Chara couldn't finish the sentence as Cross tried to choke them with the chains. It wasn't really successful since they were a ghost and had more control over the ghostly chains as he did, but it distracted them from what they had been saying.
"But he also knows a lot!" Cross tried to reason, not only with Chara, but also with himself. "The closer we get to him, the better chances we have to finding out what happened.." Chara stared at him. They knew he was right, but they also felt as if he was actually starting to fall for him. They knew that all the grief and loss had thrown him weak.
"Fine then!" They finally snapped, turning their back on him. "Do whatever the fuck you want to do! But I will never follow you to betrayal! I will never accept that monster!" They sounded betrayed, which hurt Cross' SOUL. He knew he was fucking up, but something in his brain was telling him to go on, to ignore Chara and choose Nightmare.
He couldn't say anything back to Chara. They scoffed at his silence before floating off. He was left alone in the dimming lights, guilt weighting on his shoulders.
Not even five minutes after Chara's leaving Cross was already lost. He took one wrong turn and now he was in front of the Big Top. He wasn't supposed to be in front of the Big Top.
He was currently starting at Error, who was staring back at him from the flap of the Big Top. Error seemed kinda annoyed by Cross' current existence in front of his tent. Therefore he was glaring at the monochrome skeleton.
"...wHaT tHe HeLl ArE yOu DoInG oUtSiDe?" Error finally spoke up. His voice was a bit deep and glitching. And oh stars was he annoyed.
"I'm on my way to the newcomers tent.." Cross answered awkwardly. He didn't want to admit that he was actually lost and had no idea where the hell the newcomers tent was.
"..GeT iN." Error commanded, stepping aside to let Cross into the tent. Cross didn't move. He stood there, dumbfounded. Error looked around awkwardly. "..i SaId: GeT iNsIdE tHe FuCkInG tEnT. dId YoU nOt HeAr Me Or Do YoU jUsT nOt UnDeRsTaNd?" He snapped, gesturing Cross to get into the tent.
"Why do you want me there?" Cross asked. He furrowed his browbones, not quite understanding the point behind Error's words. If he wanted to be left alone, why would he invite him in?
"GeT iN!" Error snapped again. Cross yelped as blue strings wrapped around his body and pulled him into the tent, tossing him on the floor. Error pulled the flap close after taking one more look outside. Cross gave him a questioning look, demanding answers.
"lOoK, i DoN't GiVe A sHiT aBoUt YoUr WeLlBeInG, bUt My BoYfRiEnD wOuLd Be UpSeT iF hE fOuNd OuT tHaT i LeT yOu GeT WhIpPeD bY tHe RiNgMaStEr InStEaD oF sAvInG yOu. I'm LeTtInG yOu StAy HeRe JuSt BeCaUsE oF tHaT." Error glared at him with his glitching eyes. Cross was actually surprised by what he had said. He was kinda interested in knowing who Error's boyfriend was, but didn't bother asking since he didn't know what kind of answer he would get out of the annoyed glitchy.
"Thank you for your kindness," Cross said politely. It made a yellow blush spread across Error's skull. He raised his scarf and awkwardly mumbled that it was alright. He clearly hadn't expected Cross to be polite or kind with him, not after he had told him that he didn't give a shit about his wellbeing.
"yOu CaN sLeEp On ThE sEaTs Or FlOoR oR sOmEwHeRe. I dOn'T cArE.. oR tHeN yOu CaN PrAcTiCe YoUr KnIfE tHrOwInG wItH tHaT sPiNnInG tArGeT. tHe RiNgMaStEr WoN't CaRe, He'S fInE wItH pEoPle UsInG tHe PrOpS eVeN oUtSiDe ThE sHoWs." Cross' eyes shifted to the props behind the seating. Error began to slowly retreat back to his sound booth. Cross let him do that and went to grab the target from the props.
Error watched Cross from the sound booth. His bony fingers were hovering over the buttons and levers on the table in front of him. He knew that he could end Cross' life with just one push of a button, but he didn't bother. He didn't have anything against the newcomer, and he definitely didn't want to face the Ringmaster's rage. He came to one quick conclusion: killing Cross would be a suicide for him.
His eyes shifted back to the monochrome skeleton. He seemed interesting, Error had to admit that. His boyfriend had told him about this newcomer.
Error watched his graceful movements as he threw the knives one by one, not even once missing his target. Error wasn't sure if he was supposed to be impressed by those skills.
He glanced at the screen in front of him. The one that displayed the song that was currently playing through the circus. It was once again something he knew. (He knew all the songs. He had gotten used to them in the time he had lived in the circus.)
For a second he let his mind haze from everything. He thought of his boyfriend and wished the other had come to visit him tonight, but he hadn't. It made him a bit upset, but he would never admit that to anyone.
He let out a glitchy sigh and fixed his headphones before turning his gaze towards the knife thrower in the Ring, and he had to admit that he seemed to fit there.
Cross woke up to a soft voice calling his name. For a second he thought that it was who he was looking for, but soon he realised that it was someone else. The emotions didn't add up.
He blinked his eye sockets open and noticed a familiar designer next to the seats he was sleeping on. Lust perked up as he noticed Cross' eyes open.
"Good morning Cross!" Lust cooed happily. Cross stared at him in confusion, letting out a yawn. Why was Lust in the Big Top?
"Morning.." Cross mumbled. He sat up and stretched his bones. They let out a few popping sounds. The hard benches hadn't been really comfortable to sleep on (He really shouldn't be complaining as he had spent most of his life sleeping on more uncomfortable surfaces).
"What are you doing here?" Lust inquired curiously. He seemed really confused. Cross had to take a second to think back to what had happened last night.
He stiffed as he remembered his interaction with the Ringmaster, and how he had almost got laid by him and after that fucked himself behind his tent.
He left that all unsaid and instead said: "I got kinda lost after visiting the Ringmaster and Error took me in here to stay for the night." Lust seemed surprised by this, but a proud smile formed on his teeth.
Then he was filled with concern. He turned to spare a glance towards the sound booth. "Error didn't say anything really rude to you, did he?" Lust furrowed his browbones. They're was a spike of annoyance coming from the sound booth as a response to his concern, even if he didn't notice it like Cross did.
"Nothing that bad," Cross tried to assure him, but he seemed a bit doubtful. "I'm sorry for whatever he said to you," Lust said, an apologizing smile resting on his teeth. Cross waved it off, saying that it was alright.
"Oh! Killer was looking for you earlier!" Lust suddenly exclaimed, having remembered it. "You should probably go find him," he said. It made Cross realise that he hadn't seen Killer yesterday, despite Nightmare having ordered him to go and find him.
"I'll go find him." Cross stood up. He stopped. "One little question: where will I find him?"
"Dude, I spent like at least an hour lookin' for ya yesterday, but I couldn't find ya anywhere!" Killer huffed, throwing his hand to the air. He was kinda annoyed and concerned, but surprisingly there weren't any really strong emotions controlling him.
"I was lost. This place is like a maze!" Cross huffed, gesturing towards all the red and white striped tents around them. Killer glanced around and shrugged, maybe Cross was right.
"Well, Nightmare said that you have to start learnin' what you'll be doin' in the next show ya joinin'." Killer pulled out a monochrome knife belt filled with knives. Cross perked up. Was it his? It looked like it could be his.
"I went and got this for ya from Ink and Blue. It's yours. For shows and such." Killer handed the knife belt to him. He took it carefully and began to examine it. He was fascinated by it, Ink and Blue had did a really amazing job with it, he had to admit.
"Thank you," he said. Killer gave him a nod, "Let's go to the Big Top to practice. We haven't done that there yet," he said and gestured for Cross to follow. Cross obeyed.
As Nightmare left his tent to go take a look around his circus, his attention was caught by something behind his tent. A grin crept on his teeth as he kneeled in front of a puddle of purple liquid.
He sunk his goopy finger into it and raised it to take a better look. It felt sticky and had an interest smell. Nightmare hummed in amusement. He moved the finger to lick it. The taste of it bloomed in his mouth. He closed his eye socket and let himself enjoy it for a moment.
"What a lovely taste you have, Cross!" he hummed to himself, smirking. He stood up, leaving the result of Cross' activities alone. He couldn't wait to get Cross to himself. And to himself he swore that he would do what it takes to figure out every single secret that Cross was trying to hide from him.
All the secrecy and his attitude, those were something Nightmare wasn't used to. Everyone who had come before Cross had been too easy, but now Nightmare had found someone who was actually quite a challenge to figure out. Oh, Nightmare really loved the idea of a challenge.
But obviously, Cross wouldn't have it easy in the circus. Obviously not. Nightmare wouldn't fall soft for one. Cross would experience the circus as the exact hell it was. Nightmare didn't make exceptions.
The next morning his Chara had yet to return from wherever they had gone to. Cross furrowed his browbones as he realised that he had awoken in the newcomers tent all alone.
He felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He knew that they were upset with him, and he couldn't even deny the fact that they had all the rights to. He had made the choice that had upset them.
He sighed and got up. He had to go find Killer, once again. He had promised to get outside the tent so Killer wouldn't have to spend hours looking for him. And therefore he was also surprised when he found Dust there instead of Killer.
The hooded skeleton turned to look at him, an eye light glowing under the hood. Cross noticed the spider webbed cracks that peeked from underneath the hood as well.
Cross raised his browbones and tipped his head. "Where's Killer?" he asked from Dust. Then he started to wonder if he would actually get an answer.
He did.
"..Medical tent." Dust's voice was raspy. It hadn't been used a lot, and it seemed as if he wanted to keep it that way. Cross furrowed his brows.
"What happened?" he asked, concerned.
"Nightmare.." Dust responded. There was a bitter tone in his raspy voice. He, too, like Killer, used the Ringmaster's real name when speaking of him. That kinda confused Cross, but he remained silent about it, not asking any unnecessary questions.
"Oh," Cross mumbled. He had been selfish to forget about the Ringmaster's true nature while being spellbound by his little tricks. He felt ashamed.
"He wanted.." – Dust took a moment to hesitate – "me to keep your company.." he informed, seeming a bit uncertain. He then fell silent and glared at something next to him, something Cross couldn't see.
"Alright." Cross gave him a nod. It felt as if the day was going to be long and Dust seemed to be already done with speaking to him. He wasn't expecting to hear him say another word.
Words: 3057
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